Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH July 31, 2016 M ass I ntentions This year of 2016, our parish theme is I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, … plans to give you a future full of hope. Jer 29:11 All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent, and treasure so as to give glory to God. The readings for today’s Sunday Mass bring us a familiar biblical expression “… vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!” [Ecclesiastes 1:2]. We might think of the word vanity as referring to one’s physical characteristics. However, in the wider sense, vanity refers to an outlook on life which is centered on oneself, not centered on the outlook of God. This passage leads us to think about setting our priorities in order in our lives. If you go on vacation during the summer or even change the pace of life for a day or two, it can provide an opportunity to sit back and think about your priorities. Is it time to realign your priorities with those of Christ? The Holy Spirit leads us to fulfill those promises of our Baptism: to reject sin, so as to live in the freedom of God’s children; to reject the glamour of evil, and refuse to be mastered by sin; and to reject Satan, father of sin and prince of darkness. Through a daily examination of conscience and frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance, we turn back to the Lord. Summer is a time for “slowing down” the pace of life. May it also be a time in which we draw closer to God in the priorities which we set for ourselves. Thank you to all of the cast, orchestra, and production crew of Upper Room Theatre Ministry’s Into the Woods. It is remarkable to see such talent bring joy and meaning to those who experienced the sights and sounds of this play, which uses the woods as a metaphor for life and the decisions that we make in light of wants and needs. May God bless all who volunteered so much time and effort to support our Youth Ministry spiritual programs which benefit from this effort. In particular, we thank: Rob Tessier, Director & Producer; Cathy Drummond, Music Director/Orchestra; Chris Zavadowski, Music Director/ Vocal, Marketing Director; Maria Davis, Choreographer; Brian Sledz, Production Stage Manager; Pat Haggerty, Technical Director / Set Designer; Dan Martin, Lighting Designer / Technical Consultant; Dale Walsh, Sound Designer; Jay Wells, Properties Master; and Cathy Sledz, General Manager. M Aug 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori, bishop & doctor of the Church William (+) & Dietlinde Doyle Euchariste Chery + St. Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop; or St. Peter Julian Eymard, priest Edward J. Chrysler + Palmer & Poore Families Weekday Edward J. Kondracki + Nicole & Peter Herrmann St. John Vianney, priest Dr. Marvin Gillum + Colvin Mendis + The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major [First Friday] Georgia & Ambrose Vogt + Dorothy Doughty + 7:00 am 8:30 am Tu 2 7:00 am 8:30 am W 3 7:00 am 8:30 am Th 4 7:00 am 8:30 am F 5 7:00 am 8:30 am 8:00 pm Sa 6 8:00 am Feast: The Transfiguration of the Lord Tom Chapman SUNDAY: THE LORD’S DAY 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sa 6 5:30 pm Su 7 7:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am [Sp] 11:30 am 1:30 pm [Sp] 5:30 pm 7:00 pm [Sp] Jose Caldas + Rosary Altar Society Michael Zahorchak V David Lopez Riquelme + Purgatorial Society Familia Orta Sanchez + Joseph Thieu Dam + All parishioners [at MPCC] Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased. MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center Readings: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-1; Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40 First Friday: Confessions: 7:00-7:45 pm; Mass: 8:00 pm. I will be away this week for some rest and relaxation and will see you next Sunday. Father Lee Roos w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g Rest, relax, and participate at Sunday Mass. For Mass times visit w w w . m a s s t i m e s . o r g on the web. Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time I mportant S acramental P reparation P rogram C hanges For this coming year, the Religious Education (RE) office has established a two-year sacramental preparation program. This means that children and teens who are receiving a sacrament will need to be enrolled in Religious Education class during their sacrament year and the preceding year. For example, a child who would receive First Communion in second grade in 2017-2018, would need to be enrolled in first grade for 2016-2017. This program will include the First Communion, Confirmation, and Christian Initiation sacrament preparation programs. 2016-2017: Program Transitional Year • This year, all children may be enrolled into their appropriate grade regardless of whether they completed a preceding year of religious education E ucharistic A doration When we are before the Blessed Sacrament, let us open our heart; our good God will open his. We shall go to him; He will come to us… It will be like a breath from one to the Other. —St. John Vianney. Take one hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for public prayer in our chapel. We have needs for adorers on: Thursday Friday Saturday 2:00–3:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am 2:00–3:00 am 2:00–3:00 am Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ). Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for your time slot so we know that the time is covered. Pope’s Intentions for August: Universal Intention: That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Intention for Evangelization: That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor. I n O ur P arish Legion of Mary, Activities Center, St. Joseph Room, Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. The Thursday morning Bible Study will be on summer break from July 21 – Aug. 25. Study will resume on Sept. 1 in the Parish Library beginning at 10:00 am. for 2016-2017 classes. This is to help families adapt to the new twoyear sacramental program. • Children who did not complete religious education classes for 1st grade or 7th grade will need to complete a transitional packet before they begin classes in September, 2016. This packet will ensure that the child has the adequate preparation they need as they approach their sacrament year. These packets are available in the RE Office. • Please note: If a child is scheduled to receive a sacrament in 2017-2018 they need to be enrolled into an RE class in 2016-2017 for their preparation year. More information about RE class sessions is available by calling the RE Office (703-393-2142) or on the RE Office website (w w w . a ll s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ). A ltar S erver P icnic — D iocese of A rlington All altar servers are invited to attend the annual Diocese of Arlington Altar Server Picnic on Wed., Aug 10, at Lake Fairfax Park, Reston. A bus will depart from the All Saints’ parish office at 9:30 am, and will return around 2:30 pm. There will be seminarians organizing sports and games, and the Knights of Columbus will prepare a delicious lunch. A parent must complete a permission slip for each server who attends. Permission slips are available at the parish office, and must be completed and received by Sun., July 31. We need one adult for every 10 servers. If you are a parent of a server and would like to chaperone or drive, please note that on the sign-up sheet in the Parish Office. All chaperones must be VIRTUS certified. Altar Server Appreciation Day — Baseball Game Fr. Noah and Fr. Mauricio invite all current altar servers to a Nationals baseball game as a special gift for your faithful service at the altar, Sat., Aug. 27, Washington Nationals vs. Colorado Rockies. All tickets are complimentary. Tickets are limited; first come, first served. A ticket is for a current server. If one parent of a server would like to chaperone, he/she must be VIRTUS certified. The bus will leave All Saints parking lot at 11:30 am — game is at 1:05 pm — and will be returning between 5:00–6:00 pm. RSVP by Mon., Aug. 22 in person to the parish office. Permission forms are available for servers age 17 and under. 2 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH July 31, 2016 Through Infant Baptism we welcome into the Catholic Church: Donovan Calvillo, Natalie Geyer, Corbin Geyer, Adaline Geyer, Owen McDougal, Milo Thompson, Otto Thompson, Gwendolyn Akers, Erin Curling, Damian Driskill, Lily Rinker, Christine Mora, Anthony Martinez, Geovanni Alcocer, Magaly Corral, Hector Cruz, Víctor García, Brianna Florencio, Jarlyn Jerez, Katie Pérez, Mateo Ramos, Brandon Rivas, and Nicole Uzeh. Welsh or Marylee Grabowski in the Religious Education Office (703-393-2142). Rest in Peace: May those who have died enter into the mercy of God and the joy of the Kingdom: Ed Sinclair. Summer Office Hours. The school office will be closed during the month of July. The office will reopen on Tues., Aug. 2 and will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm until the start of the school year. Should you need to contact school personnel during the summer months, please do not hesitate to leave a message on voicemail (703-368-4400). We will make every effort to return your call in a timely manner. R eligious E ducation Religious Education (RE) Classes at All Saints. Classes are available for children in Pre-Kindergarten – grade 8. In these classes, students learn about their Catholic faith and how to live their faith in their day-to-day lives. They are also prepared to receive the Sacraments. RE Class Schedule: • Sundays11:00 am • Sundays3:45 pm • Sundays5:30 pm • Mondays7:00 pm (bilingual) • Tuesdays5:30 pm • Wednesdays7:00 pm RE classes begin the week of Sept. 18. The registration deadline is Mon., Aug. 29. Families may get registration forms from: w w w . a ll s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g , the tables in the narthex of the church, or by visiting the RE Office (located in the All Saints School/RE building). Two Year Sacramental Preparation Program. Please see the announcement on page page 1 of the bulletin regarding the changes to the Sacramental Preparation program. Special Religious Education Program (SPRED). Special Religious Development (SPRED) is a program designed to support and serve children with developmental disabilities. This program meets 12 times a year on Saturdays from 10:00 am–12:00 noon. The Religious Education office is now accepting enrollment for elementary and middle school children, ages 6–15. Information / enrollment form: Contact the RE Office (703-393-2142). Learning More about the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church offers adults who are unbaptized, or who have been members of other Christian denominations, or baptized and have never been formed in the Christian life, a process of formation in the Catholic faith. This process is called the RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This process is a gradual one where participants will learn from members of the community and have their questions about the Catholic faith answered. This process begins the week of September 13, but registration is occurring now. On the web, visit w w w . a ll s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g or contact Samantha T emporary C losure The Religious Education office will be closed on Mon., Aug. 1, for office maintenance. A ll S aints C atholic S chool Pre-K and Middle School – Openings Available. Our award-winning parish school has openings available in prekindergarten (4 year old students), middle school, and a few select grade levels. To schedule a tour or request information, please contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ). Please pray for all those making transitions in education, especially entry into college, or those entering the military. Qoheleth and Jesus warn us not to labor at piling up wealth, for eventually we all die. What we must seek is the glory of God Psalm 95 reminds us that God is our shepherd. Think of what is above, not of what is of earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time What profit comes to a man from all his toil? Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23 If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 90 Seek what is above, where Christ is. Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11 The things you have prepared, to whom will they belong? Luke 12:13-21 Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 3 Manassas, Virginia 4 ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH July 31, 2016 A dult F Aith F ormAtion This Fall-Winter, for Adult Faith Formation we will do a 13-session video series entitled Catholicism: The Pivotal Players, Volume I. This series is from Bishop Robert Barron (Archdiocese of Los Angeles). SAINTS. ARTISTS. MYSTICS. SCHOLARS. Bishop Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM series, an epic ten part documentary, took people around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith. The series aired on PBS and has been seen by millions. If a spouse attends with you, then only one registration form and fee needs to be submitted. Registrations are due no later than 12:00 noon on Tues., Aug. 30. Registrations recieved on on or before Aug. 30 will have a reduced cost of $22.00, as we pre-order materials; Registrations received after Aug. 30 will have a cost of $25.00. The Session Guide for Volume I is: Session Mon. Sept. 19 1 General Orientation But there is still more of the story to tell. Mon. Sept. 26 2 St. Francis of Assisi Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church’s most influential people. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players is a multi-part film series that illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. Mon. Oct. 3 3 St. Francis of Assisi Mon. Oct. 17 4 St. Thomas Aquinas, The Theologian Mon. Oct. 24 5 St. Thomas Aquinas The Theologian Mon. Nov. 7 6 Bl. John Henry Newman The Convert Mon. Nov. 14 7 Bl. John Henry Newman The Convert Mon. Nov. 21 8 St. Catherine of Siena The Mystic Our plan at All Saints is to show these 13 episodes in the Activities Center this Fall/Winter, on particular Mondays. Deacon Brian Majewski and Fr. Lee will facilitiate these sessions. This series is appropriate for adults. Watch a trailer on the web at p i v o ta l p l ay e r s . w o r d o n f i r e . o r g /# wat c h . Mon. Nov. 28 9 St. Catherine of Siena The Mystic Mon. Dec. 5 10 G.K. Chesterton The Evangelist Mon. Jan. 9 11 G.K. Chesterton The Evangelist Mon. Jan. 23 12 Michaelangelo The Artist Mon. Jan. 30 13 Michaelangelo The Artist Registration is necessary for all participants so that we may pre-order the materials which are used during the sessions. The Reformer The Reformer Please note: Dates are subject to change. Bishop Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM: T h e P i voTa l P l ay e r s , v o lu m e i A dult F Aith F ormAtion P rogram r egistration Please print legibly. nAme Phone SPouSe’S nAme (If spouse is attending, please include name) AddreSS City Phone tyPe StAte Home ZiP Select one emAil Have you ever participated in a formation program? yeS no Selecct one If yes, approximately how many programs have you completed? Date received Payment amt Work Processed Seq # For Parish Office Use Fee: On or before August 30: $22.00. • On or after August 31: $25.00 Please include check payable to All Saints Catholic Church. Please return the completed form to the Parish Office: Attn.: Adult Faith Formation, 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110-2566 Cell Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time CATHOLICISM: T He P IvOTAL P LAyerS , 5 v OLuMe I S T. F R A N C I S The Reformer Rebuild my Church! That’s the mission Christ gave to St. Francis and it’s the perennial task of the Church in every age of its life. But how is the reform and renewal of the Church to be accomplished? The life of St. Francis demonstrates that Christ intends the foundations of true and lasting reform to be built on the solid rock that is the radical witness of the saints. S T. T H O M A S AQ U I NA S The Theologian The relationship of faith and reason is under intense scrutiny in an age beholden to the competing claims of fundamentalism and secularism. So called “new atheists” insist that the claims of religion amount to mere superstition, a retrograde holdover from a time long ago. Others insist that the life of faith is a retreat into emotions and subjectivism. St. Thomas Aquinas anticipated these objections and trends and demonstrated that to believe is to think and that the life of the mind is integral to life in Christ. B L . J O H N H E N RY N EW M A N The Convert Is there any truth in matters of religion? Should the Church simply retreat in the face of the challenges of culture? John Henry Newman came into the Church as a convert and used his prodigious intellectual gifts to help the Church better understand its identity and mission and engage the challenges of a secular age. S T. C AT H E R I N E o f S I E N A The Mystic Is the physical world all there is? Is science the only path to ascertaining truth? St. Catherine of Siena witnesses to a higher world beyond the material. Though the fourteenth century mystic never studied theology, and never learned how to read or write, her life constitutes a powerful challenge to the flattened-out secularism of our time. G . K . C H E S T E RT O N The Evangelist How does one engage a culture that is befuddled by Christ and suspicious of the Church? The life and witness of this nineteenth century literary convert shows that the fundamental disposition of effective evangelization is joy, and life in Christ is a day-to-day encounter with an abundant and surprising offer of grace. MICHELANGELO The Artist The master of sculpture and painting is not a saint but serves as the privileged representative of the creative potential engendered by the Catholic Faith. The Church professes that beauty is a route of access to God, and through humanity’s creative artistry we glimpse the power and glory of the Lord. Manassas, Virginia 6 IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS 31 de julio, 2016 Marching/Twirling Instructor Needed. The Seton School Drum Corps is looking for a volunteer to work with the Drum Corps to help us grow in our performance capabilities. We are in desperate need of a marching/rifle/flag coach with marching band experience. We are very flexible; practice times are Saturday mornings. Interested? Information: Contact Phil Quinan (drumcorps @ setonschool . net ). New or existing homeschooler? The Manassas Area Roman Catholic Homeschoolers (M.A.R.C.H.) is a group of local homeschoolers in our area that sponsors activities for kids and parents alike. Information: On the web visit w w w . h o m e s c h o o l - l i f e . c o m / va / m a r c h or contact Katie Rinker (katierinker @ gmail . com or 703-307-3739). This week in the liturgical year … Peter Julian Eymard, died 1 August 1868; born at La Mure d’Isère, France, 4 Feb 1811; founded (1856) the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament [S.S.S.], today numbering some 900 members, devoted to the Church and society; in 1858 founded the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, a contemplative women’s community; influenced the founding of the Eucharistic Fraternity for the laity, the Association of Priest Adorers, and international Eucharistic congresses. August 1 August 2 August 2 August 4 August 6 St. Alphonsus Liguori Bishop & Doctor of the Church St. Eusebius of Vercelli Bishop St. Peter Julian Eymard Priest St. John Vianney Priest The Transfiguration of the Lord Alphonsus, died 1787; lawyer; founded (1732) the Redemptorists, today numbering some 5,875 members; opposed Jansenism, stressing Christ’s love and Mary’s help; bishop of St. Agata dei Goti; master of moral theology; patron of confessors and moral theologians.. Eusebius, died 371; considered the founder of the canons regular in the West; defender of St. Athanasius (2 May); exiled to Palestine by Constantius; with St. HIlary (13 Jan.), an opponent of Arianism. Jean-Baptiste Marie Vianney, died 1859; universally known as the Curé of Ars; compassionate spiritual counselor who spent no less than 11 hours every day in the confessional in winter, 16 in the summer; patron of priests and the parish clergy. Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him. Jesus was transfigured before them and was talking with Moses (the law) and Elijah (the prophets). Pray for priests The Glory of the Lord revealed Pray that we may live moral lives S ección I mportantes C ambios del P rograma de • de T ransición del año E spañol P reparación S acramental Para el próximo año, el Departamento Educación Religiosa ha establecido un programa de preparación sacramental de dos años. Esto significa que los niños y adolescentes que se están preparando para recibir un sacramento deben estar inscritos en las clases de educación religiosa durante su año de Sacramento y el año anterior. Por ejemplo, un niño que recibe la primera comunión en el segundo grado en 2017-2018, tendría que ser inscrito en el primer grado para 2016-2017. Este programa estará vigente para la primera comunión, confirmación, y los programas de Iniciación Cristiana. P rograma en 2016-2017 Este año, todos los niños deben estar inscritos en su grado correspondiente independientemente de si terminaron el año pasado de clases de educación religiosa. Esto es para ayudar a las familias a adaptarse al nuevo programa sacramental de dos años. para el 2016-2017 • Los niños que no completaron las clases de educación religiosa para el 1er grado o 7º grado tendrán que completar un paquete de transición antes de que comiencen las clases en septiembre de 2016. Este paquete se asegurará de que su hijo tiene la preparación adecuada que necesitan a medida que se acercan a su año para los sacramentos. Estos paquetes estarán disponibles en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. • Tenga en cuenta: Si un niño está programado para recibir un sacramento en 2017-2018 tienen que estar inscrito en clase de Educación Religiosa en 20162017 para su año de preparación. Más información sobre las sesiones de clase de educación religiosa está disponible llamando al 703-393-2142 o en el sitio web de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (w w w . a ll s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ).. Manassas, Virginia IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS XVIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ En memoria de Guadalupe Chavarria • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En memoria de EMaria Raquel Rodriquez Lozano • Misa de 7:00 pm ~ En memoria de Filiverta Fajardo Veronica. E ducación R eligiosa Educación Religiosa en Todos Los Santos. Familias pueden registrar a sus hijos de Kínder a 8to grado para las clases de Educación Religiosa. En estas clases los niños aprenderán sobre la fe Católica y como vivir la fe en sus vidas diarias. También es una preparación para los Sacramentos Horario de clases de Educación Religiosa:: • Domingo11:00 am • Lunes7:00 pm • Domingo3:45 pm (bilingüe) • Domingo5:30 pm • Martes5:30 pm • Miercoles7:00 pm Clases de Educación Religiosa iniciaran la semana del 18 de Septiembre. Fecha limite para registrarse será 29 de Agosto. Las familias pueden inscribirse bajando las formas de registro de la página web de Educación Religiosa en w w w . a ll s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g o pueden recoger un formulario de registro en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la oficina de Educación Religiosa que se encuentra en la Escuela de Todos Los Santos. Programa de dos años para preparación de sacramentos. Por favor ver el anuncio abajo del boletín en referencia a los cambios para el programa de preparación para los sacramentos C errado T emporalmente La oficina de Educación Religiosa estará cerrada el lunes 1 de Agosto por razones de mantenimiento. Párroco Rev. Lee R. Roos 703-393-2155 Vicarios Parroquiales Rev. Juan Puigbó 703-393-2153 Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154 Rev. Noah Morey 703-303-2152 Oficina Parroquial 703-368-4500 Horario de Misas en Español Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. 31 de julio, 2016 7 Picnic para los Monaguillos — Diócesis de Arlington Todos los monaguillos están invitados a participar del “Picnic para Monaguillos” anual que la Diócesis de Arlington celebrará este próximo miércoles 10 de agosto en el Lake Fairfax Park en Reston. Un autobús saldrá del parqueo de la parroquia de Todos los Santos a las 9:30 am, y regresará a las 2:30 pm. Varios seminaristas organizarán deportes y juegos, y los Caballeros de Colon prepararán un delicioso almuerzo. Los papás deben llenar un permiso por cada monaguillo que asista. Los permisos están disponibles en la oficina parroquial, y deben ser completados y entregados a la oficina parroquial a más tardar el domingo 31 de julio. Necesitamos un adulto por cada 10 monaguillos. Si ustedes son los padres de un monaguillo y les gustaría acompañar como chaperones o manejar, por favor anótese en la oficina de la parroquia. Todos los chaperones deben de estar certificados por el programa VIRTUS. Día de Apreciación para los Monaguillos Juego de Baseball El Padre Mauricio y el Padre Noah invitan a todos los monaguillos a un juego de baseball de los Nationals como un regalo especial por su fiel servicio como monaguillos, el sábado 27 de Agosto. Washington Nationals vs Colorado Rockies. Todos los tickets son gratis y limitados. Los primeros que llamen, recibirán su ticket. Los tickets son para los monaguillos que están sirviendo actualmente y sus padres que quieran acompañarles como chaperones. Todos los chaperones deben de ser certificados por el programa VIRTUS. El autobús saldrá del parqueo de la parroquia de Todos los Santos a las 11:30 am. El juego es a la 1:05 pm. La hora de regreso es aproximadamente a las 5:00-6:00 PM. Por favor, responder lo más pronto posible antes del 22 de agosto en persona a la oficina de la parroquia. Los permisos estan disponibles para los monaguillos de 17 años y menores. Confesiones Confirmación Adoración del Santísimo Horario de Oficina Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am • Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am • Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; • Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30 am Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216. Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249. La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan, conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .
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