Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH August 21, 2016 M ass I ntentions This year of 2016, our parish theme is I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the LORD, … plans to give you a future full of hope. Jer 29:11 All Saints is a tithing parish, giving of our time, talent, and treasure so as to give glory to God. The Gospel today, poses a question: “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” Jesus answered them, “Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.” Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar (died, 1988), was a theologian esteemed by St. John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. He wrote a book, Dare We Hope That All Men Be Saved? With a Short Discourse on Hell. Ignatius Press re-released this book in 2015 with a Forward by Bishop Robert Barron. Fr. Balthasar indicates that we can hope that all will be saved; he does not say that we are certain that all will be saved. Bishop Barron wrote in his Forward: I should like to conclude with just a word about the implications of Balthasar’s position for mission and evangelization. As I suggested above, some hold that the lively hope for universal salvation would conduce to indifferentism: if all will be saved anyway, why bother with preaching, teaching, going on missionary journeys, etc? But this is so much nonsense. The God of the Bible delights in working through secondary causes. Therefore, the ardent witness of deeply committed evangelists, teachers, and missionaries might well be precisely the means by which God deigns to bring his people to eternal life. The hope for the salvation of all ought not to dampen the missionary spirit, but rather to stir it up. This is why I believe that this text, much debated from the time of its publication, will prove indispensably important to the task that all of the post-conciliar Popes have placed before the Church, namely, the work of the new evangelization. Even if you only read the complete Forward, you will have much food for thought and prayer. (See w w w . w o r d o n f i r e . org/resources/blog/remembering-hans-urs-vonb a lt h a s a r s - i m p o rta n t - b o o k /4620/). This is why parents pray so often for children who have seemingly set aside or rejected the Catholic Faith. This is why we each should learn to be comfortable with sharing the Gospel and our Catholic Faith with others. Might we view this “narrow gate,” for ourselves, as the call to share our Catholic Faith, Aug M 22 7:00 am 8:30 am Tu 23 7:00 am 8:30 am W 24 7:00 am 8:30 am Th 25 7:00 am 8:30 am The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bob & Maureen Campbell Elijah Nealey + St. Rose of Lima, virgin Sara Lepiane + Kaza Family Feast: St. Bartholomew, apostle Special intention Special intention St. Louis; or St. Joseph Calaszan, priest Patricia Helen Hall + Larry & June Hines (65th wedding anniversary) Weekday Matt Carroll, Jr. Earl Mirus + St. Monica Albert Rollins, Sr. + F 26 7:00 am 8:30 am Sa 27 8:00 am SUNDAY: THE LORD’S DAY 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sa 27 5:30 pm Su 28 7:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am [Sp] 11:30 am 1:30 pm [Sp] 5:30 pm 7:00 pm [Sp] Robert West + Nick LaRosa + For all parishioners Special intention [at MPCC] Joseph T. Muffler + Rene Delgado Benavente + Angelo Masulo Cristian Mateo Reyes Sp = Spanish • “+” indicates person is deceased. MPCC= Manassas Park Community Center Readings: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a; Lk 14:1, 7-14 when it would be easier not to do so? If I refuse to share my faith with others, then am I “locking myself out” of entering through the narrow gate? This week our teachers and staff return to All Saints Catholic School to prepare for the following week when the students come to the school. Please pray that the Holy Spirit leads them as they prepare for this school year. w w w . a l l s a i n t s va . o r g Father Lee Roos Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time E ucharistic A doration I mportant S acramental P reparation P rogram C hanges for 2016-2017 Come out of the summer heat and sunshine outdoors and into the Son‑shine of the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus. Take one hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed for public prayer in our chapel. We have needs for adorers on: Thursday Friday Saturday 2:00–3:00 am; 3:00–4:00 am 2:00–3:00 am 2:00–3:00 am Information: Aime (703-392-5260 or alnuar @ gmail . com ). Adorers, when you arrive at the chapel, please sign-in for your time slot so we know that the time is covered. I n O ur P arish For this coming year, the Religious Education (RE) office has established a two-year sacramental preparation program. This means that children and teens who are receiving a sacrament will need to be enrolled in Religious Education class during their sacrament year and the preceding year. For example, a child who would receive First Communion in second grade in 2017-2018, would need to be enrolled in first grade for 2016-2017. This program will include the First Communion, Confirmation, and Christian Initiation sacrament preparation programs. 2016-2017: Program Transitional Year • This year, all children may be enrolled into their appropriate grade regardless of whether they completed a preceding year of religious education classes. This is to help families adapt to the new twoyear sacramental program. • Children who did not complete religious education classes for 1st grade or 7th grade will need to complete a transitional packet before they begin classes in September, 2016. This packet will ensure that the child has the adequate preparation they need as they approach their sacrament year. These packets are available in the RE Office. • Please note: If a child is scheduled to receive a sacrament in 2017-2018 they need to be enrolled into an RE class in 2016-2017 for their preparation year. Legion of Mary, Activities Center, St. Joseph Room, Tuesdays, 7:30 pm. The Thursday morning Bible Study will be on summer break through Aug. 25. Study will resume on Sept. 1 in the Parish Library beginning at 10:00 am. Adult Faith Formation Resource. New programs, movies, audio talks, and e-books are continuously being added, so please visit f o r m e d . o r g and see what’s new. There are now over 40 movies on the site that are great for family movie night. New in the ever-growing Lectio series is Evangelization, great for small group or individual study. New in the Special Program section are Happiness,which discusses the four levels of happiness; From God to Cosmos; God and Science; and Invited to Courageous Love, a series of the Courage apostolate (for those with same-sex attraction). Coming soon is a new program called Forgiven. Don’t miss these fabulous, Catholic resources that are being provided for you by our parish subscription. You can view these over streaming internet at w w w . f o r m e d . o r g . Our parish access code is 16e125. Use this to set up your login credential of a User ID and password. Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. Luke 13:24 The catechist, then, is a Christian who is mindful of God, who is guided by the memory of God in his or her entire life and who is able to awaken that memory in the hearts of others. — Pope Francis, Homily,-Sept. 29, 2013 More information about RE class sessions is available by calling the RE Office (703-393-2142) or on the RE Office website (w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ). Altar Server Appreciation Day — Baseball Game Fr. Noah and Fr. Mauricio invite all current altar servers to a Nationals baseball game as a special gift for your faithful service at the altar, Sat., Aug. 27, Washington Nationals vs. Colorado Rockies. All tickets are complimentary. Tickets are limited; first come, first served. A ticket is for a current server. If one parent of a server would like to chaperone, he/she must be VIRTUS certified. The bus will leave All Saints parking lot at 11:30 am; game is at 1:05 pm - and will be returning between 5:00–6:00 pm. RSVP by Mon., Aug. 22 in person to the parish office. Permission forms are available for servers age 17 and under. 2 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH Through Infant Baptism we welcome into the Catholic Church: Dayana Alvarado, Keven Alvarado, Jesus Davila, Liliana Davila, Andrew Ibarra, Jose Ibarra, and Nahomy Umaña. Congratulations to those who were married at All Saints: Teofilo Carbajal & Nancy Gonzalez, Gary D’Alessio & Barbara Holowecki, and Scott Jemielity & Sharon Zerhusen. May the Lord bless you and support you in this beautiful commitment. Rest in Peace: May those who have died enter into the mercy of God and the joy of the Kingdom: Constance Capone and Fernando Roberto Lopez del Llano. For Christ’s healing of the sick we pray for: Anastasia Adams, Jean Agnew, Marcella Altizer, Helen & Rakesh Andrews, Rita Arellano, Megan Arp, Lorrie Ball, Robin Bast, Robert Benedetto, Margaret Berdak, Denise Biggs, Maria Biosca, Mary Blizzard, John Borden, Ann Brien, Jay Briseno, Paul Byrne, Jane Carney, Timothy Ceschin, Maurilio Chaves, Michael Chettle, Brian Clark, Lisa Colgan, John Connelly, Joseph Conway, Valerie Corliss, Richard Cruz, Sandra Culebro, Carly Czajkowski, Robert Dantona, Peter DeFranks, Angel Dietzel, Sister Lydia D’Souza, Vincent Eugenio, Lynn Ferguson-Kerns, Nicole Fini, Justin P. Flemming, Anthony Gabriel, Shannon Gammon, Graciela Garcia, Sam Garman, Teresa Ann Gilday, K. Darrell Gillman, Mary Giordano, Dick Goble, Joseph Gonzalez, Claude Grant, Mike Hadro, Rachel Harley, Danyl Henderson, Gary Herman, Francisco Hernandez-Tarralba, Virginia Hoffman, Marie Horn, Sherry Hudson, Mrs. Husk, Mary Hutchinson, Audra Peer Jackson, Consuela Juarez, Molumba Kamuamga, Mary Margaret Kohill, Bill Lansing, Sr., Brian Lee, Geraldine LeFierre, Marian Lomis, John Lucas, Morris Lusk, Betty Maag, Nicole McGinn, Ariadna Melendez-Guzman, Liem Shinta Maria, Cathy Marshall, Lenny Martelli, Hazel Martino, Kimberly McNamara, Eduardo Minas, Ken Moan, Bobbie Moore, Tullis Moyers, Francis Munsell, Julie Kay Natali, Emily Navarra, George H. Nitzel Jr., Melanie Nocera, Philip Nuar, Daniel W. O’Leary, Anthony Panameno, Michelle Parker, Sandra Patterson, Abigail Pell, Tom Propes, Michael Puzynski, Laurel Quinn, Joe Reading, Jose Manual Rosales Rescendiz, Sean Riley, Megan Rivera, Rosalie Robl, Mary Rogers, Rita Rooney, Fred Rose, Anthony S., Des Sassov, Susie Serene, Jerry Shea, Mike Shoults, Diane Lynn Smith, Patricia Smith, Sheryl Smith, Stan Sobczynski, Donna Stecker, James Suraci, Barbara Tasker, Charles Tolley, Mary Tolley, Sylvia Urani, Antonio Uribe, Virginia Walsh, Kiki Warrick, Bob Weaver, Jim Westerhouse, George Whitfield, Collette Williams, Frances Williams, Eleanor Wisniewski, Beatrice Yeager, and Richard Zavadowski. Go out to all the world and tell the good news. Psalm 117 (Mark 16:15) August 21, 2016 A ll S aints C atholic S chool Upcoming events: Aug F 26 Orientation Day, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon (Students and parents are invited to meet their new teachers and pick up supply orders.) F 26 Back-to-School Barbecue hosted by the PTO (5:30-7:30 pm) M 29 First day of school, noon dismissal (Grades K–8) Sep Th 1 Pre-Kindergarten Parent Orientation, 7:00 pm F 2 Opening School Mass, 8:30 am Tu 6 Open House for Pre-Kindergarten students/parents, 9:00–11:00 am / 12:30-2:30 pm W 7 First day of Pre-Kindergarten First Days of School. The first day of school for students in kindergarten through eighth grade is Mon., Aug. 29. School will dismiss at noon for all students on the first day of school. The first full day for students in grades 1–8 will be Tues., Aug. 30. Kindergarten will dismiss at noon for the entire first week of school. The first day of Pre-Kindergarten will be Wed., Sept. 7. Back-to-School Nights. Back-to-School Night for parents of students in grades 1-5 is scheduled for Tues., Sept. 6 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Activity Center. There will be a separate meeting for middle school parents on Thurs., Sept. 15 beginning at 7:00 pm. Summer Office Hours. The school office will be open during August on Tuesday and Thursdays from 10:00 am– 2:00 pm until the start of the school year. Should you need to contact school personnel during the summer months, please do not hesitate to leave a message on voicemail (703-368-4400). We will make every effort to return your call in a timely manner. Pre-K and Middle School – Openings Available. Our award-winning parish school has openings available in prekindergarten (4 year old students), middle school, and a few select grade levels. To schedule a tour or request information, please contact Mrs. Joyce D’Eugenio (703-393-1490 or jdeugenio @ allsaintsva . org ). 2 nd A nnual S ummer S ing The parish choirs invite you to sing with us! You are welcome to meet our Contemporary Choir members and get a preview of our season. Our Summer Sing will take place on Sat., Aug. 27 immediately after the 5:30 pm Mass. This is an opportunity to praise our Lord in song and form new friendships. Our season will begin in September singing at the Saturday 5:30 pm Mass. Information: Cathy Drummond, Contemporary Choir Director (cjsdrummond @ gmail . com ). Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time C hildren ’ s R eligious E ducation Catechists and Assistants Needed. The Religious Education (RE) program has 1,500 children, youth, and adults enrolled in classes each year. We are in need of catechists to help teach the faith! We especially need: • Sunday11:00 am Grades 3 & 4 • Sunday3:45 pm Grades 4–8 • Wednesday6:30 pm Grades 6, 7, & 8 If you feel called to this ministry, please contact Samantha Welsh, Director of Religious Education (703-393-2142) for more information. Registration Weekend. The RE staff will be available between the Masses listed below to register your children for Religious Education. Stop by the table in the narthex to pick up a form, ask questions or register. • Sat., Aug. 27, after 5:30 pm Mass • Sun., Aug. 28 after all Masses Religious Education (RE) Classes at All Saints. Classes are available for children in Pre-Kindergarten – grade 8. In these classes, students learn about their Catholic faith and how to live their faith in their day-to-day lives. They are also prepared to receive the Sacraments. RE Class Schedule: • Sundays11:00 am • Sundays3:45 pm • Sundays5:30 pm (bilingual) pm • Mondays7:00 (bilingual) • Tuesdays5:30 pm • Wednesdays6:30 pm RE classes begin the week of Sept. 18. The registration deadline is Mon., Aug. 29. Families may get registration forms from: w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g , the tables in the narthex of the church, or by visiting the RE Office (located in the All Saints School/RE building). High School Confirmation Program. The sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation and the completion of the sacrament of Baptism. Anointed by the Holy Spirit at Confirmation, Christians strengthen their bond with the Church and become better equipped to carry out the Church’s mission of love and service. We are now registering for the 2016-2017 High School Confirmation program for grades 9–12. Registration forms are available in our office. High School Confirmation classes begin Wed., Sept. 21. Session time and dates are Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. 3 H elp W anted : R ectory H ousekeeper /C ook All Saints Catholic Church is seeking an experienced Housekeeper/Cook for the priest residence. This position is responsible for general house cleaning, laundry, planning meals, grocery shopping, and preparing meals for four priests. Hours are 9:00 am—4:30 pm, Mon.—Fri. The position is full-time with excellent benefits. Requirements: High degree of independent judgment and decorum. Knowledge of basic house cleaning supplies, tools and methods. Skill in wide variety of meal preparation. Must have access to car and have active driver’s license in order to drive to local stores. Qualified applicants may submit a cover letter and resume via mail, fax, or email to Job Search Committee, All Saints Catholic Church, 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110. Fax no: 703-3932157. Email jobsearch 300@ allsaintsva . org . P rogram H elp W anted : A ssistant , Y outh M inistry All Saints Youth Ministry is seeking someone who is excellent with multi-tasking and project coordination. High proficiency is Microsoft office, particularly Excel, is a must. Accounting skills, flexibility, and the ability to work well with parents, volunteers, and teens are highly important. Though not required, some Spanish speaking ability is a plus. Most hours can be completed during a work week, though Sunday evenings and occasional other evenings are involved as well. The position is 35 hours a week and includes the full benefits package. Read more at w w w . c at h o l i c j o b s . c o m / j o b /1535124861 H elp W anted : A ccompanist , S chool M asses All Saints Catholic School is seeking a part-time pianist to accompany the school choir twice weekly. For more information or to apply for the position, please contact Mr. David Conroy, Principal (dconroy @ allsaintsva . org ) or visit the school office. Y oung A dults Tuesday Nights: Young Adult Bible Study. Every Tuesday night in the St. John Vianney Room (in the Parish Activity Center) from 7:30–9:00 pm. We are now studying the Acts of the Apostles. Information: Dave Farmer (dlfarmer 09@ gmail . com ). • Wednesday Movie Night. Please join us for a movie night in the Upper Room. We will be watching the recently released film The Letters, which depicts the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. • Questions? Visit us at a l l s a i n t s y o u n g a d u lt m i n i s t ry . o r g . 4 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH CATHOLICISM: T He P IvOTAL P LAyerS , August 21, 2016 v OLuMe I S T. F R A N C I S The Reformer Rebuild my Church! That’s the mission Christ gave to St. Francis and it’s the perennial task of the Church in every age of its life. But how is the reform and renewal of the Church to be accomplished? The life of St. Francis demonstrates that Christ intends the foundations of true and lasting reform to be built on the solid rock that is the radical witness of the saints. S T. T H O M A S AQ U I NA S The Theologian The relationship of faith and reason is under intense scrutiny in an age beholden to the competing claims of fundamentalism and secularism. So called “new atheists” insist that the claims of religion amount to mere superstition, a retrograde holdover from a time long ago. Others insist that the life of faith is a retreat into emotions and subjectivism. St. Thomas Aquinas anticipated these objections and trends and demonstrated that to believe is to think and that the life of the mind is integral to life in Christ. B L . J O H N H E N RY N EW M A N The Convert Is there any truth in matters of religion? Should the Church simply retreat in the face of the challenges of culture? John Henry Newman came into the Church as a convert and used his prodigious intellectual gifts to help the Church better understand its identity and mission and engage the challenges of a secular age. S T. C AT H E R I N E o f S I E N A The Mystic Is the physical world all there is? Is science the only path to ascertaining truth? St. Catherine of Siena witnesses to a higher world beyond the material. Though the fourteenth century mystic never studied theology, and never learned how to read or write, her life constitutes a powerful challenge to the flattened-out secularism of our time. G . K . C H E S T E RT O N The Evangelist How does one engage a culture that is befuddled by Christ and suspicious of the Church? The life and witness of this nineteenth century literary convert shows that the fundamental disposition of effective evangelization is joy, and life in Christ is a day-to-day encounter with an abundant and surprising offer of grace. MICHELANGELO The Artist The master of sculpture and painting is not a saint but serves as the privileged representative of the creative potential engendered by the Catholic Faith. The Church professes that beauty is a route of access to God, and through humanity’s creative artistry we glimpse the power and glory of the Lord. Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time 5 A dult F Aith F ormAtion This Fall-Winter, for Adult Faith Formation we will do a 13-session video series entitled Catholicism: The Pivotal Players, Volume I. This series is from Bishop Robert Barron (Archdiocese of Los Angeles). SAINTS. ARTISTS. MYSTICS. SCHOLARS. Bishop Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM series, an epic ten part documentary, took people around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith. The series aired on PBS and has been seen by millions. If a spouse attends with you, then only one registration form and fee needs to be submitted. Registrations are due no later than 12:00 noon on Tues., Aug. 30. Registrations recieved on on or before Aug. 30 will have a reduced cost of $22.00, as we pre-order materials; Registrations received after Aug. 30 will have a cost of $25.00. The Session Guide for Volume I is: Session Mon. Sept. 19 1 General Orientation But there is still more of the story to tell. Mon. Sept. 26 2 St. Francis of Assisi Bishop Barron is on a new journey to unlock the truth behind the Catholic Church’s most influential people. CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players is a multi-part film series that illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. Mon. Oct. 3 3 St. Francis of Assisi Mon. Oct. 17 4 St. Thomas Aquinas, The Theologian The Theologian Our plan at All Saints is to show these 13 episodes in the Activities Center this Fall/Winter, on particular Mondays. Deacon Brian Majewski and Fr. Lee will facilitiate these sessions. This series is appropriate for adults. Watch a trailer on the web at p i v o ta l p l ay e r s . w o r d o n f i r e . o r g /# wat c h . Registration is necessary for all participants so that we may pre-order the materials which are used during the sessions. The Reformer The Reformer Mon. Oct. 24 5 St. Thomas Aquinas Mon. Nov. 7 6 Bl. John Henry Newman The Convert Mon. Nov. 14 7 Bl. John Henry Newman The Convert Mon. Nov. 21 8 St. Catherine of Siena The Mystic Mon. Nov. 28 9 St. Catherine of Siena The Mystic Mon. Dec. 5 10 G.K. Chesterton The Evangelist Mon. Jan. 9 11 G.K. Chesterton The Evangelist Mon. Jan. 23 12 Michaelangelo The Artist Mon. Jan. 30 13 Michaelangelo The Artist Please note: Dates are subject to change. Bishop Robert Barron’s CATHOLICISM: T h e P i voTa l P l ay e r s , v o lu m e i A dult F Aith F ormAtion P rogram r egistration Please print legibly. nAme Phone SPouSe’S nAme (If spouse is attending, please include name) AddreSS City Phone tyPe StAte Home ZiP Select one emAil Have you ever participated in a formation program? yeS no Selecct one If yes, approximately how many programs have you completed? Date received Payment amt Work Processed Seq # For Parish Office Use Fee: On or before August 30: $22.00. • On or after August 31: $25.00 Please include check payable to All Saints Catholic Church. Please return the completed form to the Parish Office: Attn.: Adult Faith Formation, 9300 Stonewall Rd., Manassas, VA 20110-2566 Cell 6 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH August 21, 2016 All Saints Music Ministry Come, sing and pray with us! There is an ensemble for everyone! Canten al Señor un cántico nuevo! Sing to the Lord a new song! Contemporary Choir sings on Saturday evenings at the 5:30 pm Mass, for Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and other feast days. The Choir offers a mixture of contemporary Catholic styles with piano and guitar accompaniment. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, beginning on Wednesday, September 7, 2016. All are welcome! Contact: Cathy Drummond (703-335-1741 or cjsdrummond@gmail. com). [ Young People’s Choir sings for the 9:30 am Mass every 2nd and 4th Sunday from October to June, for Christmas, Easter, and other liturgical feasts. Children in grades 3-8 from all schools, as well as home schooled students, are welcome. The choir rehearses from 5:00 - 6:00 pm two Wednesdays a month, and meets at 8:45 am before each Mass they sing, beginnging on Wednesday, October 5, 2016. Contact: Nichole Reynolds ([email protected]). [ Parish Choir sings for the 11:30 am Mass each Sunday, Christmas Midnight Mass, the Easter Vigil, and for other feast days and special liturgies throughout the year. The Choir’s repertoire covers the entire range of Catholic sacred music. All are welcome. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, beginning on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Contact: Tim Lewicki (703-393-2146 or [email protected]). [ Choir Interest Form If you are interested in participating in one of our choirs or would like to be contacted by the music ministry, please fill out this form and place it in the collection basket or return to the parish office. Name: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________ Choir of Interest: _______________________ Teen Choir The Life Teen Music Group provides a mix of contemporary Christian worship songs and traditional Catholic liturgical music at the Sunday 5:30 pm Teen Mass during the youth group year. Those of high school age and above are welcome to join! Rehearsals are Sunday afternoons at 4:30 pm in the church, beginning on Sunday, September 11, 2016. Contact: Laura Loker (703-231-0398 or [email protected]). [ Handbell Choir: Resounding Joy Adults interested in this unique way of praising God and adding a special touch to our liturgies are invited to consider ringing with us! No musical experience is needed; we will give you all the knowledge you need to participate. Resounding Joy rings at Mass once a month, for Christmas, Easter, and other special liturgies. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7:30 - 9:00 pm, beginning on Wednesday, September 7, 2016. Contact: Kathyrn Moore (703-346-0500 or [email protected]). [ Coros Hispanos Los dos Coros Hispanos invitan cordialmente a todas las personas que desean cantar en español o que puedan tocar instrumentos musicales. Por favor vengan a hablar con el director del coro después de la misa de la 1:30 pm o de la 7:00 pm cada domingo. For more information call the Office for Music and Liturgy (703-393-2146) or see our parish website ( Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time A dults B ecoming C atholic In the Catholic Church, adults who want to become Catholic or complete their sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, Confirmation) join a program called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Participants in the program meet weekly for instruction, prayer, and sharing of the Scripture. If you or someone you know is interested in joining this program, please contact Samantha Welsh or Marylee Grabowski, Religious Education Office (703-393-2142). P astoral C are Cancer and Prayer Support in the church library, Mon., Aug. 22, 1:00–2:00 pm for cancer victims and care givers. WOW—Widows or Widowers. You are invited to come and join us … this is a group to socialize with, to help overcome the loneliness, to share experiences and form new friendships. Come and meet with those who have walked a similar path as you. Contact Steve Schnur (703-369-7061) or wow @ allsaintswow . org or Gillian, Pastoral Care Office (703-393-1411). Grief / Bereavement “Jesus Wept”. A 6‑week adult bereavement support group will begin each Friday, Sept. 23 – Fri., Oct. 28, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. This group is for those adults hurting from the loss of a loved one. We care about you. Please register with Gillian (703-393-1411 or gquintana @ allsaintsva . org ). W edding A nniversary J ubilee Celebrating a Silver or Golden Wedding Anniversary this Year? Were you married in 1966 or 1991? Then join Bishop Paul S. Loverde for the 2016 Marriage Jubilee Mass to be celebrated on Sun., Oct. 16 at 2:30 pm at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More, Arlington. The parish office has to submit all registrations on/before Fri., Sept. 23. Please come by the parish office to complete a registration form for the Marriage Jubilee Mass. All Jubilarians must be registered members of All Saints. Couples who cannot attend but would still like to receive a personalized certificate and have your name in the program must also register through the parish. Questions? Call Linda at the parish office (703-393-1430) The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. — J.S. Bach (1685-1750) S chool B ackpack D rive 7 was S uccessful ! The response to the St. Vincent de Paul Society school backpack/supply drive was overwhelming! Thank you! 145 children will be starting off this school year with brand new backpacks loaded with school supplies. This is 65 more than last year! It is a joy to witness the gratitude of families, relieved of this burdensome expense they face this time each year. We praise God for the blessing of amazing generosity of All Saints’ parishioners. It is the support of this caring, giving parish which enables Vincentians to extend assistance throughout Manassas and Manassas Park. The St. Vincent de Paul Society depends on your charity and relies on your prayer. … [T]eaching the faith is something beautiful! It is perhaps the best legacy we can pass on: the faith! To educate in the faith, to make it grow. To help children, young people and adults to know and love the Lord more and more is one of the most exciting aspects of education. It builds up the Church! — Pope Francis, Address at the International Congress on Catechesis, Sept. 27, 2013 Isaiah prophesies that people of all lands will be gathered by the Lord. The Letter to the Hebrews notes that the Lord disciplines those whom he loves. Jesus cautions that not everyone who knocks at the master’s door will be admitted. 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time They shall bring all your brothers and sisters from all the nations. Isaiah 66:18-21 Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. Psalm 117 (Mark 16:15) Those whom the Lord loves, he disciplines. Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13 They will come from east and west and recline at table in the kingdom of God. Luke 13:22-30 8 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH In and and around our D iocese … B eyond Volunteers Needed. Give your neighbors the gift of English Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, Hogar Immigrant Services is urgently seeking volunteer English teachers for our classes in Manassas. No foreign language or teaching experience necessary. Information: 571-208-1572 x103 or volunteer . hogar @ ccda . net . Oblates of St. Benedict. Are you looking for balance in your life? Want time for prayer as well as work and home life? Since the 6th Century, everyday people have found the Rule of St. Benedict a practical tool for a way of life rich in spiritual nourishment and balance. Benedictine oblates (lay people) live in the world but enjoy a spiritual connection with a Benedictine Monastery near them. Want to know more? Please join us for the next meeting, Sat., Sept. 10, at St. Benedict Monastery, 9535 Linton Hall Rd., Bristow. Or contact Sister Charlotte Lee, Benedictine Sisters of Virginia (703-361-0106 or oblates @ osbva . org ). At the time, all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain, yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to whose who are trained by it. John Paul Golf Tournament. Saint John Paul the Great High School is hosting Golfing with Wolves on Thurs., Sept. 15, at the spectacular Potomac Shores Golf Club. This is the only publicly accessible Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course in the DC area! Join friends and make new ones while enjoying a beautiful day on the greens in support of Catholic education. Sponsorship opportunities also available! Information / Registration: Visit w w w . j p t h e g r e at . o r g or contact 703‑445- 0306 or golf @ jpthegreat . org . New or existing homeschooler? The Manassas Area Roman Catholic Homeschoolers (M.A.R.C.H.) is a group of local homeschoolers in our area that sponsors activities for kids and parents alike. Information: On the web visit w w w . h o m e s c h o o l - l i f e . c o m / va / m a r c h or contact Katie Rinker (katierinker @ gmail . com or 703-307-3739). Diocesan Master Catechist Training Program – Now Accepting Applications. The Master Catechist Training Program seeks experienced catechists who are ready to deepen their knowledge and develop skills to lead catechist training sessions. The program provides spiritual formation and doctrinal grounding based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Graduates are certified by the Office of Catechetics to provide catechist enrichment and training in parishes throughout the Arlington diocese. Applications are August 21, 2016 now being accepted for classes beginning in September of 2016. All applications must be turned in by Wed., Aug. 31. To apply or obtain further information, please contact your parish DRE or call the diocesan Office of Catechetics (703841-2554). Race for Seminarians Kickoff. Interested in supporting vocations by running in the Marine Corps Marathon or 10K? Come and find out more about this great event at our Kickoff from 6:00–7:30 pm on Thurs., Sept. 8 at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Arlington. This fun evening will include a taco bar, tips from a trainer and info on the Race for Seminarians. Find out more at w w w . a r l i n g to n v o c at i o n s . o r g . RSVP by Sun., Sept. 2 to the Office of Vocations (703-841-2514 or vocations @ arlingtondiocese . org ). Run the race which lies ahead. Are you called to keep your eyes fixed on Christ and run the race of faith to heaven as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father J.D. Jaffe (703-841-2514, or j . jaffe @ arlingtondiocese . org ). Mornings of Mercy for Divorced Catholics. Join us for a series of morning retreats on the topics of grief, parenting, suffering, and hope. The next retreat will be Sat., Aug. 27 at St. Veronica Church, Chantilly, 8:30 am and ending before 12:00 noon. The morning will include Mass, a talk by Fr. Tom Ferguson, Vicar General, holy hour and confessions. Continental breakfast provided. To learn more, or to register, visit w w w . a r l i n g to n d i o c e s e . o r g / d i v o r c e d . The ancient monks, … called a holy Christian … a bearer of the Spirit, while a person living in sin was “empty of the Spirit.” — The Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life (Official Catechetical Text in Preparation for the Holy Year 2000) One Day Abortion Recovery Retreat for Women. A Day of Prayer will take place on Sat., Oct. 1. This retreat is a safe place to renew and rebuild hearts broken from abortion. It offers a confidential environment where you can begin the process of healing. Information / To register: info @ helpafterabortion . org . On the web, visit w w w . h e l pa f t e r a b o rt i o n . o r g or call 888-456-HOPE (4673). Tune in to 2minutes2virtue and take the Weekly Challenge with Fr. Ed Bresnahan, Chaplain of Bishop Ireton Catholic High School, Alexandria. He hosts the August video series designed to help Catholics on the go, get the most out of the Sunday readings. Sign up to receive the weekly videos at a r l i n g to n d i o c e s e . o r g /2 m i n u t e s 2 v i rt u e . Information: Office for Family Life (703-841-2550). Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time 9 Boys CLC: Thurs. Sept. 8th Upper Room, 7-8:30pm Girls CLC: Wed. Sept 7th St. John Vianney, 7-8:30pm 2016-2017 Sept. 18th 6:30-8:00pm in the P.A.C. every Sunday for H.S. Teens! Friends welcome!! A great mix of fun faith & fun! Dinner served at the start of each meeting! Something new every week! Tuesday Sept. 6th 3:15-4:45pm in the Upper Room Parents of 9-12th grade join us SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th in the P.A.C. from 6:45-7:15pm Information on Ministries for 9th-12th graders Monday Sept. 5th 6am Mass, Breakfast at Chick-fil-a and rides to school! Learn about & Register for Sunday Nights, CLC, Workcamp, Retreat,... Be an ADULT Leader! All Saints Youth Ministry is currently seeking adults to volunteer to support our teens this coming school year. Be a TEEN Leader! entering 10th –12th grade? want to help plan Sunday and/or Friday Nights? We particularly need Core Team for Sunday Night Life Teen, plus Leaders for Friday Night Ascend and Middle School Mania. We also welcome support with Food Service, Data Entry, Sign In Tables, Art & Design, Musicians, Social Media, & more… call Rob Tessier at 703-393-2141 or [email protected] call Rob Tessier at 703-393-2141 or email [email protected] NEW THIS FALL for 6th-8th Grade 1st & 3rd Fridays Starting Sept. 16th 7:00-9:00pm Parent Meeting join us FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th in the P.A.C. from 7:15-7:45pm Faith & Fun Guys and Girls: Come and have fun with music, friends, snacks, and activities, while journeying deeper into your faith! SEPTEMBER 9th 7 - 9pm in the PAC FESTIVAL NIGHT! Pizza, Games, Inflatables, & Much more!!! Information on Ministries for 6th-8th graders Learn about & Register for Middle School, Ascend, Mania, Mission School Mission... Saturday, Sept. 24th 3:30-10:30pm, $20 to register, go to Coming Up: Oct 29th: Corn Maze 10 Manassas, Virginia ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH This week in the liturgical year … August 21, 2016 S ección en E spañol I mportantes C ambios del P rograma de P reparación S acramental para el 2016-2017 August 22 August 23 Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Rose of Lima, virgin Today’s memorial, prescribed in 1954 by Pope Pius XII for 31 May, is now fittingly celebrated on the octave day of the Assumption. Isabel Flores de Oliva, died 1617, at age 31; Peruvian mystic; nicknamed “Rosa” because of her beauty; O.P. tertiary who lives a life of penance and solitude, caring for the homeless, elderly, and the sick; first declared saint of the New World (1672); patroness of the Philippines and of South America, especially Peru; also of florists and gardeners. August 25 August 27 St. Bartholomew, Apostle St. Monica Bartholomew, died 1st century; probably a surname in the synoptic gospels meaning “son of Tolmai”; known as Nathaniel in John’s gospel; associated with St. Philip (3 May); said to have preached the gospel in India and Armenia where, according to tradition, he was flayed alive. Monica, died 387 at Ostia; born in Tagaste in Roman Africa; after 30 years of prayer, she obtained the conversion of her dissolute pagan husband; under the guidance of Ambrose (7 Dec.), she won the conversion of her eldest son, Augustine; patroness of mothers. The 7 Steps to Financial Freedom program that was to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall is canceled for the present time. Para el próximo año, el Departamento Educación Religiosa ha establecido un programa de preparación sacramental de dos años. Esto significa que los niños y adolescentes que se están preparando para recibir un sacramento deben estar inscritos en las clases de educación religiosa durante su año de Sacramento y el año anterior. Por ejemplo, un niño que recibe la primera comunión en el segundo grado en 2017-2018, tendría que ser inscrito en el primer grado para 2016-2017. Este programa estará vigente para la primera comunión, confirmación, y los programas de Iniciación Cristiana. P rograma de T ransición del año 2016-2017 • Este año, todos los niños deben estar inscritos en su grado correspondiente independientemente de si terminaron el año pasado de clases de educación religiosa. Esto es para ayudar a las familias a adaptarse al nuevo programa sacramental de dos años. • Los niños que no completaron las clases de educación religiosa para el 1er grado o 7º grado tendrán que completar un paquete de transición antes de que comiencen las clases en septiembre de 2016. Este paquete se asegurará de que su hijo tiene la preparación adecuada que necesitan a medida que se acercan a su año para los sacramentos. Estos paquetes estarán disponibles en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. • Tenga en cuenta: Si un niño está programado para recibir un sacramento en 2017-2018 tienen que estar inscrito en clase de Educación Religiosa en 20162017 para su año de preparación. Más información sobre las sesiones de clase de educación religiosa está disponible llamando al 703-393-2142 o en el sitio web de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa (w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g ). Coros Hispanos. Los dos Coros Hispanos invitan cordialmente a todas las personas que desean cantar en español o que puedan tocar instrumentos musicales. Por favor vengan a hablar con el director del coro después de la misa de la 1:30 pm o de la 7:00 pm cada domingo. La escuela católica de Todos los Santos que ofrece grados de pre-kinder hasta octavo, tiene espacios disponibles para este nuevo año escolar. Una buena oportunidad para sus hijos. Para más información vea el boletín de hoy. Manassas, Virginia IGLESIA CATÓLICA ALL SAINTS XXI Domingo del tiempo ordinario Misa en Manassas Park 9:30 am ~ Intención Especial • Misa de 1:30 pm ~ En memoria de Sebastian Paniagua • Misa de 7:00 pm ~ En memoria de Ercias Chileno Aparicio. E ducación R eligiosa para N iños Dios te llama para ser Catequista. La Oficina de Educación Religiosa ha sido bendecida con voluntarios que enseñan la fe a los niños. Sin embargo, estamos en necesidad de más catequistas. Si le desea trabajar con los niños y se siente llamado a compartir el amor de Dios con los niños, póngase en contacto con Marylee Grabowski, Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa (703-393-2142) para más información. Fin de Semana de Registraciones. El personal de Educación Religiosa estará disponible al final de cada Misa para registrar a sus hijos en las clases de Catecismo. Pase por la mesa que estará en el vestíbulo para recoger un formulario, hacer preguntas o registrarse. Horario de clases de Educación Religiosa:: • Domingo11:00 am • Lunes7:00 pm • Domingo3:45 pm (bilingüe) • Domingo5:30 pm • Martes5:30 pm (bilingüe) • Miercoles7:00 pm Clases de Educación Religiosa iniciaran la semana del 18 de Septiembre. Fecha limite para registrarse será 29 de agosto. Las familias pueden inscribirse bajando las formas de registro de la página web de Educación Religiosa en w w w . a l l s a i n t s r e l i g i o u s e d u c at i o n . o r g o pueden recoger un formulario de registro en el vestíbulo de la iglesia o en la oficina de Educación Religiosa que se encuentra en la Escuela de Todos los Santos. Párroco Rev. Lee R. Roos 703-393-2155 Vicarios Parroquiales Rev. Juan Puigbó 703-393-2153 Rev. Mauricio Pineda 703-393-2154 Rev. Noah Morey 703-303-2152 Oficina Parroquial 703-368-4500 Horario de Misas en Español Domingo: 9:30 am en el Centro Comunitario de Manassas Park; 1:30 pm y 7:00 pm en la Iglesia. 11 Programa de Confirmación de Escuela Secundaria. El Sacramento de la Confirmación es un sacramento de iniciación, y la realización del sacramento del bautismo. Ungidos por el Espíritu Santo en la Confirmación, los Cristianos fortalecen su vínculo con la Iglesia y a estar mejor preparados para llevar a cabo la misión de amor y servicio de la Iglesia. Tenemos inscripciones abiertas para el programa de Confirmación 2016-2017 para jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria para los grados 9 al 12. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en nuestra oficina. Las clases comienzan el 21 de septiembre de 2016. Estas clases solo se ofrecen en Ingles. Hora y Fecha para clases: miércoles a las 7:00 pm. • Sábado, 27 de agosto, después de misa de 5:30 pm • Domingo,28 de agosto, después de todas las Misas Educación Religiosa en Todos Los Santos. Familias pueden registrar a sus hijos de Kínder a 8vo grado para las clases de Educación Religiosa. En estas clases los niños aprenderán sobre la fe Católica y como vivir la fe en sus vidas diarias. También es una preparación para los Sacramentos 21 de agosto, 2016 Día de Apreciación para los Monaguillos Juego de Baseball El Padre Mauricio y el Padre Noah invitan a todos los monaguillos a un juego de baseball de los Nationals como un regalo especial por su fiel servicio como monaguillos, el sábado 27 de Agosto. Washington Nationals vs Colorado Rockies. Todos los tickets son gratis y limitados. Los primeros que llamen, recibirán su ticket. Los tickets son para los monaguillos que están sirviendo actualmente y sus padres que quieran acompañarles como chaperones. Todos los chaperones deben de ser certificados por el programa VIRTUS. El autobús saldrá del parqueo de la parroquia de Todos los Santos a las 11:30 am. El juego es a la 1:05 pm. La hora de regreso es aproximadamente a las 5:00-6:00 PM. Por favor, responder lo más pronto posible antes del 22 de agosto en persona a la oficina de la parroquia. Los permisos estan disponibles para los monaguillos de 17 años y menores. Confesiones Confirmación Adoración del Santísimo Horario de Oficina Miércoles: 6:30-8:00 pm • Viernes: 7:308:00 am • Sábados: 3:00-4:00 pm • Primer Viernes de Mes: 7:00-8:00 pm Domingo 8:00 pm a Lunes 7:00 am • Miércoles 9:00 am a Jueves 7:00 am • Jueves • 7:00 pm a Viernes 7:00 am; • Viernes 9:00 pm(después de la Hora Santa) a Sábado 7:30 am Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión Se ofrece en 2do Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x216. Se ofrece en 8vo Grado. Es obligatorio un año de preparación. Llame al 703-3932142 x249. La oficina parroquial está abierta de lunes a jueves de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Los viernes de 9:00 am a 12:00 del medio día y de 1:00 pm a 8:00 pm. Sábados y Domingos de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm Para ser héroes de Dios con el Padre Juan, conéctate a w w w . v i vat r e x . n e t .
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