November 23, 2014 23 de Noviembre, 2014 St. Mary, Mother of the Church Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo 1008 Vandora Springs Rd Garner, NC 27529-3546 Office: 919-772-5524 Fax: 919-772-5534 Website: Rev. David M. Chiantella, Administrator 919-772-5777 Emergencies only 919-909-0514 Email [email protected] Rev. Chesco Garcia, Ministerio Hispano 919-889-7757 Música- Jesús Acevedo 919-649-1051 Deacon Ronald Soriano 919-426-4791 Email [email protected] Lectores- Veronica Martínez, 919-828-5481 después de las 6 PM Chris Keffer, Director of Faith Formation Email [email protected] 919-772-5199 Joe Vuletich, Youth Apostolate Coordinator Email [email protected] 919-772-5524, ext. 109 Monaguillos- Érica Villegas, 919-264-9153 Mary Dziepak, Music Director Email [email protected] Mon — Wed, 10:30 AM to 4 PM 919-772-5524, ext. 102 Rosemary Montague, Receptionist Email [email protected] Mon — Thu, 9 AM to 4:30 PM Olga Salas, Recepcionista Email [email protected] Lunes, Martes 6-9 PM; Jueves, Sábado 6-8 PM 919-772-5524, ext. 100 Today’s Readings First Reading — I will rescue my scattered sheep (Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17). . Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — As in Adam all die, so too in Christ all shall be brought to life (1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28). Gospel — Whatever you did to the least ones, you did to me (Matthew 25:31 -46). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Ministros de la Eucaristía- Cesar Sánchez, 919-890-5734 Formación Religiosa– Mike Munster, 919-567-1565 Quinceañeras- Alicia Villegas, 919-624-3323 Bautizos-Jeymy Luna, 919-946-5719 Presentaciones– Aurora Saucedo, 919-279-2281 (5-9 PM) Enfermos- visitas a las casas o hospital llame a la oficina, 919-772-5524 Social- Kathya Peña Centeno, 919-723-0310 Visitas Virgen Peregrina- Jorge Fajardo Lecturas de Hoy Primera lectura — El pastor-rey busca a los perdidos y sana a los heridos (Ezequiel 34:11-12, 15-17). Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta (Salmo 23 [22]). Segunda lectura — Cristo nuestro rey ha conquistado la muerte (1 Corintios 15:20-26, 28). Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre se sentará en su glorioso trono y los separará unos de otros (Mateo 25:31-46). This Week MASSES / MISAS Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sábado Misa en Español 7:15 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM Monday through Friday 8:15 AM Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday after morning Mass Esta Semana Saturday November 22 Sábado 22 de Noviembre 5:30 PM for the people of St Mary Parish 7:15 PM Sunday November 23 Domingo 23 de Noviembre 8:00 AM +John Schultz 10:00 AM +Raymond Boyle 5:00 PM +Cliff Ryan Monday November 24 Lunes 24 de Noviembre 8:15 AM Tuesday November 25 Martes 25 de Noviembre 8:15 AM +Leslie DeRose Wednesday November 26 Miércoles 26 de Noviembre 8:15 AM Thursday November 27 Jueves 27 de Noviembre SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: First Wednesday 5 - 6:30 PM. Every Saturday 4 - 5 PM, or by appointment with a Priest. Baptism: for Infant baptism preparation, contact the Deacon Ron (see bulletin cover for contact info). For Adult baptism preparation, contact the Director of Faith Formation. Marriage: contact the Receptionist at least 6 months before your intended marriage date to schedule marriage preparation. First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation: contact the Director of Faith Formation for information about our youth and adult programs. Parish Council: [email protected] Find us on Facebook: at St.Mary MotheroftheChurch 10:00 AM +Art & Pat Schultz Friday November 28 Viernes 28 de Noviembre 8:15 AM Saturday November 29 Sábado 29 de Noviembre 5:30 PM +Barbara Shoenfelt 7:15 PM +Cornelio Aguirre Sunday November 30 Domingo 30 de Noviembre 8:00 AM for the people of St Mary Parish 10:00 AM +John Cioppa, Sr. 5:00 PM +Richard Yard To schedule a Mass intention, please call the office. Para solicitor una misa, llame a las oficinas de la Iglesia. SACRAMENTOS Si asiste regularmente necesita registrarse en la parroquia. Para más información sobre las registraciones y bautizos, favor de llamar a Jeymy Luna al 919-946-5719. Offertory/Ofrenda (July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015) Documentos requeridos para el Bautismo de niños menores de 8 años: • Padres: copia del Certificado de Nacimiento Del Niño • Padrinos: copia del Certificado de Matrimonio por la Iglesia Estar registrados en la iglesia al menos 3 meses antes del bautizo. Las clases de bautizo son primer y segundo martes de cada mes a las 7 PM. 16 November 16 Noviembre $9,778.59 CCHD Year to date Año a la Fecha $199,612.82 (38% of goal) $1,448.00 The altar flowers are given in memory of Jack Schultz on his 81st birthday. Jovenes y Adultos Mayores de 18 años Rito de Iniciación Cristiana– Padre Chesco 919-889-7757 Our offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 26 through Sunday, Nov. 30 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Matrimonio Maria y Leo Rangel, [email protected] Coordinadores Ministerio Hispano Mike y Beatriz Munster, 919-567-1656 Recibir los Santos Óleos o Eucaristía llame la oficina-919-772-5524 2 Due to holiday deadlines, submissions for the Dec. 21 bulletin need to be in by Dec. 4. All items are subject to final approval by our Pastor. Submit to: [email protected]. The Annual Homeschool Mass with Bishop Michael Burbidge, will take place on December 5 here at St. Mary Mother of the Church. Mass will start at 10:30 AM and a reception will follow in St. Joseph Hall until 1 PM. All homeschoolers and their families of the Diocese are invited to attend. Visit this web address for registration links and contact information: HMBishop Preparing for Christ Advent Study Are we ready for the King? Are our hearts ready to receive our Savior? The four weeks leading up to Christmas should be a time of reflection, meditation and preparation. This study will concentrate on the Sunday readings and incorporate the ancient method of Lectio Divina (praying the scriptures). The study will be held weekly Tuesday evenings at 7 PM Nov 25 through Dec 16 and Wednesday mornings at 9 AM beginning Nov 26 through Dec 17. Cost is $10 for study guide. The class will run 90 minutes and include a video presentation by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ. To register or for more information please contact Sandy Fountain at [email protected] or 919-604-8966. 2014 Raleigh Deanery Advent Penance Services Date/Time Location Language(s) 12/1, 7 PM St Raphael, English/Spanish 12/2, 11 AM St Raphael, English/Spanish 12/3, 11 AM St Michael, Cary, English 12/3, 7 PM St Bernadette, Fuquay-Varina Eng/Sp 12/4, 7 PM St Andrew, Apex English 12/4, 7 PM St Mary, Magdalene, Apex English 12/9, 7PM St Eugene, Wendell English/Spanish 12/9, 7 PM St Catherine, Wake Forest English/Sp 12/10, 11AM St Catherine, Wake Forest English 12/10, 7PM St Mary, Garner English/Spanish 12/11, 7 PM St Joseph English 12/14, 7 PM St Francis English 12/15, 7 PM St Francis, English 12/16, 11 AM St Bernadette,Fuquay-Varina English 12/16, 7 PM Sacred Heart Cathedral English/Sp 12/16, 7 PM Our Lady of Lourdes English 12/17, 11 AM St Francis of Assisi English 12/17, 7 PM St Michael, Cary Eng/Sp 12/22, 7 PM St Luke English CALLING ALL BAKERS! The St. Mary, Mother of the Church Altar Guild is looking for cookie bakers to donate a batch of their favorite cookies for our annual cookie sale. Please bring your Christmas cookies to St. Joseph Hall anytime between 9 AM and 2 PM on Saturday, December 13. The ladies of the Altar Guild will be boxing the cookies on Saturday afternoon and selling them at the church on Saturday, December 13 and Sunday, December 14 after each Mass. There will also be raffle tickets available for a beautiful handmade quilt. Tickets are $1 each. Please see your friendly neighborhood Altar Guild member. Thank you for your generous support of the Altar Guild. May you have a blessed holiday season. The Parish Pastoral Council welcomes three new members. They are John Bihl, David Morehead, and Sam Weatherford. We also thank Peter Mai and Martin Lynch for their service to St. Mary’s as they end their terms on the Council. Bolivia Donations Have you lost a beloved spouse? Would it help to get together to talk with other folks who have also experienced a similar loss? If you are interested, please contact Charlotte at 919-772-7598. Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated Thursday Nov. 27 at 10 AM. 3 For the month of October, the Bolivia donation receptacle yielded 52 pairs of glasses, 15 pairs if sunglasses, 4 glucose meters, a few boxes of test strips, 4 blood pressure machines and a monetary donation (which I will use to purchase what is still needed). Thank you very much for your support of this project. The donation box will be out again in January 2015, so please save any of the above articles you might have until that time. Peace, Sharon and Ed Padfield. 4 5 ¡ LLAMANDO A TODOS LOS PANADEROS! El Altar Guild de Santa María, Madre de la iglesia está buscando panaderos que hornen galletas caseras para donar a nuestra venta anual de galletas. Por favor traiga sus galletas de Navidad preferidas– etiquetadas para el Altar Guild – al salón St. Joseph entre 9 AM y 2 PM el sabado,13 de diciembre de 2014. Las damas del del Altar Guild estarán empacando las galletas el sabado por la tarde y venderlas en la iglesia en el sábado, 13 de diciembre y el domingo 14 de diciembre después de cada Misa. Gracias por su apoyo generoso al Altar Guild. Que tengan unas felices fiestas. Sobres para la ofrenda del 2015 Ya casi es tiempo... cuando lleguen las cajas de sobres para la ofrenda 2015, estarán disponibles para recogerlos en la iglesia. Este año, las cajas se organizarán por número de sobre en vez de por el apellido. Si no estás seguro de cuál es tu número de sobre, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] y les contestaremos con la información, o pasar por la oficina parroquial durante horas de oficina y buscaremos su número de sobre. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Un acto de acción de gracias, cuando las cosas marchan mal para nosotros, vale más que miles de gracias cuando las cosas van conforme a nuestras inclinaciones.—San Juan de Ávila 6 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Be With Us Today Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Michael John Poirier CD $17 Songs that touch the heart and raise the spirit 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. CASE Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Advanced, affordable care you can trust 800-566-6150 • Back & Neck Care Center BETSY L. CASE, D.C. GEORGE D. “JOE” CASE, D.C. STAGE ROAD 1018 Highway 70 West Garner, NC 27529 7580 Old Stage Rd., N.Angier (919) 772-1113 557850 St Mary Mother of the Church (B) ANIMAL HOSPITAL 919-639-3337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 COMPLETE CAR CARE FUNERAL HOMES Andrew G. Cook, Jr., O.D. MARY & ALEX LEE 1003 Vandora Springs Road Funeral Director Parishioners (919) 772-4575 Office Hours by Appointment Transmissions • Tune-ups Brakes • Scheduled Maintenance Financing Available “Call Mo at 919.779.1778” Angier Chapel 300 E. McIver St. 639-8225 Garner Chapel 1200 Benson Rd. 772-8225 Raleigh Chapel 831 Wake Forest Rd. 832-8225 PARISHIONER OF SACRED HEART 546 Dynamic Drive, Garner, N.C. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, 860.399.1785 Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Your ad Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] Call Steve Lardieri 800.432.3240 could be in this space! Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per ayer Co r u o Y Pr through 2030 Designed to be Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 800-566-6150 • 557850 St Mary Mother of the Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Those for whom we pray Faith Formation Announcements All classes are in session. Except for those classes who received their First Reconciliation this weekend. High School Youth Group can find information about upcoming events at For those in need of God’s healing, strength, and comfort, especially Bernard Streeter, Cathy Tomany, Dee Phelan, Annette Whitley, Joanne Solly, Jerry Potter, Kristen Dinarte, Cathy Spillane,Werner Koch, baby Tyson Such, Bob Minges, Will Cannady, Ron Urbanski, Sue Kerrigan, Charity Betts, Roland W. Petruzzi, Donna Davison, Karen Reilly, Kari Brown, Bettilyn Smyth, Brian Michael Lee, Clare Heinske, Faye Yeisley, and Nadia Boone. Tacos! Tacos! Tacos! It’s back!! Put your feet up and let us do the cooking. Bring your family and enjoy an evening of tacos sponsored by the HS Youth Group on Nov. 25, from 57 PM. All proceeds are directed toward the youth mission trip next summer. Dine in or take out! Happening This Week Monday: Estudio biblico Tuesday: Taco Tuesday, Advent study Wednesday: Advent study, women’s bible study, Columbiettes Friday: Sedes, coro en español Ever Wonder – Why a candle or oil lamp is kept burning in the presence of the Eucharist? In Exodus 27: 20-21 God commanded that a lamp filled with the purest oil of olives should always burn in the Tabernacle. The rite of the Church prescribes that at least one lamp should continually burn before the Tabernacle, not as an ornament but as a mark of honor and purpose of worship. It reminds us of the presence of Christ and the reverence and affection it deserves. Scripturally it reminds us that Jesus referred to himself as the “light of the world.” THANK YOU! Our Thanksgiving Food Drive concludes this weekend after the 10AM Mass. Thank you for your generous donations. Look for the Christmas ANGEL TREE in the back of the church starting Nov. 29 and 30. 2015 Offering Envelopes Catholic Parish Outreach Christmas items for children: We’re collecting gently used toys, books, jackets, shoes, and clothing sizes 0-6 as well as new packaged socks and underwear for children. Please place your donations in the box marked CPO in the narthex. CPO appreciates your generosity and so do the children receiving your gifts! Questions? Contact Ann or Roger Ogilvie at 919-779-3394. The 2015 boxed sets of offering envelopes are here! They are available for pick-up in the church. The boxes will be arranged by envelope number instead of by last name. If you’re not sure what your envelope number is, please email [email protected] and we’ll reply with that information, or stop by during parish office hours and we’ll look up your number. THANKSGIVING One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations. —Saint John of Ávila “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.”— Matthew 8 25:35
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