Page 2 St. Margaret Mary’s Catholic Church SEPTEMBER 28-OCTOBER 4, 2015 The Mass intention book is located in the Parish Administration Office. Intentions for person(s) may be entered once per month. Please PRINT CLEARLY! (Letra de imprenta) Intentions may have to be moved if it is necessary to change the Mass Schedule. Monday, September 28: Noon: †Mercedes Lopez Aguedita Rangel †Mike Gonzaba, Jr. Tuesday, September 29: 8AM: Communion Service Wednesday, September 30: 6PM: †Norman Wenske Roland Torres Dahlia M. Martinez †Jackie Rawson †Grandma Vanding †Judy Loeser Thursday, October 1: 8AM: Andres Uruttia Elodia M. Vasquez †Cipriano Martinez Sr. Friday, October 2: 8AM: †Anton & Cecilia Gawlik †Joe & Annie Moy †Regina, Irma, Sally, Mary Ann Vangie & Amy Gawlik †Ambrose & Roman Gawlik †Victor & Emily Keller †Alois, Irene, & James Wiatrek †Frank & Edwin Janysek †Sister Mary Angela Saturday, October 3: 6PM Claudio Urrutia †Ginny & Alfred Weber †Pearl Kowalik †Raymond Kowalik †Hettie Ormond Donecker Family Herman & Rose Theis †Julio (Julius) L. Esquivel Sunday, October 4: 8AM,10AM (Spanish), 10AM, 12Noon, 6pm Mass Living & Deceased Members of ST MM Altar Society †Val Ledwig †Raymond Sultenfuss Rosalina Padilla Marisela Bautista †Ray Rios Jr. †Rosalee S. Martinez †Oralia Ayala Martha R. Monita †Steven Trevino Michael T. Gamez †Andrew Axel Burd Mass & Anointing Friday, Oct. 2nd @ 12:15 PM in church READINGS FOR WEEK OF SEPT 28– OCT 4, 2015 Monday: Zec 8:1-8; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Lk 9:46-50 Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Ps 137:1-6; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Ps 19:8-11; Lk 10:1-12 Friday: Bar 1:15-22; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Ps 69:33-37; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 [2-12] WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY Juan and Priscilla Alonzo FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR PARISHIONERS PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE SCHEDULE OF PRIESTS CELEBRATING MASS NEXT WEEKEND. Sat Oct 3: Sat Oct 3: Sun Oct 4: Spanish Mass St. Catherine St. M.M. St .M.M. 5 PM Confessions 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 12 NOON 6:00 PM Fr. Tom Dymowski Fr. Tom Dymowski Fr. Richard Hall Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jim Chambers Fr. Jimmy Drennan Fr. Jimmy Drennan September 27, 2015 SUNDAY COFFEE (FREE OF CHARGE) Join us after the 8:00 AM mass in the school cafeteria. Hosted by: Sept. 27, ACTS Ministry; Oct. 4, Men’s Club; Oct. 11, Altar Society; Oct. 18, St. MM School; Oct. 25, No Coffee REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Focus on God’s agenda, not your own. This message could be the link between the reading from the book of Numbers and the Gospel. When Joshua gets upset at the two men who are suddenly prophesying and wants Moses to stop them, Moses asks, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people . . . were prophets!” (Numbers 11:29). And Jesus responds to his disciple John, also upset that someone outside their group was casting out demons in Jesus’ name, that “whoever is not against us is for us” (Mark 9:40). Both Jesus and Moses recognized that God’s spirit blows where it will. It sometimes ends up in the strangest places, working through very unexpected people. At the same time, no one can presume that the Spirit will always be working through a particular group or the proper channels. We must be careful of trying to box in or corral the spirit of God. Being on the inside is no guarantee. Thus, we get Jesus’ hard words about cutting off a hand or a leg or plucking out an eye rather than letting it cause us to sin and be cast into hell. Most say this is hyperbole, Middle Eastern exaggeration. I think Jesus is calling his disciples to look honestly at their lives and face whatever it is that leads them away from God. “Deal with it,” he says. We must always watch what we hold, the path we choose to walk, and the vision that guides us. Those on the inside can lose sight of, lose touch with, go off the path that takes us to the kingdom. And they can take others with them. What matters is that God’s work be done. God will see to it; don’t get in the way. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Collection September 19 & 20, 2015: $7,677.28 Hope for the Future/Catholic School Special Collection The Special Collection for October 11th is in support of Hope for the Future and the Catholic schools and students within our community. Your support will help fund tuition assistance and grants for the 43 schools in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. “Everything indeed is for you, so that the grace bestowed in abundance on more and more people may cause the thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of God.” (2Cor 4:15) Your contribution will help more children receive a priceless Catholic school education where they can grow academically and spiritually. Thank you. September 27, 2015 Parish News Page 3 Our Lady of Guadalupe One Life, One Rose Silver Rose Prayer Service Join us here at St. Margaret Mary Church on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 8:00am to pray to Our Lady to strengthen efforts to restore the culture of life in our society. ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CONTINUES. PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT 210-534-6137. EXPRESS YOUR SUPPORT FOR OUR SCHOOL!! Alumni, former students and friends are invited to join the committee in planning the 8th Annual Scholarship & Educational Excellence Dinner & Dance (SEED) event scheduled for March 5, 2016 at the Activity Center. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Consider joining us. SAVE THE DATE 3rd ANNUAL MEN’S CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE DECEMBER 5, 2015 DINNER AND DRINKS TICKETS AVAILABLE SOON. DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS GREAT NIGHT! ROSARY RALLY Everyone is invited in praying the rosary along with 12,000 Rosary Rallies held across America on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 12:00 PM (noon) at St. Margaret Mary parking lot. This is to commemorate the 98th Anniversary of the “Miracle of the Sun” performed by Our Lady of Fatima on October 13, 1917. The power of prayer is very powerful especially when praying together in large groups. For more information, please call Delia Zarate at 210-648-0567. Page 4 Parish News September 27, 2015 SAVE THE DATE! ARCHDIOCESE OF SAN ANTONIO ASSEMBLY 2015 ENCOUNTERING CHRIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015 @ ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY—7AM—10PM Join us for FREE VIGIL MASS † FAITH FORMATION † RECONCILIATION † CONCERT Clergy, religious and laity from across the archdiocese will assemble with Archbishop Gustavo as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. St. Margaret Mary Parish Friday, October 16, 2015 @ Sunset Hosted by Confirmation Youth Bring your lawn chairs & blankets For more information contact Griselda Gonzales at 210-73-1653 Please Contact Linda Rubio 532-6309 To register, or go online to St Margaret Mary Confirmation Youth will be in attendance. We ask our parishioners to please pray for them. Nachos, Sodas, & other goodies will be sold! St. Margaret Mary’s Religious Education Program Has been very fruitful. Praise Jesus! At this time we have a waiting list for all English CCD classes for ages 5-18. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please join us as we pray for all of St. Margaret Mary’s Parish families Central Catholic High School Annual Fall Truck Raffle 2015 Toyota Tundra (includes Tax, Title, and Licensing) CCHS students will be selling tickets after every mass this weekend. Suggested donation: $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20. Drawing to be held October 30, 2015. Important Notice For the safety of our parishioners Father Jimmy has asked that all meetings be complete by 9:00 PM and everyone depart from the church grounds immediately following the parish meeting. San Antonio Police are watching our premises. This is for your safety. This is not an option it is an instruction. September 27, 2015 Parish News ST. MARGARET MARY YOUTH HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL OCTOBER 24, 2015 3:00-9:00 PM 1202 Fair Ave., school grounds Live Entertainment: 3:00-9:00 PM Costume Contest: 5:00-5:30 PM Haunted House: 7:00-9:00 PM Wrist Bands (Presale Only): $10.00 Mexican Plate—Cheese Enchiladas Presale meal tickets $5.00 Bingo & Loteria in the cafeteria A generous donation for Altar Flowers was given by Mrs. Simona Gonzaba & Family in loving memory of Mike B. Gonzaba, Lena B. Gonzaba & Johnny B. Gonzaba. May they always Rest in Peace. If you would like to make a donation for an altar flowers arrangement in memory of a loved one or any other occasion, please contact Lupe Gutierrez at 827-0672. Aloha—A Year of Mercy Saturday, October 3 and Sunday, October 4 @ Comanche Park #2 ST. MARGARET MARY SCHOOL CARNIVAL COMMITTEE NOTICE The following items will need to be purchased at retail value unless YOU can help by donating any items listed or help us get a discount. Donations may be dropped off at the school office, Monday-Friday (7:30am-3:30pm) by October 22nd. Items Needed 10 Boxes (100) Napkins Beef Flank 2 Cases Steak 30cases 30 cases each Ground beef Sprite 5 cases Dr. Pepper $10 or more Diet Dr. Pepper Gas generators (For temporary 200 Count use) Picnic paks 100 lbs. Corn Tortillas ALTAR FLOWERS ST. BENEDICT PARISH FESTIVAL Great Food, Games and Rides! Fun for the Whole Family! For more information please call the school office at 534-6137. Items Needed Hairnets Paper Towels Water Coke & Big Red Diet Coke Gift Cards to area (stores/restaurants/ movies) 3 section to-go 9” plates Shredded Cheese Page 5 Saturday (noon—11pm) 6 live bands, drinks, Island of Treasures (12—4pm) Sunday (noon —7pm), Bingo 12noon—2pm, Live auction 2—6pm. Pet blessing at 1pm. Tables for rent to vendors—$50 for both days. If you have any questions, please cal 648-0123. PANNA MARIA 2 cases 80 lbs 40 lbs 20 cases 20 cases 5 cases 3 200 ct 600 ct SPANISH BIBLE STUDY What is the Exodus? How should we understand this epic story? What do the stories narrated in this book have to do with Jesus? What do they mean to our present-day Church? This Monday, September 28th, we will begin to study the second book of the Bible. Join us at the Activity Center at 7:00 pm for our Bible study in Spanish. Bring your Bible if you have one. For questions or comments, contact Hugo Sapien at 210 922 1849 or at [email protected]. Everyone welcome! THE OLDEST PERMANENT POLISH SETTLEMENT IN THE USA Celebrates its Annual Homecoming Turkey Dinner Sunday, October 11, 2015 9:30 AM—Holy Mass by retired Bishop John W. Yanta Turkey, Dressing & All the Trimmings starting at 10:30AM—until sold out. Meal Tickets $9.00 Lots of other activities, most are held in the air conditioned diner and hall. SPANISH PRAYER GROUP St. Anthony of Padua invites you to pray for your whole family. Is a member of your family sick, have problems? Are you sad? Join us in praise and prayer because only Jesus can help you. Meetings every Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM at St. Catherine Chapel, 2202 Hicks St. For more information, call Cristina at (210) 268-5466. Page 6 Parish News MAY WE INCLUDE IN OUR PRAYERS September 27, 2015 2015 Upcoming Events John & Vi Wagenfehr Walter Joseph Murray Mary Jane Juarez Lupe & Alice Castillo Pat Sanchez Joe Martinez Leslie Garcia Leonor Arredondo Larry R. Cortez Celine Barboza Mike Herrera Janie Kellner Liza Perdue Candelario Gonzales Marvin & Marina Klaus James Edward Markham Herlinda Herrera Desiree Vega & Family M/M Santana Velasquez John Michael Michael Gamez Msgr. Larry Stuebben Edna Guerrero Veronica Delgado Anita Aguilar Jeanette Blue Lydia Trevino Bea Zigmond Cathy Zigmond Baby Ellie Keen Thursday, 10/1//15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gathering 7:00 pm Thurs.-Sun., 10/1-4/15 Women’s Spanish Retreat *Tuesday, 10/6/15 SEED Mtg 6:30pm Thursday, 10/8/15 ACTS Core Mtg 6:30 pm Saturday, 10/10/15 Rosary Rally (Church Parking Lot) 12noon Saturday, 10/24/15 School Halloween Carnival 3:00-9:00pm *Tuesday, 11/3/15 SEED Mtg 6:30pm Thursday, 11/5/15, Women of the Well Spiritual Gatherin 7:00 pm Thursday, 11/12/15 ACTS Core Mtg 6:30 pm *Tuesday, 12/1/15 SEED committee Social 6:30pm *Saturday, 12/5/15 Men’s Club Christmas Dinner Dance Thursday, 12/10/15 ACTS Core Mtg 6:30 pm Note: Names remain on the prayer list for two weeks. If you or your loved one need to remain for a longer time, please contact the church office, 532-6309. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SCOUTING IN CUB SCOUT PACK-177 AND BOY SCOUT TROOP 177 OF ST. MARGARET MARY Michael Casanova Fred Casanova Ramon Garza Maria Garza Jose Hernandez Jesse Delgado Lucille Swientek John Ahr Elva P. Trevino Fernando Inouye Neena Cortinas Jeffery Inouye Marisela Garza Marigie I. Onterveros Rosario Yznaga Anthony Rodriguez Tina Uribe Lucille Swientek Robert Linn Flo & Elmer Keller Dora Gonzalez Libby Shelton Kathy Bendele Jennifer Valdez Tony Rodriguez Baldemero Vega Coby Copeland Margaret Cervantes Valentina Garcia Ana Garansuay Mary Reyes Trini Sanchez Ronnie Westfall Phoenix Martinez Joe Escamilla Azik Martinez Ruben R. Garza Fr. Jim Fischler Alice Hernandez David S. Arredondo Leo Verdeja Lydia Salas Andrew Janowski George Perez Tillie Janowski Delvin Olinick Socorro Aguilar Minnie Reyna Jessica Cummings Betty Fielden Lydia Trevino Arnie Francis Adriana Velez Ralph Montalvo Mary L. Esquivel Phillip Ledwig John Tucker, III We extend sympathy to and hold in our prayers the family of our parishioners who died: Salvador Garcia, Jr. Guadalupe Mercado Armando Rios Solis 2016 Upcoming Events Tuesday, 1/7/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun. 2/4-7/16 Men’s Spanish Retreat Thursday, 2/11/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thursday, 3/10/16 ACTS Core Mtg *Saturday, 3/5/16 SEED Dinner Dance Thursday, 4/14/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thursday, 5/12/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun, 5/19-22/16 Women English Retreat Thursday, 6/9/16 ACTS Core Mtg Thurs-Sun, 7/21-24/16 Teen ACTS Retreat 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Tiger Scouts —1st –4th Grade Cub Scouts —5th Grade Boy Scouts —11 years to 18 years Contact: Cubs—Mrs. Dorothy Graschel (210) 872-6761 Boy Scouts—Mr. Manuel Gradillas (210) 532-2763 SHIELD OF ROSES: This ministry prays for the reparation of sins of abortion on Saturdays, from 10-11am in the Adoration Chapel of St. MM Church. ENTHRONEMENT OF THE SACRED HEART A team of lay ministers and a deacon will visit your home. Prayers are said with the purpose of consecrating your home and your family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information, contact Robert or Delia Zarate at 648-0567. LEGION OF MARY Looking for new members. If interested call 592-7527 or 419-1922. Meetings are held on Thursdays, 5:30PM at Gevers Hall. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION Domestic violence is extremely prevalent in our society and specifically in San Antonio. It also affects families in our Parish. We all need to become educated about what constitutes domestic violence so that we do not accept it as “normal” behavior that is to be put-up with in the marriage, family and home. Two helpful websites are—SA Family Domestic Violence Prevention and www.fvps for Family Violence Prevention. Express your Love & Support your Parish Memorial ads are available for your Church Bulletin. For all the details call your Church Office or your bulletin provider Howard Merritt at (210) 310-6932. MEALS ON WHEELS NOTICE Please support our advertisers, because of them, our bulletins are printed free of charge. Clean plastic bags are needed for Meals on Wheels. September 27, 2015 Parish News EXPOSICION Y ORACIONES SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO AL Oraciones al Santisimo, Rosario, misterios luminosos, Oraciones de la Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia, Oracion de la noche, Bendicion con El Santisimo Sacramento. Todos los jueves de 7:00 a 8:00 pm en la Capilla de Adoracion. Acompañenos, los esperamos, todos son bienvenidos. Este servicio es todo en español. Para más informes, favor de llamar al Diacono Almanza al 210-887-0620. Retiro de ACTS de Mujeres en Español Oct 1—Oct 4, 2015 Para más información comunicarse con: Lulu Garcia— (210) 907-4001 Ana Garcia — (210) 426-6705 Angie Vega— (210) 712-2739 “Ven y vive una experiencia con Jesús que cambiara tu vida” ESTUDIO DE LA BIBLIA EN ESPAÑOL ¿Qué es el Éxodo? ¿Cómo debemos entender su significado como historia épica? ¿Qué tienen que ver los relatos en este libro con Jesucristo? ¿Qué significan para la Iglesia? El lunes 28 de septiembre iniciaremos el estudio del segundo libro de la Biblia, Éxodo. Vengan al Centro de Actividades (Activity Center) a las 7:00 pm. Traigan su Biblia si la tienen. Para preguntas o comentarios, dirigirse a Hugo Sapién al 922 1849 o a [email protected]. ¡Bienvenidos! EXPRESE SU AMOR Y APOYO A SU PARROQUIA Memorial anuncios están disponibles para tu Iglesia Boletín. Exprese su Amor & Apoyo a su Parroquia. Los anuncios conmemorativos están disponibles para su iglesia en el Boletín. Para conocer todos los detalles llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia o el boletín proveedor Howard Merritt al (210) 310-6932. GRUPO DE ORACIÒN EN ESPAÑOL San Antonio de Padua le invita a orar por toda su Familia. Nos reunimos cada martes de 7 a 9 de la noche en la capilla de Santa Catarina en el 2202 de la calle Hicks. Para más información llame a Cristina al 210 268 5466. Page 7 Todavía estamos tomando registraciones para la Doctrina. 5 a 18 años de edad Las clases se ofrecen en Español Los Domingos de 11:30 PM - 1:00 PM Costo- $50 También tenemos oportunidades para catequistas Estas interesada en ser Catequista??? Comunicarse con Linda Rubio o Luis Garcia al 532-6309 para más detalles. MISA Y UNICIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS VIERNES, 2 DE OCTUBRE 2015 EN LA IGLESIA A LAS 12:15 PM NOTICIAS DE GEVERS HALL Si alguien está interesado en la reserva del Gevers Hall para baby showers, fiestas de cumpleaños, etc., por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia, 532-6309. REZAR EL ROSARIO Todos están invitados para rezar el Rosario en unión con 12,000 grupos rezando el Rosario en todo los Estados Unidos, el sabado, 10 de octubre 10, 2015 en el estacionamiento de Santa María Margarita a las 12 PM. Esto es para conmemorar el 98th aniversario del “Milagro del Sol” que hizo Nuestra Senora de Fatima en Octubre 13, 1917. Acordanse “El poder del oración es muy poderoso cuando rezan unidos en un grupo grande.”!!! Para más informacón, llame a Delia Zarate 648-0567.
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