Saint Mary’s Old Town Chapel 121 Park Avenue Saint Lawrence Mission 5 South 100 West, Heber Saint Mary’s of the Assumption 1505 W. White Pine Canyon Rd. 435-649-9676 · February 15th, 2015 White Pine Church: 1st Thursday Adoration 9am-7pm With Spanish mass 7-8pm Thursdays Holy Hour 7-8pm PARISH & MISSION STAFF Saint Mary MASS SCHEDULE White Pine Canyon Church Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9:30am 5:30pm Domingo 1:00pm 1st Saturday of Month 8:00am Saturdays or by appointment: Confessions 4:30pm Old Town Chapel Sunday 8:00am Weekdays 8:00am Domingo Sunday Saint Lawrence 8:45am 11:15am PARISH MINISTRIES See the website or call the office for a list of parish ministries. Pastor: Fr. Stan Herba [email protected] Associate Pastor: Fr. Jorge Roldán [email protected] Adult Faith Formation & RCIA: Deacon Tom Tosti [email protected] Marriage Preparation: Deacon Bob Hardy [email protected] Parish Secretary: Bobbie Wolbach [email protected] Dir. of Religious Ed. & Confirmation: Sandy Foley [email protected] Religious Education and Bulletin: Stacey Alvarado [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Scheduling & Religious Ed.: Joan Ziter [email protected] Parish Calendar & Baptism Information: Erick Alvarado [email protected] Hispanic Coordinator, Religious Education: Nancy Mejia [email protected] St.Mary’s Youth Ministtry Dianne Longo [email protected] Children’s Liturgy Isabelle Day Music Director: Joe Demers [email protected] Saint Lawrence Administrator: Karen Hibl [email protected] Dir. Of Religious Ed.: Julianne Wunder [email protected] SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 1505 W. WHITE PINE CANYON RD, PARK CITY, UT 84060 435-649-9676 Parish News: Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th* 8am mass with Ashes 12:00pm ashes service 5:30pm ashes service 7pm bilingual mass with ashes *all masses/services will be held at 1505 White Pine Canyon Rd Knights of Columbus Council 1129 will be having it’s first Fish Fry Dinner on Feb. 27th from 5:307:00pm in the Parish Center. This is the second Friday of Lent and afterwards you can attend the Stations of the Cross at church. Cost for the fish and chips will be $8.00 for an adult and $25.00 for a family. Tickets will go on sale Feb. 14. St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council will host a Newcomer’s Reception after the 5:30 mass on Saturday, Feb. 28th at the Rectory. If you are new to St. Mary’s, please plan on coming to this annual event. This is a fine opportunity to meet other parishioners and to enjoy some delicious appetizers. All ages, including children, are invited to attend. St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Dance Both events will take place on March 14, 2015 in the Parish Center from 6:30pm11:00pm. Music by DJ Direct playing all your favorite Irish tunes. Tickets on sale after mass in the gathering space. NEW!! Lighthouse Media reflection CD. The parish recently added new reflection CD’s. This week: The Mass Explained Inspiring speaker Fr. Larry Richards presents exciting and powerful insights into the history, spirituality, and biblical foundations of the Liturgy of the Eucharish. He opens the door for us to enter more profoundly into this most perfect prayer and unite our offering with that of the priest. This will change the way you experience this most sacred of all mysteries, the source and summit of our lives. Red Offering Candles in Church A suggested $3.00 donation is recommended when lighting an offering for a loved one. If during office hours M-Th. 8:30am — 5:00pm there are no available candles, stop by the administrative offices for assistance. YOUTH FAITH FORMATION CORNER Faith Formation Classes (September—May) Class Start dates: Sunday 11:00 am and Sunday 4:00 pm—Sept. 7. Monday and Tuesday—Sept. 29 and 30. Kindergarten—Grade 5: Sun 11:00am-12:15pm and Mon 4:00pm-5:15pm and Tues 6:00pm-7:15pm Grade 6—Grade 8: Sun 11:00am-12:15pm and 4:00pm-5:15pm Confirmation Grade 9—12: Sun Evenings once a month (call for schedule) Special Sacraments—First Communion Gr. 3-8: Tues 6:00-7:15pm Registration is closed for 2014—See you next year! NO Classes: Feb. 15, 16, 17 and 22nd. Classes resume Feb. 23 First Reconciliation: First Reconciliation in English was held on Wed. Feb. 11th. Call Religious Ed. as soon as possible if you need to reschedule, 435-940-5456. Confirmation: Next confirmation classes will be held on March 8th. This is the Confirmation Retreat, ALL CANDIDATES MUST ATTEND!! Students need to arrive no later than 11:30 am in the Social hall. The retreat concludes after the 5:30 pm mass. All parents and local sponsors are invited to attend the 5:30 pm Sunday, March 8th mass. For Service Hours look below under Youth Group YOUTH GROUP (GR 9-12): CREW– Confirmed Radically Empowered Witnesses for High School Youth!! Would you like to be a CREW leader? Lead, Plan, Gather, Praise! Contact Dianne and become a part of the CREW Team! Service Hours Opportunity: There is an opportunity to volunteer in SLC at Kids Feeding Kids on Feb. 21st. Our time slot to volunteer is 1-3pm. Please Contact Dianne or Sandy if you would like to Volunteer March 1st Teen Seder Dinner will be held after the 5:30pm mass. Ever wondered what the Last Supper was like or what some of the meanings of the items used where? Please Join us! Start getting your DODGEBALL team ready! 1st Annual Dodge ball Tournament will be held at St. Mary’s on March. 28th. For grades 612. Times and information on the bulletin board in the gathering space of the Church! MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENTS: Lauri Hawkins 619-548-1746 [email protected] 2 l St. Mary of the Assumption · Park City, UT SAINT MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION • 1505 W. WHITE PINE CANYON RD., PARK CITY, UT 84060 • 435-649-9676 Monthly Food Bank Collection Our food bank is need of your help. Every donation is greatly appreciated but we are still in need of both food and help. We do a food collection the first weekend of the month. Suggested Items: Dry Pinto beans, White rice, 5 lbs flour, cereal, Mac/cheese, tuna, Ramen soup, spaghetti, pasta, canned fruit, canned whole corn, 1 gal. Freezer Ziploc bags. Volunteers are needed every other Tuesday from 2-4pm, as well as backup volunteers. If interested call Jeanne 435-640-6335 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE February 21st & 22nd Saturday 5:30pm Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers ST. MARY’S INTENTIONS February 14-20, 2015 Sat 5:30pm Repose of the Soul of Joseph Vecchi Sun 8:00am Repose of the Soul of Grant Nathanson by Loretta Archer Sun 9:30am Repose of the Soul of Patricia Wright (Sister of John Wright) by The Sisters of Holy Cross Sun 1:00pm Special Intentions for the People of St. Mary’s Sun 5:30pm Repose of the Soul of Ann Blocksom Mon 8:00am Repose of the Soul of Salvador Barranco Tues 8:00am Special Intentions for The Holy Face of Jesus Wed 8:00am Repose of the Soul of Jacquie Miller by Evelyn Richards Thur 8:00am Special Intentions for the People of St. Mary’s Fri. 8:00am Repose of the Soul of Gail Winn Usher Sunday 8:00am Lector Eucharistic Minister Usher Sunday 9:30am Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers Usher Children’s Liturgy Sunday 5:30pm Lector Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers PRAYER LIST Continue to Remember in Prayer our Sick: Mike Renard, Don Whitney, Ryder Sternagel, Susan Brooks, Ann Figone, Debbie Sgambato( Sister of Joe Sgambato), Tessa Howard (Friend of Jane Spellman), Joni Carrillo-Harry, Jim Skelton, Andy Washington, Bethany Wunder, Ron Duffaut, Jeannine Carroll-Palmer (sister of Jennifer Carroll), Sister Karen. If you have an announcement for the bulletin please make sure to contact Stacey Alvarado at [email protected] or at 435-940-5456, before Tuesday at noon. Usher Chris Rutkowski Jamie & Kathy Brotherton, Patti Wells Samuel Butcher, Cody Rutkowski, Volunteer Caleb Rutkowski Fred Strasser Eileen & Terence Mullane, Jane Osterhaus Pam Strasser Ryan Sternagel Barry Brown, Katherine Mickler, Teresa Peck David & Hans Dellenbach, Hale Nickell Matthew Smith Not Scheduled Sara Hutchinson Dan Janiga, Julia Loughlin, Volunteer Molly & William McNamara, Volunteer Volunteer ***You can find the current weeks schedule in the Sacristy Reminder to Parish Ministries: If your ministry requires the use of the parish facilities, you MUST SUMBIT a calendar request form to the parish office. The office does not accept call-in requests or day of requests. Calendar Requests must be submitted prior to events and meetings for liability insurance records and to keep space from being double booked. Keep in mind that if the date, space and time are available on the webpage calendar, it does not automatically guarantee your request is approved. Calendar Request forms are available on the St. Mary's webpage under the calendar tab or in the parish office. Thank you in advance. February 15th, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 3 Pastoral Care of the sick and homebound: If you or a family member wants to receive communion at home on a regular, temporary basis or when a family member is hospitalized, please contact the Parish Office @ 435-649-9676 so that we can arrange a pastoral visit. Hospital Visits: The priests, deacons and lay ministers do their best to visit parishioners who are hospitalized. However, due to new and very strict privacy policies, hospitals no longer automatically inform parishes when a parishioner is admitted. We will be able to visit only if notified by the individual or family. Individuals in SLC hospitals may be visited by a pastoral care member from the area not necessarily from St. Mary’s. Communion to the Homebound: Holy Communion is brought to those who are sick or unable to go to church on a regular basis due to disability or age. Saint Mary of the Assumption Diocesan Development Drive 2014 This year’s progress as of 12/31/2014 Pledge Goal Pledged Paid Donors $78,409 $72,251 $70,708 169 Last year’s progress as of 12/31/2013 Pledge Goal Pledged Paid Donors $77,250 $79,143 $76,978 197 PARISH TITHING FOR February 8, 2015 (Fiscal year July 1st thru June 30th) Around the Diocese A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is like Spring-time. It’s a weekend of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special than it already is– call now! 801-479-3197 or visit our website at By joining the EFT program you can continue the success the program has brought to St Mary's by improving and stabilizing our financial status on a monthly basis to meet the many needs of the parish. Please consider signing up for this very worthwhile program. EFT forms are available on the back of the parish registration form available in the gathering space.. We graciously accept checking account numbers from our parishioners who are partial year residents, and out of town guests and visitors as well! Contact Bobbie at 435-649-9676 for more information. The Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City is committed to protecting children and young people. If you believe that a child has been subject to abuse and the victim is under age 18 at the time of the report, contact the Division of Child and Family Services at 800-678-9399 or the nearest law enforcement agency. In addition, if the alleged abuser is employed by or is a volunteer for the diocese or if the victim is now age 18 years or older or if the abuse occurred on diocesan property, please contact the Diocesan Pastoral Center at 801-328-8641. 4 l St. Mary of the Assumption · Park City, UT INCOME Parishioner Contributions $ 5,741.00 Visitor or Cash Contributions $ 3,775.00 EFT & CC Contributions $ 2,000.00 Building Fund $ 1,242.00 Building Fund EFT & CC Contributions $ 521.00 Old Town $ 260.00 WEEKLY TOTALS $ 13,539.50 Income $ 123,802.50 Expense $ 65,415.41 Income/Expense $ 58,387.09 Assistance $ 1,334.92 Catholic School Subsidy $ 4,199.63 MONTHLY OPERATING FOR DECEMBER CHARITY PAID BOLETIN DE EL MES FEBRERO 2015 Santa María de la Asunción Y San Lorenzo AVISOS PARA LAS COMUNIDADES DE HEBER, PARK CITY, Y COALVILLE Park City Lectores y Ministros de la Eucaristía Miércoles de cenizas 18 de Febrero 8am– Misas con Cenizas -Ingles 2pm– Servicio con Cenizas– Ingles 5:30pm– Servicio con Cenizas -Bilingüe Lectores: 15 de Feb. 22 de Feb. Juan Carlos Laura Patino Raul Anna Carreto Ministros de la Eucaristía: Delia Mingura Marcelino Jaurrieta Felipe Hernandez Irma Jaurrieta Olivia Nava Daisy Barboza Heber Miércoles de cenizas 18 de Febrero 6pm– distribución de cenizas 7pm– Misa con cenizas Se les anima a los niños y jóvenes que asistan Estaciones de la Cruz 20 de Feb. hasta el 27 de Marzo A las 6pm Adoración del Santísimo y Confesiones 1ero de Marzo INFORMACIÓN DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA: Santa Maria Primera Reconciliación: el 25 de Feb. Apellidos entre A-M a las 6:00pm Y apellidos entre N-Z a las 7:00pm NO habrá clases el 15, 16, 17 ni el 22 de Febrero. Clases comienzan el 23 de Feb. Padres: Las entrevistas para la reconciliación están por terminar. Si usted aun no tiene cita o no a recogido sus materiales hable a la oficina lo mas pronto posible al 435-940-5456. Confirmación: La próxima clase para la confirmación será el 8 de Marzo. Esta clase será el retiro para los jóvenes en la confirmación, TODOS LOS CANDIDATOS DEBEN ASISTIR!! Los jóvenes no deben llegar mas tarde de las 11:30am al salón grande en el centro parroquial. El retiro termina después de la misa de las 5:30pm. Se les invita a todos los padres y padrinos locales que asistan a la misa de las 5:30pm, domingo, 8 de Marzo. Grupo para Jóvenes (Grados 9-12) Recientemente un grupo para jóvenes se a formado en nuestra parroquia. Se le gustaría mas información sobre el grupo de jóvenes por favor de hablar con Dianne Longo, quien es la directora del grupo, O con Stacey Alvarado si tiene preguntas. Nos puede contactar al 435-940-5456 Hay mas información sobre las actividades para jovenes en Ingles en la pagina 2 del boletín. Platicas Pre-Bautismales: Si vas a bautizar a tu hijo(a) o vas a ser padrino necesitas tomar las clases pre-bautismales. Para ello necesitas registrarte con anticipación. Visítanos o llama a la oficina de Santa María al 435-649-9676 o comunícate con Gracie y Roberto Cortes al 435-565-3142 Confesiones: 5:15pm Adoración al Santísimo es el primer Sábado de cada mes. Misa en Heber es Los Miércoles a las 7:00pm. El padre también esta disponible para consejos y confesiones a las 6:15pm. Para hacer una cita con el padre llame a la oficina 435-654-4035 Heber City : Educación Religiosa No habrá clases de catecismo el 15, 16 y 18 de Febrero Primera Reconciliación es el 28 de Febrero. Reunión de padres de confirmación obligatoria, Martes, 17 de Feb. 6:00pm. Un padre debe de atender a la reunión. No es necesario que el joven en la confirmación asista. TARIFAS DE EDUCACION YA SE DEBE PAGAR! Los padres de con niños en educación religiosa deben ser voluntarios en las clases por lo menos una hora. Por favor hable con la catequista para anotarse. Se ha creado un fondo de becas en la Iglesia Católica de San Lorenzo para dos estudiantes que se gradúen en el 2015. Esta beca será para pagar parte de la colegiatura u otras necesidades educativas y se pagara directamente al colegio o escuela técnica para el otoño del 2015. Las aplicaciones estarán disponibles en el pagino web de San Lorenzo en, haga clic en el enlace de San Lorenzo. Los estudiantes interesados deben presentar su solicitud por correo a mas tardar el 1ero de Abril, 2015. Los tres candidatos que mejor apliquen serán entrevistado por el Padre Stan Herba. Este. El proceso de selección sera objetivo y sin discriminación. Se les presentar las becas a los dos estudiantes en nuestro picnic parroquial La Diócesis Católica de Salt Lake City se ha comprometido a proteger a los niños y jóvenes. Si usted cree que un niño ha sido objeto de malos tratos y la víctima es menor de 18 años en el momento del informe, póngase en contacto con la División de Servicios para Niños y Familias en el 800-678-9399 o en la agencia de aplicación de la ley más cercana. Además, si el presunto abusador es empleado o un voluntario de la diócesis o si la víctima ahora es de 18 años o mayor de esa edad o si el abuso ocurrió en la propiedad de la diócesis, por favor llamen a 801-328-8641. February 15th, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5 ST. LAWRENCE MISSION • 5 S 100 W, PO BOX 262, HEBER, UT 84032 • 435-654-4035 Confessions: Wed: 6:15, First Saturday each month, 5:15 pm Adoration o/t Blessed Sacrament: First Saturday, 8am-7pm CCD: K-3rd; Year 1 Confirm 8th-9th, Sun 10:00 -11:00 am 4th-7th; Special Sacrament 5th-7th, Mon 6:30-7:30 pm 1st-3rd; Special Sacrament 3rd-4th ,Wed 6:30-7:30 pm Office Hours:. M— F: 9 a.m.—12 p.m. Administrator........................................................... Karen Hibl Director of Religious Education ................... Julianne Wunder Religious Education Hispanic Coordinator... Connie Jauregui Thrift Store .......... Sue Carlton– 657-0209, Wed - Sat. 10-6 pm ASH WEDNESDAY February 18 6 pm Ash Distribution 7 pm Ash Wednesday Mass STATIONS OF THE CROSS February 20—March 27 6 pm, Fridays WELCOME TO ALL NEW PARISHIONERS So many new and friendly faces. Please fill out a registration form found in the back of church. Turn into office or mail it to PO Box 262, Heber UT 84032., click on Saint Lawrence link. St Lawrence Women's Group The Sunshine Group assists in need during illnesses: meals, ride to doctor, or help clean up a little. Contact Susanne Fagot [email protected]. 435 602-9230 Need to use a room at St. Lawrence? Our church is busy throughout the week. To ensure there is no conflict, reserve with Karen 654 4035 CONTINUE TO REMEMBER IN PRAYER OUR SICK: Frank Sutera, Rocky Mountain Care, Santé Assisted Living, The Abbington Assisted Living and Memory Care Book Club will meet Feb 27, 7 pm. Pick up a copy of Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly in the back and read thru page 66. Plenty of time to join us for discussion and dessert! 11 DAY ITALY PILGRIMAGE VENICE * FLORENCE * ASSISI * ROME NAWAS International Oct 12-22, 2015 Price is $3,959/person. Includes airfare, taxes and fuel surcharges, hotels, two meals per day. A Priest will be traveling with you. For more information, contact our own Lee Ann Ammons: [email protected] Marriage Moment Lent begins this Wednesday. Sure, celebrate Mardi Gras on Tuesday but start thinking now of a meaningful Lenten practice. Why not choose at least one penance that you will both do. It can reinforce your decision and bond you in a common effort. Parent Pointers " I establish my covenant with you." (Genesis 9:11) God's covenant with Noah was a solemn promise. Talk with your child(ren) today about what it means to make a promise. Is it ever OK to break a promise? By Susan Vogt, Bulletin Deadline Mon.,11 a.m. Submit: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mandatory Confirmation Parent Meeting Tues, Feb 17, 6:00 pm. At least one parent must attend. It is not necessary for the confirmation candidate to attend. No Classes Feb 15, 16, 18 Ash Wednesday All Students are encouraged to attend. First Reconciliation, February 28th. Tuition is DUE. Parents Volunteers are required at least one hour in their child's class. Please see your child's catechist to sign up. Your child’s Faith Formation doesn’t stop after sacrament. Please continue their religious education throughout their entire schooling years. If your child is in school, they should be attending Religious Ed. ST. LAWRENCE FACEBOOK PAGE 228489127303543 6 l St. Mary of the Assumption · Park City, UT When do I Serve? Sunday, February 22, 2015 Lector Fagot Eucharistic Minister Brandner, Whitehead Children’s Liturgy Ammons Counting Collection Team Huhn, Ammons Parish Stewardship (For the budget year, July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015) February 1, 2015 Weekly collection ............................................... $ 1,571 Weekly budget goal ............................................ $ 1,375 Year to date collection ........................................ $49,510 Year to date goal ................................................. $56,575 Mass Intentions for the week of February 15, 2015 Special Intentions for the people of St. Lawrence Stations of the Cross February 20, 2015, 6 pm Followed by the Knights of Columbus’ Fish Fry Menu: Fish, Fries, Coleslaw and dessert Donation only Newly Established Saint Lawrence Catholic Church Scholarship Fund has two $500.00 Scholarships for 2015 Graduating Seniors for Fall of 2015. Applications will be available on the St. Lawrence Web Site at Click on the link for St. Lawrence. Interested seniors must submit their application by mail no later than April 1st, 2015. Top 3 candidates will be interviewed by Father Stan Herba. This selection process will be objective, non biased and non discriminatory. Two seniors will be awarded their scholarships at our Parish Picnic. We are so excited to be able to provide this support to our graduating seniors. Sincerely, The Saint Lawrence Scholarship Committee (Contact Renee with questions: [email protected]) The Diocesan Development Drive is a parishwide appeal to support not only the parishes but the ministries, programs and services offered by the Diocese. Through faith motivated generosity, individuals have the opportunity to support a wide range of ministries that individual parishes cannot provide. These ministries have a positive impact on the Catholic Community throughout the state of Utah. The 2015 DDD began on Sunday Feb. 1st. All registered parishioners will receive a packet from Bishop Wester outlining how they can participate. Supplemental information is also available at your parish. Real Estate Loans & Trust Deed Investments with Superior Returns Parishioner Full Service, Clean, Locally Owned and Operated Grocery Store Featuring U.S.D.A. Prime Beef, the Freshest Produce and Boar’s Head Meats and Corey Curwick Dutton, MBA • 435-655-1190 Cheeses sliced to your liking. Contact Bill Clough to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2635 “The account we manage has outperformed the S&P 500 by 438% since 2001!” Harvey Sax, Fund Manager 435-658-1934 • Custodied at J.P.Morgan Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. Gustafson Legal Services pllc Monica Hall Gustafson Attorney at Law Snow Removal & Landscaping • Full line property maintenance • Custom landscape • Patios • Boulder work “Peace of Mind Estate Planning” Trusts - Wills - Free Consultations Licensed & Insured Residential - Commercial Phone: (435) 513-2190 [email protected] Guillermo Tiscareno, Owner / Parishioner Purchase our fresh roasted coffees at grocery stores throughout Utah, local ski resorts and at our cafe! 1680 West Ute Boulevard Park City 435-647-9097 (435) 901-3962 [email protected] Parishioner since 2001 OLPIN-HOOPES Funeral Home, Inc. (435) 654-1161 Intermountain Mortgage Company, Inc. NMLS #74889 Great Rates • Great Loans • Great Lender Locally Owned Residential Loan Office ffice Purchase - Construction Primary Residence - Second Home Serving Park City with “Old Fashioned Warmth & Sincerity, since 1928” Rob Karz - Parishioner 435-649-6660 NMLS#112938 [email protected] When was the last time your retirement portfolio had an independent review? We Solve the Problems that Financial Planners & Wall Street Create Schedule your Free one on one Coaching Session! Parishioner Bill Mullen, Managing Member, CFP®, MBA Investor Coach-Fee Only 1389 Center Drive Suite 200 Park UT 84098 435-655-0508 (0) • 801 916-7283 (C) • [email protected] Investment Advisory Services Offered Through Mullennium Finance LLC. A Utah Licensed Investment Advisor. FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM B 4C 05-0431 ST.MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION, PARK CITY, UT 02-06-2015 16:21:07 435.649.0555 • 800.561.9665 Doug and Margie Hollinger [email protected] P.O. Box 1232 • 558 Main Street Park City, Utah 84060 Parishioners Summit Piano Services Karl Salzer Dr. James Abraham tuning repairs regulation 435 671-6689 [email protected] Parishioner Over 25 Years Experience Complimentary Spa Treatments with every dental visit Katrina Authement Andre Tita Residential/Commercial New Const. - Remodels - Custom Wood Licensed - Insured - Bonded Free Estimates (801) 942-3030 AGENT Parishioner Since 2001 Dr. Greg Carr Owned and Operated by NRT LLC 435-640-1488 (cell) 801-488-5347 (office) 1526 Ute Blvd, Ste. 212, Park City, UT 84098 (435) 615-8500 650 West 100 South Heber City, UT 84032 Remodeling & Repair Contractor Phone: 435-654-2133 Remodeling Specialist, Paint and Custom Homes Licensed & Insured Residential - Commercial Phone: (435) 513-2190 [email protected] Guillermo Tiscareno, Owner / Parishioner St. Lawrence Parishioner A REAL ESTATE BROKER YOU’LL SWEAR BY... NOT AT! !"#$%&'(&)&*+",-*.$/(-01&2$%&)-13,-*.$"*4$%&+3(*$/(&'"(",-* Frank Dunleavy, CPA 5("*6$73*1&"89 4th Generation Local 26 Years Broker Experience :&(,;&4$/301<=$>==-3*+"*+ /"(<)?<-*&( • !"#$%&'()"*+%*(,%-./0"1.-%*$(*%(23/4(5)+%6/"1.4%(74%5(18.4%5+%*$.% % % .,6./9-.%#("7.4%:/3;%7.(/)+%*$/..%4.1(4.-%3:%('4"97#%<=>%6/3#/(;-%(74 (190"9.-%:3/%*$.%?@>@%A.6(/*;.7*%3:%*$.%B/.(-'/+@ • C'*$3/"D.4%<=>%.EF).%G/30"4./@ • H/..%"7"9()%137-')*(937@ • H/..%('4"*%/.6/.-.7*(937%(74%.EF)"7#%:3/%*$.%/.*'/7-%I.%6/.6(/.@ Contact Bill Clough to place an ad today! [email protected] JK1.%L*3))%:/..MN%OPPEOQRESTUV%%%%%%.E;(")N%:/(78W4'7).(0+16(@13; X.))N%PYRE%TQVEYOZP%%%%%%[.5N%III@4'7).(0+16(@13;%%%%%%H(,N%PYREQOREOZQV or (800) 950-9952 x2635 Gene Atkinson • Parishioner 435-640-5444 A Cut Above Lawn Care VITO’S Residential & Commercial WEEKLY LAWN MAINTENANCE SNOW REMOVAL IItalian taalian Ristorante ta Ris Rist Ri Risto ist sto to Lawn Aeration • Fertilization • Weeding & Planting • Sprinkler Repair • Activation & Blowout • Daily Trash Service HEBER’S HEBE HE BER’ BE R’ NEWEST ST DINING DININ TREASURE! 1399 N Ma 13 Main Main, in,, Heber, in He UT • 435-654-7475 43 TOM WUJKOWSKI Parishioner Since 2008 Cell: (435) 230-0045 • Office: (435) 783-5690 BUILD A DELICIOUS DUO 2 MEDIUM PIZZAS MIX & MATCH 4 TOTAL TOPPINGS “Your Community Funeral Home” $ Many families have already experienced the difference. Beautiful new facility, family owned and operated, exceptional personalized service, and the most affordable prices. 699 each 1680 W Ute Boulevard (By the Post Office) Park City 435-649-3838 110 S Main St Heber City 435-654-3636 Se habla Espanol Located in the Heber Valley! 435-654-5959 PIZZAHUT.COM Mention this ad and get a FREE 2 Liter or order of Breadsticks with any order over $10.00 FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 05-0431 ST.MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION, PARK CITY, UT 02-06-2015 16:21:07
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