FEBRUARY 8, 2015 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time OUR LADY of GUADALUPE Pastor Fr. Gerardo (Jerry) Arano-Ponce Deacon Raymond Delgado Office Manager Margaret Ortiz Parish Secretary Nadia Colorado Religious Ed. Director Mary Ann Pickering Church Masses Daily Tuesday thru Friday/Martes a Viernes 8:00am Wednesday 6:30pm (Spanish) Saturday/4:00pm (English) /6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday/Domingo: 8:00am, 10:00am (English), 1:00pm OLG (Spanish) Office Hours/Horas de oficina: Monday-Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm School web .....holyfamilytopeka.org East: K-8, 1725 NE Seward Ave. School Phone .................. (785)234-8980 School Fax ...................... (785)234-6778 Email [email protected] West: Pre-School, 210 NE Branner School Phone .................. (785)233-9171 Email ........ [email protected] Confessions Wednesday 5:15-6:15pm, Saturday 2:30pm to 3:30 pm, or anytime by appointment if needed/ Miércoles 5:156:15pm, Sábado de 2:30pm a 3:30pm, o por cita si necesita. Marriages arrangements must be made with the pastor at least six months prior to the planned date. Planes de Matrimonio llame al Sacerdote. Quinceañeras Arrangements need to be made with the church office six months prior to planned date./Acuerdos necesitan hacerse en la oficina parroquial por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha planeada. Communion Calls if anyone is sick at home for a period of time, please notify the parish office. Declaration of Nullity Please call the parish office at (785)232-5088 Baptism Preparation Session Second Sunday of every month at 11:00am English and 3:00pm Spanish. Call Parish Office to register./Segundo Domingo de cada mes a las 11:00am en ingles y 3:00pm en español. Llame para registrarse. Anointing of the Sick For the Sacrament of the Sick please call the parish office. Office Phone .......... (785)232-5088 Emergency Evening Office Fax .............. (785)232-8834 Phone ....................... (785)215-6113 E-mail .......... [email protected] Web Page ....... www.olg-parish.org 201 NE CHANDLER STREET ● TOPEKA, KS 66616 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN 2 A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 Please remember Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in your will. Our legal title is: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church Topeka, 201 NE Chandler St., Topeka, KS 66616. † Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Mission, March 8-11, 2015 7:00pm Parish Mission Prayer MASSES FOR THE WEEK Tue Wed 2/10 2/11 Thurs 2/12 Fri 2/13 Sat 2/14 Sun 2/15 8:00am 8:00am 6:30pm 8:00am 8:00am 4:00pm Louis Ser r ano Daniel Adame Por los Inmigrantes For Deceased Pr iests For the Childr en Melesia Y Severo Marmolejo Henry Hernandez 6:00pm Por las Religiosas 8:00am John & Hazel Rocha 10:00am J ovita & Manuel Martinez & DFM Albert Valdivia, Mary Torrez 1:00pm Car men Cor tez 5th Anniversary To register in the Parish: we welcome anyone interested in being an active member of our parish. Please call the Parish Office at 232-5088 and an introductory letter and information regarding the registration process will be sent to you. All praise and glory are yours Loving Father, maker and ruler of the universe. We praise you for calling us to be your people, your beloved sons and daughters. Guide our community as we try to follow Jesus, fill us with love for those in need of our help, and open our hearts to all. Let your Spirit teach us to serve in love and to praise you by our work and worship. Bless our Parish Mission. May each of us in the Parish receive the grace we most need during this Mission. May those who no longer pray with us be anointed with your Holy Spirit and join us again. Father of all, we praise you through Jesus Christ our Brother, in the love of your Holy Spirit, now and forever, Amen Who is a parishioner? One who is r egister ed and regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish and demonstrates support of the parish mission by completing and fulfilling and annual commitment of time, treasure and talent. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 2/14/15 & 2/15/15 Saturday 4:00pm Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am Sunday 10:00 am Sunday 1:00pm Lectors Alice Chavez Lola Delgado Jeimy Perez Haide Juarez Roxanne Ortiz Celia Vega Mark Torrez Christy Gross Angeles Escobar Jose Luis Marquez Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Deacon Ray Mary Rios Crump Maria Stever Deacon Ray Sister Juanita Margaret Vasquez Deacon Ray Dominic Rodriguez Victor Rodriguez Roberto Moreno Angelica Puente Mary Castro Mass Servers TBA Marisol & Mirella Marcelo Lourdes & Victoria Rodriguez Lizbeth Orantes, Lupita Alvarez Lourdes Treviso Nazaria Galicia Bernarda Reyes Isabel Lopez OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 Over 100 Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration January 25, 2015 Weekly Collection: Envelopes Plate Building Debt Reduction Misc. Centennial Fund Boiler Total 3 $7,163.00 $1,518.92 $755.00 $259.00 $150.00 $45.00 $658.64 $10,549.56 Parish Operations Fiscal Year 07-01-14 thru 6-30-15 Total income wk. 31 $469,317.83 Disbursements $362,510.68 Net cash collected $106,807.15 Total Unpaid Assessments ($67,961.76) (Obligation to Archdiocese & Leaven, Loan Balance of Activity Center $1,049,597.97 In two weeks, Our Lady of Guadalupe parishioners will be experiencing one of the most powerful events in their life. It is transforming. Do you need a jumpstart in your spiritual life? Reserve these dates and times: Friday, Feb 20th, 6-9:45pm, come early (5:30) to enjoy a light meal before the retreat begins. Saturday, Feb 21st, 8am6pm, 7:30 breakfast and lunch will be provided. Sunday, Feb. 22nd, 8am-6pm, 7:30 breakfast and lunch provided, a special Mass at 5pm for participants and their families. To register, forms are available at the church entrances. Drop in the offering baskets or fax: 232-8834. You can also call Virginia Cardenas at 383-0402, Maria Ortiz at 286-3418, Rita Ortiz at 608-3259, Susan Rodriguez at 379-1864, Andrea Valdez at 554-3637, Mark Torrez at 220-1449 or the parish office at 232-5088. Baptismal Prep Classes are offered by the parish for all parents, to help you prepare for the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism. Come learn why infant Baptism is the norm in the Church. Also, plan to attend the class before the birth of your child, and you will be glad you did! There is no fee for the class. Please call the church office to register at 785-232-5088. English classes on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:00am in the activity center. 13. St Vincent de Paul would make a Holy Hour asking the Lord blessings on important business transactions and, afterwards, returned to thank the Lord. ( St. Vincent de Paul) 14. During our Holy Hour our souls are fed in two faculties of the spirit - the Mind and the Will. In the Mind we need light; in the Will we need strength. (Fr. John Hardon) 15. By being faithful to a Holy Hour of Adoration you can teach by example. “The young should be taught the value of Eucharistic Adoration.” (Blessed John Paul II) Eucharistic adorers: Our Lord gives us peace and gifts of the Holy Spirit as we pray and spend time with Him. We are blessed with having our perpetual adoration chapel. Please Contact Angel & Mary Valdivia at 273-1629 for guardian hours from 6:00am-12:00 noon, Marcus & Monica Ramirez at 273-8448 from 12:00 noon-6:00pm, John & Lupe Jaramillo at 234-5936 from 6:00pm-midnight, and Monica & Marcus Ramirez from midnight-6:00am.Hours currently open: Sunday; 2:00am, Monday; 1:00am, 2:00am, Tuesday; 1:00am, 2:00am, Wednesday; 12;00pm, Thursday; 12:00am, Saturday; 2:00am. Please pray fort the sick of the Parish, and all our Military Troops,/ Por favor de orar por los enfermos de la parroquia y todos en las Fuerzas Armadas: Jennifer Delci, John Marlin, Lesa Martinez, Patrick Hernandez, Margaret Toledo-Lopez, Maria Mendoza, Lisa Motto, Gloria Ruddy, Anna Rose, Anna Hernandez-Reid, Sarah Martinez, Liliana Gonzales, Carol Hernandez, Gerry Gauthier, Sue Garcia Casebier, Russell Adam, Donna Rodgers, Danielle Ritter, Ali Rivera, Jayden Moore, Tom Shump, Olivia Johnson, Gene Torres, Daniel de Jesus Anguiano Cedeno Jr., Enrique Garcia, Tomee Flores Bradberry, Joseph Cervantes, Shirley Green, David M. Hernandez, Steve Dominguez, Uriel Muñoz, Mary Frances Dallen, Riley Robinson, Aiven Burkhart, Davonta Martinez, Heather Richardson, John Marr, Brayan Cervantes, Virginia Ramos, Molly Ann Motto, Brian Burkett, Martin Ortiz Jr., Guillermina G. Lopez, John Padilla, Mike Guerrero, Molly Neal, Leocadia Navarro, Jason Blancas, Feliciano Canares, Raul Perez Torrez, Elizabeth Adame, Ana Villegas, Marcelino Chavez, Reese Lord, Pabla Soto, Virginia Ferrero, Debbie Lindsay, Sevarina Padilla, Joe Adame, Gus Valdivia, Roland Alonzo, Tony Servantez. HOLY FAMILY UPCOMING EVENTS Kindergarten Roundup When: Fr iday, Febr uar y 11th Where: Holy Family Catholic School, East campus Who: Any child who tur ns 5 on or befor e Aug. 31st Time: 8:30am or 12 noon. What to bring: State bir th cer tificate, baptismal cer tificate and current immunization record. 4 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 Se van a comenzar a formar clases par a bautismos para niños y niñas de 7 años de edad en adelante. Habrá una junta informativa el 16 de Marzo a las 6:30pm en la escuela de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Por favor de asistir a esta junta, ahí le darán la información necesaria para asistir a las clases. Para mas información puede comunicarse con Amalia Corona al 785-845-1228. Estamos aceptando aplicaciones para la Realeza de la Fiesta 2015. Se parte de una larga historia y tradición de la Fiesta Mexicana durante la celebración Centenaria de Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe. Puede recoger su solicitud en la oficina de la iglesia, o para mas información comuníquese con Bridget Martínez al 633-4492, Leslie Marshno al 554-6877 o en español con Griselda Martínez al 207-4025. Estaremos también aceptando nominaciones para candidatos de Realeza. Si usted se sienta a lado de un joven o jovencita en la iglesia y usted los ve ayudando en la iglesia y piensa que serian un buen candidato para Rey o Reina, llámenos con el nombre de ellos para ver si estarían interesados. Requisitos para ser candidato: deben tener entre16-22 años de edad, solteros, y sin hijos. También puede bajar una aplicación del sito de la red de la iglesia: www.olg-parish.org EVENTOS DE LA ESCUELA HOLY FAMILY Matrimonios en Victoria– se lleva acabo todos los sábados de 7:30-9:30pm en el sótano del centro de actividades. Es para matrimonios casados y parejas. Hay formación para los niños. Para mas detalles comuníquese con Hans & Ana Lewin al 785-806-6218 o 785-806-6730. Guardián del santísimo: Nuestro Señor nos da paz y dones del Espíritu Santo al orar y pasar tiempo con El. Somos afortunados en tener las puertas abiertas del santísimo las 24 horas. Por favor, llama a John & Lupe Jaramillo al 234-5936 para horas de guardia de 6:00pm a la media noche, o a Mónica & Marcus de 6:00am– 12:00pm, o a Mónica y Marcus Ramírez al 273– 8448 para horas de guardia de media noche a 6:00am. Horas disponibles: Domingo; 2:00am, Lunes; 1:00am, 2:00am, Martes; 1:00am, 2:00am, Miércoles 12:00pm, Jueves; 12:00am, Sábado; 2:00am. MISION PARROQUIAL CUARESMAL DE NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE, 15 – 18 DE MARZO, 2015 Inscripciones para Kínder Cuando: Vier nes, 11 de Febr er o Donde: Escuela de la Sagr ada Familia Para Quien: Niños/niñas que cumplan 5 años en o antes del 31 de Agosto A que hora: 8:30am o 12 del medio día Que ocupa llevar: Acta de nacimiento del estado, Fe de bautismo, y cartilla de vacunas actual. Clases Bautismales son ofr ecidas por par te de la parroquia para los papas y padrinos, para ayudarles prepararse para la recepción del Sacramento del Bautismo. Ven y aprende el por que bautizar a los bebes es lo normal en la Iglesia. También, haga planes para asistir a la clase antes de que nazca su bebe, y se alegrara de haber lo hecho. No hay ningún costo para las clases. Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 785-232-5088 para registrase. Clases en español son el 2o domingo del mes a las 3pm en el centro de actividades. ORACION PARA LA MISION PARROQUIAL Toda alabanza y gloria es tuya Amoroso Padre, creador y soberano del universo. Te alabamos por llamarnos a ser tu pueblo, tus hijos e hijas amadas. Guía a nuestra comunidad en nuestro intento a seguir a Jesús, llénanos con tu amor asea todos que necesitan tu ayuda, abre nuestros corazones. Deja que tu Espíritu nos enseñe a servir con amor y alabarte por medio de nuestro trabajo y adoración. Bendice nuestra Misión Parroquial. Que cada uno de nosotros en la parroquia recibamos la gracia que mas necesitemos en la Misión. Que los que ya no oran con nosotros sean ungidos por tu Espíritu Santo y vuelvan. Padre de todo, te alabamos por Jesucristo nuestro Hermano, in el amor de tu Espíritu Santo, ahora y siempre, Amen OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH BULLETIN A weekly publication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 201 NE Chandler Street, Topeka, KS, 66616-1196 CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER ~A wedding is a day, a Marriage is a lifetime~ CEE is a weekend designed for couples who are preparing for the Sacramental Marriage in the Catholic Church. While it is spent with other engaged couples, the focus is on private time for the couples to build on a closer relationship. The weekend gives the couple time to discuss their future lives together with their strengths, weaknesses, desires, ambitions, and goals as well as their attitudes about money, children, family intimacy and their role in the church and society. Through a series of presentations by two married couples and a priest, the engaged couple is encouraged to discuss privately all aspects of their forthcoming married life. Their discussion is always form their viewpoint of their own relationship. Personal reflection and dialogue time becomes the main focus of the weekend. Meals with the other couples and some group discussions will provide some group interaction. CEE weekends will be held: Feb 13-15, March 13-15, April 17-19, June 19-21, July 17-19, Sept 18-20, and Nov 13-15. We encourage you to make your reservations at least four months prior to the weeding date you desire, as many weekends are filled quickly. The weekend begins Friday night at 7pm and concludes around 4pm. Sunday following Mass. The couples MUST STAY the entire time to derive the full benefit form the weekend. Certificates of attendance will be presented after Mass. Weekends are held at Savior Pastoral Center in KCK. After the couple returns the reservation form with their check, a postcard is sent to whomever mailed the check showing the assigned weekend. Two weeks before the weekend, a letter is mailed detailing instructions about what you would need to bring and directions to the facility. The cost is $225 per couple, which includes 5 meals, two nights of lodging and all supplies needed. Couples are waiting to get on weekends and availability is limited to the number which can be accommodated, so refunds will only be given if the slot held for you can be filled. Choose a weekend date from those listed below and fill out the reservation for you until payment is made in full. For weekend availability please call the reservation Couple. Frank & Cristal Moley 913-815-3183 or [email protected] Address: Catholic Engaged Encounter, PO Box 992, Olathe, KS 66051-0992 5 REGIONAL NEWS Men Under Construction Catholic Men’s Conference Proclaim it! Spend a day with other men from our archdiocese learning how to better live as a Catholic man of faith. Men Under Construction is a perfect Lenten investment in your spirituality. Featured speakers include Mike Aquilina, Bear Woznick, Adam Blai & Archbishop Naumann. Saturday, February 21, 2015 at the Church of the Ascension, Overland Park, KS. For more information or to register go online at www.ksmuc.org “Living the Discerning Life,” by Fr. Timothy Gallagher, produced by EWTN, will be once again offered by Glory to God Community beginning February 5th and continuing on the first and third Thursdays of each month. These DVD’s make St. Ignatius of Loyola’s teachings on the Discernment of Spirits come alive very comprehensively. We will begin at 7pm to approximately 8:30pm each evening. Refreshments afterwards. Questions call Allan or Vickie Holthaus 785-862-9738. We are now accepting applications for 2015 Fiesta Royalty. Be part of the long history and tradition of the Fiesta Mexicana during Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Centennial celebration year! You can pick up your application in the church office or you can call Bridget Martinez 785-6334492, Leslie Marshno 785-554-6877 or for Spanish inquiries Griselda Martinez 785-207-4025 for more information. We will also accept nominations for Royalty. Maybe you sit by some young person at church or have seen them volunteering at church and think they might make a great King or Queen. Call me with their name and I will contact them and see if we can get them interested in helping Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. All Royalty candidates need to be at least 16 -22, single and without children. Applications can also be downloaded off the parish website: www.olg-parish.org Coping with Life Alone is a Beginning Experience grief support program that meets each week for 7 weeks. The program helps those who have lost a love relationship due to death, divorce or separation, move through the experience of grief and loss into a future with renewed hope. The sessions focus on topics of the grief process, changes in family and other relationships, trust and coping memories of your former spouse. The next program will meet in Topeka on Tuesday evenings: April 7-May19 from 6:459:15pm. For additional information or to register please call Angie at 785-220-7773 or Jerry at 785-766-6497.
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