Catholic Church 8200 Woodman Road • Henrico, VA 23228 • Parish Office: 804-262-7315 Spanish Office: 804-262-7317 • Fax: 804-262-7337 Visit us on the web: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon “Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.” OCTOBER 18, 2015 CLERGY & STAFF Rev. James Begley, Pastor [email protected] Ext. 223 Rev. Marlon Portillo, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Ext. 236 Rev. Mr. Robert H. Griffin, Permanent Deacon [email protected] Ext. 227 Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon [email protected] 262-0283 Kathi-jean Dors, Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 229 Veronica Kennedy, Music Minister Email - [email protected] Ext. 230 Megan Cottam, Coordinator of Religious Education Email - [email protected] Ext. 225 Steven Cottam, Youth Ministry Email - [email protected] Ext. 237 Joan DuFour, Human Concerns Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 228 Kathy Geiser, Parish Records [email protected] Ext. 222 Carl Steiner, Business Manager [email protected] Ext. 224 Don Tomczak, Maintenance [email protected] Ext. 231 Chip Morris, Maintenance [email protected] Ext 231 Bill West, Sexton [email protected] Ext. 231 Spanish Ministry Office Nilda Torres, Spanish Ministry [email protected] Direct Line 262-7317 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday Holy Hour, 6:00 pm Evening Prayer, 6:30 pm Followed by Benediction Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Petitions included in the Book of Prayers will be prayed for collectively once a week. Mass & Reconciliation Schedules Weekend Masses Saturday at 5:30 pm Sunday at 8:30 am & 11:15 am Sunday (Spanish) at 1:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) at 5:00 pm Weekday Masses Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:30 pm Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or by Interpreted for the hearing impaired by Appointment volunteers at 8:30 Mass Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Comboni Missionary Sisters Listening devices available for the hearing impaired at all Masses 1307 Lakeside Ave (804) 262-8827 Mass/Communion Service: Ministries Mon-Fri at 7:00am & Sat at 8:00am Bldgs & Grounds Chip Morris 994-9444 Christian Formation Returning Catholics Peggy Hildebrand 501-0075 RCIA Inquiry Kathy Talley 262-7490 Finance Council Don Brockman 968-4623 Grand Group Open Human Concerns Keith Degnan 559-3603 Advocate for Persons With Disabilities Elaine Schmidt 266-6157 Parish Nurses Open Knights of Columbus Dennis Solari 746-9778 Legion of Mary Lorraine Smith 262-8977 Parish Life Robin Bowling 615-3081 Pastoral Council Sue Berinato 240-1832 Scouts Cub Scouts Bill Forness 433-9234 Girl Scouts Lisa Callahan 277-8176 Stewardship—Open Worship Kathy Talley 262-7490 Our Lady of Lourdes School Visit our website at Principal: Mrs. Casta Childress [email protected] School Office: 804-262-1770 Grades Pre-K through Middle School Weekly Calendar Sunday Oct 18 Monday Oct 19 Tuesday Oct 20 Parish Coffee & Doughnuts after 8:30 am Mass in the SH Hispanic Prayer Morning Mass Group 8:30 am 7-9:00 pm COM Wednesday Oct 21 Thursday Oct 22 Evening Prayer, Morning Mass Adoration & 8:30 am Benediction 6-7:00 pm CH Friday Oct 23 Saturday Oct 24 FF Dance Class 6:30-8:30pm SH Rosary 4:45-5:00 pm CH Library Open to the Public FML 9:30-11:15 am 12:15-12:45pm Bible Study 10-11:30 am FML “Creation of the Stories” 7-8:00 pm COM “Creation of the Stories” 9:30-10:30am COM Library Open to the Public (FML) 5-5:30 pm 6:30-7:00 pm Rel. Ed.- Prek5th Grade 9:45-11:00am SCH KofC Officer Meeting 6-8:30pm SH No Choir Rehearsal This Week FML Open to the Public 1-4:00 pm FML FF Dance 6:30-8:30 pm SH Disability Mtg 10-11:00 am HHD Spanish Mass 6:30 pm CH Spanish Holy Hour 6--7:00 pm CH Hispanic First Communion Classes 11:15-12:30pm MPR RCIA 7-9:00 pm COM Finance Council 6:30-8:00pm FML Youth Group 2:30-4:30pm MPR Spanish Choir Rehearsal 7-9:00 pm CH Legion of Mary 7-9:00 pm HHD Baptism Class 2:30-4:00pm FML Spanish Choir Rehearsal 4-5:00 pm CH Bilingual Sunday Mass 5:00 pm CH Find us on our Facebook page “Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church” Calendar Abbreviations CH - Church COM - Commons FML - Fisher Memorial Library HHD - Healy Hall Dining Room MPR - Multi-purpose Room SCH - School SCH LIB - School Library SH - Social Hall Prayer List Liturgy Mass Intentions for October 20 - 25th Tues 8:30 am Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners Thu 8:30 am Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners Sat 5:30 pm Kenneth C. Walker, Sr. (RIP) Sun 8:30 am Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners Sun 11:15 am Sam Caden (RIP) World Mission Sunday will be celebrated at all Masses this weekend. Traditional clothing from Asian, African and the Middle East will be represented by gift bearers at each of the Masses. Stop in the Commons to view artifacts, maps and traditional finger foods from around the world. Pray for the repose of the soul Frank Forney (RIP) Scripture Readings for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 25, 2015 JER 31:7-9 HEB 5:1-6 MK 10:46-52 Please pray for our loved ones in the Military: PFC William C. Barker, Corporal Robert Beers, Lance Corporal David A. Carter, Sgt. B. J. Compton, SPC. Alan Crosby, Msg. Pfc. Antonio A. Flores, Sgt. John M. Flores, Sgt. Lauro Flores, Lt. Roberto Fonseca, 2nd Lt. John Furr, Lt. Jonathan Garrett, SPEC. Isaac Gethins, Capt. Christopher-James Hart, Corporal Paul Inoa, SPEC. Mary Claire Kocik, SFC. Hector Meza Jr., Capt. Morgan McDaniel, 1st. Sgt. James Phipps, Lance Corporal Michael J. Riddick II, SFC. Thomas T. Morton, SSgt. Howard C. Robertson, Lance Corporal Charles V. Santoro, USMC, BM2 Lewis Semerling US Coast Guard, Lance Corporal Daniel Stroia, PO Troy Sweeney, Maj. C. J. Whitaker, SrA. Marcus Wilson, Maj. Karl Wojtkun Anointing of the Sick Mass and Soup Supper: It was a wonderful evening for our parish coming together to celebrate with the many who came to attend the Anointing of the Sick Bilingual Mass. There was a variety of soup for everyone to enjoy after the Mass. So many attended that additional seating was needed. Our Lady of Lourdes says thank you to the many volunteers who helped make this a beautiful experience of worship and fellowship. And a special thank you for all who shared their culinary talents with some very delicious soup. Our Lady of Lourdes is truly a blessed parish. Ministry Minute: The Bereavement Committee will present the Ministry Minute next weekend at all Masses. Sacraments Baptism - for information call Megan Cottam in the parish office or take information leaflet from the magazine rack in the Commons. Please pray for all the sick and homebound: Doris Amory, Mary Bruce, Chuck Coley, Loretta Reconciliation - Saturday at 4:15-4:45 PM or by Dahlstedt, Barbara Herbert, Fannie Hernandez, Betty appointment Hott, Kyle Hungerford, Jolly Lyons, David Wayne Marriage - Couples must participate in a preparation Plumket, Maureen Ratcliff, Kaeden Ross, Shirley program. Please contact Father Jim, Deacon Bob or Deacon Jim at least six months in advance. Schumacher, Chuck Willis Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family member needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, or is admitted to a hospital or nursing home or is “But it shall not be so among you. homebound for any reason, please call the Office. Rather, whoever wishes to be [After Hours ONLY in an EMERGENCY Call (804) 254 great among you will be your -0586] servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man Holy Orders, Religious Life, and Lay Ministry - Men did not come to be served but to serve and to give his and women considering Ministry in the Church are life as a ransom for many.” - Mk 10:43-45 encouraged to call the Parish Pastor or Deacon. Christian Formation Upcoming Sacrament Dates: Baptismal Prep Class Sunday, October 18th 2:30-4pm Fisher Memorial Library (in Church Commons) Religious Ed News: We are in need of additional teacher aides for our second and fourth grade classrooms. No experience needed! Contact Megan Cottam for more information. Adult Formation Opportunity: Deacon Jim invites all adults to join him for a Bible Series: Creation of the Stories. The 5-week series will focus on the Pentateuch, Joshua and Judges. There is a Wednesday evening option starting October 21 st at 7pm and a Thursday morning option starting October 22nd at 9:30am in the Church Commons. Questions? Contact Megan Cottam at [email protected] or 262-7315 x225. Creation of the Stories: Bible Series led by Deacon Jim Van Wyk Do you know how the Bible was put together? Join us for a five week look at the Pentateuch, Joshua, and Judges Youth Ministry Join us for our Youth Group Large Gatherings! 1st and 3rd Sundays in the School Multi-purpose Room! All 6th-12th graders welcome! 1:30—Doors open, social hour and game time 2:30-4:30 Youth Group Large Gathering 5:00—Bilingual Mass (optional, but encouraged!) Our next session is: October 18— Bullying and Community Building Upcoming Event – Visit to St. Anthony Maronite Catholic Church, Sunday November 8th We will visit the St. Anthony youth group at their home parish - they will teach us all about being a Maronite Catholic, and then we will stay and join them for mass! To sign up for any events or to get more information, contact Youth Minister Steven Cottam at [email protected] or 804-262-7315 ext 237 Human Concerns 40 Day for Life: From September 23 through Pray to End November 1, you’re invited to join Abortion other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. To learn more visit Parish Nurses: Blood Pressure Screenings next weekend. Stop by the Commons Sunday, October 18 from 9:30 to 11:00 am. Family violence & sexual assault VA Hotline Choose the session that works for you: Session 1: Wednesday Evenings, 7-8pm October 21st- November 18th Session 2: Thursday mornings, 9:30am October 22nd-November 19th Questions? Contact Megan Cottam at 262.7315 or [email protected] 1-800-838-8238 Our Lady of Lourdes Church is a Gateway to Recovery. We provide resources for those with alcoholism and addiction. Services provided at no cost and your inquiry will be treated with confidentiality. You may call Deacon Bob at 804314-7715 for information or you may call the SAARA Center at 804-762-4445. OLL SCHOOL NEWS Tell a Friend! Our parish school is hosting an Open House for all interested families. Stop by on November 2nd between 5-7 p.m. to take a student-led tour, meet the faculty and staff, and learn what makes your parish school Henrico's best kept secret. Questions? Contact Andrea Fuller at [email protected] or call 2621770. Visit to learn more. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook to see photos and announcements of recent activities. How can you receive 65% of your donation returned to you in Virginia tax credits? Donate to the McMahon Parater Foundation for Education through the Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits program. Your gift will provide scholarships for new students from families with limited income to attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. To receive a brochure or submission paperwork, please speak with Deacon Bob or call Andrea Fuller at the school, 262-1770. Other/Parish News All Saints Catholic School Job Opportunity: All Saints Catholic School seeks a part-time Music teacher for 15 hours per week to teach Pre-K-8th grade students. The successful candidate will have experience teaching elementary and/or middle school children choral music as well as recorders, ukuleles, rhythm and movement. The job also involves leading choir rehearsals and leading the choir during Mass and special programs. All Saints also seeks a part-time bus driver for morning and afternoon pickup, about 3 hours a day. A CDL is preferred, but not required. Candidates should contact Wanda Wallin, Principal, All Saints Catholic School. E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: 804-329-7524 Other/Parish News 2015 Red Mass: The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, and The Saint Thomas More Society invite everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and fellowship at the 32nd Annual Red Mass and Dinner on Wednesday, November 4. Rev. Msgr. R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond, will celebrate the Red Mass. Mass is at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Benedict Catholic Church, 300 North Sheppard Street, Richmond. The Dinner will follow in the Halsey Lecture Hall at the Virginia Historical Society, across the street from Saint Benedict Catholic Church. The keynote address will be given by Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation who researches and writes on marriage and religious liberty. Dinner tickets are $50 each. The Saint Thomas More Society is an educational, fraternal, and service organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information can be obtained from Society President, James Schliessmann, [email protected] or 804873-1035. FY16 Financial Report Period # Actual Sept 7-13, 2015 Budget Offertory Collection Offertory Env 209 $8,422.50 E Giving 0 Loose Checks 18 $277.00 $1,733.15 Loose $10,432.65 $14,230 Total Weeks Collection Offertory Collection FYTD $104,442.04 $156,530 Building & Capital Improvement/Debt Reduction Bldg & Cap Imp/Debt 21 $1,239.73 Collection Env 0 E Giving $1,239.73 Total Weeks Collections $1,923 Bldg & Cap Imp/Debt $17,772.44 $21,153 Collection FYTD All Scrip Profits to the Captial ImpDebt Collections Sales Profit This Week 3.50% $ 46 $ 1,305 July 1, 2015 to date 4.46% $ 606 $ 13,570 Suntrust Monthly P&I debt Payment= $ 4,844.27 Suntrust 2013 Loan balance 8-31-2015= $ 166,684.90 Current FiscalYear (FY) Perod is July 1, 2015 to June 30,2016 IGLESIA CATOLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES 8200 Woodman Road Henrico, VA 23228 Horario de Oficina: Martes a jueves de 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm Telefono directo: 804-262-7317 Correo Electronico: [email protected] 18 de octubre del 2015 Rev. James Begley, Pastor [email protected] Ext. 223 Padre Marlon Portillo, Presbitero y Vicario Ext. 236 Veronica Kennedy, Ministro de Musica Ext.230 Nilda Torres, Coordinador Min. Hispano 262-7317 Coordinador Catequista Freddy Esteban Lider. Min. de la Eucaristia Yolanda estebn y Ana Mendoza Lider de Ujieres Everlyn Sosa Kathia Mendoza 804-245-0607 HORARIO DE MISAS Y CONFESIONES Domingo Martes 1:00pm y 5:00pm 6:30 pm Jueves 6:00pm concluyendo con la Adoración y Bendición del Santísimo CONFESIONES Martes 6:00pm o por cita previa previa VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS SI NECESITAN QUE VISITEN A ALGUN ENFERMO, FAVOR LLAMAR A LA OFICINA AL Practica del coro de adultos para Misa 1:00pm los domingos: Martes 7:00pm a 8:00pm Practica del coro Misa de las 5:00pm los domingos: Domingo: 4:00pm a 4:45pm antes de la misa. Educación Religiosa para niños y jóvenes de pre-kinder a 12 grado: Domingo: 11:15am a 12:30am. Educacion religiosa para adultos: Domingos: 11:15am a 12:30pm 804-262-7317 Catequista de Adultos Hna. Silvia Vargas Lider de lectores Luis Vera Lider de monaguillos Marta Calderon Coordinador coro misa 1pm James O’Brien Lider del coro Flory Perez Buscanos en Nuestra Página de Facebook Nuestra Señora de Lourdes-Richmond Unción de los Enfermos Misa y Cena de Sopa. Fue una noche maravillosa para nuestra parroquia donde se unieron para celebrar con los muchos que vinieron a asistir a la Misa Bilingüe de Uncion de los Enfermos. Había una gran variedad de sopas para que todos disfrutaran después de la Misa. Muchos asistieron que se necesitaron asientos adicionales. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes da las gracias a los muchos voluntarios que ayudaron a hacer de esto una hermosa experiencia de alabanza y compañerismo. Y un agradecimiento especial para todos los que compartieron sus talentos culinarios con algunas muy deliciosa sopas. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes es verdaderamente una parroquia bendecida CONFERENCIA DE MUJERES Mujer, quieres tener un dia de descanso y diversion spiritual? Entonces separa la fecha del 21 de noviembre para que asistas a la Conferencia de Mujeres en el Centro de Convenciones de Richmond. El tema de la Convención será “EL VALOR DE LA MUJER”. El costo será de $45.00 si se inscriben con anticipación. A la puerta será $55.00. Para mas información, favor comunicarse a la oficina al 804-262-7317. “SENOR, A QUIEN IREMOS, SOLO TU TIENES PALABRAS DE VIDA ETERNA” Jn 6, 68 CLASE DE BAUTISMO LA PROXIMA CLASE DE BAUTISMO SERA EL MIERCOLES, 30 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2015 DE 7PM-9PM. BAUTISMOS Recuerda que debes ser miembro de la parroquia. Requisito para padrinos que pertenecen a otra parroquia: certificado de miembro activo en esa parroquia y que certifique que cumple con los requisitos para ser padrino. Tambien deben de traer constancia de Bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión. Para mas información llamar a la oficina. MATRIMONIO Llama a nuestra oficina para obtener mas informacion sobre los pasos a seguir y los requisitos para Matrimonio. Cruzada del Rosario Les invitamos para rezar juntos el Santo Rosario, este 10 de Octubre de 12:pm en Adelante. Les esperamos. Todos los lunes están invitados a participar en la Formación del Adulto de 7:00pm-9:00pm en el Salon Común
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