Catholic Church 8200 Woodman Road • Henrico, VA 23228 • Parish Office: 804-262-7315 Spanish Office: 804-262-7317 • Fax: 804-262-7337 Visit us on the web: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon “Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.” JANUARY 17, 2016 CLERGY & STAFF Rev. James Begley, Pastor [email protected] Ext. 223 Rev. Marlon Portillo, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Ext. 236 Rev. Mr. Robert H. Griffin, Permanent Deacon [email protected] Ext. 227 Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon [email protected] 262-0283 Kathi-jean Dors, Office Manager [email protected] Ext. 229 Veronica Kennedy, Music Minister Email - [email protected] Ext. 230 Megan Cottam, Coordinator of Religious Education Email - [email protected] Ext. 225 Steven Cottam, Youth Ministry Email - [email protected] Ext. 237 Joan DuFour, Human Concerns Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 228 Kathy Geiser, Parish Records [email protected] Ext. 222 Carl Steiner, Business Manager [email protected] Ext. 224 Don Tomczak, Maintenance [email protected] Ext. 231 Chip Morris, Maintenance [email protected] Ext 231 Bill West, Sexton [email protected] Ext. 231 Spanish Ministry Office Nilda Torres, Spanish Ministry [email protected] Direct Line 262-7317 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday Holy Hour, 6:00 pm Evening Prayer, 6:30 pm Followed by Benediction Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Petitions included in the Book of Prayers will be prayed for collectively once a week. Mass & Reconciliation Schedules Weekend Masses Saturday at 5:30 pm Sunday at 8:30 am & 11:15 am Sunday (Spanish) at 1:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) at 5:00 pm Weekday Masses Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:30 pm Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or by Interpreted for the hearing impaired by Appointment volunteers at 8:30 Mass Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Listening devices available for the Comboni Missionary Sisters hearing impaired at all Masses 1307 Lakeside Ave (804) 262-8827 Mass/Communion Service: Ministries Mon-Fri at 7:00am & Sat at 8:00am Bldgs & Grounds Chip Morris 994-9444 Christian Formation Returning Catholics Peggy Hildebrand 501-0075 RCIA Inquiry Kathy Talley 262-7490 Finance Council Don Brockman 929-4522 Grand Group Open Human Concerns Keith Degnan 559-3603 Advocate for Persons With Disabilities Elaine Schmidt 266-6157 Parish Nurses Open Knights of Columbus Dennis Solari 746-9778 Legion of Mary Lorraine Smith 262-8977 Parish Life Robin Bowling 615-3081 Pastoral Council Sue Berinato 240-1832 Scouts Cub Scouts Bill Forness 433-9234 Girl Scouts Lisa Callahan 277-8176 Stewardship—Open Worship Kathy Talley 262-7490 Our Lady of Lourdes School Visit our website at Principal: Mrs. Casta Childress [email protected] School Office: 804-262-1770 Grades Pre-K through Middle School Weekly Calendar Sunday Jan 17 Parish Coffee & Doughnuts after 8:30 am Mass in the SH Monday Jan 18 Tuesday Jan 19 Parish Office Morning Mass Closed for 8:30 am Library Open to the Public Wednesday Jan 20 Evening Prayer, Adoration & Benediction 6-7:00pm CH Thursday Jan 21 Friday Jan 22 Saturday Jan 23 Morning Mass FF Culture FF Food Prep 8:30 am Class - Adults Team Mtg 6:30-7:30 pm 9AM-5:00pm FML MPR Bible Study 10-11:30 am FML Cub Scouts 6:30-7:30 pm SH Library Open to the Public 1-4:00 pm FF Culture Rosary Class 4:45-5:00 pm 6:30-8:30 pm CH SH Youth Group RE Session 2:30-4:30 pm SCH RCIA 7-9:00 pm COM/FML Weekend Choir Rehearsal 7:30-9:00 pm SH Endowment 5-6:00 pm FML Library Open to the Public 5-5:30 pm 6:30-7:00 pm FF Culture CL 2-4:00 pm SH KofC Officers Meeting 6-8:30 pm SH Spanish Holy Hour 6-7:00 pm CH FF Culture Class 6:30-8:30 pm SH Sunday Spanish Choir Rehearsal 4-5:00 pm CH Spanish Mass 6:30 pm CH RCIA 6:30-9:00 pm COM Stop by the Commons after Mass this weekend. January 16th/17th Spanish Choir Rehearsal 7-9:00 pm CH Legion of Mary 7-9:00 pm HHD 9:30-11:15am 12:15-12:45pm Visit the Parish Nurses table and for a life saving blood pressure screening. Parish Council 7-9:00 pm SCH LIB This is the last weekend to sign up for the March for Life. Stop by the table. FF Dance Rehearsal 7-8:30 pm SH Calendar Abbreviations CH - Church COM - Commons FML - Fisher Memorial Library HHD - Healy Hall Dining Room MPR - Multi-purpose Room SCH - School SCH LIB - School Library SH - Social Hall “Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church” Prayer List Mass Intentions for January 19 - January 24 Tue Thu Sat Sun Sun 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:30 pm 8:30 am 11:15 am Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Raymond Sherrier (RIP) Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Robert Lehmeier (RIP) Scripture Readings for Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 24, 2016 NEH 8:2-4A, 5-6, 8-10 1 COR 12:12-30 LK 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Please pray for our loved ones in the Military: PFC William C. Barker, Corporal Robert Beers, Lance Corporal David A. Carter, Sgt. B. J. Compton, SPC. Alan Crosby, Msg. Pfc. Antonio A. Flores, Sgt. John M. Flores, Sgt. Lauro Flores, Lt. Roberto Fonseca, 2nd Lt. John Furr, Lt. Jonathan Garrett, SPEC. Isaac Gethins, Capt. Christopher-James Hart, Corporal Paul Inoa, SPEC. Mary Claire Kocik, SFC. Hector Meza Jr., Capt. Morgan McDaniel, 1st. Sgt. James Phipps, Lance Corporal Michael J. Riddick II, SFC. Thomas T. Morton, SSgt. Howard C. Robertson, Lance Corporal Charles V. Santoro, USMC, PO1 Angel Semerling, BM2 Lewis Semerling US Coast Guard, Lance Corporal Daniel Stroia, PO Troy Sweeney, Maj. C. J. Whitaker, SrA. Marcus Wilson, Maj. Karl Wojtkun Please pray for all the sick and homebound: Doris Amory, Maria Giannasi Baños, Mary Bruce, Chuck Coley, Loretta Dahlstedt, Ibis Diaz, Jean Dunn, Buddy George, Barbara Herbert, Fannie Hernandez, Betty Hott, Kyle Hungerford, Rosemary Lowry, Jolly Lyons, Petra Nordveck, David Wayne Plumket, Anne Poates, Maureen Ratcliff, Kaeden Ros Second Sunday in Ordinary Time “There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit.” Is the Holy Spirit leading you to share your gifts as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Call Father Michael G. Boehling, Vicar for Vocations, (804) 3595661, or write: [email protected]. Liturgy JoAnn and Bill D’Surney celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary this month. In honor of their anniversary the beautiful altar flowers last weekend were donated by their daughter, Jennifer. Taizé Evening of Sung Prayer for The Jubilee Year of Mercy Please join us on Friday Evening, January 29 at St. Paul Catholic Church, 909 Rennie Avenue at 7:00 pm for Evening Prayer. Through singing, readings, prayer and silent meditation in the glow of candlelight, we will pause in our busy schedules for an hour of personal and communal contemplative "True mercy, the mercy God gives to us and teaches us, demands justice, it demands that the poor find the way to be poor no longer." Sacraments Baptism - for information, call the Christian Formation Office in the parish office or take information leaflet from the magazine rack in the Commons. Reconciliation - Saturday at 4:15-4:45 PM or by appointment Marriage - Couples must participate in a preparation program. Please contact Father Jim, Deacon Bob or Deacon Jim at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family member needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, or is admitted to a hospital or nursing home or is homebound for any reason, please call the Office. [After Hours ONLY in an EMERGENCY Call (804) 254 -0586] Holy Orders, Religious Life, and Lay Ministry - Men and women considering Ministry in the Church are encouraged to call the Parish Pastor or Deacon. Christian Formation Corner Youth Ministry Corner Attention Young Adults: Bishop DiLorenzo at RVA Connect Join us for our Youth Group Large Gatherings! 1st and 3rd Sundays in the School Multi-purpose Room from 2:30-4:30. All 6th-12th graders welcome! All young adults are invited to come to RVA Connect on Thursday, January 28, 2016, for a special evening with Bishop Francis DiLorenzo. The bishop will be celebrating Mass at 6 pm and then sharing about “Social Media: Connect or Disconnect?” Dinner is offered after Mass for a suggested donation of $5. RVA Connect is a ministry for Catholic young adults (ages 18+) held every Thursday at Saint Benedict Parish (300 N. Sheppard St., Richmond) from 6-8:30 pm. For more information about CONNECT, contact the Office for Evangelization at [email protected] or go to . No Religious Ed: Prek-5th Grade: The Elementary School religious ed program will not meet this Sunday, January 17th, due to the MLK Day extended weekend. Enjoy the time with your family and we will see you back on January 24th. Vacation Bible School Volunteers needed! For Summer 2016, Our Lady of Lourdes will host “Cave Quest,” following Jesus as the light of the world. VBS will take place in the school from Monday, June 20th-Friday, June 24th from 4-7pm. We will need many volunteers for crafts, crew leaders, games, food, drama, and decorations. Please consider being a part of this fun and fast-paced ministry! Youth 6th grade and up as well as adults are encouraged to volunteer. To sign up or learn more about helping, come to an informational meeting on Sunday, January 24th at 10am in the School Multi-Purpose Room. For questions or more information, contact Megan Cottam at [email protected] or 262.7315x225. Next session: Jan. 17—The Church and Other Religions Lasertag Outing, Sunday, Jan. 31, 2:00-4:15pm: Come join us for an afternoon lasertag adventure! Location is SkateNation Plus (Downtown Short Pump); cost is $10, event is open to youth in 6th12th grade. Contact Mr. Cottam, to sign up or get more info. Summer Work Camp, July 10-16 in Washington, D.C.: Come and serve those in need during a summer camp which will be sure to be a memorable experience for all! Registration open now and spots are filling up fast! To sign up for any events or to get more information, contact Youth Minister Steven Cottam at [email protected] or 804-262-7315 ext 237 Human Concerns MARCH FOR LIFE This is the last weekend to sign up for the March for Life. The 43rd annual March for Life is Friday, January 22nd, 2016. Please stop the by table in the Commons for more information. We leave from the Pastoral Center at 8:15AM on Friday, January 22nd. Blankets Thank you to everyone who gave up a blanket, quilt, comforter or bought a new one for the family who was in need. Blankets are always needed at this time of year. God bless you for making the sacrifice to share the blessings you have. Warm jackets are in great need at this time also. Food Pantry At this time, we are in need of macaroni & cheese and cereal. Family violence & sexual assault VA Hotline 1-800-838-8238 OLL School News Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Open House Sunday, January 31st from 12:30-3:00pm All families are invited to visit the Open House at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. Our faculty and staff strive to provide a high quality Catholic education for students in Prekindergarten through Grade 8. Stop by and take a student-led tour of the campus. You will have the opportunity to meet our teachers, visit the classrooms, and learn about our daily religion classes, weekly mass and prayer services, and quality academic curriculum. Music, Art, Physical Education, and Computer Technology are an integral part of the curriculum. Extracurricular activities include Band, Sports, Robotics, and more. A before-school and after-school care program is available. Please contact Andrea Fuller, Admissions Coordinator, at 262-1770 or [email protected] with any questions. 8th annual Auction Night: Mark your calendars to join us at our free-to-attend 8th annual auction night on February 5th at 6pm in the Commons. There will be many items up for bid, including all of your favorite area restaurants, family activities, and a trip to Tuscany! Follow us on Facebook for more news and pictures Parish News/Other The Comboni Missionary Sisters located at the Comboni Sisters Mission Center (formerly known as Holy Angels Retreat Center), 1307 Lakeside Avenue, Henrico, VA 23228-4710, will soon start their Lay Associate Program with lay women and men interested in living the demands of their Baptism in the spirit of St. Daniel Comboni. In order to reach as many people as possible in this pre-launching period, the Sisters will hold an information session on January 27, 2016 at 7 p.m. Anyone interested to attend the January 27th session, or in finding out more about the Comboni Missionary Sisters Associate Program, is kindly invited to contact 267-614-2887 or to write to: [email protected] Parish News/Other Our Lady of Lourdes Knight of Columbus Council #9953 is sponsoring “6 Blood Drives” in 2016 February 7 August 14 April 10 October 16 June 12 December 11 The 1st Blood Drive will be Sunday, February 7, 2016: 8:30 AM to 1 PM; sign-in in the Commons. Contact: Doug Hunt (804-746-0168, [email protected]) or Michael A. Roby: (804 -501-0122, [email protected]), for a time to donate. For every unit collected, 3 people are helped!!! Give the Gift of Life & Help Our Lady of Lourdes to continue to be the top Church in Richmond for Blood Donations Our Lady of Lourdes Church is a Gateway to Recovery. We provide resources for those with alcoholism and addiction. Services provided at no cost and your inquiry will be treated with confidentiality. You may call Deacon Bob at 804-314 -7715 for information or you may call the SAARA Center at 804-762-4445. FY16 Financial Report Period # Actual Dec 14-20, 2015 Budget Offertory Collection Offertory Env 256 $12,301.00 E Giving 74 $4,058.50 Loose Checks 6 $115.00 Loose $1,632.92 $18,107.42 $14,230 Total Weeks Collection Offertory Collection FYTD $316,916.15 $355,750 Building & Capital Improvement/Debt Reduction Bldg & Cap Imp/Debt 11 $845.00 Collection Env E Giving 39 $1,143.50 $1,988.50 Total Weeks Collections $1,923 Bldg & Cap Imp/Debt $48,590.40 $48,075 Collection FYTD All Scrip Profits to the Capital Imp/Debt Collections Sales Profit This Week 5.65% $218 $3,865 July 1, 2015 to date 7.45% $3,747 $50,320 2013 LOAN 2.85% DUE 8/30/2018 BALANCE 12-1 = $148,853.65 2015 2% 7/24/15 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION LOAN BALANCE = $404,301.08 Current Fiscal Year (FY) Period is July 1, 2015 to June 30,2016 IGLESIA CATOLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES 8200 Woodman Road Henrico, VA 23228 Horario de Oficina: Martes a jueves de 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm Telefono directo: 804-262-7317 Correo Electronico: [email protected] 17 de Enero del 2016 Rev. James Begley, Pastor HORARIO MISA: [email protected] Ext. 223 Domingo: 1:00pm 5:00pm Vicario Martes: 6:30pm Ext. 236 Jueves: 6:00pm concluyendo con Veronica Kennedy , Ministro de Musica Adoración y Bendición del Santísimo Ext.230 Padre Marlon Portillo, Presbitero y Nilda Torres, Coordinadora Min. Hispano 262-7317 Coordinadora Liturgia Isabel Lopez Coordinador Catequista Freddy Esteban Lider. Min. de la Eucaristia Yolanda Esteban y Ana Mendoza Lider de Ujieres CONFESIONES: Practica del coro de adultos para Misa 1:00pm los domingos: Martes 7:00pm a 8:00pm Practica del coro Misa de las 5:00pm los domingos: Domingo: 4:00pm a 4:45pm antes de la misa. Martes: 6:00pm o por cita previa VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS SI NECESITAN QUE VISITEN A ALGUN ENFERMO, FAVOR LLAMAR A LA OFICINA AL 804-262-7317 Educación Religiosa para niños y jóvenes de pre-kinder a 5 to grado: Domingo: 11:15am a 12:30am. Educacion religiosa para adultos: Domingos: 11:15am a 12:30pm Everlyn Sosa Katia Mendoza 804-245-0607 Lider de lectores Luis Vera Lider de monaguillos Marta Calderon Coordinador coro misa 1pm James O’Brien Lider del coro Flory Perez Buscanos en Nuestra Página de Facebook Nuestra Señora de Lourdes-Richmond La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano y la Oficina del Ministerio Social quiere promover nuestro ministerio social. Nos gustaría que todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas de Cristo se vuelvan un solo cuerpo para ayudar a los más necesitados. Como ha dicho el Papa Francisco “Todos tenemos el deber de hacer el bien ", porque “no podemos preocuparnos de nosotros mismos”. Actualmente tenemos el Ministerio de cárcel y el Ministerio de Migrantes, lo cuales necesitan nuestras manos y corazones para poder seguir ayudando a nuestros hermanos. El papel en los diferentes ministros incluye: - Sesión de entrenamiento y aprendizaje - Visitar a los trabajadores migrantes y prisioneros - Colaborar en el ropero y la despensa de comida en la parroquia - Colectar recursos para distribuir a los que servimos - Planear los eventos y coordinar para adquirir fondos MINISTERIO DE JOVENES El Grupo de Jovenes de la Parroquia se reunen el primer y tercer domingo de cada mes de 2:30pm-4:30pm. Campamento de trabajo de verano – Julio 10-16 en Washington, D.C. Ven a servir a los mas necesitados durante este campamento de verano que seguro será una experiencia inolvidable para todos! Matrícula abierta ahora y puestos se están llenando rápidamente. Para mas información, comunicate con el Lider de Grupo de Jóvenes a [email protected] o al 804-262-7315 Ext 237 RINCON EDUCATION RELIGIOSA: Vamos a comenzar una clase para niños/as de 6 meses hasta los 3 años. Ustedes con sus pequeños están invitados a compartir en historias de la biblia, musica, y baile. Las clases son gratis. Puede registrarte llamando a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano o después de misa. Tambien necesitamos voluntarios. No necesita experiencia. MARCHA ANNUAL PRO-VIDA VIERNES, 22 DE ENERO 2016 Por 33 años consecutivos los Caballeros de Colón proveerán transportación gratis para que puedan asistir a la Marcha Pro-Vida en Washington, D.C., el viernes 22 de enero del 2016. Los asientos están limitados y serán por RESERVACION unicamente. Una cuota de inscripción pudiera ser requerida, sin embargo, se devolverá la cuota cuando usted tome su asiento en el autobús. Los niños menores de 18 años deben ir acompañados por un padre, guardián o tutor temporal con permiso aprobado por escrito. Los participantes de la Parroquia saldrán de del Centro Pastoral de la Dioscesis de Richmond, 7800 Carrusel Lane, Henrico, (justo al lado de Parham y Shrader caminos) a las 8:15am. Por favor llegar a las 7:45. Participantes deben traer un almuerzo, refrescos, teléfono celular, sombrero, guantes y ropa adecuada para clima. Autobús regresará al Centro Pastoral a las 3:30pm. MATRIMONIO Llama a nuestra oficina para obtener mas informacion sobre los pasos a seguir y los requisitos para Matrimonio.
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