February/febrero 15, 2015 M&T Weds Thurs Fri Office Hours / Horas Oficinas 8:00 am–1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-5:00 pm 8:00 am-1:00 pm 8:00 am-1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-3:00 pm 10:00 am–1:00 pm & 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Sat Sun M,W,F T Th 5:30 pm (English) & 7:15 pm (Español) 8:30 & 11:30 am 8:30 am 6:00 pm 8:30 am (English) & 7:30 pm (Español) Sat Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de la Paz Mailing: P.O. Box 6605 Physical: 856 Old Edgefield Rd. North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 803.279.0315 815.301.8003 Fax www.olpchurchna.org Reconciliation / Reconciliación 4:00–5:00 pm Also by appointment Rev. Jacob P. Joseph, CMI • Pastor Extension 292 [email protected] Rev. José-Hugo Ruíz Marentes, OFM • Parochial Vicar Extension 108 [email protected] Deacon Robert S. Hookness • Permanent Deacon Extension 106 [email protected] Glynnis Doolittle • Pastoral Associate Extension 109 [email protected] Maria Espinosa • Asst. to Pastoral Associate Habla Español Extension 123 [email protected] Robert Rosa-Cruz • Youth Minister Extension 112 [email protected] Carol Heck • Parish Bookkeeper Extension 107 [email protected] Kathleen Wahl • Parish Secretary Extension 106 [email protected] Ruben Zamudio • Hispanic RCIA, Catechumens & Sacraments Habla Español Extension 115 [email protected] www.olpschool.us Stephen Hickey • School Principal [email protected] 803.279.8396 ext. 100 Pam Mentrup • School Office Manager [email protected] 803.279.8396 ext. 100 Walt Heck • School Bookkeeper 803.279.0315 ext. 111/ [email protected] Diocese of Charleston P. O. Box 818 Charleston, SC 29402 843.853.2130 The Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston / Obispo de Charleston www.sccatholic.org www.themiscellany.org For the Audio Version of the Daily Mas Readings, visit: www.usccb.org/bible/readings-audio.cfm Or visit our website at www.olpchurchna.org for the direct link. Ash Wednesday Services* Wednesday, February 18 8:30 a.m. School Mass ~all are welcome 10:00 a.m. Mass at Brookdale 6:00 p.m. Mass in English 8:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish *Not a Holy Day of Obligation Area Lenten Penance Services 2/25 at 6pm at Most Holy Trinity 3/3 at 7pm at St. Mary on the Hill 3/11 at 8pm at St. Teresa’s 3/16 at 7pm at St. Joseph 3/24 at 7pm at Our Lady of Peace 3/27 at 6:30 pm at Our Lady of the Valley Intentions of the Holy Father for the Month of February Universal Intention: Evangelization Intention: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Sunday, February 15 8:30 a.m. †Elaine Bombard 11:30 a.m. † Ella Onglao Monday, February 16 8:30 a.m. † Dr. Joe Green Tuesday, February 17 6:00 p.m. Blessings & healing of Ron Ruzzy Wednesday, February 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. † Dr. Ira Goldburg 6:00 p.m. † Robert Chambers 8:00 p.m. Thursday, February 19 8:30 a.m †Dr. William Agostos 7:30 p.m †Margaret Sherlock Friday, February 20 8:30 a.m. † Fr. Michael Ring Sunday, February 15 No Religious Education Classes 9:30 -11:30 a.m. RCIA Inquiry/Minister’s Meeting Room 9:45-11:15 a.m. Adult Education Class/ Annex Room #3 5:00 p.m. Apostles Group Session/Parish Office Conference Room 6:00– 7:30 p.m. Jr CYM Session /Annex Auditorium 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Education Class/ Annex Room #3 NO SrCYM Session Monday, February 16 Parish Office Closed for Presidents’ Day Tuesday, February 17 10:00 a.m.—Noon Tuesday Morning Prayer Group/Minister Meeting Room Wednesday, February 18 ASH WEDNESDAY The Parish Office will open at 9:45 a.m. so staff can attend the Ash Wednesday morning Service 7– 8:30 p.m. Sr. CYM Youth Bible Study/ Youth Center Saturday, February 21 Thursday, February 19 9:30 a.m. Hammond Place † Peggy Wise 10:30 a.m.-Noon Prayer Shawl Ministry/Annex Room #3 5:30 p.m. †Becky Shanahan 7:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting/Annex Auditorium 7:15 p.m. For all the Holy Souls and all the Forgotten Souls Sunday, February 22 8:30 a.m. †Ray & † Lillian Grisé 11:30 a.m. Blessings of Joe & Kerry Walker Mass intentions are requests made of the priests to include an intention as they offer the Sacrifice of the Mass. Only one optional monetary offering may be accepted per Mass. † denotes a Mass for the deceased. Friday, February 20 6:30 p.m. Hispanic RCIA/Minister Meeting Room 6:30 p.m. Legion of Mary (Spanish)/Annex Room #1 8:00 p.m. Hispanic Choir practice/Church Saturday, February 21 4-5:00 p.m. Confessions/ Church Reconciliation Room Sunday, February 22 9:30 -11:30 a.m. RCIA Inquiry/Minister’s Meeting Room 9:45-11:15 a.m. Adult Education Class/ Annex Room #3 6-7:30 p.m. Adult Education Class/ Annex Room #3 6:30-8:30 p.m. SrCYM Session/ Youth Center Please make all arrangements/reservations for space through the Parish Office at least 7 business days prior to the event. Frances Havron & Eddie McCarthy (nephew of Ken & Kathy Urban) If you or a family member are seriously ill, terminally ill, or hospitalized, please contact the parish office to be placed on the sick list. Please contact the parish Office to list those suffering from Chronic Illnesses, Addictions, and those that are Homebound. We will list them in our Adoration Chapel and they will be prayed for by our Perpetual Adorers. Remember our Homebound Parishioners: Mary Beier, George & Barbara Breden, Mary Chafin, Lucy Cline, John Dear, Amada Drake, Kathleen Guy, Bill Harkins, Louise Markwalter, Earl McGrory, Antonia Roberston, Gloria Ruvo, Josephine Satcher, Sr. Charlotte Smith, Clarence Smith, Jennie Swift, Clara & Tony Tantillo, Jim Whalen, and Bruce Whealton. PRAYER/COMFORT SHAWL MINISTRY meets every Thursday in Room #3 at the Annex at 10:30 a.m. Knitters and crocheters are invited to enjoy each other's company as we knit and crochet shawls, lap robes, baby blankets, etc. If you would like information relative to this ministry, please call The second reading Paul says “do everything for the glory of God”. Does your marriage witness the glory of God? The Next weekend is Feb27-March 1, 2015 in Myrtle Beach. Please apply early. For more information, go to scmarriagematters.org or call 803-810-9602. A Message from the Desk of the Pastoral Associate… LENTEN SIMPLE MEALS: The tradition of hosting Simple Lenten Meals following the Tuesday evening Mass and Stations of the Cross will continue this year. We are still in need of individuals who wish to provide soup on one or more of the following weeks: 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, and 3/17. The meals take place each week in the school cafeteria following Stations of the Cross at approximately 6:50 p.m. All paper products and drinks are provided by the church. Anyone interested in providing soup should contact my office at 803-279-0315, ext. 109 – advising which date you prefer. We are looking forward to hosting this event again this year. Thank you for your generosity. Glynnis Doolittle, Pastoral Associate The next Rachel's Vineyard Retreat will be in the Columbia area, March 13-15, 2015. The retreat is very helpful in sorting out feelings and thoughts about an abortion experience so that healing can occur. For more information, Call Christy 803 554 6088 or Kathy 803 546 6010 or [email protected] The retreat is Confidential and First Saturday Mass Schedule Mass at National Healthcare is held at 9:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month in April, June, August, October, & December. Mass at Hammond Place is held at 9:30 a.m. the THIRD Saturday of each month. Mass at Brookdale (Sterling House) is held at 9:30 a.m. the FOURTH Saturday of each month. We invite all parishioners to join us in celebrating Mass with our parishioners at their place of residence. Every New Year we resolve to do something to improve our lives. one resolution improving your life as well as someone else’s……… And it’s so simple! “I will bring one, two, or several items to church each week and drop them in the food bins.” Love God, Love Your Neighbor. Thank you for all you did in 2014! Let’s make 2015 even better. ~God Bless You Rae & Mike Dibble The Financial Report for February 7/8 Weekly Offering Year to Date Collections $12,630.99 Collections $359,456.91 Budget $11,225.00 Budget $359,200.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------(Shortage)/Surplus $1,405.99 (Shortage)/Surplus $256.91 *********************************************************************************************************************************** $35.70 Children’s Envelopes $150.00 Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Center Please be generous! Please remember OLP when you are away. We need everyone’s weekly support to meet our financial demands. The above numbers reflect Offertory Envelopes and Loose Collections (loose cash & checks) only. Collection for Church in Central and Eastern Europe On Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the collection on Ash Wednesday. Visit www.usccb.org (search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more. Diocesan Second Collections 2015 February 15 Bishop’s Annual Appeal February 18 (Ash Wednesday) Aid to Church in Central Eastern Europe Scan QR Code with your mobile device or visit: www.olpchurchna.org and click on “Donate” in the blue bar on the homepage. New Parishioners & Address Changes FACTS Financial Aid Application The FACTS Financial Aid Application will become available for all current OLP families on January 26, 2015. In order to receive financial aid for the 2015 – 2016 school year from OLP School, the Saint Thomas Aquinas Scholarship, or any Diocesan funds, scholarships, or grants families must complete the application and provide the requested documents prior to the listed deadline of May 31, 2015. All school financial aid designated for current school families will be disbursed by the end of June 2015. If you experience any difficulties with the application or uploading of documents please do not hesitate to contact the School Office for assistance. Those wishing to become a parishioner of Our Lady of Peace Parish should complete the following and drop it in the offertory collection basket. A census form will be mailed to you. Thank You. NEW PARISHIONER Change of Address Name:___________________________________ Address:__________________________________ _________________________________________ Telephone Number:_________________________ Email Address:____________________________ Ofertorio para 2/7/15 & 2/8/15 ACTUAL PRESUPUESTO $12,639.99 $11,225.00 $359,456.91 $359,200.00 $35.70 Sobres de los niños $150.00 Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Center ***************************************************************** EXCEDENTE/(FALTAPRESUPUESTO) $1,405.99 $256.91 No hay clases de catecismo el domingo, 15 de febrero 2015 en obser vancia del Día de los Pr esidentes el lunes, 16 de diciembre. La oficina de la parroquia va a estar cerrada el lunes, 16 de febrero en observancia del día feriado. Reunión de JrCYM (Para los estudiantes en 6to, 7to y 8to grados)- La reunión mensual se llevará a cabo, mañana, domingo 15 de febrero de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. en el auditorio anexo. Estas reuniones son parte de la catequesis y los jóvenes deben de estar asistiendo a estas reuniones regularmente. Miércoles de Cenizas: El miér coles, 18 de febr er o iniciamos el tiempo de Cuar esma, los 40 días antes de la pasión, muerte y resurrección de nuestro Señor. Tendrá tres oportunidades para celebrar la Misa y recibir las cenizas: 8:30 a.m. y 6:00 p.m. en inglés y 8:00 p.m. en español. Bautismos: Dur ante la Cuar esma no se celebr an Bautismos. Los pr óximos Bautismos se celebr ar án en abr il para los niños cuyos padres y padrinos han recibido la preparación pre-bautismal. La próxima plática de preparación se ofrecerá el domingo, 3 de mayo. Por favor visite la oficina de la parroquia para registrarse para esta plática. Segunda Colectas para el mes de febrero: 15 de febrero- La Campaña Anual del Obispo 18 de febrero (Miércoles de Cenizas)- La Iglesia en Europa del Este Pláticas pre-bautismales: En el mes de febr er o entr amos el tiempo de Cuar esma y en esta tempor ada se suspenden los bautismos hasta después de la Pascua. Durante los meses de febrero, marzo y abril no se ofrecerán pláticas pre-bautismales. La próxima plática se ofrecerá el 3 de mayo. Para más información sobre bautismo y los requisitos para este sacramento por favor llame o visite la oficina. Presentaciones de niños: Si desea la pr esentación de su niño o niña en una de las Misas dominicales por favor visite la oficina de la parroquia para dar el nombre del niño(a) y darnos la fecha de su preferencia. Se le pide que haga los arreglos para la presentación de su hijo(a) con al menos 2 semanas de anticipación. Quinceañeras: Las quinceañer as se pr ogr aman con al menos 6 meses de anticipación en la oficina de la par r oquia. Es necesario que la familia vaya a la oficina de la parroquia para registrarse y reservar la fecha. Además la familia debe de estar registrada en la parroquia. Los arreglos para una quinceañera no se hacen antes o después de la Misa con el sacerdote. Para una Misa de quinceañera la joven tendrá que haber hecho ya su Primera Comunión. Si la joven no tiene su Primera Comunión debe de inscribirse en la catequesis para los jóvenes y recibir su preparación adecuada. Para más información por favor visite la oficina. Matrimonios: Las bodas se pr ogr aman con al menos 6 meses de anticipación en la oficina de la par r oquia y la par eja debe de estar registrada en la parroquia. Tendrán que hacer una entrevista en la oficina y presentar documentos de sacramentos. Además, hay un curso de preparación matrimonial que se tendrá que hacer. Para más información sobre los requisitos de matrimonio llame o visite la oficina. La Colecta para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental El Miércoles de Cenizas, 18 de febrero realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en Europa Central y Oriental. Esta colecta le da apoyo financiero a organizaciones católicas que proveen viviendas asequibles y que capacitan a seminaristas en una región que aun lucha contra los efectos del régimen soviético. Al proporcionar cuidado pastoral, catequesis y financiamiento para la renovación de edificios, sus donativos ayudar a restaurar la Iglesia y construir el futuro en esa región. Por favor contribuyan generosamente a la colecta del Miércoles de Cenizas. Para informarse más, visiten www.usccb.org (busquen “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”). ¿Desea registrarse en la parroquia o cambiar su dirección? Es importante que cada familia que viene a nuestra iglesia se inscriba en la parroquia. Si desea hacerse miembro de nuestra parroquia o ya está inscrito y necesita cambiar su dirección por favor llene esta forma breve, córtela del boletín y échela en la canasta de la colecta durante la Misa. La oficina le mandará el formulario de registración por correo si ha elegigo registrarse. Parroquiano Nuevo Dirección Nueva Nombre:____________________________________________________ Dirección Completa:_________________________________________________________________ Nómero de teléfono:__________________________________________ The Knights of Columbus Council #7062 will be hosting three Lenten Fish Fries this year. Mark your calendars for the following Fridays: February 27, March 13 & March 27. The dinners will be served in the School Cafeteria from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Please come out during Lent for some good food and fellowship and support the Knights of Columbus. Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and School is seeking a new principal for the 2015-16 school year. The successful candidate will be: • A spiritual leader that fosters Catholic Identity by actively participating in the faith life of the parish community and providing opportunities for faith development of the school and parish community. • An instructional and academic leader that maintains a positive learning environment, encourages and supports the professional development of the faculty and staff, and guides teachers in reviewing the current curriculum and instructional methods. • An administrator that works with the Pastor and the school faculty/staff to develop and promote a positive vision for the school. • An effective communicator who articulates the mission, philosophy and vision of the school to all constituents, and who builds community within the parish. Qualifications: • Practicing Catholic in good standing • Possessing a strong sense of Catholic identity to provide spiritual leadership within the school • Master's Degree in Education or closely related field • Holds or be eligible to hold a South Carolina Principal's license • Five or more years of experience as both classroom teacher and school administrator, preferably in a parochial school setting • Strong communication and leadership skills with the ability to inspire a culture of teamwork • Creative, task oriented problem-solver able to make a difference in the lives of students, staff, and community To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to [email protected] by March 31, 2015. About Employer Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is seeking a qualified and experienced educational leader for the position of Principal effective with the 2015-2016 academic year. Blessed Sacrament Catholic School has a rich tradition of academic excellence serving students in PreKindergarten 3 through Grade Eight. The new principal will be responsible for the operational aspects of the school, which include all academic programs, faith development, learning programs, athletics, student activities, health and safety policies, faculty development and academic technology. Theology on Tap Wednesday nights at Indian Queen, 2502 Wrightsboro Road 7:30 p.m. Happy Hour; 8 p.m. Speaker begins Young adults ages 21 to 39 are welcome. No agenda, just informal conversation about faith. March 11- Made for more: Why be ordinary when you can be great? Deacon Tony Wagner, Chief Business Officer Georgia Regents University and Health System March 18- Navigating the Unknown: Replacing fear with love Tara Simkins, J.D., co-founder of the Press On to Cure Childhood Cancer Fund, life coach, teacher March 25- Bringing Jesus to the Streets: A ministry of service Michael Lammers, St. Mary on the Hill youth minister Mike Firmin, founder of Golden Harvest Food Bank April 1- “Stay with us Lord!”: Response of the disciples on the road to Emmaus Fr. Richard Sutter, Aquinas High School chaplain Don’t forget to order your Pizzas, Cookie Dough and Cakes from one of the OLP Students! Join the OLP Middle School Students for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 17th from 5-7pm in the School Cafeteria. Pre-Sale tickets are $6 for adults & $3 children (3-10) Prices at the door will be $7 adults and $4 for children. Proceeds from the Pancake Dinner will benefit the OLP Middle School students March 2-6 trip to St. Christopher, Barrier Island and Historic Charleston. URGENT NEED FOR MANY ADORATION HOURS!! Monday 2:00-3:00 a.m. Tuesday 2:00-3:00 a.m. & 3:00-4:00 a.m. Wednesday 2:00-3:00 a.m. Thursday 1:00-2:00 a.m. & 2:00-3:00 a.m. & 3:00-4:00 a.m. Friday Midnight to 6am Mar ia Mata (803) 270-0878 Sp./ Eng. 5:00-6:00 a.m. & 6am-Noon Sandi Sullivan 803-384-9556 Noon-1:00 p.m. & Noon-6pm Leilani Usr y 803-202-0117 1:00-2:00 p.m. 6pm-Midnight Alina Pagano 803-279-0315 Sp./Eng. From the Library: A table of books and videos will be available as suggestions for Lenten reading and prayer during this season of penance and giving. Adults should sign out books being borrowed by children. When finished, books should be returned to the designated space in the library (small book case to the right). Please do not put books back on the shelves. Spring book donations will be accepted from March 20 – 31. Books should be in good condition and appropriate for the library. Boxes will be available for your donations. From Evangelization: We continue to pray for all of our family, friends and neighbors who have left the Church. During Lent we will set up another box for you to include the names (first only, please) of those who are special to you. We have a special hour of adoration on Wednesdays from 9-10 p.m. for just this purpose. Anyone is welcome to join us. For those of you who are ready to reach out to these loved ones, we are making available several copies of REDISCOVER CATHOLICISM by Matthew Kelly. They will be on the Narthex shelves. Please help yourself. If you are new to the parish and don’t have a copy, please take one. Parents - Impart God’s Gift of Sexuality with your Child! “Gave me a chance to talk with my daughter about her sexuality in an age appropriate way.” Parent’s comment from Changes & Challenges Do you need support in talking to your child about the changes and challenges of puberty? Do you want to model the virtue of chastity and help them understand their sexuality and true worth? Would you like to do all this in an environment that is relaxed, fun and respects the dignity of everyone present? If you answered YES to any of these questions and you're the parent of a 6 th grader, we encourage you to register for the Changes & Challenges parent-child chastity education program, to be held at St Mary on the Hill in Augusta on Monday nights, February 16 and February 23 from 7pm to 9pm. Changes & Challenges is a fun and truly unique two session program for you and your 6 th grader: Session 1 is for parents only and includes information about chastity, psychosexual development of your child, and developing a plan for your emerging teen. No child comes to this session. Session 2, your son or daughter comes with you and the groups are separated so that moms and daughters are in one room and dads and sons in another. Topics covered in session 2 include: fertility appreciation, unique SPICE model and fetal development. Space is limited so register soon online at www.familyhonor.org. There is no charge for this program (though donations will be requested). For more information, contact Ramona Wach at (803) 279-1366. P.O. Box 1414, Columbia SC 29202 ♦ 803.929.0858 ♦ www.familyhonor.org BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Bulletin content must be received VIA EMAIL no later than 11 am Thursday, 11 days prior to the desired Sunday publication date (unless otherwise noted) to: [email protected] Altar Flower Donations Please consider donating a floral arrangement for the Church in honor of, in celebration of, or in memory of a loved one. You may sign up in the flower book located on the bookrack in the Narthex or contact the Parish Office with questions or to sign up.
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