Superintendent Dr. Daniel J. Coles Board Of Education John Armstrong, President Deby Dato, Vice President Jonathan Feryance, Secretary Kathleen Bianco Carey McHugh David Patterson Brian Swanson Go Mustangs! 3500 Darrell Road P.O. Box 920 Island Lake Il 60042 Important Dates 3/3 - Spring choir concert—7pm 3/6 - BNF Dinner Dance 3/6 - Ski Trip 3/11 - MMS Band Concert—7pm 3/13 - End of 3rd quarter 3/13 - Ski Trip 3/13 - PBIS Celebration 3/17 - 3rd quarter report cards sent home 3/18 - 8th grade dance meeting @ WHS - 7pm 3/20 - Spring Break begins after school Volume 8, Issue 7 March 2015 Students of the Month Adam Andrade, Jose Bello, Lacey Coyne, Mitchell Dzienis, Amyna Encarnacion-Ribar, Maria Evans, Hallie Fedorowicz, Maddie Frick, Allison Hoeger, Josh Irizarry, Vanessa Jacobo, Manav Kordia, Brendan Marchese, Carla Mejia, Jake Miller, Sabrina Obregon, Taylor Phillips, Alexandra Rich, Ricky Tiesi, Leilani Varela, JaTon Williams, Megan Yonan What’s Inside: Principal’s message………...2 PBIS update………………....3 Important Dates…………..…4 Ski Trip Info………………….6 PTO News……………….......7 BNF Dinner Dance……….....8 WHS Booster Golf outing..…9 IDPH Parent Letter ……….11 IL 5 essential survey………12 Parent - Teacher Advisory Committee There will be a meeting for anyone interested in serving on the District 118 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee. The committee is seeking input concerning the student/parent handbook for each school in the district. Also, a review of the State Board of Education guidelines on the use of behavioral interventions for students eligible for special education will be included at the meeting. This is a collaborative effort of parents, teachers, and administrators. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 6:00pm in the Matthews Middle School library. If you have any questions, please contact your building principal. Early Dismissal procedure..13 Kindergarten Registration...16 Library News……………….18 Breakfast Menu…………....20 Lunch Menu…………....…..21 SAVE THE DATE: 8th Grade Graduation Thursday, May 28 Quentin Road Bible Church 7:00pm Dear MMS Families, Dear Parents, Starting Monday, March 2, 2015, we will begin the Performance Based Assessment (PBA) PARCC test session at Matthews Middle School and throughout the District. We have been planning and preparing our students and staff on this new assessment, as there are a lot of changes and features that are new. Provided below is important information about specific testing dates for each grade level and ways in which you can help assist your child being prepared and ready to test their best. Grade Level Testing Dates: Monday, March 2nd, Thursday, March 5th, and Wednesday, March 11th 8th Grade: th 7 Grade: Wednesday, March 4th, Tuesday, March 10th, and Wednesday, March 11th th 6 Grade: Tuesday, March 3rd, Monday, March 9th, and Wednesday, March 11th In preparation for this new test, which will be completed electronically at each grade level, here are a few tips with how you can help your child prepare for the PARCC assessment: • Attendance is important! Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time. Make-up testing is limited, therefore, please keep your child home only if he/she is ill. We do not want students to miss valuable instructional time to complete make-ups. • Get a good night sleep! • Eat a balanced breakfast each morning • Visit and take a practice test with your child. Experience the test questions with your child before the spring test. This can help them immensely in the comfort of their own home. • Have your child bring in their own earbuds or headphones to school on their testing days, as they may be watching and responding to video clips during the ELA portion of their test. We strongly encourage that each student have their own personal set of earbuds for sanitary and safety reasons. Despite the increase of state and federal testing, please rest assured that we will continue our focus on teaching and learning in Wauconda School District 118. If you have any questions, about the new assessment, please be sure to contact me at 847-526-6210 or email me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Robert Taterka March, 2015 On March 20, 2015 we will be recognizing and celebrating the 84.5% or 386 out of 457 students who have zero majors/office referrals. That is impressive, congratulations. We will also be recognizing students who are participating in winter extra-curricular activities. Matthews Middle School uses a PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) approach to help our students become responsible, respectful, and safe citizens here at Matthews and in our community. For the March skill booster, we are connecting students’ community and home behaviors with Matthews Middle School. Included is a Mustang Madness Ticket to be given by parents to their children whenever respectful, responsible, and/or safe behaviors are seen. By adults at home and school recognizing and reinforcing our children consistently, these positive behaviors become part of who they are as they grow. Thank you for your continued help with guiding and supporting your child’s education. Mustang Madness Mustang Madness Name:_____________________Grade:_____ Name:_____________________Grade:____ Reason for your Madness at HOME: Reason for your Madness at HOME: • Responsible • Responsible • Respectful • Respectful • Safe • Safe Issued by:___________________________ RETURN TO SCHOOL AND USE AS 5 MUSTANG MADNESS TICKETS! Issued by:___________________________ RETURN TO SCHOOL AND USE AS 5 MUSTANG MADNESS TICKETS! Congratulations and Keep Up the Great Work!!!!!!! Important Dates for Matthews Middle School 2014-2015 School Year March 3 6 6 11 13 13 17 18 20 30 Spring Choir Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. BNF Dinner Dance Ski Trip MMS Band Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. End of 3rd Quarter / PBIS Celebration Ski Trip 3rd Quarter Report Cards Sent Home OWLS field trip Spring Break Begins Following Regular School Day School Resumes 2 3 6 23 28 28 29 30 End of 4th Exploratory Rotation Non-Attendance Day – No School 5th Exploratory Rotation Begins Spring Sports Pictures 4th Quarter Midterms Sent Home MMS Spring Musical Performance for Elementary School MMS Spring Musical Performance for Elementary School MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. 1 2 3 6 16 14 25 28 29 MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. MMS Spring Musical 2:00 p.m. Farewell MMS/WMS Choir Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. 8th Grade Dance MMS Band Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. Memorial Day – No School 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony – 7:00pm Last Day of School if all Emergency Days Are Used April May WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 2015-2016 SCHOOL CALENDAR MONDAY AUGUST 10 .......... FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL TERM and INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE TUESDAY AUGUST 11 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 12 .......... FIRST DAY OF STUDENT ATTENDANCE (GRADES 1-12) KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY AUGUST 13 .......... KINDERGARTEN CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7 .......... LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL MONDAY OCTOBER 12 .......... COLUMBUS DAY – NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 .......... EARLY DISMISSAL DAY* and PARENT CONFERENCES THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 .......... PARENT CONFERENCES – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE FRIDAY OCTOBER 23 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 25 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 26 .......... THANKSGIVING DAY – NO SCHOOL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL FRIDAY DECEMBER 18 .......... WINTER BREAK BEGINS FOLLOWING REGULAR SCHOOL DAY MONDAY JANUARY 4 .......... SCHOOL RESUMES MONDAY JANUARY 18 .......... DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY – NO SCHOOL THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 .......... PARENT CONFERENCES – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 .......... PRESIDENTS’ DAY – NO SCHOOL FRIDAY MARCH 18 .......... SPRING BREAK BEGINS FOLLOWING REGULAR SCHOOL DAY MONDAY MARCH 28 .......... SCHOOL RESUMES TUESDAY MAY 24 .......... LAST DAY OF REQUIRED ATTENDANCE IF ALL FIVE EMERGENCY DAYS ARE USED** NOTE: STUDENTS IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD AND WEE KIDS PROGRAMS FOLLOW THE KINDERGARTEN CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2015 EARLY STUDENT DISMISSAL DAY * Times Of Early Student Dismissal To Accommodate Parent Conferences LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EARLY STUDENT DISMISSAL DAY ** *** Times of Early Student Dismissal to Accommodate Half-Day Teacher Inservice Grades 9-12 12:35 p.m. Grades 6-8 1:05 p.m. Grades 1-5 2:05 p.m. AM Kdg. 10:50 a.m. PM Kdg. Begins 12:20 p.m. – Dismissal 2:05 p.m. M,T,W, or Th Friday Grades 9-12 10:20 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Grades 6-8 10:50 a.m. 11:50 a.m. Grades 1-5 12:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. No school for AM or PM Kindergarten st WHS 1 Semester Finals – December 16, 17, 18 nd WHS 2 Semester Finals – TBD QUARTERS FOR GRADES K-8 st 1 08/12 – 10/09 = 42 days nd 2 10/13 – 12/18 = 44 days rd 3 01/04 – 03/11 = 46 days th 4 03/14 – 05/17 = 42 days *** WHS Graduation Ceremony – Sunday, May 22, 2016, 2:30 p.m. WMS & MMS Promotion Ceremony – TBD SEMESTERS FOR GRADES 9-12 st 1 08/12 – 12/18 = 86 days nd 2 01/04 – 05/17 = 88 days *** (Last day of 4th Quarter at Grades K-8 and 2nd Semester at Grades 9-12 if no emergency days are used) *** Adopted: December 18, 2014 Matthews Middle School & Wauconda Middle School Ski & Snowboarding Trips Dates: Friday, December 19 Leave @ 3:30pm – Pick-up @11:30 pm th Friday , January 16th Leave @ 3:30pm – Pick-up @ 11:30pm Friday, February 6th Leave @ 3:30pm – Pick up @ 11:30pm Friday, February 20th Leave @ 3:30am – Pick up @ 11:30pm Friday, March 6th Leave @ 3:30pm – Pick up @ 11:30pm Friday, March 13th – Leave @ 3:30pm – Pick up @ 11:30pm *Transportation Information: To Alpine: All buses will first pick up WMS students, then MMS students, and then leave for Alpine Valley Home from Alpine Valley: All buses will ONLY return to MMS for student pick up For more information, please contact: Ms. Christensen (MMS) - OR Email: [email protected] Phone Number: (847)526-6210 Ext. 7105 Ms. Peterson (WMS) Email: [email protected] Phone Number: (847)526-2122 It’s a Purchase tickets using the form below, or online ( The Bulldog Nation Foundation invites you to the 5th Annual Spring Dinner Dance Dinner. Music. open bar. Silent auction. Raffles. Friday, March 6 7 p.m.– Midnight Concorde Banquets 20922 North Rand Road, Kildeer Come dressed in your best Mad Men Style Tickets: $75 proceeds benefit WHS academics Be swanky. Be there. Be an advocate for WHS students. The Bulldog Nation Foundation is a group of dedicated community members who are interested in providing Wauconda High School with financial resources for innovation in the classroom to support a robust academic experience for all students. To reserve your spot at this exciting event, complete this form by February 26 and return it with your payment to: Jennifer Vogler, 2238 Trailside Lane, Wauconda, Illinois 60084 Questions? Call 847-452-0435 or email [email protected] Name(s): Email: Phone: # of tickets ($75 each or a table of 10 for $750): # of vegetarian plates: Form of payment: Check Visa Checks payable to: Bulldog Nation Foundation Card #: Exp. Date: Master Card Discover American Express Purchase tickets online at 3 or 4 digit verification code: Illinois 5Essentials Survey Beginning January 12 through March 13, 2015, schools in Illinois will implement the Illinois 5Essentials Survey. The survey provides an opportunity for students and parents to weigh in on important elements of a school’s climate and learning conditions. The survey was designed to assist in school improvement planning efforts and to provide a more robust picture of a school’s performance beyond test scores. The survey will be administered to all students in Grades 6-12 during the school day. Students’ identities and survey responses will be completely confidential. Survey questions can be found on the Illinois 5Essentials website: Parents who prefer to have their child opt-out from taking the survey must notify their building principal in writing by January 9, 2015. Parents are also invited to participate in the Illinois 5Essentails Survey. To complete the survey visit: and select the appropriate survey to begin. A partir del 12 de enero al 13 de marzo del 2015, las escuelas de Illinois implementarán la Encuesta de Illinois 5Essentials. La encuesta proporciona una oportunidad para que los estudiantes y padres de familia puedan opinar sobre elementos importantes del clima y de las condiciones de aprendizaje de la escuela. La encuesta fue diseñada para ayudar en los esfuerzos de planificación para mejorar la escuela y para proporcionar una imagen más robusta de rendimiento de la escuela más allá de resultados de exámenes. La encuesta será administrada a todos los estudiantes en los grados 6-12 durante el día escolar. Identidad de los estudiantes y las respuestas de la encuesta serán completamente confidenciales. Preguntas de la encuesta se puede encontrar en el sitio Web de Illinois 5Essentials: Los padres que prefieren que su hijo no participe en la encuesta deben notificar a su director de la escuela por escrito no mas tarde del 09 de enero del 2015. Los padres también están invitados a participar en la Encuesta 5Essentails Illinois. Para completar la encuesta visite: y seleccione la encuesta apropiada para comenzar. There are lots of ways to learn if your facility has an emergency closing! News/Talk ABC 7 CHICAGO 720 The Voice of Chica~o. WBBM CLTV ~AOIO7BO QlicagcXards Use your facility's phone number Register to have information Your facility's City T~~ as an ID when you call: sent right to you by visiting name:: Phone # WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, First Class Schools! • Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles Associate Superintendent Business Services/CSBO William Harkin Associate Superintendent Human Resources James LePage Director Special Education Valerie Donnan Director Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Emergency Early Dismissal Procedures Due to Severe Winter Weather Dear Parents: In the event of severe winter weather occurring during the school day, it may be necessary to dismiss the students housed at Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School and Wauconda High School earlier than usual. The reason this action would be taken is to allow the buses an opportunity to drop off these older students in order to return in time to take the younger elementary students at Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School home according to their regular dismissal schedule. If this early dismissal was not done, we would run the risk of buses being unable to return the Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown and Cotton Creek students to their homes, or very late drop off for these same students. In addition, we hope to avoid buses driving in a snowstorm when it is dark. Parents of students in grades six through twelve need to be aware of the possibility that this situation could occur due to inclement winter weather. If it does, we would enact the SchoolMessenger Service in an attempt to notify you that your sixth through twelfth grade student was coming home early. As a result, we ask that you make appropriate arrangements with your sixth through twelfth grade student in order for them to gain access to shelter after being dismissed early due to weather conditions. This type of situation does not occur often, but if it does we wanted you to be informed of our actions so that you and your students can be prepared. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendent of Schools “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, First Class Schools! • Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles Associate Superintendent Business Services/CSBO William Harkin Associate Superintendent Human Resources James LePage Director Special Education Valerie Donnan Director Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Procedimientos de Emergencia de Despido Temprano Debido a Severo Clima de Invierno Estimados Padres: En la eventualidad de un clima severo de invierno durante el día escolar, puede ser necesario despedir a los estudiantes alojados en la escuelas Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School y Wauconda High School más temprano de lo usual. La razón para que esta acción sea tomada es el permitir a los autobuses la oportunidad de llevar a estos estudiantes mayores a tiempo para volver y llevar a la casa a los estudiantes elementales más jóvenes en las escuelas Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown según su horario de despido regular. Si este despido temprano no se hace, estaríamos tomándonos el riesgo de que los autobuses no puedan llevar a sus casas a los estudiantes de Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown, o que estos estudiantes lleguen sumamente tarde. En adición, queremos evitar que hayan autobuses corriendo en una tormenta de nieve cuando ya ha oscurecido. Los padres de los estudiantes de sexto grado al grado 12 tienen que estar al tanto de la posibilidad de que esta situación pueda ocurrir debido a las condiciones del clima de invierno. Si ocurre, nosotros no podremos notificarles personalmente que su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 va a llegar temprano a la casa. Como resultado, les solicito que hagan los arreglos apropiados con su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 de manera que estos tengan acceso a un lugar donde estar después que hayan sido despedidos temprano debido a las condiciones del clima. Este tipo de situación no ocurre muy seguido, pero si ocurre, nosotros queremos que ustedes estén informados de nuestras acciones de modo que ustedes y sus estudiantes estén preparados. Gracias por su cooperación. Sinceramente, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendente de Escuelas “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 Kindergarten Pre-Registration For School Year 2015/16 Children living within the school boundaries of Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School, and Cotton Creek School should pre-register at their home school on Monday, March 2, 2015 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Questions regarding attendance boundaries can be addressed by calling the Transportation Department at 847-526-6672. Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School will be conducting their Kindergarten Pre-Registration for all children who will be entering Kindergarten for the fall of 2015. Parents that have children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2015, and who live within the boundaries of Wauconda CUSD 118, are eligible to register for the 2015-16 school year. This annual pre-registration is done in March to begin the process of getting our youngsters ready for Kindergarten and to assist Wauconda CUSD 118 in staff planning. At the Kindergarten Pre-Registration, parents will be asked to complete the necessary paperwork to enroll their child. Parents are asked to bring the following documents (copies if possible): *Two (2) pieces of proof of residency (drivers license, home ownership title or deed, apartment lease, voter registration, utility bills, automobile insurance, or other documents that prove residency.) If you are unable to provide the required documentation, please alert school personnel. *State issued child’s birth certificate Illinois law requires that all Kindergarten students show proof of required immunizations, physical, dental, and vision examinations for the start of school. If you have any questions about the pre-registration process or are unable to attend, please contact: Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School or Cotton Creek School. Please feel free to share this information with your neighbors. Wauconda Grade School 225 Osage Street Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-6671 Ms. Deb Monroe, Principal Robert Crown School 620 Bonner Road Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-7100 Ms. Karrie Diol, Principal Cotton Creek School 545 Newport Court Island Lake, IL 60042 (847) 526-4700 Ms. Darlene Baker, Principal Beginning Tuesday, February 17, 2015 registration packets may be picked-up at the school your child will attend in the fall between 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or downloaded from the district website at ¡ANUNCIO IMPORTANTE! Distrito Escolar #118 de la Comunidad de Wauconda Pre-Matriculas para Kinder Año Escolar 2015-16 Niños viviendo dentro los limites de las Escuelas Wauconda Grade, Cotton Creek o Robert Crown deben de pre-matricularse en la escuela más cercana de su casa el lunes, 2 de marzo, 2015, de 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Preguntas sobre los límites geográficos de las escuelas pueden dirigirse al Departamento de Transportación al 847-526-6672. Las escuelas Wauconda Grade, Robert Crown y Cotton Creek llevarán a cabo las prematriculas para todos los niños que van a entrar a Kinder en el otoño 2015. Padres con niños que cumplirán cinco años él o antes del 1º de Septiembre, 2015 y que viven dentro de los límites del Distrito Escolar #118 de Wauconda son legibles para matricularse para el año escolar 2015-16. Estas pre-matriculas se llevan a cabo en marzo con el fin de comenzar el proceso para preparar a los niños para el Kindergarten y asistir al Distrito Escolar de Wauconda con la planificación necesaria. En la pre-matricula se les pedirá a los padres que completen todos los documentos necesarios para matricular a sus niños. Se les solicitara a los padres traer los siguientes documentos (copia si es posible): *Dos (2) documentos que comprueben el domicilio donde residen (licencia de manejo, titulo de la residencia o hipoteca, contrato de renta del apartamento, registro para votar, cuentas de utilidades tales como agua, luz, gas, aseguranza de automóvil, y otros documentos como prueba de residencia. Si usted no puede proporcionar la documentación requerida, por favor de avisar al personal de la escuela. *La Acta de Nacimiento expedido por el Estado/Gobierno donde su niño nació. La ley de Illinois requiere que todos los niños entrando a Kinder provean prueba de las vacunas requeridas, examen físico, examen dental, y examen de visión (ojos) al comienzo de la escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de pre-matricula o si no puede asistir personalmente, por favor llame a cualquiera de las escuelas. Por favor comparta esta información con sus vecinos. Wauconda Grade School 225 Osage Street Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-6671 Ms. Deb Monroe, Principal Robert Crown School 620 Bonner Road Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-7100 Ms. Karrie Diol, Principal Cotton Creek School 545 Newport Court Island Lake, IL 60042 (847) 526-4700 Ms. Darlene Baker, Principal A partir del martes, 17 de febrero, 2015, los paquetes de registro pueden ser recogidos entre las 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. en la escuela que su hijo asistirá en el otoño o descargado desde el sitio web del distrito en Good Neighbor Film & Discussion Series at Wauconda Area Library Sponsored by the United Partnership for a Better Community Join us for this compelling series and discover how, by working together, we can grow in understanding of our neighbors and create a better, more sustainable community. MARCH 16 at 7:00 p.m. The Anonymous People An independent feature documentary about the over 23 million Americans living in long‐term recovery from alcohol and other drug addictions. Recovery is out to change the addiction conversation from problems to SOLUTIONS. APRIL 20 at 7:00 p.m. Divided Families: Responding with Faith This hour‐long documentary explores the impact of immigration policies on Amy and Carlos, a young family from West Chicago. It is a story of their decade‐long struggle, and highlights the work of faith organizations across Chicago that are working to help families stay together. MAY 18 at 7:00 p.m. Green Community Film ‐ Title to be announced Discover the United Partnership for a Better Community! Our organization is comprised of individuals from various community groups, Good Shepherd Hospital, School District 118, Village of Wauconda, Fire & Police Depts., Wauconda Park District, Wauconda Library, Wauconda Township and others. The mission of the organization is to foster and coordinate partnerships designed to improve the quality of life in our community. Presently, we are working together on three initiatives: Substance Abuse & Prevention, Cultural Diversity and creating and maintaining a “Green” Community. For more information, contact Nancy Burton at 847‐526‐3610, or [email protected] Note: this series is free of charge and open to the public. To accommodate families, activities for children will be available in the Children’s area at the library during each program. Buen Vecino Película y Serie de Discusión Acompáñenos en esta serie y descubre cómo, trabajando juntos, podemos crecer en la comprensión de nuestros vecinos y crear una mejor comunidad más sostenible. 16 de marzo a las 7:00 p.m. The Anonymous People (Las Personas Anónimas) Un documental independiente sobre los más de 23 millones de estadounidenses que viven en la recuperación a largo plazo del alcohol y otras drogodependencias. La recuperación es un tema que esta cambiando la conversación de adicción de los problemas a las soluciones. 20 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. Divided Families: Responding with Faith (Familias Divididas: Respondiendo con fe) Este documental de una hora explora el impacto de las políticas de inmigración en Amy y Carlos, una familia joven de West Chicago. Es una historia de su lucha de una década, y destaca el labor de las organizaciones de fe a través de Chicago que están trabajando para ayudar a las familias a permanecer juntos. 18 de mayo a las 7:00 p.m. Green Community Film ‐ Title to be announced Película acera una comunidad “verde”‐ Titulo será anunciado después Descubre El United Partnership for a Better Community! Nuestra organización está compuesta por individuos de varios grupos de la comunidad, el Hospital de Good Shepherd, el Distrito Escolar 118, Pueblo de Wauconda, Fuego y Departamentos de Policía.Distrito de Parques de Wauconda, Biblioteca de Wauconda, Municipio de Wauconda y otros. La misión de la organización es promover y coordinar las asociaciones destinadas a mejorar la calidad de vida en nuestra comunidad. Actualmente, estamos trabajando juntos en tres iniciativas: Abuso de Sustancias y Prevención, diversidad cultural y la creación y mantenimiento de una comunidad "verde". Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Nancy Burton Nota: esta serie es gratis y abierto al público. Para dar cabida a las familias, actividades para niños estarán disponibles en el área de los niños en la biblioteca durante cada programa. $PurchaseOrder.Id=32075 $PartName=WithBorder Wauconda School District Breakfast Menu WHOLE GRAIN POP TARTS FRESH APPLE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE 100% ORANGE JUICE MILK CINNAMON TOAST CEREAL BAR VANILLA GOLDFISH CRACKERS FRESH APPLE MILK STRAWBERRY NUTRIGRAIN BAR CINNAMON GOLDFISH 100% ORANGE JUICE MILK OATMEAL BREAKFAST BAR VANILLA GOLDFISH CRACKERS FRESH APPLE MILK BREAKFAST PRICE: $1.40 - REDUCED BREAKFAST PRICE: $ .30 STRAWBERRY NUTRIGRAIN BAR CINNAMON GOLDFISH FRESH APPLE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE 100% ORANGE JUICE MILK APPLE CINNAMON CEREAL BAR VANILLA GOLDFISH CRACKERS FRESH APPLE MILK WHOLE GRAIN POP TARTS FRESH APPLE MILK OATMEAL BREAKFAST BAR CINNAMON GOLDFISH 100% APPLE JUICE MILK 1% WHITE MILK AND FAT FREE CHOCOLATE MILK OFFERED DAILY APPLE MUFFIN VANILLA GOLDFISH CRACKERS FRESH APPLE MILK WHOLE GRAIN POP TARTS FRESH APPLE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE 100% ORANGE JUICE MILK CINNAMON TOAST CEREAL BAR CINNAMON GOLDFISH FRESH APPLE MILK Whole Grain Pop Tarts Fresh Apple Milk NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK MENU IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK NO SCHOOL SPRING BREAK OUR MENU IS ALIGNED WITH THE U.S.D.A. HEALTHIER U.S. SCHOOL CHALLENGE WHOLE GRAIN POP TARTS FRESH APPLE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE 100% ORANGE JUICE MILK WE WELCOME YOUR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS. PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD I. REDER,GM AT: 847-487-9703 Middle School Lunch Menu MONDAY TUESDAY 2 MARCH 2015 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 4 FRIDAY 5 6 4 Chicken Tenders & Waffle Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich Creamy Mac & Cheese Chicken Pot Pie Bowl Supreme Nachos Green Beans Tator Tots Broccoli Florettes Sweet Potato Fries Mashed Bowl Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk 9 10 11 12 13 Baked Chicken Nuggets/Roll French Toast & Turkey Sausage Perfect Pasta w/Marinara Sweet & Sour Chicken Rice Bowl Cheese Enchilada Green Beans Tator Tots Cheese Sauce Sweet Potato Fries Corn Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Broccoli Florettes Fruit Fruit Milk Milk Fresh Fruit Fresh Milk Fresh Fruit j Milk 16 17 18 19 20 Baked Mini Chicken Corn Dogs Jeresy Shore Grilled Chicken Parmesan Wauconda Mashed Potato Bowl Supreme Beef Nachos Green Beans Cheese Sandwich Sandwich Broccoli Florettes Sweet Potato Fries Corn Fresh Fruit Tator Tots Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit Milk Fresh Fruit F Milk Milk Milk Milk 23 SPRING BREAK 24 SPRING BREAK 30 25 t 26 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK 31 Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Roll Waffles & Turkey Sausage Green Beans Tator Tots LUNCH PRICE REDUCED LUNCH PRICE Fresh Fruit Fresh Fruit $2.65 $ .40 Milk Milk 27 SPRING BREAK
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