“HOME OF THE WOLVERINES” December 2015 WAUCONDA MIDDLE SCHOOL IMPORTANT DATES STUDENTS OF THE MONTH WMS Band Concert 7 p.m. @ WHS Auditorium 12/7 Holiday Shop 12/8 — 12/12 Middle School Choir Concert 7 p.m. @ WHS 12/15 Winter Break No School 12/21 — 1/3 Maryana Alveranga, William Auclair, Jann Paolo Bocalbos, Alex Brandeau, Esmeralda Cobos, Lacey Coyne, Tyler Defort, Maria Flores, Eeshan Garr, Paige Hitcho, Camden Janik, Dennis Kloss, Brandon Llanos, Yeniselva Llanos, Logan Mahalko, Oceana Pfeiffer, Emily Schriedel, Mason Schwalbach, Alec Smith, Athea Sta Rosa, Ryan Stephan, Eva Tejeda, Julianna Welch, Parker Whiston and Sarah Yarc SKI & SNOWBOARDING TRIPS Alpine Valley, WI First trip is scheduled for: Friday, December 18th, 3:30—11:00 pm For additional information, please contact: Ms. Laura Peterson at [email protected] DISTRICT 118 BOARD OF EDUCATION John Armstrong, Kathleen Bianco, Deby Dato, Jonathan Feryance, Carey McHugh, David Patterson, and Brian Swanson Committee of the Whole Meeting: 12/03/15 at 7:00 p.m. Business Meeting : 12/17/15 at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held in the District 118 Board Room As part of the PBIS Second Quarter Celebration: 2015 WMS Variety Show Friday, December 18th Tryouts held December 1st and 2nd during lunches or December 3rd after school Message From the Principal December 2015 Dear Parents, As we quickly approach the winter break and holiday season, we would like to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable winter vacation. During the first week of December, students at Wauconda Middle School will be taking the Winter Reading and Math MAP tests. Our teachers utilize the MAP scores to help assist with differentiating instruction in the classroom as well as monitoring student progress. During the month of December we would like to invite you and your families to the Band Concert on Monday, December 7th at 7:00 pm at the Wauconda High School Auditorium. We would also like to invite you to the Middle School Choir Concert, which is on Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm at the Wauconda High School Auditorium. Wauconda Middle School is a Title I Targeted Assistance school. Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I is allocated to schools based on the percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch. Title I Targeted Assistance is a program that targets resources only to those students most at-risk academically in reading and/or math. There is on-going progress-monitoring in place to identify student’s at-risk and eligible for services. Parents of the students that are eligible for Title I services will be notified. Wauconda Middle School will be starting an after school program that will meet 2-3 days per week and will use Compass Learning Pathblazer, which is a research based computer program with the assistance of a highly qualified teacher. As always, we want to thank you for your support and partnership throughout the first half of the school year. We wish you and your family a warm and wonderful winter holiday and hope to see many of you at some of our upcoming December activities. Sincerely, Daniel Stoller WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, www.d118.org Dr. Daniel J. Coles Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Dear Wauconda D118 Parents, Starting this month, Wauconda C.U.S.D 118 Middle and High School students can use their preferred method of communication - text messaging - to reach out for help for themselves or friends. Text-A-Tip allows teens to find anonymous, immediate help for themselves if they are struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, depression, difficult family situations, bullying, or any of the many challenges they face today. The service is available 24/7, is completely anonymous, and is staffed with local counselors to support teenagers (and others) who have a concern or a crisis. This month, students at each of the buildings will be informed with information on how to connect with Text-ATip. Signs will be placed throughout the building that explains and advertises Text-A-Tip. Text-A-Tip is supported financially by the Board Members of Lake County and is being rolled out in phases in middle schools and high schools throughout Lake and McHenry County. Posters and signs are going up in all schools, as well as in public areas throughout the community of Wauconda. Also funding for Text-A-Tip has been provided by the Jordan Michael Filler Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization that was established in memory of Jordan Filler, who grew up in Highland Park and succumbed to heroin addiction at the age of 23. The Foundation creates awareness of drug addiction. How It Works: Anyone who sends a text message “LCHELP” to 274637 will receive an immediate text response from a trained, professional counselor. Counselors are provided by LEAD (Linking Efforts Against Drugs), a nonprofit organization focused on promoting healthy family relationships and preventing alcohol and drug use and other risky behaviors by youth. The response team consists of licensed/certified mental health professionals from The Child, Adolescent, and Family Recovery Center in Lake Bluff. They are local clinicians who already understand the needs of our communities. Thanks to a system that routes calls through a cloaking server, texters are completely anonymous, allowing teens freedom to reach out for help without fear. Please see back side of this letter to learn more about how the cloaking server works. In the case of a life-threatening condition, emergency responders will be notified and be given as much information as is available to help the person in need. Who Should Use Text-A-Tip? Text-A-Tip is available for communication of any kind of concern, though it is primarily intended for youth to use when they need immediate mental health assistance or have a drug/alcohol abuse concern for themselves or a friend. Adults can use the service as well to report concerns. Please contact me if you have any questions about Text-A-Tip. Sincerely, Daniel Stoller Principal “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” Wolverine Pride Winners As part of our adoption of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports), students are rewarded with Wolverine PRIDE tickets for positive behaviors exhibited at Wauconda Middle School. Students place tickets earned into a bucket for our weekly prize drawing. The following students were our PBIS ticket winners this past month: Jacob Anderson, Daniel Botha, Nick Evans, Isaac Leichty, William McCorkle, Skyla Miles, Jennifer Rudd, Theresa Sosa and David Waraksa Congratulations and Keep Up the Great Work!!! “WOLVERINE PRIDE” SPONSORS Rewards are given out to students whose positive PRIDE tickets are pulled each Friday in our drawing. Tickets can be earned by students throughout the building by displaying any of the three B’s: Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe!! If you or someone you know is interested in donating to our “WOLVERINE PRIDE” awards, we would love to hear from you; there is never a gift too small. Please contact Dan Stoller, Josh Cornwell or Allison Budden through e-mail or call 847-526-2122. Let’s keep our school and community growing as one!!! DECEMBER SPORTS SCHEDULE Boys’ Basketball 12/1 vs. Hawthorn South at WMS, 4:00 pm 12/7 vs. Grayslake Middle School at WMS, 4:15 pm 12/8 vs. Lake Zurich South at WMS, 4:10 pm 12/10 at Matthews Middle School, 4:00 pm 12/14-12/17 Conference Tournament, TBA WRESTLING Practice begins Tuesday, December 1st 3:15 pm—4:40 pm Information packets are available in the office. You must have a current physical on file and permission/concussion forms signed and turned in to the office. Wauconda Middle School Girls Volleyball Tryouts Information: *Important Reminder: A sports physical is required prior to tryouts. Tryout Dates: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 3:15 p.m.—4:45 p.m. Thursday, December 17, 2015 3:15 p.m.—4:45 p.m. Notification Date: Friday, December 18, 2015 First Practice: Monday, January 4, 2016 Please keep the following in mind: ♦ An “Athletic Participation Permission Slip” must be on file with the office prior to tryouts or YOU CANNOT TRY OUT! ♦ Notify the coaches of any medical or physical limitations ♦ Be prepared: wear athletic wear or gym clothes, gym shoes, hair tied up, water bottle Club information NEWSPAPER—Ali Gregory Meetings—Library Monday, December 7 Monday, December 14 STUDENT COUNCIL—Whitney Jokiel/Christine Hjorth Meetings—Library Tuesday, December 1 Tuesday, December 15 Penny Wars Fundraiser was a success! Student Council raised over $700 for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Mrs. Gregory’s homeroom won the competition earning a pizza party for lunch! DRAMA CLUB—Adam Thayer Meetings—Library Wednesday, December 2 Wednesday, December 9 Wednesday, December 16 CLUB COMUNIDAD—Brian Buckley Meetings—Library Thursday, December 10 STRATEGIST CLUB—Paul Iuorio/Donna Swanson Meetings—Library Tuesday, December 1 OTHER SCHOOL information Emergency Alerts and School Closings Now on Twitter Follow Superintendent Dr. Coles on Twitter @Supt_D118 Dr. Daniel J. Coles, Superintendent of Schools will now be utilizing Twitter to announce emergency alerts and school closings. The use of Twitter will be used in conjunction with our existing communication platforms such as our SchoolMessenger Emergency Alert System (robocall) as well as postings on our District’s Website at http://www.d118.org/. In order to get the emergency alerts and school closing “Tweets” from Dr. Coles, you must have a Twitter account. To do so, use your smart phone to download the Twitter app or use your web browser on your computer and go to: https://support.twitter.com/. Once you have a Twitter account, you may get the alert Tweets by following Dr. Coles @Supt_D118. Please note that the purpose of this Twitter account will only be used for notifying staff, parents and the community about emergency alerts and school closings. School Report Cards on Website 2015 Illinois Report Cards for all schools in Wauconda School District 118 are now available on the Illinois Report Card website: https://illinoisreportcard.com/. At this Illinois State Board of Education supported website, information may be found by browsing each individual school or district report card. HOLIDAY SHOP December 8, 9, and 10 7:50 am—3:10 pm VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please contact: Jen Vogler at [email protected] ***PRICE INCREASE COMING JANUARY 20, 2015*** Internet Orders (through 4/9/16): f f f f f f f f Go to www.yearbookordercenter.com Type in our WMS order number: 8593 Click on the Yearbook Make your package selection Add your student by last name (be sure and use the “last name” box) Check out as you would any online purchase It’s THAT EASY! Thank you for your order! Toll Free Telephone Orders (through 4/9/16): f f f f f f Dial 1-866-287-3096 Tell the Order Center Representative our order number: 8593 Tell the Order Center Representative your student’s name, homeroom teacher name, and what you would like to order Complete as you would any toll free order It’s THAT EASY! Thank you for your order! f Complete the information below, select your package, include personalization information (where applicable) f Return to Wauconda Middle School (215 Slocum Lake Rd, Wauconda, IL 60084) f Include payment: cash or check made payable to Wauconda Middle School. Student Name:________________________________________ Grade (circle one): 6 7 _____PACKAGE A (PRICE $30) includes: Yearbook, “Our World” Supplement, and an engraved personalized nameplate NAMEPLATE INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT): ________________________________________ _____PACKAGE B (PRICE $29) includes: Yearbook and an engraved personalized nameplate NAMEPLATE INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT): ________________________________________ _____PACKAGE C (PRICE $25) includes: Yearbook and “Our World” Supplement _____YEARBOOK ONLY (PRICE $24 until January 19, 2015) Questions – email [email protected]. Thank you for your order! ***PRICE INCREASE COMING JANUARY 20, 2015*** 8 WAUCONDA VOLLEYBALL WINTER CLINIC Come get ready for Middle School Try-outs!!! HOSTED BY: High School Coaches and Varsity Players DATE: 12/12/15 (Saturday) TIME: 8‐10 AM LOCATION: WHS Competition Gym COST: FREE REGISTRATION: You must register on 8 to 18 prior to clinic under Wauconda Middle School Volleyball Camp ‐ (http://il.8to18.com/wauconda) QUESTIONS: Contact Alison Williams at [email protected] NURSE NOTES DECEMBER NEWSLETTER ATTENTION ALL 6TH GRADE PARENTS- All 6th graders are required to have an oral health examination by a licensed dentist. The dentist must sign the proof of school dental examination form. Each child is required to present proof of examination prior to May 15, 2016. School dental examinations must have been completed within 18 months of the May 15 deadline. Any dental exam done after November 16, 2014 will be accepted. These forms may be obtained in the nurse’s office. ATTENTION 8th GRADE PARENTS- This is a reminder that if you received a letter stating that your child did not pass the vision screening or your child’s glasses were in poor condition, please return the completed vision examination report to me ASAP. Any student that failed the vision screening or had glasses in poor condition should have received a notice to be seen by an eye doctor for a follow-up. Please take the time for your child to have a follow-up visit and return the form ASAP. A final notice will be sent with the report cards on January 7, 2016 for those that have not complied with the request. This information is reported to the Illinois Department of Public Health for further investigation. If your child has glasses, please encourage them to bring the glasses to school and wear them! Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. FLU PREVENTIONIt’s that time of year when people need to think about flu prevention. The single best way to protect yourself against the flu is to get vaccinated. The flu shot is approved for use in people older than 6 months, including healthy people and people with chronic medical conditions. It is especially important for adults and children with conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease to get a flu shot. The flu season rarely peaks before the end of January. A flu shot in December or later will still protect you against the flu. The flu shot is safe and effective. It’s not too late to vaccinate! Good health habits are also an important way to help prevent the flu. These include washing your hands often, covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. More importantly, as stated in the WMS Handbook under the Health Guidelines for Students, it states, “Your child should be feeling well, free of fever (>100F), vomiting and diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school following illness.” I encourage you to adhere to this guideline for the health and safety of all children. Please notify the nurse’s office if your child has a contagious disease such as strep throat or pink eye. HAVE A SAFE AND HEALTHY HOLIDAY SEASON! Mrs. Bonnie Frey, RN FRIENDLY REMINDERS FOR PARENTS ♦ ABSENCES: Please remember to call in your child’s absences by 8:00 a.m. There is an answering machine if you’d like to leave a message before the school office is open. If your child is absent for more then 1 day, you need to call them in everyday they are not at school. ♦ HOMEWORK REQUESTS: Homework requests should also be in by 8:00 a.m., so teachers have them for their team meetings. Homework can be picked up at the end of the school day. Homework requests are generally not done for the first day out. Homework assignments can also be found on the website through Power School. ♦ PHONE NUMBER/ADDRESS /EMAIL CHANGES: Please remember to inform the office when there are any changes to your address, home or work phone numbers, emergency contacts AND e-mails so that we may keep our records up to date. ♦ HOT LUNCH TICKET CHECKS: Please remember to put your child’s name on checks that are sent in for lunch tickets. Please note that hot lunches are now $2.75 per lunch per day. ♦ BREAKFAST: Breakfast is now available at WMS. Price is $1.45 per day and 30¢ per day for reduced price. ♦ LUNCH; The office staff will NO longer be lending money to students who forgot a lunch or forgot to renew their lunch ticket. The cafeteria issues notices when students have one lunch on their ticket. ♦ PLEASE NOTE: You can now purchase your child’s lunch, breakfast and milk tickets on-line using www.illinoisepay.com and search for “Wauconda CUSD#118”. The tickets however will not be available for same day use. Please allow up to 2 days for processing. You can also pay at the individual school office for same day purchases. Un recordatorio de cortesia para los padres Ausencias: Porfavor asegurese de reportar la ausencia de su hijo antes de las 8:00 am. Hay una contestadora automatica disponible, si gusta dejar un mensaje antes de que la oficina abra. Si su hijo esta ausente mas de un dia, tiene que llamar todos los dias para poder escusar la falta de cada dia que su hijo este ausente. Peticion de tareas: La solicitud de tareas debe ser pedida antes de las 8:00am, para que los maestros la tengan lista para sus reuniones de grupo. La tarea puede ser recojida al final de el dia escolar. Generalmente no es necesario pedir la tarea por un dia de ausencia. Usted puede encontrar la tarea en la pagina web Power School. Cambios a su telefono, direccion o correo electronico: porfavor asegurese de informar a la oficina cuando aga cambios a su direccion de casa, telefono de casa o trabajo, contacto de emergencia y su correo electronico para que nosotros podamos tener nuestros recors al dia. Cheques para los boletos de el almuerzo: Porfavor asegurese de poner el nombre de su hijo en los cheques que son mandados para los boletos de el almuerzo. Almuerzo: La oficina ya no podra prestar dinero a los estudiantes que olviden su almuerzo o que olviden renovar su boleto de almuerzo. Tenga en cuenta: Puede comprar los boletos para el almuerzo y la leche de su hijo atravez de el internet usando la pagina web www.illinoisepay.com y busque “Wauconda CUSD# 118”. Sinembargo los boletos no estaran disponibles para uso de el mismo dia. Tomara dos dias para procesarlos. Tambien puede pagar por ellos individualmente en la oficina. Starting in September, the Library will offer a Homework Help center in our new digital classroom. Students will be able to drop-in with homework questions and get assistance from teachers on Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6 p.m. & Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our monthly program calendars, available at www.wauclib.org or in the library, will have specific dates. Savethe Date 3·4·16 Wauconda High School Bulldog Nation Foundation Spring Dinner Dance SIGN UP FOR Village of Wauconda EMERGENCY ALERTS Your safety is our top concern. That’s why the Village of Wauconda wants to make sure you know about emergencies and incidents as they happen. By opting into the Village of Wauconda’s emergency notification system you’ll be informed before, during, and after incidents that could impact your safety. The Village of Wauconda’s emergency notification system, powered by Everbridge, will allow us to send you messages about situations as they happen across multiple devices, including your home phone, mobile device, email, and more. For this system to be a success, we need your contact information so we can reach you in the event of an emergency. Don’t worry, we will never sell or share your personal information with any third-party organizations. HOW TO REGISTER: Online – www.WaucondaAlerts.com Mail Name – Complete the form below and mail to: Wauconda Alerts, 109 W. Liberty Street, Wauconda, IL 60084 _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone Mobile Phone Business Phone Address City Email Zip Code WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, www.d118.org Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Emergency Early Dismissal Procedures Due to Severe Winter Weather Dear Parents: In the event of severe winter weather occurring during the school day, it may be necessary to dismiss the students housed at Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School and Wauconda High School earlier than usual. The reason this action would be taken is to allow the buses an opportunity to drop off these older students in order to return in time to take the younger elementary students at Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School home according to their regular dismissal schedule. If this early dismissal was not done, we would run the risk of buses being unable to return the Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown and Cotton Creek students to their homes, or very late drop off for these same students. In addition, we hope to avoid buses driving in a snowstorm when it is dark. Parents of students in grades six through twelve need to be aware of the possibility that this situation could occur due to inclement winter weather. If it does, we would enact the SchoolMessenger Service in an attempt to notify you that your sixth through twelfth grade student was coming home early. As a result, we ask that you make appropriate arrangements with your sixth through twelfth grade student in order for them to gain access to shelter after being dismissed early due to weather conditions. This type of situation does not occur often, but if it does we wanted you to be informed of our actions so that you and your students can be prepared. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendent of Schools “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, www.d118.org Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Procedimientos de Emergencia de Despido Temprano Debido a Severo Clima de Invierno Estimados Padres: En la eventualidad de un clima severo de invierno durante el día escolar, puede ser necesario despedir a los estudiantes alojados en la escuelas Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School y Wauconda High School más temprano de lo usual. La razón para que esta acción sea tomada es el permitir a los autobuses la oportunidad de llevar a estos estudiantes mayores a tiempo para volver y llevar a la casa a los estudiantes elementales más jóvenes en las escuelas Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown según su horario de despido regular. Si este despido temprano no se hace, estaríamos tomándonos el riesgo de que los autobuses no puedan llevar a sus casas a los estudiantes de Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown, o que estos estudiantes lleguen sumamente tarde. En adición, queremos evitar que hayan autobuses corriendo en una tormenta de nieve cuando ya ha oscurecido. Los padres de los estudiantes de sexto grado al grado 12 tienen que estar al tanto de la posibilidad de que esta situación pueda ocurrir debido a las condiciones del clima de invierno. Si ocurre, nosotros no podremos notificarles personalmente que su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 va a llegar temprano a la casa. Como resultado, les solicito que hagan los arreglos apropiados con su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 de manera que estos tengan acceso a un lugar donde estar después que hayan sido despedidos temprano debido a las condiciones del clima. Este tipo de situación no ocurre muy seguido, pero si ocurre, nosotros queremos que ustedes estén informados de nuestras acciones de modo que ustedes y sus estudiantes estén preparados. Gracias por su cooperación. Sinceramente, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendente de Escuelas “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” Middle School Lunch Menu MONDAY December 2015 WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 4 FRIDAY 3 4 4 Creamy Mac & Cheese Bosco Stick w/Marinara Sauce Baked Potato w/Cheese Sauce Sweet & Sour Chicken RiceBowl Tator Tots Carrots Broccoli Florettes Corn Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Milk Milk Milk Milk 7 8 9 10 11 Baked Mini Chicken Corn Dogs Italina Meatball Sub Baked Cheesa Lasagna Oven Baked Chicken Leg w/Roll Bosco Stick w/Marinara Sauce Green Beans Tator Tots Broccoli Florettes Sweet Potatoe Fries Corn Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk 14 15 16 17 18 Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Roll Beef Nacho Penne Pasta w/Marinara Sauce Chicago Style Hot Dog Irsish Nacho Bowl Green Beans Tator Tots & Mozzarella Cheese Sweet Potatoe Fries Corn Fruit Fruit Broccolo Florettes Fruit Milk Milk Fruit Fruit Milk Milk 21 Winter Break 22 Winter Break 23 t Winter Break 28 Winter Break LOCALLY GROWN ITEMS Winter Break 24 LUNCH PRICE: $2.75 ARE OFFERED WHENEVER SEASONALLY AVAILABLE. MENU IS SUBJECT REDUCED LUNCH: $ .40 TO CHANGE 25 Winter Break $PurchaseOrder.Id=44719 $PartName=WithBorder Wauconda School District Breakfast Menu MINI CHOC. CHIP FR.TOAST OR OATMEAL BREAKFAST BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK CHEERIOS CEREAL BAR FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK BLUEBERRY MINI PANCAKES OR APPLE CINNAMON MUFFIN FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G STRAWBERRY POP TARTS FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G = WHOLE GRAIN BREAKFAST PRICE: $1.45 - REDUCED BREAKFAST PRICE: $ .30 FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI MAPLE PANCAKES OR BLUEBERRY MUFFIN FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK CINNAMON TOAST CEREAL BAR FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK CINNAMON MINI WAFFLES OR OATMEAL BREAKFAST BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G CINNAMON POP TARTS FRESH APPLE AND /OR JUICE MILK 1% WHITE MILK AND FAT FREE CHOCOLATE MILK OFFERED DAILY FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI CHOC CHIP FR.TOAST OR APPLE NUTRIGRAIN BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK CHEERIOS CEREAL BAR FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI MAPLE PANCAKES OR OATMEAL BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G STRAWBERRY POP TARTS FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK WINTER BREAK WINTER BREAK MENU IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WINTER BREAK WINTER BREAK WINTER BREAK OUR MENU IS ALIGNED WITH THE USDA's HEALTHIER SCHOOL CHALLENGE WISHING YOU A SAFE HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON & NEW YEAR FROM ALL OF US AT SODEXO! WE WELCOME YOUR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS. PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD I.REDER, GENERAL MANAGER AT: 847:487-9703.
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