Superintendent Dr. Daniel J. Coles Board Of Education John C. Armstrong, President Deby Dato, Vice President Jonathan Feryance, Secretary Kathleen Bianco Carey McHugh David Patterson Brian Swanson Go Mustangs! 3500 Darrell Road P.O. Box 920 Island Lake Il 60042 Important Dates 2/1 - Beginning of 4th Exploratory Rotation 2/4 - Choir Field Trip 2/5 - Ski Trip to Alpine Valley 2/6 - MMS Band Solo/Ensemble Contest 2/9 - 3rd Quarter Midterms sent home 2/11 - Parent Conferences No Student Attendance 2/12 - Institute Day No Student Attendance 2/15 - President’s Day NO SCHOOL 2/19 - Ski Trip to Alpine Valley 2/23 - NJHS Induction Ceremony February 2016 Volume 9, Issue 6 Students of the Month Isabella Acosta, Nicholas Bennett, Collin Cheshier, Frankie Concialdi, Trinity Contreras, Nallomy Covarrubias, Madi Dvorak, Nigel Haye, Hailey Hebert, Michael Herbst, Justin Jurkowski, Mikayla Kantorski, Selma Khwaja, Yanira Moraza, Logan Newby, Ivan Ramirez, Josh Sloan, Samuel Valice What’s Inside: Principal’s Message…….…..2 2nd Quarter Honor Roll…….3 PBIS News…………………..5 Important Dates………...…...6 PTO News……………….…..7 Yearbook……………….…....8 Severe Winter Weather….....9 D118 events…………….....12 Wauconda District 118 Parent – Teacher Advisory Committee There will be a meeting for anyone interested in serving on the District 118 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee. The committee is seeking input concerning the student/parent handbook and bullying policy for each school in the district. Also, a review of the State Board of Education guidelines on the use of behavioral interventions for students eligible for special education will be included at the meeting. This is a collaborative effort of parents, teachers, and administrators. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:00 pm in the Wauconda High School Library. If you have any questions, please contact your building Principal. Bus Drivers Wanted……….23 Community Events………...24 2016-2017 Calendar……....26 Breakfast Menu…………....27 Lunch Menu…………….….28 Please join us at our home sporting events! Girls’ volleyball 2/1, 2/9, 2/17, 2/18, 2/24, 2/25 Wrestling : 2/3 @ 4:15pm 2/27 @ 9am IESA REGIONAL The Studio 118 District Art Show is coming soon! This display showcases artwork from elementary through the high school level throughout the entire Wauconda Public Library from Monday, February 29th through Thursday, March 31. The art show opening will be held on Monday, February 29th from 6:30-8:00, everyone is welcome to view this amazing show (light snacks will be provided.) If a student has artwork in the show they are encouraged to stop by with their family and also pick up their award. Ski and Snowboarding Trips to Alpine Valley Friday, February 5 Friday, March 4 Friday, February 19 Friday, March 11 Dear MMS Families, The calendar year 2016 is off to a strong start! Thus far, Mother Nature has been cooperative and there have been no disruptions to our school calendar and events. Here is hoping that the weather continues to be non-extreme and that the cold gray days of winter yield to an early spring…unless of course, you love skiing or snow! The continuity of our school weeks has resulted in positive outcomes across the school. Students, staff, and families are working hard to ensure a successful second half of the school year. I would like to take a moment to express my appreciation for the high level of student engagement, for the rigor of staff instruction, and the support of staff and family support. Later this month, we will be hosting traditional parent-teacher conferences. Teams have contacted parents to schedule conferences based on a variety of criteria. If you did not receive a conference invite, but would like to arrange a conference, you may feel free to call your teachers to set up a meeting on an alternative date. As we move toward spring, we begin the scheduling of state testing. In April, we will be taking the PARCC test once again. There have been some changes on the test from last year. This year, the tests will be administered throughout one set of dates or window as opposed to two. The testing window will begin the week of April 11. More information will come home from us as to the exact dates that your child’s grade-level will be testing. This may sound repetitive, but maximizing communication between home and school is imperative to your child’s educational success, and something that we will continue to find ways to improve upon. Please visit our website, to stay up to date with what is going on at MMS! As always, feel free to call me at 847.526.6210 or email me at [email protected] at any time. Sincerely, Robert Taterka Principal 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Matthews Middle School Academic Superior Honors – GPA 4.00 th 6 grade: Collin Cheshier, Logan Corneil, Amber Davis, Nicholas Dean, Sarah Discher, Owen Donohue, Justin Frank, Sophie Frick, Ekaterina Ftikas, Cole Conrad Gempison, Evelyn Gil, Joseph Haxby, Emma Hoeger, Makayla Hugg, Liana Jacobson, Isabel Johnson, Tyler Juckett, Eric Latham, Aiden McFadden, Ilyssa Nathan, Logan Newby, Rachel Peat, Ryan Rockey, Ava Sammons, Samuel Viner th 7 grade: Paul Balingit, Shiva Bar Zvi, Carolyn Becker, Ava Buttelmann, Makenzie Calliger, Makenzie Carlsen, Ariana Consalvo, Jacob Cvelbar, Jacob Czyz, Jenna Dedina, Miranda Fortunato, Sean Fox, Kiera Funni, Caitlin Hriljac, Joshua Irizarry, Manav Kordia, Luke Langos, Taylor Lee, Griffin Lyons, Brandon Macintosh, Yessica Magallanes, Miranda McGraw, Katelyn Mingee, Elizabeth Nelson, Taylor Phillips, Katrina Pickup, Hayden Splitt, Tyler Storz, Kiley Szmajda, Ana Vidal, Abdiel Villarreal, Emily Vuglar, Mia Zamora, Victoria Zoltowska th 8 grade: Tara Bierdz, Nathan Brown, Donovan Carter, Alicia Diol, Hallie Fedorowicz, Gianna Fellino, Emilee Harris, Shaundra Hollech, Mikayla Kantorski, Selma Khwaja, Breanna Kinney, Nicholas Kotis, Jeffrey Laubach, Clark Morgan, Natalie Nunez, Isabella Oakes, Allie Tarakanov, Megan Yonan, Kate Zerfahs Academic High Honors – GPA 3.53.99 th 6 grade: Angelina Baccelli, Madison Bilancia, Jordan Bodden, Benjamin Bueno, Garrison Carter, Trinity Contreras, Jenna Davito, Naomi Draeger, Justin Drobnik, Alyssa Escobar, Ashley Escobar, Austin Fink, Cory Freed, Megan Hackman, Connor Hoffman, Kailey Hogaboom, Amelia Jayara, Jasmine Khaytin, Lily King, Kevin McLaughlin, Kyle McNutt, Charles Miller, Kathryn Minard, Javier Muro, Trey Parker, Seth Pollin, Emmarose Pulio, Hunter Rathgeber, Kathryn Reuscher, Kayla Riccio, Emma Robison, April Ruiz, Joshua Rusin, Frida Salgado, Monica Santiago, Sophia Skinger, Kevin Skowron, Teagan Tulley, Wendy Vidal th 7 grade: Jared Amezquita, Lauren Ansell, Valeria Arreguin, Reina Bonds, Jack Borlik, Nicholas Bulgarelli, Justin Ryan Carmona, Peyton Chipchase, Martyna Chmiel, Amyna Encarnacion Ribar, Sophia Evans, Linsay Fleissner, Madison Fleissner, Mariah Flores, Madeline Gorrell, Michael Herbst, Krysta Hirschbine, Emily Jacobs, Matthew Jasinski, Jamie Kayser, Jeremy Kraus, Kierstin Kurtzer, Anna Lassak, Thomas Lauro, Matthew Leazer, Emily McGovern, Caden Miller, Jake Miller, Carly Motley, Jamie Nader, Jack Norland, Lilija Piwowarczyk, Paiton Plucinski, Jack Proeschel, Alexandra Rich, Ryan Scherdin, Benjamin Schmidt, Thomas Stapleton, Ryan Thomas, Emily Trela, Chloe Yerkic th 8 grade: Erin Benson, Joseph Cednick, Ashley Cheshier, Joseph Davito, Audrey Deaver, Krysta Flaherty, Rebecca Freed, Madeline Frick, Estefany Garcia, Tatiana Gmitrovic, Wendy Haro, Rhyanne Hernandez, Jessica Inman, Emily Johnson, Savannah Johnson, Prabhmeet Kahlon, Melissa Kraszczyk, Natalia Lopez, Monica Medina, Emma Miller, Hannah Miller, John Minard, Karla Morales, Michael Olsen, Denise Ortiz, Vincent Padula, Alyson Pavlowski, Elissa Pavlowski, Alexis Pesz, Katie Polen, Daniel Poloyni, Jason Ramirez, Casey Suchor, Teagan Tallungan, Morgan Thompson, Domenick Valice, Anamari Velazquez, Jaclyn Zukowski, Casey Zyskowski Academic Honors – GPA 3.003.49 th 6 grade: Isabella Acosta, Colden Applegate, Natalie Avitia, Jack Baker, Brandon Blazyk, Marycielo Bustos, Caiden Calliger, Lauren Cannino, Theresa Chasteen, Prableen Chinna, Eric Christie, Emmy Colecio, Britney Cross, Breanna Cruz, Matthew Dynek, Cecelia Estacion, Carly Fedorowicz, Madilyn Flannigan, Charlotte Flood, Pedro Garcia, Anthony Gonzalez, Natalie Gorgius, Josh Johnson, Cole Krueger, Jessica Lange, Stephanie Leon, Sarah Lochen, James Marvel, Ethan Molzahn, Bailey Moody, Mayah Moore, Yanira Moraza, Makenzie Ong, Magdalena Parmelee, Kyle Phipps, Cade Plucinski, Amberly Ramirez, Jaden Rath, Mason Scherdin, Emry Schubert, Daniel Shapiro, Connor Steinmetz, Cameron Thompson, Madison Topp, Benjamin Twiss, Samuel Valice, Michael Vandeveer, Amanda Vepley, Alexis Wendt, Lauren Yacono th 7 grade: Zuzanna Borzecki, Matthew Caballero, Gabriel Camargo, Andrea Carol, Jacob Christensen, Frank Concialdi, Nallomy Covarrubias, Vincent D Agostino, Madelyn Dvorak, Mitchell Dzienis, Austin Fiene Rodriguez, Lindsey Finley, Julia Fohlmeister, Dylan Francisco, Giovanna Gonzalez, Kyle Grandt, Nigel Haye, Hailey Hebert, Jose Jacobo, Patrick Jenkins, Kai Keene, Alexis Lamberg, Abigail Linning, Patryk Malinowski, Charlotte McDonald, Carla Mejia, Andrea Miranda, Jeffrey Preusse, Prisma Sanchez, Cole Schmidt, Dustin Shelton, Kara Snedecor, Cynthia Trujillo, Allen Van, Jovan Vargas, Ja Ton Williams th 8 grade: Sophia Acosta, Ben Becker, Dominick Bottoni, Kellen Calby, Zachary Calliger, Daniel Carlson, Cade Cohen, Paige Gallagher, Adrianna Gillespie, Eli Gisleson, Jonathan Gobillot, Giorgio Gonzalez, Laney Gonzalez, Mackenzie Jones, Owen Joyner, Josh Kehl, Adam Khan, Matthew Koza, McGwire Landvick, Itzel Lopez, Marco Madrigal, Kellian Mason, Emerson Michael Jeffrey Mora, Juan Rodarte Moreno, Allan Nathan, Yanelli Ornelas, Rowan Parmalee, Sara Polovin, Scout Richmond, Jacob Rodell, Madeline Ryan, Brianna Samp, Grace Sayer, Kyle Schultz, Josh Sloan, Cody Smith, Halle Smyth, Anthony Tejeda, Emilio Varela, Javier Venegas, Jenna Wendt, Kiana Zacharias, Andrew Zalewski In December, 2015 the students started their winter break with a celebration of positive behaviors in Matthews Middle School. Currently, of our 477 enrolled students, 87% have consistent, respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors or zero majors. This percentage of students meets the expected 80-90% response to Tier 1 interventions found within the PBIS model. School-Wide Systems for Student Success: A Response to Intervention (RtI) Model Academic Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions Behavioral Systems 1-5% 1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions •_____________________ •_____________________ •_____________________ Tier 2/Secondary Interventions •___________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ 5-15% 5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ •___________________________ Tier 1/Universal Interventions80-90% •________________________ •________________________ •________________________ •________________________ •________________________ •________________________ 80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ •____________________________ Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008. Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at Students are currently helping with the PBIS display board in the hallway. This month’s theme is being respectful to others. Thank you to the parents and students that have volunteered to help with the tier 1 PBIS committee!! Congratulations and Keep Up the Great Work!!!!!!! Important Dates for Matthews Middle School 2015-2016 School Year February 1 4 5 5 6 8 9 11 12 15 19 23 4th Exploratory Rotation Begins Choir Field Trip Middle School Ski Trip D118 PTO Bingo Night (at WHS) 6:30p.m. D118 Band Solo and Ensemble MMS PTO Butterbraid Fundraiser Begins 3rd Quarter Midterms Sent Home Parent Conferences – No Student Attendance Institute Day – No Student Attendance President’s Day – No School Middle School Ski Trip National Junior Honor Society Induction (at MMS) 7:00 p.m. March 2 4 9 10 11 11 14 15 18 28 Spring Choir Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. Middle School Ski Trip MMS Band Concert (at WHS) 7:00 p.m. PTO Butterbraid Fundraiser Delivered End of 3rd Quarter Middle School Ski Trip Beginning of 4th Quarter 3rd Quarter Report Cards Sent Home Spring Break Begins Following Regular School Day School Resumes 1 4 6 20 26 26 27 28 29 30 End of 4th Exploratory Rotation 5th Exploratory Rotation Begins Fine Arts Field Trip OWLS Field Trip 4th Quarter Midterms Sent Home MMS Spring Musical Performance for Elementary School MMS Spring Musical Performance for Elementary School MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. MMS Spring Musical 7:00 p.m. 1 9 12 24 MMS Spring Musical 2:00 p.m. Farewell MMS Choir Concert (at WHS) 7:00pm MMS Band Concert (at WHS) 7:00pm Last Day of School if all Emergency Days Are Used April May PTO NEWS Butter Braid Sale- runs Feb 8th-23rd (delivery on March 10th). Please indicate whether you would like your orders sent home with your student or would prefer to pick up at the school. The grade that sells the most wins! Monthly MANNA Gift Card Sales- Pay face value for the gift card and we receive a % back! Weekly Lunch Sales – The PTO sells popcorn or ice cream during Friday lunches: to sign up to volunteer District Bingo Night- Feb 5th 6:30-8:30pm –volunteers are needed Thank you to our December and January volunteers: Michelle C, Susie M, Maria A, April J, Lara M., Cami B., Angela H., Jennifer R., Patti F., Karen C., Kristyn P., Mark P., Michele S., Sylvia C., Jane K., Jennifer R., Rhea F., Carey M., Claudia B. and Lori C. for helping make Friday lunch sales, monthly staff appreciation treats, the holiday shop and dance concessions a success! Thank you to the families that contributed money for Teacher Holiday Appreciation. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to provide breakfast one day, cookies and a hot cocoa bar another plus Dunkin Donuts and Culvers Gift Cards for each teacher. The staff was touched to be remembered during the holidays and thank you all! We will be collecting again in April for Teacher Appreciation Week! Contact [email protected] if you would like to donate money, gift cards and/or treats. We love volunteers! Please email: [email protected] to be added to the volunteer list. Sincerely, Your PTO 2015-2016 Board President: Kimberly Miller [email protected] Secretary: Tracey Albrecht Vice President: Jennifer Discher Treasurer: Beverly Linning MMS YEARBOOK $25 ORDER ONLINE OR BY PHONE by April 10 1.866.287.3096 Order ONLINE in 5 Easy Steps… 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Enter order # 8247 at Yearbook Order Center. Choose “Buy a Yearbook” option. Select your purchase option. Choose green “Click here to choose” option. Enter your child’s last name. Nameplates and Our World insert are no longer available. AFTER APRIL 10 you can order through MMS Office. Make checks payable to Matthews Middle School. PREFER TO SEND A CHECK? Use the form below. To order complete the following information and return with a check payable to: MATTHEWS MIDDLE SCHOOL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________ PRINT Last Name PRINT First Name Grade ___________________________ HOMEROOM teacher ROOM # _______ Yearbook $25.00 Amount enclosed Check # * Make checks payable to: MATTHEWS MIDDLE SCHOOL Cash MATTHEWS MIDDLE SCHOOL ISLAND LAKE 847-526-6210 Emergency Alerts and School Closings Now on Twitter Follow Superintendent Dr. Coles on Twitter @Supt_D118 Dr. Daniel J. Coles, Superintendent of Schools will now be utilizing Twitter to announce emergency alerts and school closings. The use of Twitter will be used in conjunction with our existing communication platforms such as our SchoolMessenger Emergency Alert System (robocall) as well as postings on our District’s Website at In order to get the emergency alerts and school closing “Tweets” from Dr. Coles, you must have a Twitter account. To do so, use your smart phone to download the Twitter app or use your web browser on your computer and go to: Once you have a Twitter account, you may get the alert Tweets by following Dr. Coles @Supt_D118. Please note that the purpose of this Twitter account will only be used for notifying staff, parents and the community about emergency alerts and school closings. WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Emergency Early Dismissal Procedures Due to Severe Winter Weather Dear Parents: In the event of severe winter weather occurring during the school day, it may be necessary to dismiss the students housed at Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School and Wauconda High School earlier than usual. The reason this action would be taken is to allow the buses an opportunity to drop off these older students in order to return in time to take the younger elementary students at Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School home according to their regular dismissal schedule. If this early dismissal was not done, we would run the risk of buses being unable to return the Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown and Cotton Creek students to their homes, or very late drop off for these same students. In addition, we hope to avoid buses driving in a snowstorm when it is dark. Parents of students in grades six through twelve need to be aware of the possibility that this situation could occur due to inclement winter weather. If it does, we would enact the SchoolMessenger Service in an attempt to notify you that your sixth through twelfth grade student was coming home early. As a result, we ask that you make appropriate arrangements with your sixth through twelfth grade student in order for them to gain access to shelter after being dismissed early due to weather conditions. This type of situation does not occur often, but if it does we wanted you to be informed of our actions so that you and your students can be prepared. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendent of Schools “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Daniel J. Coles 555 North Main Street, Wauconda, Illinois 60084-1299, (847) 526-7690, Fax (847) 526-1019, Wauconda Grade • Robert Crown • Cotton Creek • Wauconda Middle • Matthews Middle • Wauconda High _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Associate Superintendent Business Services, CSBO William Harkin Assistant Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Dr. David Wilm Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Cameron Willis Assistant Superintendent Special Services Valerie Donnan Assistant Superintendent Technology Services Scott Cittadino Procedimientos de Emergencia de Despido Temprano Debido a Severo Clima de Invierno Estimados Padres: En la eventualidad de un clima severo de invierno durante el día escolar, puede ser necesario despedir a los estudiantes alojados en la escuelas Wauconda Middle School, Matthews Middle School y Wauconda High School más temprano de lo usual. La razón para que esta acción sea tomada es el permitir a los autobuses la oportunidad de llevar a estos estudiantes mayores a tiempo para volver y llevar a la casa a los estudiantes elementales más jóvenes en las escuelas Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown según su horario de despido regular. Si este despido temprano no se hace, estaríamos tomándonos el riesgo de que los autobuses no puedan llevar a sus casas a los estudiantes de Wauconda Grade School, Cotton Creek y Robert Crown, o que estos estudiantes lleguen sumamente tarde. En adición, queremos evitar que hayan autobuses corriendo en una tormenta de nieve cuando ya ha oscurecido. Los padres de los estudiantes de sexto grado al grado 12 tienen que estar al tanto de la posibilidad de que esta situación pueda ocurrir debido a las condiciones del clima de invierno. Si ocurre, nosotros no podremos notificarles personalmente que su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 va a llegar temprano a la casa. Como resultado, les solicito que hagan los arreglos apropiados con su estudiante de sexto grado al grado 12 de manera que estos tengan acceso a un lugar donde estar después que hayan sido despedidos temprano debido a las condiciones del clima. Este tipo de situación no ocurre muy seguido, pero si ocurre, nosotros queremos que ustedes estén informados de nuestras acciones de modo que ustedes y sus estudiantes estén preparados. Gracias por su cooperación. Sinceramente, Dr. Daniel J. Coles Superintendente de Escuelas “Learning For Life – Building Partnerships For Success” GET DOWN & GET FUNKY FRIDAY, MARCH , 7 P.M. - MIDNIGHT Featuring: Featuring: Dinner, Dinner,Music, Music, Open Open Bar, Bar,Silent Silent Auction, Auction,Rafes Rafes Tickets: ' Purchase tickets using the form below or online at To reserve your seat at this exciting event, complete this form by February 26 and return it with your payment to: Jennifer Vogler, 2238 Trailside Lane, Wauconda, IL 60084. Questions? Call 847-452-0435 or email [email protected]. District 118 PTO Presents FAMILY BINGO NIGHT Friday, February 5th 6:30pm-8:30pm Wauconda H.S. Admission: Adults $3.00 Children $2.00 *Free Bingo Card and Raffle Ticket with each paid admission! Pizza, hot dogs, chips, drinks and goodies will be available to purchase. Don’t forget to wear your PJs We are looking for volunteers to help out on February 5th . Please complete the information below and return to school in an envelope labeled ‘PTO Bingo’. Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________ Comments: _________________________________________________ Any questions please contact Beth Acosta [email protected] Distrito 118 PTO Presenta NOCHE DE BINGO FAMILIAR VIERNES, 5 DE FEBRERO 6:30pm ~ 8:30 Wauconda H.S. Admisión Adultos $3.00 Niños $2.00 *Con su boleto de admisión se le entregara una carta para el bingo y un boleto para la rifa Podrá comprar pizza, hotdogs, chips y más. No se te olvide ponte tus pijamas y vente a jugar 2016 Super Bowl Commercial Challenge Film your own Super Bowl Commercial - great fun and friendly competition for teams, businesses, charitable groups, musicians, individuals or families. • You write, produce and edit it. (Use editing software like iMovie for Mac, or Windows Movie Maker) All proceeds benefit the Bulldog Nation Foundation ! • The commercial can be serious advertising, funny spoofs, or a combination of both • Submit your video to the Bulldog Nation Foundation by Wednesday February 3rd • Acceptable formats include: Flash Drive, CD, DVD, or email – [email protected] • Winners are chosen at the Foundation Viewing Party held at Middleton’s on Main on Saturday February 6th – 6:00 p.m. • The cost / donation to enter is easy to calculate - $30.00 buys you a 30 second spot, $60 = 60 seconds, and so on. Questions: Contact Mike Salisbury @ Lake County Watersports – 847-526-2211 Watch some of the previous entries with a QR Code reader Acres Inc. Bliss Wine Crew Bulldog Nation Wauconda HS Choir Lake County Water Sports 2016 Super Bowl Commercial Challenge Registration Form Name of Business or Organization __________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ Contact Person _________________________________________________________ Cell Phone ____________________ Email Address ___________________________ Length of Commercial (Circle One) 30 seconds 60 seconds 120 seconds Donation Amount = Length of Commercial x 1.00 90 seconds 150 seconds ( 30 seconds = $30.00 ) _______________________ Make Checks Payable to the Bulldog Nation Foundation Please drop off or mail registration form and donation to: Lake County Watersports 530 South Rand Road Wauconda, IL 60084 Attention: Mike Salisbury [email protected] 847-526-2211 All proceeds benefit the Bulldog Nation Foundation ! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Wauconda Community Unit School District 118 Kindergarten Pre-Registration For School Year 2016/17 Children living within the school boundaries of Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School, and Cotton Creek School should pre-register at their home school on Monday, March 7, 2016, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Questions regarding attendance boundaries can be addressed by calling the Transportation Department at 847-526-6672. Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School and Cotton Creek School will be conducting their Kindergarten Pre-Registration for all children who will be entering Kindergarten for the fall of 2016. Parents that have children who will be five years old on or before September 1, 2016, and who live within the boundaries of Wauconda CUSD 118, are eligible to register for the 2016-17 school year. This annual pre-registration is done in March to begin the process of getting our youngsters ready for Kindergarten and to assist Wauconda CUSD 118 in staff planning. At the Kindergarten Pre-Registration, parents will be asked to complete the necessary paperwork to enroll their child. Parents are asked to bring the following documents (copies if possible): *Two (2) items of proof of residency (drivers license, home ownership title or deed, apartment lease, voter registration, utility bills, automobile insurance, or other documents that prove residency). If you are unable to provide the required documentation, please alert school personnel. *State issued child’s birth certificate Illinois law requires that all Kindergarten students show proof of required immunizations, physical, dental, and vision examinations for the start of school. If you have any questions about the pre-registration process or are unable to attend, please contact: Wauconda Grade School, Robert Crown School or Cotton Creek School. Please feel free to share this information with your neighbors. Wauconda Grade School 225 Osage Street Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-6671 Ms. Deb Monroe, Principal Robert Crown School 620 Bonner Road Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-7100 Ms. Karrie Diol, Principal Cotton Creek School 545 Newport Court Island Lake, IL 60042 (847) 526-4700 Ms. Diane Kelly, Principal Beginning Tuesday, February 16, 2016 registration packets may be picked-up at the school your child will attend in the fall between 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or downloaded from the district website at ¡ANUNCIO IMPORTANTE! Distrito Escolar #118 de la Comunidad de Wauconda Pre-Matriculas para Kinder Año Escolar 2016-17 Niños viviendo dentro los limites de las Escuelas Wauconda Grade, Cotton Creek o Robert Crown deben de pre-matricularse en la escuela más cercana de su casa el lunes, 7 de marzo, 2016, de 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Preguntas sobre los límites geográficos de las escuelas pueden dirigirse al Departamento de Transportación al 847-526-6672. Las escuelas Wauconda Grade, Robert Crown y Cotton Creek llevarán a cabo las prematriculas para todos los niños que van a entrar a Kinder en el otoño 2016. Padres con niños que cumplirán cinco años él o antes del 1º de Septiembre, 2016 y que viven dentro de los límites del Distrito Escolar #118 de Wauconda son legibles para matricularse para el año escolar 2016-17. Estas pre-matriculas se llevan a cabo en marzo con el fin de comenzar el proceso para preparar a los niños para el Kindergarten y asistir al Distrito Escolar de Wauconda con la planificación necesaria. En la pre-matricula se les pedirá a los padres que completen todos los documentos necesarios para matricular a sus niños. Se les solicitara a los padres traer los siguientes documentos (copia si es posible): *Dos (2) documentos que comprueben el domicilio donde residen (licencia de manejo, titulo de la residencia o hipoteca, contrato de renta del apartamento, registro para votar, cuentas de utilidades tales como agua, luz, gas, aseguranza de automóvil, y otros documentos como prueba de residencia. Si usted no puede proporcionar la documentación requerida, por favor de avisar al personal de la escuela. *La Acta de Nacimiento expedido por el Estado/Gobierno donde su niño nació. La ley de Illinois requiere que todos los niños entrando a Kinder provean prueba de las vacunas requeridas, examen físico, examen dental, y examen de visión (ojos) al comienzo de la escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el proceso de pre-matricula o si no puede asistir personalmente, por favor llame a cualquiera de las escuelas. Por favor comparta esta información con sus vecinos. Wauconda Grade School 225 Osage Street Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-6671 Ms. Deb Monroe, Principal Robert Crown School 620 Bonner Road Wauconda, IL 60084 (847) 526-7100 Ms. Karrie Diol, Principal Cotton Creek School 545 Newport Court Island Lake, IL 60042 (847) 526-4700 Ms. Diane Kelly, Principal A partir del martes, 16 de febrero, 2016, los paquetes de registro pueden ser recogidos entre las 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. en la escuela que su hijo asistirá en el otoño o descargado desde el sitio web del distrito en THE WORLD RENOWNED CHICAGO BRASS BAND WILL BE PLAYING IN WAUCONDA ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH . THIS AWARD WINNING, HIGHLY ENTERTAINING BAND WILL BE HOST TO A GREAT EVENING OUT FOR ANY MUSIC LOVER. Opening the Show: WHS WIND ENSEMBLE WOODWIND AND BRASS CHOIRS TICKETS TO THE SHOW ARE $10.00 WHEN: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28TH , 2016 3:00 PM WHERE: WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 555 MAIN ST., WAUCONDA, IL Questions: Contact Susan @ 847-421-0132 STUDENTS RETURN BOTTOM PORTION OF FORM TO YOUR BAND DIRECTOR STUDENT NAME: _________________________ SCHOOL________________________________ # OF TICKETS:____________________________ X $10.00 = $_____________________________TOTAL ENCLOSED: $_____________________________________________________________ Preschool Screening 2015-2016 Wauconda CUSD 118 Parents, if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s emotional, social, cognitive, or physical development and you live within Wauconda CUSD 118 boundaries, please call 847-526-7950 x9205 for an appointment today. Wauconda CUSD 118 offers Preschool Screening to all children aged three to five years who live within the district boundaries. The screening will provide parents with information about their child’s growth and development in the areas of cognition, motor, speech, language, social, emotional, vision, and hearing. Screenings are offered on the following dates: Tuesday, August 25 Thursday, August 27 Tuesday, September 15 Tuesday, December 1 Tuesday, February 23 Tuesday, May 3 Don’t Delay! Contact the Special Education Office at 847-526-7950 X9208 to schedule a screening or for further information. Examenes Pre-Escolares 2015-2016 Distrito 118 Comunidad de Wauconda Padres, si tienen preguntas o preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo emocional, social, cognoscitivo, o físico de su hijo/a y viven entre los limites de Wauconda CUSD 118, favor que llamar hoy 847-526-7950 x9205 para una cita. Wauconda CUSD 118 ofrece los Exámenes PreEscolares a todos niños/as que tengan tres a cinco años que vivan entre los límites del distrito escolar. Los exámenes van a proveer los padres con información sobre el desarrollo de su hijo/a en los áreas de lenguaje, social, emocional, visión, audición, y de motaras. Están citas por los exámenes en las fechas abajas: Martes, 25 de Agosto Jueves, 27 de Agosto Martes, 15 de Septiembre Martes, 1 de Deciembre Martes, 23 de Febrero Martes, 3 de Mayo Favor que llamar la Oficina de Educación Especial lo más pronto como posible para hacer una cita para una examen o para más información al 847-526-7950 X9208 Looking to earn a little extra cash? Looking for a schedule that matches your children and you get the holidays off? Don’t have daycare? Bring your child along! Come Drive a Wauconda District 118 School Bus. Wauconda District 118 is now hiring confident, strong, patient, dependable, on-call bus drivers, from the area. You must be available to drive a bus route from 6:00-9:00am and/or 2:00-4:30pm. Qualified applicants will have in-house paid training for a Class B CDL with P & S Endorsement. Once trained, drivers will be called in, on an as needed basis to drive school routes within the district. Starting rate is $16.59 per hour for first year drivers and would be qualified to accept a permanent position, starting at $18.01 per hour upon availability. TOGETHER TODAY. SUCCESS TOMORROW. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sponsored by OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sponsored by The Chamber’s business & Community EXPO is a family oriented show‐ case held at the Wauconda High School. It features local business exhibi‐ tors as well as a craft show, career fair, food vendors, and great family en‐ tertainment. A must attend winter event for the whole family. For more information about business vendor registration, please contact: Francine Maze—Chamber Director Phone: 847.791.5217 Email: [email protected] Starting in September, the Library will offer a Homework Help center in our new digital classroom. Students will be able to drop-in with homework questions and get assistance from teachers on Tuesday and Thursday from 4-6 p.m. & Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our monthly program calendars, available at or in the library, will have specific dates. WAUCONDA COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 118 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR MONDAY AUGUST 15 .......... FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL TERM and INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE TUESDAY AUGUST 16 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17 .......... FIRST DAY OF STUDENT ATTENDANCE (GRADES 1-12) KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY AUGUST 18 .......... KINDERGARTEN CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 .......... LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19 .......... EARLY DISMISSAL DAY* and PARENT CONFERENCES THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 .......... PARENT CONFERENCES – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24 .......... THANKSGIVING DAY – NO SCHOOL FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 21 .......... WINTER BREAK BEGINS FOLLOWING REGULAR SCHOOL DAY MONDAY JANUARY 9 .......... SCHOOL RESUMES MONDAY JANUARY 16 .......... DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY – NO SCHOOL THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16 .......... PARENT CONFERENCES – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17 .......... INSTITUTE DAY – NO STUDENT ATTENDANCE MONDAY FEBRUARY 20 .......... PRESIDENTS’ DAY – NO SCHOOL FRIDAY MARCH 24 .......... SPRING BREAK BEGINS FOLLOWING REGULAR SCHOOL DAY MONDAY APRIL 3 .......... SCHOOL RESUMES FRIDAY APRIL 14 .......... NON ATTENDANCE DAY – NO SCHOOL MONDAY MAY 29 .......... MEMORIAL DAY – NO SCHOOL MONDAY JUNE 5 .......... LAST DAY OF REQUIRED ATTENDANCE IF ALL FIVE EMERGENCY DAYS ARE USED** NOTE: STUDENTS IN THE EARLY CHILDHOOD AND WEE KIDS PROGRAMS FOLLOW THE KINDERGARTEN CALENDAR WHS FRESHMAN ORIENTATION & SCHEDULE PICK-UP th WMS/MMS 6 GRADE CURRICULUM NIGHT & ORIENTATION WGS/RCS/CCS K-5 MEET AND GREET WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016 EARLY STUDENT DISMISSAL DAY * Friday, August 12, 2016 Monday, August 15, 2016 Tuesday, August 16, 2016 7:30 - 11:30 a.m. 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Times Of Early Student Dismissal To Accommodate Parent Conferences LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EARLY STUDENT DISMISSAL DAY ** *** Times of Early Student Dismissal to Accommodate Half-Day Teacher Inservice Grades 9-12 12:35 p.m. Grades 6-8 1:05 p.m. Grades 1-5 2:05 p.m. AM Kdg. 10:50 a.m. PM Kdg. Begins 12:20 p.m. – Dismissal 2:05 p.m. M,T,W, or Th Friday Grades 9-12 10:20 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Grades 6-8 10:50 a.m. 11:50 a.m. Grades 1-5 12:05 p.m. 12:35 p.m. No school for AM or PM Kindergarten st WHS 1 Semester Finals – December 19, 20, 21 nd WHS 2 Semester Finals – TBD QUARTERS FOR GRADES K-8 st 1 08/17 – 10/14 = 42 days nd 2 10/17 – 12/21 = 42 days rd 3 01/09 – 03/17 = 46 days th 4 03/20 – 05/26 = 44 days *** WHS Graduation Ceremony – Sunday, May 21, 2017, 2:30 p.m. WMS & MMS Promotion Ceremony – TBD SEMESTERS FOR GRADES 9-12 st 1 08/17 – 12/21 = 84 days nd 2 01/09 – 05/26 = 90 days *** (Last day of 4th Quarter at Grades K-8 and 2nd Semester at Grades 9-12 if no emergency days are used) *** Adopted 12/17/15 $PurchaseOrder.Id=48417 $PartName=WithBorder Wauconda School District Breakfast Menu FRESH BAGEL MINI MAPLE PANCAKES OE W/G STRAWBERRY POP TARTS MINI CHOC. CHIP FR.TOAST CHERRIOS CEREAL BAR CREAM CHEESE BLUEBERRY NUTRIGRAIN BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE OR APPLE CINNAMON MUFFIN FRESH ORANGE AND/JUICE FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK FRESH APPLE AND/OR ORANGE MILK MILK W/G = WHOLE GRAIN MILK MILK BREAKFAST PRICE: $1.45 - REDUCED BREAKFAST PRICE: $ .30 GOLDEN GRAHAM CEREAL BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI BLUEBERRY PANCAKES OR CINNAMON CERAL BAR FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G CINNAMON POP TARTS FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 1% WHITE MILK AND FAT FREE CHOCOLATE MILK OFFERED DAILY NO SCHOOL MINI WAFFLES OR STRAWBERRY NUTRIGRAIN BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI CHOC.CHIP FR.TOAST OR CHEERIOS CEREAL BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK BLUEBERRY MUFFIN FRESH ORANGE AND/JUICE MILK BLUEBERRY PANCAKES OR OR GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK W/G CINNAMON POP TARTS FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK MENU IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE GOLDEN GRAHAM CEREAL BAR FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK MINI MAPLE PANCAKES OR APPLE CINNAMON MUFFIN FRESH ORANGE AND/OR JUICE MILK FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE FRESH BANANA AND/OR JUICE MILK OUR MENU IS ALIGNED WITH THE USDA's HEALTHIER SCHOOL CHALLENGE FRESH BAGEL CREAM CHEESE FRESH APPLE AND/OR JUICE MILK WE WELCOME YOUR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS. PLEASE CONTACT RICHARD I. REDER, GENERAL MANAGER AT: 847-487-9703. Middle School Lunch Menu MONDAY February 2016 WEDNESDAY TUESDAY 1 2 THURSDAY 3 4 FRIDAY 5 5 4 Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Roll Chicken Fajitas Rotini Pasta w/Meat Sauce Beef Nachos Chicken Pot Pie Bowl Green Beans Tator Tots Broccolo Florettes Sweet Potatoe Fries Corn Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Milk Milk Milk Milk Milk 8 9 10 11 12 Baked Mini Chicken Corn Dogs Chicago Style Hot Dog Irish Nacho Potato Bowl Green Beans Tator Tots Broccoli No No Fruit Fruit Fruit School School Milk Milk Milk 15 No School 16 17 18 19 Pancakes w/Turkey Sausage Baked Cheese Lasagna Oven Baked Chicken Leg w/Roll Bosco Stick w/Marinara Sauce Tator Tots Broccolo Florettes Sweet Potatoe Fries Corn Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Milk Milk Milk Milk 22 23 24 25 26 Baked Potato wBroccoli & Penne Pasta w/Meat Sauce Irish Nacho Potato Bowl Cheese Sauce Sweet Potato Fries Corn Fruit Broccoli Florettes Fruit Fruit Milk Fruit Milk Milk Sweet & Sour Chicken Rice Bowl Beef & Bean Burrito Green Beans Tator Tots Fruit Milk t Milk 29 Baked Chicken Nuggets w/Roll LOCALLY GROWN ITEMS Green Beans ARE OFFERED Fruit WHENEVER SEASONALLY Milk AVAILABLE. LUNCH PRICE: $2.75 MENU IS SUBJECT REDUCED LUNCH: $ .40 TO CHANGE
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