Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: ENGLISH 6:30 am, 8:00 am, * 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm ESPAÑOL * 1:30 pm, * 7:00 pm * Children’s Liturgy of the Word Saturday: 8:15 am Liturgy of the Word 5:00 pm (Vigil) Week Days: Morning Prayer: 7:55 am Morning Mass: Monday - Friday 8:15 am Rosary recited after the Morning Mass OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Every Thursday after the Morning Mass FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Benediction: 5:30 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday (bilingual): 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st and 2nd Sunday of Month (bilingual): 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm January 17, 2016 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:30am - 7:00 pm Fridays: 8:30am - 4:30 pm Saturday: 8:30am - 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00am - 3:00 pm 10727 So. Downey Ave. Downey, CA. 90241 Phone: (562) 923-3246 Fax (562) 862-7020 Email: [email protected] www.olphdowney.org Information and requirements about Baptisms, Marriages, Anointing of the Sick, and Quinceañeras, see page 8. January 17, 2016 Page 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I saw this reflection in Living Faith published by Creative Communications for the Parish and wanted to share it with you. A MOTHER KNOWS … the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” … His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:3, 5 A major concern for anyone planning a celebration for a large crowd is not simply selecting the food and drink but ensuring that there is more than enough on hand for those invited. Possibly in this scene from the wedding in Cana, the hosts were blissfully unaware that the wine was running low. But clearly Mary, the mother of Jesus, was both attentive to her surroundings and aware of what was unfolding. In her desire to spare the hosts any embarrassment, she discreetly approached Jesus with a four-word summary of an impending social catastrophe. With that same thoughtful discretion, she whispered an admonition to the servers to listen to Jesus and to follow his lead. In our lives, as well, Mary senses what is lacking and turns to us with a gentle directive “Do whatever he tells you.” Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ANNUAL RESPECT LIFE MASS ONE LIFE, ONE LIGHT REQUIEM FOR THE UNBORN SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 ~ 5PM CATHEDRAL OF OUR LADY 9DAYSFORLIFE.COM Thank you so very much for all your Christmas gifts for us priests. We really appreciate the thought, the precious time, and your generosity. Father Joseph and Father Pako From the Servant’s Heart Page 3 World Marriage Sunday Today, we honor, celebrate, and pray for all the married couples celebrating anniversaries. Thank you for showing God's faithful love for us through your marriage. It's not easy! May the Divine Mercy continue to be alive in your sacred union. As one put it: "Marriage is a union of two great forgivers." Roe v Wade 43rd Anniversary The Supreme Court legalized abortion on January 22, 1973. A very sad day in our great America. In response to this tragic day, OneLife LA invites you to a "Pro-Life Rally" on Sat., Jan 23 from 12 pm to 4 pm at La Placita/Olvera St. with Archbishop Jose Gomez leading the rally. This will be concluded with the "Requiem Mass for the Unborn" at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral at 5 pm. Please visit OneLifeLA.org for complete info. Listen and Be Nourished! We need a "refill" every now and then to be nourished. Listening to "iHeart Radio" will give us that "refill" we need for spiritual nourishment in a variety of ways. We are also blessed to have Patti Sharpe as our iHeart Radio ambassador to help us promote this beautiful Catholic radio station. Thank you so much, Patti! Sorry I apologize because haven't yet put up the images of The Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Guadalupe as promised. I promise you we are working on this. "Please have mercy on me, Divine Mercy." Sharpen the Saw! We need to stay relevant through continuing education. We will have our annual LA Religious Education Congress from February 25 to 28. It's a weekend of learning and deepening our knowledge about our faith. "We cannot give what we don't have." Please visit RECongress.org for more info! Confirmation Teens' Retreat Our confirmation teen candidates are in Santa Barbara this weekend on a retreat. Let us pray that they will be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Also pray for Dan Rodriguez and his team of teachers and volunteers who accompany and guide our young people. We are deeply blessed for their dedicated service as they inspire them, teach them, and journey with them. Maraming Salamat! (Tagalog for "Thank You!") Big thanks to Rachael Lorenzetti for singing for us for the last nine years. She will always be "The Song Bird and the Mariah Carey of OLPH." We wish you all the best for your future plans. Finally, always and forever grateful to a great American hero, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whom we honor and celebrate tomorrow, January 18. He will always be a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement. To him we owe the freedom and equality we all enjoy today. Enjoy your "MLK Holiday!" God bless you all! "We exist to assist." (Mary Elizabeth Cruz, 9 yrs. old) “ LPH with a HEART” Fr. Joseph January 17, 2016 OLPH WOMEN’S GUILD GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, January 20 ~ 10:00 am OLPH School Auditorium Luncheon and Guest Speaker: Kay Murdy All women are invited to join us as we welcome our guest speaker, author, Kay Murdy. Mrs. Murdy's topic will be "Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, Guideline for our Daily Lives". Mrs. Murdy's most recent book, "Song of the Dove," will be available for purchase after the meeting. A delicious lunch will be served and the usual donation of $10 would be appreciated. RSVP with Paula at (562) 923-3518. SCOUT MASS Saturday, February 6 ~ 5:00 pm We are preparing to have a special Mass honoring Boy and Girl Scouts in our community. It will be on Saturday, February 6 at 5:00 pm. If you are a Scout Leader for a group of scouts (boys or girls) AND if you have a scout that would be willing to lector, please contact Julie Bosdachin at (562) 923-3246 ext. 211 to let us know how many youths to expect. JUST FOR FUN Catholic Co-ed Softball Players Wanted! Greater South Bay Catholic Co-ed Adult (Ages 18+) Softball League seeks players for their exciting 2016 Season! Games are played on Sunday afternoons from February through June in Torrance. Singles & Couples welcome (female players especially needed)! If interested, please contact ASAP: Fred Lawler, League Commissioner (310) 504-0271 or [email protected] Page 4 FAITH BUILDING LIVE THE TRUTH Luke 4:21-30 From the time God promised a Messiah, His people imagined a triumphant king with extraordinary abilities who would defeat Israel’s enemies. They didn’t expect someone ordinary, or even familiar, like Jesus. Still, His friends and neighbors had heard reports about His amazing deeds and were excited when He read Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah and announced its fulfillment in Him. All of that changed when they heard the tough message Jesus had for the children of Israel. They wanted a comforting message from Him, not one that reminded of how often they failed God. And when Jesus mentioned God’s grace to the Gentiles, a people they thought were inferior to themselves, they became angry and threw Him out. They forfeited His blessings because they rejected his word. There is no substitute for the truth, even when it is hard to hear. Turning our backs on the truth will close the doors to the kingdom to us. For a follower of Jesus, living the truth of the Gospel is the only way to fully enjoy God’s blessings and grace. Growing in Faith, January 2016, Copyright 2016 Success Publishing & Media, LLC Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 KIDS CORNER SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Jesus, Mary and the disciples were attending a wedding when they ran out of wine. John 2:1-11 HOW DO PARENTS HANDLE AN ADMISSION OF ABUSE? No parent wants their children to suffer from abuse of any kind. However, if a child discloses any instance of abuse, how you handle this information is critical to their well-being. One of the most important things you can do when a child discloses their abuse is not over react, despite the strong and often overwhelming emotions of anger that you are experiencing at that moment. Be certain that you show the child great love and concern through calm, reflective words of understanding and compassion. For a copy of the Virtus® article “After Abuse is Disclosed” and more tips on how to handle abuse disclosures email jvienna@la archdiocese.org. For more information, call our Parish Contact Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268. STEWARDSHIP Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 1 Tim 6:6-8 Collection for Weekend of January 10, 2016 HOLY HUMOR Sunday Regular Collection School Support Capital Improvements $17,936 $55 $3,000 LABOR COSTS A man having lunch at a Chinese restaurant noticed that the table had been set with forks, not chopsticks. He asked why. The waiter said "Chopsticks are provided only on request." "But," the man countered, "if you gave your patrons chopsticks, you wouldn't have to pay someone to wash all the forks." "True," the waiter shot back, "but we would have to hire three more people to clean up the mess." Cybersalt.org PAPAL INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY General Intention: that sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. Missionary Intention: that by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. 17 de enero, 2016 Página 6 MINISTERIO HISPANO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Vi esta reflexión en Living Faith publicada por Creative Communications for the Parish y quiero compartirla con ustedes. UNA MADRE SABE ... la madre de Jesús dijo, "no tienen vino." … Su madre dijo a los servidores, "hagan lo que él les diga". Juan 2:3, 5 Una preocupación importante para todo aquel que desee una celebración para una gran multitud no es simplemente seleccionar los alimentos y bebidas sino asegurase de que hay lo suficiente para todos los invitados. Posiblemente en esta escena de la boda en Cana, los anfitriones estaban felices sin saber que el vino se estaba agotando. Pero María, la madre de Jesús, estaba claramente atenta a lo que pasaba a su alrededor y consciente de lo que se estaba desarrollando. En su deseo por evitar cualquier vergüenza a los novios, ella discretamente se acercó a Jesús y le dijo lo que estaba pasando para evitar una inminente catástrofe social. Con ese mismo criterio reflexivo, susurró una admonición a los servidores para que escucharan a Jesús y siguieran su ejemplo. Así, en nuestras vidas, María siente lo que nos falta y vuelve a nosotros y nos indica suavemente "Hagan lo que él les diga". Muchas gracias por todos sus regalos de Navidad para nosotros los sacerdotes. Nosotros realmente apreciamos sus pensamientos, su tiempo y su generosidad. Padre Joseph y Padre Pako Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PROTEGIENDO LOS NIÑOS ¿CÓMO MANEJAN LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA LA ADMISIÓN DEL ABUSO? Ningún padre de familia quiere que sus hijos sufran algún tipo de abuso. Sin embargo, si un niño revela cualquier forma de abuso, la forma como usted maneje esa información es importante para su bienestar. Una de las cosas más importantes que usted puede hacer cuando un niño revela su abuso es no reaccionar con excesos, aunque tenga emociones de enojo fuertes y abrumadoras que usted esté experimentando en ese momento. Asegúrese de mostrar a su hijo o hija gran amor y preocupación a través de palabras calmadas y reflexivas, de entendimiento y compasión. Para una copia del artículo de Virtus® “After Abuse is Disclosed” (Después que se revela el abuso) y más consejos sobre cómo manejar la revelación de un abuso, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. 10 de febrero La cenizas serán distribuidas solamente durante estos servicios. 12:10 pm Liturgia* bilingual 4:00 pm Liturgia* bilingual 5:00 pm Liturgia* (E) 6:00 pm Liturgia* (E) 7:00 pm Liturgia* (Sp) 8:00 pm Liturgia* (Sp) * La Liturgia Consiste de la Antífona de Entrada, Oración, Colecta, una Lectura, Salmo, Evangelio, Homilía, Colecta, CENIZAS, Responsorio, Padre Nuestro, Bendición Final y Despedida. El Servicio dura aproximadamente 30 minutos. Página 7 DOMINGO DE CUNA, 24 DE ENERO El objetivo del Centro LivingHelp en Downey es ayudar a mujeres que pueden estar en una crisis de embarazo ayudándoles en sus necesidades físicas, emocionales y espirituales. Se ofrecen pruebas de embarazo gratis. Las provisiones para bebés se están acabando. Habrá una cuna de niños en el nicho de la iglesia para sus donaciones. HORARIO DE OFICINA DE LIVINGHELP: Martes - viernes a: Se necesit & 6, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm maños 5 562-923-HELP pañales-ta , loción, Livinghelpcenter.org biberones orros, champú, g s, , chupone calcetines niños tazas para ESCUELA OLPH EXPOSICIÓN Sábado, 30 de enero ~ 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm o Viernes, 12 de febrero* ~ 9am - 11am (*RSVP necesario) ¿Has considerado una educación católica para su hijo? Esta invitación está abierta a todos los padres especialmente a los padres esperando bebé y los padres de niños de edad preescolar. DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO RESPONSABLES: Rev. Francisco G. Adame Diácono Carlos Origel COLABORADORES: Maria Bertieri • Rosa Bulnes • Emma Romo Teresa Morales • Higinio y Olimpia Cosio • Aaron Lugo CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm GRUPO DE JOVENES ROSARIO martes 6 pm APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ viernes 7 pm ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS Efrain Andrade (323) 560-9195 Maria Bertieri Alejandra Rivera Aaron Lugo Rosa Bulnes Higinio y Olimpia Cosio Miguel y Teresa Vela Maria Paredes 923-8294 382-3077 806-9823 417-6624 923-6839 879-9516 397-6444 January 17, 2016 Page 8 DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 16 5:00 pm Mr & Mr Norman Lugibihl (RIP) Sunday, January 17 6:30 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 8:00 am Joseph Ramirez (RIP) 9:30 am Darryl Ducharme (RIP) 11:30 am Erasmo Meza (RIP) 1:30 pm Cesar Leon (RIP) 5:00 pm Dionisio Saliendra Jr (RIP) 7:00 pm Esther Uva (RIP) Monday, January 18 8:15 am Gustavo Triay (RIP) Tuesday, January 19 8:15 am Encarnacion Acharte (RIP) Wednesday, January 20 8:15 am Victor Montoya (RIP) Thursday, January 21 8:15 am Alma A. Studley RIP) Friday, January 22 8:30 am Mark Blackburn (RIP) Saturday, January 23 5:00 pm John Romero (RIP) Sunday, January 24 6:30 am Jean Weber (RIP) 8:00 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 9:30 am Deacon Gregory Galloway (RIP) 11:30 am Jose Reyna (RIP) 1:30 pm Carmela Bulnes (RIP) 5:00 pm Mark Blackburn (RIP) 7:00 pm Miguel Gil (RIP) WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers. For those who have gone before us, Life has changed, not ended. Montserrat Casal Esperanza Lopez Mati Perez Amalia Salas Gilbert Salas Marge Hughes Laura James Mario Rodolfo Chong Rodolfo Chong Phyllis Hogue Maria Estevez Sharon Bishop Georgia Froberg Frank Avila Cay Evans Myrna Ganske Guadalupe Gomez Edward Moya Nelsa Martinez Terry Lambros Esther Heckman Juan M Perez Lord, Hear Our Prayers Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen Adminstrator Pro-Tem: STAFF Rev. Joseph Magdaong Associate Pastor: Rev. Francisco Garcia Adame Regular Sunday Supply: Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Deacon Couples: Charles and Olivia Denisac Carlos and Betty Origel Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel - ext. 205 [email protected] Secretary: ext. 201 [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 [email protected] Family Life Director: Olivia Denisac - ext. 204 Liturgy Coordinator: Julie Bosdachin - ext. 211 [email protected] Development/Facility: Hector Perez - ext. 220 Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 Pastoral Council: Chair: John Saavedra Co-Chair:Nancy Egizii Finance Council: Chair: Ray Brown Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Regional Vocations Director: Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (3:30pm - 8:30pm) (562) 862-7268 [email protected] Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Sunday Coordinator: Sara Ponce Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan [email protected] OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey 562-869-9969 Principal: Gina Aguilar PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Armida Lugo 715-6142 Paula Mayfield 923-3518 Knights of Columbus John Kirschner 923-1932 Little Rock Bible Study Richard Ching 382-3360 Paul Lamotte 869-1234 Sunday Scriptures Study Gino Bosdachin 688-3836 Respect Life Committee Linda Malme 869-6491 Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Sr. Teresa Doherty 940-8711 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend classes BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make arrangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation. FOR MORE PARISH INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.olphdowney.org Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 12 BASSINET SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 The purpose of LivingHelp Clinic, located across the street from OLPH, is to help women who may be in a crisis pregnancy by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Free pregnancy tests are offered. Couples who chose life are often in need of basic necessities for their child. So once again we ask for your kind support. Baby supplies are running low. Please place your donations in the bas si ne t (located in the : alcove of the church). Items needed s5 diapers- size CENTER OPEN: , & 6, bottles Tuesday - Friday , wipes, lotion s, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm shampoo, cap iers, 562-923-HELP socks, pacif Livinghelpcenter.org sippy cups February 10 Ashes will only be distributed during these services listed. 6:30 am Mass (E) 8:30 am Mass with school (E) 12:10 pm LOW* bilingual 4:00 pm LOW* bilingual 5:00 pm LOW* (E) 6:00 pm LOW* (E) 7:00 pm LOW* (Sp) 8:00 pm LOW* (Sp) * LOW (Liturgy of the Word) Consists of the Gathering Song, Opening Prayer, one Reading, sung Responsorial Psalm, Gospel, Homily, Collection, ASHES, Prayer of the Faithful, Our Father, Final Blessing and Dismissal. Service will last approximately 30 minutes. January 17, 2016 January 30 - February 6 What is National Catholic Schools Week? National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2016 is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” This logo features a swirl of color interacting around a cross, which is at the center of all Catholic education. The vibrancy of the colors and the movement and shadows in the logo portray the inner-connectivity and community life that are present in our Catholic schools. Catholic Schools Week will begin on Saturday, January 30 with a kick-off Mass at 5pm and open house following the Mass (see below). OLPH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sat., Jan. 30 ~ 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm or Fri., Feb. 12 ~ 9 am - 11 am (RSVP required) Have you ever considered a Catholic Education for your child? Please accept our invitation to the OLPH School Open House. This invitation is open to all parents, especially expecting parents and/or parents of pre-schoolers. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY MONDAY, JANUARY 18 In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day the Rectory will be closed. Mass will be at 8:15 am and the church will be closed after Mass.
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