Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: ENGLISH 6:30 am, 8:00 am, * 9:30 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm ESPAÑOL * 1:30 pm, * 7:00 pm * Children’s Liturgy of the Word Saturday: 8:15 am Liturgy of the Word 5:00 pm (Vigil) Week Days: Morning Prayer: 7:55 am Morning Mass: Monday - Friday 8:15 am Rosary recited after the Morning Mass OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA Every Thursday after the Morning Mass FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Benediction: 5:30 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday (bilingual): 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm 1st and 2nd Sunday of Month (bilingual): 6:00 pm - 6:50 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:30am - 8:00pm Fridays: 8:30am - 4:00pm Saturday: 8:30am - 7:00pm Sunday: 8:30am - 6:30pm 10727 So. Downey Ave. Downey, CA. 90241 Phone: (562) 923-3246 Fax (562) 862-7020 Email: [email protected] www.olphdowney.org Information and requirements about Baptisms, Marriages, Anointing of the Sick, and Quinceañeras, see page 8. September 27, 2015 Page 2 PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I saw this reflection in Exploring the Sunday Readings published by Twenty-third Publications and wanted to share it with you. SEEKING OUR ADVANTAGE “There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me.” Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 The disciples are at it again. This time they try to prevent a healer from performing a cure in the name of Jesus! The problem: he’s not a member of their group. As if membership is what makes a divine healing legitimate. Group consciousness is a very real factor in our lives. We belong to this nation, this religion, this race, this social class, this language group. While we can’t quite ignore the reality of these elements nor their claim on our allegiance, the Gospel repeatedly places additional claims on us: to overlook group allegiance when it becomes a barrier to love. What could be more loving than to effect a cure for a demon-possessed person? Why on earth would a loving person want to stop it? Yet we live in a world driven by group-think, which is often oblivious of individuals. Group-think results in budget cuts and closed doors that disregard the welfare of folks on the other side of our group barrier. Peep outside the foxhole, and see your neighbor. Question for Reflection: When have you found common cause with someone surprisingly different from you? From the Heart Dn. Charles Denisac suffered a mild stroke a couple of days ago. Please pray for him as well as for his family as they take care of him. Let us protect the lives of the poor, the elderly, and the sick. Please let Gov. Jerry Brown to reject ABx-215. Go to AHardPill.org and send him an email. I have sent him one myself and it is easy. It only take a few minutes to speak up for life. We are still $21,000 away from our Together In Mission 2015 goal. I believe our community has been so blessed and we can do something in our own way to reach this goal to help our needy neighboring parishes and schools. I myself have already fulfilled my pledge a while ago, but I have thought of taking that extra mile to contribute still a bit more to help achieve our goal. Please join me in this worthwhile endeavor. Let's truly be "together in this mission." OLPH is Our Lady of Perpetual HELP. Let us truly HELP. For those who have already fulfilled their pledge, thank you very much. We are blessed to have our choir back last Sunday under the leadership of Amy Brent. We are also happy to know we have some new members who have volunteered to share their gift of singing. Thank you so much choir for leading us in praising God every Sunday! We appreciate your sacrifice and music. Please keep our two future "deacon couples" in your prayers. Victor and Lulu Ceja are now in their third year of formation. John and Irma Saavedra have just begun this year. Good luck to you "future deacon couples!" We are blessed to have Pope Francis visiting us this in Philadelphia. He also gave us two new saints, St. Junipero Serra and St. Bishop Oscar Romero. Pray that President Obama and our government officials will take seriously his call to protect the sanctity of family and life. Since we belong to a Marian church, "Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church," it is my wish that each one of us will be armed with a Holy Rosary. Please never leave home without it. Parents, please make sure you have taught your child this powerful prayer to our Blessed Mother. Please let us altogether save water. And always remember to thank God each time you take a shower! May our Lady of Perpetual Help pray for all of us. God bless you. Prayers and blessings, Fr. Joseph Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time RITE OF WELCOME & AC CEPTANCE Today at 9:30 am Mass For our Candidates (those already Baptized but preparing to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation) and our Catechumens (those unbaptized and preparing to receive the spiritual “grand slam”: Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation all on the same night at the Easter Vigil), the Rite of Acceptance and Welcome is a significant step. Each of them have demonstrated they to have the beginnings of a spiritual life and that the fundamentals of Christian teaching and practice have taken root in their lives. Each Candidate and Catechumen has completed the period of the pre-catechumenate (also called the “Inquiry” which is an undetermined period of initial questioning, pondering and prayer) and now formally desire to declare their intention to a deeper relationship with the Church. At this Rite you (the Church) in turn accept them as persons who intend to become members at this designated time in their faith journey. Our 3 Catechumens for the reception of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion are: Tina Corrales, Kevin Cuba and Julissa Molina Our 11 Candidates for Confirmation and Holy Communion are: Stephan Lehmier, Sandar Rollerson, Sussan Diaz, Andrew Herrera, Emily Lopez, Saul Martinez, William Martinez, Sebastian Romero, Michael Santos, Oscar Talavera, and Orlando Vilchez. FIRST FRIDAY This Friday, October 2 is the First Friday of the month. Mass will be at 8:15 am and Eucharistic Adoration will be continuous from after Morning Mass until Benediction at 5:30 pm. We invite you to sign-up for ½ hour visits with our Eucharistic Lord. Page 3 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL MINISTRIES AT OLPH GUIDELINES FOR USE OF OLPH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM BY PARISH MINISTRIES Security Deposit: A $500 security deposit must be submitted each August for the school year. The amount returned to you will be determined by the cleanliness of the auditorium, as well as the existence of any damages to it. Departure: You must clean up the auditorium after the event. In addition to cleaning, you are responsible for locking up the auditorium and restrooms and returning the key. If using in the evening, you must clean, lock, and vacate the auditorium by 9:00 pm. Tables and chairs: You may use any of the tables and chairs in the auditorium. Tables and chairs must be lifted (not dragged) and should not be placed directly against the wall. All tables and chairs that are used must be returned to the location where they were originally found. You may bring in your own tables and chairs. Decor: Wall decorations are not permitted. Nothing may be adhered to the walls. Use the map rail to hang items if needed. Food and Drink: Food and drink are NOT permitted in the school auditorium. Special Events: Special, onetime events with food and drink must first receive permission from school administration. Flooring: The floor must remain dry (i.e. no ice sculptures, no coolers on floor, etc.) Restrooms: All parts of the restroom facilities must remain clean. Additional fees: You will be financially responsible for the cost of any additional damage beyond the $500 security deposit. A signed contract is required. You may download this contract from our website: olphdowney.org September 27, 2015 Page 4 MINISTRY TRAINING Lector and Eucharistic Ministers Training 7:00pm - 8:30pm In the Church Lector Training Dates October 19, 21, 26, 28, November 4 and 10* Eucharistic Training Dates November 10*, 16, 18 * NOVEMBER 10 6:30pm Virtus Certification for all ADULTS training as Lectors or Eucharistic Ministers You do NOT need to attend: If you have an updated Virtus Training If you are under 18 years old FAITH BUILDING CHOOSE TO LIVE A FREE LIVE God gave us free will so we can make our own choices and be free. Popular culture tells us freedom means doing whatever we choose even if that includes sin. Yet, true freedom is being open to God’s love and closed to sin. “Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil” (1 Peter 2:16). We are at our freest when we choose for good. Don’t give away your freedom. Sin can overtake us without our noticing. For example, sharing one juicy secret may make us feel popular but over time, gossip can become a habit we can’t control. A nightly examination of the day can help identify sinful actions before they become habits. Freely choose love. God won’t force us to love Him; He hopes we will choose it. Often, we don’t approach Him because we feel unworthy, guilty, or distant. Instead, choose to believe that God’s love is stronger than our sin or guilt. When we have faith that He loves us, we are free to love Him back. Choose for good. Consistently making good and moral choices in today’s society is hard but it leads to great reward. The more we choose good, the freer we become. PAPAL INTENTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER General Intention: That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people. Missionary Intention: That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time KIDS CORNER Page 5 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN INFORM SCHOOL STAFF ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN’S HEALTH ISSUES “Back-to-school does not have to mean back -to-worrying. Though safety inside school is ultimately the responsibility of the principal and school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to ensure a safe school experience.” ACROSS 2) "There is no one who performs a _____ deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me." 5) "Teacher, we saw someone driving out _____ in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us." 6) Today, we read from the Gospel according to ____. DOWN 1) For whoever is not _____ us is for us. 3) "Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his _____." 4) Who was speaking to Jesus at the beginning of this Gospel? _____ HOLY HUMOR Do you know that awesome feeling when you fall into bed, fall right to sleep, stay asleep all night, and wake up feeling refreshed? Me neither. Inform school staff about health and emotional concerns. Whether your child has a food allergy, a physical disability, or has been subject to bullying, make sure to keep your child's teachers and principal in the loop. For more information, please visit http://www.scholastic.com/parents/ resources/article/parent-teacher-partnerships/6rules-school-safety For more information, call our Parish Contact Theresa Nicholas at 562) 862-7268. STEWARDSHIP Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matt 6:26 Collection for Weekend of September 20, 2015 # of envelopes Electronic Sunday Regular Collection School Support Capital Improvements 407 60 $15,186 $31 $3,000 Vigésimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Página 6 MINISTERIO HISPANO Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, Vi esta reflexión en Exploring the Sunday Readings publicada por Twenty-third Publications y quiero compartirla con ustedes. BUSCANDO NUESTRO PROVECHO “No hay ninguno que haga milagros en mi nombre que luego sea capaz de hablar mal de mí.” San Marcos 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Una vez más los discípulos se sobrepasan. Esta vez intentan evitar que un curandero realice una sanación en nombre de Jesús! El problema es: que el no es miembro de su grupo. Como si la pertenencia es lo que hace legítima una sanación divina. Conciencia grupal es un factor muy real en nuestras vidas. Pertenecemos a esta nación, a esta religión, a esta raza, a esta clase social, a este grupo que habla el mismo idioma. Mientras no podemos ignorar completamente la realidad de estos elementos ni su reclamo sobre nuestra lealtad, el Evangelio pone repetidamente reclamos adicionales sobre nosotros: para poder sobrepasar la lealtad de grupo cuando se convierte en una barrera para amar. ¿Qué podría ser mas amoroso para efectuar una sanación a una persona poseída por el demonio? ¿Por qué una persona amorosa quiere pararla? Sin embargo vivimos en un mundo impulsado por la mentalidad del grupo, que a menudo es inconsciente de los individuos. Esta mentalidad resulta en recortes presupuestarios y puertas cerradas que desatienden el bienestar de la gente en el otro lado de la barrera de nuestro grupo. Vea afuera de la trinchera y vea a su vecino. PREGUNTA PARA REFLEXIONAR: ¿Cuándo ha encontrado una causa común con alguna persona asombrosamente diferente de usted? 27 de septiembre, 2015 Página 7 PROTEGIENDO LOS NIÑOS GRUPO DE ORACION ¿Agotado?, ¿deprimido?, ¿enfermo? MISA DE SANACIÓN Lunes, 5 de octubre 6:30 de la tarde en la Iglesia Ven a dejarle tu carga al Señor. DOMINGO DE BULTOS, 11 DE OCTUBRE La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl tendrá un camión en el estacionamiento de la calle 6ª para recibir sus donaciones de ropa, muebles y otros artículos usables. Estos serán distribuidos a los pobres. El camión estará ahí de 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. Si tiene artículos muy pesados, favor de llamar a 323-224-6280 para que ellos pasen a su casa a recogerlos. Muchas gracias. CARNAVAL DE OLPH Viernes, 16 de octubre Sábado, 17 de octubre Domingo, 18 de octubre Los boletos para los juegos mecánicos pueden ser comprados con un descuento SUSTANCIAL. $10 por 20 boletos (juegos son 3-5 boletos) DIA DE VENTA Y LUGAR: 4 y 11 de octubre Plaza de la iglesia & en las Clases de Educación Religiosa 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Informe al personal de la escuela sobre asuntos de salud de sus hijos “El regreso a la escuela no tiene que significar regreso a la preocupación. Aunque la seguridad adentro de la escuela es finalmente la responsabilidad del director y del personal de la escuela, los padres de familia pueden tomar unos pocos pasos básicos para asegurar una experiencia escolar segura”. Informe al personal de la escuela sobre asuntos de salud y emocionales de su hijo/a. Ya sea que éste tenga alergia a ciertos alimentos, discapacidad física, o ha sido objeto de “bullying”. Mantenga informado a los profesores y al/la director/a. Para más información, por favor visite http://www.scholastic.com/parents/resources/ article/parent-teacher-partnerships/6-rulesschool-safety o póngase en contacto Theresa Nicholas en nuestra parroquia al 562-862-7268. PRIMER VIERNES El viernes que viene, 2 de octubre, es el Primer Viernes del mes. Nuestra Misa será a las 8:15 am, seguida por la Exposición del Santísimo hasta las 5:30 pm. Si desea pasar un rato en oración ante el Santísimo, escriba su nombre en el horario en la Capilla Eucarística. DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO CONSEJERO MESA DIRECTIVA Diácono Carlos Origel Coordinadora: Sub-Coordinador: Secretaria: CORO: 1:30 pm y 7 pm ENSAYOS DE LOS COROS jueves 7 pm GRUPO DE ORACIÓN lunes 7 pm GRUPO DE JOVENES ROSARIO martes 6 pm APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ viernes 7 pm ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL miércoles 7 pm CURSILLOS DE CRISTIANDAD DIVORCIADOS Y SEPARADOS 923-3246 ext. 202 Teresa Morales Zulma Mancia Lourdes Ceja Efrain Andrade (323) 560-9195 Maria Bertieri Alejandra Rivera Aaron Lugo Rosa Bulnes Higinio y Olimpia Cosio Miguel y Teresa Vela Maria Paredes 923-8294 382-3077 806-9823 417-6624 923-6839 879-9516 397-6444 September 27, 2015 Page 8 DIRECTORY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, September 26 5:00 pm Elisa Fratti (RIP) Sunday, September 27 6:30 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 8:00 am Agnes Donahue (RIP) 9:30 am Natalia Rosas (RIP) 11:30 am Erasmo Meza (RIP) 1:30 pm Violeta Galdamez 5:00 pm Priscila Almendral 7:00 pm Hector Eric Mendez (RIP) Monday, September 28 8:15 am Carlos Gutierrez (RIP) Tuesday, September 29 8:15 am Amparo Casal (RIP) Wednesday, September 30 8:30 am Ruben Almendral Thursday, October 1 8:15 am Sam Wagers, Jr (RIP) Friday, October 2 8:15 am Dennis Truelove (RIP) Saturday, October 3 5:00 pm Margaret MacIntosh (RIP) Sunday, October 4 6:30 am Peggy Carter (RIP) 8:00 am Pro Populo (parishioners of OLPH) 9:30 am Hannah Almendral 11:30 am Antonio Guevara (RIP) 1:30 pm Jose Isidro (RIP) 5:00 pm Patricia Manqueros (RIP) 7:00 pm Dolores Flores WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers. For those who have gone before us, Life has changed, not ended. Ray Hoino Maria Gutierrez Abilio Romero Terry Lambros Maria Fletes Luz Salazar Norma Munoz Carlos H Munoz Blanca Ramos Laura Guzman Carmen Nevarez Dn. Charles Denisac Nathan Perez Elia Muñoz Maria Refugio Salas Mario Jurado Juanita Zamora Darryl Ducharme Enrique Perez Esperanza Martinez Manny Sanchez Miguel Garcia Orizaga Ramon Gamez Francisco Garcia Lord, hear our prayers. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen Adminstrator Pro-Tem: STAFF Rev. Joseph Magdaong Associate Pastor: Rev. Francisco Garcia Adame Regular Sunday Supply: Bishop Joe Sartoris - Retired Rev. Celso Marquez, MSpS Deacon Couples: Charles and Olivia Denisac Carlos and Betty Origel Parish Business Manager: Betty Origel - ext. 205 [email protected] Secretary: Maria Ariza - ext. 201 [email protected] Bulletin Editor: Erika Sanchez - ext. 221 [email protected] Family Life Director: Olivia Denisac - ext. 204 Liturgy Coordinator: Julie Bosdachin - ext. 211 [email protected] Development/Facility: Hector Perez - ext. 220 Director of Music: Amy Brent - ext. 211 Pastoral Council: Chair: John Saavedra Co-Chair:Nancy Egizii Finance Council: Chair: Ray Brown Vice-Chair: Debbie Hale Regional Vocations Director: Rev. Angel Castro - St. Helen’s (562) 563-3522 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday (3:30pm - 8:30pm) (562) 862-7268 [email protected] Director: Theresa Nicholas Secretary: Mary Rogers Confirmation Coordinator: Daniel Rodriguez Sunday Coordinator: Sara Ponce Communion Coordinator: Maria Estevez RCIA/RCIT Coordinator: Ruby Gaytan [email protected] OLPH SCHOOL 10441 Downey Ave., Downey 562-869-9969 Principal: Gina Aguilar PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Women’s Guild: 3rd Wednesday of month at 10 am School Hall Armida Lugo 715-6142 Paula Mayfield 923-3518 Knights of Columbus John Kirschner 923-1932 Little Rock Bible Study Richard Ching 927-0437 Paul Lamotte 869-1234 Sunday Scriptures Study Gino Bosdachin 688-3836 Respect Life Committee Linda Malme 869-6491 Los Padrinos Detention Ministry Sr. Teresa Doherty 940-8711 SACRAMENTS Baptism: Pre-baptismal Preparation Classes required for parents and godparents prior to scheduling Baptism. It is highly recommended parents and godparents attend classes BEFORE the child is born. Marriage: Call the parish office at least six (6) months (strongly recommend one (1) year) in advance to make arrangements. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To schedule a visit by a priest, we highly recommend that you call early in the illness. Quinceañeras: Call the parish office at least six (6) months in advance to make arrangements. The young lady must have received the Sacraments of Baptism and First Eucharist. It is highly recommended that the young lady be enrolled in Confirmation. FOR MORE PARISH INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.olphdowney.org Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Page 12 BUNDLE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Items collected will be given to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to help them in their endless efforts to assist the needy. Please bring any usable clothing, household goods, small appliances, miscellaneous items and newspaper. The truck will be in the 6th St. parking lot from 8:30 am until 1:30 pm. For a special pick-up of heavy items, please call 323-224-6280. OLPH Carnival is coming!!! October 16 October 17 October 18 PRE-SALE RIDE TICKETS $10 for 20 tickets (rides are 3-5 tickets) $20 for wristband SALE DATES AND LOCATIONS: October 4 and 11 Church Piazza & Religious Education (Marion Court) 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Mass 8th graders from our school and Religious Education program will host our Mass Sunday, October 4 at 5:00pm. October 10 & 11 After all masses Our ministry fair weekend provides parishioners an opportunity to get information See insert regarding the many different for ministries that our parish has to ministry offer. VOLUNTEERS -author unknown Many may be shocked to find, when the day of Judgment nears, that there’s special place in heaven, set aside for volunteers. Furnished with big recliners, satin couches and footstools, where there are no committee chairmen. No setting up tables and chairs or coffee to serve. No Church cleaning. There will be nothing to print or staple. Not one thing to fold or mail. Emails will be outlawed. But a finger snap will bring cool drinks and gourmet dinners. You ask “Who’ll serve these privileged and work for all they’re worth?” Why those who reaped the benefits and not once volunteered on Earth. Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Milk, OJ and Coffee. Help support our World Youth Day teens by attending their Pancake Breakfast on October 11 5th St. parking lot $5.00/per person Served after the 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am Masses. Tickets? Contact Julie Bosdachin in the Rectory at 562) 923-3246 ext 211
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