Palos Plans February 2015 Volume 60, Number 6 In This Issue Ash Wednesday Calendar Carlton’s Corner Chancel Flowers Children’s Ministry Church Officers From Pastor John From the Clerk Golden Oaks Music Notes Session Leadership Teams Small Groups VBS 2015 World Service Youth Ministry Mark Your Calendars! March 4 8 11 20 29 Golden Oaks Resumes Daylight Saving Time Begins Book Club Changes Days First Day of Spring Palm Sunday From Pastor John... One of the great scriptures is found in the book of Romans. In Romans 15:5-6 we find these words, “May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus so that you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. That “one voice” is not easy to achieve, and yet the PPPCC church family, is undoubtedly on a journey where the harmony you have established through the years can be strengthened and the unity garnished through worshiping together. I am personally looking forward to the unified worship service on February 1st, and I just got here. I am hearing that lots of you have been looking forward to this for some time. Now, I am not musical, but this great scripture alludes to music, so here I go: I think there is always some dissonance in change and dissonance is about “sound” that at first sounds like it doesn’t fit in. But great musicians can turn dissonance into harmony. I think that is what many composers of great music do…but…I am getting beyond my music knowledge! Nonetheless, the scriptures are clear: God loves harmony and can change dissonance, and when his people come together to worship we give glory to God. Let’s enjoy this journey. There may be some discordance, dissonance, or noise along the way, but what a great thing it is when God brings his people together to praise, to learn and to share, with “one voice”. I look forward to worship on February 1, when the congregation worships together, and I just got here. Well, someone said, ‘Tell us something about you’. That is tough to do. I am not long-winded, but I am not that young either. I guess the short answer is that I like people and ideas. I have been involved in most aspects of ministry through the years. I was even an organizing pastor of a new church development many years ago. That was a tough one. I had to give up a lot of my expectations fast. But the sense of adventure keeps me going in the ministry, because God has surprises around every turn. Just when you think you have it managed, it gets rearranged, and that rearrangement is a great blessing to everyone. I grew up in Toledo, Ohio, and although I went to the University of Wisconsin, most of the members of my family went to Ohio State University. My wife, Barbara grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan, but she is careful never to root for the University of Michigan and she dutifully cheers for Wisconsin. I enjoy Big Ten sports, and I even ‘root’ for Illinois sometimes. I have a lot of hobbies including gardening ( not so much now ) painting, swimming, training/ boxing and travel. I like psychology and I make a special effort not to mix up psychology and theology. They don’t mix easily and usually they don’t mix well. I really enjoy spending time with my grand-daughter Maggie Anderson (she is 8 months old ) and I am looking forward to my second daughter’s return from Bachrain where she has been teaching English literature in a private school there. Addie should be home by the middle of February. I look forward to this interim journey with you. I am praying that God is bringing together “one voice” for his glory. Grace and Peace, Pastor John Interim Pastor What a blessing it is to have our new Interim Pastor aboard. I hope you get a chance to spend some time with John Curphey He is a wonderful pastor and will be a great help for our church as we go through this period of transition. This month is a time of significant transition as we both welcome a new pastor and change our worship services. I have heard some wonderful feedback from many about the positive elements of moving to a unified service of worship at 9:30 followed by education at 10:45. However, I am concerned that this change will negatively impact some of the elderly in our congregation. I ask that you would please help me to seek out those older members of our church and see if you can assist them in any way to make it possible for them to worship with us in this new format. Speaking of the new format, this change allows us to make alterations to the ways in which we welcome both members and visitors into our space on Sunday mornings. Jerry Niewiadomski has volunteered to coordinate a new format for greeters and ushers that I am very excited about. Under the new format, there will be six Welcome Teams that will rotate on Sunday mornings. Each team will have Co-Captains that will assign its members to various roles including outside greeter and ushers in various stations. The Welcome Team will also intentionally reach out to visitors both before and after worship, encouraging further connection with our family of faith. If you would like to be part of a Welcome Team, please let me or Jerry Niewiadomski know. We would be delighted to have you on board! Lent begins next month on February 18. I hope you will consider joining a small group during this season of journey to the cross. Sign-ups will begin in the coming weeks. I want to thank the session for the privilege of serving as acting Head of Staff during the time between Jim Tony's retirement and the arrival of Rev. Curphey. It has been an honor to minister in that capacity with you, and I look forward to the ministry we have together in this year to come. In Christ, Pastor Carlton PPPCC Takes Care of Their Own Much is made of our intentional outreach to the community at SON Weekend and SON Christmas. But did you know that we also work hard to care for our own members when they are in need? Four years ago a group called MANNA (Members And Neighbors Needing Assistance) was formed to make sure that those inside our congregation who were hurting could be cared for. This year, the MANNA team met and were able to provide assistance to a number of families within the church. We helped with utility bills, car repair bills and sometimes just a little extra cash to help make ends meet. In 2014, the total amount that MANNA provided for assistance came to $1,247.12. It is a blessing that we are able to care for one another in this way. Your gifts help us to be able to continue this ministry of mercy. Thank you again for all the ways you support our congregation and the mission that Christ has given us here at PPPCC. Session Leadership Teams Invite YOU PPPCC is called by God to Know God’s Word, Grow in Christ’s love, Go in the Spirit of Service Session has simplified its structure and cut back on the number of meetings. Leadership Teams focus on the purpose of our ministries. They keep the Session connected to the various ministries in our body. They do less paperwork and more prayer. They seek to empower our ministry rather than regulate it. Shared ownership is one of PPPCC’s core value which engages everyone possible in decision-making. Come on—we need YOU. Administration is responsible for our staff, their care, their direction and their remuneration. Planning for Session and the church is part of their charge. Buildings & Grounds asks how our facilities facilitate our ministry and actually to conform the physical space to the needs of spiritual ministry. Christian Education must envision how best our congregation develops its mature understanding of God. What should be taught and are we effective in making Christ known at all levels of inquiry? Those with a heart for seeing the whole congregation grow in knowledge are needed. Finance must lead in the development of resources to carry out the vision. Can we do this in such a way that we acknowledge Jesus Christ in our financial lives and hold ourselves accountable? Worship connects us with God. Worship does not just set up the sanctuary, provide ushers, manage the worship order, provide communion, etc. Its mission is to engage our congregation in making the connection with God that really matters. Missions enables our congregation to be world Christians—to participate with God’s people on every continent to share the Good News—and to engage us in participatory missions here and elsewhere. Those with motivation are sought to care for the world to engage our congregation in Christ’s universal commission. Hospitality is the combination of Fellowship and Outreach in recognition that we need to be receptive in many different ways to each other and to our visitors. The vision behind this Leadership Team is to provide a welcome to newcomers and to make sure that our congregation is making connections one with another. The GO Team has emerged as a work in development. Teammates in the vision process will lead to a genuine extension of the Gospel to those who are not members of the Kingdom (or of another church) already. Publicity - Help develop this needed service for our whole congregation by informing our community of our services and ministries. I will support our Session members by showing up at the meetings and engaging my gifts for ministry in the team(s) selected above. I understand I will be contacted after the Session Organizational Meeting. Name _______________________________________ Phone _______________________ Deacons invite your service on the Funeral Committee, which serves the family of deceased members and friends by providing for receptions following funerals and memorial services. This is a vital ministry that needs help from many people. Name _______________________________________ Phone _______________________ CHANGE! Nobody likes it but a wet baby! We seem to be surrounded by change. Since January 1, David preached about it, Matt Z. prayed about it, and even the producers of Downton Abbey, my favorite TV show, said this season (set in 1924) is about “an era of change.” Mr. Carson, the usually unflappable butler, feels “the earth is shaking under my feet” and stuffy Lord Grantham is dragged kicking and screaming into the era of the newfangled wireless (radio) protesting “it will never become popular.” will add energy and enthusiasm. Seeing each other face-to-face will help keep us connected. It will test our tolerance. Now is not the time to say, “If I have to listen to drums/if I have to sing stodgy old hymns, I’m…” All music praises God and surely for the good of the family we can respect each other’s preferences in music or style. Weather extremes, politics in Illinois, frightening events worldwide all rattle us. And the institution we look to for stability in our lives – the church – seems as subject to change as everything else. What are we to do? Having worship first and Christian Education after allows those families who have other Sunday obligations the opportunity to attend church first. Choir members will not have to miss the last ten minutes of a class in order to prepare for worship. And having class time later allows for the possibility of a longer discussion time and/or small group even extending into lunch if they so choose. If we as a church truly want to “know God’s word” and “grow new life” we will have many opportunities. First, we need to remember Matthew 6:25-34: “Do not worry. The Lord knows your needs. … can you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?” And what is not changing: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. By the time you read this the Session will have met with the Presbytery Listening Team in our ongoing process of transition. An update on where we are in this process will be given at the congregation’s Annual Meeting on February 8. Change can be a good thing. It causes us to consider what we value, and what needs to be improved. The change to a single worship service on Sunday is good and necessary. Being all together My prayer continues to be “Lord, keep us strong, keep us together, keep us faithful.” Nancy Rode, Clerk 2015 CHURCH OFFICERS ELDERS CLASS OF 2015 Suzy Alfini Lynn Lochow Walter Schindler Tyler Smith CLASS OF 2016 Lisa Brumbaugh Jerry Niewiadomski Don Potter Tim Robieson Nancy Rode CLASS OF 2017 John Dolan Kristin Kruzich Amy Murray Mary O’Connor Randy Ytterberg DEACONS CLASS OF 2015 Shirley Anderson Lori Goral Melissa Klockow Debbie Muldowney CLASS OF 2016 Sandy Butler Amber Chapman Graham Drenth Audrey Piotrowski Kathy Stanek CLASS OF 2017 Michael Alioto Judy Goral Rosemary Harris Penny MacDonald Anita Stocks Martha Zatkalik If you are curious to know what type of music to expect at our 9:30 service, be prepared for a broad range of instrumentation! In addition to our devoted organist Ralph Pugh, we have gifted instrumentalists and singers in our congregation as well as from the surrounding community and we will have the joy of employing those gifts as it best suits the expression of our faith and supports the Message of the day. Here is a peek at some of the music to expect in at our new worship time during the month of February: Sunday, February 1: Chancel Choir & Praise Band (both ensembles will participate on a fairly regular basis) Sunday, February 8: Children's Handchime Choir & guest violinist Samantha May Wednesday, February 18: (Ash Wednesday): Guest oboist Anna Velzo Sunday, February 22: Chancel Choir, Children's Choirs & Adult Handbell Choir Peace and Grace, Megan Marshall NEW SERVICE TIMES! This Lent we will have an all church small group series based on Jesus’ “I AM” statements. Lent is Wednesday, February 18th – Thursday, April 2nd Stay tuned for dates, times and leaders for the different groups. “We seek to become a community of vibrant believers…” CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Upcoming Dates for Children February 1 February 8 February 18 February 20 February 22 March 13 April 26 June 22 - 26 Education Hour moves to 10:45 a.m. Hand Chimes ring in Worship Ash Wednesday program, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Dinner and a Movie night, “The Jungle Book” Children sing in Worship Dinner and a Movie Night Children’s Musical, “100% Chance of Rain” VBS Dinner and a Movie Night February 20 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Movie: Jungle Book Dinner: Jungle drumsticks, broccoli trees, cheetah Cheetos, ants on a log, bug juice, and a special safari dessert. Cost: $2.00/person Children may wear their pajamas and bring a sleeping bag/blanket and pillow to use during the movie. First Wednesday Book Club Youth Club Valentine’s Party Wednesday, February 11 7:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Make plans to be attend the party as we discuss the love of God, play games, eat snacks, and make a craft. February 4, at 6:45 p.m. in the Church Library The book for February is, The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis This extraordinary book is an allegory about a bus trip to heaven and hell. Topics discussed include good and evil, and grace and judgment. Please read the book and bring your reflections to the February meeting and discuss them with others. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Education Hour is Moving… Beginning February 1, 2015, Education Hour will be from 10:45 - 11:45 a.m. each Sunday. Same great program, same great teachers, same location, new time. Join Us! Classes for children, youth, and adults! Study God’s Word Grow in your faith Make new friends Pray together Build a life together with other Christians VBS 2015 June 22 - 26 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Mark your calendar now so you can join us at Son Spark Labs where children will explore God’s life-changing plan for them as they find out the answers to life’s most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and that through Jesus they can be members of God’s family and personally experience God’s plan for each of us - God’s Plan 4 U = Jesus! Vision: Helping Students Write their Stories YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS WF (Senior High) We meet on Friday, February 13th at 1:00 pm sharp! Back Home on Monday, February 16th at 2:00 pm Mission Trip Parent and student informational meeting on Sunday, February 8th at 5:00 pm Dates of trip are June 7-13 Upcoming Events February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 NO WF WF NO WF - Retreat WF LOL (Junior High) February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 NO LOL (Super Bowl) LOL NO LOL (WF on Retreat) LOL Great Escape Summer Camp July 13-18 Interested? Talk to Bob Van Baren 708-448-5220 (church) 708-601-1060 (cell) or [email protected] Our Sympathy to... ...Violetta Gentile on the death of her daughter, Barbara Van Beek, right after Christmas. Bulletins Far & Near... John Knox Village Vespers Orange City, FL Tim & Cathy Robieson His Place Church Post Falls, ID Tim & Cathy Robieson Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday - February 8, 2015 Following the 9:30 a.m. Worship Service The next meeting of Golden Oaks will be on March 4, 2015. Golden Oaks will not be meeting in February in an effort to keep our Seniors safe during these months when the weather can be frightful! All ladies are welcome to join our World Service group. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month in Fellowship Hall. The next meeting will be on February 10, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. to noon. Come early, if you can, to help set up the sewing machines and work stations. You don’t need to know how to sew to participate. There is something for everyone to do. Projects include little girl’s dresses, lap throws for nursing homes, cutting and sorting soup labels and other items for donation. WANTED: sample size shampoos and conditioners, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bars of soap, Campbell’s soup labels, box tops for education. Place your donations in the Campbell’s Soup container in the church office. Working together in fellowship is a fine way to start our day! Please join us. Bring your lunch…a sandwich, salad or yogurt. Beverages and dessert will be provided by the hostess. PALOS PLANS is published monthly by Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church [exception: combined summer issue] Susan M. Schmidt, Editor Submit news items to: 12312 S. 88th Avenue Palos Park, Illinois 60464 708.448.5220 Fax 708.448.5331 e-mail: [email protected] NEXT DEADLINE: February 15 hancel lowers Following is the flower calendar for 2015. There are several open dates throughout the year. Flowers will be ordered from Sid’s Flowers and More, ranging from $30 to $55 for cut flowers or a flowering plant. As always, the flowers may be taken home at the end of the second service. If you are interested in reserving one of the open dates, or if you would like to make a change, please call Lynn Lochow (708) 671-2112 or Anita Stocks (708) 496-0908. JANUARY 4 11 18 25 - 22 - - 29 OPEN DATE Joyce Franklin Jim& Melissa Klockow OPEN DATE - Carol Coners Carl & Pat Marusarz - Suzy & Juice Alfini - Leah Imwalle Tim & Leanne O’Connell - OPEN DATE - OPEN DATE JUNE - OPEN DATE Beatrice Mahaffay Shirley Anderson OPEN DATE JULY 5 12 19 26 - OPEN DATE OPEN DATE OPEN DATE OPEN DATE PALM SUNDAY APRIL 5 12 19 26 6 7 OPEN DATE Steve & Lisa Brumbaugh 14 21 Shirley Carlson 28 Joyce Franklin Lois Wiest MARCH 1 8 15 22 SEPTEMBER 3 OPEN DATE Terry & Anita Stocks Dan & Margaret Costello 10 17 Beatrice Mahaffay Theresa McKanna 24 31 FEBRUARY 1 8 15 - MAY - EASTER LILIES Wayne & Linda Luhn OPEN DATE OPEN DATE - Dolly Olsby Terry & Anita Stocks 13 - OPEN DATE 20 - World Service Group 27 - OPEN DATE OCTOBER 4 11 18 25 - Terry & Anita Stocks OPEN DATE Ralph & Karen McCurdy OPEN DATE NOVEMBER 1 8 15 2229 - OPEN DATE OPEN DATE OPEN DATE Lou & Sue Zuanella OPEN DATE AUGUST DECEMBER 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 - Shirley O’Daniell OPEN DATE OPEN DATE Audrey Klie Barb Dahl - Nancy Hill POINSETTIAS POINSETTIAS OPEN DATE Pal o s Park Pres by terian C om m un ity Ch urch Sunday Monday NEW SERVICE TIMES!! 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 9:30am Worship Geoff Carroll Speaking 10:45am Education Hour 9 5:00pm Parents & Students Mission Trip Meeting 6:30pm LOL & WF 9:30am Worship 10:45am Education Hour 15 22 \ 6:30pm LOL & WF Church Night Includes: 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 10 16 Hand Chime Choir Children’s Choirs Chancel Choir Adult Electives Youth Club 17 23 18 24 5:45pm Church Night 6 12 13 19 9:00am Hospitality 9:00am Creative Arts Worship Team 7 14 WF Winter Retreat (returning Monday) 20 21 6:00pm Dinner and a Movie Night 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 25 Saturday 5 7:00pm Administration 7:00 pm Missions 5:45pm Dinner 7:00pm Service 7:00pm Session Friday 7:00pm B & G 7:00pm Stephen Ministry 11 5:45pm Church Night 7:00pm Worship WF Winter Retreat (returning Monday) FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 9:30am Worship 10:45am Education Hour 9:30am 4 5:45pm Church Night 6:45pm First Wednesday Book Club 7:00pm C.E. 8 9:30am Worship 10:45am Congregational Meeting 10:45am Education Hour for Kids Thursday 26 27 28 CHURCH STAFF Ext. John Curphey ..................................Interim Pastor (11) [email protected] David Carlton.............................. Associate Pastor (12) [email protected] Maggie Downs ...... Director of Children’s Ministry (13) [email protected] Bob Van Baren ............ Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] Palos Park Presbyterian Community Church Non-Profit Organization 12312 South 88th Avenue Palos Park, IL 60464 (15) Megan Marshall........Director of Music & Worship (16) [email protected] Susan Schmidt ...................... Executive Assistant (10) [email protected] Dorothy Wertzbaugher........... Assistant Secretary (14) [email protected] Linda Kuhn ........ Youth Ministry Admin. Assistant (22) [email protected] Donna Parker ......................................Comptroller (22) [email protected] Ralph A. Pugh .......................................... Organist [email protected] SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Education Hour OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CHURCH PHONE & WEBSITE 708-448-5220 FAX: 708-448-5331 We Are A STEPHEN MINISTRY Congregation February 18, 2015 Supper & Service Join us for Supper at 5:45 p.m. and stay for the Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 p.m. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.1
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