February Messenger 2015 - Anoka United Methodist Church

February 2015
Getting to know David Long!
United Methodist Church of Anoka
Northern Light Church of Ramsey
Hey! Firstly, I’d like to
say that I am thrilled to
be the new youth
director here at UMCA!
I was born in St. Anthony Village, MN and I am
the youngest of two
brothers. I grew up in
the Faith United Methodist Church in St. Anthony and graduated
from St. Anthony Village High School, which
happens to be the
smallest public school
in the Minneapolis
Inside this issue:
Worship for February
Bill’s letter from Rome
New Couple’s Class
Ministry of the Month
Blood Mobile
United Methodist Women’s
What’s New in the Library?
Kid’s Connection
A&er gradua'ng, I
a(ended the University
of Wisconsin – Eau
Claire, where I received
a degree in Broadcast
Journalism and a minor
in Film Produc'on. During college, I worked as
a counselor and assistant program director
in the summer'me at a
Bible camp in New London, MN. I was able to
minister to kids of all
ages, playing games,
making up skits, hiking
in the woods, bellyflopping in the lake,
and playing worship
songs. I moved out to
Santa Cruz, CA shortly
a&erwards for three
years as an outdoor
educa'on teacher (aka
- naturalist) for 5th-7th
graders in the Redwoods of California. I
got to teach kids all
about God’s crea'on,
how to rock climb, and
how to put a banana
slug on their nose.
A&er California, I
moved to Hungary and
led a youth group at a
church and also taught
English at the nearby
school. The fun fact
here: I can speak
Hungarian. Isten szeret
téged! (Ask me!)
Anyway, I’m really
excited to spread my
wonder of God with
the youth at this
church as we learn
and explore who God is
and who He created us
to be!
Study of Luke to begin in February
On Wednesdays in Lent
through Luke's eyes
day morning message
at 7:10 pm, Pastor Bill
and try to understand
series on Luke and give
will lead a study of the
and apply his unique
an opportunity to go
Gospel of Luke. This
perspec've on Jesus.
deeper. (Only a Bible is
unique Bible study will
The class will run from
needed for this class;
bring together heart
February 18 through
no other book to
and mind as we look at
March 25.
the story of Jesus
It will parallel the Sun-
Page 2
Greetings from Rome!
that was built in the 4th
century. Legend and hisWe are having an amaztory have melded toing 'me in this beau'ful,
gether to report that,
ancient city. I am so
under the altar of that
grateful for the opporchurch, the bones of
tunity to take this 'me
Paul are to be found.
to be immersed in the
Paul - the great missionhistory of such an imary and leader of the
portant place - the home
early church - died for
of emperors and popes,
his faith here in the first
and one of the earliest
century. The legend
places where the Chrisabout his burial place
'an church took shape
was told for hundreds of
and Chris'ans began to
years, but just a few
live out their faith.
years ago, the sarcophagus said to hold his
One of the churches I
bones was tested, and
visited here is called the
the bone fragments
Church of St. Paul outwere in fact found to be
side the Walls. It stands
from the first century.
just outside the ancient
S'll no one can know for
city wall of Rome. Altsure if they are the
hough the church was
bones of Paul, but it is
completed in 1823, it
amazing to stand in that
stands on the site of a
place of prayer and
much older church, one
United Methodist Church of Anoka
Northern Light Church of Ramsey
Dear Friends,
remembrance where
countless genera'ons of
Chris'ans have stood
before, inspired by the
words of Paul in the
le(er to the Romans: "all
have sinned and fall
short of the glory of God;
they are now jus'fied by
his grace as a gi&,
through the redemp'on
that is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:23-24).
We have no bones buried away in our church (I
hope!), but we have the
good news of God's
grace in Jesus Christ and
the faith that has carried
Chris'ans through the
centuries. May that
faith be renewed in all
of us.
I want to thank all of
our church staff for
taking on some extra
responsibility while I
am away, and also
Rev. Marilyn Evans for
leading worship on
Sundays. I am thankful
to get to work with
such a great congrega'on and staff!
God bless you all.
Upcoming in February Worship
Feb. 1 A Teaching Service of Holy Communion for All Ages
Feb. 8 Service Celebra'ng Couples Married at UMCA
Feb. 15 UMW Sunday
Feb. 22 New Series for Lent - Luke: The Gospel of the Nobodies
Couple’s Celebration, February 8
On Sunday, February 8
we will honor couples
married at UMCA (or
elsewhere by one of our
pastors) at both morning
services, and with a recep'on between services at 9:30am. If you
were married in our
church, or in the "old
church," be sure to be
present. And if you
know of couples who
were married here,
extend an invita'on
to them to come to
worship with you on
February 8. A special
message will focus on
healthy, life-giving, joyfilled rela'onships.
*Informa'on on the
Couple’s Class we are
offering is on the
following page.
Page 3
New Couple’s Class begins February 11
All married or engaged
couples are invited to
par'cipate in a small
group on Wednesday
evenings, 6:30 to 7:30
from February 11 to
March 18 in the church
lounge. We will read and
discuss the book 10 Lessons to Transform Your
Marriage by Dr. John
Go(man and Dr. Julie
Schwartz Go(man.
This book gives examples
of challenges every couple faces and specific
advice on ways to talk
about them more produc'vely. Even couples
who have been married
for many years have
been surprised at how
much they’ve learned
about their own communica'on as they have
read this book.
Please sign up on the
opportuni'es sheet or in
the Fellowship Hall.
Books can be purchased
in the church office. This
book was the basis of a
small group during the
summer of 2013. If you
were part of that group
and want to par'cipate
again, you are welcome.
United Methodist Women’s Sunday—February 15
“Where victory over
Dear Friends
Feb 15 will be United
Methodist Women Sunday. Come celebrate the
purpose of the UMW
and what we are doing
to con'nue the almost
150 year tradi'on.
We are asking for your
help in suppor'ng
Minnesota’s Na'onal
Mission Emma Norton
Services by bringing
paper products e.g. paper towels, napkins and
toilet paper to church on
or before Feb 18th. There
will be a collec'on area
in the Fellowship Hall.
Emma Norton Services
works with women,
children, and families
who are homeless and
have the added challenges of mental illness,
chemical dependency, or
both. Safe and sober
housing combined with
programs and support
provide an environment
where victory over
homelessness, mental
illness, and chemical
dependency becomes a
Purpose: United Methodist Women shall be a
community of women
whose purpose is to
know God and to experience freedom as whole
persons through Jesus
Christ; to develop a
crea've, suppor've
fellowship; and to
expand concepts of
mission through par'cipa'on in the global
ministries of the church.
Kim Harris
mental illness, and
becomes a
United Methodist Church of Anoka
Page 4
Reaching Out - Help Fight Hunger!
Support our Local Food Shelves
Our Ministry of the Month for February will be the food shelves at Anoka County Brotherhood
Council (ACBC) in Anoka and Community Emergency Assistance Programs (CEAP) in Blaine. ACBC
and CEAP were both organized by churches to serve people in need in our area. Each year the
demand on our local food shelves increases and use in 2014 was higher than in 2013. ACBC volunteers served over 10,000 families in 2014 (4,000 of those families were from Anoka) and distributed
over 850,000 pounds of food.
An anonymous donor has agreed to again provide matching funds for all dona'ons of food and
money received in March (we collect dona'ons in February and then send them in during March).
This makes our contribuons go further than at any other me of year.
Although food dona'ons are greatly appreciated, contribu'ons of money are really needed to
round out the supplies of food available at the food shelves. The food shelves can buy food at greatly reduced discounted prices; by as much as 90% less than grocery store prices, so monetary dona'ons go a long way. Food and monetary dona'ons will be split between ACBC and CEAP.
Please place your contribu'on (make your check out to Anoka UMC) in an envelope found in the
pews, or your offering envelope and mark it for: ACBC and CEAP.
Page 5
Blood Mobile
The blood mobile is here at the United Methodist Church
of Anoka on Monday, February 2, 2015 from 1-7pm.
Walk-ins are always welcome. You may contact Marti at
763.785.0448 or 1-800-RED.CROSS or visit
www.redcrossblood.org for more information
2014 Ministry of the Month & Special Sunday donations
Thank you for your con'nued support and par'cipa'on in our church’s many outreach ministries! We are
really making a difference in peoples’ lives. Below are the dona'ons collected from the congrega'on in
2014 for each Ministry of the Month and Special Sunday:
Ministry of the Month
Stepping Stone Shelter: $330
CEAP/ACBC: $1,760
United Methodist Commi(ee on Relief (UMCOR): $1,020
Eniten (Human Trafficking): $415
Love Offering: $931
Good Samaritan: $2,710
United for the Community: $2,620
OC Ministries: $1,230
Alexandra House: $630
Cars for Neighbors: $490
Mujila Falls Agricultural Center: $ 3,815
United Methodist Special Sundays
World Communion Sunday: $305
Student Day: $70
One Great Hour of Sharing: $789
Where GRACE happens
—Max Lucado
Thank you!
Thank you for con'nuing to drop off these items in the baskets by the Outreach
bulle'n board in Fellowship Hall. Li(le things add up and truly make a difference!
Box tops for educa'on (benefits Lincoln elementary school in Anoka)
Pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House
Campbell’s soup labels for Red Bird Mission (ministries for people in remote
Kni(ed baby hats for newborns in Sierra Leone
Hotel size soap, shampoo, etc. for Salva'on Army Harbor Light homeless
Eyeglasses for Lions Recycle for Sight Program
United Methodist Church of Anoka
Page 6
The United Methodist Women’s News
The UMW Planning Meeng will be held on Saturday, February
14, 2015 at 10am in the church lounge. Everyone is invited to
a(end this mee'ng and then plan to stay and assemble cheer
baskets for our shut-ins at 11am. We will be delivering the
baskets on Sat. and Sun. Please watch for the sign-up sheets to
provide cookies and candy and to assemble and deliver baskets.
Ruth Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 17 at 1:00 in the Koininia Room. Please join us for light
refreshment and fellowship.
UMW Reading Program
The books for the 2015 Reading Program are on the UMW shelf. I found the book Whatever
Happened to Dinner a very interes'ng read. The author gives many ideas on how to bring families
together over dinner, how to include children in preparing the meal and recipes. You can check it
out on the UMW reading sec'on in the church library. If you have any ques'ons about the reading
program you may call Devonna Haske( at 763-245-8666.
Watch for dates for our ongoing groups such as sewers, quilters, kni(ers and women's breakfast at
Baker's Square. All UMW events are open to anyone so please come.
Mark your Calendars:
The Spring Rummage Sale week is April 26 to May 2, 2015. Please be thinking of your spring and
summer items to bring to the sale. We also need the tall, grocery bags with handles for our bag day.
Our Church Family
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of:
Arlis Betz, mother of Greg and Julie Betz, who passed away December 24, 2015.
Scripture readings for February
God’s Loving Word
1 John 3.1-21
2 John 3.22-36
3 John 4.1-42
4 John 4.43-54
5 John 5.1-18
6 John 5.19-47
7 John 6.1-24
8 John 6.25-71
9 1 John 1.1-10
10 1 John 2.1-29
11 1 John 3.1-24
12 1 John 4.1-21
13 1 John 5.1-21
14 1 Corinthians 13.1-13
15 John 10.1-21
16 John 10.22-42
17 Psalm 23
Ash Wednesday
18 Psalm 51
19 Psalm 52
20 John 13.1-20
21 John 13.21-38
First Sunday in Lent
22 John 14.1-31
23 John 15.1-17
24 Mark 12.13-27
25 Mark 12.28-34
26 Deuteronomy 6.1-25
27 Ephesians 3.1-21
28 Ephesians 4.1-32
February: Valentine’s Day, Friendship Month, and I Love to Read Month
If we are really honest, we all like geUng valen'nes regardless our age. Here are some “Valen'nes” from our church
library to you for your reading pleasure and growth in your Chris'an Life. Browse through the “Inspira'onal Literature”
sec'on of the library to find even more special love le(ers from various Chris'an authors and fellow journeymen on the
road of life.
For Loving Parents
Loving One Another: Beginner’s Stories on Being a Good Friend by Neta Jackson
“Children like to say what they think and do what they want. But to have good friends—and to be a good friend—
they also must learn to respect the feelings of others.” The author uses animal characters “to help children discover
why geUng along with others can be the most fun of all.”
For Lovers of Poetry
Loving Promises especially for you: Promises Divinely Spoken Remain Unfailing and Unbroken by Helen Steiner Rice
The author “compiled this collec'on of poems in the hope that her work would establish new guideposts by which
to live, love, and pray. Her heart-touching lines affirming God’s love and His eternal promises are commingled here
with verses from Scripture.” The church library has a large collec'on of poetry by Hellen Steiner Rice.
For Lovers of Ficon
Love Comes So0ly by Jane(e Oke
This 'tle begins the now classic “Love Comes” series. As the story begins, Marty travels West with her new husband, seeking adventure and fortune. But, her life suddenly changes with the death of her husband, and she must
use her faith to handle whatever life brings her. Our library has the en're series for those who like to do “binge
For Lovers of Inspiraonal Literature
When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direc1on for Life’s Sacred Ques1ons by Sue Monk Kidd, long 'me contribu'ng editor to Guideposts and author of The Secret Life of Bees
“An honest and healing book which speaks to us out of both direct personal experience and a knowledge and sympathy for long and deep spiritual tradi'ons. The author moves us away from the shallows of ‘self-help’ and
cheap religion to the depths of holiness and transforma'on.”
Inside My Heart: Choosing to Live with Passion and Purpose by Robin McGraw, wife of Dr. Phil
A recommenda'on from Max Lucado: “Perfect people with spotless past and problem-free futures won’t life this
book. The rest of us will find much to love in it. Thanks, Robin, for sharing your story and reminding us that the
real hero in any happy ending is God.”
A Faithful Heart: Daily Guide for Joyful Living by Sally Dyck who is a pastor, teacher, United Methodist bishop, runner, and world traveler.
Passionate, Called, Holy, Equipped, Joyful, Loving, Learning, Authen'c…The author forms an eight-week journey focused on these words combining “Scripture, engaging stories, and the faith of Mary to encourage women to
grow and share their heart.”
Quest for Love: True Stories of Passion and Purity, Elisabeth Elliot, a Chris'an author and speaker and wife of Jim
Elliot who was killed in 1956 while a(emp'ng to make missionary contact with the Auca of eastern Ecuador
Following the publica'on of her book Passion and Purity, Elliot received many le(ers from her readers. This book is
a compila'on of her response to those le(ers. “With warmth, humor, and biblical guidance, the author discusses commitment, integrity, honor, and servanthood in marriage--and in singleness.”
Finally: The Best Ever Valenne--“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only bego(en Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlas'ng life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the
world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16-17
The latest news and information about the Children and Families of the United Methodist Church of Anoka.
Emily Wise
Director of Children’s Ministry
United Methodist Church of Anoka
In This Issue:
Kids and Youth event:
Indoor Snowball fight!
Serve: Bake cookies for
cheer baskets
Moms Night Out
Sunday school schedule
Saturday, February 7th
All 5 yrs-12th Grade Students and FRIENDS!
February 18th
Bake cookies for Cheer Baskets. Cheer baskets go to
those in nursing homes and other home bound people. Kids will bake some to give and some to take
11;00am— 2;00pm Saturday February 7th
United Methodist Church of Anoka’s Kitchen
Come alone or bring a
team and join us in an indoor snow-ball-fight!
Each team will ba7le
against teams their own
age for a designated
amount of me.
Hot Chocolate and snacks
will be available
If you would like to participate in this event:
$5 for ingredients
Sign up at the youth or children bulletin board
in the hallway! What a fun way to serve!
Do n
’t F o
g Yo
t e yo
What’s Up
Are you a mom and need a night out? Join us for a fun night
where you can relax and get to know some other moms in the
area. (Childcare will be provided by our UMC Youth)
Mocktail Happy Hour—7:00pm to 8:00pm
We will serve several different non alcoholic beverages
Please bring hors d’oevres to share
February’s Memory Verse:
“Do to others as you would want them to do
to you.”
(Luke 6:31,NIrV)
Theme: UnderCover Kindness
Kindness: Showing others they are
valued by how you treat them.
February 1st
Movie: Moms Night out—7:30pm—9:15pm
**Fresh popcorn will be served throughout the movie**
Bible Story: Jesus and the Children
Bo7om Line: There’s always me to be
February 8th
Bible Story: Ruth and Boaz
Bo7om Line: Be kind to your family &
February 15th
NO Sunday School
February 22nd
Wear your favorite camp aDre to church!
Bible Story: Barnabas Welcomes Saul
Bo7om Line: Be kind to people who
aren't kind to you.
(Swim suits might not be a good idea)
Theme: Are We There Yet
Paence: Waing unl later for what
you want now.
Preschool Sunday school Schedule 9:30am—1030am:
Basic Truth: Jesus wants to
be my friend forever.
Key Queson: Who loves
THEME: I heart you!
February 1st
Jesus tells me God will always
look for me.
February 8th
Bo7om Line: Jesus loves me! Jesus tells me God loves me no
matter what.
Memory Verse: “How wide
February 15th
and high and long and deep
Jesus will help me.
is the love of Christ.”
February 22nd
(Ephesians 3:18,NIV) Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
850 South Street
Anoka, MN 55303
763-421-2378 O
[email protected]
605-415-0924 C
Two Communities, One Hope
We have a vision for a church that
shares the good news of Jesus
with everyone: a church where
the congregation
relects the make-up of our
diverse community. We will
provide entry points for those
who are missing.
Northern Light is a campus of
the United Methodist Church of
Anoka Casual,bandledworship
Office and Staff Information
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]
www.northernlightramsey.org DirectorofMusicMinistries:
[email protected]