here - Buxton Methodist Church

The Church in the Market Place
Rev Andrew Parker Tel: 01298 23556
Church Office: Tel: 01298 27065
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
CCL licence no. 1176263
Sunday 8th February 2015
Rev Andrew Parker
We welcome the National Methodist Brass Youth Band
Coffee and tea are served after the morning service
Sunday 15th February 2015
Rev Andrew Parker
Coffee and tea are served after the morning service
No service tonight
The next Messy Church will be Tuesday 17th February, from 3.30pm.
Communion and Prayers, a quiet 20-30 minute service, is held in the Church on
Tuesday mornings at 10.30 am
Tuesdays 10.00 - 12 noon and Saturdays 10.00 to 12.30pm.
Fairly-traded tea & coffee, toast, tea cakes, cookies, soup. All welcome
NATIONAL METHODIST YOUTH BAND We are delighted that the band is here for a
weekend visit to Buxton. Their visit includes a concert on Saturday 7th February 7.30
pm (tickets £5) and also playing in our morning service on Sunday 8th February. Last
time the band visited us at Buxton many people commented about their enthusiasm and
quality of the music.
Weekly Notice Sheet – Notices please to the office by email, phone or note by 9 am on
This Church has been asked to provide and serve the lunch on Wednesday
25th February. Can you provide soup for about 10 people? Can you help
on the day? If you can help, please speak to Ruth Hayter. These lunches
have been happening for many years now, provided by the various churches
and raising a lot for charity.
Can you help?
The lunches start on Wednesday 18th February, Bath Road Centre. £3 for soup and
tea/coffee. Proceeds to Christian Aid, Tearfund and Hungry for Change. Chapter and
Verse bookshop will have a stall.
Every Wednesday in Lent.
Notice Sheet: some members now have the Notice Sheet emailed weekly. If you wish
to subscribe, please speak to Ruth Hayter.
Alternatively, you can access the notice
sheet on the Church Website www.
NETWORK this week (11th February, 2.30 pm) we will be welcoming John Morten who
will be showing slides and talking on “Our Church”. John has a great many interesting
slides showing the history of this church. Men and women are very welcome. We meet
in the Lower Room.
There will be a small group meeting at Malcolm and Mary's house on
Thursday 12th February at 7.30pm. All welcome. (938472)
CtiB LENT COURSE This starts Wednesday, February 25th and continues for four
further Wednesdays at little St Anne’s, Bath Road. 7.30 – 8.00 a reflective service, 8 8.10 refreshments, 8.10 - 9.15 discussion groups linked to the service theme. Themes
will be Obedience, Betrayal, Persecution, Perseverence and Salvation. All welcome.
NIGHTSTOP EMERGENCY PROVISION As well as providing emergency
accommodation, High Peak Nightstop has opened cold weather provision over the winter
months. Whenever bad weather is predicted, supervised refuge is available for people
with nowhere else to go, at the United Reformed Church in Buxton. People who need
this help also receive hot drinks and blankets. Make referrals by ringing 07973 670 595
Please take your notice sheet home with you,
for your own use or to pass on to someone else who might be interested.
On Tuesday 10th February at 10 am Comfortable with
Computers Group, who meet at Fairfield Methodist Church, are hosting the Sustainable
Development Adviser from High Peak CVS. They are doing a session on obtaining
better, that is cheaper, Gas and Electric rates. You are very welcome to make use of
their visit and all you need to do is to turn up before 10 am preferably with your last bills.
After giving us an idea about their project which will only take a few minutes, they will
then one a one-to-one confidential basis help us to find better deals than we may be
getting. There is no cost involved and you do not have to change your supplier if you
don’t wish to. This is a Community project funded by charities and our local authority.
Comfortable with Computers meet at Fairfield each Tuesday from 9.30 to 11.30 am with
the aim of supporting any older person who is interested in computers or may be, or
anyone with a computer problem. Just turn up, there is no cost involved.
Russ Baker.
GOOD FRIDAY EVENING MEDITATION All singers (with or without prior experience!)
are invited to join a Churches Together Choir to sing Phillip Ledger’s ‘Requiem – a
Thanksgiving for Life’ on Good Friday evening. Rehearsals start on Friday 20th
February at Buxton Methodist Church 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. There will be six Friday
practices and a run through on Tuesday evening 31st March. The choir will be directed
by Phillip Cartledge, and the music will be interspersed with readings selected by Rev
Canon Shipley.
Philip describes the work, which was written in 2007, as ‘immensely
singable’ and says that we will enjoy learning it together. Further information: email
[email protected] or Kate Maclean 01298 78276
BEFRIEND SOMEONE TODAY! That is the message from Sight Support Derbyshire.
Help make a real difference to the lives of local people who are blind and partially
sighted. Choose from home visiting for a chat, assisting with reading, shopping, going
for walks or socialising. Call Lynne on 01332 287005 if you think you could help.
CHURCH FLOWERS A very big thank you to all Church Members who have selected
dates on the rota and donated money for flowers.
For Church Members not aware of the “Flower Rota” this is on the right hand notice
board in front entrance to the Church. Any donations for flowers to be given to Eileen or
WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - at Fairfield Methodist, Friday 6th March at 2 pm.
This annual service, prepared by Christian women from different parts of the world, and
supported by all denominations, will this year be at Fairfield Methodist Church.
women of The Bahamas have prepared the service. The service will be held around
the world on 6th March, and as we sing at the end of the service ‘The day thou gavest
Lord is ended’ we also sing ‘The sun, that bids us rest, is waking our friends beneath the
western sky’ reminding us that as our service ends, so it is taken up by those for whom a
fresh day is dawning. Men and women are warmly invited to this service.
CIRCUIT PLANS for March – April – May 2015 are now available.
LOCAL PREACHERS MEETING – Thursday 12th February at 7.30 pm at 26 Heath Park
Disley Quaker Meeting invites you to
An exceptional storytelling experience
The story of the Conscientious Objectors in the Great War 1914-1919
Featuring the live storytelling of Simon Heywood
And with songs composed and performed by Shonaleigh
At Disley Methodist Church, Friday 27th February, 7.30 pm
Free admission – donations welcome to cover expenses
Don’t forget the Food Bank
A service of thanksgiving for the life of Ken Boylett will take place on
Thursday 19th February at 12.30 pm at Buxton Methodist Church.
This will follow a service commendation and committal at Macclesfield Crematorium.