CONNECTICUT DISTRICT NEWS The Connecticut District Office of the United Methodist Church 20 Broadfield Road, Hamden, CT 06517 FEBRUARY 2015 Interim Bishop: Jane Middleton Superintendent: Reverend Kenneth Kieffer E-mail: [email protected] Editor:Dorothy Chamberlain Web: ___________________________________________________________________________ “LESS FILLING - TASTES BLAND!” by Ken Kieffer During lunch with a couple of Korean clergy last fall, I asked if either of them happened to know of an acupuncturist that they would be comfortable recommending to me. Perhaps that was a politically incorrect question to ask 2 Asian-Americans, but I was willing to risk it given the circumstances. And the circumstances are these: it has been well over three years since my last cancer treatment, and my taste buds are still about as useful and effective as the United States Congress! I don’t know (and frankly, I don’t care) if it was my weekly chemotherapy or my daily radiation treatments that did the damage. All I know is that the delicate sensory taste receptors that USED TO help me savor and enjoy things like chocolate, lasagna and fresh citrus (oh my darling clementines!) haven’t showed up for work in more than 1,000 days. Rumor had it in some survivor circles that fortunate folks in a similar situation had, through acupuncture, experienced a resurrection of their papillae (a.k.a. taste buds). So, when my clergy colleagues gave me the name and number of an acupuncturist in the city, I called the guy right away. Any anxiety that I might have had going to a “non-traditional” (I’m sorry, but how is acupuncture, which is thousands of years older than so-called “modern medicine”, considered non-traditional?) healer quickly dissipated when I learned upon checking in that the doctor and I shared not only the same survivor story, but the same birthday! To make a long story short(ish), 2 visits and 76 needles later, I was prescribed a special blend of granulated herbs to drink as a hot tea. That was the good news. The bad news was that I was going to have to drink this awful smelling stuff 3 times a day for 31 days in a row – all while abstaining from anything cold, anything hot, anything sweet, anything salty, anything sour, anything spicy – basically anything tasty. Also, I was to eat no deep fried foods, no carbs, no red meats and no large portions (my kingdom for chili nachos supreme with a side of chicken wings!!!). 1 “Less Filling-Tastes Bland” continued Because those all happen to be my favorite food groups, I realized that in order to accomplish this, I was going to need a healthy heaping of discipline and sacrifice. So, I made it a new year’s resolution. As a result, I feasted like Herod for the last week of December, and fasted like Gandhi for the month of January. Along the way, I lost a handful of pounds, got rid of my decades-long addiction to Coca Cola, and lowered my bad cholesterol by several kjillion points. Only time will tell if my buds are back, but even if they aren’t, this was a spiritual exercise well worth taking. Proving to myself that I could eat like a responsible grown-up rather than an impetuous, self-destructive teenager has been good for my body, mind and spirit. So good, in fact, that I may make this an annual thing. Which got me to thinking…what if? What if there was a special time in the liturgical calendar set aside each year to invite/challenge church folk to be in significant self-sacrifice, self-denial and self-reflection mode for the betterment of their body, mind and spirit? And what if the length of this designated period was based on a biblical story where a real live human being was, with God’s help, able to resist a trio of tasty temptations for more than a month? And what if I “lent” you this idea so that you and your beloved might consider something along these lines for yourselves in a couple of weeks? Yeah, what if? +++ THE BISHOP IS COMING, THE BISHOP IS COMING!!! Monday, March 2, from 9 a.m. - noon First UMC, Shelton Bishop Jane Allen Middleton will be spending the morning with CT district clergy at the First UMC, Shelton on Monday, March 2, from 9 a.m. – noon. In her time with us, she will focus on leadership and will bring resources and engage in conversation regarding excellence in pastoral leadership. All active clergy are expected to attend. Lunch will follow. The address is 188 Rocky Rest Rd, Shelton, CT, 06484. 2 Saturday, January 31st 10 to 12 a.m. @ Newtown UMC Sunday, February 8th 2 to 4 p.m. @ Wethersfield UMC SPR 101 A basic overview of the role of the Staff-Parish Relations Committee in the local church, along with an update on the Bishop's procedures on appointment-making. Led by Connecticut District Superintendent, Rev. Ken Kieffer. U.M. ARMY, Not Just for YOUTH!! U.M. ARMY (United Methodist Reach-out Mission by Youth) is a mission opportunity right here in the Northeast, and you don't have to be a "youth" to become involved. Join Kim Koch and Tracie Nixon as they share how this youth mission experience in their churches grew into a complete congregational mission endeavor. Explore this program to see how it ignited their churches and learn about opportunities this summer for your church in this amazing mission program. Church Finances A discussion on Church Finances including the most frequently asked questions of the Conference Center office. Topics will include taxes, budgeting, auditing, apportionments and clergy benefits, along with others. Led by Geof Fowler, President of the Conference General Committee on Finance and Administration. Why We Are Here (Youth Ministries Workshop) Ever wonder why youth come to church? Ever wonder if they are listening? Ever wonder what they hear? Now you can ask them! Join a panel of youth along with youth directors Tracie Nixon and Kim Koch and see what is really on the minds of today's youth in our congregations. Dissing the “Dis” in Disability: Welcoming the Differently Abled We never know who will walk in our church doors on a Sunday morning. What happens when someone with a disability enters the worship space or the Sunday school classroom? This educational and experiential workshop will give a basic understanding of some of the more likely disabilities we may see and some simple suggestions on ways to be prepared as a church community. Led by Stephanie Parsons, Chair of the NYAC Committee on Accessibility. 3 Music for Inclusive and Multi-Cultural Worship is an Interactive Workshop for Clergy and Laity which will provide resources for finding and using Multi-Cultural hymns in the United Methodist Hymnal, The Faith We Sing, Worship and Song, among others. In our busy and demanding churches and lives, it seems that no one has time to think about “new” hymnody. Let’s work together to make this task easier for clergy and laity so that our Worship can lift up and transform all. Led by Daniel Pettit, Director of Music Ministries at Golden Hill UMC. Social Media & the Church An introduction to using online resources and tools to further ministry. With over 93% of non-profits using social media sites to connect with the world around them, an online presence is now a critical tool in a church's marketing kit. However, many churches find it overwhelming and difficult to begin. You’ll receive a basic understanding of the top sites, how they could be used to minister to your members and potential congregants, how to connect to the community around you, and most importantly, how to get started immediately. Led by Jennifer Bissell, Event and Communications Coordinator, Fairfield Grace UMC. Prayer Workshop (Newtown 1/31) Prayer can be a challenge. Sometimes the words don’t come easily, or even at all. We feel stuck, and begin to worry that maybe we’re not “doing it right”. Fortunately, there’s no wrong way to talk to God, and there are actually many ways to pray! In our time together we’ll look at some prayer possibilities and give a few of them a try. Then we’ll leave with a starter list of resources we can use for sharing, research or personal practice. Led by Rev. Carol Downs, Southington Grace UMC. Prayer Workshop (Wethersfield 2/8) Isn’t it amazing that God desires so much to converse with us that we’d be invited to call any time! Come explore what just a few of the experts—and a little personal experience—can offer as we take a look at the faith-building, hopeful, growth-enhancing, convicting, strengthening, eternally effective, mysterious practice we call PRAYER. Led by Lisa Bosworth, Certified Lay Minister, Seymour UMC. Ministry By Strengths (For Pastors) People are the most valuable resource of any organization. Successful teamwork in a marriage, a family, at church or work doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of positive working relationships. MBS will help you better understand people’s differing communication and decision making styles to equip us to live and work more effectively with others. In MBS, we’ll focus on each person’s underlying temperament, the foundation on which personality is built. Led by Rev. Ric Hanse, West Hartford UMC. Bring tablet or notebook if you have one. 4 CONNECTICUT DISTRICT UMW Winter Gathering and Luncheon St. Andrew’s UMC, 1230 Townsend Ave, New Haven, CT February 7, 2015 9:00 registration; 9:30-2:30 Program THEME: “Make It Happen-Connect with Homelessness in CT PANELISTS: Rev. Barbara Schaffer (Torrington UMC), Matthew Morgan (Ex. Dir. Journey Home, Hartford CT), Carla Miklos (Dir. Operation Hope, Fairfield CT) and Alison Cunningham (Exec. Dir., Columbus House Inc, New Haven, CT) SPECIAL OFFERING: LOAVES & FISHES Food Pantry, Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. James, 57 Olive St, New Haven, CT Registration Deadline: January 30, 2015 Donation: $ 8.50 Make checks payable to: St. Andrew’s UMC ‘CT District UMW Winter Gathering’ in memo line UMW Winter Gathering and Luncheon Registration Form Name:______________________________Address:____________________________ Phone:_________________________Amount Enclosed:________________________ Your Local hurch:_______________________________________________________ Do you have a local UMW unit?_________________ If no, would you like more information?____________ Is Childcare needed?__________ Dietary/Special Needs:_______________________ *Parents – please bring a bag lunch including beverage and dessert for your child* # of children:______________ Ages:__________________________ 5 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!!! Our District Mission Project – PET has received more than $7,000 (approximately 28 vehicles) from churches and individuals in our District. 6 The Christian Small-Group Leader For All Laity in the NYAC Grounded in Scripture and the Wesleyan tradition, The Christian Small-Group Leader blends knowledge about the dynamics of small groups with our call to form disciples. Leaders of all types of small groups will find both inspiration and practical help to carry out their ministries. Lay Servants will receive a three-year certification upon completion of this class. Sponsored by CT District Lay Servant Ministries March 7 and March 14, 2015 9:30 AM to 3 PM both Saturdays Fellowship and Sign-in begin at 9 AM Bethel United Methodist Church 141 Greenwood Avenue Bethel, CT 06801 (easy access from I-84) Leader: Fern Blair Hart, Certified Lay Minister All class participants should purchase and read Thomas R. Hawkins’ book, “The Christian Small Group Leader” before the first session - currently available at and Cokesbury. Cost for this course is $15 ~Please bring your own lunch~ Please mail your check payable to CT District to: Dorothy Chamberlain, CT District Office, 20 Broadfield Road Hamden, CT 06517 Your Name_______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________ Email ____________________ Church ___________________________ District ___________________ or further details, please contact Mary Brevigleiri, CT District Lay Servant Director at: [email protected] or (860) 307-4611. 7 Preaching in the United Methodist Church For Lay Servants and Laity in the NYAC interested in the process of preparing and delivering a sermon. This course is always exciting and inspirational in content and delivery. You will not be disappointed and you may even be a little surprised! Leaders: Rev. Kenneth Kieffer, CT District Superintendent and CT District Lay Servant Committee Members Cost is $15 This is an Advanced Lay Servant Class and all Lay Servants will receive a threeyear re-certification upon completion of the two session course. Local Lay Servants may be certified to preach in their own churches. April 18, 2015 9 am to noon – Rev. Ken Kieffer 12:30 to 3:30 pm - LS Committee April 25, 2015 9 am to 1:00 pm Delivery of one 10 - 12 minute sermon. If you do not feel called to preach, you may choose not to deliver a sermon, but you must attend both days and every participant must submit a written or typed sermon to receive credit for the course. Naugatuck United Methodist Church 208 Meadow St. Naugatuck, CT 06110 Coffee/Fellowship 8:30 - 9am Please bring your own lunch All class participants should purchase and read “Go Preach! A Primer for Beginning Preachers” by Jack Gilbert before the first class – available through Cokesbury and Please mail your check payable to CT District to: Dorothy hamberlain, CT District Office, 20 Broadfield Road Hamden, CT 06517 Your Name__________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________ Email __________________ Church _____________________________ District__________________ Pastor’s Signature of Endorsement ________________________________________ For further details, please contact Mary Brevigleiri, CT District Lay Servant Director at [email protected] or (860) 307-4611. Sponsored by CT District Lay Servant Ministries 8 MINISTRY RESOURCE CENTER Yale Divinity School Do you need leaders guides for groups on: Bible personalities, prophets, women in the Bible...? We have them. BLACK HISTORY MONTH: lots of dvds on overall history and biographies of wellknown and lesser known leaders Do you need ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP resources: a variety of possibilities, ask to see them! Lots of people are coming in for LENT group leaders' guides on: Bible topics, spiritual formation, social justice concerns. What do you want to see? We have resources for ALL AGES and intergenerational groups. February 4, 2015: Youth Ministry Initiative at Yale Divinity School Rigorous, Reasonable, and Real: Youth Ministry With the rise of the “nones” and the “spiritual but not religious,” it often seems that the church is answering questions no one is asking. Many churches are still defining themselves in terms of what they are not ("We’re not like those other Christians who….”) in a world where people don’t know or care who those “other Christians” are. In an age of individualism and personal choice, how do we do youth ministry in community, within a tradition older and larger than ourselves? How do we make a claim for religious community that is respectful of other paths but compelling enough to warrant a young person’s time and attention? FEBRUARY 4 at 12 free lunch and lecture from 12:30-1:30 with The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn and author of When Spiritual But Not Religious Is Not Enough: Seeing God In Surprising Places, Even the Church. Lunch is available beginning at noon and the lecture begins at 12:30 in room SG58. RSVP by emailing Allison at [email protected]. Contact us with your questions! We'll talk with you in person, on the phone, in emails to share ideas, possibilities, resources. Staff is present 11-4 weekdays for YOU! Carolyn Hardin Engelhardt, Director Yale Divinity Library, 409 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511 203-432-5319 9 ANNOUNCEMENT FROM DISTRICT STATISTICIAN David Piscatelli It’s that time of year again, the annual reporting of our statistics. We take responsibility for that other portion of our roles as New York Annual Conference Clergy. The table deadlines have been moved up because Easter is earlier. The process is designed to be closed before Holy Week! POLLS OPENED JANUARY 26TH AND CLOSE FRIDAY, MARCH 23RD Last year the CT District had 100% in on time. Can we do it again this year?? Best way to contact me is through e-mail – [email protected] If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, the earlier the better. ********* Boundaries and Sexual Ethics Training Session Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10AM to 4PM. Learning Center at the Conference Center Those who wish to attend may register by telephoning the LIE District office at 631-366-2396, or emailing the office at [email protected] 10 NEW YORK METHODIST HOSPITAL HEALTH CLINIC FOR UNITED METHODIST MINISTERS AND/OR SPOUSES NEW YORK CONFERENCE ALL DISTRICTS APRIL 13-17, 2015 HISTORICAL SKETCH: New York Methodist Hospital, the “Mother Hospital of Methodism”, was chartered in 1881. Today New York Methodist is a modern, 651 bed acute care teaching hospital serving a constituency that includes Brooklyn and far beyond. While most patients have private or public insurance, the Hospital gives tens of millions of dollars in charity care each year. The Red Stocking Christmas Appeal in our churches, as well as generous wills and legacies, enable us to extend healing to the needy. We believe this is the ministry you want us to perform, an outreach mission of the church, fulfilling Christ’s command to heal the sick. We invite you to come and share this heritage of our vital ministry. Join us for the next health care clinic which is this April. Mark J. Mundy, President and Chief Executive Officer Reverend Elizabeth A. Braddon, Coordinator, Pastor’s Clinic CLINIC OBJECTIVES: 1, 2. 3. 4. To protect the health of the participant through proper diagnosis and treatment. To inform the participant about healthcare trends, new technology, facilities and developments. To provide an intimate look at your New York Hospital. To encourage personal and fiscal concern in the supporting parishes. 11 New York Methodist Hospital Health Clinic continued – WHO IS INVITED? Clergy and/or their spouses in the New York Annual Conference are invited to participate. Preference is given to active clergy serving pastoral appointments, as well as their spouses. Preference is also given to those who have not participated in the clinic in the past five years. Clergy and spouses may attend together or separately. Registrations are accepted on a first come, first-served basis, so respond promptly. HOW TO REGISTER: The registration form is available through the Conference e-mail communications. Go to: Please enclose the completed application form with the $50 registration fee via postal mail to: Rev. Elizabeth Braddon, Coordinator of the Pastors and Spouse’ Clinic, 9 B Lamphiers Cove Rd, Branford, CT 06405. Rev. Braddon may be reached by calling her home office 203-481-2789. Make your check payable to: New York Methodist Hospital. COST: Each participant will pay a registration fee of $50. Room, board, lab fees, examinations, x-rays and consultations are covered by the Hospital. The Hospital will bill your insurance and waive any co-payment costs. Doctors, nurses and staff of New York Hospital are happy to provide this clinic for you. WHAT TO EXPECT: A stay of four days and nights (Monday evening until Friday afternoon). You will room at the hospital and eat most meals in the cafeteria, courtesy of New York Methodist. A thorough physical examination with routine and special laboratory and radiographic tests. If you are referred for certain advanced procerdre, it may not be possible to schedule all of them during your stay. A consultation with your doctor, projecting your immediate and future health concerns. Talks by physicians, nurses, administrators, social workers, chaplains and other Hospital personnel participating in seminars. Tours and explanations of modern medical facilities such as the Radiology Department, Division of Nuclear Medicine, Sleep Disorders Laboratory, clinical laboratories, pediatrics unit and Rehabilitation Medicine department, as well as discussion of future plans. . 12 PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THE FOLLOWING: Retired pastor Arthur Yost who is out of the hospital and convalescing at home. Retired pastor Paul Godburn who is at Yale New Haven Hospital. The Reverend Tom Gye Ho Kim (New Haven: First and Summerfield) on the death of his wife, the Reverend Rachel Ye Kim, January 14, 2015. Their children are Jonathan and Elizabeth. The family of the Reverend Kermit Morrison who died on January 2, 2015. Kerm is survived by his children Marci, Tom, Ellen, Robert and James. ******** RETIREES BREAKFAST 2015 All retirees are invited to meet on February 19, 2015 for breakfast at Denny's, 631 Queen St. (Route 10) in Southington, just off I-84, exit 32. We meet on the third Thursdays in 2015. Keep this future breakfast date on your calendar March 19th. It helps to know about how many to expect. Kindly contact Ralph Roy at [email protected] or call 860-620-1711. Call too, if the weather is questionable in case it is cancelled. Please come prepared to share information on any illness, bereavement or other circumstances that should engage the group’s attention. 13 DISTRICT RESOURCING DAYS JANUARY 31, 2015 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 CT DISTRICT CONFERENCE APRIL 26, 2015 NEW YORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE JUNE 10-13, 2015 ******** CONNECTICUT DISTRICT IS ON FACEBOOK! CHECK US OUT AT: nyac connecticut district Have your local church events posted on our District Facebook page by contacting Ximena Varas at: [email protected] ******** DEADLINE FOR MARCH DISTRICT NEWS IS FEBRUARY 15th 14
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