The United Methodist Church of Red Bank 247 Broad Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701 732-747-0446 Fax: 732-530-5715 THE OUTLOOK “A Church with open doors, empowered by God’s love to be a Christ-like community, reaching out in ministry and service.” FEBRUARY 2015 Church family and friends, It seems just yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas! It is hard to believe that Lent is just around the corner. In a few short weeks, we will begin our Lenten season, entering into our time of preparation for Easter. While the weeks and months seem to be flying by, it is a blessing to know that God is at work in our lives and our church – and it is exciting to see what God is doing in our midst! Our Lenten season begins this year on February 18th with our Ash Wednesday services. Whether you attend the noontime service hosted by our UMW and share in the light lunch afterward or you attend our 7 pm evening service, we pray that you engage in this day of repentance and centering. As we have in the past few years, we will be joining with our neighboring United Methodist Churches, Embury UMC in Little Silver, Christ Church UM in Fair Haven, and Sea Bright UMC, for our special Lenten services. On Ash Wednesday, we will take our turn to host as we worship together in our Sanctuary. Prior to the service, our Outreach committee, in conjunction with our Youth Ministry will be hosting a Vegetarian Pot Luck Dinner to kick off Lent. Our Outreach Committee will once again be challenging us to take on a carbon fast during the 40 days of lent and will provide a multitude of ideas for accomplishing this goal. One way to lower your carbon footprint is to eat lower on the food chain. By sharing together in this Vegetarian Potluck, we can not only sample a variety of dishes, but get ideas for cooking at home, since everyone is asked to bring copies of the recipe they cooked. This Carbon Fast is one of the ways we are invited to experience a new spiritual discipline during our Lenten season. A spiritual practice can be as small as saying the Lord’s Prayer every day, or adding a grace before meals if you don’t already say one. Though many of us have a notion of Lent as a time of extreme asceticism and harsh discipline, a spiritual practice really doesn’t have to hurt. And what’s more beneficial: a simple practice you will really do regularly or a complicated discipline you avoid? Whether you choose to take on the challenge of the Carbon Fast or not, I pray that you choose to challenge yourself with practicing a new spiritual discipline. I pray that we are blessed during this 40 day journey, so that God can use us to bless others! God bless! 1 Dear Friends, Weather-wise, we are in the winter doldrums. Grey, dreary days, snow, sleet and rain, icy streets and sidewalks. The sun comes up late and goes down early and it’s dark and cold. We long to be reminded of God’s beauty, to remember that a glorious world is hiding beneath the snowdrifts. What better way to lift our spirits and remember nature’s beauty than to include some of that beauty in our church and worship. That is where you can help. Here is an opportunity for you to contribute to the beautification of our church. Please consider making a donation to purchase flowers. You may designate that you are placing flowers in memory, honor or thanksgiving of an individual or organization as you choose. Floral arrangements are available for $35 each and you may subscribe for one or two arrangements as you see fit. Your name and the purpose of your donation will be listed in each Sunday’s InLook. You can also specify a specific Sunday (for an anniversary, birthday or whatever) on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that we will only purchase flowers on Sundays that are subscribed; other Sundays provide the opportunity to show off our potted plants. Orders should be submitted to Sheila at your convenience anytime during the year. Please fill out the form below and return with your check in the appropriate amount. _____________________________________________ I/We would like to give a gift of $_________ (at $35 per arrangement) In honor of: In memory of: In celebration of: Given by: Attached is a check for $_________ 2 Please support your UMW. Sweets for the Sweet Valentine’s Day is almost here. United Methodist Women (UMW)…Linda Babler United Methodist Women = UMW Mission projects every month UMW Calendar for February through March 15th – read on for more information February 3 Susanna Circle, 6:30pm at Cyndi Skove’s home, candy making 7 Lunch Break – serve breakfast to client 9 -12 8 Sell Valentine Candy after both services 10 Prayer Shawl Group, Lounge at 6:30pm 11 Craft Group, Fellowship Hall at 11am 17 Cook soup for Ash Wed., kitchen 10 am 18 Ash Wednesday Noontime Service, Squire Chapel, lunch immediately following, 114 21 Prayer Shawl Group, Lounge, 10am 23 Mission Team meeting, 1pm, 107 24 Book Club, Library, 7:15pm 25 Craft Group, Fellowship Hall, 11am March 10 Prayer Shawl Group, 10 am, Lounge 14 Women’s Retreat, at church 8:30 am – 3pm Ash Wednesday Service will be on February 18th at 12 noon in Squire Chapel. Sacrificial luncheon will be served in 114 immediately following the service. All are invited to join us for lunch, no cost. Our offering will go to Lunch Break. If you would like to help make the soup on March 17 at 10 am let Linda Babler know. Our Speaker this year will be Rev. Jessica Naulty. Book Club - Meets every 4th Tuesday of the Month. The next meeting will be February 24th at 7:15 pm in the Library. Our book for February is “Two Old Women” by Velma Wallis Saturday - March 14th – Women’s Retreat – Led by Pastor Jessica Naulty from 9 am – 3 pm - A day out at our church, breakfast and lunch provided, Cost $5.00. Registration forms will be available during the month of February. Baby sitting available upon request. Back by Popular Demand… Women’s Spiritual Day Apart “So, Just What Is Prayer?” Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:30 am – 3:00 pm We had such a good time this Fall that we are again offering a Day Apart. Join other women as we enjoy breakfast and lunch, share our stories, and explore this thing called Prayer. What is it? How does it work? What about “unanswered” prayer? Are there different ways to pray? Bring your Bible, a smile, and willing spirit. Come join others as we laugh, study, pray and play …. and who knows what else? Watch for more information in the upcoming InLooks. NO UMW General Meeting in February– We will be meeting in March watch for details to follow. UMW CHOCOLATES - United Methodist Women will be selling their famous chocolates on Sunday Feb. 8th. All proceeds go to our mission work. UMW Red Bank Unit 2015 Emphasis: As in last year the need is still great, Our emphasis is to feed 3 May. So there is lots of time to finish a prayer shawl. the hungry. To this end we have 3 team leaders that will be coordinating and providing a cold breakfast on certain Saturdays of the year. We will be looking for some volunteers to help with this endeavor for the upcoming months of April, June, August, October and December. It may not seem like much, but it really helps Lunch Break. UMW provides the food and the volunteers to serve on the first Saturday of the months listed above. Any leftover food stays with Lunch Break to help with providing breakfast on the next Monday. If you can help, see Linda Babler or Cyndi Skove. We still need volunteers. March 21st District UMW Leadership Day will be held at Red Bank UMC from 9:30 am–12:00 pm, with Continental Breakfast provided. This event is sponsored by the Northern Shore District UMW. It is training for all local unit officers of UMW of the Northern Shore District. If you would like to help with the breakfast, please let Linda Babler know. Reminder: Mission Team Meeting on February 23rd, 1pm in room 107 “Life is a gift of nature but beautiful living is a gift of wisdom.” Malawian Proverb UMW Women prepared about 50 meals for The Center in Asbury Park. They provide help for HIV/Aids clients with easy nutritious meals. We hope to provide meals in March – if you would like join us in this endeavor please contact Linda Babler or Cyndi Skove. SPAGHETTI DINNER….Jim Stonaker Don’t forget Saturday February 7th , 5:00 to 7:00 pm is our Annual Spaghetti Dinner. Come enjoy a great meal for a great cause. Proceeds will go to fund our mission trip this summer. Susanna Circle - We will be meeting on February 3rd. If you think you might like to join us – just come on out. We will be meeting at Cyndi Skove’s home (53 Jamestowne Rd., in Eatontown) at 6:30 pm. We will be making our famous UMW Chocolates for sale on the 8th of February, just in time for Valentines Day. Everyone is welcome. Tickets will be on sale after service in Fellowship Hall. Adults are $10 and Children $5. Come Hungry! See you all there on February 7th at 5:00 pm. For more information call Jim Stonaker at (732) 614-6396. Celebrations!!! Craft Group will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 11 am in Fellowship Hall. On February 11th and 25th, bring your lunch and come join the fellowship. The profit from the cards helps UMW meet it’s National pledge and community commitments. New!!! Your Church Family would like to celebrate Birthdays, Weddings, Retirements, Anniversaries, Births and many more momentous occasions with you. All you have to do is tell us so it can be posted here. Every month The Outlook will put together this celebrations section so we can celebrate together. You can submit your celebrations to [email protected] or simply drop them in the office door mail slot. Red Bank UMW has a growing Prayer Shawl ministry here at the church. We will be meeting in February 10th at 6:30 pm in the Lounge and on February 21st at 10 am in the Lounge. Come join us – the next dedication of prayer shawls will be in 4 Methodist Missionaries, and Africa University. Come on March 1st and learn about programs that you can be involved in to fulfill John Wesley’s call to action: Do all the good you can, to all you can, wherever you can, for as long as you can! If you would like to help, please contact Janie Schildge at 732-741-0528 or leave a note in our Outreach Box. Outreach…..Janie Schildge Have you had a chance to see “Selma”, the movie about Martin Luther King’s campaign for voter rights? Please come share your thoughts on Feb. 8th at our Second Sunday Social Issues Conversation in the Lounge. Our hour starts about 11:45 am, so get a beverage and a snack and join in the conversation! Thanks from Outreach! Gifts of the Heart: A goal of 300 Health Kits can be achieved if we all contribute items needed. These kits have helped millions of people in times of crisis, and they really bridge a gap for those who have to flee their home for any reason. They will be our Valentine for those in trouble. We will collect items all through February. A large box is in the back hall, decorated by Club 77. The seven items we are collecting are: My Dear Church Family: Thank you for the delightful reception and your wonderful expressions of love and gratitude. I consider it an honor to have been your Director of Music for more than ten years. I trust God has been glorified. Washcloth Hand towel Bar of soap (bath sized) Sturdy comb Toothbrush (wrapped individually) Nail clippers or file Band-Aids (6 in each kit) As we begin new directions, I will be faithful to pray for you in your ministry on Broad Street, and that God will send the right person to lead the music program. Thank you for remembering me in your prayers, also. The United Methodist Church of Red Bank is a wonderful place, but more importantly, a wonderful community of God's people! I shall take you in my heart. These are assembled and put in a zip lock bag, and then toothpaste is added at the time of response. PLEASE help us to reach out this month and share gifts of the Heart! Monetary donations are very welcome, to help with shipping. Both Church World Service and UMCOR need to replenish supplies so THANKS in advance!! Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart! Neil Brown Outreach is sponsoring a Mission Fair on Sunday morning March 1st from 9-12 in Fellowship Hall. We are working with United Methodist Women, our youth groups, and programs in our church. Our United Methodist tradition of mission is historic and very strong, and our community involvement of Red Bank UMC is very well known. Our church was the home of Monmouth Day Care when it started over 30 years ago. We helped to start Lunch Break, in the basement of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, and we support programs that grew out of that, such as HABCore. We reach around the world with our Need a wheelchair or scooter? If you or someone you know is in need of an electric wheelchair and/or an electric scooter, please contact Barbara Calabrese at 908-6750492. Both are in perfect condition, but each need a new battery. 5 skateboarder on staff, Dare Devil Dawson at 732747-0446 ext 11. Children & Young Adult Ministries…Elaine Dawson Sunday School: The children's Sunday School offering is very important. By contributing to the general budget of our church, they are helping in the daily bills that accumulate in a church family. Salaries to pay, electric and heating, plowing, and all the other costs that it takes to run a church. It makes a child feel powerful to help their church. It has been shown that contributing to the church helps children grow into adults that give generously of their time and money. Giving and making a difference also helps with their self-esteem and lets them see how big a difference they can make in the life of the church. Please encourage your child to bring their Sunday offering to Sunday School. Maybe they can earn the money themselves by doing small jobs around the house. In November and December we tripled our Sunday School offering by offering rewards to the children. Now we hope they can get in the habit and will bring their offering because it’s the right thing to do. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please see Elaine Dawson or call 732-747-0446 ext 11. Youth Groups….Greg Jansky God Squad is off to a flying start for 2015. We started the year hanging out with our recent graduates learning about what life is like right out of God Squad. We miss our graduates and can't wait to see them again. We have two great fundraisers to mention: First: Don’t forget Saturday February 7th from 5:00 to 7:00pm is our Annual Spaghetti Dinner. Come enjoy a great meal for a great cause. Proceeds will go to fund our mission trip this summer. Tickets will be on sale after services in Fellowship Hall. Adults are $10 and Children $5. Come Hungry! See you all there on February 7th at 5:00pm. And second, bring in your used clothing for our First Annual Clothing Drive. Clothing, bedding, and linens can be brought to the stage either Wednesday nights or Sundays after church. The last day to bring clothing in is February 4th. Young Adults: Our 18-29 year old Young Adult group is really coming together. We had a fun night out at I-Play America and acted like children for the evening. We had a lesson on Financial Planning, we cooked for The Aids Center in Asbury Park, packed The Backpack Crew back packs with their weekly food distribution, Ate pizza and caught up with some of our college kids. We meet for coffee and conversation on Wednesday nights in room 211 at 7:00 pm. If you would like to help us pack backpacks come at 6:15 pm to room 108. To celebrate all this work, we are looking forward to the annual winter retreat at the end of February. For more information on these events, call Greg Jansky at (732) 741-1339. Club 77…Suzanne Dice Club 77 has had a busy start to 2015. We have decorated spaghetti dinner posters for God Squad and made a box for Outreach's health kits. We watched the movie "A Place at the Table" about food insecurity and shared out thoughts. We are planning on helping the UMW with breakfast at Lunch Break. And we are all looking forward to Minute to Win It games with the other youth groups!! Vacation Bible School (VBS): Join us for GFORCE Vacation Bible School where God's Love is Put Into Action! If you will be four years old before June 29th all the way through going into 6th grade, join us June 29-July 3rd from 9:00 am-12:30 pm. Registration begins May 24th. If you are going into 7th grade and older and would like to be in leadership for VBS, please see Mrs. Dawson on May 24th. There are only a very few positions open to 7th graders so get in as soon as registration opens. We need lots of help so sign up to be on our G-FORCE Team! Call our professional Calling All 3rd-5th Graders - Join us on Wednesday evenings for food and fun with the Mustard Seeds youth group. At 6:00 pm we have dinner with all the youth groups and then we head to our own room for fun and learning. Come with 6 us as we play team building games, make projects for our friends, family and church and learn how even the smallest person is big and important in the eyes of God. We hope to see you there! Please bother us!! Communication is crucial in letting us know when members of this congregation are hospitalized or ill. We would rather be told multiple times than to not know at all. So, let Pastor Naulty and Pastor Zito know, leave messages at church, or email us at [email protected]. Join us! Lenten Vegetarian Potluck Dinner Ash Wednesday, February 18 at 6 pm Remember that hospitals no longer contact clergy when members are hospitalized. Outreach challenges us to take on a carbon fast by eating lower on the food chain during Lent. We will sample a variety of dishes, get ideas for cooking at home and get the recipes. Information Update! Please help us keep our database up-to-date. Please fill out the enclosed Membership Information Form – or pick one up by the church office - and return it to Sheila ASAP! Be assured – we do not give out personal information! The Backpack Crew….Suzanne Dice Wednesday the Backpack Crew was visited by DJ Matt Ryan from 94.3 The Point radio station. It was part of his "Pay it Forward" program. He learned about our program, packed backpacks, and helped unload our Bumble Bee tuna delivery. He spoke about our program on air and you can see a write up and pictures at Our church was mentioned twice on air!! Church Family News In Our Thoughts and Prayers… All those in nursing homes, hospitals or homebound, and all who serve our country here and around the world, the people of Darfur, the people of Haiti and Chile, victims of hurricane and flood destruction, and those who put their lives at risk to help others. Remembering Sue, Joan Curtis, Lillian Poling, Florence Lang, Tonie Malone, Tom Brounley, and for strength and healing for all in the world who need it and for compassion and understanding in our relationships. As mentioned, our first delivery from our new sponsor, Bumble Bee Seafoods, also came last Wednesday. A pallet of tuna, chicken salad, ham pouches, chicken pouches, and meal-to-go kits were all donated. When we run low another delivery will be scheduled!! Church Flowers 1/18/15 – In memory of Virginia Netterman by Edie and Bud Carnes. 2/1/15 - In celebration of Marie HeimannDavidson's 15th birthday from her loving family. 2/15/15 – In memory of Dr. Gilbert S. Fell by Janet Fell. For the second year in a row we are working on a big food drive with St. Mary's in Middletown. They will be collecting food February 7th at all of their basketball games at Euphemia Hall and Croydon Hall. This was a very successful food drive last year so we are anticipating another big collection!! We are currently feeding 24 families and having the Young Adults Group to pack for us on Wednesday night has been wonderful!! Our new room in the church has opened up a lot of new opportunities for us. Special thank you to John Walradt for assembling shelves for us! Sincere Condolences To the family of Vicky Kaszuba on her death January 4. To the family and friends of Bridget Binder on her death January 5. 7 8
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