February 2015 Newsletter - Milford United Methodist Church

February 2015 Newsletter
1200 Atlantic St. Milford, MI 48381
(248) 684-2798 FAX (248) 684-9585
A Stephen Ministry Congregation
Pastor’s Column: Doug’s Discoveries
I’ve discovered that history gives us perspective on the
changes that are happening around us. I just read a
2008 book called The Great Emergence: How Christianity
is Changing and Why, by Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of
the Religion department at Publishers Weekly. She is the
author of more than two dozen books, including The
Words of Jesus (2009), Embracing Emergence Christianity (2011),
Emergence Christianity (2012),and The Age of the Spirit (2013). She
was one of our teachers at the Michigan Area School for Pastoral Ministry, and her website is phyllistickle.com.
Phyllis Tickle analyzes the complex evolution of the church from
the first century until now. We faced changes in each decade, of
course, but she says there has been a major upheaval about every 500
years… a hinge time, or a pivotal time in which the church questioned
the accepted forms of authority that guided us through the most recent
5 centuries. In each upheaval, there were new questions, and we
faced new historical realities, and new technologies, and we questioned
the status quo:
1st Century- The Great Transformation: Jesus and the early church
6th Century- The Great Pope Gregory
11th Century- The Great Schism
16th Century- The Great Reformation
21st Century- The Great Emergence
Upcoming Events
Souper Bowl of Caring (pg. 3)
Sunday, February 1st
8:30 & 10:30 Services
Membership Orientation (pg.2)
Sunday, February 1st-9:30 a.m.
The Spaghetti Event (pg. 7)
Saturday, February 7th
4:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Blanket+ Sunday (pg.4)
February 8th
Boy Scout Sunday
February 8th
During each “hinge” time, the church went through sort of a
“rummage sale,” in which things that once held prominence have become less adequate for facing the challenges of the emerging reality. Men’s Club Cherry Pie Pick-up (pg.2)
Older forms of the church did not end during a hinge time, but someSunday, February 15th
thing new began in each case. She argues that a new thing has begun
again in our lifetime, which some scholars call “The Great Emergence.”
High Tea (pg.4)
It’s not always observable, as if a new church had appeared in
Sunday, February 15th
town with the word “Emergence” on the church sign. Rather, it’s a mat2:00-4:00 pm
ter of emphasis or priorities that affect existing individuals, congrega-
tions, communities, and societies. One “emergence” descriptor is
“incarnational”: “Not only is Jesus of Nazareth incarnate God, but
Christian worship must be incarnate as well. It must involve the body
in all its senses and take place among people, all of whom are embraced equally and as children of God.” Tickle, p. 135 in The Great
Emergence. I invite you to join me in conversation if you want to explore this topic. Love, Pastor Doug
Ash Wednesday Service (pg.11)
Wednesday, February 18th
7:00 pm
First Sunday of Lent (pg. 11)
February 22nd
Our Deacon-Rev. Sherry
Happy February!
It appears the winter has arrived, along with all the wonderful winter illnesses that have affected many people including myself. My doctor said the this particular virus has been
worse than others since the environment (weather, etc) causes it to move around from
head, to throat, to lungs and lasts a long time. So, don't hesitate to consult your doctor!
Paul mentions in his letters that he had a constant thorn in his side. We don't really know
what the affliction actually was, but it could have been a chronic medical condition. It did
not stop him from his work, but I am sure it slowed him down at times. This virus had been my "thorn" lately;
on the go on days I felt it was going away and home bound in bed on days it got worse again, and I get impatient and frustrated about things I need to do. I don't think that God inflicts illness on us, but he can use it to
get our attention. God wants us to take care of ourselves as well as others. Self care and health is vital if we
are to serve God as he asks us to. So love yourself!
And on that note, as you read this, I will be visiting my son and family in Florida, followed by a women's retreat
cruise with five other church ladies - seeking rest, renewal and relaxation!
Rev. Sherry
P.S. The 2015 UM Camping brochures have arrived! Please check out the opportunities for all ages. If you like
to camp, there are campgrounds also. Young adults looking for a Summer job, check out the employment opportunities!
Join Pastor Doug at Camp Kinawind
A few of us hope to volunteer a couple of days in April or May, helping the camp director get the camp ready
for campers. We'll clear some trees for camp sites and trails. We'll erect some simple structures. Would you
like to help with campsite preparation in April or May? Then on Saturday, July 11, at 8am, I drive up to the
camp, near Gaylord, and spend a week leading a youth camp, returning on Saturday, July 18, about
2pm. Would you like to come along and serve as a camp counselor? Training is provided. Please inquire by
February 28. - Pastor Doug
Join the Church Membership: Orientation is offered four times per year: Sun.
2/1/15, Tues. 4/28/15, Sun., 8/2/15, and Thu., 10/22/15. Please register with the
church office. Office hours are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Men’s Club Cherry Pie Sale:
The United Methodist Men’s Club will be taking
orders for Cherry Pies for pick-up on Sunday, Feb.15th. The pies are available baked,
frozen, unbaked and no sugar. The price is $9.00 per pie.
“Tree of Love”: Thank you all SO much for your generous donations to our Mitten Tree! We
will keep it up for one more month as we celebrate the month of love – let’s show God’s love
to others by giving the gift of warmth for these cold winter days. All donations will be given to
Community Sharing and to Grandma’s Comfort. Thank you!
Gear Up! “Everest Expedition” is coming to our church for Vacation Bible School
this summer! Mark your calendar now for August 3-7, 2015. Many more details
will be coming in future newsletters; for now please plan to be here for the “best
week of the year”! We could also use some donations of “gear” for our trek – things
like wooden crates, snowshoes, ski poles, camping-type gear, etc. These could be
donated or borrowed – see Karen Smith for more information. Thanks!
MOPS Update: Remember that we have an active Mothers Of Preschoolers
group that meets here on the second and fourth Fridays of every month! You
can check out their link from the church website or see Karen Smith or Stacy Atkeson for more information. This group of moms enjoys relaxing time together
as they do a devotion, enjoy yummy snacks, share stories of their experiences
and learn from and support one another in this time of their lives. All while their
kids are being cared for upstairs and having a ball themselves! The group has many activities planned
such as a book club, paint and pour outing, and freezer meal cooking just to name a few things in the
works. Please feel free to check out a meeting if you are a mom of young children or invite someone else who
is – they are happy to welcome newcomers!
Bookshelves needed! We would like to have 1 or 2 lovingly used bookshelves that you no longer
need and we could use in the Parlor. If you have such items, please contact Karen Smith. Thank
On Sunday, February 1, our youth group ("BRIDGE") will be coordinating our congregation's participation in the Souper Bowl of Caring, to help address the challenge of
hunger. Once again this year, our youth have decided to support charities addressing
hunger issues in our community, in our region, and around the world. Your help with
this project is of critical importance. Will you please consider how you can be involved? To the extent that you are able, we are asking you to make contributions of
nonperishable food and money. Your money gifts (cash or check payable to Milford
UMC) can be placed into the soup kettles located at our sanctuary doors after each
worship service on that day. Your food contributions can be placed in the specially-marked "Souper Bowl of
Caring" collection box in the Fellowship Hall. Please remember that 100% of your contributions will be donated to the charities selected by our youth. There is no administrative overhead related to this project; everything you contribute goes directly to help hungry people.
United Methodist Women
February 1-National Freedom Day (against human trafficking)
February 5-9:30 am Morning Glories meets at Leo’s Coney Island in Milford.
February 15-2-4 pm UMW High Tea
February 20-10:00 am Clara’s Helping Hands meets in the Church Parlor. Hostess/Devotions-Ann Godwin
February 24-7:00 pm Mary Martha Circle to be held at the home of Julia Lupinacci. Devotions-Lu Gierhart
Blanket+ Sunday is February 8th. Oh, to cuddle up in a warm blanket! It helps you feel safe and secure, and that all will be better. Church
World Service (CWS) provides blankets, plus more! Helping people after a disaster requires more than blankets. They need food, water, shelter and the tools to rebuild their lives. Gifts to Blanket + also mean opportunity for children through education and vocational training. CWS
supported programs enable orphaned and other vulnerable children to
realize their dream of a better life.
For over 60 years CWS has responded to disaster areas around the world. When we see the results of a disaster, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But through CWS Blanket +, your contributions will add
up and enable people, who need help the most. Together, we can do a lot through prayers and your generous giving. Thank you for making a difference!
Linda Sturgeon
April 17-18, 2015 will be the Ann Arbor District Prayer Retreat at Judson Collins Campground in the
Irish Hills. Keep this weekend open in your calendar. More information to follow.
Newsletter Deadline
The newsletter deadline is the 15th day of each month.
Missions Potato Bar Lunch
March 1, 2015
11:30 AM
Proceeds to support our Missionaries Dan and
Rachel Gabler, in South Africa,
and Karen and Ut To
in Viet Nam
Suggested Donation
$3.00 Children 12 under
$6.00 Adults
2/1-Phil & Barb Harris
2/3-Miles & Danielle Dexter
2/3: Elaine Skarrit, 2/6: Alex Kim, 2/7: Audine Morris,
2/11: Linda Fraser & Deb Llewellyn, 2/12: Lora Holcomb, 2/14: Alexandra Craig, Margaret Leibler, & Carl
Sturgeon, 2/15: Ron Davis, 2/16: Ron Opfer, 2/17:
Jan Olari, 2/22: Matt McKane, 2/24: Diana Brudi,
2/25: Stephanie Anderson, LouAnne Blouin, Greg Fraser, & Wayne Loder, 2/27: Joseph Antrim, 2/28: Jerry Gierhart.
New Prayer Requests: Sharon for heart attack, Herbie Gillespie for cancer, Larry for rehab from paralysis. Mrs. Fey for medical complications.
Sympathies to: The Bourns family for the loss of Dorothy. Family and friends of Nonie
Kostecke. The Burley family for the loss of Murray, brother of Juanita Rogers.
Continuing Prayers: Arlene & Steve Booker, Pamela & Bruce Chester, Evelyn Cohea,
Betty Dryer, Patty & Tutt Harvey, Carol Hawkinson, Pat Heidt, Margaret Leibler, Richard Leibler, Nancy London, Eddie McManus, Larry Moscal, Ann Morris, Gerry Nowland, Marilyn Nowland, Bonnie Parsons, JoAnn
Pliska, Jessica Rockwell, Linda Sturgeon, Isabelle Tulk, New Sawtrol UMC (sister church, Liberia).
Our Missionaries: Dan & Rachel Gabler and Ut & Karen To.
Homebound, Rehabilitation Center & Nursing Care: Dorothy Branch, Winnie Crawford, Barb Harrison,
Marjorie Morris, Donna Oberg, Gary Scholes, Betty Whitworth and Kyoung Yim.
Members in College: Sarah Bonhard, Audrey Fisher, Christian James, Rachel
McAuliffe, Marshall Rittenger, Mike Rockwell, Shawn Shove, Ieasha Shufflebarger,
Kayla Shufflebarger, Alexander Smith, Andrew Smith, and Sarah Smith. Other church
members in postsecondary education? Please notify the church office.
Those in the Military: Capt. Jamie Bowman, Matt Cowell, Sgt. Jennifer Ducote,
Sgt. First Class Michael Ducote, Staff Sgt. Sean Foster, Jeremy Francis, Col.
Chris Garver, ABF AR Elena Glinter/Navy, Kelly Harvey, Sgt Deacon Holton, Sgt.
Ryan Kidd, 2nd Lt. Alaina Maten, Gunnery Sgts. Connie & Gary Ollor, Airman Adam Rack, Jeremy Rudd, Jacob Smucker, Chris Thomas, Staff Sgt. Charles
VanAcker III, & Capt. Bryan Vaught.
Deployed: Major Matt Graham in USAF deploying to Qatar; Jonathan Maten deployed to Ecuador. Lt. Col. Eric Harris deployed to the UAE, Bahrain, & Saudi Arabia for a few weeks. Others deployed? Please notify the church office. Thank
you all for your service!!
Yes!! It is more than just a dinner – it is an event in every sense of
the word. There will be food (of course), decorations, music, silent auction, square dancing, laughter, and fun, fun, fun! It is our fourth Spaghetti
Event and it is going to be bigger and better than ever.
February 7, 2015
Spaghetti Dinner
4:30 – 6:30
Square Dance
7:00 – 9:00
Silent Auction
4:30 – 8:30
There is no experience required to square dance. The caller will
teach us whatever we need to know. It is fun whether you know what you
are doing or just learning. If you don’t care to dance, we’ll have table
games, a comfortable place to watch the dancing, and live auctions.
Have fun however you wish!
Please mark your calendars for February 7th. It will be a grand day/
evening to spend with our church family and anyone else that wants to
come and have fun with us.
Proceeds from the Silent Auction will go to apportionments and to our
mission in Haiti. If you have a new item that you would like to donate
for the Silent Auction, please contact Kecia (248) 685-3047 or Chris
(248) 624-2098.
God Inspired Turning Points. – Love
Debbie Llewellyn
Selecting a topic this month was easy. February has become synonymous with love, thanks to
Valentine’s Day.
Over the centuries, love has been at the heart of literature, poems, and music. Music resonates with
me, so lyrics swirled around my head as I thought about some of my favorite love songs. “Put a little love in
your heart” and “What the World Needs Now (is love) by Jackie DeShanon; “All you need is Love” by the
Beatles (It’s obvious that I grew up in the late sixties); and “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News.
And, at the top of my list is our wedding song by Natalie Cole, “This Will Be (an everlasting love).”
I know the thought occurred to you – those are ancient. Well, I recently added a new song to my list.
You’ve probably seen the Disney movie “Frozen” and know many of the lyrics from the main song, “Let it Go.”
That’s not the song. There is a forest scene with some trolls singing “Fixer Upper”:
He's just a bit of a fixer upper
He's got a couple of bugs
His isolation is confirmation
Of his desperation for healing hugs
We aren't saying you can change him
'Cause people don't really change
We're only saying that love's a force that's powerful and strange
People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed
But throw a little love their way, and you'll bring out their best
True love brings out the best
Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper
That's what it's all about
Father, sister, brother
We need each other
To raise us up and round us out
I think the song personifies the essence of love when you consider what the Bible says. Read I Corinthians
Ch. 13, Verses 4-7: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not
dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Let love bring out your best – ‘cause we’re all “a little bit of a fixer upper.”
Evangelism & Care Report – February
The committee hopes that everyone is starting the New Year healthy, happy and adhering to any New Year’s
We are planning more “Family Movie Nights” this year and may add something new to the mix. We will keep
you posted.
Please make plans to attend “The Spaghetti Event” and try to bring a friend/neighbor as part of our “bold” initiative this year. Guaranteed you will have a good time while supporting the Church and its mission projects.
Lenten Challenge:The Lenten Season begins on February 18 and instead of just giving something up – why
not do something special for Community Sharing by bringing in a single (1) food item (canned goods, boxed
pasta, etc.) every Sunday during Lent. Imagine the mountain of food we can create 1 can/box at a time.
February Word Search
Stitching for Others – Prayer Quilts and Shawls. Please come and help us. We need knitters, crocheters, sewers, cutters, ironers, etc., fabric and of course money. It is a wonderful
fellowship group and there is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. We delivered 40
bags for walkers and 3 lap quilts for wheel chairs to West Hickory Haven. They have requested more lap quilts and larger bags for the backs of wheel chairs. We also delivered 40 children’s quilts to The Haven shelter in Waterford, and 30 children’s quilts for Grandma's Comfort.
For more info call Thesia Wolf, 248-310-8798.
For Smart Phone Users QR CODE Scan this QR code with your
smart phone or electronic device and it will take you directly to the
MUMC website.
Did You Know?
That NOMADS Are Mission Volunteers in The United Methodist Church?
They are usually retired or near retirement. They enjoy traveling in RV’s and using their skills in Christian
service. “We are rebuilding lives, homes, and facilities with God’s love and our hands.” They work at United
Methodist related agencies like churches, church camps, homeless shelters, children’s homes, and mission
agencies. They work at the homes of needy families for host agencies that provide community service. NOMADS stands for : Nomads on a Mission in Divine Service. Membership in The United Methodist Church is
not required. To inquire, see www.nomadsumc.org or call 1-866-466-6237.
That United Methodist College Students network in the United Methodist Student Movement?
Learn more at www.umsm.org, a program of the Collegiate Ministry Section of the General Board of Higher
Education and Ministry.
That InfoServ is a ministry of United Methodist Communications?
It is the official information service of The United Methodist Church. We’re your connection to the worldwide
United Methodist Church: www.umc.org/resources/infoserv
That You Can Subscribe to a Monthly Newsletter From The Ann Arbor District of The United Methodist Church?
Milford UMC is one of 73 churches in this district, with 17,443 members. The average church has 239 members. At Milford, we are a middle-sized church, with 299 members. To subscribe, write to our district secretary, Jane Pollock, [email protected].
We Paid Our 2014 Apportionments in Full!
Thank You Milford United Methodist Church! In 2014, for the second year in a row, we paid our apportionments in full. This required a lot of faith, faithfulness, and sacrifice by many people, and I thank you
for doing your part! You made it possible by your faithful giving to the general fund, by special gifts for apportionments, and by your support of various fundraising events during the year. Thank you also to the
church officers and committees who supported this effort in various ways. The Milford “Fair share” in 2014,
which we paid in full, was $40,529.
Our 2015 apportionment is $38,382, down 5.3%.
The total amount apportioned to the churches in the Detroit Conference Budget for 2014 was
$9,787,099, up .6% from the prior year. For 2015, the amount apportioned for pensions was sharply decreased, resulting in a total conference budget of $9,270,128, down 5.3%.
Where does the money go? I’ll print a summary below. The complete conference budget can be
found at www.detroitconference.org. (Call me if you’d like a printed copy.) On the website, click on Administration, then on 2014 Conference Journal. It loaded for me in about 30 seconds, and the budget is found
on page 272-275. It has 4 categories:
-Board of Pensions and Health Benefits… $1.7 million
-Connectional Ministry and Administration… $3.7 million
-Conference Leadership Team… $2.1 million
-General Church Apportionments… $1.8 million Total: $9.3 million
Thank you again for your generous gifts! Next month I’ll publish some examples of ministry made possible
through our support of the Connectional Ministry Budget of the conference - Pastor Doug
Irish Dinner
Milford United Methodist Church
1200 Atlantic Street, Milford
March 7, 2015
4 - 7 pm
Adults $11
Seniors $9
Children 5-12 years $6 under 5 free
Menu includes: corned beef & cabbage
redskin potatoes carrots
jello salad & bread
beverages & desserts
Tickets at the door or
in advance from the Church Office 248-684-2798
Worship Service Volunteers
February 1
Greeter: Marilyn Stoner
Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris
10:30 Julius Glinter, Evelyn Cohea, John
Robinson, Emil/Sue Tonello
Liturgist: 8:30 & 10:30 Linda Lutz
Counters: Carol & Larry Shaver
February 8
Greeter: Boy Scouts
Ushers: 8:30 Kelsey Shufflebarger/David Bonhard
10:30 Doug Radeka, Ray Michaels, Jeff
Motschenbacher, Chris Smith
Liturgists:8:30– Maureen Bonhard &10:30-Lauren
Counters: Deb Bonnewell & Bette Knedgen
February 15
Greeter: Barb Harris
Ushers: 8:30 Audine Morris
10:30 Roger Clemens, Cole McKane, Ron
Opfer, Carla Gorton
Liturgists: 8:30– David Bonhard & 10:30-Katja Olari
Counters: TBD
February 22
Greeter: Donna Caswell
Ushers: 8:30 John & Kris Heidt
10:30 Jan/Bob, Regina, & Katja Olari, Larry
Liturgist: 8:30 &10:30-Vicki Katchever
Counters: TBD
February 2015 Worship Features and
Sermon Themes
February 1 Holy Communion
Souper Bowl of Caring
John 13:31-35 “Are You Infused with Love?”
Choir Anthem “A Special Place For You”
February 8 Boy Scout Sunday/Blanket Sunday
Message by John Olari, Lay Servant Minister
Choir Anthem “Sing to the Lord”
February 15 Transfiguration of the Lord
Message by Rev. Sherry Foster, Deacon
Choir Anthem “One Golden Dawn”
LENTEN THEME: “Holy Vessels:
Healing Out of Brokenness” Feb. 18—April 5 (Easter)
February 18 Ash Wednesday
7:00 p.m. Worship, imposition of ashes
Psalm 56:8 “Shattered”
Choir Anthem “I Gave My Life”
February 22 First Sunday of Lent
Psalm 139:13 “Treasure”
Joyful Noise Bell Choir “Here I Am, Lord”
Noisy Offering-Barn Fund/Red Bird
Fellowship Hour Hosts-Evangelism, Communications
Our Staff
Pastor-Douglas McMunn
Deacon-Rev. Sherry Foster
Children’s Ministry Director-Karen J. Smith
Music Director-Linda Lutz
Nursery Care Director– Kayla Shufflebarger
Friends Preschool Director-Robin Fletcher
Office Manager-Kelley Cerny
Custodian-Margie Majewski
Maintenance-Tim Bonnewell