FEBRUARY 2015 THE MESSENGER The monthly newsletter of First Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Change is a constant in our lives. Some changes mark gradual transitions, as when daytime shifts toward twilight or winter turns to spring. Others happen in the blink of an eye, separating time into “before” and “after”. We choose to undergo some changes after carefully considering our options, while others are forced upon us. In the weeks, days, and hours before Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples also experienced change: a change of venue as the gates of Jerusalem approached; a change of plans as long-awaited. Messiah was arrested and tried; a change of circumstance as the crowds shouted “Crucify!” Change is hard. We long for the expected and familiar, but all too often find ourselves in the midst of uncertainty and the unknown. We cannot predict how things will turn out. Week 1 — Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 CHANGE OF SEASON WORSHIP SERVICES ASH WEDNESDAY February 18, NOON & 6:30 pm MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICES February 25 – March 25, 6:30 pm I N S I D E T H I S Week 2 — Galatians 5:16-25 CHANGE OF HABIT Week 3 — 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 CHANGE OF CIRCUMSTANCES Week 4 — Ezekiel 36:22-28 CHANGE OF HEART Week 5 — Isaiah 52:13-15 CHANGE OF PLANS I S S U E Adult Opportunities......1,3,5,7-8,10-12,18 Pastor’s Pen……….....……….......2-3 Calendar…………............…….…..19 Preschool…….……...…..................14 Council Updates......…......…............5 Within the Family......….........….......9 Music Opportunities.......................10 Women of the ELCA.......................11 Office Updates…................…..........4 Worship Opportunities..............1,6,20 Outreach Opportunities.........3,8,11-13,18 Youth Pages…..….....................15-17 View our Event Calendar! www.firstlutherankearney.org Sign up for FLC E-mail updates! Send request to: [email protected] 308-237-5544 “LIKE” us on Facebook! First Lutheran Church - Kearney W W W. F I R S T L U T H E R A N K E A R N E Y. O RG 1 A M E S S A G E from the PA S T O R S A NEW COMMANDMENT “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” — John 13 But for Jesus love is everything. There is nothing old or second hand about it. Jesus even says his commandment is new. How can love be new? The love Jesus describes is new because He is at the center of that love. It is not an emotion or an old way of thinking. Love is obedience to Jesus. A desire to walk with Him on a daily basis and as we do we become like Him. Tina Turner sings “Oh what’s love got to do, got to do with it. What’s love but a second hand emotion. What’s love got to do, got to do with it. What’s love but a sweet old fashioned notion.” As we draw close to both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday these lyrics offer a sharp contrast to the love that Jesus talks about in the gospel of John. For some of us, love is a second hand emotion and an old fashioned notion. Why bother? What’s the point? You’ll only get your heart broken again. Him who loved us so much that we died our death on a cross so that we might be set free from sin, death and evil. This selfless love begins not with a love of self but a love for God beyond anything else. This love for God will lead us to love that is genuine and lasting in our lives. This is the love that is missing from the lyrics above and missing in most of the world today but is also the most important love that we know in this month of valentines and ashes. ADULT MISSION TRIP UPDATE I have good news and bad news about our mission trip this summer. The good news is Pastor Tracy from Holy Trinity in Muncie, IN has accepted a position as a Faith Based Community Organizer in Dayton, Ohio. She will be partnering with 20 churches in the Dayton area to address issues within the community. This will be a wonderful opportunity for Pastor Tracy as it focuses on her gifts and passions for justice issues among the poor and needy. The bad news: as Holy Trinity was going to be our host congregation for the mission trip, this throws a serious wrench in our plans as they will be in a state of transition and flux in June. To that end we are exploring other possible locations. A destination has not been decided upon yet, but we will keep you updated. 2 A M E S S A G E from the PA S T O R S The FLC Witness & Outreach Team are sponsoring a Lenten SERVICE PROJECT for the: RECALIBRATE YOUR HEART I was thinking about how February is heart month with Valentine’s Day and all the other associations. And that got me thinking about the medications I was taking to “regulate” my heart. And so I started a conversation with a good friend of mine. What if God could somehow recalibrate our hearts to love and serve all people without question. What would that take? Why don’t we follow God’s will for our lives and try to do things on our own? In our discussion, my friend said something rather profound to me, “Meg, sometimes you get so eager and excited that you leap into action before the Spirit can lead you.” Wow! My heart really is out of rhythm. How many times do we pray for God’s Spirit to guide us or ask God to point us in the right direction and we get too impatient to be still and listen to God’s response or are too hasty thinking we know it all and can do it on our own. My broken foot has given me ample time to be still, sort of, (there’s undoubtably plenty of ants in my pants), but it has helped me to take more time to ponder where God is leading me. I invite you this month, to recalibrate your Heart to God’s rhythm and let the Holy Spirit stir up in you the way for your feet to walk. You got the beat! Love, Donations should be brought to the church by Palm Sunday, March 29. Items typically needed: Sets of dishes, glasses, silverware, pots & pans Towels & washcloths Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant Laundry soap Feminine hygiene products Paper towels, toilet paper, napkins Diapers, especially sizes 4-6 Haircut gift certificates, stamps, phone cards R.Y.D.E. Vouchers and gas cards Items which are clean and gently used Volunteers A FREE series of Public Seminars presented by The S.A.F.E. Center will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:00-8:00 pm February 2 through February 19 at the S.A.F.E. Center office - 620 East 25th Street Suite 14. Topics include: domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence, stalking, effects on children, confidentiality, resources, crisis intervention and more. Call 308-237-2599 to register! The S.A.F.E. Center is a non-profit organization that serves women, men and children who have experienced dating, domestic or sexual violence. For more information, visit: www.safecenter.org 3 O F F I C E U P D AT E S DECEMBER FINANCE REPORT Ministry Budget: Budget Supporting Revenue Budget Related Expenditures Dec. 2014 YTD '14-'15 YTD '13-'14 $ 76,606 $ 382,557 $ 402,527 $ (56,511) $ (380,486) $ (377,782) Total 2014-2015 Ministry Budget: $710,838 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM & by appointment 308-237-5544 3315 G AVENUE KEARNEY, NEBRASKA 68847 WWW.FIRSTLUTHERANKEARNEY.ORG E-mail Addresses Church Office [email protected] Facilities Budget: Revenue Expenditures Dec. 2014 YTD '14-'15 YTD '13-'14 $ 25,639 $ 64,984 $ 59,359 $ (7,053) $ (53,053) $ (49,240) Total 2014-2015 Facilities Budget: $92,000 USE OF OFFERING ENVELOPES Thank you to all those who regularly make use of the weekly offering envelopes. It may not be possible to keep an accurate recording of your contributions if you do not use your envelopes. If you choose to contribute by check without using the envelopes, please write your offering envelope number on your check. This will enable us to record your contributions accurately. All loose checks that are received without an envelope number noted may not be reflected on your contribution statement. Contributions to the Ministry Budget and Facilities Budget can be combined in one check. If you are not receiving offering envelopes and would like some, please contact Marti in the church office. Thank you for your help! Pastor Eric Lesher - Senior Pastor [email protected] Pastor Rebecca McDermott Associate Pastor [email protected] Pastor Meg Sander Associate Pastor of Children, Youth & Family Ministries [email protected] Linda Fowler - Parish Administrator [email protected] Erika Krull - Church Secretary [email protected] Marti Brockmeier - Bookkeeper [email protected] Annette Schwartz - Communications Specialist [email protected] Natalie Radcliffe - Worship Music Coordinator [email protected] Judy O’Donnell - Preschool Director [email protected] Allison Claar - Nursery Coordinator [email protected] John Arkle - Facilities & Grounds Manager [email protected] WEEKLY E-NEWS Keep up to date with activities at First Lutheran Church — sign up for our weekly e-mail! You will receive a weekly update of upcoming events, special notices, and access to our weekly and monthly newsletters. You will be able to remove your name from this list at any time and we will not provide your e-mail address to anyone else. It’s easy to join our weekly email list! Text: FIRSTLUTHKRNY to 22828 to get started, or visit our website: WWW.FIRSTLUTHERANKEARNEY.ORG 4 WINTER WEATHER POLICY In the midst of our Nebraska winter weather, it would be a good idea to remind everyone of our policy and procedures during bad weather. In the event of bad weather, the chief concern is our members and visitors safety. Weekend worship services will not be cancelled due to the weather except in extreme circumstances. It will be up to each individual to determine if they can get to church and back home safely. Cancellations of any church activities will be communicated to NTV, KGFW 1340 and Hits 106. The main church voice mail greeting will also communicate any cancellations. (Please note that Voice Mail will not operate in the event of a power outage). COU N C IL & M I N I S T RY T E A M U P D ATE S CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Dave Brandt, Council President Meeting 1-13-15 • Approved the Pastor’ salaries and housing allowance for 2015-16 • Set & approved the Synod Mission Share • Approved designating the Lenten Almsgiving to the Help Care Clinic • Approved updated staff position descriptions CARE & GROWTH TEAM Jen Puls, Council Representative Heart of Hospitality Meeting 1-5-15 • Reviewed and made changes to the 2015-16 budget proposal • Discussion about Multi-Generational activities • Discussed tables in classrooms Heart of Hospitality IMAGING TEAM Kyle Means, Council Representative 5th Annual Spiritual Guided Retreat February 28, 2015 Hosted by Seeking the Spirit Within, The Nebraska Synod Institute for Spiritual Direction www.SeekingTheSpiritWithin.org For: Individuals Congregational teams Councils Call committees St. Pauls Lutheran Church 1515 S. Harrison Grand Island, NE www.stpaulsgi.com/ directions Time: 8:30-4PM For more information and to register: www.nebraskasynod.org /category/events Hit the pause button • For God • For yourself • For others All Are Welcome Seeking the Spirit Within invites you to join us in a day of guided retreat for pastors, lay leaders, congregational councils, call committees and others seeking a day of spiritual enrichment. This retreat is designed to offer opportunities for you: • to have time to pause with God throughout the day • to choose a new prayer practice for the Lenten season • to deepen your spiritual life • to take home to your congregation or small group some new ways to pray. Meeting 1-7-15 • New soundboard will be installed on Jan 19th • Discussed 2015-16 Budget proposal 5th Annual Spiritual Guided Retreat PERSONNEL TEAM February 28, 2015 Nita Deyo, Council Representative Hosted by Seeking the Spirit Within, The Nebraska Synod Institute for Spiritual Direction Meeting 1-8-15 • Made changes to thewww.SeekingTheSpiritWithin.org Secretary and Parish Administrator job descriptions Hit the pauseTEAM button For: & MANAGEMENT PROPERTY Individuals John Love, Council Representative Congregational teams Councils Call committees Meeting 1-6-15 • For God • For yourself • For others • Discussed ongoing projects St. Pauls Lutheran • Discussed a budget proposal for 2015-16 All Are Welcome Church Seeking the Spirit Within invites you to a day of guided retreat for pastors, lay leaders, congregational Doug Eppler, Council Representative councils, call committees and others Grand Island, NE seeking a day of spiritual enrichment. www.stpaulsgi.com/ Meeting 1-6-15directions This retreat is designed to offer opportunities for you: • Set date for the Stewardship Campaign join us in STEWARDSHIP 1515 S. Harrison TEAM • Discussed themes for the Stewardship Campaign Time: 8:30-4PM time to pause with God • to have throughout the day WITNESS & OUTREACH new prayer practice for • to choose aTEAM For more information the Lenten season Steve Wolfe, Council Representative and to register: www.nebraskasynod.org /category/events 1-12-15 • to deepen your spiritual life Meeting • to take home to your congregation or small group some new ways to pray. • Discussed adult mission trip changes • Discussed and made changes to the 2015-16 budget proposal • Set the Habitat Build date for July 11th • Discussed Lenten Project 5 FEBRUARY WORSHIP THEMES WORSHIP SERVICES WORSHIP TIMES Saturday at 6:00 PM Traditional Worship Sunday at 8:45 AM Traditional Worship Sunday at 11:00 AM Worship & Praise HEALING SERVICE in the C H A P E L SATURDAY.........................5:30 PM 1st Saturday of each month RESOURCES THE NARRATIVE LECTIONARY PREACHING SERIES The Narrative Lectionary starts with Genesis, and over the course of nine months, ends with Revelation. The texts include the major episodes in Scripture and are arranged in a narrative sequence to help people see Scripture as a story that has coherence and a dynamic movement. The weekly texts also show the breadth and variety of voices within Scripture. They invite people to hear the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus, and Paul. Listening to the many different voices within Scripture enriches preaching and the life of faith. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 TREASURE IN HEAVEN Matthew 6:7-21; Psalm 20:7 Extravagant God, you have promised treasure in heaven that outweighs any we could envision or imagine on earth. Help us to be grateful for the amazing gifts you have already given to us. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FEEDING 5,000 Matthew 14:13-33; Psalm 95:1-5 http://www.elca.org http://www.lwr.org Generous God, you helped your son Jesus feed 5,000 hungry people who had gathered to hear of your love. Help us provide for the needs of all who hunger for your word. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. FEBRUARY 15, 2015 BEARING THE CROSS Matthew 16:24—17:8; Psalm 41:7-10 Radiant God, you revealed yourself in your son, Jesus, when he was transfigured on the mountain before his disciples. Reveal yourself to us daily, so that we might enlighten others with the good news of your love. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. http://www.nebraskasynod.org http://www.nlom.org FEBRUARY 18, 2015 – ASH WEDNESDAY Matthew 18:1-9; Psalm 146:7c-10 or 51:1-3 WHO IS THE GREATEST? Holy God, your servants argued about who would be greatest in your kingdom. Help us to be confident in the love you have for us, so that we feel no need to compete for your attention. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FORGIVENESS Matthew 18:15-35; Psalm 32:1-2 http://www.firstlutherankearney.org 6 Forgiving God, as you encouraged your people to forgive, you modeled forgiveness by releasing us from our bondage to sin. Help us to forgive others, so that we might live in harmony with all your children. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. A D U LT E D U C AT I O N & F E L L O W S H I P Adult Education and Fellowship opportunities are in abundance at First Lutheran Church. If you are curious about any of the programming we offer and want more information, please contact the church office at: 308-237-5544 or just show up! SUNDAY SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE FELLOWSHIP Sundays 9:45-11:00 AM in the Café SUNDAY MORNING ADULT FORUM 9:50-10:50 am - FELLOWSHIP HALL “Fire on the Mountain” Continuing this series on location in the Middle East about how the Israelites had to learn to live in community as God’s people. CREATIVE FAITH: HOW GREAT THOU ART SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 12:30-4:00 – OLD SANCTUARY MONDAY MOMS LUNCH BUNCH MOMS Lunch Bunch Bible study will meet on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 & MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 at 12:00 NOON at the Subway Restaurant across from UNK. Enjoy lunch—great conversations and dig deep into your faith. This is a great Bible study with moms and grandmoms, talking about everyday life – and raising families. Anyone who would like to join us, you are more than welcome! WEDNESDAY DISCIPLESHIP 101 ADULT EDUCATION Wednesdays – 6:00-7:00 PM FELLOWSHIP HALL Acts Bible Study – Led by Sister Ruth Ellen Meets February 4 & 11 and then breaks for Lent THURSDAY MARTIN & KATIE’S COFFEE HOUR Please join our seasoned and sensational members and friends in the Café THURSDAY MORNINGS from 10:00-11:00 AM for delectable delights and candid conversation. All are welcome for this great time of fellowship. SATURDAY MEN’S STUDY GROUP Join us on SATURDAY MORNINGS from 7:458:45 AM in the CONFERENCE ROOM. Pastor Lesher leads a study based on the Master Builder’s Bible for Men. GRACE BIBLE STUDY Grace Bible Study meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Chapel. Join us on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9. TUESDAY SUNRISE PRAYER & STUDY GROUP Every Tuesday morning, all women and men are invited to the Sunrise Prayer & Study Group in the FELLOWSHIP HALL. Pastor Eric leads this group, that begins at 7:00 a.m. and lasts until 8:00 a.m. We take an offering which supports the summer camping program at First Lutheran Church with scholarships. All are invited to attend! Breakfast is Served! FEEDING THE FLOCK CENTENNIAL HALL 5:45-7:00 PM NEW MEMBER CLASSES New Member Classes are available on the following Sundays from 9:50-10:55 in North Hall. SESSION 1: FEBRUARY 1 SESSION 2: FEBRUARY 8 OR FEBRUARY 22 Anyone wishing to join First Lutheran as a new member must attend one of the Session 1 classes and one of the Session 2 classes. We will receive new members at the 11:00 am worship service on Sunday, March 1. A welcome brunch will be held for new members 9:45-10:50 am in the Fellowship Hall. Contact the church office for more information: office@firstlutherankearney OR 308-237-5544 SUGGESTED DONATION $5 PER PLATE FEBRUARY 4 Cook’s Choice FEBRUARY 11 Fried Chicken from HyVee, potatoes, vegetable and dessert 7 SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES ASSISTING MINISTERS RIDES TO CHURCH QUILT TYING COMMUNION ASSISTANT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Assisting Ministers are needed for the Saturday 6:00 pm and Sunday Homebound: If you are a home-bound resident that would like to come 8:45 am services. Training is available. Contact the church office for to church each week, please contact the church office. Also, volunmore information. teers that are willing to pick up church members in need of transportation, please call the office. Volunteers will need vehicles that are easy GREETERS & USHERS for those with physical limitations to get in and out of. Call the church Greeters & Ushers are needed to fill the empty spots available for wor- office at 237-5544 for more information. We currently have a member ship. Please consider this ministry. Contact the church office for more looking for someone to assist her and give her a ride to Sunday morninformation. ing Worship Services at 11:00 am. Quilt tying on the first Monday of the month for Lutheran World Relief. We need 1 volunteer for the 5th Sunday at the 11:00 am worship serOur next meeting is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm vices. Subs are needed for all 3 services. If you would like to be a in the Quilting Room - just northwest of the Café. sub, you would be asked to help whenever the regular helpers are not available that week. Also, subs will be called upon for special LEARN TO PIECE AND TIE LWR QUILTS services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Can we put together two dozen quilt kits by May for NLOM campers Eve. Training will be available if requested. Contact Monie Karschner to tie this summer, and can we finish 100 quilts by October? Join us at 236-8550 or email at [email protected] if you have questions Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:00 pm in the Quilting Room. For more or would like to volunteer. information call Carol Bosshardt (308-224-3734). ALTAR FLOWERS Sign up to share Altar Flowers with the congregation in 2015. The sign up sheet is located in the north hallway outside the church office. H.A.T.S. - Helping Another to Smile How does God want you to respond? “With every kindness and service, seen or unseen, God’s purposes are accomplished and nothing will ever be the same again.” Male or Female, we would like to invite you to come whenever you can and be a part of our small group and we guarantee that you will walk away with the Fruit of the Spirit. Please consider...please remember that...nothing will ever be the same again. What kind of a group are we? A ministry called Helping Another To Smile (H.A.T.S.) We gather the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 at First Lutheran Church for coffee and fellowship before going out for our visitations. For our visitations we go out in pairs and visit our members who are in the hospital, nursing homes, retirement centers and our shut-ins. Please consider...please come...and remember... nothing will ever be the same again. If you have questions, please contact Betty Heiliger (308-224-0255). AFTERNOON PRAYER GROUP Are you concerned about what’s happening in our nation? Do events in other parts of the world cause you concern? Would you like to be part of the answer? If so, you might want to JOIN US IN PRAYER. We meet every Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 in the chapel. You do not have to be an “expert pray-er”. You don’t even have to pray out loud, if you’d rather not. Jesus has promised that where two or three are gathered in His Name, He is in the midst of them. Consider joining us as we talk to Him about our community, our nation and the world. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Happy 3rd Anniversary Prayer Shawl Ministry! Since February 8, 2012 our Prayer Shawl Ministry has comforted over 115 people with Prayer Shawls. A Prayer Shawl is a simple wrap knitted or crocheted with love and prayer to be given to someone in need. It is meant to bring comfort to the wearer and serve as a reminder of God’s constant presence. As an example of our ministry; Abigail is a premature baby born at 10 oz who spent the first 6 months of her life in the hospital with many trials who is now home and doing well. We meet Wednesdays of each month from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the coffee area. You are welcome to stay the whole time or just for a few NEWSLETTER VOLUNTEERS Newsletter volunteers are needed to help fold and prepare the monthly minutes. We are taking Prayer Shawl requests at this time. If you are newsletter for mailing on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 at 9:30 am in the Con- interested in becoming a part of the ministry, please contact Theress Bricker at 308-233-2469 or Carol Bosshardt at 308-224-3734. ference Room. All are welcome. Training is provided. PRAYER CHAIN Grow in Prayer — Join an email or telephone prayer chain and pray for our church, its leaders and members, and individual and corporate needs. For email requests contact Carol at [email protected], Theress at [email protected], or Ruth Ellen at [email protected]. For telephone requests contact Jeanette Andersen (308-237-3634), Marlene Kotrc (308-234-3293), or Mary Lu Mintling (308-237-5716). 8 W I T H I N O U R C H U R C H FA M I LY F Thank You H Dear First Lutheran Church, Many thanks for the prayers and get well wishes while I was in the hospital and since I Thank you for the donations to the HelpCare returned home. Special thanks to Pastor ReClinic from your church body. It is with gener- becca for her prayers and visit. ous giving like yours that we will be able to Thank you, provide needed healthcare to uninsured resi- Lorene Krenke dents in Buffalo and Kearney counties. Your support will help us open the doors to Help- First Lutheran Church Family, Care Clinic in 2015! The HelpCare Clinic tagline is “...I was sick, and you cared for me...” Thank you for the plaque for our 70th wedfrom Matthew 25:36. Your investment will ding anniversary. Thank you to all those who enable the HelpCare Clinic to continue their sent cards, notes or called. We really apprecivolunteer mission by providing free care for ated the best wishes. community members in need. We are currently recruiting medical and nonmedical Ralph and Ree Ritzen volunteers. If interested in volunteering at HelpCare Clinic please email: [email protected] with joy & prayers of thanks, First Lutheran Church, God’s blessings on your New Year! Linda Muhlbach, Planning Team Leader HelpCareClinic First Lutheran Church, F baptisms H we welcome into the family of God: Beckett Flynn son of Scott & Alicia Bauer Baptized January 11, 2015. Your continued support, monetary, in-kind gifts and prayers, makes the difference in providing quality service to people with disabilities. Mosaic at Bethphage Village 1044 23rd Road - P.O. Box 67 Axtell, NE 68924 of health & healing for: David Suing Ron Bovill Dennis Scott Barbara Daily Larry Rainwater Harold Gronstal F prayers H Kim Deyo of comfort & healing for: Larry & Nancy Merz on the death of Larry’s sister, Diana Merz Kottich Esther Gibbs on the death of her brother Harold Heins Kim & Nita Deyo on the death of Nita’s mother, Jeanette Mumma Dave & Peggy Townsend on the death of Peggy’s stepfather, Derald Stalnaker Mosaic at Bethphage Village would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your donations of Campbell’s Labels and/or Box Tops for Education. Both of these programs provide wonderful supplies and educational materials for our Special Education School. Through the help of supporters like you, we continue to provide a quality education for the special students of our school. Once again a big thank you to all who remember us in this way. Sincerely, The Students and Staff of Mosaic Axtell School F prayers H Roy & Lola Rasmussen & family on the death of Lola’s mother, Coral Burton Jeannie Fritson & family on the death of her husband, Bud Jeannie Fritson & family on the death of her granddaughter, Jennifer Please let the church office know if there has been a death, birth, baptism, or marriage that you would like to share. Let us know if someone is hospitalized or needs our prayers, and if there has been a name, address, phone number, change in marital status or if you are leaving the church family. Contact 308-237-5544 or office@ firstlutherankearney.org Meg Duering and Matilda Stuehm & family on the death of their brother, Bud Fritson Betty Lohmann & family on the death of her husband, Fred HIPPA regulations do not allow the hospital to notify the church that we have a member in the hospital, without you specifically asking them to call us. Please request that the hospital call the church office to let us know that you or a family member are in the hospital. 9 MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES First Lutheran Church has the following music ministries available and invites you to become involved in one or more. CHANCEL CHOIR Meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:15 PM - North Hall Director: CJ Sabah CHANCEL BELLS Meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM - Sanctuary Director: Natalie Radcliffe PRAISER BELLS Youth in Grades 3–8 Meets on Wednesdays from 5:15 to 6:00 PM - Sanctuary Director: Angela Wright WORSHIP TEAMS These groups sing year round for the Contemporary Worship Service. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays 7:45-8:45 in the Sanctuary CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children Pre-K through Grade 5. Meets during FROG & Sunday School Director: Amanda Lewis MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR Grades 6-8 Meets 6:15-6:45 – North Hall 6:10-6:30 during Lent Director: Angela Wright 10 Good Friday CANTATA REHEARSALS Choir Cantata will be held on Good Friday. Rehearsals will begin the first Wednesday in February. All are welcome and encouraged to sing with the choir! Join us on Wednesdays in the North Hall beginning at 7:00 pm. We will meet at 7:30 pm on Ash Wednesday. WORSHIP TEAM WORKSHOP SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 9:00 AM-12:00 PM NORTH HALL Our Worship Teams are having a worship to learn new music. This would be an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in joining a worship team! The workshop will be held on Saturday, January 31 from 9:00 am until noon in the North Hall. Contact Natalie Radcliffe for more information. WOMEN of the ELCA Ladies that are interested in joining a monthly Bible study are invited to attend a women’s circle. Circles can be joined at any time during the year. Pamphlets about the Women’s Organization are available on the Women’s bulletin Board just south of the Church Office. Co-Presidents: Alberta Panning (308-234-4798) Rebecca Bartlett (308-224-3203) ABIGAIL CIRCLE 9:00 am—3rd Thursday Co-Chairs: LaVon McLane (308-293-1882) and Jill Johnson (308-234-1659) DEBORAH CIRCLE 7:00 pm –3rd Monday Co-Chairs: Mary Balcom (308-627-6363) and Betty Young (308-234-9149) GLORIA CIRCLE 12:00pm—3rd Thursday Chair: Betty Kempf (308-237-7810) NAOMI CIRCLE LWR PERSONAL CARE KITS: We are collecting items for the LWR Personal Care Kits. Please help by donating any of the following items: • One light-to-medium weight bath-sized towel (approximately 52"x27" or smaller), dark color recommended • Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 ounces) of soap, any brand, in original wrapping • One adult-size toothbrush in its original packaging *Toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap • One sturdy comb, remove packaging • One metal nail clippers (with or without attached file), remove packaging FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: http://lwr.org/personalcarekits 7:30pm—4th Thursday Chair: Mildred Bliefernich (308-236-9266) REBEKAH CIRCLE 9:00am—3rd Tuesday Chair: Marlene Kotrc (308-234-3293) SARAH CIRCLE Gibbon group—Time Varies Chair: Bev Vacha (308-468-6239) MARK YOUR CALENDARS The next Women of the ELCA Board Meeting will be held Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. SPRING GATHERING SATURDAY, MARCH 21 - GENEVA, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 28 - CHAPPELL, NEBRASKA The Spring Gathering will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2015 at Prince of Peace Lutheran in Geneva, Nebraska and also Saturday, March 28, 2015 at Berea Lutheran in Chappell, Nebraska. Events on both days begin at 9:00 am. Watch for more information in the March newsletter and on the WELCA bulletin board. 11 CAMPUS LUTHERAN FUNDRAISER Expanding Minds • Deepening Faith • Inspiring Service 2 nd Annual Evening “Evening of the Arts is one of the most looked-forward times of the Spring semester. It is full of entertainment and talent from the Campus Lutheran students and community. Full of music, art, an auction, and delicious treats! You can’t go wrong coming to this fantastic event!” -Brianne Mize, UNK Junior Arts Of The At The E SAV THE E! DAT Kearney Community Theatre Sunday, March 8th 4 SAVE THE DATE Campus Lutheran Fundraiser 2nd Annual “Evening of the Arts” SUNDAY, MARCH 8 at the Kearney Community Theatre 3:00 pm – Worship @ Theatre (free and open to the public) 4:00 pm – Art Show/Cocktail Hour 5:00 pm – Auction/Performances Ticket cost: $25 ($10 w/Student ID). After March 1, cost: $35 Ticket price includes heavy hors d’oeuvres and entrance to show and auction. Cash bar available. Call 308.234.1828 to reserve tickets or reserve tickets online at kearney.nelcm.com 12 Formed by Faith The Work of God’s Hands — 2015 — Nebraska Synod Assembly May 29 & 30, 2015 The 2015 Nebraska Synod Assembly, “Formed by Faith: The Work of God’s Hands,” will explore emerging practices of 21st Century faith formation and present examples of faith formation strategies that utilize new digital tools, technologies and resources. The NE Synod Assembly will be held Friday & Saturday May 29 and 30 at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney, Nebraska. First Lutheran is in the process of selecting their delegates. First Lutheran can send 2-6 representatives from the church. If you would be interested in attending this year, notify the church office as soon as possible. Registrations are due to the Synod office by March 15th to receive the early bird price. (Funds are available through the First Lutheran church office for the registration fee.) After March 15th the registration goes up. Please prayerfully consider going to represent your church. More information can be found on the Nebraksa Synod Website. www.nebraskasynod.org TA N Z A N I A C O N N E C T I O N S January 5, 2014 January 6, 2015 Dear Headmaster Emmanuel, Dear Sister Ruth, It is very cold and windy here today. The temperature will not even get up to freezing. The wind makes it feel colder. That’s winter in Nebraska! Am I correct that you people are in the warm season? Thank you for remembering us thru email. We feel good, even better. We are fine here. You are right that it is warm here. In fact we say it is hot because the temperature goes to 85ºF. If I am correct, the school children are home for their long vacation. Am I correct? Are you also able to get home for part of the time? When will school classes begin again? Do you have an idea of how many students you will have next year? We closed for annual vacation on 5th December 2014 and we started lessons again yesterday 5th January 2015. So students and teachers were at home during Christmas. We would be interested in learning how you people celebrate Christmas. Our church had three special services on Christmas Eve, with special music, etc. We didn’t have a service on Christmas Day, so I went to a different church that day. For many people Christmas is a family day. Families get together; they give gifts to each other and have lots to eat. How do people, and churches, celebrate Christmas in Tanzania? Is the New Year also celebrated, or not? Here, schools have a vacation of about two weeks over Christmas and New Year. Today many schools are beginning classes again. That also means that many other activities are beginning again this week. Wishing you a new year that is full of blessings, Your friend in Jesus, Sister Ruth Ellen First Lutheran Church This year I expect around 210 students if all who have applied will come and the continuing students will not shift to other schools. Like you, we had three services namely Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and on 26th December we usually have second christmas celebration to commemorate the martyrs of the gospel. During Christmas a lot of people travel from big cities like Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza and other to come to Kilimanjaro (our region) to celebrate Christmas so the Moshi city becomes very busy with a lot of car congestion and accidents. Like you, Christmas here is a family celebration, but some families unite to celebrate in one of the families together. In our case I was just at home with my wife Edith and my two daughters Deborah and Glory. It was good enough. Yes New Year is also celebrated and it is a public holiday, and people stay in their families celebrating after a church service. We are still fundraising for building a dining room assembly hall for students whose cost is huge (about $110,000). If you can share with your friends to support us, it will help us make a step. This year we are starting with a kitchen which costs about $12,000 and we have raised only $5,000 and we are about to start in the next two weeks. Please pray for that activity so that the Lord will touch donors who will support us with funds. God bless you and I also wish you a prosperous new year. Regards, Emmanuel A Lyatuu 13 F L C P R E S C H O O L N E W S PRESCHOOL NEWS FROM PRE-K CLASSROOM FIRST LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Greetings from Pre-K, Mrs. Molly Trettel 3 Yr. Old Lead Teacher Mrs. Lora Messbarger 3 Yr. Old Assistant Teacher Mrs. Judy O’Donnell Preschool Director & Pre-K Lead Teacher Mrs. Kathy Norman Pre-K Assistant Teacher 14 PRESCHOOL NEWS FROM 3 YEAR OLD CLASSROOM The beauty of teaching 3 and 4 year olds is their excitement for school. We heard from so many parents that their children kept asking to go back to school over the holiday break. And then when they arrive at school in the morning they are full of hugs and not one of them complains that it is so cold outside. In fact, they always ask if we can play on the playground, despite the below freezing temperatures! How lucky we feel to get to work with these happy, eager little children. The holidays are over and the busy time seems to have passed and things are slowing down, well not exactly in our preschool! January came and so did many activities along with it. We started our month learning about penguins, polar bears, winter and snow. On Wednesday, January 14th we brought our teddy bears to class and enjoyed a indoor picnic along with pizza! Domino’s Pizza generously donated pizzas to both the morning and afternoon classes to enjoy. Progress reports were sent home the first week of January and Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thurs, January 29th. We enjoyed pajama day, inside out day and favorite winter hat day also this month. The weather even cooperated for us to head out for a nature walk around the neighborhood. January was so much fun! A highlight for the month was “Construction Day”. The children made their own dump trucks out of egg cartons, practiced hand-eye coordination by hammering golf tees into Styrofoam blocks, and learned about tools from ‘a real construction guy’. After all that hard work, it was nice to rest on the rug and discuss how God constructed each of us to be unique. Preschool registration began on January 9th and each Friday brought success as our enrollment grew and grew. Thank you for all your help in passing along the registration information and for all the positive comments about First Lutheran Preschool. We are very blessed with so much support not only from the staff but the church community. This was evident during our successful 6th Annual Breakfast held on Sunday, January 25th. Thank you again! Ms. Molly and Ms. Lora God Bless, Mrs. Judy & Mrs. Kathy 2015-2016 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION CLASSES ARE NOW FULL for the 20152016 School Year. Names may be added to our waiting list. Stop by the church office during office hours. Monday—Friday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ATTENTION 5TH GRADERS: SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAYS - 9:55-10:50 AM FOR AGES 4-GRADE 8 Please submit one registration form per child and return to the church office. Additional copies are available in the lobby or on our website. F.R.O.G. FULLY RELY ON GOD WEDNESDAYS 6:30 – 8:00 PM AGES 4–GRADE 5 Meet in the Sanctuary at 6:30 PM for our gathering and then head to Centennial Hall for our program events. First Communion Instruction will be held Wednesdays, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, & 25 at 6:00pm. We will also be baking Communion bread on Wednesday, April 1 at 6:00 pm. You will participate in communion for the first time with your family on Thursday, April 2, at the 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday service. If you are in the 5th grade and plan on attending this class, complete and clip out the form and return it to the church office or put it in the offering plate by Sunday, February 22. REGISTRATION FOR 5TH GRADE COMMUNION CLASS Name__________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Parent(s) Name___________________________________________________ Is/are your parent(s) a member(s) of this congregation? (Circle one) Yes No Have you been Baptized? (Circle one) Yes No Date of Baptism _______________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_________________________________________________ Home Phone __________________________________________________ FEBRUARY 15 at 11:00 AM Worship MARCH 15 at 11:00 AM Worship MARCH 29 - Palm Sunday Cell Phone____________________________________________________ I will support my 5th Grade son/daughter’s participation in this class. _______________________________________________________________ Parent(s) Signature Return this form by February 22, 2015. at 8:45 AM Worship with Chancel Choir APRIL 19 at 11:00 AM Worship MAY 10 at 8:45 AM Worship First Communion instruction will be Wednesday, February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, and March 25 in Fellowship Hall 6:00-6:30 pm. Bread Baking will be Wednesday, April 1 6:00-7:00 pm in the South Kitchen. First Communion will be Maundy Thursday, April 2, 2014. 15 MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH FEBRUARY ACOLYTE SCHEDULE WORSHIP TIMES SATURDAY 6:00 PM SUNDAY 8:45 AM SUNDAY 11:00 AM FEBRUARY 7 & 8 Megan Smith Payton Fehringer Cole Stokebrand Maci Stokebrand Jaiden Schilke Alec Sawicki Elizabeth Young Evan Young Ethan Mroczek Aidan Parish Tiann Purdy Ryan Melroy* FEBRUARY 14 & 15 Jeret Christiancy Justin Baumert Aurora Athy Josh Bean Tanner Thomsen Kendra Sears FEBRUARY 21 & 22 Maleah Wright Marissa Wright Samson David Rhianna Bayley Jaycee Schlueter Sarah Dush FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 1 Jaylen Schlueter* Carson Elstermeier Nicole Deterding Lexi Erpelding Jaden Engen Megan Ernst JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1 Register for Summer CONFIRMATION CAMP June 21-26, 2015 Ranch Camp Session #1542 at Carol Joy Holling Camp at: http://caroljoyholling.org/registration Don’t forget to be working on your SERMON ACOLYTES: If you are unable to serve on the day that you have been assigned, it is your responsibility to FIND A REPLACEMENT before the date you will miss and CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE no later than 10:00 am on Friday. Serving as an acolyte is one of the components of the confirmation curriculum and counts towards your service hours! Please be at the church 20 minutes prior to your scheduled service and CHECK IN at the Usher table located at the center door when you arrive. When EXITING the Sanctuary at the end of the service, please make sure both acolytes leave together as a team. This may mean that the person who carries the cross may need to slow down and wait for the candle lighter before exiting. Please make sure to HANG UP ROBES in the closet. MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR WEDNESDAYS 6:15-6:45 PM – NORTH HALL Do you like music? Do you like to sing? Would you like to have a chance to hang out with your friends from church more often? If you answered yes to any of these, join the Middle School Choir at First Lutheran! We meet on Wednesday nights from 6:15-6:45 in the North Hall. During Lent we will meet During Lent: 6:10-6:30 pm. If you have any questions, contact Angela Wright at 234-4378! CONFIRMATION CLASSES UNITE Worship – 6:50 PM Class – 7:20-8:15 PM REFLECTIONS 6th & 7th GRADE 8th GRADE Forms are located on the Usher Table in the lobby. Submit your completed forms in the box in the lobby. FEBRUARY 4 Solomon FEBRUARY 4 Why so many religions? FEBRUARY 11 Elijah FEBRUARY 11 Born Again? FORMS MAY BE DOWNLOADED ON OUR WEBSITE: FEBRUARY 18 Ash Wednesday No Class during Lent FEBRUARY 18 Ash Wednesday No Class during Lent http://firstlutherankearney.org/ confirmation.html APRIL 8 Daniel APRIL 8 Angry at God? 16 SENIOR HIGH YOUTH PUMP UP First Lutheran Youth is open to any and all 9th-12th graders who seek friends, encouragement, food for the journey and just a place to chill and talk about Jesus. Come and walk with us. SUNDAY MORNINGS TOGETHER 9:55-10:50 AM Join Dave Behle, Scott Darveau and friends on Sunday mornings in the café area by the youth kitchen for a lively discussion on faith and your future. Also share in fluffy pancakes for your bellies. FEBRUARY 1, 8, 15 & 22 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOGETHER 6:50-7:10pm – UNITE in the Sanctuary 7:15-8:20pm – FLY in Youth Room FEBRUARY 4 - Heart of the Matter FEBRUARY 11 - Wilderness Journey FEBRUARY 18 - NO FLY - Ash Wednesday Worship FEBRUARY 25 - 6:30 pm Worship; FLY after THIS MONTH’S YOUR FAITH The youth will be serving lenten desserts Wednesdays in Lent February 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25. The proceeds will go to youth missions and projects. Sign up to bring desserts. LENTEN SUPPERS DESSERT TABLE FLY FUNDRAISER WEDNESDAYS in LENT Please sign up to make and serve desserts for the Lenten Suppers. The Lenten Season will soon be upon us. As is tradition, the High School Youth are in charge of the dessert table. Please talk to Pastor Meg and sign up on the dessert sheet if you are able to help. Please bring 2 dozen desserts to the dessert table in Centennial Hall by 5:30 pm. Then if you are able, please stay during the meal (5:45-6:15) to serve the desserts, and to clean up the table afterwards. Join us on the web where we will explore the meaning of Lent in this new Lenten Video Series featuring intergenerational guests sharing their thoughts and faith with “Iron Master Pastor Meg” Who will be there to “Pump You and Your Family Up” in your faith. We will also have questions for you to talk about as a family and Bible verses to explore. Talk to Pastor Meg if you would like to be a part of the video series. g g g g g g g g g g g g g g Which Jericho woman hid the two Israelite spies, and where did she hide them? A. Joanna, in her stable B. Bathsheba, at her neighbor’s house C. Milkah, under a pile of blankets D. Rahab, on her roof 17 Answer: D (See Joshua 2:3, 6.) FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH KEARNEY MOPS CHILI COOK-OFF FE B R UARY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 10:30 AM-2:00 PM FEBRUARY 1 SCOUT SUNDAY FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4500 LINDEN DRIVE in the Family Life Center FEBRUARY 1 NEW MEMBER CLASS - SESSION I FEBRUARY 8, 22 NEW MEMBER CLASS - SESSION II FEBRUARY 8 NEBRASKA BRASS CONCERT KEEP CONNECTED TO FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Silent Auction Items also available. FEBRUARY 18 ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP NOON & 6:30 PM FEBRUARY 25-MARCH 25 5TH GRADE COMMUNION INSTRUCTION $1 per item Chili, Cinnamon Roll, Hot Dog or Dessert LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: First Lutheran Church - Kearney MARCH To compete: Registration fee is $20 for chili and $10 for cinnamon rolls. A prize will be awarded to the top entry in both categories. For more information or to register, please call Calli Cardenas 308-708-1411 or [email protected] Come out and support your local Kearney Mothers of Preschoolers! MARCH 1 NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED RECEPTION MARCH 8 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS FLY PIE FUNDRAISER BEGINS A PRI L FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @firstluthkrny and @revlesh APRIL 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP FIRST COMMUNION APRIL 3 GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP APRIL 4 HOLY SATURDAY WORSHIP APRIL 5 EASTER WORSHIP APRIL 19 NATALIE & FRIENDS CONCERT APRIL 26 MINISTRY FAIR & FLY PANCAKE FEED APRIL 29 F.R.O.G. & CONFIRMATION END OF YEAR PARTY 18 PASSION PLAY OPPORTUNITY FOLLOW US ON PINTEREST: First Lutheran Church - Kearney Beatrice Christ Community Church, through Hall Tours out of Lincoln, is working to fill a tour to Branson for the Great Passion Play June 9-12, 2015. The tour includes motorcoach transportation, 3 nights hotel, 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, 4 shows (one is a dinner/ cruise show on the Branson Belle), snacks, gratuities, and a Hall Tours Escort. Cost per person double is $599 ($720 single) with the Silver Dollar City option, or $549 double ($670 single) without the Silver Dollar city option. $100 will secure a reservation. Final payment by March 28. Contact Vera Lee Brodine at 308-234-9449 or [email protected] for further contact information. J F E B RU A RY K Events Calendar - First Lutheran Church Sun Mon 1 4 Sun Epiphany Boy Scout Sunday 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - CoffeeFellows hip, Cafe 9 : 5 0 a m - Adult Forum, FH 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 9:55am - New Member Class/Session I1, 1NaH m - Worship&Praise Feb 2015 (Central Time) Tue 2 8 : 3 0 a m - Quilt Tying, QR 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR Wed 3 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 2 p m - Prayer Time, C Thu 4 9 : 3 0 a m - H.A.T.S., FH 6 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 7 p m - Prop.&Mgt. Team, FH 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Feeding the Flock, CH 6 p m - Discipleship101, FH 6 : 1 5 p m - Middle School Choir, NH 6 : 3 0 p m - FROG Opening Worship, S 6:30pm - Imaging Team, CR 6 : 3 0 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, l o: u 6 3n 0g pe m - Quilting, QR Fri 5 Sat 6 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour, Cafe 7 p m - Companions in Christ, FH @ Christ, FH 7 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group, CR 5 : 3 0 p m - Healing Svc., C. 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 6 : 5 0 p m - FROG, CH 6 : 5 0 p m - UNITE, S 7 p m - Chancel Choir, NH 7 : 1 5 p m - Confirmation, S,C,CR, Classrooms 7 : 1 5 p m - HS Youth 1 8r o - 2u2p , Y o u t h G R:o4o5m 7 p m - WorshipTeam, S 8 5 Sun Epiphany 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - CoffeeFellows hip, Cafe 9 : 5 0 a m - Adult Forum, FH 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 9:55am - New Member Class/Session I I1 , aNm H - Worship&Praise 1 9 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 1 2 p m - Mom'sLunchBun ch 6 p m - Witness&Outreac h Team, CR 7 p m - Grace Bible Study, C. 10 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 6 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 6 : 3 0 p m - Congr.Council, FH 3 p m - NE Brass Concert, S 11 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Feeding the Flock, CH 6 p m - Discipleship101, FH 6 : 1 5 p m - Middle School Choir, NH 6 : 3 0 p m - FROG Opening Worship, S 6 : 3 0 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, l o: u 6 3n 0g pe m - Quilting, QR 12 13 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour, Cafe 6 : 3 0 p m - Stewardship Team, CR 7 p m - Companions in Christ, FH @ Christ, FH 14 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group, CR 1 p m - Wedding, Chapel 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 6 : 5 0 p m - FROG, CH 6 : 5 0 p m - UNITE, S 7 p m - Chancel Choir, NH 7 : 1 5 p m - Confirmation, S,C,CR, Classrooms 7 : 1 5 p m - HS Youth 1 8r o - 2u2p , Y o u t h G R:o4o5m 7 p m - WorshipTeam, S 15 Stolcpart Baptism11 Transfiguration of Our Lord 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 a m - Pancake Feed, CH youth 9 : 4 5 a m - CoffeeFellows hip, Cafe 9 : 5 0 a m - Adult Forum, FH 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 1 1 a m - Worship&Praise 16 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 7 p m - Deborah Circle, FH 17 18 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 9 a m - Rebekah Circle @ Regency 2 p m - Prayer Time, C Ash Wednesday 6 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 1 2 p m - Worship 1 2 : 3 0 p m - Creative Faith, OS 19 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour, Cafe 1 2 p m - Gloria Circle, FH Messenger Deadline 9 : 3 0 a m - H.A.T.S., FH 20 WeddingRehearsal,S 21 Monty Shultz/Brenda Roetman Wedding Blessing 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group, CR 1 p m - Monty Shultz/Brenda Rp om etm a no r s h i p 6 - W (Blessing Traditional) 7 p m - Companions in Christ, FH @ Christ, FH 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Soup Supper, CH 6 : 1 0 p m - Middle School Choir, NH 6 : 3 0 p m - Worship 7 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Choir, NH 7 : 3 0 p m - HS Youth Group, Youth R:o3o0m 7 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, l o: u 7 3n 0g pe m - Quilting, QR 7 : 4 5 p m - WorshipTeam, S 22 1 Sun in Lent @ Lent 8 : 4 5 a m - Worship (Traditional) 9 : 4 5 a m - CoffeeFellows hip, Cafe 9 : 5 0 a m - Adult Forum, FH 9 : 5 5 a m - Education Time 9:55am - New Member Class/Session I I1 , aNm H - Worship&Praise 1 23 10:30am - Staff Meeting, CR 1 2 p m - Mom'sLunchBun ch 7 p m - Worship Life Team, CR 24 7 a m - Sunrise Group, FH 2 p m - Prayer Time, C 6 : 3 0 p m - Chancel Bells, S 7 p m - PreschoolBoard, CR 25 5 : 1 5 p m - Praiser Bells, S 5 : 4 5 p m - Soup Supper, CH 6 p m - Communion Instruction, FH 6 : 1 0 p m - Middle School Choir, NH 6 : 3 0 p m - Vesper Service,S 7 p m - Chancel Choir, NH 7 p m - Prayer Shawl Ministry, lounge 7 p m - Quilting, QR 26 1 0 a m - Coffee Hour, Cafe 7 p m - Companions in Christ, FH @ Christ, 7 : 3 0 p mFH - Naomi Circle 27 28 Heart of Hospitality 7 : 4 5 a m - Men's Group, CR 6 p m - Worship (Traditional) 7 : 1 5 p m - HS Youth Group, Youth R:o4o5m 7 p m - WorshipTeam, S 19 First Lutheran Church, ELCA Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 155 Kearney, NE 68847 3315 G Avenue Kearney, Nebraska 68847-3699 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED RECEIVING FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH GOD’S GRACE SHARING GOD’S LOVE FEBRUARY 2015 3315 G Avenue - Kearney, Nebraska 68847 UNITING IN CHRIST PLEASE JOIN US AT ONE OF OUR WORSHIP TIMES SATURDAY SUNDAY 5:30 PM Healing Service 8:45 AM Worship with Communion (Traditional) (1st Saturday of each month in the Chapel) 6:00 PM Worship with Communion (Traditional) 11:00 AM Worship & Praise with Communion LIVE VIDEO STREAM BROADCAST SUNDAYS AT 8:45 AM & 11:00 AM LIVE RADIO BROADCAST SUNDAY MORNINGS 8:45 AM ON KXPN 1460 AM PHONE: 308-237-5544 20 WEB: www.firstlutherankearney.org
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