GENERAL NOTICES CONTINUED. WHO ON EARTH IS GOD? It’s a good question and the title of a stimulating new book by Methodist Minister Neil Richardson. You are invited to an evening with Neil, hosted by Andrew Roberts to explore this vital question. The evening will feature reflections, conversation, input from Neil and time for questions. Ideal for those exploring faith, and those wanting to sharpen their thinking – in particular their response to ‘new atheists’ like Richard Dawkins. Evenings are being held at: Wolverhampton University, Arena Theatre, Tuesday 10 March, 5.30 to 7pm. th Bayston Hill Methodist Church, Shrewsbury, Thursday 16 April, 7.30 to 9pm. Selly oak Methodist Church, Tuesday 28 April, 7.30 to 9pm. New Room, Bristol, Thursday 21st May. 7.30 to 9pm. Admission. £5 per person payable in cash or by cheque at the venue. Places do need to be booked in advance. To book, email Andrew Roberts [email protected] or write to him C/O The Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District Office, Beckminster Methodist Church, Birches Barn Road, Wolverhampton, WV3 7BQ. BROMSGROVE METHODIST CHURCH AND CENTRE. Minister: Rev Richard Wilde. Telephone: 873765. Bromsgrove Methodist Centre: 835843. Anyone requiring a visit at home or in hospital, please contact Rev Richard Wilde. Encouraging, supporting and developing followers of Jesus Christ and sharing God’s love in the wider community. Sunday 8th February. Prayer: Look upon your servants, O Lord, weak in faith but praying for your strength; cold in heart, but seeking the fire of love; assailed by doubt, but awaiting assurance; abounding in sin, yet longing for righteousness; now and forever. Amen. WELCOME: To all new worshippers and visitors. Tea and coffee is provided after the Morning Worship. We have Sunday Fun for children over 3 years old and a Crèche Room open if needed for babies and toddlers. Welcome area Church Diary Screen. If you have information that you would like posted on the screen would you please leave a note with the details on it in the Office before a Tuesday and Christine Chambers will type it up for the screen. Please put your name and Phone number on the note so that you can be contacted if there are any queries. Church & Centre Finances. Each week our Church needs a minimum of £1,500.00 to fulfil its mission and to maintain its premises. The target from weekly offerings is £850.00. Last Sunday we received from collections £354.79, Standing orders £303.88, Tax refunds £115.38, making a total of £774.05. The balance required must be generated through the coffee shop, lettings and fund raising activities. WEEKLY NOTICES. The deadline for inclusion is EACH WEDNESDAY by 6.00pm. Place material in the folder in the Church Office or email me at [email protected] or ring 559104. Many thanks. Ken Brown. An induction loop (AFILS) is provided for the benefit of Hearing Aid Users. Please switch your hearing Aid to “T” 10.30 am: Holy Communion led by Rev Richard Wilde/ Rev Brian Brown. Duty Stewards: Miriam Prosser & Mary Lawrance. Readers: Michele Mellor & Irene Rhead. 6.00 pm: Evening Worship @ Catshill led by Mr. Jim Smith. We remember in prayer Mr Ian Athey, Rev Trevor Lockwood, Mr David Morgan, Mr Jim Smith, Mr Terry Bill, Ms Jackie Hartrey, Rev Steve Levett, Rev Julia Pellett, Rev Dick Johnson, Mrs Maureen Foxall, Rev Glen Reading, Rev Bob Thomas, Rev Richard Wilde & Mrs Sue Pinfield as they lead worship elsewhere in the circuit today. Rev Richard Wilde is available at the Church most Tuesday Mornings. Suggested Daily Readings (The Wisdom of the Cross) Sun 8 Mark 1:29-39. Mon 9 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. Tues 10 1 Corinthians 1:10-19. Wed 11 1 Corinthians 1:20-31. Thurs 12 1 Corinthians 2:1-16. Fri 13 1 Corinthians 3:1-15. Sat 14 1 Corinthians 3:16-23. THIS WEEK’S CENTRE ACTIVITIES 9th – 15th February. Morning Prayers in the Quiet Room, Monday - Friday 9.15 – 9.30am Monday 9 Tuesday 10 10.00 am: Church Stewards Meeting in the Quiet Room. 4.00 pm: Toddlers Prep. 7.30 pm: Church Council Meeting in the FOYER. 10.00 am: Knitting Group. 10.00 am: Toddlers Group. 12.30 pm: Ecumenical Service. Wednesday 11 2.30 pm: Women’s Own. 6.00 pm: Boys’ Brigade. Thursday 12 5.45 pm: Brownies. Friday 13 8.00 pm: Worship Band. GENERAL NOTICES. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BROMSGROVE (CTiB). We remember in prayer this week: NewSong Community Church – Rev John Notman. SUNDAY FUN will meet this morning at 10.30 am. If you would like to help with the work with our young people on a Sunday please speak to one of the team. Thank you. The connection. You will see on Page 4 of the February Circuit Magazine that the Methodist Church has produced a new magazine entitled the connection. There are copies on the table in the Quiet Room. Do feel free to borrow, read and return. Heather Trenaman. READERS FOR SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES. There is a list of people, who are willing to read in Sunday morning services. If anyone, not at present on that list, would like to be included on the rota, please have a word with Jean Wiseman, telephone 879010. ND SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2015. District Chair, Rev Ian Howarth would like to draw together MUSICIANS, instruments and voices from across the Circuit at Bromsgrove Methodist Church for a worship Workshop at 3.00 pm., followed by refreshments. Tea and coffee will be provided, please bring a packed tea. The afternoon will then culminate in an act of worship at 6.00 pm. Even if you are unable to join in the workshop, please come along to the evening worship. Everyone is welcome. If you have any queries, please contact Caroline 01527 64897 [email protected] REV BOB THOMAS is now home from hospital following his hip replacement operation. We wish him a steady recovery and best wishes to Jenny also as she takes on the role of carer for a while. PAINTING THE STARS – An Evolving Faith – Friday February 13th at 2.30 pm at 37, The Flats. Alan Bidnell. Saturday 14 Sunday 15 10.30 am: Morning Worship led by Mrs Linda Ashworth. 6.00 pm: Holy Communion led by Rev Tony Perry. For Room Bookings, 0750 201 2858 or GENERALPhone NOTICES. Email:- [email protected] THE BASEMENT PROJECT is holding a quiz on Friday 27th February, 7.30 for 8pm start at The Crab Mill, All Saints, Bromsgrove. Entry fee £12 per team (Maximum 6 people) Small prizes for the winning team members. Raffle. Limited places – please book your team with Carole Hill Tel: 10527832993, Mobile 07766311150, Web Site
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