The Messenger February 2015 St. Mark United Methodist Church News & Musings from Pastor Dalene Mark Your Calendar 2.2 7:30pm Julia Circle 2.3 9:30am Dorothy Minor Circle 2.5 7:00pm SPPRC Meeting 2.8 9:45am UMW Bake Sale 2.12 7:00pm Trustees Meeting 2.18 9:30am Prayer Shawl 2.19 7:00pm Finance Meeting 2.23 7:00pm UMW Board Meeting 2.26 7:00pm Admin Council Dear Friends, We didn't have a January newsletter, so I haven't written anything to you since mid-November. As fast as time does seem to fly, it will be spring before we know it! In November, our Bible Olympics event was a blessing to young and old alike. Thanksgiving Eve we had a small but meaningful communion service to remember our many blessings in Christ with one another. December was a busy season in the life of our church as we prepared for Emmanuel - God's coming to us in Jesus. A Youth Invitational for Jr. and Sr. High youth was held early in the month. A number of families participated in our Sunday morning Advent Wreath readings (even dealing with obstinate candles and candle lighters!) And many volunteers and worshippers made our Christmas Eve worship celebration beautiful and meaningful. January came with subzer o temper atur es, year end reports to complete, and the beginning of our new Confirmation Class. We are meeting on Sunday mornings and afternoons, so this is a big commitment for our youth and their families. Please join us on the journey with your prayers, and whatever ways you are able to be involved. There is additional information in this newsletter for other opportunities. Continued on page 2... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 02-01 Irene Keller 02-16 James Sparenberg 02-02 Roby Howard 02-19 Erich Schmidt 02-07 Sharon Boudreau 02-21 Inez Kunde 02-07 Kari Foster 02-21 Danielle Menzel 02-08 Carlson Cox 02-24 Margaret Stevenson 02-08 Rhonda Davis 02-24 Mary Smith 02-10 Bridget Collins 02-26 Rick Nelson 02-11 Lana Withoft 02-27 Terry Brinkman 02-12 Eric Milkereit 02-27 Kory Mann 02-13 Dennis Sparenberg 02-28 Daniel Jaskula 02-15 Kirma Varness HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 02-20 Irma Jean & Virgil Sancken THANK YOU, YOU'VE BEEN A BLESSING! Many thanks to Larry and Mardene Hinton and Bob and Joan Grams for donating desks for our Parish Nurse and Choir offices! Pastor Dalene, Thank you so much for all the prayers and visits while I was in the hospital and recuperating at home. It really meant so much to me. I also want to thank my church family for their prayers, visits and calls. I feel that I am almost back to my “old self”! God bless you. Sincerely, Audrey Weil Your sympathy and thoughtfulness will always be gratefully remembered and deeply appreciated. Also, thank you for all the food that was served at the luncheon. It was very good and much appreciated. Reed Lehnus family Pastor Dalene and St. Mark Church, This has been a journey. I started last April with treatment and finished in December. I had surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Your thoughts and prayers were so important to me and I know they helped me get through this. I appreciated every card! Thanks for your support! Love, Mike and Kitty Bossert St Mark UMC, Please accept this Love offering in honor of Trudy Dickinson and Jean Thomas for their Lifetime Achievement Award. Ted and Patty Thurston family After whining about it for many months, I finally submitted my written work for ordination to the Board of Ministry on January 9th. The next step will be an interview with members of the Board of Ministry, who will then make their recommendations to the rest of the Board. If approved, I am looking forward to being ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist at our Annual Conference in Peoria in June. It’s been over a 20-year process, so no one can accuse me of jumping into this impulsively! On February 7, we will be holding a Leadership and Visioning Gathering here at Saint Mark from 9 am to noon for all our committee members and ministry teams. It will be an opportunity for fellowship, hearing reports from those who attended the January 28th Leadership Training at Asbury UMC, and plan for the coming year by setting goals for our ministries and missions based on the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. I'm looking forward to another new year with you at Saint Mark, and am excited about what God has planned and prepared for us! Our Ash Wednesday Service will be February 18 at 7 pm. This year, Saint Mark will be holding our own Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services so that our Confirmation Youth have a chance to be personally involved. Please join us so that we might share in these informative and formative faith experiences as community. There is so much for all of us here at Saint Mark to be thankful for – people of all ages are growing and sharing and stepping up to serve God and others in numerous and exciting ways. We have welcomed back old friends and made new friends. We’ve also said good-bye to beloved friends and family members here at Saint Mark. Reed Lehnus and Eldon Hertz have gone before us to our eternal home. Although I knew them for what seemed such a short time, I grew to love and appreciate them both deeply: Reed seriously pondering the mysteries of the world and life, while Eldon saw the joy in each day and shared it through his humor. They both enjoyed a good game of cards. I can easily imagine them playing together around the heavenly card table, bringing their unique personalities to the game and bringing out the best in one another just as they did for our lives and fellowship. May we continue to do the same. Until we meet again, God be with you all. Pastor Dalene CONFIRMATION CLASS STAYING IN TOUCH WITH We are excited to welcome eight students on our Journey with Jesus: Elizabeth Atkinson (7th grade), Andrea Cooper (10th grade), Josh Cooper (9th grade), Charlie Jensen (7th grade), Makenzie Jensen (8th grade), Jake Klossing (8th grade), Allison Moody (7th grade) and Evan Moody (10th grade). OUR MEMBERS We are looking for volunteers to help out in a variety of ways. First of all, please pray for the youth that this will be a formative time in their faith experience with Christ. Can you provide snacks for our Sunday afternoon sessions or help with set-up and clean-up? Or come tell us about yourself and your experience at Saint Mark? If so, please sign-up on the Confirmation table in the hallway. You’ll also find more info there. If you would like to help purchase a new study Bible for the youth at $35 each, please designate "Confirmation Bibles" on your check or offering envelope. Whatever amount you can give is greatly appreciated. Join us on the Journey with Jesus - add your footsteps to our pathway in the hall. Extras “feet” are available on the table for you to add your name and design. Together, may we all continue to grow in faith and life, learning from one another and discovering together all that God has planned and provided for us in Jesus! WORSHIP FEEDBACK Worship should connect us with God and one another in meaningful, life-supporting, life-transforming ways. What connects with one person, is not always the same for another. Please help us grow and improve our worship experiences by taking time to complete one of the green Worship Feedback forms available on the entrance and hallway tables: What did I like best? Why? What did I like least? Why? What did I learn? What question(s) do I have? You may drop them in the offering plate, place in the baskets on the hallway tables, or stick in the “Pastor’s” mailbox across from the church office. Thank you! Would you be able to help stay in touch and fellowship with our shut-ins, home-bound, and independent living members by visiting and /or taking communion to them once a month? You could do this individually, or together with other volunteers. Please see Pastor Dalene if you are interested or have questions. 2015 VISIONING AND PLANNING On Saturday, February 7, from 9am to noon, Pastor Dalene will be holding a visioning and planning meeting in Becker’s Hall with the following committee members and ministry teams: Administrative Council, Board of Trustees, Committee on Finance, SPRC, Parish Nurse Program, Praise Band, Choir, Youth Group, Sunday School, Nursery, Hospitality Committee, UMW, Stephen Ministers, Ushers (If you are involved in a ministry that was unintentionally omitted, please join us anyway!) We will be setting goals for each group based on the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations: Radical Hospitality Passionate Worship Intentional Faith-Development Risk-Taking Mission and Ministry Extravagant Generosity If you have not already done so, please RSVP as soon as possible to Pastor Dalene so she can plan space and refreshments. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things -1Corinthians 13:7 ASH WEDNESDAY Lent is a season of reflection and preparation that begins on Ash Wednesday and takes us on a 40-day journey to Easter Sunday. It is a time that invites us to pause from the busyness and distractions of our day-to-day lives to reflect on the state of our souls, and relationships with God and one another. Lent bids us to let go of destructive or meaningless habits, and take on new practices that will help us grow in spiritual, relational, emotional and physical health and well-being. This year, Saint Mark is holding our own Ash Wednesday service on February 18 at 7 pm in Becker’s Hall. We are doing this rather than joining with other area United Methodist churches so that our Confirmation youth and families might have the opportunity to participate more fully. Please join us. SUNDAY EVENING LENTEN SERVICES Once again, we will be sharing Sunday evening Lenten services with our United Methodist Cluster churches. Please join us. (Not all dates/speakers have been confirmed at this time. Please check the bulletin for any changes.) Date/Time Location Preaching Sun., Feb. 22, 6:30 p.m. Gaither, Manteno UMC Bradley Wesley Rev. Harvey Sun., Mar 1, 6:30 p.m. Ringerberg Manteno UMC Rev. Jan Sun., Mar 8, 6:30 p.m. St. Mark UMC Angel Rosales Sun., Mar. 15, 6:30 p.m. Bourbonnais Momence UMC Rev. Mary Brady, Grace UMC Sun., Mar. 22, 6:30 p.m. Retired Trinity UMC Rev. Tim Rhodes, Sun., Mar. 29, 6:30 p.m. Caldwell Chapel AME Rev. Scott Henley *Refreshments will be offered by the host churches. IN OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Reed Lehnus who passed away on Dec. 2, 2014, and Eldon Hertz who passed away on Jan. 13, 2015. Both Reed and Eldon were long-time members of Saint Mark. We give thanks to God for their time and service among us, and for God’s never-ending love that welcomed them home, and holds us on our journey. . You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than this. Mark 12:31 WELCOME! We extend a heartfelt welcome to Bill and Shirley Floyd have recently transferred their membership to Saint Mark from Bourbonnais Grace UMC. We look forward to sharing God’s good gifts and growing together in life and faith with you in Christ. TIS THE SEASON If Sunday morning worship has to be cancelled due to weather, we will announce the closing on the St. Mark Facebook page, the office answering machine, WVLI, WFAV, WIVR or WYUR SUMMER CAMPING OPPORTUNITIES There are summer church camp opportunities for many ages (child through adult); at a variety of United Methodist campgrounds (located in Hudson, Louisville, Timewell, Makanda and Lewistown); offered at a variety of times (June through August); with more themes than can be listed here (horseback, water sports, family camps, sailing, girls only, grandparents, ropes and trees, father-son and mother daughter to name a few). Summer 2015 Camping Guides are available on the table outside the church office. There are early bird discount rates for registering by Feb. 15 and April 15. Please see Pastor Dalene if you’d like to learn more about camp, would like to learn what scholarships are available, or would like to financially support a camper or campers. Let’s send a camper (or two or three) to church camp this year! CARETAKERS OF GOD’S GOOD EARTH The book of Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the earth, and pronounced it good. God then entrusted the care of the earth and its creatures to humankind. We can care for the earth by: Watching how we contribute to its pollution - use lawn chemicals carefully, consider less toxic ways to care for our yard and home. Reducing our consumption of goods. Use r eusable dishes instead of disposables. Use cloth shopping bags instead of paper or plastic. There are red cloth shopping bags on the table across from the lounge leftover from the Imagine No Malaria campaign. Help yourself. Take some. Use them. Bags like that probably cost about a dollar in the store. If you're able to make a donation, write "Imagine No Malaria" on your check or offering envelope. Help save the earth and a child. Recycle. And do it r esponsibly. Don't thr ow hazardous materials into our landfills with the potential of polluting our groundwater. We are so fortunate to have curbside recycling. Recycle at home. Recycle here at church. We have recycle containers with blue bags throughout the church - in the lounge, in the kitchen, and by the parking lot door. Recycle all your paper goods, glass and plastic bottles, cans, and even your Styrofoam coffee cups and paper plates. There are few things we truly have to leave our children, grandchildren and future generations. Let us leave them good memories, the treasures of heaven, and a safe and healthy world to live in. IN OUR PRAYERS Our Service Members- Tony Chellson; Bob Matthews; Jessy Meyer; Al & Jerrica (Kuebler) Hightower-Germany. Nursing Home & Assisted Living: Geor ge Winter Bickford Bourbonnais House – Esther Kirchner Butterfield Court - Bob & Doris James Harvest View, Herscher- Geneva Diefenbach Miller Nursing Home - Dorothy Beasley, Eleanor Vining, Treva Watson, Jean Sancken, Esther Meier, Martha Wilhoyt Prairie View, Danforth - JoAnn Jaenicke, Eileen Burkey River North of Bradley - Shirley Outly Independent Living: Westwood Oaks - Hiram & Millie (Exner) Varness, #221; Virgil & Jean Sancken, #230 Other Needs and Concerns: Alisa Blanchette, Dor othy J ansen, Sandy Monfer dini, Diana Braisher, John Snider, Suzanne Bally, Larry Smith, Jeff Raab, Colleen Morris, Jerry Warner, George Bracken, Jeanette Fritz, Shirley Floyd, Cheryl Fozzard, Alice Moody. Please contact the Church Office to have names added or removed from our Prayer List. Out of respect for privacy and confidentiality concerns, please ask permission before placing others on the prayer chain or prayer list. MINISTRY UPDATES Staff/Parish Due to the weather Staff Par ish didn't meet in J anuar y our next meeting is set for Thur sday, February 5th. The Staff Parish would like to congratulate Pastor Dalene for completing and submitting her paperwork for her ordination. We are very proud of her! The Staff Parish and the congregation look forward to celebrating with her after she gets back from Charge Conference in the summer. Trustees New officers for 2015- Chair-Ron Lipperini, Vice Chair- Jim Davis, Secretary- Ryan Nelson. Boiler certificate has been updated, good until January of 2016. Finance The 2015 church budget was prepared. The total budget is $198,044 which is a 2.7% increase over the 2014 budget. Expenses for 2014 were $195,457 vs a budgeted $192,692. New computers were purchased and installed and the programs were updated or re-written to enable processing of treasurer’s reports and Morgan Stanley reports. Phyllis Milkereit is a new counter with Della Ziller. Lori Weedon is now a substitute. UMW Star t the year off r ight and join the United Methodist Women Or ganization. The meetings ar e: Monday, February 2 for J ulia Cir cle at 7:30pm in the lounge. Dor othy Miner February 3 at 9:30am in Becker Fellowship Hall. Both circles will be observing Prayer and Self Denial. There will be a Bake Sale on Sunday, February 8 between services. Please support the UMW mission projects. St. Mark United Methodist Church 1200 W Calista Street Kankakee, IL 60901 Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Kankakee, IL Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm Rev. Dalene Kuebler Sheri Cavender: Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected] 217-898-5286 Weekly Schedule Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:30am Contemporary Worship 9:45am Sunday Morning MAGIC 11:00am Traditional Worship 2:00pm Nueva Jerusalem 6:30pm Boy Scouts 7:00pm Youth Group 9:30am Prayer Shawl (1st & 3rd) 6:30pm Choir 7:30pm Praise Team 9:00am TOPS Our Attendance & Giving 8:30am 11:00am Offerings 12/07 43 57 $ 5,204.98 12/14 37 57 $ 13,602.00 12/21 31 74 $ 1,621.00 12/28 30 47 $ 5,898.00 01/04 35 58 $ 7,258.00 01/11 38 70 $ 3,997.09
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