Page 1 CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH & WILDWOOD CHAPEL Merrill Worship Services Sunday Service 10:30am Wednesday Service 6:30pm (Sept.- May) Wildwood Worship Services Sunday Service 9:00am Good News Gazette February 2015 Are you ready to dream? To dream Big? For ALL Members and Friends of Christ Church and Wildwood Chapel Sunday, February 22 (snow date March 8) Lunch will be provided at 11:30, Dream discussion 12 noon- 2:30 p.m. Christ Church Fellowship Hall Dan Dick, the director of Connectional Ministries with our Wisconsin Annual Conference is coming up to lead us in a discussion of identity and dreams. Who are we as a church? What do we want to do in the name of Jesus Christ? What will it take for us to get there? What are some concrete steps that we can make to turn our dreams of discipleship into a reality of caring for each other, our community, and the world? Can you sing a song, tell a joke, share a story or perform a magic trick? Please consider taking part in our talent show on Sunday, March 22nd. We will enjoy a lasagna supper at 5:00pm and present the talent show at 6:00 p.m. Sign up in the Gathering Room. Thanks! The Care Committee Imagine No Malaria What can you do to swat out Malaria? We are collecting funds to help squish the mosquitoes that are carrying this deadly disease. Help us replace the mosquitoes with fly swatters! Details to come. Thank you to all who have returned the Stewardship Form. If you have not returned yours yet, please return it to the office. We have received 43 responses so far with LOTs and LOTs of Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness pledged. That is 27% returned already! Just 119 more to go! Youth Group All Youth Grades 6-12 Are Welcome Youth Group meets from 12:00 noon until 2:00 pm - lunch provided --at Christ Church Youth Room Feb. 1st Feb. 8th Feb. 15th - Valentine Party Feb. 22nd - No separate youth gathering - Please join us as we Dream Big with Dan Dick The month of January was a good time to read stories about Jesus growing up. We have many questions about the things He said & did on His journey, here on Earth. Our "Star performers" put on a play this month - called "Epiphany". Imagine the first sight of that star over Bethlehem- and it's as if you were there seeing Emmanuel- the Prince of Peace for the very first time! God was with the angels, kings, shepherds (& sheep) and... God is with us! January Memory verse challenge: Matthew 7:7: Ask, look & you will find ME; knock, my door is always open to you. Matthew 5:16: In the same way, let your good deeds shine, for all to see, so everyone will praise Our Heavenly King. January 25th- what can we say about our TUBING TRIP? Awesome!!! Fun to spend time with each other in the Great Outdoors A BIG THANKS TO SHARON HERNANDEZ for taking us along! The youth group wants to thank the congregation for supporting & helping us pack lunches for Food 4 Kids. Full backpacks equal full tummies! Please continue to support the Youth Group by taking your aluminum cans and scrap metal to Schulz’s Recycling. Ask them to credit “Christ United Methodist Youth Group” account. You will get a receipt for taxes too…just ask. The Youth Group in turn will receive a check. It’s a win-win situation. Money raised will be used for their upcoming service projects. If you have difficulty getting to Schulz’ Recycling, please contact Little Jo Hernandez @ 715-573-3218 and he will stop and pick-up your cans and scrap metal. Thanks for your support! On Wednesday, January 21st we met to do some work in the kitchen. We sorted some dishes, cleaned out drawers, wiped out cabinets, and did some rearranging. Kitchen items that are used the most are all at arms length, which means no more bending or climbing to get at what is needed. Our extra’s are stored in the other room for when we need them. Thank you to Diane Chartier, Carol Donner, Jan Neale, Marilyn Wright, Mary Jo Schnur, Sandy Lussenhop, and Pastor Angie for all of your hard work! Page 3 Wildwood Chapel News Sunday, Feb. 8th Communion WW United Methodist Women will meet on Thursday, Feb. 5th at 1:00pm Please remember your food donations. February Food Pantry donations will go to the Merrill Food Pantry. Tammy Haig 2/7 Matthew Rethaber 2/7 Judy Maas 2/9 Victor Rossmanith 2/17 Lindsay Vincent 2/28 Dime-A-Week will go towards ‘Imagine No Malaria’ through the month of May Now through March: We will be collecting hat’s, mittens, gloves, warm clothes, blankets, and hand/foot warmers to share with local people in need. February Cleaning Schedule: Blanket the World Mission Opportunity The month of February will be an opportunity to support the Blanket the World Mission project. Every $5 donated will be used to purchase a blanket for the needy. Wool blankets will be sent to cooler regions in the world, and cotton blankets sent to warmer regions. Please place a heart on the tree for every $5 you donate. Hopefully, by the end of February, the tree will be completely covered with red and pink hearts, and we will have helped to furnish blankets to those in need. 1st Glenn Remington 8th ____________ 15th _____________ 22nd ______________ We need you!! Sign up on the bulletin board in back of church. A way to re-gift/recycle Christmas and greeting cards! The Residents of Pine Crest Nursing Home create bookmarks out of the front of cards for local libraries. Personal greetings are discarded. So after you have enjoyed your cards, turn them in to the church office or Jill Schmunk, and she will see that they get to Pine Crest. Wisconsin Conference - Circuit 9 Churches First UMC Merrill: Christ & Wildwood Chapel UMC’s Medford UMC Rib Lake UMC Dorchester: Salem UMC Wesley UMC Mosinee UMC Highland UMC (Rothschild) River Falls UMC News from Highland Crockpot Mission--It had been discovered that some of the people who received fresh produce from local food pantries don’t have adequate appliances for cooking the food, so we asked for donations at Christmas time of new or used crockpots to give to The Neighbors Place for distribution. Because of generous members, we were able to donate 10 crockpots. Thank you! Imagine No Malaria Plastic containers of M & M’s were passed out at the beginning of January. Members were invited to enjoy the candy and then use the plastic tubes to collect quarters for the Imagine No Malaria Fund. The Wisconsin Conference of United Methodist Churches hopes to raise $1 million dollars toward ending the deadly disease. The containers of quarters should be turned in by Easter. Thank you: Thank you to the men who installed the screen to be used during worship services and for reinstalling the window valances and blinds. Thank you also to those who donated the cart for the computer and projector and to those who put up and took down the Christmas decorations. It is much appreciated. From Medford UMC: Friday Feb 6 & Saturday Feb 7 Youth Conference “Dare to Share”, St. Paul MN th Tuesday, February 10 - 7pm Medford UMC Church Wide Planning Meeting Planning Special Services, Community Outreach Events and setting church goals for 2015 Feb 27 & 28 - Wesleyan Youth Retreat Empty Bowls is a soup lunch, an art show, and a mission project all in one! Come to Mosinee High School on Saturday, March 7 from 11am to 1pm and enjoy a bowl of hot soup for $10, plus take home a handmade art bowl. Local groups will have canned food sculptures on display; vote for your favorites with spare change. All food and proceeds will support the Community Center of Hope food pantry, located at Mosinee UMC. For more information, contact Jan Hansford (715-581-0377 or [email protected]). Wesley UMC We would like to welcome Pastor Jef Olson and his wife, Mary Jo, to Wesley UMC and Circuit 9. Pastor Jef will be serving the people of Wesley beginning February 5th as in an interim through the end of June. We are looking forward to doing ministry together. Page 5 Wisconsin Conference - Circuit 9 Churches First UMC Merrill: Christ & Wildwood Chapel UMC’s Medford UMC Rib Lake UMC Dorchester: Salem UMC Wesley UMC Mosinee UMC Highland UMC (Rothschild) River Falls UMC All laity in the Wisconsin Annual Conference are invited to the second annual Leadership Convocation for Laity with Bishop Hee-Soo Jung on February 13-14 at Wesley UMC. We will recognize laity leadership, worship and praise together, learn about new faith starts in Wisconsin, Imagine No Malaria, study and vision, and break bread and fellowship! To attend you must register. Registration can be found on-line at the Conference website: Click on Connections, then Conference News, then Latest News. Scroll down. You will then find the link for the Leadership Convocation Registration. Registration deadline is Thursday, February 5. Registration questions? Contact Karen at 1-888-240-7328. First Wausau: Ramp Up Marathon County A new ministry is forming here in our area - with members of First Wausau, among the founding fathers. Ramp Up Marathon County has the goal of building ramps on homes to make them handicap accessible, enabling seniors to remain longer in the homes they love. RUMC and First are studying the possibility of working in official partnership. But there is room for more help. There is a need for volunteers for all tasks; from design and lead carpenter, to sealing, and fixing lunch. For more information, call the First Wausau office at 715-842-2201. Volunteers will be trained on all tools and tasks, and only need to complete those tasks they are comfortable with. Pictured at left are Ray Nowaczyk and John Ohnstad, working on a ramp last fall. Mission Guatemala Trip Nov. 21-29 Circuit 9 Confirmation Retreat Feb. 27-28 at Pine Lake Youth and Adults are welcome! Mission Guatemala is a United Methodist medical and poverty mission in the highlands of Guatemala. Mosinee UMC is organizing a mission trip suitable for all ages and skill levels this November. The cost will be approximately $1500 including transportation. Attend an information meeting Thursday, February 5 at 6:30pm at Mosinee UMC in the conference room. We will be planning fundraisers during Lent. Commitments and the first deposit will be due May 1. Contact Park Hunter ([email protected] or 715-551-2041) for information. Read more about the Mission Guatemala center and see beautiful photos at Get registration materials at your church office. Friday night through Saturday afternoon at our beautiful Pine Lake Camp. A fun time to learn about the Wesley brothers, Christian History, and our Methodist Connection. Registration is due February 18. More details on the flyer...ask your pastor for one today! - -Christ Church NewsNews- One year ago there was a concern about the church being left open for anyone to enter as they need or wish to or to lock the church doors at regular times. There was much discussion from many people on both sides of the issue. At that time, the Administrative Council voted to lock all the doors except the door on the southwest corner of the building (door #1) which opens to the gathering space. Door #1 would be open from around 9 to 9 each day. A volunteer locks the door daily. The discussion was to be re-visited in October by the Administrative Council, but due to many factors was delayed until the January 2015 meeting. Again there was more talk and opinions stated. The result was that the task would be left up to the Trustees to find a way to secure the church so no one would feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Reflection since our meeting has left me with these thoughts: It is important to have the whole congregation aware of the question in front of us. On one side, we know the world is a place where there is danger and violence anywhere you go. The possibilities are endless about would or could happen. On the other hand, we as the church believe that we should follow the Way of Jesus and befriend and love the least, the last, and the lost. We are to be set apart from the world and show others the love of and our faith in the one who guides us. Please give consideration to this subject and express your feelings to Pastor Angie or any of the Trustees or Administrative Council members. We want the whole church to be satisfied with any policy made. Thank you for your time and thoughts. --Lana Lowe, Administrative Council Chair At the trustees meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 13 there was discussion about the next steps for the doors of the church. They took note of the discussion that had taken place at Administrative Council: concerns for safety, practicality of unlocking/locking, and the responsibility of all members to care for OUR building. They decided to look into the potential cost and work on a solution that can best meet the needs of the church as well as demonstrate fiscal responsibility. If you have ideas or would like to talk about this topic, or any property topic, please contact a trustee. If you would like to become a trustee, please talk to Pastor Angie. Our next meeting is Tues., Feb. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Kevin Berndt Bob Klessig Tony Kusserow Mike Drury Little Jo Hernandez Sandy Lussenhop Lenny Lowe Dustin Harder Dave McGregor Joe Kretschmer A Note from the Finance Team: It’s time to Celebrate! Get out your happy dance! We met our goal of 70% for our Connectional Giving (Apportionments) in 2014! With that said, the Finance Team has set a goal for 2015 of 80% but have strong hopes that we could make 100% of our Connectional Giving this year. To meet 100%, each member’s contribution would be $118 for a total of $18,264. While this sounds like a large number, with everyone’s dedication and help, we are confident we can make this happen. It has been several years since we have given 100% of our Connectional Giving. Given the importance of our gifts, the Finance Team has increased our goal every year in an effort to get back to 100% by 2017. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to surpass 80% this year and sail right on through to 100%? We pushed the goal, just a little, with a hoped-for-deadline of paying at least 80% by the end of March. Please consider our very important goal of funding our ministry completely and help us reach it! Lisa Gervais Joy Malitz Chris Sarver John Swope Sharon Hernandez Little Jo Hernandez Lana Lowe Tony Kusserow Page 7 A note from Pastor Angie Have you ever looked at the front pages of our United Methodist Hymnal? There is a lot in there! Directions for singing, patterns of worship, service orders for special services, and communion liturgy (we use page 15). We have gotten comfortable with our worship order. Over the years, I am sure that we have all had to adapt to a change in the way we do worship, but for the most part, our bulletins are the same every week. It is so well known that I am sure most of you could pause from reading this article and list not only the parts of worship but get them in the right order too! Well, at least you could. Beginning in January we did a little swap and made a couple of minor changes. I say minor because that is how they look on paper, but to some they might feel major--either in a positive way or in a negative way. I hope that this change hasn't caused dissonance between you and worshiping, but instead has allowed your heart the time and space to connect with God. Here is what changed, in case you didn't recognize it right away! Announcements were taken out; they are found in written form on the bulletin (that is in your hand), in our weekly email (on your computer screen or in the binder in the Gathering Room), and on the projection screen (at Christ Church). They can also be found in the conversations that we have before and after worship. Instead, we start our service with a prelude. The prelude is our time to center ourselves. To quiet our heads, our voices, and prepare our hearts to worship God. We follow that directly with a Greeting. Not just a "thanks for being here today" but also a word of hope or praise from the Scriptures. Our scriptures are full of them, they are easy to find, and a wonderful way to start our time together. We have added another song, sometimes. It is good to sing! Using the poetry and prose written by witnesses of God's love we can connect the message of the day with tangible words of encouragement or story from days gone by. Not everyone likes to sing, I know, but it is a great way to share words. Plus, we get to make a joyful noise for the Lord (see Psalm 98:4). We added Opportunities for Ministry at the end of worship. This is a time to consider how we can take the message from our worship time out into the world. I will share ideas with you and invite you to share idea's as well. So really not all that different. Just some tweaks as we work towards finding the best balance for our time together. Ideally, we would have time together everyday to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. Until that day comes, we will do our best with the hour we have set aside for worship. I pray that you find worship uplifting, life-giving, and love-filled. This last Sunday, singing the songs of my heart, was all of that and more for me! Thank you for giving me the space and support to worship with you, not just lead. It is a beautiful gift to me, and I treasure it very much. -Pastor Angie CHRIST METHODIST WOMEN Christ Church has 3 Women’s Groups that meet monthly. The three groups come together at times during the year for fellowship or planning. If you would like more information about one of these groups or to join them, please contact: Joy Circle: Tuesday, Feb. 3 - 9:30 am at Checkered Churn Joy Circle: Jan Neale at 715-536-8335 ----------------------------------------------Ruth Circle: No February Meeting Ruth Circle: Nancy English at 715-536-6885 ----------------------------------------------Women’s Evening Fellowship: Women’s Evening Fellowship: Violet Woller at 715-539-2906 Tuesday, Feb. 10 - 6:30pm At Christ United Methodist Church, our Sunday school classes meet monthly on either the 3rd or 4th Sunday of each month (see schedule below). Classes are held from 9:00 – 10:15am for children in grades K-5. - Amy & Kelli, Co-Teachers/Superintendants Feb 15 (Prepare ashes for Ash Wed/Lent March 29 (Palm Sunday) April 26 May 10 (Mothers Day) Questions? Please call the church office. Imagine No Malaria. To some that is like saying "Imagine no Cancer". Words like “unbelievable, huge, impossible” come to mind. But someday, through the efforts of United Methodists and our partners, ending deaths and suffering from malaria can be a reality. Malaria is a big problem, or a little one, depending on your perspective. It is a big disease that spreads through little, tiny creatures. Malaria is not a sickness that many of us will ever get. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is carried by mosquitoes, which live and breed in stagnant, unmoving water. Malarial mosquitoes bite around 2 o’clock in the morning, which makes bed nets such an effective and preventative tool. A few years ago someone was moved by compassion and common sense. He thought, why not protect your loved ones while they sleep? If you could sleep without worry, then you could get good rest. And we, along with many others in the world, sent $10 for a bed net. Today, the United Methodist Church, Bill and Melinda Gates, and many, many others have decided that enough is enough. Malaria needs to be stopped. People need to be free from the fear and the sickness that those tiny pests bring. People need to be able to imagine that one day we could have a world without malaria. In fact, we need to see that day come; it is time to act. Christ United Methodist Church and Wildwood Chapel have joined the WI Annual Conference with pledges to fight malaria. We pledged to support the effort with our financial gifts. Our gifts will be used to eradicate malaria by providing bed nets, community-based education, and treatment to help our neighbors in Africa sleep without fear of this deadly disease. Our gifts - the gifts of the people of the United Methodist Church – along with the gifts of other Christians, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and our other partners are making this possible. Wildwood Chapel has pledged $250. Or you could think of it as $10 for each person in worship this Sunday. This congregation has pledged to be sure that a family their size would be covered. The dime-a-week jar up front is the collection point. So far they have raised $178 of the $250 pledged. Christ Church has pledged $1,000. Beginning in February, we will hang up a net full of mosquitoes in our sanctuary to remind us of our goal to get rid of the dangerous bug. Now through our spring fish boil, we will focus on sharing information and raising funds to meet our goal. The spring fish boil proceeds will be used to top off our gift and hopefully finish our commitment. Imagine a day with no more malaria...what a glorious day that will be! Page 9 Christ Church Volunteers Thank you to those who volunteer to keep our Sunday morning hospitality and ministry staffed. Please call or e-mail the church office, or sign up on the table. WORSHIP LEADER February 1 Wayne Pugh February 8 Nikki Sterling February 15 Art Lersch February 18 Little Jo Hernandez February 22 Lana Lowe SONG LEADER February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 PEACE CANDLE February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 __________ Cheryl Schulz Ginny Schaper Ginny Schaper Wayne Pugh Ginny Schaper Ted Woller Rachel Bergmann COUNTING TEAM February 1 4 February 8 1 February 15 2 February 22 3 ACOLYTES February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Daniel Ricci Rachel Bergmann Daniel Ricci Rachel Bergmann Debi McGregor Dick Olson Nicole Doering Kathy Blake Shelly Hasenberg Cindy Klessig Randy Weege 2/2 2/5 2/7 2/8 2/8 2/8 2/12 GREETERS February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Paulette, Chrissy & Nicole ___________________ Ted & Violet Woller ___________________ COFFEE FELLOWSHIP February 1 Rosemary Schielke February 8 _______________ February 15 Ted & Violet Woller February 22 No C/F - Dan Dick lunch NURSERY February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Colleen Chartier Sharon & Little Jo Hernandez Tanya Sliwinski Cindy & Bob Klessig SCRIP SALES February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Dawn Schroder-Silvela Becky Yorde Little Jo Hernandez Sheila Drury FOOD PANTRY Deliver Week of Feb. 26: Little Jo & Sharon Elida Berndt Carolyn Kniess Phyllis Kretschmer Leslie Hopp Scott Lonie Angela Hernandez Little Jo Hernandez 2/14 2/15 2/17 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/27 Tue RED BUCKET 23 Admin 6:30 C Finance 5:00 C 16 --- Pastor ------ 9 24 Trustees 6:30 17 ---- Angie ------ WEF 6:30 10 Care 5:00 3 Joy Circle 9:30 at Checkered Missions 6:00 C Churn 2 Mon The collection will go towards Dresses for Africa. On February 1we will pass the Red Bucket. Disciple 4:00 C Dream Big 11:30 @ Christ Church C,W 22 Bible Study 9:00 C Disciple 4:00 C Youth 12:00 C Sun. School 9:00 C Bible Study 9:00 C 15 Scrip Order Confirmation 6:00 W Disciple 4:00 C Youth 12:00 C Bible Study 9:00 C 8 Communion W Disciple 4:00 C Youth 12:00 C Bible Study 9:00 C Scrip Order 1 Communion C Sun Choir 7:00C 25 Lent Service 6:30 C Choir 7:00 C Ash Wednesday Service 6:30 C 18 --- Out --------- Choir 7:00 11 Choir 7:00 Worship 6:30 4 Wed 26 19 --Education------ 12 WW UMW 1:00 5 Thu February 2015 -- Retreat ------Sunday Worship W = 9:00 am C = 10:30 pm C = Christ Church W = Wildwood WEF - Women’s Evening Fellow- 28 21 ----Feb. 17--------- 14 -- Convocation at Wesley -------- 7 Sat --- Confirmation-- 27 Pastor Sabbath 20 ---Returning------- 13 ----- Laity ------- Pastor Sabbath 6 Fri
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