THE LORD’S DAY – MASSES Saturday Evening – 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon, 7:00 p.m. Sunday: 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Weekdays: 6:45 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturdays & Summer Weekdays: 6:45 a.m., 8:00 a.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 7:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday, 12:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Through Baptism, we become Children of God & members of the household of faith. Children should be baptized in the faith community to which their parents belong, that is, the Parish in which they are registered and active members. Call the rectory to make arrangements. Parents are reminded that godparents must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are actively practicing their faith. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify one of the parish priests in the event of serious illness. Communal celebrations of the Anointing will be held twice yearly. Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Desmond – Pastor Rev. Patrick R. Flannery – Parochial Vicar Rev. Esterminio Chica – Parochial Vicar, [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Benjamin A. Piazza – Senior Priest Rev. Msgr. Michael E. Kelly – Weekend Assistant Jackie Alworth – Pastoral Assoc. for Faith Formation Edward Karpinski – Pastoral Assoc. for Faith Formation Sr. Justine Pinto, O.P. – Pastoral Associate Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. – RCIA Coordinator Joseph J. Wozniak – Organist /Music Director Larry Petrallia – Maintenance Director Mary McHugh (Mrs. James) – Trustee Dr. Carmine LoMonaco – Trustee Brian Bambrick - Parish Pastoral Council President SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Church law requires that a wedding should take place in the parish to which either the bride or groom belong. Arrangements should be made ideally one year in advance of the proposed marriage. Rectory: 219 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell NJ 07006 Tel: 973-226-0221 Fax: 973-226-2204 Website: Email: [email protected] SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Penance) Saturday: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm; and after the 5:30 pm Mass Parish Center: 253 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell NJ 07006 Religious Ed., 973-226-0209 Ext. 31; Fax: 973-226-0923 Jackie Alworth, Religious Education PreK-6th - Ext. 35 Ed Karpinski, Religious Education 7th & 8th grades – Ext. 29 Religious Education Email: [email protected] Social Concerns, Sr. Justine - Ext. 37 RCIA, Sr. Alice Uhl – Ext. 30 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS–RCIA The catechumenate is a process for adults desiring Baptism; for Christians of other denominations wishing to enter the Catholic Church; and for adult Catholics who wish to complete their Christian initiation with First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Call Sister Alice for details. TRINITY ACADEMY, a Middle States accredited school, provides education for the whole person: mind, body and soul. Trinity Academy is co-sponsored by St. Aloysius, Notre Dame and Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament parishes. 235 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, NJ 07006 Tel: 973-226-3386 Fax: 973-226-6548 Principal – Mary Cassels Website: Trinity Academy Early Childhood Center Newly located on the Caldwell Trinity Academy Campus 235 Bloomfield Avenue, Caldwell, NJ 07006 Tel: 973-226-3386 Fax: 973-226-6548 Principal – Mary Cassels Website: PARISH MEMBERSHIP Welcome! Every Catholic should be registered in the Parish, become active in the life of St. Aloysius, and be known to one of the parish priests. Letters of testimony for godparents and sponsors will not be given unless one is registered. We are a stewardship parish, sharing time, talent and treasure. When moving, please notify the parish office. FAITH DIRECT Faith Direct is an electronic alternative to collection envelopes. Call the rectory for info. February 1, 2015 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Masses for the Week 7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Anne Lutz by Rose Garvey 10:30 am-Irene Carroll by McDonough Family 12:00 noon-Eleanor A. Callahan by Sheila Callahan 5:00 pm-Benjamin SErico by Wife and Sons 7:00 pm-Dr. Oscar Ruiz by Kathy Keegan SATURDAY, JANUARY 31 Vigil: (Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 5:30 pm-Michael A. Inglesino by Judy & Mike Inglesino SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time) 7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Josephine Grenci by Family 10:30 am-Caroline Van De Mark by Mom, Dad & Eileen 12:00 noon-Joseph Del Guercio, Jr. by Mom & Dad 5:00 pm-Hernando Sanchez by Paola Riuz 7:00 pm-Emily D`Aloia MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (The Presentation of the Lord) 6:45 am-Maria & Ambrose Grizzetti by Eloise & Richard Grizzetti 8:00 am-Mary & Michael Guiliano by Peggy 12:00 noon-James & Elsie Dougherty by Maureen Durr TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 (Weekday) 6:45 am-Sally Reidy by Eloise & Richard Grizzetti 8:00 am-Francine Corbo by Daughter 12:00 noon-William Rosa by Ann Chieppa WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 (Weekday) 6:45 am-Joe Mike Petersen by Sue & Jim O’Connor 8:00 am-Muriel Abbott by Kim DiGuilio 12:00 noon-Carmen Berra by Gerald D`Anton THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 (Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr) 6:45 am-Patricia Ann Hoatson by Sue & Jim O’Connor 8:00 am-Marcella & Carlton Bailey 12:00 noon-James Monaco by Family FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 (Saint Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs) 6:45 am-Joseph Perrotta by Laurie Wozniak 8:00 am-Phil Chiauzzi by M/M S. Prestifilippo 12:00 noon-Lillian Ferrara by Michael & Susan Mignone Saturday Memorial Mass James Brown, Fr. Robert Jacunski, Ellen Payne, Betty Pimblott, William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. Votive Lights for Sanctuary and Shrines Arrangements may be made in person at the Rectory, Mon. to Fri., 9:00 to 5:00. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: Special Intention. THE SHRINE AREAS VOTIVES THIS WEEK: OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, MOTHER CABRINI, SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA: 1. In Memory of the Deceased Children of our Parish. ST. JUDE, ST. ALOYSIUS, ST. PATRICK: 1. In Memory of Gertrude Barrett by Sadie. 2. In Memory of James Brown by Rodano Family. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 12:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come and spend some time with our Lord. Novena Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 (Weekday) 6:45 am-Dominico Cioffi by Lois Caruso 8:00 am-Parish Memorial Mass 5:30 pm-Maria & Giacomo Ciacciarelli by Gus & Connie Ciacciarelli “Please support our advertisers … They make our bulletin possible.” Thank you. February 1, 2015 The Ministry of Prayer “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) “.…A time to be born….” Newly Baptized: Rocco Antoniello, Jr., Nicolette Joan Bucco, Charles Daniel Hildrith, Sarah Marian Tortorella. LENTEN FAITH SHARING GROUPS You are invited to join a Faith Sharing Group during the Lenten Season. The groups will meet on Monday evening 7:00-8:30pm and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00pm. We will be focusing on Lent and the readings at the weekend Liturgies. The groups will begin on Feb. 23rd and Feb. 25th. Please sign up if you are interested in attending one of the sessions. “.…A time to be healed….” Sick list: Bob Beck, Barbara Belton, Robert Brown, Steven Brown, John Bryer, Loraine Callanan, Michael Cassels, Jeanette Chrisafiss, Mary Comer, Meghan Crane, Diane Cusic, Joseph Cusic, Rose Dadino, Virna Delgado, Joseph DelGuercio, Betty DiGidio, Sophie Donahue, Ray Dowling, Loretta Flannery, Joanne Galinis, Jennifer Gilman, Ambrose Grizzetti, Julio Gomez, Dorothy Green, Patrick Guiliano, Cihan Hazer, Betty Kapchus, Joseph Kearney, Jr., James Kearns, Dolores Landon, Gary Madera, Ceil Malizzi, Brian Martin, Francis McMurray, Judy Miller, Donald Moglia, Pat Mullany, Andy Napolitano, Charles O’Connell, Sara Onorato, Janice Ott, Catherine B. Perry, Catherine Petrallia, Joseph Pirrello, Peter Pirrello, Lori Pratt, Judy Prebyzerski, Heather Puff, Donald Quinn, Richard Reilly, Maria Reynoso, Jeff Rivers, Norbert Sax, Rosemary Scott, Mickey Rosamilia, Giovanni Sereno, Salvatore Sereno, Veronica Serio, Thomas F. Sheelen, Amy Spears, Bill Stevens, Marie Stickelberger, Bart Taranto, Danny Taylor, Marie Toohey, James Tressito, Janice Lynn Tressito, Joseph Tressito, Bernadette Twomey, Sharon Twomey, Mary Lynn Ventola, Paula Villaggio, Lenard Wojtala. “……A time to die……” Deceased: James Brown, Fr. Bob Jacunski, James McCarthy. “…A time for war and a time for peace…” For national and world leaders and for those in the armed services, especially Glenn Berdela, Michael Berdela, Corey Charkowske, Thomas L. Comer, Blaine Douglas, Greg Durso, Brian Feddeler, Randall Ferrara, David Fox, Jason Garrison, Edward Gibbons, Andrew Hamstra, Michael C. Howley, Joseph Robert Hyer, Katherine Comer Irish, Dan Kinville, Joshua Kownacki, Patrick Lynch, Michael McHugh, Christopher McKitrick, Connor McMullan, Matthew O’Hern, Michael Piela, Craig Porte, Rose Poyourow, Stasia Rogacki, Stephen Rogacki, T. J. Rooney, Anthony Salerno, Adriane Paul Simone, James Sturla, Daniel Talouzzi, David G. Testa, Joseph Venutolo, Jonathan Whitehead. Amen. Take this list home with you and use it in your daily prayers. “Troubled pregnancy? Call Birthright 973-743-2061” Please return this form to Sr. Justine by February 11th. NAME______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________ E-Mail______________________________________ Preference of session. Monday __________________ 7:00 - 8:30 pm Wednesday ________________ 1:30 - 3:00 pm Questions, call Sister Justine 973-226-0209 x37 or Email: [email protected]. ************************************************ St. Aloysius Book Club Meets on Thursdays at 7 pm, on the first floor of the Parish Center. The next book selections: Feb. 26, "A Painted House" by John Grisham; Mar. 26, “The Husband Secret” by Liane Moriarty. As always, Happy Reading. All are invited for good conversation & good company. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO: Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized? Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about your faith. Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist during the Easter season. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm, accepting setting. For information, please contact Sister Alice. (973-226-0209 X30; [email protected]) February 1, 2015 Dear Parishioner͕ In a powerful act of authority, Jesus casts out an unclean spirit in today’s Gospel. How we need that power for purity in today’s culture! God has given us marriage as the only valid sexual union, but the world rejects that teaching. Not only is there widespread premarital sex and homosexual practices, but so many couples are living out of wedlock. The Church has God’s authority to teach His law of sexual purity, and teaches it. It teaches that all sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong. It teaches that masturbation outside of marriage, homosexual activity, premarital sex, adultery, impure thoughts and desires, and the pornographic books, films and TV programs are immoral and seriously sinful and harmful. In marriage itself, the goodness, holiness and wholesomeness of the marriage act must be cherished and guarded. The only honest form of family planning is Natural Family Planning. The Church teaches it worldwide. How grateful I am that when I was young the Church clearly and strongly taught me God’s law. Nothing else could have given me the strength to struggle for purity. Now it is our turn to teach by word and conduct the young among us. Some people think they can ignore this authoritative teaching without consequence, but they are wrong. Medical doctor Herbert Ratner states, “If you don’t listen to nature, if you ignore her, she hits you right back.” He suggests that the epidemic of venereal diseases, etc. is nature’s way of showing that God’s law is being broken. Ages ago St. Augustine said that every sin carries its own punishment, which God allows but does not will positively. We know that alcoholism can kill, and drugs can kill. So too can promiscuous sex. It can kill bodies and souls and marriages. Many people thought that premarital sex in “trial marriages” would make for better marriages. Researchers of that conviction did a survey and were shocked to learn that those who lived together before they married were more likely to divorce than those who had not. God’s law is always for the good. The world is so blind in its worship of sex that many think those who don’t marry either hate marriage or are unnatural. But if a person spends what money he has to buy a house and not a car, is it because he hates cars or because he prefers houses? Similarly, Christians who give up marriage do it not because they don’t long for marriage but because they long more for God. They begin to live in an imperfect way here on earth the life of union with God that we’ll all live in Heaven. In Heaven, Jesus taught, “they are neither married nor given in marriage, but live like the angels.” So Jesus calls us to be pure in the use of sex, or even to begin now to live like the angels for the love God. We can’t keep pure by our own powers but only by the grace of God. St. Paul helps us want it by telling us that the impure cannot enter the Kingdom of God, and that our bodies are not for immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord is for our bodies. We keep chaste for His sake, as the ever Virgin Mary did. She will help all her children to live chastely in marriage or in the single state, if only we ask her. Christ Jesus is God, and God can do whatever He pleases, and He is pleased to keep us pure. Once, on the Sea of Galilee, He made the roaring winds and the waves lie down. He can do the same with our unruly passions. But we must want to be faithful to Him, and want the gift enough to struggle and pray for it. Strive for purity. Let us all pray for that grace today and always. In Jesus through Mary, Fr. Flannery GIVING TREE THANK YOU NOTES Interfaith Hospitality Network Montclair, NJ Dear Parishioners, We just picked up all the presents from your parishioners. Boy were there a lot! Thank you so much for making this Christmas a wonderful one for our children. Angie Benedict, IHN Sisters of Saint Dominic, St. Catherine Convent, Caldwell, NJ Dear St. Aloysius Parishioners, THANK YOU! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! It cannot be said enough to express our gratefulness for the wonderful Christmas gifts you sent us here at St. Catherine Convent and Health Care Center. Your generosity and thoughtfulness have and continue to be outstanding. As benefactors you are in our prayers not only at this joy-filled Christmas season but in our daily prayers throughout the year. May you and your families have a Merry Christmas and a grace-filled New Year. Sister Jane Marie and Sisters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ February 1, 2015 SOUPERBOWL SUNDAY JANUARY 31st & FEBRUARY 1st It is now less than 8 weeks until the Women’s Day of Reflection (Saturday, March 7, 2015) and Catholic Men’s Conference (Saturday, March 14, 2015)! We are anticipating record numbers of registrants; will you be one of them? EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION of $5 off the regular price. This is only available with online registration. MORE THAN 20 YEARS AGO, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: “Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat.” Since that day, more than $81 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving. Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday, January 31st & February 1st after all Masses. Every dollar will be donated to Father Mino’s mission. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Schedule Dates: February 1st and 15th. The children attending the sessions during Mass have been actively praying, listening and participating. We ask parents to continue to encourage their young children to participate during the 9:00am Mass on the dates listed above. If you are interested in joining the CLOW team or assisting with the monthly sessions, please contact Lynda Vincenti 973-2274084 or Ed Karpinski 973-226-0209 x 29. Thank you. At these exciting annual Archdiocesan events you will learn about and be inspired to grow in your faith, hear wellknown Catholic speakers, participate in the holy Mass, and have the opportunity to go to confession! An adoration chapel will be available for prayer all day. One of the most exciting parts of the day is being able to experience wonderful Christian fellowship with other like-minded Catholics. Please spread the word and let all your friends know about these inspirational Catholic events! Invite a friend, family member, and especially a fellow parishioner. We can guarantee you will not regret it. SUPER BOWL SUNDAY FEB. 1, 2015 Welcome to the #HT CHALLENGE The HT challenge is a social media campaign that will take place leading up to and the day of the Super Bowl to spread the message of abolishing modern day slavery. In preparation for Super Bowl Sunday, the NJ Coalition against Human Trafficking is mobilizing the nation to deter an increase in human trafficking activities that are often associated with large sports events. The NJ Coalition is working closely with the NJ Attorney General’s Office and the NY Commission on Human Trafficking. Taken from #HT Challenge- Stamping out Human Trafficking during Half Time. Let us continue to pray for the abolition of human slavery and let us also be aware of any activities in our neighborhoods that may be promoting human trafficking. The words we hear on TV are “If you see something say something”. Sister Justine February 1, 2015 Trinity Academy is proud to be a Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service Come visit us. 973-226-3386 A Dozen Reasons to Choose Catholic Schools • We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence. • We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children. • We set high standards for student achievement and help them succeed. • We provide a balanced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life. • We use technology effectively to enhance Saint Aloysius Parish Lenten Soup Suppers 2015 During the season of Lent you are invited to enjoy a Soup Supper on February 27, March 6 & March 13. It is an evening for the whole family to share a Lenten meal with other parishioners and families. We will begin with prayer at 5:45 (right after the 5:15 Lenten Mass). Soup will be served immediately following the opening prayer. Our meal is shared in the parish gym/ auditorium. A free willing offering/donations will be sent to various organizations. The menu will include three kinds of homemade meatless soups, fresh bread and crackers, beverages and cookies. In order to prepare for the event we will need to know the number of persons attending. Please complete and return the tear off below to the Rectory or Parish Center and indicate the evenings you will attend and the number of children and adults. Please put Lenten Soup Suppers on the return envelope. -----------------------------------------------------------------Family Name ________________________________ education. • We instill in students the value of service to others. • We teach children respect of self and others. • We emphasize moral development and selfdiscipline. • We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders. • We have a 99 percent high school graduation rate. Eighty-five percent of our graduates go to college. • We cultivate a faculty and staff of people who are dedicated, caring and effective. • We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all. National Catholic Education Association * Date of Soup Supper: February 27: Number attending adults_____________ children___________ Please respond by February 20th Volunteer? Name ___________________ Phone # _________________ March 6: Number attending adults____________ children _____________ Please respond by February 27th Volunteer? Name ___________________ Phone # _________________ March 13: Number attending adults ____________ children_____________ Please respond by March 6th Volunteer? Name ___________________ Phone # _________________ Please call Sister Justine at 973-226-0209 x37 or Dee Taylor at 973-226-0209 x32 to sign up or for additional information. Senior Homecare By Angels Select Your Caregiver! COMPLETE LANDSCAPE DESIGN LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Michael Cecere & Tomas Verrone Established 1985 Phone: 973-226-3002 State Lic. # 0021960 SETON PAINTING Interior • Exterior Wallpapering Residential • Commercial Fully Insured • Free Estimate Taras Malsky (973) 207-6536 LOVING AND CARING HEALTH CARE SERVICES INC. NORTH CREEK LANDSCAPES Serving the Caldwell Area Since 1990 • All Phases of Landscaping • Tree Removal • Snow Removal • Bulk Materials for Sale (topsoil, mulch etc.) 973-618-1108 Our services include: * Assistance to appointments * Transportation & errand services providing life enhancing activities * Meal preparation & grocery shopping * Medication reminders * Watering of plants * Pet care * Other home needs Our professionals and dependable caregivers are available for your loved ones as long as needed - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Should the need arise, caregivers are also available to provide care at home, hospital or other facility. LUXURIOUS RETIREMENT LIVING World-Class Service | Stunning Homes Top-notch Dining | Indoor Pool & Gym Health Care Center Visit to see 3-D Floor Plans and a schedule of upcoming events. (973) 738-9551 459 Passaic Ave | West Caldwell 973-276-3001 Visiting Angels of Suburban Essex NEW JERSEY LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS LUNA-MAR MOTEL Richard J. Codey, Owner ~ NJ License No. 3175 Garrett C. Jones, Manager/Owner ~ NJ License No. 3904 1201 N. Ocean Ave., Seaside Park, NJ 08752 CODEY & JONES FUNERAL HOME Provides non-medical care services to seniors, elderly, mentally and physically challenged adults. We serve clients that are transitioning back to home from assisted living, hospital, nursing home or rehabilitation facility. • Up to 24 Hour Care • Hourly & Live-In Rates • Personal Care & Hygiene • Meal Preparation & Housekeeping • Errands & Transportation Comfortable Oceanfront Lodging 973-226-6696 732-793-7955 54 ROSELAND AVENUE, CALDWELL, NJ 07006 Preplanning is simple, affordable and transferable E-mail: [email protected] Roses Life Chiropractic, P.C. Dr. Toniann Roses • Dr. Dean Sottile 555 Passaic Ave. Suite 204 West Caldwell, NJ 973-575-6651 470 Mountainview Ave., Ste B, Orange, NJ 07050 Phone: 862-766-5044 • Fax: 862-766-5056 Licensed, Bonded, & Insured Convert your old paper or digital photos into SLIDESHOW MOVIES complete with motion, transitions, and music • [email protected] Al De’Meo - (973) 204-8380 Stefanie Peters - (973) 985-1935 Tom Gress - (973) 902-3252 465 Eagle Rock Avenue Rosela Roseland, New Jersey 07068 Sunrise Kitchens Catering... 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(973) 610-9909 JANUARY 19, 2015 1:07 PM Forte Professional Organizer Let me help you clear your clutter and RUJDQL]H \RXU KRPH RU RI¿FH Pizzeria & Ristorante Call: 973-222-9365 Voted #1 Take Out in NJ by NJ Monthly Magazine Email: [email protected] 182 Bloomfield Ave., Caldwell Parishioner Tel: 973-403-9411 Fax: 973-043-9418 Paintland “For All Your Home Decorating Needs” 973-226-7916 311 Bloomfield Ave. Caldwell 10% OFF your order with coupon 749 Bloomfield Ave West Caldwell 973.403.6790 St. Aloysius, Caldwell, NJ 04-1107 Four Generations of Funeral Service…One Standard of Excellence Paul Ippolito - Dancy Memorial OWNED AND SUPERVISED BY THE PROUT FAMILY SINCE 1924 9 Smull Ave., Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 973-226-1166 Paul C. Ippolito, IV, Manager • NJ Licensed Funeral Director No. 4050 Anthony J. Ippolito, Funeral Director • NJ Licensed Funeral Director No. 4235 THREE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Fair Lawn Fairfield Norwood WWW.REINERAC.COM 201-794-3700 973-276-7900 201-768-7880 Bergwall Law Firm, P.C. Attorneys at Law %ORRPÀHOG $YH &DOGZHOO 1- 973.403.1040 Sal Basile Home Improvement 973-276-6100 (Phone) 165 Passaic Avenue Fairfield, NJ 07004 370 Bloomfield Ave., Verona, NJ 07044 973-239-2060 Frank M. Prout Senior Director A general practice firm specializing in personal injury, real estate, wills and estate plans, long-term care planning & commercial transactions Painting - Spackle - Tile All Renovations and repairs. 973-418-7019 Tom Bergwall, Esq. St. Aloysius Parish Council Member NJ Lic. No. 3371 HARRY J. HERZ J. VALENTE PLUMBING & HEATING COOLING ATTORNEY AT LAW Personal Attention and A Commitment to Excellence DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW NJ Lic. No. 1858 Robert J. Prout Funeral Director High Pressure Water Jetting of Drains & Sewer Lines Video Camera Inspections Water Heaters • Boilers DEBORAH K. PALMERI NJ &HUWL¿HG (QJOLVK 7HDFKHU 34 Years Teaching experience Grades 7 - 12 TUTORIAL SERVICES: SAT • SAT Essays • Literature ACT • Grammar College Essays • Writing 973-228-4433 T: 973.228.7526 NJ Lic. #9100 E:[email protected] Divorce/Separation • Custody/Visitation Child Support/Alimony • Enforcement Domestic Violence • Annulment • Adoption REAL ESTATE Purchase & Sale Closings • Mortgage Refinancing MUNICIPAL COURT DWI & Traffic Offenses Criminal • Expungement BANKRUPTCY Over 30 Years of Experience and Integrity 973-857-1800 25 Pompton Ave., Verona, NJ 07044 THOMAS M. CONNOR M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.C. Board Certified Pediatric and Adolescent Cardiologist TRAIN DINER Senior Citizens Dinner Specials $9.95 Automation Solutions For Your Home Technology Solutions For Your Business 101 Old Short Hills Road, Suite 104 West Orange, NJ Served From 3 PM - 8 PM (Mon.-Sat.) 548 Passaic Ave., West Caldwell, NJ Mention this Ad for a Free Gift with Purchase! 4-14 Saddle River Road Fair Lawn, NJ Tel: 973-227-5694 • Fax: 973-227-8183 973-226-0100 • 201-794-1366 973-731-5550 Parishioner and Trinity Academy Family FARMER FUNERAL HOME 45 Roseland Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068 • 973-226-1111 SHOOK’S CEDAR GROVE FUNERAL HOME, INC. 486 Pompton Avenue (Rt. 23) Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 • 973-239-1489 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JANUARY 19, 2015 1:07 PM St. Aloysius, Caldwell, NJ 04-1107
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