Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 25, 2015 Dear Parishioners, Last weekend, Pope Francis celebrated his final Mass in Luneta, Manila, wrapping up a meaningful and compassionate visit to the Philippines. With an estimated number of six million in attendance, it was the largest single gathering around a single person in human history! The Holy Father’s focus during his visit was upon the poor and he spent much of his time sharing the love and mercy of God with those who are suffering the most. In the Holy Father’s homily during his final Mass he said; “Sometimes, when we see the troubles, difficulties and wrongs all around us, we are tempted to give up. It seems that the promises of the Gospel do not apply; they are unreal. But the Bible tells us that the great threat to God’s plan for us is, and always has been, the lie. The devil is the father of lies. Often he hides his snares behind the appearance of sophistication, the allure of being ‘modern’ or, ‘like everyone else.’ He distracts us with the promise of ephemeral pleasures, superficial pastimes - so we squander our God- given gifts by tinkering with gadgets; we squander our money on gambling and drink; basically, we turn on ourselves. We forget to remain focused on the things that really matter. We forget to remain children of God, at heart. That is sin: [to] forget at heart that we are children of God. For children, as the Lord tells us, have their own wisdom, which is not the wisdom of the world.” Pope Francis reminds us that as disciples of Jesus Christ, we have to continually struggle to keep the needs of others, especially the poor and most vulnerable before our own. Even if it seems that our contribution isn’t making much of a difference, it does - and we must never tire of being the face of Christ to the world around us. Queridos Parroquianos, En la semana pasada, nuestro querido Papa Francisco celebró su ultima Misa en las islas Filipinas, acabando su visita allá. Esa Misa en la ciudad de Manila atrajo casi seis millones de feligresas. Durante su visita el se enfocó a la pobreza y el sufrimiento de la gente allá y les desplegó la cara amorosa de Cristo a todos allá. En su homilia de esa Misa el dijo; “A veces, cuando vemos los problemas, las dificultades y las injusticias que nos rodean, sentimos la tentación de resignarnos. Parece como si las promesas del Evangelio no se fueran a cumplir; que fueran irreales. Pero la Biblia nos dice que la gran amenaza para el plan de Dios sobre nosotros es, y siempre ha sido, la mentira. El diablo es el padre de la mentira. A menudo esconde sus engaños bajo la apariencia de la sofisticación, de la fascinación por ser «moderno», «como todo el mundo». Nos distrae con el señuelo de placeres efímeros, de pasatiempos superficiales. Y así malgastamos los dones que Dios nos ha dado jugando con artilugios triviales; malgastamos nuestro dinero en el juego y la bebida; nos encerramos en nosotros mismos. Y no nos centramos en las cosas que realmente importan, de seguir siendo en el fondo hijos de Dios. Como nos enseña el Señor, los niños tienen su propia sabiduría, que no es la sabiduría del mundo. Por eso el mensaje del Santo Niño es tan importante. Nos habla al corazón de cada uno de nosotros. Nos recuerda nuestra identidad más profunda, que estamos llamados a ser la familia de Dios.” Nuestro Papa nos recuerda que nunca debemos fallarse en nuestra compasión y caridad a los demás, especialmente a los mas pobres y mas vulnerables a nuestro lado. Como discípulos de Cristo, debemos siempre y sin descanso compartir la cara del Señor al mundo. In Christ / En Christo, Fr. Cal Christiansen Calendar January 26 - February 1, 2015 Monday, January 26 8:00 a.m. Mass - May Ward, RIP 12:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul, PO 6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group, SH 6:00 p.m. Respect Life Committee, FSR 7:00 p.m. School Commission, School 7:00 p.m. BLD Praise, CH Tuesday, January 27 8:00 a.m. Mass - Holy Souls in Purgatory 3:00 p.m. Wills & Estates, SH 7:00 p.m. Wills & Estates, SH 6:30 p.m. Grupo de Oracion, CH 6:30 p.m. Sacramental Prep, FSR 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts, Gym 7:00 p.m. BLD/DCS, PO Wednesday, January 28 9:00 a.m. Mass - Alfredo Daco, RIP 6:00 p.m. Faith Formation, Teens, Gym 6:30 p.m. Hispanic Faith Formation, CH 6:30 p.m. High School Youth Group, SH 6:30 p.m. Faith Formation (1-5), School 7:00 p.m. BLD, FSR 7:00 p.m. DCS/BLD, PO Thursday, January 29 8:00 a.m. Mass - The Nguyen Families, Int Friday, January 30 7:00 a.m. DENTAL VAN - parking lot & FSR 8:00 a.m. Mass - Dan Whalen, RIP 6:00 p.m. Renewed in Christ, SH 7:00 p.m. PAAM Choir, FSR 7:00 p.m. Missionaries Bible Study, ESS 8:00 p.m. Grupo de oracion, CH Saturday, January 31 9:00 a.m. Young Adults Retreat, Gym 9:00 a.m. Sacramentos y Liturgia, FSR 2:00 p.m. BLD Single Parent Reunion, FSR 7:00 p.m BLD Praise, CH Sunday, February 1 8:00 a.m. Traditional Choir, FSR 9:00 a.m. RCIA, FSR 9:00 a.m. Young Adults Retreat, Gym 10:00 a.m. Traditional Choir, FSR 12:30 p.m. Filipino Leaders, FSR 5:00 p.m. Spanish Choir, CH 6:00 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, Gym Pray Your Rosary “The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all prayers, it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of God … and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary.” Pope St. Pius X, 1835-1914 Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen. St. Augustine, 354-430 C.E. Please offer your prayers for those who are ill: Dave Alin, Casey Alin, Roy Alin, Mina Amlag, Bill Ban, Maria Bobadilla, Dave Brown, Simmie Brown, Sonja Brown, James Williams Carringer, Monica Cline, Steve Cline, Gordon Coffey, Ruth Cook, Steve Cook, Doug De los Angeles, Marie Demski, Zella Dow, Mark Dow, Heather Durbin, Mary Durdy, Douglas Fiechtner, Antonia Fuller, Jobie Coulton-Gores, Frances Green, Jacque Groenig, Mark Hagenah, Mary Haukap, Meredith Huber, Sue Huffman, Bob Hutton, Lenore Hylton, Ron Jay, Steve Jenkins, Beth & Scott Allen Jones, Matthew Kolve, Paul Leonard, Joe Littlejohn, Ann Mallo, Ralph McDonald, Brooke McGaughey, Ally McGaughey, May P. Mendiola, Monina Michaelson, Karen Miller, Mary & Keith Miller, John Morlan, Jaclyn Morris, Joe Ng, Mary O’Keeffe, Gary Oliver, Russell Olsen, Gene Posel, Meda Quisumbing, Shirley Richter, Hazel Rickert, Margarehta Schaulk, Charles Senger, Bob Shay, Colin Springett, John Sullivan, Alberto Tcruz, Phyllis Van Haute, Mary Zgodzinski We especially pray for the Lord’s mercy for all those who were previously on the prayer list and remain chronically ill; also for their families and those who take care of them. If you have recently become critically ill or injured and would like your name in the bulletin prayer list, please call the parish office or have an immediate family member make the call for you. Names will be removed after three months, or sooner at your request. We cannot publish anyone’s name without their knowledge and permission. You may request prayers for the soul of a recently deceased loved one. Please contact the parish office for information. You may request a weekday Mass for the intentions of a living person or for the repose of a soul. THANK YOU! PERPETUAL ADORATION Everyone is welcome in the chapel, any hour of any day, to spend time in prayer and Adoration of the Lord. Please make some time to visit your chapel, even only for a few minutes, to experience the peace of knowing that Jesus is always there for you. He’s waiting to spend time with us and the chapel is open at all times for any of us to visit. Hours that need a committed adorer: Mondays: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (need partner) Tuesdays: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Wednesdays: 4:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. Thursdays: 4:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. Fridays: 1:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Thank you to all our faithful parishioners who continue to donate food, time, help and money for St. Pius funerals. Your contributions are Lazarus Day Center Your pre-made sandwiches are very much appreciated but if you’re unable to make sandwiches, donations of sandwich fixings are also welcome. Any kind of canned food and breakfast cereal works well and is very much needed. Monetary donations help with purchasing food items. Men and women’s clothing are needed and the women’s clothing is exchanged with a women’s shelter. Please bring donations the first Friday of every month between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. The truck leaves promptly at 9:00 a.m. Thank you for your continued help and support! Next truck: Friday, February 6, 2015. St. Vincent de Paul Needs Your Help SUBSTITUTES NEEDED & APPRECIATED … because Adorers need vacations too! Rachel’s Corner Hope and Healing After Abortion Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, beckoning you to accept the invitation, to say “yes” to the urge to believe in a loving God who wants you to be healed and whole again. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ and find healing and wholeness. March 6-8, 2015. For information, call Valerie at (800) 822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting love! Even though the holidays are behind us, our neighbors are in need of help and assistance. Your generous gifts of food and financial support are still needed and necessary. Manila envelopes can be found in the pews every Sunday for any monetary contributions your heart may lead you to give. Please make checks payable to St. Vincent de Paul. Your kind donations of nonperishable food and cash will help make lives just a little easier for our local families in need. We are so grateful to the parishioners of St. Pius X for their continued support and contributions - thank you! Financial Stewardship Report 2014/ Reporte Financiero 2014 Year-to-Date Report for July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015: Reporte Anual Online Giving: Go to our site parish & click the Online Giving logo. Amount Collected Year-to-Date / Cantidad recolectada a la fecha $361,417.71 Goal for Year-to-Date / Meta anual $311,750.00 Amount Ahead (Behind) Budgeted Goal / diferencia (por alcanzar) $ 49,667.71 Weekly Report for January 18, 2015: / Reporte Semanal: hasta al 18 de enero 2015 Needed to meet budget / Lo que se ocupa para lograr nuestro presupuesto: $ 10,750.00 Amount Collected / Cantidad Recolectada: $ 11,724.33 School Endowment Fund / Fondo especial escolar: $ 70.00 St. Pius X School News Dates to Remember: Sunday, 1/25 School Open House, 9:30 am - 12:30 p.m. Kick Off to Catholic Schools Week Tuesday, 1/27 Thursday, 1/29 Friday, 1/30 Wednesday, 2/4 Monday, 2/9 February 13-16 Spelling Bee - 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Family Math Night, 6:00 p.m. Blue Friday School Mass & Benediction - Full uniform EARLY DISMISSAL at 2:00 p.m. Mid-Winter Break, President’s Day No School Wednesday, 2/18 Ash Wednesday Thank you: We are very grateful to the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) who generously supplied the bus for parishioners as well as 7th and 8th grade students to attend the March for Life in Olympia on Tuesday, January 20th. Students oured the capitol building and listened to witness speakers and political representatives from several districts around the state of Washington who gave their support to protect the unborn and elderly. Many thanks, CDA! Catholic Schools Week Open House: Please visit our school for an Open House on Sunday, 1/25 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mark your calendars and bring friends, neighbors and any interested families so we can welcome them and give them information about St. Pius Catholic School! Our school provides: 1) Faith based, academically challenging, preschool through 8th grade classes 2) Close community with parishioners and families 3) Structured and caring environment for children 4) Extended Care Services, technology classes, electives, & Math Club, among other things Family Math Fun Night: Thursday evening, 1/29 and 6:00 p.m. is Math Night for all grade levels and is a great way to meet other parents and encourage students to appreciate math! This is a free family event! Parents and children will benefit by learning different math games together. Many thanks to Robin Sergent, Roger Olsen and Lisa Fox for chairing this fun family evening. Save the Date: ‘Night of the Oscars” Gala Auction, Saturday, 2/21 at the Lynnwood Convention Center. Tickets are on sale in the school office. Many thanks to David & Theresa Lawson and Casey Wynn for all their help and support with this event. THANK YOU FROM OUR WYD YOUTH A huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who contributed to World Youth Day earlier this month! We collected $1,269 from the four Masses which will greatly help the six youths and young adults who are planning to attend WYD 2016. For those of you who would like to donate online, there is a link on the parish website under “Online Giving - Give a New Gift” Know that we keep all of you in our prayers. Gabriel Project Informational Meeting Saturday, January 31st after the 5:30 p.m. Mass In today’s bulletin, you’ll see a yellow flyer that explains to you what the Gabriel Project is all about and how it works. In the Gospel of Luke, the Angel Gabriel told Mary the good news that a child would be born and that She was to be the Mother of Our Savior. When She asked, “How can this be?” the angel told her not to be afraid for ‘nothing is impossible with God.” The Gabriel Project announces the same comforting message to frightened pregnant mothers: Fear not, for God is with you! St. Pius will be hosting a Gabriel Project Informational Meeting on Saturday, January 31st after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. This meeting will be held in the social hall. Paul Robertson, Seattle Archdiocese Gabriel Project Coordinator, will be here to explain more about the ministry and to answer your questions. Snacks will be provided and all are welcome! Thought for the Day “The Lord is much like the air around us. The air is all around us, it is everywhere. Even though we can't see it, it is there, we know it is there, because we are breathing. The Lord is everywhere too, you can't see Him, but He is there, we know He is there, because we are breathing. (Page 183)” Raymond D. Reifinger III You Have the Nerve to Call Yourself A Roman Catholic!
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