CURRENCY NOTE PRESS (A Unit of Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited) Wholly owned by Government of India Nashik Road # 422101 (Maharashtra) (ISO : 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified Unit) Tel.No : 00-91-253-2463730-39,2461471 Fax No: 00-91-2532464100 CIN: U22213DL2006GOI144763 Web: E-mail: [email protected] PR Number 11002418 PR Date 08.01.2015 Indenter WE Department CIVIL Not Transferable Security Classification: TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PURCHASE OF: JOBWORK OF MAINTENANCE OF GARDEN, LAWNS AT CURRENCY NOTE PRESS, NASHIK ROAD Tender Number: 6000005466/CIVILWORKSHOP,CNP, Dated: 28.01.2015 This Tender Document Contains__________Pages. Details of Contact person in SPMCIL regarding this tender: Name: SHEKHAR S KORANNE Designation: Deputy Chief Engineer Address: CNPN (Currency Note Press, Nashik) India Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 T01.1 Tender Number:6000005466 Section1: Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) 6000005466 /CIVILWORKSHOP,CNP 28.01.2015 (SPMCIL's Tender SI No.) (Date) 1. Sealed tenders are invited from eligible and qualified tenderers for supply of following goods & services: Sch Brief Description Quantity Earnest Money Remarks d. of Goods/services (with unit) (In Rs.) No. Jobwork of maintenance of garden 1.000 AU 9500.00INR RS. NINE 1 THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ONLY. 0.00 Maintenance of existing lawn 8000.000M2 1 Maintenance of existing hedges 1800.000M 2 Maintenance of exisiting pots 400.000EA 3 Type of Tender (Two Bid/ PQB/ EOI/ RC/ Development/ TWO-BID Indigenization/ Disposal of Scrap/ Security Item etc.) National Competetive Bid Dates of sale of tender documents: From to during office hours. Place of sale of tender documents NOT APPLICABLE Closing date and time for receipt of tenders 03.03.2015 14:55:00 Place of receipt of tenders CNP, CISF CABIN, NEW ADMN.BLDG., JAIL ROAD, NASHIK ROAD-422 101 Time and date of opening of tenders 03.03.2015 15:00:00 Place of opening of tenders CNP,PURCHASE SECTION,NEW ADMN.BLDG.,JAIL ROAD,NASHIK ROAD-422 101 Nominated Person/ Designation to Receive Bulky SHEKHAR S KORANNE Tenders (Clause 21.21.1 of GIT) Deputy Chief Engineer 2.Interested tenderers may obtain further information about this requirement from the above office selling the documents. They may also visit our website mentioned above for further details. 3. Tender documents may be purchased on payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.500/-per set in the form of account payee demand draft/ cashier#s cheque/ certified cheque, drawn on a scheduled commercial bank in India, in favour of SPMCIL,Unit CNP, payable at Nashik. 4. If requested, the tender documents will be mailed by registered post/ speed post to the domestic tenderers and by international air-mail to the foreign tenderers, for which extra expenditure per set will be Rs.100/- for domestic post and Rs. 200/-for international air-mail. The tenderer is to add the applicable postage cost in the non-refundable fee mentioned in Para 3 above. 5.Tenderer may also download the tender the documents from the website submit its tender by utilizing the downloaded document, alongwith the required non-refundable fee as mentioned in Para 3 above 6.Tenderers shall ensure that their tenders,duly sealed and signed, Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec01.1 Tender Number:6000005466 complete in all respects as per instructions contained in the Tender Documents, are dropped in the tender box located at the address given below on or before the closing date and time indicated in the Para 1 1 above, failing which the tenders will be treated as late and rejected. 7.In the event of any of the above mentioned dates being declared as a holiday/ closed day for the purchase organisation, the tenders will be sold/ received/ opened on the next working day at the appointed time. 8. The tender documents are not transferable. 9. Any queries regarding the tender you may please contact at (0253)2454493 (0253)2461318 and e-mail [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. .......................................... .......................................... (Name Designation, Adress telephone number etc of the officer signing the document) For and on behalf of ........................................... Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec01.2 Tender Number:6000005466 Section II: General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT) Part 1: General Instructions Applicable to all type of Tenderers Please CLICK the link for further details Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec02.1 Tender Number:6000005466 Section III: Specific Instructions to Tenderers (SIT) The following Special Instructions to Tenderers will apply for this purchase. These special instructions will modify/ substitute/ supplement the corresponding General Instructions to Tenderers (GIT) incorporated in Section II. The corresponding GIT clause numbers have also been indicated in the text below: In case of any conflict between the provision in the GIT and that in the SIT, the provision contained in the SIT shall prevail. (Clauses of GIT listed below include a possibility for variation in their provisions through SIT. There could be other clauses in SIT as deemed fit.) Sr No 04 07 08 09 GIT Clause No. 11.2 19 20.4 20.9 Topic SIT Provision Tender Currency INDIAN RUPEES Tender Validity 120 DAYS FROM BID OPENING DATE. Number of copies of Tender to be submitted SINGLE E-Procurement NOT PERMITTED Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec03.1 Tender Number:6000005466 Section IV: General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Please CLICK the link for further details Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec04.1 Tender Number:6000005466 Section V: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) will apply for this purchase. The corresponding clauses of General Conditions of Contract (GCC) relating to the SCC stipulations have also been incorporated below. These Special Conditions will modify/ substitute/ supplement the corresponding (GCC) clauses. Whenever there is any conflict between the provision in the GCC and that in the SCC, the provision contained in the SCC shall prevail. (Clauses of GCC listed below include a possibility for variation in their provisions through SCC. There could be other clauses in SCC as deemed fit) Sl.No GCC Clause . No. 07 19.3 Option Clause Topic 08 09 20.1 21.2 Price Adjustment Clause Taxes and Duties 10 22,22.1,22.2,22 Terms and Mode of Payments .4,22.3,22.6 11 24.1 Quantum of LD SCC Provision PURCHASER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE THE ORDERED QTY BY 25% AT ANY TIME, TILL FINAL DELIVERY DATE OF THE CONTRACT. NOT APPLICABLE IF THE TENDERER FAILS TO INCLUDE TAXES & DUTIES IN THE TENDER,NO CLAIM THEREOF WILLBE CONSIDERED BY PURCHASER AFTERWARDS PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE ON QUARTERLY BASIS ONLY ON SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF JOB THROUGH NEFT/RTGS. 0.5% PER WEEK Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec05.1 Tender Number:6000005466 Section VI: List of Requirements Schedule Breif Description of goods and services (Related Accounting No. Specifications etc.are in Section-VII) Unit 00010 Jobwork of maintenance of garden AU Quantity 1.000 1. Price Validity : 120 days from bid due date. 2. EMD Validity: 45 days more than bid validity i.e. 165 days from bid due date. 3. Bidders to open the link provided in section II and IV take print out of all the documents available and then sign and stamp each and every paper and submit along with the technical tenders. 4. Bidders who empanelled with CNP should submit a self declaration containing Empanellment Number and acceptance towards all terms and conditions of GIT, GCC. These bidders need not submit the said (sections) and financial documents as per section IX. 5. Required terms of Delivery: (a) Required Delivery Schedule : The contract is for one year from the date of receipt of purchase order. (b) Required Terms of Delivery : For CNP Nashik Road. (c) Destination : Currency Note Press, Jail Road, Nashik Road#422 101. 6. All the copies of tenders shall be complete in all respect with all their attachments/enclosures duly numbered. 7. The total cost inclusive of all elements as cited above on FOR Currency Note Press, Nashik Road (Maharashtra), India, basis should be indicated clearly both in words and figures in the price bid. Regd. Office:-Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 Sec06.1 Amount of Earnest Money 9500.00 INR RS. NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED ONLY. 0.00 SECTION VII: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ____________________________________________________ Scope of Work : 1) Maintenance of existing lawns: Quantity : 2000 sq. meter ( ± 10%) Watering thrice a week / daily during summer season.Trimming / mowing as per requirement, de-weeding bi monthly. Manuring quarterly, Replacement / gap filling etc. during monsoon season / as & when required. Spraying/applying with eco-friendly insecticide twice a year/as & when required including the maintenance of existing pop up sprinklers etc. complete. This also includes maintenance of Flower Plants, Creepers being part of the Lawns / Garden. 2) Maintenance of existing Hedges: Quantity: 450 running meter ( ±10%) Watering thrice a week / daily during summer season.Trimming as per requirement, de-weeding bi monthly. Manuring quarterly, Replacement / gap filling etc. during monsoon season / as & when required. Spraying / applying with eco-friendly insecticide twice a year/as & when required. 3) Maintenance of existing show pots / flower pots: Quantity: 100 Nos. (± 10%) Watering daily, Loosening, mulching & adding good soil, manuring & fertilizing etc., thrice a year,Trimming, de-weeding twice a year,Spraying/applying with eco-friendly, insecticide twice a year / as & when required Terms & Conditions: A) Tenderer must inspect the work site, and understand the scope of work before quoting the rates, any negligence shall not be considered later. Scope of work mentioned in the tender document is indicative & may be modified amended as decided by CNP. B) The Contract for maintenance shall be awarded for one year period. C) Monthly Report: The contractor shall also maintain a work report for work completed each month. The same report in English will be submitted to the CNP every month. The CNP shall verify completed work as per the report. Contractor will be responsible for meeting deadlines for the completion of the job. D) The contractor should keep a record of fertilizers, insecticides etc., used in various areas with dates. E) Considering the work scope at various places at least 2 employees of the firm must be present on all working days inside CNP for carrying out the above said maintenance work. F) Responsibility: The landscape contractor’s work shall not hinder other work, either underground or over ground, such as electrical, phone lines, water or sewage lines, etc. In areas of overlap, the landscape contractor shall work in coordination with other related contractors. Any damage by the landscape contractor’s team to such utilities will be penalized and contractor shall be responsible for cost for such damages. G) The contractor will be responsible for being available on site during regular working hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The contractor will have to post qualified employees familiar in similar work, who will attend the day-to-day requirements of the site for one year period. H) PAYMENT TERMS: For item No. 1,2,&3 : i) Payment shall be made on quarterly basis only on satisfactory compliance of all the tender conditions stipulated and performance of the jobsatisfactorily and submission of bills by firm. The break up is as follows:(a) 25 % payment on completion of maintenance of above work for 1st quarter (3 months) (b) 25 % payment on completion of maintenance of above work for 2nd quarter (3 months) (c) 25 % payment on completion of maintenance of above work for 3rd quarter (3 months) (d) 25 % payment on completion of maintenance of above work for 4th quarter (3 months) ii) The successful bidder, to whom work order is placed, shall raise quarterly bill in the 1st week of succeeding quarter for release of payment after fulfilling all the necessary formalities. iii) Proportionate amount from the bill shall be deducted if the contractor fails to comply with any of the responsibilities under the work order/contract. Such amounts shall be decided by the CNP and shall be binding on the contractor. iv) CNP will provide water points at the distance of 30 meters contractor shall use flexible pipe line for extension at his cost. For watering of trees, contractor shall make arrangement of water tankers. I) FIRST AID: The contractor shall be responsible for all first aid to his workmen at site. J) Compensation for damages: The contractor shall be responsible for the all other damages to any person, tools & tackles, animal or property arising out of and incidental to the negligent or defective carryout of this contract. He shall also indemnify the CNP in respect of any costs, charges or expenses arising out of any claim or proceedings and also in respect of any award of compensation or damages arising there from. CNP shall be entitled to deduct the amount of any damage, compensation, charges, costs and expenses arising or occurring from or in respect of, any such claims or damage from any or all sums due or to become due to the contractor, without prejudice to the CNP’s other rights in respect thereof. K) Statutory Requirements: a) The contractor shall have to fulfill all the statutory requirements as per the provisions of law i.e. Contract Labour Act, Minimum wages Act/Payment of wages act, Industrial disputes act 1947 and other related labour legislatures, EPF & MP acts, ESI act etc., indemnify Company from any claims in future or due to any breach of the statutory requirements. The Company, as a principal employer, shall enforce the provisions of these Acts. All statutory requirements shall be scrupulously followed, noncompliance in this regard may lead to necessary action as deem fit. b) Rate of the wages should not be less than minimum wages as prescribed by Ministry of Labour & Employment Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner from time to time. c) The Contractor must have a valid PROVIDENT FUND CODE & ESI CODE and same shall be intimated along with the tender. Note: If the above certificates are not available, the contractor must be in a position to arrange the same within 30 days on award of work order. If not complied, the work order will be cancelled forthwith, no payment will be released and EMD will be forfeited. d) It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure safety to all his workers. e) The Contractor will be required to extend the benefits of "Workmen’s Compensation Insurance’ policy to all of his workmen engaged for the said job. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure safety to all his workers. f) Any untoward incident arising out of improper supervision or inadequate safety measures will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The Contractor shall conform to all the Labour Laws and shall remain solely responsible for the obligation under the relevant statutory provisions. The contractors should properly maintain all necessary first aid kits in their site office and ensure that all its employees are adequately trained in administering first aid in case of emergencies. g) Statutory deduction of taxes shall be made at source as per rule. h) Contractor should provide two set of uniform with Contractors Company’s logo to be displayed on the shirt for easy identification to all his workers engaged. Colour shall be as approved by CNP. i) Any untoward incident arising out of improper supervision or inadequate safety measures will be the sole responsibility of the contractor. The Contractor shall conform to all the Labour Laws and shall remain solely responsible for the obligation under the relevant statutory provisions. L) The agency will have to provide Police verification certificate of its employee / Supervisors. M) The firms shall quote the item rates as per requirement. However consolidated L1 offer will be considered for placing supply order. Note for quantity: 1) Maintenance of existing lawns The existing lawn area is 2000 (+/-10%) However the service proposed is for one year period on qtly total quantity in one year will be 2000 ( ± 10%) x 4 = 8000 square meters ( +/- 10%) 2) Maintenance of existing hedges The existing hedges length is 450 meter (+/-10%) however the service proposed is for one year period on qtly basis so the total quantity in one year will be 450 ( +/- 10% )x 4 nos. = 1800 meter (± 10%) 3) Maintenance of existing show pots / flower plots The existing number of show plots are 100 numbers ±10%)however the service is for one year period on qtly basis so the total quantity in one year will be 100(± 10%)x 4 = 400 nos. (± 10%) Note: Tenderer’s attention is drawn to GIT clause 17 and GIT sub-clause 10.1.The tenderer is to provide the required details, information, confirmations etc., accordingly, failing which it’s tender is liable to be ignored. _______________________________________________________ Section VIII : Quality Control Requirement _______________________________________________________ NIL _______________________________________________________ Section IX: Qualification / Eligibility Criteria ____________________________________________________________ MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 1. The following shall be the minimum eligibility criteria for selection of bidders technically. (a) The bidders shall enclose attested copy of Sales Tax Registration/ VAT Registration & attested copy of PAN. (b) The bidders shall enclose attested copies of audited balance sheet Profit and loss account /Trading account certified by Chartered Accountant for the completed three financial years i.e. for 20112012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The bidder should not have suffered any financial losses for more than one year during the last three years. (c) The bidder may provide experience certificate/Job completion report of similar nature of work done. Bidder to furnish stipulated documents in support of fulfilment of qualifying criteria.Non – submission or incomplete submission of documents may lead to rejection of offer. _______________________________________________________ Section X: Tender Form ____________________________________________________________ To, Currency Note Press, Nasik A Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited Wholly Owned by Govt. of India Nasik Date:- Ref.: Tender Document No.6000005466/Civil Workshop Section dated 28/01/2015. We, the undersigned have examined the above mentioned tender enquiry document, including amendment No. XXX dated XXX (if any), the receipt of which is hereby confirmed. We now offer to supply and deliver Jobwork of Maintenance of Garden; Lawns at CNP in conformity with your above referred document for the sum of XXX as shown in the price schedule(s), attached herewith and made part of this tender. If our tender is accepted, we undertake to supply the goods and perform the services as mentioned above, in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the List of requirements. We further confirm that, if out tender is accepted, we shall provide you with a performance security of required amount in an acceptable form in terms of GCC clause6, read with modification, of any, in Section V – ‘Special Conditions of Contract’ for due performance of the contract. We agree to keep out tender valid for acceptance for a period upto ………. As required in the GIT clause 19, read with modification, if any in Section-III – ‘Special instructions to Tenderers’ or for subsequently extended period, if any, agreed to by us. We also accordingly confirm to abide by this tender upto the aforesaid period and this tender may be accepted any time before the expiry of the aforesaid period. We further confirm that, until a formal contract is executed, this tender read with your written acceptance thereof within the aforesaid period shall constitute a binding contract between us. We further understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive against your above-referred tender enquiry. ………………………………… [Signature with date] ……………………………….. [Name and designation] Duly authorized to sign tender for and on behalf of …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… SECTION XI: Price Schedule TABLE No. 1 SUMMARY OF PRICE SCHEDULE (FOR INDIAN BIDDERS) :PRICES SHOULD BE ON FOR, CNP, NASHIK ROAD BASIS. Tender Notice No:6000005466/2015. Dated:28-01-2015. Description Sr.No. (Service line ) A B Job work – maintenance of garden, lawns at CNP UOM (Unit of measure ment) C M/M2/EA Maintenance of existing lawns as per Technical Specification at section – VII. 010 Maintenance of hedges as per Technical Specification at section – VII. 020 Quantity D Unit Rate Service Sq.Mtr(Rs.) Tax @....% (Rs.) E F Any Other Taxes@..... %(Rs.) G Unit Amount (Rs.) Total Amount (Rs.) H=E+F+G I= H x D (2000 x 4 quarters) 8000 M2 (450 x 4 quarters) 1800 M Maintenance of existing show pots as per Technical Specification at section –VII. 030 (100 x 4 quarters) 400 EACH FOR CNP Nashik price in words……………… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We confirm that there would not be any price escalation during the supply period. We confirm that we will abide by all the tender terms and conditions and we do not have any counter conditions Bidders have to submit their offer strictly as per the above price schedule in their sealed Commercial Bid separately. Price bids with conditions/ counter conditions are liable to be rejected. Price bid should be in the prescribed form. Plain paper/letter head will not be considered. (Name and Signature with date) Office Seal/Stamp SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION XII: QUESTIONNAIRE XIII: BANK GUARANTEE FORM OF EMD XIV: MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORIZATION FORM XV: BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY XVI: CONTRACT FORM XVII: LETTER OF AUTHORITY FOR ATTENDING A BID OPENING XVIII: SHIPPING ARRANGEMENT FOR LINER CARGOES XIX: PROFORMA OF BILLS FOR PAYMENTS Please CLICK the link for further details CHECKLIST FOR BIDDERS 1 2 3 4 PLEASE ENSURE THAT the tender is 2 BID Proforma for Technical bid is to be kept in SEALED COVER super scribing “TECHNICAL BID“ on the cover after confirming: a) Proforma of (Section X: TENDER FORM) along with compliance Statement and all 92 pages of Standard Bid Document is completely filled, stamped and signed. b) D.D. of Rs.500/- towards cost of tender form to be downloaded from website and DD towards Earnest Money are kept in cover. c) Bank RTGS/IFSC details or blank cancelled cheque are kept in cover. d) Other documents required in tenders like VAT Certificate, L.B.T. Registration No., PAN Card/Sales Tax Regn. No. Photostat Copy, Financial documents for last three years duly attested by C.A., Authorization letter etc. is kept in cover. e) For any queries regarding tender you may please contact to Phone No. [0253] 2454493 & or [0253] 2461318. Proforma of price bid(Price break-up)(Section XI: Price Schedule) is filled, with detailed price breakup / tax applicable, signed and is kept in SECOND SEALED COVER super scribing “PRICE BID against CNP Tender No.6000005466 dated 28/01/2015 due on 03/03/2015” on the cover. All the above mentioned two sealed covers are put in a Separate sealed cover Super scribing as” Tender for Jobwork of Maintenance of Garden, Lawns at CNP against C.N.P. Tender No.6000005466 dated 28/01/2015 due on 03/03/2015. Bidders Address for correspondence (at left side bottom corner) with Contact/ Mobile Number, Contact Person & E-Mail address. All correspondences should be addressed with ref. of related subject to :The General Manager, Currency Note Press, [ A Unit of SPMCIL] Jail Road, NASHIK ROAD (MAHARASHTRA STATE) PIN 422101
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