GREEN VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH A United Methodist Congregation Newsletter for January, 2015 WWW.Rev Meeting God; Loving God; God’s Heart; Our Hands Green Valley Community Church seeks to provide opportunities for people to encounter God and assist them to deepen their relationship with God. With God’s heart and the work of our hands, we are able to offer healing and wholeness to our community and our world. Senior Pastor: Rev. Jim Wallasky Associate Pastor: Rev. Jeanne Festa Pastor of Church Growth: Jane Koss GREEN VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH 300 W. Esperanza Blvd. Green Valley, AZ 85614 Phone: 520-625-4712 Fax: 520-625-6518 Resolutions Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) says: “Where there is no vision the people perish.” New Year’s resolutions are as old as the ancient Babylonians. For the Babylonians the two most common resolutions were to 1) pay off outstanding debts, and 2) to return all borrowed farming tools and household utensils. For modern day Americans probably the two most popular resolutions might be to lose weight and quit smoking. Rev. Lonnie Richardson posed this question to his congregation in a January newsletter, He said, “I believe it is good for our New Year’s resolution to include a resolve for God. This is an excellent time to decide on faith and make it the year to attempt a great thing for God as we expect great things from God.” As a Christian there are a variety of ways you can plan for the coming year, coming lifetime. Some suggestions are: Plan to attend Worship 31 Sundays. Plan to take 10 minutes a day reading the Bible or start more slowly with 10 minutes on Sunday, then increase. Include your prayer time with your Bible reading. Plan your prayer time each day. Morning, evening, meal time, driving in the car time, or other time you choose. Plan to attend Sunday school class 10 times this year. Plan to attend 8 Fellowship groups: UMW, Men’s group, Knit and Sew, HOPE lunch, etc. Give 10 hours of volunteer time to the church a week or start out more slowly, 10 hours a month, (not including worship, Sunday School, Fellowship groups). Plan to invite 1 person a month to church. There are still other areas of your life besides church that you can work on to improve your Christian walk: Plan to spend an hour a week, at play, with each of your children (with older adolescents, ask them what they might want from you in the coming year). Spend one hour a week with your spouse or plan a “date” every other month. Write an old fashioned letter to your children, or parents once a month. Call your brothers or sisters twice a year. You think of one or two or three. If you are already doing the things, fantastic. Maybe set a goal to increase them or come up with some goals on your own. Now after you have your goals planned, take your 2015 calendar and pencil them in for the whole year, even the Sundays you plan to attend Worship. (One thing to remember, don’t worry about being confined to your plans. They are not set in stone. As the year progresses you will have to adjust them to make room for the unforeseen) By setting your goals and planning ahead in this manner, you will find the direction you want your life to take and that the urgent will not take over the important in your life. Phil. 4:13 says, “Realizing that I cannot hope to achieve these objectives by my own strength, I will rely upon Christ for I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” Shalom, Happy New Year, Rev. Jim Green Valley Community Church 300 W. Esperanza Blvd. Green Valley, AZ 85614 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PERMIT #12 GREEN VALLEY, ARIZONA OR CURRENT RESIDENT _____________________________ 2015 Worship Times 8:00 A.M. Informal Service, 9:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. Traditional Services Sunday School 9:15, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Radio Broadcast 8:00 A.M. on KGVY 1080 AM Communion is served at the 8:00 service each week and at all services on the first Sunday of the month. Worship Schedule for January January 4, January 11, January 19, January 26, Matthew 2:1 – 12 Genesis 1:1 – 5 & Mark 1:4 – 11 John 1:35 – 42 Rev. Jeanne Festa preaching The Mistake of the Magi That which united and divides us What do you seek? FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR JANUARY, 2015 “O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless God’s name; tell of God’s salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.” Psalm 96: 1-3 What wonderful words these are for the New Year! It is a common theme in the Bible that we celebrate anything new by singing a new song. And in Psalm 96, we are given the additional responsibility of witnessing to the world about God’s glory, and that is for us the good news that Christ came, and the Holy Spirit carries on his work for all time! I want to thank you for all of your cards, gifts and good wishes during the Christmas season. It was such a joy to celebrate with you! I am still feeling the love and joy, and I’m so thankful for the Blue Christmas service, and the tent meeting in November when we all had the opportunity to celebrate together. They were true highlights of the year for me. Plans are well underway for the church’s 50th Anniversary celebration which will culminate on Sunday, February 15th with special worship services at the usual times in the morning, and a banquet that same afternoon at the West Social Center, with two seatings at 2 and 4 PM. We will begin to sell tickets on Sunday, January 4 th between services in the Narthex. We are asking for a donation of $10 per person to help defray the cost of a good dinner, catered by the Arizona Family Restaurant, and a memento which will be presented to each family represented at the dinner. Those who are not in town on January 4 can send their reservations to my care, with your choice of time and a check for $10 each. We will of course waive the cost for special guests and anyone for whom that cost is a burden. Please contact me if that is needed. I pray that the New Year will bring you new blessings as we “Bridge the Future with Hope” into this congregation’s next fifty years. In Christ, Rev. Jeanne Festa Green Valley Community Church 50th Anniversary Celebration February 15, 2015 Please plan to join us at one of our worship services on February 15, 2015 as we celebrate the chartering of Green Valley Community Church on February 22, 1965. Tickets for an afternoon banquet at 2 and 4 PM at West Social Center will go on sale in the Narthex on January 4 between services for $10 per person. Several of our former pastors and spouses will be joining us for the worship and festivities. If you are out of town, send your choice of banquet seating and $10 per person to Rev. Jeanne Festa, at GVCC, 300 W. Esperanza Blvd., Green Valley, AZ 85614. CARING & SHARING Recently Hospitalized Virginia Woodcock Len Defendorf Jim Wilson Bryan LeForgee Wendell Weimer Jack Slagle Elton Hamill Jean Keilholtz Bill Parker In Memoriam Millie Anderson 11-17-14 Barbara Andersen 11-22-14 Donations to the Community Food Bank for the month of December will be reported in the next newsletter. “My family and I want to thank our Church family for the sympathies given to us during Barbara’s illness. You all are dear to our hearts as was Barbara. Special thank you for the hospital visitation friends, as well as Pastor Jim, Jeanne, Ron and the custodians as well.” -Merv Andersen. “I wish I could find the words to thank you for the wonderful farewell you gave me in November, but I am afraid I cannot express to you how much it meant to me. GVCC is a place where people strive to live as Jesus taught and you are so caring and loving. Thank you so much, my prayers for you will continue and wish you all a very Happy New Year.” -Ruth Bender Emmaus Have you ever wondered about the Walk to Emmaus and what happens there? The Walk to Emmaus is a time of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a short course in Christianity. During the three days, you will enjoy singing, learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting, praying, participation in small group discussions, and eating. The objective is to inspire, challenge, and equip you for Christian action in your own life and others. The next Walks are in February. For more information, contact Marilyn Neal at 520-625-6693. Prayer List Joe Banks Ed Barber Aiden Barker J.D. Barnes Karen Bensen Daniel Berg Blasko Family Dan Blodgett Stacy Brown Connor Camacho Amy Carlisle Keegan Davis Howard Dimmit Pat Dodge Evelyn Fee Cindy Feist Holly Garcia Mary Gibson Pat Goolsby Jim Green Elton Hamill Kathie Hinken Sue Hubert Marge Hunte Scott Hurrley Linda Johnson Pat Kennedy Robert Konen Hattie LaFollette Dorothy LaFrance Nancy Lanoue Carolyn Mills Damien McNeil Brianna Melvin Ann Morris Don Peterson Terry Sanchez Gregg Sell Carol Serns Jack Slagle Tom Soto Marilyn Smith Terry Strand Bruce Torrence Donna Treadway Nancy Trotta Helen Tull Carrie Turner Karen Veith D.J. Wartgow Wendell Weimer Jared West Jim Wilson Yarwood Fam. Those deployed overseas Soldiers killedWilliam DuBois, 30, Sgt. Matthew Ammerman, 29 Raymond & Elizabeth Marcucci 7 W. Pinon Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614 232-3320 New members from California Harry & Judy Argetsinger 1029 W. Ashworth, Green Valley, AZ 85614 243-3253 New members from Minnesota MaryBeth Stensgard 1065 S. Horizonte Pl.,. Green Valley, AZ 85614 715-505-3079 ATTENTION COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Please sign up in Johnson Hall for Sunday Coffee for 2015! We need your help or there will be no coffee Time between services! CHECKS FOR THE FOOD BANK Food Bank Sunday is the third Sunday of each month. PLEASE remember to make checks for the food Bank payable to “Community Food Bank.” Do not combine contributions for the church and the Community Food Bank in the same check. JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES Lee Schultz Adam Fertelmes Neva Taylor Mary Lesher Trudy Hugh Ray Jenkins Karen Conley Jim Jennings Madonna Moess David Tobinson Charlie Webber Warren Schupp Harriett Roberts Brianna Melvin Ronald Morris Marjorie Walker Joyce Schupp Vina Losasso Ruth Hirst Esther Geisman Hubert Anderson Jean Reynolds Jean Neely Bill Tucker Cynthia Seaton James Reedy Eileen Ackerman Truman Woodall Shannon Arment David Libby Barbara Day Donna Kline Stan Znamierowski Julia Fertelmes Glenna Snyder Janice Smith Alex Hawley Joan Toltzmann Al Maier Margie Pitzer Angela Kesler Lorain Zimmerman Sarah Alfing Mary Overby 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/5 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/14 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/17 1/17 1/18 1/20 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/27 1/28 1/28 1/29 1/30 1/31 1/31 1/31 1/31 Morris & Myrna Pillers Doug & Marcia Jurgens Benny & Joan Caldwell Rick & Jana Oxenford Paul & Cathy Anderson Bill & Carol Shafer 1/23/59 1/4/64 1/28/95 1/13/96 1/5/97 1/10/2000 Media Ministry Team Update In 2015 the Media Ministry Team hopes to expand to include more members of all ages to assist with activities involving the booth on Sundays, audio visual, lighting, and fun creative projects! Training will be provided!! We welcome anyone that wants to learn and be part of enhancing GVCC’s worship and fellowship experiences. Watch your Church Bulletin for the upcoming “Workshop on Getting to Know Church Media” for a fun time with the Media Team. Contact Sheila Beck for more information 396-4162 or [email protected] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Wallasky’s We would like to thank our Church family for their cards, gifts, and special thoughts this season. Your generous outpouring is humbly received and appreciated. Our first 18 have been filled with many wonderful and unexpected events. We continue to fall in love with this area and are growing to love you more and more. We pray that we all continue to grow toward God’s unconditional love this year and the years to come as we work, play, plan and worship together. Shalom, Rev. Jim and Lynn IN HOME MEAL PROGRAM If you know of someone who is sick or has been hospitalized and needs a meal, please call Jill McNeil at 625-1465. Third Sundays are MEMBERSHIP SUNDAYS— We receive new members on the third Sunday of each month. Pastor of Church Growth Jane Koss will be happy to visit in your home to answer your questions and work out the details of your joining. Call her at 648-1416 or check the “Wish to Join” block on the registration pad! 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES will be available in the Narthex beginning Sunday, December 14, 2014. If you did not request envelopes but would like them, please contact the office and a box with your name will be in the Narthex next Sunday. Please remember to pick yours up! FROM THE BUSINESS OFFICE Please remember your contributions must be received in the church office or postmarked by December 31, 2014 to be deductible on your 2014 income taxes. From the FINANCE COMMITTEE To the members of the Green Valley Community Church the Finance Committee wishes you a Happy New Year. We sincerely hope you had a wonderful Christmas season. The New Year brings a new budget for the church. At the present time the total projected revenues are $580,734 with expenditures projections at $$654,299 which is a shortfall in revenue of $73,565. The Finance committee will be meeting the middle of December to find ways to reduce the expenditures so that the shortfall projection is reduced. The church now has an Assistant Treasurer as back up for Bill Bode. The new addition is Bill McClure and he has brought many good ideas to the committee and church to assist in budget development and expenditure reductions. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN UMW meet on Wednesday, January 14, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. The program will be an Iskashitaa Food workshop presented by Stephanie Plotas. This is part of the Iskashitaa Refugee Network in Tucson. The luncheon will be a potluck. Names PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Thanks be to God for the life of Barbara Andersen. The Prayer Shawl group continues to meet in the Fireside Room on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM. We always welcome more 'knitters and crocheters. We have patterns and yarn--we just need YOU! ending A-K will bring the dishes this time. Start the New Year in PRAYER Join one of our weekly groups. Lectio Divina- Thursdays 2:003:00 pm (Begins Jan 15 ) Intercessory/Open Prayer-Fridays 9:00 am Both groups meet in the Fireside room. Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:30 am Wed & Thurs at the AZ Family Restaurant. LYDIA CIRCLE LYDIA: Our meeting will be Wednesday, January 28, 2015 in the Fireside Room at 9:30 a.m. Human Trafficking Awareness Day is January 11, so we will focusing on this subject. CANVAS BACKERS NEWS Knit & Sew We have lots of fun and fellowship waiting for you!! We need all skill levels of knitting and sewing. We certainly can find a job for your willing hands! We meet every Tuesday morning, 9-11 a.m. in Johnson Hall. Come join us and bring a friend. All are welcome!! For more information, call Kate at 520-991-7627. We are welcoming our winter stitchers back. What a joy in having them here! We welcome all who would like fellowship, to stitch with us, doing projects for us, or learning how to cross stitch or needlepoint. We have all the canvas, threads, stretchers and patterns. We love to see new comers! We meet every Monday in the Sunday School room from 9-12 or anytime within that time frame. Be sure to look at our bulletin board in the hallway for completed work for sale. All funds are used to benefit church programs and community missions. Any questions, call Jan Bolstad 520-6255606 Green Valley Community Church Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration 1965—2015 PATIO SALES SERVING CHURCH AND COMMUNITY As Green Valley Community Church begins its second half century a dedicated cadre of volunteers is helping fuel efforts to serve the church and other organizations working to improve the lives of those in need. Patio Sales has been an important part of the church for 40 years and there’s no let-up in sight. One might describe it as a “Country Fair White Elephant to go,” setting up shop throughout the community and managing estate sales with plenty of bargains. Up to 80 volunteers are involved in the operation from time to time, according to Dave Tobinson, president. His spouse, Kate, is treasurer. Long-time committee member Barbara Tindall recalls Patio Sales grew out of the efforts of Fred and Mary Pomraning, who owned an antique shop before moving to Green Valley. “I believe it got started in 1974,” Barb recalls. “They had a good feel for the pricing and got things organized. They ran it for a few years then Betty and Paul Dodd picked it up and carried on. Then Al and Ruby Maier took over.” For many years, Patio Sales ads that appeared in the Green Valley News were written by Barbara. Carolyn and Wally Mills recall Shirley Michelsen was instrumental in getting the program up and running smoothly. Among other long-time committee members are Courtney and Dave Siglin, Dorothy and Jack Gray and Bill Parker. The sales operation has been tweaked over four decades, but the basics haven’t changed much. “Folks call us who are leaving their residences for any number of reasons and ask us to come in and set up a sale,” Dave Tobinson said. “Sometimes it's relatives of someone who has died. “We arrange a date and come in and do everything necessary to get ready for the sale. We organize items, clean and price everything to be sold. Then we sell for two days, usually four hours on Fridays and Saturdays. We advertise in the church bulletin, Green Valley News and through our radio spots on KGVY.” Typically, the home owner receives 75 percent of sale proceeds and Patio Sales receives 25 percent, which it splits between the church and various organizations such as the Green Valley and Amado food banks, the Animal League and Hands of Friends, serving battered women. Tobinson notes sales can be quite lucrative, with a recent one grossing $18,000. A car and a lot of jewelry were part of that sale. Typically, the group holds two sales a month. Sales totaled nearly $100,000 in 2013 and will be close to that figure this year, Tobinson noted. Wally Mills served the group around 19 years and was president for four years. Like a lot of Methodist men, it was his spouse who got him involved. “Carolyn said she was going to work and invited me to come along, “Mills recalls. “I showed up and they asked me what I wanted to do. I didn’t have a clue. Bill Parker was pricing patio stuff and he told me to start pricing so I did. I had never done anything like that in my life.” Eventually, Carolyn Mills became inside manager and Wally ran the check out. At one point the Mills were among Patio Sales best customers. “Some of the stuff not sold goes into storage or is given to thrift,” Mills noted. “In the beginning it was donated to the White Elephant. One year there was a lot of stuff in storage and Carolyn and I needed to furnish a house before we left for the summer. Except for purchasing a new bed, we furnished that entire house with Patio Sales storage items for $860.” UNITED METHODIST MEN Rev. Friesen Recalls Days as Amazon Bush Pilot For Jan. 24 UMM Johnson Hall Breakfast Program United Methodist Men tried to get Indiana Jones to speak at the Jan. 24 breakfast but he was tied up. So the men tapped the church’s own version of the adventurer and secured Eugene Friesen to relate some of his adventures as an Amazon bush pilot and missionary dealing with jungle natives who had never seen anyone from the outside world. “They thought we were ‘sky gods,’ come to steal their wives and daughters,” he recalls. Rev. Friesen, a retired GVCC associate pastor, has worn many hats over an action-packed career. He holds a doctorate in psychology from Michigan State University and one in ministry from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California. He has served as an adjunct professor at two medical schools and held a full professorship at Louisiana State University. He directed a mental health ward at a Veteran’s Administration hospital in Battle Creek, MI, and was director of a mental health center in Lansing, MI. He left the U.S. Army as a full colonel and was a member of the 82nd Airborne, making 65 parachute jumps as an Army chaplain. In his retirement years, he has written a book, led overseas tours and served as a cruise-ship chaplain. In his spare time he sings with the Sons of Orpheus, a gig that found him performing 90 times over 10 days during the holiday season. The Jan. 24 breakfast meeting begins promptly at 8 a.m. in Johnson Hall. As always, women are more than welcome to join the fun and enjoy an outstanding meal and program. Tickets are $5 apiece. They’ll be sold in the narthex between services in January. PENNY PROJECT Thank you! To all who have supported and are currently supporting he Gospel Rescue Mission with your donations of U.S. money through the “Penny Project.” Please help get the word out to others and make this very worthwhile project successful in 2014. There are marked canisters in the Narthex and also in the office for your donations. Tucson Chamber Artists presents Carmina Burana January 23, 7:00pm, at Valley Presbyterian Church in Green Valley. Orff's authorized version for two pianos, percussion and chorus will be performed with world-class soloists as part of the Tucson Desert Song Festival. For information about tickets: A royal thank you from GVCC's "Three Kings" Thanks one and all for the marvelous show of generosity for United Methodist Men's Christmas gift for kids drive. Your efforts will put 275 gifts under trees for needy children. The toys, games and athletic gear were delivered equally to the Salvation Army, TMM in Tucson and Crossroads Nogales Mission in Nogales, AZ. President Ron Green and the membership of UMM thanks you. A Variety of Computer Courses to be offered through May 2015. A basic class for PC’s, IPAD and Apple will be offered again beginning Feb 6. This series will be the first of many courses taking us through May that will include Google Basics, IPAD/ APPLE and Google. The Basics class is a repeat of the one offered this past Sept/Oct & Nov and will cover Start Up, Mouse, Virus, Wifi, Operating Systems & cloud concepts. Please sign up at the Activity Shelf, space is limited. Fridays 9:0011:30. The instructor is Sheila Beck. SNOWBIRD CIRCLE Tues., January 27, 2015: Snowbird Circle will meet in the Fireside Room at 2:30 PM. Please bring your Upper Room for devotions along with verses or the whole psalm that is your favorite for sharing. Snowbirds and Year 'Round Birds are welcome. WE LOVE the month of December!!! The spirit of Christmas is alive and well as ACTS went to Wal-Mart to do their Christmas shopping for the Cactus Tree kids. We had 3 girls and 1 boy as well as the Sidewalk Sunday School Bag. I was so impressed as the kids broke out in their teams to find those special treasures. Much thought and consideration went into their selections, ”If only I could see their faces as they opened their packages, that would be the best gift ever” proclaimed Xandria! JOY definitely comes in the GIVING! After shopping, wrapping, eating Nachos and caroling we decorated and ATE lots of cookies.. apologies were given to the parents as the youth went home filled with sugar cookie happiness and plenty of energy. On December 21, we will go to a “Star Party”! Paul and Cathy Anderson have invited us to their home where they will share the story/DVD of the “Bethlehem Star”. Following will be an opportunity to see the December skies through their powerful telescopes. We will have a meal together along with many wonderful stories about the majesty of the night skies. Although, as I write this, we have not yet attended, but we do send our thanks to Paul and Cathy for opening their home to us in such a special way. Watch for our youth at the end of January as they will be participating in Worship. Blessings of good health, peace and JOY to each of you in the New Year. With much love in the name of Jesus, Scott & Shauna Melvin Shopping, Decorating and Wrapping FUN! MISSIONS/CHURCH & SOCIETY NEWSLETTER DOMESTIC ABUSE is a fact of life and the number of victims over 50 is on the increase. In Arizona, more than 25,000 women and children seek shelter from domestic violence every year. Here in Green Valley we are fortunate to have a compassionate response through “Hands of a Friend”, which operates a 30 bed shelter serving southern Pima County and Santa Cruz County. The shelter is almost always full, and some of the residents are victims of human trafficking, according to Founder and Executive Director, Patti O’Berry. Providing food and lodging is only one small part of what the shelter must do; psychological and legal counseling is also essential. Amazingly, the shelter is run without government funding because O’Berry believes strongly that the spiritual dimension must be included in restoring a woman’s health. To learn more about this issue and this ministry and to meet Patti O’Berry, plan now to attend the next MISSION MONDAY on January 26 in Johnson Hall (11:30 to 1:00). Bring a sack lunch and bring a friend! This event is an excellent follow-up to the Forum on Human Trafficking on January 17. THANK YOU for your support for this year’s Cactus Christmas. Thanks to your generosity, gifts were given to children in five locations: Menlo Park UMC (Tucson); Santa Clara UMC (Tucson); Valley Assistance Services (Green Valley); El Mesias UMC (Nogales, AZ); and El Divino Redentor Methodist (Nogales, Mexico). You made a lot of children happy! WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? When the church pays apportioned funds for United Methodist missions, where does the money go? You can find out by attending the special “Reach Out Sunday” gathering on Sunday afternoon, February 22 when UM Mission Advocates Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena tell the story of UM mission work around the world. Nan and Miguel served as missionaries in Nicaragua for 29 years before returning to the States to act as mission interpreters for the Western Jurisdiction of the UMC. DON’T MISS THIS. Save the date and time now: Sunday, Feb. 22 with program and potluck beginning at 5:00 pm. SPIRITUAL LIFE MINISTRY SAYS “THANK YOU” The Spiritual Life Ministry Team would like to thank all who participated in the various opportunities we offered to you this past year. Beginning with “Follow Jesus to the Cross” and ending with our beautiful Blue Christmas Service, it has been a truly blessed year. During the Lenten season so many of you lifted people in prayer for 40 days and sent each person you prayed for a card. You have asked us to send prayer postcards to individuals who are in need of prayer, and this has been a wonderful, supportive and encouraging way to let people know they are being prayed for. Some of you have attended prayer groups, are on the prayer team on Sunday mornings, and attended the Bible study on “The Holy Spirit” that Pastor Jeanne led. The Women's Tea and Fashion Show featuring the Good Girls and the Bad Girls of the Bible was a huge success and those who attended had a great time. Before we do anything, we ask “What does this have to do with Jesus?” Our hope is that all of you are growing, learning and experiencing a closer spiritual relationship with God. Our prayer is that God will bless you in this New Year and that He will lead us into new ways of reaching out to you and our community. Leaving a Legacy: Estate Planning and More! When we die, what we have done and who we are continue to “speak” to those left behind. Those who will come after us will remember us for the good deeds we have done, the values we have lived, the love we have shared, our humor , and our faith. With some planning and forethought, we can communicate a strong message about our beliefs through estate planning. Estate planning is for everyone, not just those with substantial means. The organizations and people you care about will benefit greatly by your willingness to take time to prepare for the time when you are gone. That’s why we encourage you to attend this special seminar on “leaving a legacy” on Thursday, January 29. Don Joiner is a United Methodist minister and Certified Financial Planner who has written books and articles and conducted numerous workshops around the country on this topic. Lucille Sterling is Executive Director of the Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation. David West is a United Methodist layperson and a lawyer with a practice in Tucson, specializing in estate planning. The Morning Presentation is for everyone. In the afternoons you are encouraged to sign up for 30 minute individual session with any of the presenters. DATE and PLACE: Thursday, January 29 in Johnson Hall (GVCC) 8:30 – Coffee and sign-ups for individual consultations 9:00 to 11:30 – Morning Presentation (Don, Lucille and David) 1:30 to 5:00 – Individual consultations (30 minutes) The Finance Committee Vespers Worship Year in Review A group of us met last summer and decided to continue the Wednesday evening meetings that began with the 6-week Lenten Vespers series led by Christine Maglott. In early September we began a weekly service that came to be called Vespers Worship. The service includes music, prayers, scriptures and a brief meditation. The service starts at 4:00 PM every Wednesday and lasts about 30-35 minutes. We started with just a few people but our numbers have been growing. We have been especially gratified with the response to our part in the Advent Experience. (Being sandwiched between Pastor Jim’s Advent study and a Soup Supper didn’t hurt). One of our team members, Sheila Beck, very graciously agreed to take charge of the supper and has done a fine job. This service has been a wonderful experience for all of us presenting it and a blessing for those who have attended. I just learned today of a church member who was inspired by attending Vespers to become more involved in church work and someone else who was a member but not attending services, who has come back into the fold. God does work in mysterious ways. We have a number of dedicated people on the Vespers team and welcome anyone who feels called to participate. Because of Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, we did not hold services on either of those days, but we’re coming back in January. We will begin services the first Wednesday, January 7, at 4:00 with Don Scarlett leading the way. Sheila Beck is already planning a special meal to follow that service. We do ask that you sign up for the meal so we are sure to have plenty of food. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex starting on December 21. May God bless you all as we begin a New Year in Christ full of opportunities to serve the Lord. Marlene McNiece CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS The children’s Sunday School made reindeer and delivered them to residents of Santa Rita Nursing Home for Christmas. On December 12th, we celebrated Jesus’ birth with an all-church Christmas party, the theme of which was An Old-Fashioned Christmas. We made popcorn & cranberry strings for our trees and with Carole McFate’s help, went back in time looking at the many changes in the way we have decorated Christmas trees. (The cranberries we used were red plastic beads; they didn’t leak red juice everywhere when the needles were inserted!) Starting the first Sunday in January, the 9:30 adult Sunday School will study The Trouble with the Truth, by Renfroe. Ken Bensen will lead the class. History of the Church continues. Sunday Movie returns with the showing of Hundred Foot Journey on January 25 th. The Trouble with the Truth- January 4, 9:30 SS Johnson Hall. Led by Rev. Ken Bensen Readers will examine the essentials about truth and grace, understand the differences between a cultural worldview and a scriptural worldview, and discover how to be instruments of real influence and transformation in our time by following Jesus’ example. Books are now available in the Ch ED Office, $ 11.00 while supplies last. Revival- Wednesday January 7th 2:30 in Johnson Hall. Led by Doris Miller. You are invited to stay for Vespers @ 4:00. Join Adam Hamilton for a six-week journey as he travels to England, following the life of John Wesley and exploring his defining characteristics of a Wesleyan Christian. Wesley’s story is our story. It defines our faith and it challenges us to rediscover our spiritual passion. Books will available in the Ch ED Office Dec 22. $ 10.00 Please sign up at the Activity Shelf. Low Vision Workshop- Jan 22, 1:00-3:30pm. Christy Morrison from the So. AZ Assoc for the Visually Impaired will be addressing the questions and concerns regarding eye problems and offering tips and tools to improve the quality of life for those visually Impaired. Refreshments will be served. Please sign up at the Activity Shelf. HOPE luncheons Since July 4, 2014 (our kick-off), our free community luncheons (1st and 3rd Fridays of the month)) have been a roaring success! This grass-roots program receives NO FUNDS from the GVCC budget. Recently, we were awarded a $2,000 grant from the UMC national headquarters’ new program on addressing poverty and elderly issues. Our costs have been covered by free-will donations, and in a number of cases individuals within and outside our church have made significant financial contributions to allow us to continue operations independent of our annual church budget. PLEASE NOTE: We always need volunteers to prepare and serve meals, to set-up and clean-up and to register and welcome all luncheon attendees. A signup bulletin board is posted just outside the kitchen entry door. So sign up early, as we do restrict the total number of volunteers for each luncheon. If undecided as to what area in which to volunteer, feel free to sign-up under the “Put Me Where Needed” category. Need more information? Contact Jan/Doug Bolstad, Helen Coile, Jim/Dawn Cate and/or Pastor Jim, Pastor Jeanne, or Rev. Jerry Haas. Foundation Scholars Introduced Many of the 18 GVCC Foundation, Inc. scholarship recipients will be in attendance during the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services on January 4, 2015. This gives the congregation an opportunity to meet and greet these special individuals and allows the students to tell a little about themselves and express their appreciation to the Foundation donors. Anyone can contribute to the Foundation and know the satisfaction that the interest on their money provides scholarships to deserving graduating Sahuarita School District students and seminary students in the Desert Southwest United Methodist Conference. Choir Notes: Attention Snowbirds, and all past, present and future Choir Members. We have a seat for you in the Choir and we would love to have you sing with us while you are in town. Choir Practice is every Friday from 3:15 to 4:45 in the Choir Room and we sing at the 9:30 and 11:00 (partial) Services. Come and Join us. Talk to any Choir Member or just come on Friday. We will find a place for you. Christmas Dinner with The Wallaskys December 25, 1:00 p.m. in Johnson Hall Sign up in the narthex on the activity shelf. Jim and Lynn will provide the ham, drinks, and entertainment. You bring the salads, sides and desserts! All are welcome! Merry Christmas!!!! 50 Anniversary Posters 50 Anniversary Posters will be a constantly changing display as part of the wall art exhibits in 2014 to February 2015. We welcome photos and news articles that may be included in future posters. Contact Barbara Amyx: 399-1507 or Carol June Schultz: 399-3205/[email protected] for more information. th
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