VOLUME 22, NUMBER 1 FEBRUARY 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS LOWER LIMB INTERVENTIONS Superiority of Stent-Grafts for In-Stent Restenosis in the Superficial Femoral Artery: Twelve-Month Results From a Multicenter Randomized Trial Marc Bosiers, MD; Koen Deloose, MD; Joren Callaert, MD; Jürgen Verbist, MD; Jeroen Hendriks, MD; Patrick Lauwers, MD; Herman Schroë, MD; Wouter Lansink, MD; Dierk Scheinert, MD; Andrej Schmidt, MD; Thomas Zeller, MD; Ulrich Beschorner, MD; Elias Noory, MD; Giovanni Torsello, MD; Martin Austermann, MD; and Patrick Peeters, MD Dendermonde, Bonheiden, Edegem, and Genk, Belgium; Leipzig, Bad Krozingen, and Münster, Germany COMMENTARY: Treatment of In-Stent Restenosis in the Superficial Femoral Artery: At the Crossroads of Using Either Covered Stents or Paclitaxel-Based Modalities Maarten Truijers, MD, PhD, and Michel M.P.J. Reijnen, MD, PhD Netherlands Arnhem, The Paclitaxel-Releasing Balloon Using a BTHC Excipient in Femoropopliteal Lesions: Twelve-Month Results From the BIOLUX P-I Randomized Trial Dierk Scheinert, MD; Karl-Ludwig Schulte, MD; Thomas Zeller, MD; Johannes Lammer, MD; and Gunnar Tepe, MD Leipzig, Berlin, Bad Krozingen, and Rosenheim, Germany; Vienna, Austria Stent Placement vs. Balloon Angioplasty for Popliteal Artery Treatment: Two-Year Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized Trial Aljoscha Rastan, MD; Hans Krankenberg, MD; Iris Baumgartner, MD; Erwin Blessing, MD; Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck, MD; Ernst Pilger, MD; Dierk Scheinert, MD; Johannes Lammer, MD; Ulrich Beschorner, MD; Elias Noory, MD; FranzJosef Neumann, MD; and Thomas Zeller, MD Bad Krozingen, Bad Bevensen, Karlsbad, Flensburg, and Leipzig, Germany; Bern, Switzerland; Graz and Vienna, Austria Continued… Journal of Endovascular Therapy (formerly Journal of Endovascular Surgery) (ISSN 1526-6028) is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December by SAGE Publications Inc. Annual individual subscription rates are $285. Institutional subscriptions are $600 for print and online, $588 for print only, and $540 for online only. The single print issue prices are $62.00 for individuals and $108 for institutions. Periodicals postage paid at XXXX, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Journal of Endovascular Therapy, XXXX Table of Contents – page 2 COMMENTARY: Future Directions of SFA Stenting Technology in the Drug-Coated Balloon Era Michael K.W. Lichtenberg, MD Arnsberg, Germany Gender-Related Long-term Outcome of Primary Femoropopliteal Stent Placement for Peripheral Artery Disease Konstantinos Stavroulakis, MD; Konstantinos P. Donas, MD, PhD; Giovanni Torsello, MD; Nani Osada, PhD; and Eva Schönefeld, MD, PhD Münster, Germany COMMENTARY: Does Gender Influence Outcomes After Femoropopliteal Stenting? Ehrin J. Armstrong, MD, MSc Denver, Colorado, USA Vascular Response After Zilver PTX Stent Implantation for Superficial Femoral Artery Lesions: Serial Optical Coherence Tomography Findings at 6 and 12 Months Yusuke Tomoi, MD; Shoichi Kuramitsu, MD; Yoshimitsu Soga, MD; Hideaki Aihara, MD; Kenji Ando, MD; and Masakiyo Nobuyoshi, MD Kitakyushu and Tsukuba, Japan Development and Validation of a New Scoring System to Predict Wound Healing After Endovascular Therapy in Critical Limb Ischemia With Tissue Loss Norihiro Kobayashi, MD; Keisuke Hirano, MD; Masatsugu Nakano, MD, PhD; Toshiya Muramatsu, MD; Reiko Tsukahara, MD, PhD; Yoshiaki Ito, MD; Hiroshi Ishimori, MD, PhD; Masahiro Yamawaki, MD, PhD; Motoharu Araki, MD; Hideyuki Takimura, MD; and Yasunari Sakamoto, MD Yokohama, Japan Pooled Analysis of the CONFIRM Registries: Impact of Gender on Procedure and Angiographic Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Orbital Atherectomy for Peripheral Artery Disease Michael S. Lee, MD; Timothy Canan, MD; Seung-Woon Rha, MD; Jihad Mustapha, MD; and George L. Adams, MD, MHS Los Angeles, California; Wyoming, Michigan; and Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Seoul, Korea Table of Contents – page 3 VASCULAR ACCESS Complications of Transbrachial Arterial Access for Peripheral Endovascular Interventions Karla Maria Treitl, MD; Cosima König; Maximilian F. Reiser, MD, FRCR; and Marcus Treitl, MD, EBIR, EDIR Munich, Germany A Novel Technique to Retrieve a Maldeployed Vascular Closure Device Simrat Suri, MD; Khanjan H. Nagarsheth, MD; Sumeet Goraya; and Kuldeep Singh, MD Staten Island, New York, USA HEMODIALYSIS FISTULAS Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Angioplasty for Symptomatic Central Vein Restenosis in Patients With Hemodialysis Fistulas Alexander Massmann, MD; Peter Fries MD; Kerstin Obst-Gleditsch MD; Peter Minko MD; Roushanak Shayesteh-Kheslat MD; and Arno Buecker MD Hamburg, Germany Percutaneous Rheolytic Thrombectomy of Thrombosed Autogenous Dialysis Fistulas: Technical Results, Clinical Outcome, and Factors Influencing Patency Geert Maleux, MD, PhD; Bruno De Coster, MD; Annouschka Laenen, PhD; Johan Vaninbroukx, MD; Björn Meijers, MD, PhD; Kathleen Claes, MD, PhD; Inge Fourneau, MD, PhD; and Sam Heye, MD, PhD Leuven and Hasselt, Belgium THROMBOLYSIS Dutch Randomized Trial Comparing Standard Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis and Ultrasound-Accelerated Thrombolysis for Arterial Thromboembolic Infrainguinal Disease (DUET) A. Marjolein Schrijver, MD; Marc van Leersum, MD; Bram Fioole, MD, PhD; Michel M.P.J. Reijnen, MD, PhD; Arjan W.J. Hoksbergen, MD, PhD; Anco C. Vahl, MD, PhD; and Jean-Paul P.M. de Vries, MD, PhD Nieuwegein, Rotterdam, Arnhem, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands COMMENTARY: TBD Nicolas W. Shammas, MS, MD Davenport, Iowa, USA Table of Contents – page 4 Pharmacomechanical Thrombolysis in the Management of Acute Inferior Vena Cava Filter Occlusion Using the Trellis-8 Device Bernardino C. Branco, MD; Miguel F. Montero-Baker, MD; Eduardo Espinoza, MS; Maite Gamero, MS; Rodrigo Zea, MS; Nicos Labropoulos, PhD, DIC, RVT; and Luis R. Leon, Jr., MD Tucson, Arizona, and Long Island, New York, USA; Lima, Peru ENDOVASCULAR ABDOMINAL AND THORACIC REPAIRS Impact of Renal Chimney Grafts on Anatomical Suitability for Endovascular Repair in Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Nuno V. Dias, MD, PhD; Adel Bin Jabr, MD; Magnus Sveinsson, MD; Katarina Björses, MD, PhD; Martin Malina, MD, PhD; and Thorarinn Kristmundsson, MD, PhD Malmö, Sweden Infective Etiology Affects Outcomes of Late Open Conversion After Failed EVAR Danilo Menna, MD; Laura Capoccia, MD, PhD; Pasqualino Sirignano, MD; Andrea Esposito, MD; Massimo Rossi, MD; and Francesco Speziale, MD Rome, Italy Radiofrequency In Situ Fenestration for Aortic Arch Vessels During Thoracic Endovascular Repair Leonard W. Tse, MD, FRCSC, MASc; Thomas F. Lindsay, MDCM, MSc, FRCSC; Graham Roche-Nagle, MD, MBA, FRCSI, EBSQ-VASC; George D. Oreopoulos, MD, MSc, FRCSC; Maral Ouzounian, MD, PhD, FRCSC; and Kong Teng Tan, MD, FRCS, FRCR, FRCPC Toronto, Canada CAROTID ARTERY INTERVENTIONS Role of Stent Selection in the Incidence of Persisting Hemodynamic Depression After Carotid Artery Stenting Csaba Csobay-Novák, MD; Tamás Bárány, MD; Endre Zima, MD, PhD; Balázs Nemes, MD, PhD; Péter Sótonyi, MD, PhD; Béla Merkely, MD, DSc; and Kálmán Hüttl, MD, PhD Budapest, Hungary Table of Contents – page 5 Bare Metal Stents for Treatment of Extracranial Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms: Long-term Results Jantien C. Welleweerd, MD; Gert Jan de Borst, MD, PhD; D de Groot, MD, PhD; Joost A. van Herwaarden, MD, PhD; T.H. Lo, MD; and Frans L. Moll, MD, PhD Utrecht, The Netherlands. Direct Percutaneous Carotid Access for Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting Patrice Bergeron, MD Marseille, France. SECOND ANNUAL ROY K. GREENBERG DISTINGUISHED LECTURE New Horizons in Aortic Disease: The Lasting Legacy of a Visionary Innovator Gustavo S. Oderich, MD Rochester, Minnesota, USA LETTER TO THE EDITORS Re: Distal Macro- and Microembolization During Subintimal Recanalization of Femoropopliteal Chronic Total Occlusions Bernardo C. Mendes, MD, and Gustavo S. Oderich, MD Minnesota, USA REVIEWER APPRECIATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Rochester, ………………………………………………………. ………………………………… available at www.jevt.org
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