News January 2015 Contents: • News from the WIAS office • News from the WAPS council • Courses and seminars • Activities News from the WIAS office WIAS wishes you a happy, healthy and most of all a scientific productive 2015! WIAS Lectures The next WIAS lecture will be given by Dr Sylvia Brugman, post doc researcher at the Cell Biology and Immunology group titled “Sushi or science? Using the zebrafish to study mucosal immunology”. This lecture will be on Tuesday 20 January at 12.15 in room A0107 of the Zodiac building. Free lunch is provided and registration is not needed. Other dates for the WIAS lectures are: 24 February, 24 March, 21 April, 26 May, 23 June. WIAS Science Day 2015 The WIAS Science Day will take place on Thursday, February 5th 2015 at the Orion (building nr. 103) on Wageningen Campus. The theme of this year’s WIAS Science Day is: Facing the Future! During this day, PhD candidates of our graduate school will show their research results with oral and poster presentations. The theme ‘Facing the Future’ focuses on three major future challenges in animal sciences, each of which is introduced by an inspiring keynote speaker: Dr Claire Heffernan, director of the Livestock Development Group at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. She will give a talk about the emergence of animal diseases threatening food production. Prof. Louise O. Fresco, President of the Executive Board of Wageningen UR. She will address the issue of increasing pressure on land used for global food production beyond the field of animal sciences. Dr Ruth Newberry, associate professor in Animal and Aquacultural Sciences at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Dr. Newberry will discuss the assurance of animal welfare in relation to a growing demand for food. You can still register for the WIAS Science Day 2015 on the WIAS website (Registration WSD2015), until Friday 30th of January 2015. Attendance is free and includes lunch, drinks and dinner. If you want to join lunch and/or dinner, please be sure to indicate that when registering. Kind regards, The WIAS Science Day Committee 2015, Novi Mayasari, Sofie van Nieuwamerongen, Aart van der Linden, Nirupama Benis, Henk van Lingen, Mahmoud Haidar and Floor Biemans PhD pitches at the 97th Dies Natalis of Wageningen University This year the theme of the Dies celebration on Monday 9 March is ‘Fascinating Nature”. At the symposium prior to the celebration, a few PhD candidates will be given the opportunity to give a pitch of 5 minutes of their research. A very nice way to expose yourself and your research! If you are interested to give a pitch please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Peer review of PhD programme Next week, the complete PhD programme of Wageningen University will be reviewed by an external committee. This review panel will present their preliminary finding Friday 16 January 9.30-11.00 in the Speakers Corner of the Impulse building. You are all invited to attend this presentation. New WIAS Members The last few months we have welcomed the following PhD candidates: Rodrigo Mezêncio Godinho (ABG), Kasper Janssen (ABG), Claudia Sevillano del Aguila (ABG), Qiuyu Wang (ABG), Jules Petit (CBI). Recent PhD graduations 7 November Nadya Velikova (HMI) “Discovery of Inhibitors of Bacterial Histidine Kinases” 21 November Naomi Duijvesteijn (ABG) “Sociable Swine: prospects of indirect genetic effects for the improvement of productivity, welfare and quality calves. Interactions between solid feed and milk replacer” 9 December Myrthe Maurice – van Eijndhoven (ABG) “Genetic variation of milk fatty acid composition between and within dairy cattle breeds” 15 December Lam Anh Nguyen (AFI) “Climate proofing aquaculture: A case study on pangasius Farming in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam News from the WIAS PhD (WAPS) council Nutreco excursion The WAPS council organizes an interesting excursion for all WIAS PhD candidates. We will go to Nutreco in Boxmeer, The Netherlands. Nutreco is a global leader in the field of animal nutrition and fish feed. The company operates in more than 30 countries and has its own research facilities in Boxmeer (about 60 km from Wageningen). One of the main research themes is feeding the future and doubling the food production while halving the footprint. For more information about Nutreco you can visit their website The excursion will take place on Friday January 23th from 8:30 till 12:15 h and includes lunch at Nutreco. We will arrange transport. During the excursion, we will also visit the Ruminant and Swine Research Centres of Nutreco. Costs are €2.50 per person, transport and lunch will be arranged. Register before Monday January 12th 15:00 h by sending an e-mail to [email protected] if you would like to join. New council members wanted At the WIAS Science Day 2015, the board of WAPS will change. If you would like to represent the WIAS PhD candidates, want to be more involved in WUR wide organization of PhD candidates, or like to organize activities and encourage integration of PhD candidates, you may be the person for the job! Let us know if you’re interested in becoming a board member by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Facebook and LinkedIn Please join our Facebook group for the latest activities, photos, and polls. You can find blogs from PhD candidates spending a time period abroad there. And join our LinkedIn page or visit our website for more information about and news from the WAPS council. Kind regards, The WAPS Council Courses and seminars WIAS Courses Environmental Impact Assessment of Livestock Systems When : 9 t/m 13 February 2015 Location : Wageningen Registration: Corina van Middelaar WIAS Introduction Day When : 23 March 2015 Location : Wageningen Registration is open (proceeding of the course is subject to the participation of min. 10 participants) WIAS course on Essential Skills When : 24 - 26 March 2015 Teacher : Frank Little Location : Wageningen Registration is open Statistics for the Life Sciences When : 27 - 29 May and 1 – 3 June 2015 Teachers : Henk Bovenhuis, Bas Engel, Gerrit Gort Location : Wageningen Registration is open WIAS Introduction Day When : 8 June 2015 Location : Wageningen Registration not open yet WIAS course on Essential Skills When : 9 – 11 June 2015 Teacher : Frank Little Location : Wageningen Registration not open yet High-Impact Writing When : 6 – 9 July 2015 Teachers : Prof. Dr Ulrike Müller Location : Wageningen Registration is open Survival Guide to Peer Review When : 10 July 2015 Teachers : Prof. Dr Ulrike Müller Location : Wageningen Registration is open WIAS Course Design of Experiments When: 7 - 9 October 2014 Teachers: Michael Grossman, Wiebe J. Koops Location: Wageningen Registration is open WIAS Introduction Day When : 10 November 2015 Location : Wageningen Registration is open WIAS course on Essential Skills When : 11 – 13 November 2015 Teacher : Frank Little Location : Wageningen Registration is open Wageningen Graduate Schools Courses Open for registration Project & Time Management (15, 29 January and 26 February – deadline registration 11 January / 19 February, 5 March and 2 April / 24 March, 7 April and 5 May / 9, 23 April and 21 May) Imaging Science: Video and Audio content in Scientific Communication (22, 23, 29, 30 January and 5-6 February) Philosophy and Ethics of Food Science and Technology (22, 29 January / 5, 12, 19 and 26 February) PhD peer consultation - as support in academic skills development (22 January, 12 February and 12 March / 23 January, 20 February and 20 March) PhD Competence Assessment (3 February (personal meeting 17, 18 or 18 Feb) / 31 March (personal meeting 2, 3 or 4 June)) Scientific Writing (5, 12, 26 February, 12, 26 March and 2, 9 April) Data Management Planning (9 February) Information Literacy including EndNote Introduction (17-18 February/ 15-16 April) Career Orientation (6, 13, 20 and 27 March) Mobilising your - scientific - network (17 and 25 March) Writing Grant Proposals (7,21 April, 12, 26 May and 9 June) Interpersonal Communication for PhD Students (9 and 10 April) Effective behaviour in your professional surroundings (9 and 10 April) Entrepreneurship in and outside Science (13, 20 April and 18 May) Research Ethics (20, 21, 23 and 24 April) Techniques for Writing and Presenting a Scientific Paper (21, 22, 23 and 24 April) Career Assessment (each month - individually based and you can plan a date with the organizers upon registration) Waiting lists for courses below Fully booked, waiting list available (click here) Voice Matters-Voice and Presentation Skills Training Career Perspectives For other courses of the Wageningen Graduate School look at the website. Other MSc course Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Adaptive Systems Why do events happen in society, or in biology, without anyone being in control? This is called emergent behaviour. It is the result of the combined actions of independent people, plants or animals in an environment. Would you like to model emergent behaviour and run your own models, do sensitivity analysis on them and validate them? Then this course is for you. This year from 16 February to 13 March 2015. More information can be found at this website. WEES Seminar: Kevin Foster (University of Oxford, UK) – The evolution of cooperation and competition in microbes Since Darwin, evolutionary biologists have been fascinated by cooperative behavior. Honeybee workers labor their whole life without reproducing, birds make alarm calls, and humans often help one another. But how cooperative are microbes towards each other and other organisms? We study this question using a diversity of systems including bacteria, budding yeast, and computer simulations. We find that single-genotype patches naturally emerge in microbial groups, which creates favorable conditions for cooperation within a particular genotype of microbe. Moreover, some microbes actively adjust both genotypic assortment and investment into social traits in a way that promotes cooperation within a genotype. However, our work on interactions between different strains and species suggests that, here, the evolution of competitive phenotypes is more likely than cooperation. This leads us to a simple model – the genotypic view – that predicts microbes will evolve to help their own genotype but harm most other strains and species that they meet. But when microbes live within a host, there is natural selection on the host to ensure that symbiotic communities are both productive and stable. This raises the possibility that hosts act as ecosystem engineers that change the rules of interaction within microbial communities. Kevin Foster is Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Oxford, UK. Kevin's main focus of research is the social lives of microbes and other group-living species. For more info, see his see his webpage. Famelab: popular science presentation competition in Wageningen FameLab aims to discover charismatic, up-and-coming scientists who inspire people to see the world from a new perspective… in just three minutes. If you think you can explain a concept in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, armed with only your wits and a few props, then FameLab is for you. Each presentation will be judged according to the golden rule of the 3Cs: Content, Clarity and Charisma. You could be the new face of science in the Netherlands! The competition is open to anyone between 21 and 40 working in or studying science, technology, engineering, medicine or maths. All details are available on Communicating science accessibly and attractively is an ever-growing priority for researchers worldwide. FameLab helps young scientists acquire valuable skills to communicate their work accessibly and attractively to a non-scientific audience. By doing so, researchers not only challenge common stereotypes of scientists, but also help to justify public funding for their research. The heats will be live public events at which specialist juries, chosen by the organisers, will select the 16 FameLab Netherlands 2015 finalists. Four regional heats will be held in 2015: * Wageningen – Wednesday, 28 January 2015 - Impulse - Wageningen Campus * Leiden – Tuesday, 17 February 2015 - Leiden University * Groningen – Thursday, 19 February 2015 - Science LinX - University of Groningen * Nijmegen – Thursday, 19 February 2015 - Radboud University The winners of the heats will go through to the Masterclass on 12-13 March 2015 at KNAW, 10 winners will also go on to the National Final on 21 April 2015 at Museum Boerhaave in Leiden. Applications Apply online by completing the application form and sending it to the appropriate contact (as specified on the form). Candidates who meet the criteria will then be contacted with further information about taking part. The deadline for applications in Wageningen is Friday, 16 January 2015. NEW SERVICE: Wageningen in’to Languages Are you in need of instant feedback on your academic text? Are you a bit overwhelmed by all the tips you’ve been receiving from colleagues? Not sure whether editing or text coaching is the way to go? Drop by during the Editing Desk walk-in hours at Wageningen in’to Languages for a free consult! * Every Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm * 20 to 30 minute consults * Room 2.51 of the Wageningen UR Library (Forum Building) You are also welcome to come to the walk-in hours if you have a different question related to language or translation. Translation coordinator Bert Keurentjes has over a decade of experience in the language and editing business, six years of which he has spent at In’to Languages. He also chairs the national translation expertise group of NUT (association of university language centres in the Dutch language area) and co-founded the CercleS Translation Focus Group. Activities 13 January 2015 PhD Graduation Hooi Ling Khaw Title Cooperative and uniform fish? Social interactions and variability in live body weight in the GIFT strain (Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus) in Malaysia Chair group Animal Breeding and Genetics Promotor prof. dr ir. J.A.M. van Arendonk Time and Place 16:00 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen 20 January 2015 PhD Graduation Yogesh Paudel Title Structural variations in pig genomes Chair group Animal Breeding and Genetics Promotor prof. dr M.A.M. Groenen Time and Place 16.00 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen 26 January 2015 PhD Graduation Jorgen Nielsen Title: Methods for Integrated Use of Fisheries Research Survey Information in Understanding Marine Fish Population Ecology and Better Management Advice. Improving Methods for Evaluation of Research Survey Information under consideration of Survey Fish Detection and Catch Efficiency Chair group Aquaculture and Fisheries Promotor prof. dr A.D. Rijnsdorp Time and Place 11:00 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen 26 January 2015 PhD Graduation Laurent Frantz Title: Speciation and domestication in Suiformes: a genomic perspective Chair group Animal Breeding and Genetics Promotor prof. dr M.A.M. Groenen Time and Place 13:30 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen 6 February 2015 PhD Graduation Rik van Emous Title: Body composition and reproduction in broiler breeders: impact of feeding strategies Chair group Animal Nutrition Promotor prof. dr ir. W.H. Hendriks Time and Place 13:30 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen 13 February 2015 PhD Graduation Antonio Agüera Garcia Title: The role of starfish (Asterias rubens L.) predation in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) seedbed stability Chair group Aquaculture and Fisheries Promotor prof. dr A.C. Smaal Time and Place 11:00 hrs in the Aula, General Foulkesweg 1 Wageningen If you have any questions about this WIAS News please contact Denise Magendans (executive secretary) at [email protected]
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