Our Newsletter - Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish Carina

Vol 30
No 06 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Y B
8 February 2015
Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
What makes today’s gospel interesting is that it is all about a
typical day in the ministry of Jesus. It starts out with liturgy in
the synagogue at Capernaum where Jesus teaches the people
and drives a devil out of one of the congregation.
Then Jesus goes to the house of Simon and Andrew, presumably
for breakfast. However, Simon’s mother in law is seriously ill.
Jesus cures her, and she immediately sets out to look after her
family and guests
In the evening of that day the house is flooded by people who
also want healing. Early next morning Jesus escapes to the hills
to spend time alone with his Father. His disciples go after him
to bring him back, as there are more people gathering at the
house. But Jesus insists on moving out to other villages.
So what does all that mean for us? Here are a few thoughts:
It is all about Jesus bringing people into a deeper friendship
with his Father. So he teaches them and heals them. Mark is
telling us that all of this is still happening – his Father’s
Kingdom is gradually being established on earth – by Christ
through and in us.
Secondly, it is within homes and families that the
Kingdom takes root, as in the house of Simon and Andrew.
Finally, when feeling overburdened we need to take time off
with the Father – like Jesus.
Father Tom
Monday 9 February
- 7pm Italian Prayer Group - Church
Tuesday 10 February
- 9.30am Scripture Group – Library
- 9.30am Playgroup – Hospitality Area
- 7pm Legion of Mary – AQ Rm
Wednesday 11 February
- 6pm OLOG Diners Group at Pacific Golf Club
- 7pm Parish Liturgy Meeting
Thursday 12 February
- 7.45am St Martin’s Before School Mass - Church
- 9.30am Playgroup – Hospitality Area
- 9.30am Italian Bingo – Aquinas Room
- 7pm Italian Music Practice – Church
- 7pm Catholics Returning Home Program - Library
Friday 6 March
World Day of Prayer – Ecumenical Service
Anniversaries: Let us remember in prayer Guy Clarke,
Gregory Ross Senior, Cresenica, Grogorio, Moises &
Vievecent Josh, Margaret Perkins and all whose
anniversaries occur at this time.
Dear Parishioners
Next Thursday evening, 12 February, at 7.30pm,
we will have our first parish enquiry night for the
"Catholics Returning Home" program. This will
begin a series of six meetings on Thursday
evenings for anyone who was baptised a Catholic,
but for whatever reason, has been out of touch with
the Church for some time.
There will be no pressure on anyone to say more
than they feel comfortable with. The evenings will
be conducted by a small parish lay group, following
a program which has been successfully used in the
Many of us know Catholics who have lost touch
with the Church. This series of meetings could be
for them the beginning of new and valued
involvement in our parish community. Please pray
for the success of the program. We have run it
before and we have parishioners who are very
grateful for their experience of it. Fr Tom
Communion at Home
Suzanne Shultz who coordinates the roster for
parishioners taking communion to those who are
unable to get to Mass would like to update her
contact list. If you take communion to a parishioner
at home please email [email protected] or
phone Suzanne on 3398 6007 and confirm the
parishioners contact details. Please also advise
Suzanne if you are now no longer taking
communion to the parishioner.
Did you know that this weekend the Church in
Australia is making a special effort to pray, reflect
and act on Human Trafficking? An estimated 2730 million people worldwide are trapped in slavery.
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal
enterprise in the world. It is a $150 billion global
industry. Around the world, the average cost of a
slave in $90. There are more slaves in the world
today than at any other point in human history.
Human trafficking is modern day slavery. While the
best known form of human trafficking is for the
purpose of sexual exploitation, millions of victims
are trafficked for the purposes of forced labour,
domestic servitude, child begging, or the removal
of their organs.
Already, activists around the world are launching
and winning campaigns to hold governments and
companies accountable for human trafficking,
create better laws, and prevent trafficking in their
ACRATH, Australian Catholic Religious Against
Trafficking in Humans, can give you more
information and help you become involved in the
fight against trafficking. Fr Tom
World Day of Prayer
Each year on the first Friday of March the Christian
communities in Carina join with others around the
world for the World Day of Prayer. This year Our
Lady of Graces is the host church for the service
which will be held at 10.30am on Friday 6th March.
The service is prepared by women from The
Bahamas, an island group in the Atlantic. This is a
grand opportunity to meet members of other
Christian churches in our area, and to learn about
Christianity in other parts of the world. Everyone is
welcome to attend this prayer service and the
social get-together afterwards. For further
information contact Yvonne on 3843 1584, or the
Parish Office.
St Martin’s Before School Mass
On THURSDAY of this week, the 12th February,
we will have our SPECIAL MASS FOR ST
AND FRIENDS AT 7:45AM. These are simple
Masses with maximum involvement by the
children. Please join us this Thursday.
If you haven’t YET joined a prayer-group, HERE is
With the permission and blessing of Fr Tom Cassidy,
there will be commencing a “Two Hearts Prayer Group,”
in honour of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, in this
Parish. The prayer group will take place after the 9am
Mass, every third Thursday of the month. Starting time
around 9.30am. At this stage only once a month. Those
willing to join, please contact: Barbara – 3348 8075 or
0401 755 939
Italian News:
All the Italian communities and parishioners of
“Our Lady of Graces” Church, Carina, are invited
to participate at the “FEAST OF ST. GABRIEL OF
February 2015 at 10:30 am, with a Solemn Mass:
Our main celebrant will be Padre Salvatore
Frascina, Passionist from Italy, concelebrant:
Father Michele Cagna, Scalabrinian. Soon after
the Mass there will be a Procession in the car park
with the statue and also the relic of Saint Gabriel;
after the Procession there will be the kissing of the
relic, in the Church.
In preparation of the Feast there will be ATRIDUUM on Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and
Thursday 19th February 2015, at 7:30 pm, with
Mass each night celebrated by Father Salvatore
Frascina, Passionist from Italy. There will also be
an opportunity for Confession before and after
Mass each night.
Following Mass and Procession on Sunday the
22th, those who wish to continue celebrating
socially can contact the Brisbane Abruzzo Club
38433180 or Giovanni Di Nardo 33951749 to book
for lunch.
Our Lady of Graces parishioners meet once a
month at Pacific Golf Club, 430 Pine Mountain
Road Carindale, for a relaxed and enjoyable
evening with a meal and lively conversation.
We would love more parishioners to join us. It is a
great way for new parishioners to meet other
parishioners. Our next get together is Wednesday
11th February at 6pm. For information contact Ros
Dallas 3398 7495 or Josephine Coyne 3398 2411.
Little King’s Annual Appeal 15 February 2015
The Little King’s Movement for the Handicapped
provides an opportunity for persons with
disabilities to access social life gatherings all
based on Christian values.
This collection is their major fund raiser so please
take an envelope home with you today and return
next weekend. Please place your donation in the
wooden box.
Parish Social Justice Group
The first meeting of the Our Lady of Graces Social
Justice Group for 2015 was held on Tuesday 3
February 2015. Among matters discussed at the
meeting were:
Making Human Trafficking a social justice
theme during 2015;
Making Closing the Gap that makes health
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the
first activity for the Social Justice Group at Masses
over the weekend of 21/22 March 2015;
Develop further a Social Justice
Communication Strategy for 2015 to inform and
educate the parish community of important issues
of social justice.
Next Meeting of Social Justice Group is
Tuesday 3 March 2015 commencing at 7pm in the
Parish Library. Parishioners are welcome to
Children’s Mass – next Sunday
We continue in 2015 the success of our 3rd
Sunday evening Mass for children. Our next Mass
is on 15 February at 5.30pm.
Any parish child of primary school age is welcome
to participate in reading, offertory, collection or
greeting. You will be supported in doing this – all
we ask is that you can be at Mass about ½ hr early
for us to prepare. Please register online so we
know what tasks they are most interested in. Go to
schoolinterviews.com.au using code LUR6G and
follow the prompts.
No Children’s Liturgy 3rd Sunday of Month
Since so many of our parish children are getting
involved and bringing their families to the
Children’s Mass (see above) we’ve decided not to
hold Children’s Liturgy at 9am Mass that weekend.
Children’s Liturgy is available at the 9am Mass
every 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month.
Catholic Leader this week:
* Bishops plead for clemency for two Bali Nine drug
* Six young religious sisters make professions in
* Truth, Justice and Healing Council welcomes
Royal Commission consultation paper
* Pope’s declaration of today (February 8) as a day
of prayer in response to human trafficking
Catholic Leader, available every weekend from
the church entrance, costs just $2.