St James Notice Sheet Sunday 1st February 2015 The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany Candlemas - Christingle Service SERVICES NEXT WEEK 09.30am 10.30am Sunday 8th February 2015 Parade Service Family Communion Service SERVICE BOOKS If you are visiting us for the first time, or returning after some time away, you are most welcome. This notice sheet contains useful dates and information. Please take it home, so you have a record of what is going on at St James. Our Rector is the Rev. David Ward. WORSHIP We welcome all who wish to receive the bread and the wine to come forward to the communion rail. If you wish to receive God’s blessing, please come to the communion rail bringing your red service book to indicate this. If you would prefer to remain in your pew that is just fine. Large print and braille format are available on request. If you would like to include a notice in the weekly pew sheet please let me have BRIEF details in writing by Wednesday of that week. My email address is [email protected] Offertory If you are a visitor to this church you may place your gift in the collection plate in the usual way. If you would like our Treasurer to reclaim any tax through Gift Aid, please use the envelopes provided on your pew. Place your gift in the envelope, complete the form and then give it in during the collection. ROTA 1/2/15 1st Reading Gospel Sidespersons Chalice Intercessions Crucifer • 4th Sunday Epiphany Pauline Hindle of Roxana Clark Jean Greenwood & Annette Pearson Joan Gauld & Martin Coane Kathy Whyte Mary Candlemas Deuteronomy Ch 18 v 15-20 Mark Ch1 v 21-28 White Hangings White is actually not one color but the sum of all of the colours of the spectrum. This fact recommends it as the "colour" of choice for the greatest feasts which epitomize the Faith, and it has been the most commonly appointed colour for feasts and festivals. As with all of the liturgical colours, a variety of hues may be used when white is called for. In practice, this means that a range of colours from the purest white to cream or ivory, as well as gold or even yellow, may be used. On the most solemn "white" feasts, cloth-of-gold, or white fabric patterned with gold thread, is especially appropriate, giving a greater richness to the vestments and thus emphasizing the importance of the feast. Collect Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Post-Communion Lord, you fulfilled the hope of Simeon and Anna, who lived to welcome the Messiah: may we, who have received these gifts beyond words, prepare to meet Christ Jesus when he comes to bring us to eternal life; for he is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Church Flowers The Flowers In February Are In Memory Of Jack And Marjorie Cranshaw 1st MR D CRANSHAW 8th MR D CRANSHAW 15th WEDDING FLOWERS 22nd LENT Would You Like To Sponsor Flowers For A Special Anniversary Or Memorial? All The Names Are Mentioned In Brindle Voice Each Month. For Details, Contact Joan Hopcraft 01254 854465 Special Services Ash Wednesday Education Sunday Mothering Sunday Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday Lily Service 18 February 7.30pm 1 March 10.30am 15 March 10.30am 29 March 10.30am 2 April 7.30pm 3 April 10.00am 5 April 10.30am 5 April 6.30pm Up all night for fun and faith All- night lock in in Blackburn cathedral th st 7.30pm Fri 20 to 7am Sat 21 February Sanctuary – Light in the Darkness Workshops on topics ranging from bullying to bereavement and conflict to climate change will ask questions about how the light of Jesus overcomes darkness. Worship, prayer stations, a giant lighthouse, an inflatable assault course and a football cage will transform the cathedral into an amazing youth venue. £12 per young person. More details are on the new Sanctuary website: www. WOMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER February 27th at 7.30pm At St Patrick’s Church, Preston Rd, Higher Walton This year St Patrick’s ladies are inviting ladies from the local churches to join in the service. For more details contact Joan Croasdale tel 322184 CHURCH MATTERS CHURCHYARD : ATTENTION Following an inspection of the Chuchyard on Saturday 6th December by members of the Buildings Committee , 12/18 headstones were found to be in a dangerous condition and in need of attention as soon as possible. Some have been taped off . Others will shortly be marked as dangerous , whilst we try and trace the families. In the meantime please be vigilant when in the Chuchyard ,and warn others that you see of the danger . The Chuchwardens. DogDog-Fouling There have been some problems recently with respect to dog-fouling in and immediately around the church grounds. The churchyard is sacred ground; dog-owners are politely asked not to walk their dogs there. If your dog fouls the ground or the paths around the church please pick it up and remove it. Thank you. The Churches Together Newsletter is on the notice board at the entrance to church – you are welcome to read it. We should be grateful if you could return it when you have read it. Thank you. Parents/carers Behind one of the pews at the back of church there are several bags containing age appropriate toys, books, paper,etc for younger children. If your children would like something to occupy them during the service please help yourself. To the front and left of the pews there is also a crèche area where you may supervise your children at any time during the service. Situation vacant! If anyone would be willing to check on and replenish the children’s bags would you please have a word with Betty Parker who will explain what is needed. tel 01257 264176 CHARITY GIVING A thank you from our sisters in Africa I thank you on behalf of the ladies in Africa. We have sent just over 1000 bra’s to date. Thank you very much and please keep saving your bra’s all sizes please. Ask your friends to save too, so that we can continue to help these ladies. Betty. SOCIAL BOFFS The speaker on Monday February 9th is Brian Hetherington on Woodturning. All welcome at 2.00p.m. in Brindle Community Hall. Pantomime Brindle Players - Robin Hood St Josephs Parish Hall Hoghton Friday 13th February 7:30pm Saturday 14th February 11am/4pm Sunday 15th February 2.30pm Friday 20th February 7:30pm Saturday 21st February 2.30pm/7.30pm £8 Adult / £5 Concession £22 Family (2 Adults, 2 Concessions) BRINDLE ST JAMES MUSIC FESTIVAL Sat 25 April ‘PEMBERTON OLD’ BRASS St George’s Day Celebration Concert Singing led by Soprano,Helen Latham Sat 2 May UCLAN MUSIC THEATRE STUDENTS An evening of musical theatre Sat 9 May CHESTER ST CECILIA SINGERS Programme of sacred & secular music Sat 16 May CHRISTIAN HORROCKS Guitarist & Friends Some Flamenco. His skills belie his age! Sat 23 May UCLAN CHAMBER CHOIR Choir of staff & students Adults £8 (under 16s free) Includes refreshments TICKETS - RICHARD EVANS TEL: 01254 852894 - MOB: 07831 738399 : More information: St James’ future events nd Sun 22 Feb Hunger lunch (after church) st Sat 21 March Spring Fair More details will be available shortly. If you have any ideas about the Spring Fair please have a word with Lynn, Dave, or one of the wardens. Up all night for fun and faith All- night lock in in Blackburn cathedral 7.30pm Fri 20th to 7am Sat 21st February Sanctuary – Light in the Darkness Workshops on topics ranging from bullying to bereavement and conflict to climate change will ask questions about how the light of Jesus overcomes darkness. Worship, prayer stations, a giant lighthouse, an inflatable assault course and a football cage will transform the cathedral into an amazing youth venue. £12 per young person. More details are on the new Sanctuary website: www.
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