St. Boniface Church 1st February 2015 Candlemas Today at St. Boniface 8.00am 10.30am Holy Communion Family Worship Our services this morning are led by Mike Rogers Readings: Hebrews 2. 14-18 Luke 2. 22-40 A special welcome this morning to Samantha Wood and Sean Augustin who are having their banns read for the first time today In our prayers We give thanks for the continuing recovery of Harry Woodward. We pray for all who are ill especially George Wilgose, Daniel Jones, Kath Collinge and Hilda Elsworth and all who are mourning a loved one including the families of Joyce Nancarrow, Jean Higgins, Dorothy Jones and Tom Phillips. Notices Installation Service - Libby Lane If you would like to attend the service at Chester Cathedral for the installationof Rt Revd Libby Lane as Bishop of Stockport on Sunday 8th March at 3.30pm please let Tim know. The service will take the form of choral evensong with a liturgy of welcome and thanksgiving for Libby’s Episcopal Ministry in the Diocese. (See left for Tim’scontact details. Next Evensong is Sunday 15th Feb at 6pm Church Cleaning The next church clean will be tomorrow10am-12. Please join us if you can. Coffee and biscuits. Stamps Please save your used postage stamps for charity –there is a box at the back of church. Pancake Party at Tilly’s Monday prayers every Monday in term time at St. Boniface 9.30am. All welcome. Learning to Live by faith in today’s world The Women at the Well House group meets every Monday in term time 1.30 to 3.00pm at Gables Cottage, School Lane. All women welcome. Contact Debbie 260707 or Joy 260032 Friday 13th February 5-6pm. Bring a pan! Ash Wednesday is 18th February The Lent Course will run every Tuesday at 7.30pm in Lent in each of our churches in turn (including St. Jude’s, Calveley and the Methodist Chapel). The first session will be led by our youthworker Abby Cooper on 24th February at St. Boniface. Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 6th March at 1.30pm at Bunbury Methodist Chapel. The service this year has been prepared by women in the Bahamas and the theme is “do you know what I have done to you?” Palm Sunday (29th March) There will be a joint Communion service for all our congregations at 10.30am at St. Boniface and a special Choral Evensong with visiting choir Vox Vocavit at Calveley at 6.30pm. The February Link is now available at the back of church. Dysart invitation - all Link distributors are invited to come along to the Dysart on Thursday 26th February at 7.30pm for a thank you drink. Beeston Fete has a new date in 2015, Bank Holiday May 4th. If you would like to get involved in the Fete please join the committee at the Yew Tree, Tues 3rd February at 7pm. Drop in Digital Workshop at Tilly’s every Wednesday 10am. Demonstrations from Microsoft “Help + Tips” Young Christians (YCs) ages1016 meet on Monday evenings in term time. Contact Wendy Slack for details 260657 Toasties meeting every week for young people aged 11-18 in term time Contact our youth worker Abby 07852 162239 Friday Coffee Coffee and Cake Every Friday, from 10.30am until 12.00pm at Tilly's, for those of “ripening years”. Coffee £1. If you need or can help with transport please contact Amber Middlemiss 261437. Next PCC Meeting Wed 4th March 7.30 pm in the Tower Room Annual Parish Meeting Sunday 19th April after the 10.30am Service Our Vicar Tim’s contact details Email:[email protected] Phone:01829 261511 Notices to [email protected] Services this week Wed 4th February 10.00am Holy Communion Sun 8th February 10.30am Family Communion Visit the St. Boniface website
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