THE MESSENGER the weekly newsletter of Christ United Methodist Church YOU+ME=WE MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SEMINAR Saturday, February 14, from 10am to 2pm Albert Einstein once said, “Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not.” Change is inevitable, growth is optional. This informative and entertaining marriage enrichment event includes a candid presentation by Bob and Diane Nations, a happily married couple who enjoys sharing their experiences on how to build and maintain a healthy marriage. Bob brings experience in helping couples as an ordained minister, marriage and family therapist and counselor educator and supervisor. Diane brings her great experience in marriage by living with Bob. This most enjoyable event will provide time for group interaction and questions, some experiential exercises on relationship fundamentals and dedicated time for couple interactions. Spiritual, emotional, and relational topics will be addressed. Couples will have an opportunity to learn more about themselves, their partners, and how to build a healthy marriage. Cost is $20 per couple, and includes a special Valentine’s lunch, plus lunch and childcare for any children. This could be a great Valentine’s Day gift for your spouse, or your adult children! Tickets are available in Holy Grounds on Sundays, online at, in the Church Office, or in the Gathering Space during Welcome Wednesday. This event is sponsored by the Family Life Work Area. VOLUME 58, ISSUE 5 WORSHIP Sunday, February 1, 2015 Scriptures: Mark 1:21–28 Sermon: Manifest Divinity: Jesus Teacher Rev. Louis Timberlake SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30am Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 8:45am New Horizon Contemporary Service (Fellowship Center) 9:50am Sunday School for All Ages 11am Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 11:15am Spark Cutting-Edge Worship Service (Fellowship Center) Sunday, February 1, is the fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. Rev. Louis Timberlake will preach the sermon, Manifest Divinity: Jesus Teacher, based on the scripture Mark 1:21–28. Being an usher for our regular church services is a rewarding experience and is a volunteer opportunity that you can easily do. We need ushers for the 8:30am service and we can always use new volunteers for the 11am service. If you are interested, please contact Susan Wilson in the Church Office (299-1571, ext. 300) or Bill Trivette (441-8054). ANNUAL BRUNSWICK STEW SALE The Seekers Sunday School Class will have its annual Brunswick Stew Sale on Saturday, January 31. Stew pick-up will be from 2:30pm to 5:30pm at the church’s back entrance by the kitchen (follow the signs) and it must be picked up on that date at specified time due to limited storage space. Tickets may be purchased by contacting a Seekers Sunday School class member or by calling Mary Greear at 294-2133. Cost is $7 per quart. COLLECTION COUNTERS NEEDED The Business Manager is in need of volunteers to count our Sunday collection offerings. Requirements are good attention to detail, ability to use a 10-key calculator and availability on Monday mornings between 9 and 11am. This opportunity is weekly a month at a time. Please contact Samantha Charlet, Business Manager, for more information or visit cumccounters to sign up. MUSIC FOR A GREAT SPACE On Friday evening, February 6, at 7:30pm church members and others will have the unique opportunity to hear a brilliant pianist who originated in Guilford County. James Giles, a native of High Point, will play this year’s Henry Ingram Memorial Concert on the Music for a Great Space series. Mr. Giles, now the chair of both the piano department and of graduate studies in music at Northwestern University, has appeared in concert all over the world, including Greensboro’s own Eastern Music Festival. He will play works of Mozart, Debussy, Liszt and Rachmaninoff. As always, CUMC members can purchase discounted tickets for $12 at the door, and each individual ticket allows two students sixteen years or younger to attend free. Also, at 5:30pm, preceding the concert, our own Mark Ledford will serve a dinner in the Fellowship Center with an entrée choice of salmon, chicken, or vegetarian. Cost for this dinner will be $25 and proceeds will go to the Ingram Endowment of Music for a Great Space. Unlike the concert, tickets for the dinner will not be available at the door, the reservation deadline for the dinner is Tuesday, February 2. Anyone wishing to purchase a reservation for the dinner should go to the MGS website: Come and bring a friend for an elegant evening of food and music. UMW NEWS Circle 4 and Circle 7 will meet jointly Tuesday, February 10, beginning 10:15am (social), with meeting at 10:30am. Our program will include “Issues Facing the United Methodist Church Concerning Homosexuality,” presented by Rev. Bob Carter, retired UMC Pastor and CUMC member. We will meet at Friends Home West (FHW), at 6100 W. Friendly Ave., in the Wellness Center (not Activity Room 1). From CUMC, proceed to West Friendly Ave., past the Guilford College intersection; At the next stop light turn right (FHW sign). Proceed left toward the sign for the Special Events Center (about 1/4 way around complex). Enter directly across from sign door will be unlocked. Our room is on the right. NC PILGRIMAGE, FEBRUARY 19-22 AT CAMP HANES The first 2015 Pilgrimage at Camp Hanes in King, NC, is coming up soon and it is a great opportunity to spend a weekend enhancing your relationship with Christ and gaining a better understanding of your place in His community. Feel free to ask Pilgrims Karen Foster and Susan Price about their weekend. If you are interested in this wonderful retreat contact Kathy Hilton ([email protected]) to receive a brochure. MINISTRY UPDATES Attendance for January 25: 819 Sunday School: 447 PRAYERS (as of 1/26) Hospital: Sandra Wingate, Michael Austin Home: Erv Kivett, Allan Kirkman River Landing: Margaret Golden Deaths: Our deepest condolences to Denise Wells on the death of her niece, Michelle Lindsey. CIRCLE OF PRAYER FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE • Frances Cheek: (336) 273-5182 or [email protected] • Dianne Sink: (336) 545-6202 • Marie Carruthers: (336) 299-8692 • Lisa Tunstall: (336) 370-0477 or [email protected]. The Fifth Annual Father-Daughter Dance will be held on Saturday, February 7, from 7pm to 10pm. This year's event includes music from DJ Wally West, door prizes, and photo booth pictures that will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the DR Mission Trip. Tickets may be purchased online at For help during times of trial, a Stephen Minister can help. Call the Church Office at (336) 299-1571 for more details. STEPHEN MINISTRY CHILDREN’S MINISTRY ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:50am–10:50am) THIS WEEK Aldersgate Bible (Room 213) 1 Samuel led by Dale Pool Asbury (Chapel) led by Harry Laing Christ in Conversation (Rm 209) Cokesbury (Room 106) Islam led by Carl Lindquist Connections (Rm 207) Epworth (Rm 202) Faith Matters (Room 215) My One Word Fellowship (Disciple Room) Improv (Basement End) Journeys (Parlor) Koinonia (Room 205) Seekers (Room 101) The Making of a Preacher led by Bob Ralls Young Adults (Basement Left) Our theme this month is Miracles: Jesus Shows Me God’s Power in the World. Give your children the gift of Christian education, bring them (and yourselves) to Sunday School! Our theme verse for February is John 5:17: Jesus replied, “My Father is still working, and I am working too.” • February 1: The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12) • February 8: Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-43) • February 15: Feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-14) • February 22: The Man Beside the Pool (John 5:1-17) UPCOMING KIDS GROUP EVENTS (4TH–6TH GRADERS) (For more information, visit Snow Tubing Trip to Jonas Ridge, Saturday, February 21, 8:30am to 7pm: Information is online at, and will also be mailed. Our deadline to register is February 15, but this event will fill up fast, so register early! (Register online, or in the Church Office). Cost is $32, plus money for two meals. Snow tubing is the sledding of the millennium! You use a rubber inner tube to zip down the mountain runs. You will get to ride up the hill in your tube on the lift that the tube hooks onto. There is also a warm Lodge, for a break time. We will tube for about two hours. What to bring/wear: • Warm clothes (wear what you can) • Bring a small bag with additional clothes for tubing, and also a change of clothes. February is a great time to get away for a day with church friends. We will have a fun time as we travel to Jonas Ridge, NC to enjoy Snow Tubing, and just being together! Coordinated by KIDS Group Coordinators, Jeff Lewis and Carl Ripberger. Registration: Turn in money, registration form, and Jonas Ridge Release Form to the church office by Sunday, February 15, at the latest. You may register online, and fill out forms online if you like. We also need a Christ Church Health/Release Form on file, if you haven’t turned one in for the year. Space is very limited, so register early to get a spot! YOUTH MINISTRY The will be no UMY on Sunday, February 1. The SrHi youth will be collecting donations for the Souper Bowl after all services on Sunday, February 1. The South Carolina Mission Team invites all rising 9th Grade and first-time older youth and parents and any others interested in going on the 2015 SCMT to our first meeting on Sunday, February 1, at 12:15pm in the Music Room. This is an informational/Q&A meeting. Future meeting dates and other important information will be shared at this meeting. Youth Director Discovery Meetings for Youth, Parents, and Adult Leaders The Staff Parish Relations Committee has initiated the search process for a full time Youth Director and requests your input. SPRC will hold a series of discovery meetings on Sunday, February 8, in the Disciple Room during which time we ask you to share your thoughts and desires concerning this very important position. Meeting times follow: • 4pm–5pm: All middle and high school youth • 5pm–6pm: Youth program and Sunday School adult leaders • 6pm–7pm: All parents of middle and high school youth Following these discovery meetings, SPRC will complete the job description and initiate the search and hiring process. Questions can be directed to Scott Kinsey at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you Sunday, February 8. LAY ACADEMY Tuesday afternoons at 3pm, starting February 24. For more information, visit As we journey through the season of Lent, Dr. Efird will be teaching on the Passion Narratives of the four gospels. The Passion Narratives are the stories surrounding Jesus’ betrayal, death, and resurrection, which we traditionally commemorate during Holy Week. Our study will end right before Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week, making this a timely opportunity to remember Jesus' death and celebrate the power of his resurrection. MISSIONS Senior Wheels Are you looking for a way to serve your community? Senior Wheels is a program that provides rides to people who cannot drive to their monthly medical appointments. We are looking for volunteers who are available either in the morning or the afternoon for the third Wednesday of each month. You do not need to be available every single month. Christ Church is responsible for four riders each month but if we can increase our pool of available drivers, we could do more. If you are interested and/or have questions, please contact Linda Danford ([email protected]). Helping Greensboro’s Homeless Helping the homeless in Greensboro can be done in four ways. • Family Promise of Greater Guilford County cares for homeless families –, 332-0824. • Interactive Resource Center is a day center for the homeless and is also a cold-weather shelter –, 332-0824. • Winter Emergency Shelter at West Market Street UMC is a shelter for homeless men that helps transition them out of homelessness –, 275-4587. • Greensboro Urban Ministry provides food and shelter to the homeless while working to transition them out of homelessness –, 271-5975. Helping Hands for Hunger Helping Hands for Hunger is a CUMC mission project that, twice a year, packages nutritious, dried meals to be shipped to starving children around the globe. The next packaging event is Saturday, April 18, and HHH needs your help to secure the $20,000 needed to package 80,000 meals. If you are considering making an honorarium/memorial to someone in the church or simply want to contribute to the upcoming HHH event, please prayerfully earmark your check “Helping Hands for Hunger” and send it to the church office. Your contribution will foster our vision of a world without hunger. For further info or questions, contact Steve Danford: [email protected] or 373-1120. OUT OF THE GARDEN, INTO THE BACKPACKS Help us pack thirty-one bags of food every week for school children and families in need. A collection rack is located outside the Church Library. We especially need canned vegetables. Collection needs include pasta and pasta sauce, rice, macaroni and cheese, canned chicken or fish, peanut butter, crackers (especially ones that come in sleeves like Ritz or Saltines), granola bars, cracker packs, cereal (especially instant packs), and canned ravioli or spaghetti. CUMC LIBRARY TO BE RENEWED A new committee is forming to work on updating our Church Library. We will meet on Sunday, February 1, at 12:15pm (please note time change) in the Library. Our tasks will include sorting and organizing our collection along with cataloging and developing a check out system. Please contact Lynn Long ([email protected] or 299-1571 ext. 314) with questions or to let us know you will be joining us. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC MISSION TEAM NEWS Looking for a guilt-free reason to find warmer temperatures? Be the hands and feet of Christ while you enjoy the warmer temperatures of the Dominican Republic. Come and serve with our small group from February 22 to 28 while we continue to partner with Igelsia Evangelica Metodista Libre in San Pedro de Macoris and begin construction on the second floor of the Church School that CUMC began building six years ago. This will be a building team working with concrete and columns while enjoying fellowship with Christians from the States and the D.R., and wearing shorts in the warmer temperatures. Our goal is to erect nine columns in February in order to finish the second floor of the School building during our second trip July 7–13, 2015. No experience is needed, just a passport, the need for warm weather, and a servant's heart. Cost for the trip will be approximately $900 to cover transportation, lodging, and food. If you feel called to serve, but can't make the February trip, we will be returning July 7–13, 2015, for a larger missions trip. In July, we hope to finish construction on the second floor, lead a VBS for 400 children and direct a medical clinic for five days in the local community. Feel free to contact one of the team leaders, Mark Ledford at [email protected] or 336-317-1013, or Anna Brown at [email protected] if you have any questions. In addition, we are also now accepting pre-sale orders for Mark's Annual Super Bowl Chili that will be ready for pick up on Sunday morning, February 1, in Holy Grounds. Quarts are $8 apiece, or two quarts for $15, and will support the 2015 Mission Trip planned for July. We will be accepting orders on Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings in Holy Grounds and you can also email orders to [email protected]. Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, January 27. Thanks for supporting the 2015 DR Mission Team. Building on Faith: Habitat for Humanity’s Lenten Building Project We are joining thirty churches and Habitat for Humanity this year to build two homes for two families. Please prayerfully consider giving your time, talent, and treasure toward making these homes possible. No skill required—there will be trained staff to show you what needs to be done. This Building On Faith community build will kick off on February 21. All building days will be Saturdays. For more information, see the Habitat for Humanity link on the CUMC website under missions and look in the Gathering Space for sign-up sheets later this month when the schedule is available. If you wish to financially support this cause, send your check to the Church Office, marked Habitat House. Hot Dog Lunch Please join us for the 11th Annual Hot Dog Lunch on Sunday, February 15, from 11am to 1pm in the Gym. Come support our children as they raise funds to benefit our Out of the Garden ministry as well as the Dominican Republic Children’s Bible School. If you have a 1st–6th Grader who is interested in serving, they must sign up on the bulletin board outside the Church Office. There are limited amount of serving spaces. You may also email your child’s serving request to Teresa Slack at [email protected]. The shifts are thirty minutes long and you will need to drop off and pick up your child ontime at the beginning and end of their shift. Parent volunteers are also needed; sign-ups will be on the bulletin board as well. Please consider bringing individually wrapped desserts to be shared, to be dropped off the morning of the event in the Fellowship Center. We look forward to seeing you all there ready to serve or be served! Sponsored by Children's Council. CUB SCOUT PACK 104’S GOD & ME PROGRAM FOR 1ST THROUGH 3RD GRADERS AND GOD & FAMILY PROGRAM (4TH-5TH GRADERS) IN FEBRUARY AND MARCH These two programs are developed by for Protestant Christian faiths. They are recognized by BSA but taught by Religious Organizations. They fit with the Bear God Requirement and the Webelos Faith Requirement. These classes, as taught by CUMC, will be offered to all CUMC youth and Pack 104 youth. Classes will be taught by James Kjorlaug, pastoral intern with CUMC, and David Millsaps, former Pack 104 Leader and longtime CUMC volunteer. All interested families are encouraged to register with CUMC no later than Noon on February 2nd 2015 via [email protected] or 299-1571, ext. 333. CUMC families will have priority over non CUMC families. CUMC will keep two registrations lists for each class, one of CUMC families, the other of non-CUMC families. If demand exceeds available spaces (twelve in each class), CUMC will keep waiting lists. Class Dates (four sessions) • Thursday, February 12 • Thursday, February 26 • Thursday, March 12 • Thursday, March 26 Class Times • God & Me 6:30pm-7:30pm • God & Family: 6:30pm-8:pm Each scout must attend all sessions to complete instruction and will have work-at-home assignments between sessions. Cost Instructional Materials: $6.00 per youth Recognition Items $7 to $20 depending on award recognition items selected by each family. Parent Participation Expectations Parent participation is strongly encouraged, so that you can help your child grow in his faith. To follow Safe Scouting, Safe Sanctuary, and prudent crowd control guidelines for this age group, a minimum of two parents per meeting must stay during each class session to assist with keeping order. Sign-ups for meeting slots will be done when you register your scout. Uniform is optional to wear during session. In the case of inclement weather instructors will communicate via email any delay/cancel/reschedule information. For each class we will need a parent supply coordinator who will collect money for instructional materials and recognitions from participating families and order those through Email [email protected] if you are willing to serve. WELCOME WEDNESDAY Welcome Wednesday is a weekly ministry including dinner, children’s choirs, programs for all ages, as well as special worship services and events. Visitors are always welcome! The Family Life Work Area sponsors this ministry. Preregistration for classes helps us plan well for all classes and for meals. Please help us be good stewards of God’s resources by making reservations. Special Winter Events February 11: Mardi Gras Celebration February 18: Ash Wednesday Observance WINTER SESSION CLASSES FOR ADULTS Financial Peace University 24/6: A Spiritual Life Book Study with Pastor Mike Bailey (Drop-ins are always welcome!) “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Sounds nice, but how do we find rest in a 24/7 world? Just as the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt, we have become slaves to technology. Our technological tools allow 24-hour productivity and connectivity, give us more control, and subtlety enslave us to busyness itself. Sabbath is about restraint, about intentionally not doing everything all the time just because we can. Setting aside a day of rest helps us reconnect with our Creator and find the peace of God that passes all understanding. The Sabbath is about letting go of the controls one day a week and letting God be God. So how do we do it? On the Path to Better Health, starts February 25 A Lenten Exploration for body, mind, and spirit. Presented by the CUMC Health Ministry Team, this study brings together six different one-week studies which offer a variety of ways to think about health. Scriptures and practical ideas to keep the body fit, mind strong, and spirit bright. Attend just one or all of these classes. • February 25: Water infusions, smoothies, foot washing • March 4: Food, sugar additives, and gluten • March 11: Sitting and chair exercises • March 18: Walking, feet • March 25: Mindfulness • April 1, Body movement prayer Coffee and Conversation, Knitting with Barrie Birkner, GriefShare, Covenant, Chancel Choir rehearsal, and Yoga (contact Mona at [email protected] for more info) continue. YOUTH OPTIONS Welcome Wednesday Youth Fellowship! Join us in the Youth Building for fun and fellowship from 6:30pm to 7:25pm. Led by Matt Gravely and Sarah Pearson. (Youth are also welcome to attend adult classes, or to volunteer with children’s classes. Contact Anne Dooley to volunteer.) FOR 4TH–6TH GRADERS Mission Possible: Kids empowers kids to change the world through helping others. Contact Lori Gray with questions at (336) 707-6605 or [email protected]. CHILDREN’S OPTIONS • Nursery (5:15pm–7:30pm) provided for infants through young two-yearolds. • Faith Buzz Class (Older 2s–2nd Grade helpers) Faith Buzz teaches kids about God in ways they’ll remember. As kids dig into the Bible with creative activities, they’ll soak up life-changing lessons that really stick. • Wednesday Evening Children's Choirs MENU FOR FEBRUARY 4 • Minestrone Soup, Chicken Cacciatore with Linguine, Salad Bar, Garlic Bread Stick, Assorted Desserts and Beverages • Kids’ Menu: Chicken Nuggets, Mac and Cheese • Grilled chicken salads and glutenfree meals available upon reservation request WEEKLY SCHEDULE Dinner 5:30pm–6:15pm Joyful Noise Choir (4s–K) 5:55pm–6:20pm Wesley Choir (1st–3rd Grade): 6:30pm–7:20pm Classes for All Ages 6:30pm–7:20pm MEAL PRICES A salad bar will usually accompany each regular meal. A Healthy Choice meal or gluten-free meal is also available by request when you make a reservation. • Adult Meal, 16 and older (regular or healthy option): $6 • Regular meal for Youth or Special Kids Buffet (10–15 years old): $4 • Kids Buffet or Small Regular Meal (4–9 years old): $3 • Children 3 and under eat free. • Family Maximum: $20 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! CAN YOU HELP? We a r e a l w a y s l o o k i n g f o r volunteers to help with children’s classes and to teach a class for youth or adults. Suggestions for classes and leaders are appreciated. To volunteer for cashiering, decorations or classes, contact Alan Wi l s o n , To m a n d G w e n Worthington, or Anne Dooley. To volunteer for kitchen or clean up, contact Mark Ledford. CALENDAR OF CHURCH EVENTS for the week of FEBRUARY 1 (Featured events in bold.) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 All Day 8:30am 8:45am 9:50am 9:50am 9:50am 11am 11:15am 12:15pm 12:15pm 3:30pm 4pm 4pm 4:45pm 5pm 6pm 7:30pm Communion Sunday/First Food Sunday Traditional Service/Sanctuary New Horizon Service/Fellowship Center Sunday School for All Ages/Church-wide Adult Confirmation/Room 110 Parents of Young Children Group/Room 109 Traditional Service/Sanctuary Spark Worship Service/Fellowship Center SCMT Info Meeting/Music Room Church Library Committee Meeting/Library Flute Choir/Room 101 Centering Prayer/Chapel JrHi Team #2 Basketball Practice/Gym Intermediate Yoga/Youth Building Youth Choir/Music Room United Methodist Youth Fellowship/Gym Youth Basketball Team Practice/Gym MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7:30am 9:15am 10am 1:30pm 4pm 6:30pm 7pm 7pm 7:30pm Pilgrimage Reunion Group/Parlor Tai Chi/Youth Building Bible Study - Carter/Disciple Room Chair Yoga/Youth Building Pilgrimage Reunion - Eberhardt/Parlor Girls’ Team Basketball Practice/Gym Women’s Bible Study - Foster/Disciple Room Carillon Handbell Rehearsal/Music Room Endowment Committee Meeting/Parlor TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 9am 9am 9:45am 10:30am 11am 12:15pm Bible Study - Leonard/Disciple Room Celebration Ringers/Music Room Yoga with Mona/Youth Building Prayer Shawl Ministry/Parlor & Gathering Space Simply Fit Exercise Class/Youth Building Beginners Yoga/Youth Building WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 7am 1pm 5pm 5:30pm 5:55pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Men’s Bible Study - Vickers/Parlor UNCG Emeritus Class/Disciple Room Campana Ringers/Music Room Welcome Wednesday Dinner/Fellowship Center Joyful Noise Choir Rehearsal/Room 101 Chancel Choir Rehearsal/Music Room Financial Peace University/Room 204 Wesley Choir Rehearsal/Room 101 Youth Basketball Practice/Gym Young Adults Bible Study/Youth Building Loft THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5 7am Men’s Bible Study - Vickers/Parlor 9am MOPS/Youth Building 9:30am Covenant Bible Study - Brown/Disciple Room 9:45am Yoga with Mona/Youth Building 11am Simply Fit Exercise Class/Youth Building 12:15pm Chair Yoga/Youth Building 6pm New Horizon Band Practice/Fellowship Center 6:30pm Stephen Minister Training/Disciple Room 7pm Stephen Minister Supervision Meeting/Room 106 & 211 7:30pm New Covenant Choir Rehearsal/Music Room 8:30pm Basketball Fellowship/Gym FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 7am 5:30pm 7:30pm Men’s Bible Study/Parlor Music for a Great Space Dinner/Fellowship Center Music for a Great Space Concert/Sanctuary SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 11am 7pm Spark Rehearsal/Fellowship Center Father-Daughter Dance/Youth Building LOOKING AHEAD SCMT DATES Welcome Wednesday Mardi Gras: February 11 “You + Me = We” Marriage Event: Saturday, February 14 Hot Dog Lunch: Sunday, February 15 Welcome Wednesday Ash Wednesday: February 18 KIDS Group Snow Tubing Trip: Saturday, February 21 South Carolina Mission Trip: June 20–June 27 Marketplace Bible School: June 29–July 2 Day Camp: July 13–16 Camp Tekoa: July 26–August 1 SCMT Meeting: February 22 at 7:30pm SCMT Meeting: March 22 at 7:30pm Pine Straw Delivery: March 28 SCMT Meeting: April 26 at 7:30pm SCMT Yard Sale & Plant Sale: May 9 SCMT Final Meeting: May 17 at 7:30pm SCMT Pancake Breakfast: June 7 SC Mission Trip: June 20 through June 27 THE MESSENGER The weekly newsletter of Christ United Methodist Church. Periodical Postage Paid Greensboro, NC Postmaster: Change of address to: The Messenger 410 N. Holden Road Greensboro, NC 27410 The Messenger (USPS 073-460) is published weekly, except for weeks of July 4 and December 25, by Christ United Methodist Church. CONTACT US Christ United Methodist Church 410 North Holden Road Greensboro, NC 27410 Church Phone (336) 299-1571 Church Fax (336) 299-7866 Reservation Line (336) 299-1571, ext. 333 [email protected] Weekend Emergency Line (336) 337-5633 Childhood Enrichment Center (336) 294-9080 Kids Ahead (336) 299-5006 Encounter After-School Program (336) 299-1571, ext. 322 or (336) 912-2416
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