Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 M October 23, 2016 en ’s Gr Th ow ur s., Gro Ja up n 2 Be 8th gin s 137 Moll Drive • Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 • Ph 850.267.2558 • Fax 850.267.3711 Pastoral Team † October 23, 2016 † Pastor: Fr. Kevin Johnson Associate Pastor: Fr. Michael Hartley Deacon: Deacon Dave Casey Pastoral Assistant: Joe Colello Secretary: Karla Garcia Director of Religious Education: Monique Murray Pre-School Director: Lisa Brooks Director of Music: Adele Armitage Bookkeeper: Laurie Elliott Maintenance Director: Mike Downey Pastoral Council President: Andy Bukaty Finance Chairman: Ray Meyer, III Sacramental Schedule Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM Sunday 8 AM,10 AM, 5 PM Christ the King- Sat. Vigil 530 PM , 12 Noon Hispanic Mass- Saturdays 7 PM Weekday Masses 8:30 AM 1st Saturday Mass 8:30 AM Holy Days- as announced in bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation Saint Rita & CTK: Saturday 4-5 PM website: e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] LUKE 18:14 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 October 23, 2016 Mass Intentions for the Week Altar Linen October 23rd Patsy Mall October 30th Anna Fowler November 6th November 13th Liz Stay Paula Michalak Collections St. Rita Offertory Buildng/Maint. Fund Burse Upon This Rock CSA $ 10,413 2,325 28 25 30 Saturday 5:30PM 5:30PM Sunday 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:00 PM Monday 8:30AM Tuesday 8:30AM Wednesday 8:30AM Thursday 8:30AM Friday 8:30AM Saturday 5:30PM 5:30PM 7:00PM Sunday 8:00AM 10:00 AM 12:00PM 5:00PM October 22 Ann Brazeal CTK October 23 †Robert McConnell †Nicholas Amabile CTK Giovanni Turner †Eugene Crawford October 24 †Vincent McCumstie October 25 †Jonas Krounaitis October 26 Patricia Hoch October 27 †Mary Kelly October 28 October 29 Jim Kelly CTK Spanish Mass October 30 Linda Hebert †Joseph Francis Konchalski CTK †Michael Logue Thank You! St. Rita Gift & Garden Shop St.Rita3rdclassrelicsare available.Crosses,medals, HolyCards,andsmall statues. Prayer Requests Teddy Lambert Olga Alvarez Martha Arevalo Dick Brooks Joe DeCandia Fred Casey Jan Ebbecke Ann Flork Max Gusinde Lori Herring Donna Kirby Brandy Kirkland Juene Knutel Fritz Lammer Marie Lattenbergova Ulrika Laurence Joseph Le Bleu John Leonardi Waylon Little Dee Logue Jim Mahan Betty Miller Gerry Miller Christie Myrick Norge Nunez [email protected] Carolynn Opar Joel Rivera Roselyne Rose Liz Skalicky Jack Stone Cheryl Tindell Keith Tullos Richard Veldman Mike Wathen Cliff Wesson Mass Intentions are available by calling the church office at (850) 267-2558. Readings for the Week _______________ Monday: Eph 4:32 -- 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 5:21-33 or 5:2a, 25-33; Ps 128:1-5; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Saturday: Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: Wis 11:22 -- 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 -- 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time THIS WEEK AT SAINT RITA Monday, October 24 5:30pm Ecumenical Choir 6:00pm RCIA-Office 6:30pm Boy Scouts -MSSR 7:00pm Prayer Group - Church Tuesday, October 25 9:30am The Creed: Bible Study-MSSR 5:15pm God Squad Dinner/Movie: Francis of Assisi 5:30pm English Choir Practice 7:00pm Hispanic Choir Practice Wednesday, October 26 9:00am Sewing Group 12:00 Noon- Women’s Club 4:30pm Grace Notes 6:00pm The Creed Bible Study-Office 6:00pm Hispanic Bible Study-MSSR Thursday, October 27 6:30pm Grow- MSSR Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass MAJOR EVENTS IN OCT/NOV Oct31 AllSaintsDayVigilMass-CTK5:30pm Nov1 AllSaintsDay-StRita8:30am&6pm Nov2 AllSoulsDay Nov5 PublicRosary@Hwy98&MollDr Nov6 DaylightSavingTimeEnds Nov8 ElectionDay Nov15 GodSquadMovie Nov19ParishCleanupDay Nov28-30IgnatiusPrayerWorkshop (SpecialAdventProgram) Women’s Club New Date and Time Regular Monthly Meetings have been moved to the last Wednesday of each month at 12:00 Noon in MSSR Society of ST. VINCENT DE PAUL DO YOU NEED HELP? Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 888-229-6582.¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. We want you… as a member… to share your time, treasure and talents… to assist those in need. For more info call Stephen Starkey at 678-362-0284. For Donations: Please use yellow envelopes in Pew. [email protected] 3 October 23, 2016 From the GOD SQUAD: REFLECTION “Friends” God of friendship, thank you for my friends, especially for those who give me advice Thank you for my closest friends whom I see every day, whom motivate me to grow and serve. Thank you for all the good friends whom I used to see more often, but I don't see as much anymore Lord continue to give me good friends throughout my life, and help me to be a better friend to all. Amen! Exodus God Squad Movie Night Join others in our parish to learn more about one of the most popular saints who ever lived…….. When: Tuesday, Oct 25th, 5:15pm MSSR Dinner will be served Please Join Us! Pray for Our Country in this Critical Time The next public rosary for our country will be just prior to the election, on Saturday, November 5th at 9:30am, after First Saturday Mass at St. Rita. You are welcome to bring lawn chairs, strollers and coolers. You do not have to stay the whole hour but are welcome to come for any part of it. Corner of HWY 98 and Moll Drive Encourage your children to experience the liturgy through song and be a part of the Grace Notes Youth Choir. Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 4:30pm. Come and enjoy as we plan for the Christmas Season. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 October 23, 2016 Fulfilling The Promise St. Rita Family Life Center $536,000 SURF 2016-2017ReligiousEduca9onSchedule 8:45-9:45an—K-4thGrades-PreschoolModulars Confirma9onClassesstartedSept21st— 1st&3rdWednesdays@6pmParishOffice Youmays\llregisterinparishoffice NEW: St. Rita MOM’s Group Meets Every Wednesday at 9:15am After Daily Mass- Classroom in MSSR Kids are Welcome, All Moms Welcome! Please join us for fellowship & spiritual growth!! Call Jennifer Mayne(757) 748-1902 For Further Details [email protected] Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAYING FOR OUR BELOVED DEAD All Soul’s Day is Wednesday, Nov 2nd. During the month of November we will pray for the souls of all our Beloved Dead at all Masses. At the masses on the weekend of Nov. 5th- 6th, we will also read their names. Please inscribe the names of the beloved dead who passed away within the past year (November 2015 to October 2016) in the notebook located by the front entrance to the church by Mon- Oct. 24th. St. Rita Preschool wouldliketoinviteyou 5 October 23, 2016 Every year St Rita has collected Thanksgiving food for the Caring and Sharing Pantry. This year our drive will begin this weekend, Oct.22nd – Oct.23rd. We will have brown grocery bags available with a list of desired food items attached. For those of us who have been blessed with so much, let us open our hearts to those who are in need. Let’s ensure a bountiful Thanksgiving for everyone. Thank you! tojoinusfor Trunk or Treat Candy*Snacks*Music*Fun*Games Friday, October 28th, 4-6 pm If you would like to decorate your trunk and join the fun call 267-2558 to sign up. Sarah Hart in Concert Fri, November 4, 2016 7:00 – 8:30 PM Saint Dominic Catholic Church 3308 E. 15th Street, Panama City, FL General Admission Tickets are $10/person along with a donation of one non-perishable food item for our local St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. (Tickets can also be purchased at the door, but price increases to $12/person.) Doors open at 6:30pm. [email protected] FOOD DRIVE Women's Retreat with Sarah Hart: The Fruit of the Spirit Sat, November 5, 2016 12:30–8:30PM Saint Dominic Catholic Church 3308 E. 15th Street, Panama City, FL Spend the day with grammy-nominated singersongwriter Sarah Hart and other women journeying through all walks of life and faith! (Must be 18 yrs. or older to attend.) Enjoy food, music, stories, laughter, tears, more food, and nourishment for your soul! Register by Oct 31 for early-bird pricing: $25/person After Oct 31: $30/person Schedule Change: Eucharistic Adoration During the Winter Months, our Adoration Hours are from 9am to 6pm on the 1st Friday of each month. Comunidad Hispana Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 PADRE. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR ! October 23, 2016 PADRE MIGUEL HARTLEY, SACERDOTE 23 de Octubre, 2016 • DE SANTA RITA Y CRISTO REY 137 Moll Drive, Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 32459 Telefono: (850) 267-2558 Fax: (850) 267-3711 Recuerden en sus oraciones... Equipo Pastoral Pastor: Padre Kevin Sacerdote: Padre Miguel Comunicación: Felita Asteinza Secretaria: Karla Garcia Musica: Adele Armitage Horario Sacramental Misa en Español: Nuevo Horario Cada Sábado 7pm Adoración de la Eucaristía: Primer Viernes del Mes Confesiones: 9am-9pm Sábado 4-5pm Estudio Bíblico: Miércoles- Iglesia Clases Religiosas para adultos 6pm Clases Bautismales: Claudia Davila Segundo Jueves del Mes 6-9 pm Sociedad de San Vicente DePaul Necesita ayuda? No hacen falta documentos. Llame a: 888-229-6582 Horario de Ministros: 22 Oct: Misa Bilingüe 5:30pm Lectores: Laura Lutz Hospitalidad: Communidad Americana Donas: Familia Macias y Elizabeth Olguín Sacristan: David Lutz, Carlos Delgadillo Monaguillos: Nayeli Torres, Elizabeth y Miguel Garcia 29 de Octubre: Lectores: Francisco Moreno, Isabel Bravo Hospitalidad:Familia Davila Donas: Juana Angeles Sacristan: Dave Lutz, *Laura Lutz, Marcela Espinel Monaguillos: Carina Angeles [email protected] Pidan al Señor por los enfermos, los difuntos de nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras propias intenciones. †Maik Darley Guadalupe Alvarez †Juanita Delgadillo †Maria Luisa Polanco de Darley Olga Alvarez †Jose Alvarez Favor de llamar la oficina si gusta agregar alguna intención Lunes, Octubre 24 6pm RICA- Primera Clase-Iglesia 7pm Grupo de Oración- Iglesia Martes, Octubre 25 7 pm Coro Hispano-Iglesia Miércoles, Octubre 26 9am Grupo de Costureros 11am Tarde de Juegos para adultos 6:30pm Estudio Biblico- Iglesia- Sta. Rita Colecta $ 535 Gracias! *MSSR- Cafeteria de Sta. Rita Iglesia de Cristo Rey Una Cena después de la Misa el 20 de Noviembre Reservaciones son necesarias….. se no tienes reservaciones, NO PUEDES participar. ****El Ano pasado hubo una Familia con reservaciones que se quedo sin comer porque comieron familias sin reservaciones. ****Tambien, la Iglesia paga por cada platillo, so por favor, si hace reservaciones, por favor de cumplir con ella. RICA- Clases empezaron 26 de Septiembre ¿Quieres ser católico o recibir los sacramentos de bautizo, Primera comunión, o Confirmación? LasClasescadalunes,6PM LlamalaoficinaparaInscribirteoparamasinformaciónal(850)267–2558 La Escuela Preescolar de Sta. Rita invita a todas a disfrutar una tarde de disfrazes para nuestros niños. Viernes, 28 de Octubre, 4-6pm. Si quieren decorar su vehículo y dar dulces por favor de llegar a la iglesia a las 3:30. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 Christ the King FR. KEVIN JOHNSON, PASTOR October 23, 2016 FR. MICHAEL HARTLEY, ASSOCIATE PASTOR October 23, 2016 • IN CHRIST’S CORNER 15542 Business Highway 331 • Freeport, FL 32439 • 850-267-2558 • FAX 850-267-3711 UPCOMING EVENTS: *Open to Public Oct 22 St. Rita- Bilingual Mass 5:30pm & Hispanic BazaarMore info on Pg 3 of Bulletin All Saints Day Observances: Oct 31 CTK- Monday Vigil Mass-5:30pm Nov 1 St. Rita- Tuesday 8:30am & 6pm All Souls Day Observance Nov 2 St. Rita- Wednesday- 8:30am *Nov 1 Catholic Charities Food Distribution 1:00 PM CTK Social Hall Nov 2 All Souls Day…8:30am- St. Rita *Nov 4 CTK Bunco- Social Hall 6:30 PM Nov 5 Marian Consecration Retreat 6:30Pm Nov 6 Monthly Pot Luck Dinner after Noon Mass Tuesdays/Martes, 7-8:30pm Our Hispanic community will meet at CTK hall for wkly Bible Study. (Nuestra Comunidad Hispana se juntara para un Estudio Biblico) 2016 is the Year of Mercy. Mass Intentions available by calling the office at 850-267-2558. Collections: Offertory $ 1038 Building Fund 303 Thank You! Sacramental Schedule New Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil- 5:30 PM Sunday- Noon Confessions: Saturday 4:30pm Religious Education: Elementary Classes- Saturday 4:30pm Confirmation, Middle & High School - Sun 11pm [email protected] Saying the Rosary: Beginning Sunday, October 23rd, those that would like to say the Rosary before Sunday Mass each Sunday, should arrive at 11:20AM ChristtheKingFeastDay&Dinner-Sunday,November20th will be the regular Noon Mass and a catered dinner afterward…there will be a signup sheet which will be adhered to carefully. When you sign up, you are making a RESERVATION ! ***Last year, an entire table of CTK Family members that HAD signed up were not able to eat because some members who did NOT sign up took their seating! All are WELCOME but we want everyone who signs up in advance to be able to partake of this glorious event. ****In addition, we are required to pay for the number of meals that are ordered in advance from the caterer. Be sure to check your calendars and make sure that if you sign up for a Reservation, that you are able to show up! Please be thoughtful and cooperate in this endeavor. Thank You! +++Prayer Requests for God’s Loving and Divine Healing to soothe the hearts and souls in a positive manner of those around the world wishing to destroy Christians. We ask that their hearts be turned to the goodness of God!!! We would like to start off with a new Prayer Request list. If you have a special need or prayer request you would like added, please email Sally Orlosky. Thank you David Caggiano Dan Dowd Sr. Dan Dowd Jr. Joe Everett Sally Orlosky Mueller Family Yvonne Payne Logan Tassin Rhonda Trainer Giovanni Turner Special Prayer Request for all CTK Members, their Families and their Friends Information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to be added to the CTK Information Master email list – Send it to Sally at [email protected] by SUNDAY EVENING in order to go into the following week’s Bulletin. If you wish to utilize the Social Center, Call Bob Santos 835-0037, or you may visit our website at website.
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