Harrison School Newsletter 3 February 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our new students, families and staff. Yesterday we welcomed over 250 new students from Kindergarten to Year 10 as well as 75 Preschoolers. You may have noticed some new faces at the front of our classrooms too and we will have a full list of staff in next week’s newsletter. We are keen for parents to meet teachers and we have some important information to share so we are holding parent information sessions this week and next: Week 1 Kindergarten: Wednesday 4 February 5:45pm (Hall) Week 2 Year 1/2: Tuesday 10 February 5:45pm (Gym) Year 3/4: Tuesday 10 February 6:30pm (Gym) Year 5/6: Thursday 12 February 5:30pm (Senior PATS building) Year 7/8 & 9/10: Thursday 13 February 6:30pm (Senior PATS building) Assemblies We will hold whole school assemblies in the Gym in Weeks 5 and 10 on the Wednesday at 9:15. For Semester One, we will hold secondary school (Years 5-10) assemblies on odd weeks at 9:15am in the Gym starting in week 3, 18 February. Junior school (Preschool to Year 4) assemblies will be held in even weeks starting in week 2. Their first assembly will be Wednesday 11 February in the Gym. Class teachers will contact parents if their child is receiving a school certificate or participating in the assembly. School certificates are awarded for recognising excellence in achievement, citizenship or endeavour or for showing the school values. Parents, friends and family are welcome to every assembly. Term1 Week 1 Wednesday 4 February Secondary School Assembly – 9:15am Gym Kindergarten Information Session 5:45pm -Gym Term 1 Week 2 Tuesday 10 Yr.1/2 Information Session 5:45pm – Gym Yr.3/4 Information Session 6:30pmGym Wednesday 11 Junior School Assembly – 9:15am Gym Thursday 12 Yr.5/6 Information Session 5:30pm Yr.7/8 Information Session 6:30pm Yr.9/10 Information Session 7:30pm ALL Sessions will be held in the Senior PATS Bldg. REMINDER: For ALL events in the Gym please wear flat-soled shoes ONLY 2015 Term 1 Calendar Updated 03/02/15 Inspire – Personalise - Learn Last week I spoke to staff about the Harrison Vision and how promoting and working towards this would be a focus for us this year. Today I spoke to all students about focusing on the personal goals they want to work towards this year, being inspired to learn and reaching for their goals. I challenged them to set the bar high and push themselves hard. I also challenged all students, especially our senior students to set the example for all to follow. I am confident everyone will work hard, and with help from teachers and parents our students will display personal growth and outstanding achievement. O Week Staff spent a productive week at school last week attending maths and literacy professional learning and working closely in their teams to develop and plan learning programs. Thank you to our executive, teachers, learning support assistants and administrative staff who worked very hard to get things ready for the year. We hope to have class groups settled by Friday afternoon as we manage new enrolments, increased class groups and timetable changes. We appreciate your support and patience as we welcome to our school over 1500 students from Preschool to Year 10. Please be sure to keep an eye on upcoming events and our school calendar. I will keep you posted as we are hoping to trial an online calendar this term that will enable you to get updates much more easily. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS One event to be aware of is the School Board elections. We need to fill the following positions this year: • • • • Community Representative x 1 Parent Representative x 1 Staff Representative x 1 Student Representatives x 2 Board positions are held for two years. More information about school Boards can be found at http://www.det.act.gov.au/school_education/scho ol_boards . Nomination forms can be obtained through Trish in the front office. Finally, with school starting back I will take this opportunity to remind you all about the importance of keeping to the speed limit around the school and in the car parks, paying extra attention as you drive around these areas and parking only in the designated areas. Jason Holmes. Harrison Swimming Trials The 8 -17yrs Swimming Trials will be held at the AIS pool on Tuesday 17 February. Interested swimmers must be able to swim 50m to participate at this carnival. Students turning 8 this year i.e. born 2007 are eligible. Notes will be available Thursday afternoon from home room teachers. Events include 50m and 100m Freestyle, Backstroke, Breastroke, Butterfly and 200IM. All queries can be directed to Deb Gordon. How to Help the Front Office Support your Child Student Absences If your child/ren are absent for any reason from school could you please call the school on 61422200, informing us of their name and class. Money Money for excursions and events collected throughout the year is handed to teachers in the classrooms and is then forwarded to the front office for processing. We request your cooperation with the following: 1. Please enclose correct money. 2. Place money and permission note in an envelope clearly marked with the child’s name, teacher’s name and purpose. 3. Please ensure coins are not able to slip out of the envelope by folding over the opening edge of the envelope. PLEASE DO NOT WRAP MONEY IN CLING WRAP OR STICKY TAPE. 4. Individual contributions are preferred, but if it is necessary to send money to cover more than one child, please be sure to enclose each child’s permission note. It is preferred that money be sent to the class teacher, not the front office. 5. Students from Years 7-10 need to hand money directly into the Senior Office by 9:30am. Emergency Medical Plans Any student requiring an Emergency Medical Plan medical MUST have their plan updated yearly. If your child requires an Emergency Medical Plan please collect the forms from the Front Office and return as soon as possible. Medication If children need to take medication during school hours, please fill in an “Authority to Administer Medication” form which is available from the front office. If the medication is prescribed by a doctor, it is also preferable to have the doctor sign the form. Due to departmental policy, school staffs are unable to administer medication without this authority. All medication to be administered must be in the medication container/box from the chemist with dosage and time of administration and handed to the front office staff. Clothing Please mark all clothing clearly with your child’s full name. Lost property can then be returned promptly to the owner. Contact Details For the well-being of your child please keep us informed of up-to-date contact phone numbers, addresses and essential details. We would also appreciate being informed of any changes in domestic arrangements in your child’s family. If you require further information on general procedures within the school please do not hesitate to contact us on 6142 2200. FRONT OFFICE HOURS Harrison School Front Office hours are: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 3:30pm For all enquiries and calls Thank you for your assistance. Debbie Carne – Business Manager 3/4 Team News Welcome to 2015! The 3/4 team has planned an exciting and engaging program for Term 1 and we would like to share a couple of highlights in each newsletter. Students will start out by answering two very big questions: What if we had no rules? How would we interact with others safely and actively? These come from the Australian Curriculum areas of Health and Civics and Citizenship: *Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities *Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change *Identify and practice strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing For students to hear firsthand how different people practise strategies that promote health, safety and wellbeing and challenge themselves, we are inviting some ‘everyday heroes’ to talk to our students. HARMONY DAY 2015 Friday 20 March 2015 The message of Harmony Day is EVERYONE BELONGS. It’s a day to celebrate Australia’s diversity, and Harrison’s diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. First off, on the 17 February we have invited Eric Aichinger, who works at Parliament House during the day, and is a passionate bicycle rider. Eric combines his passion for riding with supporting Variety, - the children’s charity. “I feel really privileged to be able to combine my love of riding with a desire to help Variety raise much needed money to help Aussie kids.” Eric is a fantastic storyteller, who will inspire our students to want to ride their bikes themselves, personalise the experience by sharing his journey with our students and support their learning, by explaining the importance of regular practice, healthy eating habits and a positive mindset to achieve our goals. We would like to express our gratitude to Eric who is taking time out of his work day to come and talk to our students. Please have a look at the website below to find out more about our ‘local hero’ Eric and his journey. If you would like to donate towards this worthy cause please go to the link. All contributions will help. https://thevarietycycle2015.everydayhero.com/au /eric#post_411889 We invite you to share your ‘everyday hero’ stories with our students ,please contact your class teacher or the team leader Nicole Zimmer on 61422000. 3/4 Team All parents are invited to come to Harrison School to celebrate Harmony Day. All students can wear clothes that represent their culture, their heritage or any other culture. We would like to have food from many cultures and countries. If you would like to help prepare food or bring food, please contact Andrea Kemp on [email protected]. DEFENCE NEWS Welcome back for 2015 to all our continuing families. To all of our new Defence families arriving this year, welcome to Harrison School and to Canberra! We hope that your moves have gone smoothly and that you settle into our community very quickly. Please watch this space each week, for Defence information and details about activity groups that we will be offering for both students and parents throughout the year. DSTA: Available Monday – Thursday, during school hours DTM: hours to be confirmed We look forward to meeting you, Jenny and Jo [email protected] HARRISON HEARTS Harrison Hearts will be returning in 2015. For those new families, this group facilitated by the DSTA and DTM, is open to all community members and meets in the library Multi – purpose room on Wednesday afternoons between 1:30pm and 2:30pm. We get together and have a cuppa and a great chat while creating resources for the school. Watch this space for a start date! CANTEEN NEWS Please see the link below for the new CANTEEN MENU. Flexi-schools will not be available until Monday 9 February. FLEXI -SCHOOLS ONLINE ORDERING SCHOOL BANKING Welcome back to everyone and a warm welcome to all new families to the school. To our new families, the school participates in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking Program, where we process deposits to the children’s accounts at school, the children receive a special token and these can then be redeemed for fantastic rewards during the year. We will have more information and parent information packs available in the coming weeks. In the meantime if you would like to participate in the program you simply need to open a Youthsaver Account at any Commonwealth Bank. You also need to remember that our school banking day is every Wednesday, to our existing savers -this means we will recommence the program tomorrow. We look forward to a great year with some new and exciting rewards and hope many more of you join our very successful program. Linda and I are always happy to help you. Maria Sanchez-Worsnop and Linda Barrack School Banking Coordinators
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