Please remember in your prayers...Members: Fran Dalton, Jack Davis, Billie Mahaffy, Mary McBee, David McLemore, June Nichol, Betty Price, Kay Richardson, Patrick Rushing, Mandy Rushing, Rhonda Sizemore, Jack Stradley, Ed Thompson, Sue Turley, Jeanette Wood...Family: Nelda Anderson, Jetty Barefield, Dee Boggs, Emma Grace Coker, Ashley Davis, Diana Davis-Blair, Ruby Duke, Hanky Gwin, Milton Hemingway, Allyson Lewis, David & Summer Mabry, Zyg Majewski, Leon Massanelli, Della McBee, Jay McFall, Mary Alice Harvey Mitchell, Jack Park, Chuck Stowe, Jane Thomasson, Chris Young...Friends: Simmie Armstong, Robert Anderson, Agnes Andrus, Joe Ascione, Olivia Ashley, Valarie Bakhtiar, Chris Bilgischer, Cecil Blocker, Abby Bobo, Shirley Brock, Pat Brown, Wilson Bynum, Peyton Carroccio, Kent Cheney, Renee Childers, Tom Choate, Kirsten Cothran, Robin Dalrymple, Bobby Douglas, Linda Eubank, Sunny Evans, Mary Flowers, Daniel Frazier, Larry Fugate, Baker Fullerton, Greg Galster, Denise Gray, Charlene Hamlin, Joyce Henderson, Robert Henderson, Sherri Hicks, Debbie Kell, Martha Mahoney, Tommy May, Carol Maranto, Gracie Patterson, Ian Priestnall, George Pugh, Wade Reynolds, Lynne Trulock Ravellette, Karen Redwine, Darrall Richter, Wayne Stone, Joe Suggs, Martin Tindall, Ronald Williams For the success, safety and support of our men and women in uniform: Jacob Burdick, Marc Cunningham, Houston Ford, Erik Forestiere, Jeremy Graves, Andy Harrison, Gary Hogan, David Hoots, Geoffrey Martin, Evan McBee, Antwone Wilson, John Wellenberger IV. Trinity Episcopal Church Pine Bluff, Arkansas est. 1838 The flowers are given to the glory of God by Richard Sullivan in memory of his parents, Fred and Dorothy Sullivan and family friends Tom and Rosalie Weiss and Nell and George Barron. The 98th Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is set for Feb. 17. Tickets are $6 and available from any member of the Men’s Club. Help keep our prayer list current by calling the office (534-3832) when there is a need for prayer, or when the need has been met. Please continue to bring your empty ink and toner cartridges to the church for recycling. We receive a $2 store credit from a local office supply store for each cartridge returned. There are offering envelopes in the back of the church for those who need them. The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany February 1, 2015 10:30 a.m. The Holy Eucharist: Rite II Presentation of the Offering and Doxology (stand) The Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany 10:30 a.m. February 1, 2015 The Rt. Rev. Dr. Larry R. Benfield, Bishop of Arkansas The Rev. Dr. Walter Van Zandt Windsor, Rector of Trinity Parish Mr. Faron Wilson, M.M.E., Organist/Choirmaster Please remember that as we enter the church, we prepare ourselves for divine service by kneeling quietly in prayer and acknowledging the presence of God in this place. Please afford one another a time of quiet prayer prior to the beginning of the service. Prelude on “Finlandia” .............................................................................................. Jean Sibelius Processional Hymn 569: “God the Omnipotent!”(stand) ............................................... Russia Acclamation ...................................................................................................................... BCP 355 Hymnal S277: Gloria in excelsis................................................................................... David Hurd Collect of the Day (kneel) ..................................................................................................... (insert) The First Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20 (sit) ................................................................(insert) Psalm 111 (sing refrain) ...........................................................................................................(insert) Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 ...............................................................................(insert) Hymnal 470: “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy” ....................................................... Beecher The Gospel: Mark 1:21-28. ..................................................................................................(insert) The Sermon .................................................................................................................. The Rector The Nicene Creed............................................................................................................ BCP 358 The Prayers of the People, Form VI ............................................................................ BCP 392 Confession of Sin and Absolution ................................................................................ BCP 360 The Peace (stand) .............................................................................................................. BCP 360 At this time you are invited to exchange a sign of God’s Peace with the persons closest to you in the pew. The offering of the Peace is not a time for conversation but it is an outward and visible sign of reconciliation, a tradition we continue from the most ancient church. Offertory Anthem: “God has spoken to his people” ....................................... arr. Richard Proulx The Great Thanksgiving, Prayer A ................................................................................ BCP 361 Hymnal S 120: Sursum Corda (Lift up your hearts) Hymnal S 124: Sanctus (Holy, holy, holy Lord) (kneel following) ..................... David Hurd The Lord’s Prayer ............................................................................................................ BCP 364 Hymnal S 161: Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)................................................................. David Hurd ~ The Communion ~ All baptized Christians are welcome at the Table of Our Lord. Please join us at the altar rail to receive Holy Communion. If it is more convenient for us to bring the Sacrament to your seat, let the ushers know. Communion Hymn 576: “God is Love”................................................................... Mandatum Prayer of Thanksgiving ................................................................................................... BCP 365 The Final Blessing Recessional Hymn 438: “Tell out, my soul” .................................................................. Woodlands Postlude: “Hornpipe”(from Water Music) .................................................................. G. F. Handel Verger ....................................................................................................................... Jeff Carraway Lectors.................................................................................................. Jeff Carraway, Joe Coker Eucharistic Minister ........................................................................................ Trudy McIntyre Ushers................................................................................... John Wellenberger, Larry Wasson Security........................................................................................................................ Phil McBee Lock up ................................................................................................................... Larry Wasson Trinity Chancel Choir: George Campbell, Helen Campbell, Hayley Coughlin, Jonathan Cruz, Chelsea Culp, Fran Dalton, Priscilla Ferguson, Mary Finnie, Mary McBee, Dylan Miles, Mark Sullivan, Charlie Schmieder, Jack Stradley, Beverly Wasson, Charlotte Wilson
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