Thanks to our Lay Ministers assisting in today’s liturgies: Acolytes Lectors S Moody, P Hudson Intercessor L Barker Eucharistic Minister K Baranoski Ushers E Dover, S Allard, V Bush Thanks to today’s Altar Flower and Hospitality Ministries: P Gervickas, S Richards, K Minkler St. John’s Episcopal Church On the Green Welcomes You We welcome the musicians for this morning’s services: Steve Minkler (9:30) Michael Petruzzi (11:30) Bread & wine given in loving memory of Georgiana James La Iglesia De Sán Juan Episcopal Le Da Bienvenida (Brenda Webber’s mother) by Brenda & Leo Webber Prayers of the People / Oraciones de los Fieles In the Anglican cycle of prayer we pray for: En el ciclo de oracion Anglicana, oremos por: St. Peter’s Church, Fraserburgh, Scotland; The Monks of Holy Cross Monastery; Iglesia Episcopal San Fernando Rey, Omoa, Cortez, Honduras; St. Thomas Church, New Haven; Immanuel St. James, Derby; Epiphany, Durham; St. Gabriel’s, East Berlin; St. Stephen’s, East Haddam; Comite Hispano , Spanish‐language Cursillo, Latino/ Hispanic ministry in CT. In the parish cycle of prayer, we pray for: En el ciclo parroquial de oracion, oremose por: Jose Santiago; Margaret Sauvageau; Susan Sauvageau; George Stevens; Norma Stevens; Christine & Jia Stolfi. We pray for those who have asked for our intercession: Oremos por los que pidan nuestro intercession: Justino, Monica, Jack, Brianna, Carol, Darcy, Gina, Guiseppe, Hamsa, Lynne, Paul, Tyler, Leo, Barbara, Dave W., Regina S., George B., Pam, Paul G, all first responders & active duty military personnel. Upcoming meetings ( 7 pm unless noted): Feb 1 Bible Study *6 pm w/potluck supper Feb 7 Exec Council/Finance (at Lorraine’s) Feb 8 Bible Study *6 pm w/potluck supper Feb 14 Vestry (church) Feb 15 Bible Study *6 pm w/potluck supper Feb 16 Outreach (at Lorraine’s) Feb 20 House (church) Feb 22 Bible Study *6 pm w/potluck supper Upcoming musicians (9:30 service) Feb 5 Scott Miller Feb 12 Steve Minkler Feb 19 Bob Havery Feb 26 Jazz Ensemble Our 11:30 musician is Michael Petruzzi January 29, 2017 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with hymns (in English) 11:30 am Santa Eucaristía (en Español) 16 Church Street Waterbury, CT 06702 203-754-3116 email: [email protected] website: Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10am-3pm Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Cuarto Domingo después de Epifanía Holy Eucharist Rite II, 9:30 a.m. Santo Eucaristía Rito II, 11:30 a.m. Prelude Opening Hymn In the cross of Christ I glory Hymnal 441 Opening Sentences BCP 355 The Gloria Hymnal S 280 The Collect of the Day insert The First Lesson Micah 6:1-8 insert Psalm 15 insert The Epistle 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 insert Sequence Hymn Tis the gift to be simple Hymnal 554 The Gospel Matthew 5:1-12 insert Sermon The Rev. Michael Carroll The Nicene Creed BCP 358 The Prayers of the People Form V BCP 389 Confession and Absolution The Peace Prayer for Birthdays/Anniversaries The Announcements Please speak to the priest before making any announcements The Holy Communion Offertory Hymn Tell out, my soul Hymnal 438 Procession with Oblations Hymnal 380, v 1 From all that dwell below the skies let the Creator’s praise arise! Let the Redeemer’s Name be sung through every land by every tongue! The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer A BCP 361 Sanctus Hymnal S 129 The Lord’s Prayer BCP 365 Holy Communion All the baptized are welcome to receive communion Communion Music Postcommunion Prayer BCP 365 The Blessing Closing Hymn I want Jesus to walk with me Flash Choir LEVAS 70 The Dismissal Postlude Welcome Visitors and Newcomers! All the baptized are welcome to receive communion. If you are unable to come forward to receive communion, please tell an usher. Communion will be brought to your seat. Gluten free wafers are available. Parents and Kids Children are always welcome in church. There are some quiet church-appropriate toys for little ones on a table in the narthex (front vestibule). Child-related sounds do not disturb the priest. If the kids (or perhaps the grown ups) need a break, it is fine to take them on a little “field trip” to the nursery. Please join us for refreshments in the library between the services. Himno Venid, fieles todos El Diálogo de Apertura FyC 317 LOC 277 Gloria Colecta del dia inserto Primera Lectura Miqueas 6:1-8 inserto Salmo 15 inserto La Epístola 1 Corintios 1:18_31 inserto Himno Del Oriente somos FyC 339 El Evangelio San Mateo 5:1-12 inserto El Sermon El Revdo Armando Gonzalez El Credo Niceno LOC 280 Oracion de los Fieles, Formula V LOC 312 Confesión y Absolución LOC 282 La Paz Bendiciones Anuncios LOC 721/353 Santa Comunión Himno de Ofertorio Yo soy el pan de vida Plegaria Eucarística A Santo Padre Nuestro Cordero de Dios FyC 605 LOC 284 LOC 286 Todos los bautizados son invitados a recibir Santa Comunión Musica para comunión Oracion despues Comunión FyC 605 LOC 288 Bendición Himno Ángeles cantando está La Despedida FyC 333 LOC 289 ¡Bienvenidos los Visitantes Y los Recién Llegados! Todos los bautizados son bienvenidos a recibir la comunión. Si usted no puedo venir al frente para recibir la comunión, La sacerdota puede llevarla a su asiento. Hostias libres de gluten están disponibles. Para los niños: Boletines de culto, libros y lápices de colores están disponibles en la parte posterior de la iglesia para el uso de los niños durante los sevicios. Por favor, únase a nosotros en la biblioteca entre las misas para tomar un cafecito.
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