CiRCUit RidER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF RANCHO CORDOVA Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook:UmcofRanchoCordova Pastor: Rev. Tina Ballagh; Administrative Assistant: Sonya Auer FEBRUaRy 2015 Edition Family Promise Week Feb 15 - Feb 21 Disciples always needed Sign up in Adams Hall ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2015 WORSHIP SERVICE 6:00PM TO 6:30PM SHROVE SUNDAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST February 15 at 8:00am Served by Our Local Boy Scouts of America Troop $6.00 per person Eggs, sausage, coffee/juice and all the pancakes you can eat! Tickets available in advance. Contact the church office for more info. The Scouts will also be in Worship Please show them your support in this issUE… Sweetheart Breakfast ... page 2 Andrew’s Immersion ... page 3 Finance Matters ... page 6 Bridges District Revival ... page 8 THE SUNDAYS OF LENT FEBRUARY 22, 2015 MARCH 1, 2015 MARCH 8, 2015 MARCH 15, 2015 MARCH 22, 2015 HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY MARCH 29, 2015 WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00AM *CHILDREN’S CHOIR SINGING HOLY MONDAY MARCH 30, 2015 TAIZE SERVICE AT 6:30PM MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 2, 2015 WORSHIP SERVICE WITH FAIR OAKS UMC GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 3, 2015 WORSHIP SERVICE AT 7:00PM *SPECIAL MUSIC EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 5, 2015 SUNRISE SERVICE AT THE CAMPFIRE AT 6:30AM EASTER MORNING WORSHIP IN THE CHAPEL AT 10:00AM 1 Susannah/Friendship Circle Wednesday February 4 Ladies, please join us the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30am for refreshments followed by the meeting at 10:00am. This is a great time of fellowship, worship and doing the work God has in store for us. We invite all women of the church to attend any UMW functions! Women’s Spirituality Group Monday February 9 at 7:00pm at Carol Cooper’s home For more information, please contact Louise Underwood CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF HELPING AT SUSANNAH HOUSE? Our United Methodist Men’s Fellowship (UMM) includes several possibilities for young and older men to come together for fellowship, prayer and study together. We usually meet the second Saturday of each month at Brookfields on Folsom Blvd. in Rancho Cordova. But, NOT this month! This month, we invite you and your Sweetheart to join us at Brookside Restaurant located at 9819 Horn Road, Sacramento for our annual SWEETHEAR T BREAKF AST SWEETHEART BREAKFAST Saturday, February 14 at 8:30am $14.00 per person Contact Tom Steinbach for more information Sign up no later than Feb 8, in Adams Hall Our Wednesday morning breakfast fellowship gathers at McDonald’s on Folsom Blvd (near See’s Candies) on the 2nd Wednesday at 8:00 am. Our next gathering will be February 11! There is a project, in the VERY early planning stages! You are Welcome! A California-Nevada Conference United Methodist Women (UMW) Volunteers in Mission (VIM) opportunity in being planned for October or November of 2015 at Susannah’s House in Knoxville, Tennessee. The group will spend four to five days working at Susannah’s House doing light maintenance, gardening, Bible stories, book group, cooking, and serving meals to members, and sharing stories. Join us on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 7:00pm for our United Methodist Men’s Bible Study. Location changes monthly. Contact Mike Hughes for information. Rev. Rebekah, Susannah’s House Director has already found four UMW Members in Knoxville to host us during our time out there, eliminating much of the costs. But, there is still much to consider. Would YOU be interested? If you are interested in helping with the planning and/or participating in the project, please contact Rose Banchard at 209-639-5258 2 LENT BEGINS ASH WEDNESDAY February 18, 2015 at 6:00pm Come to a time of receiving the ashes! Immersing Myself with the Oglala Lakota Nation at Pine Ridge...Part One Andrew Davis, 3rd Year Master’s Divinity Student, Wesley Theological Seminary As part of our contextual education at Wesley Theological Seminary, we are required to take an intercultural immersion domestically or internationally as a means of experiencing Christianity and the church from another perspective. Some of the immersions past or upcoming at Wesley include Appalachia, Gullah culture, truck stop ministry, prison ministry, South Africa, Ethiopia, Zambia, Germany, and Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to name a few. From January 5-16th, 2015, I participated in the immersion at the Pine Ridge India Reservation in South Dakota, spending two weeks at the Pine Ridge Retreat Center led by Rev. Karen Rupp, a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The Pine Ridge Retreat Center is a shared ministry between the ELCA and PCUSA and is a vital ministry in the town of Pine Ridge which is in the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. There were seven of us from Wesley and seven from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. When my friend and classmate Carrie mentioned the Pine Ridge immersion last summer, I jumped at the opportunity because it is relevant to this June’s act of repentance for the Native Americans and indigenous people at the California-Nevada Annual Conference Session of The United Methodist Church. I am not really sure where to begin, but coming to Pine Ridge was like taking a step back in time, as the landscape was very sparse and stark, yet there was a beauty in the starkness in the nearly two hour drive to Pine Ridge from Rapid City. The reservation covers a vast area of South Dakota and is about the size of the state of Connecticut, although total population is anywhere from 2040,000 according to Pastor Karen. However, some of the issues that are currently faced on the reservation are extreme poverty with an unemployment rate of 75-80%, high alcohol and drug use, high rates of diabetes, less than adequate housing, and a very high mortality and suicide rate. Average life expectancy is only into the mid 40’s-late 50’s. Once on the reservation, there were visible signs of poverty right away in seeing the conditions of the homes. Amidst the extreme poverty, a common thread heard through the speakers is how faith brings hope to the people and sustains the Oglala Lakota people. Christianity is the main religion, with Catholic and Episcopal being the main denominations present. While at Pine Ridge, we had the opportunity to listen to stories of many of the locals. I was quite captivated at the artwork produced by many of our speakers, as art was a way of coping with the extreme poverty that many of the locals face and is also a source of income. Many struggle with having gas for their cars, propane to heat their homes, and trying to have food on the table at times. All throughout the day, there would be people knocking on the door of the retreat center, either asking for a cup of coffee in the morning, a sandwich between 11-1, gloves, or blankets. Plus many artists would come by to show their work, hoping we would purchase an item to help make ends meet. As one of the artists Kevin Poor Bear put it, the artwork was a way of expressing his faith and staying centered, showing the therapeutic value that art has. to be continued ... A note from T rustees… Trustees… We will be going through and updating our Key Log in the near future. If you are not using your church keys any longer, or have duplicates, please be sure to return them to the office as soon as possible. It costs the church money to duplicate keys and we need to keep track of who has keys at all times. *Finance Chair needed *Green Umbrella Chair needed (Intentional Faith Opportunities for ALL ages) *Children’s Ministry Coordinator needed (Sunday School and Children’s Events) for more information about these opportunities or more ways you can be a part, speak with Pastor Tina 3 Umbr breel l a New Newss Yellow Umbrella: Mission and Outreach Ministries “Be Our Guest” Dinner & Fellowship for everyone in our community February 18, 2015 at 5:00 Disciples are always in need! Can’t come Wednesday? We could use some prep help on Tuesday evening! Speak with Barbara Leard about how you can help. Red Umbrella Music & Arts, Celebrations TAIZE PRAYER SERVICE Sunday February 22 at 5:30pm Chapel An hour-long meditative candle-lit service of prayer, music, scripture and silence, to quiet the mind, open the heart and feed the soul… Taize is a time of prayer and praise, Thanksgiving and assurance practiced in community in the presence of God. Come and see. Experience this unique practice of contemplative prayer. May it feed and fill your own heart and spirit. Invite a friend, a neighbor for whom our Sunday morning worship is not at a time that fits their life or for whom the quiet centering is a better fit! The Green Umbrella Christian Education & Stewardship Disciple Bible Study is BACK! Wednesdays at 10:00am and Thursday evenings at 7:00pm. Travelling to the Promised Land” we continue in Exodus traveling 8 weeks together. We will NOT meet Feb 19 & 25 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT BIBLE STUDY We meet twice a month on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays: February 3rd & 17th at 9:30am at the Salmons’. This session 5 of 6 is on Facing the Issues: Women Caught in Adultery Session 6: Facing the Issues: Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Our next 6 week session, beginning in March: Becoming a Caring Community We will meet again on March 3rd & 17th. THE SEEKERS BIBLE STUDY Monday, February 1 at 9:30am at the Salmons’. Session 2: Family Relationships based on The Boy Jesus at the Temple IN-FOCUS BIBLE STUDY Saturday Feb 7th & 21st at 10:00am at Northstar Assisted Living Facility 2341 Vehicle Drive in Rancho Cordova Topics: Our Beginning: Adam & Eve and God’s Covenent: Abraham & Sarah Come join the Choir for the Season of Lent! We know that for many, being a part of the choir for the whole year (Sept thru June) is a BIG commitment. Here is an opportunity to sing at a SPECIAL time of the year that has a beginning and an end! Easter Sunday will be on April 5 this year. Come, Sing with US! 4 If you are considering being a part of any Bible Study, please know you are welcome! Blue Umbrella: Evangelism, Christ Care, Membership Our Christ Care Team of caring Disciple/ ministers are available to all of us sharing prayer, a listening ear and spiritual friendship. If you need a special visit or are experiencing 3 difficult times, please let Julie Hughes and Pastor Tina Ballagh know. We will make a match. :Youth Ministry News: the Circuit Youth Revival A revival movement for youth and young adults, from 12 yrs old to 30 somethings, who desire to gather together in worship and praise. The location for the revival is new every month. Sunday School February Calendar Teachers... Joyful Seekers: Martha H. & Peggy P.. Jacob’s Ladder: Stephanie H. & Tammy R. The Christ Cafe Teacher.....Bud K. A CIRCLE of FRIENDS On February 6, we will be meeting at UMCRC at 7:00pm. Our revivals are filled with worship, devotion, discipling, music, fellowship, team building activities, and more. The Circuit revival movement is open to all Christians and persons who are exploring what it means to live as Jesus calls us to live. If you are passionate about exploring your faith and about coming to know Jesus more deeply, come and join us as we bring Christian revival to our community. And please join us on February 27 at Fair Oaks UMC for Movie Night! A new group for Young Adults who live with challenging and varied abilities every day and who are looking for creative expression, genuine friendships, warm welcome and fun with others! Friday, February 27 at 6:30pm We will be sharing pizza AND celebrating a birthday this time. Please RSVP! Friends Eating And Sharing Together Tuesday February 10 at 11:30am at OPA! OPA! Greek Restaurant 5644 J Street, Sacramento (not far from Sac State) Opa! Opa! won Sacramento News & Review’s Best of Greek Restaurant 8 years in a row! Please let Vikki Davis-Ellis know you are coming no later than Sunday Feb. 8 so she can make reservations. For more information or carpooling, please contact Vikki Davis-Ellis or the church office. Emmaus Reunion Meeting Our next Emmaus Reunion meeting will be Wednesday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in Adam’s Hall. Reunion groups help keep the feeling of the Walk to Emmaus alive in our hearts, and also serve future pilgrims. Please join us! Questions? Contact Tom & Julie Steinbach. De Colores! ...for March 2015 is Friday, February 13th 5 finance matters UMCRC Finance 101: Back to Basics In an effort to create a better understanding of the financial picture of our congregation, I thought it might be best to review some of the terms and basic information we use in our Finance meetings. Here we go, hope this is helpful. Spending Plan: This will be used to define the costs/ expenses of our congregation. It includes items such as “Operating Expenses” as well as “Special Projects”. We are trying to get away from the word “Budget” as that word may imply that there is a balance between our income and our spending. Income: All the monies received to the church. This includes all offerings received each Sunday, as well as Building Use Offerings, Fundraising, etc. Operating Expenses: the basic costs of running the church, including but not limited to: employee salaries, utilities, loan payments, church tithe and supplies. These are expenses that are not negotiable and must be paid each month. Our “First Mile Giving” category. Assets: these are items of value both fixed and liquid. They include but are not limited to: checking/savings accounts, endowment funds, and real property. Liabilities: these are the individual Designated accounts within the Spending plan for a multitude of special projects. Our “Second Mile Giving” category. Balance Sheet: a summary sheet of all our Assets and Liabilities both short and long term. Summary sheet: it is a quick snapshot of all our actual income received vs our actual expenses paid year to date. This helps us to determine how well we projected our income vs our expenses and tells us the summary of our actual spending plan throughout the year and the actual shortfall we may or may not have. Celebra tions THIS Celebrations MONTH 1 3 10 12 13 22 23 RaeAnn Travis Jennifer Sullivan Jacob Auer Gene Breeland Clara Sumpter Randy Sumpter Elizabeth Clarke Fay Kerekes 24 Jake Parker 27 Ellie Abdulla Marie Freeman 28 Jennifer Bautos Do you know of a birthday or anniversary that should be listed here? Please let our office staff know Our records show no anniversaries this month. Please let Sonya know if yours is missing! New friendships and connections are being made as we get together once a month for January, February and March 2015. The group determines when and where they would like to meet and schedule their get-togethers on weekends or evenings to accommodate those in their group that are still working. Retirees are participating as well. It’s great fun! If you would like to join in, please talk with either Chelle E. or Ver Joyce S. Shortfall: the actual real figure if ALL expenses were called due and payable upon request from our liquid asset accounts. This includes all the funds available to the “Second Mile Giving” liabilities along with our Operating Expenses. Right now the finance committee is getting ready to put together our 2015 Spending Plan based on the total number of pledges received over the past couple of weeks. We do not have definitive figures right now, but when we have them, we will make them available. 6 Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 8 7 Time to clean out your closet ??? BRIDGES DISTRICT REVIVAL AT FAIRFIELD UMC SATURDAY FEB 7 9:30 to 4:00pm The New Years Cleanout may be past, and Spring Cleaning may not have yet begun, but whatever your reorganization status is, please keep in mind the “California Recyclers” collection. This a day of singing, fine preaching, prayer and fellowship. There is no charge. We are forming carpools in hopes of bringing 15-20 UMCRC folks! Lunch will be provided. To benefit the UMCOR WEST (United Methodist Committee on Relief) mission trip to Salt Lake City this summer we are once again collecting Hopefully you have seen some of the publicity on the Conference W ebsite about the upcoming Website any used clothing, linens, shoes, handbags, etc. The “California Recyclers” sends what is still wearable and useable to places that can use them. What is not wearable is shredded and recycled, so nothing goes to waste. We are paid by the bag-full, so please remember us when you are cleaning out those closets. The truck will be coming later this spring to collect Contact Emily Willis (363-8313) for more information. Celebrating F ruitfulness and F aithfulness Fruitfulness Faithfulness with Bishop Brown events: · Saturday ebruar y 21st 10:00 a.m. at Saturday,, F Februar ebruary Japanese UMC in Sacramento This will be the second weekend of a Conference-Wide tour that Bishop Brown will be making over the next 12 months. Through these regional events, Bishop Brown is hoping to connect with as many churches in the entire Annual Conference as possible. Bishop Brown is not only our Conference Bishop,but is the current President of the Global Council of Bishops. No registration is required for this event The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH of RANCHO CORDOVA 2101 Zinfandel Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670-5227 Web: / Facebook: UmcofRanchoCordova Address Service Requested 8 February 2015 Edition
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