Need to Know - St Marys

Need to Know
SICK: Keith Betts, Joanne Jabour, Jeanette Redding, Kerry Tsounis, Barbara Evans, Paul Evans,
If you are a new parishioner to St. Mary’s we
invite you to collect a ‘Welcome Kit’ which is
available on the table on the right as you enter
the main church door. The Kit includes:
‘Welcome card’
‘Mass times’ flyer
‘Census and Commitment Form’
‘Sharing Our Talents’ flyer
Please fill in the Census Form and either give it
to Father Joseph (a great chance to meet your
new Parish Priest) or place it on one of the
collection plates during Mass. WELCOME
All the paths of the LORD
are mercy and truth
unto such as keep
His covenant and His testimonies.
Psalm 25:10
King James 2000 Bible
Monica Fitch, Joanne Albert, Betty Boughton, Nahdat Sarkis, Debbie Uphill, Ann Cowell, Ethel
Racz, Ray Dean, John Sanders, Margaret Borkowski, Jerry Lazzer, Mia Fierro, June Walton,
Noelle Collins, Tamara Kalass, Marie Hishion, Phyllis Gallagher, Jennie Falvy, Eric Willoughby,
Albert Trad, David O’Hanlan, Ronnie Reed, Dot Garvin, Lucy Borkowski, Isabella
Zepina, Louise Price, Anne Hurworth, Warren Clarke, Victor Abela, Doug Brown,
Recently Deceased:
Afifeh Najm, Pierre Stanislas, Ennio Fattore, Dora Doonan, John Barry Smith,
Phillip Hughes, Janice Parkinson, Jack Wright, Kerrie Guest, Minh Pham, Joe
Clatar, Carl Foster, John Runger, Ian Gabor, Stephen Bruce, Leo Garby.
Rupert Joseph Toohey, Domenica Strambio, Joan Ross, Tom Crook, Vincenzo
Tripodina, Carla Strambio, Margaret Tierney, Bertha Martin, Peter Comforti, Dennis Regan,
Eileen Harris, Margaret Boyle, Bonafacia Mendez, Joseph Nguyen, Rita Mary Lawler, Lilian
Fitzgibbon, Vivianne, Carla Strambio&Family’s
Mary & Jack O’Day, Albert Bottrili, Roza Juresic, Antoune Bakhos, Jane McGrath, Arturo Nesci,
Joseph Pham Ngu, Adriann Boeman, Lillian, Lillian & Arthur Cordeiro Cyril Davis, Catherine &
Irving Kleinman, Magda & Garbor Morvai
AND FOR THE REPOSE OF: The souls in Purgatory
CENTRE, established by the
Archdiocese and newly
opened in early 2014, is
open for retreat bookings for
your parish, family or youth
Do you know (or are you)
group. Located about an
someone who has difficulty
hour’s drive from Sydney in
getting to Mass on Sunday?
a peaceful bushland setting,
Do you need assistance?
the Centre offers accommoPlease let your parish know
dation for up to 150 guests,
if you need transport to
a magnificent Chapel, conference and dining halls and
Is there anyone who needs Holy Communion
extensive sporting and recretaken to them? Please contact either:
ational facilities. Call Jenny
Father Joseph - 9727 3759 or by
at the Centre to discuss a
Email: [email protected]
retreat package on 4572
Veronica - 0407 231 262 or by
2899, email
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
or visit
Stop Using
Pornography addiction is no respecter of rg to find out more.
persons. Millions of people struggle with this
powerful and soul-destroying force every single
day. There is hope. Check out:
Planned Giving Envelopes/Donation Request Form
If you would like to make a donation, please complete the following details below.
Or You can come to the Parish Office every Monday after 8.30am.
I would like to: (please tick a box)
100% Tax Deductable
Make a donation
Commit to the Envelopes
Would like details of monthly Credit Card donations
Name: ………………………………..... ………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………Phone: ........................
Notre Dame University Vacancies. The
School of Law, Sydney is looking to make
the following appointments in 2015: Professor - permanent position. A P rofessor available from Semester 2, 2015 who
is able to teach Legal History, Public International Law, Legal Philosophy and Contemporary Legal Issues "in a context of
Catholic faith and values." For more information see
sydneyjobs.shtml . Entertainment
Law - sessional position. An entertainment lawyer available to teach an
elective unit in entertainment law in Semester 1 2015. For a copy of a Unit Outline and for further information please
contact the Assistant Dean, Mr Prasan
Ulluwishewa - [email protected] or Administrative Assistant, Mrs Palak Pandya [email protected] Tel: (02)
8204 4300 or Email: [email protected] . Administrative
assistant - permanent position. An
administrative assistant to commence in
late January 2015. An advertisement will
appear shortly at
jobs/sydneyjobs.shtml. In the meantime for further information please contact
the Assistant Dean, Mr Prasan
Ulluwishewa [email protected] or
Administrative Assistant, Mrs Palak Pandya - [email protected] Tel: (02)
8204 4300 or Email: [email protected]
your parish in yourWill.
Fr Joseph Kolodziej
Monday to Friday
Ph: 9727 3759 Fax: 9724 3474
email: [email protected]
Saturday: 4.00pm - 4.45pm
By appointment at any other time
Any weekend at a Mass or at 11.30am
Please contact the Parish Office
Ph: 9727 0000 Fax: 9726 0299
Couples need six months notice.
A marriage preparation course is
email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Ph: 9723 2279 Fax: 9723 0560
email: [email protected]
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
08 February 2015
Year B
This Week’s Readings
1 Job 7:1-4, 6-7
1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Gospel Mark 1:29-39
Saturday Vigil - 5.00pm
Sunday - 8.00am,10.00am
and 5.00pm
Praise the Lord, who heals the
Mark’s Jesus is constantly on the move. On leaving the
synagogue, Jesus went with James and John to Simon and
Andrew’s house. In Capernaum, an early fishing industry
town, archaeological excavations have uncovered a house
with ancient
inscriptions strongly suggesting the house of Simon whom
Jesus called Peter. The site is close by to the ruins of an early
synagogue. Today there is an enormous statue of St Peter
there, with his back to the Sea of Galilee facing towards his
house. When I stood there I recalled the Gospel story of Peter’s mother-in-law: Jesus went to her, took her by the
hand and helped her up. And the fever left her and she
began to wait on them. Scholar Brendan Byrne sees this scene as the beginning of
the consecration of the “domestic church”. The locus of worship has begun to move
from Temple and synagogue. Gatherings in homes to celebrate the Risen Lord are a
feature of the early Church. Byrne postulates that when Jesus, James and John arrived
at Simon and Andrew’s house, an explanation was required as to why the provision of
a meal would be a difficulty. The household member normally serving meals was lying
ill with a fever! Jesus responds by approaching her. In the language of resurrection we
are told he raises her up, grasping her by the hand. According to the Jewish faith, this
causes ritual impurity demanding at least temporary exclusion from the life and worship of God’s people. Jesus does not catch uncleanliness from her. At his touch, she
catches healing and wholeness from him. The fever flees like a demon. She gets up,
prepares and serves them all a meal, fully restored to life. Byrne says she is the first
person reclaimed for the physical wholeness associated with the onset of the Kingdom.
Toward the close of the Gospel, following his death on the cross, the women who, in
contrast to the male disciples, have stayed to the end, are described as those who
had followed him and served (diakonoun) him. The mention of service on the part of
women here in the first chapter, and at the very end of Mark, provides a place for the
ministry of women in the Church in the widest sense. This is alongside the ministry of
the male disciples. Jesus gives the example of service calling all the baptised to take
up the ministry of service. PAGE 2
Next Week’s Readings
1 Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46
1 Corinthians 10:31—11:1
Mark 1:40-45
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In our Parish this week
8.00am Mass
5.30pm Novena Rosary Benediction
6.00pm Mass
7.30pm Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
8.00am Mass
8.00am Mass
10.00am Nursing Home Mass
8.00am Mass
5.00pm English Mass
6.30pm Vietnamese Mass
8.00am English Mass
10.00am Children’s Liturgy Mass
3.00 pm Vietnamese Mass
5.00 pm English Mass
If you would like to receive the Parish Bulletin electronically please
send an email requesting
to be added to the list to:
[email protected]
Adult Formation
Reading 1 1 Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Reflection
In this reading we meet Job, a holy man who had always loved
and served God well. Job had great wealth and a wonderful
family. But then he suffered one tragedy after another, and lost
everything, including his family. Today we hear him grieving and
complaining because he does not
understand why he has had to suffer
so much. His heart is broken. He
believes that he will never be happy
We all know how Job feels. Life is not
always easy for us. We suffer pain,
loss, misunderstanding, fear, and
anger. But, like Job, we must remember God's unfailing love for us. By
faith, we praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
Discussion Questions for Reading 1
What things might cause you to feel like Job sometimes? What
are the burdens that you can change? What are the burdens that
you cannot change? Do you ever blame God for your suffering?
Why or why not?
How have you experienced God's healing presence when you are
suffering? What will you do to help others who are suffering
know that God is with them?
Reading 2 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Reflection
The Christians at Corinth have been complaining again! They are
unhappy because Paul has asked for their support. In his reply to
them, Paul rather huffily tells them that preaching the gospel is
not always easy but he has to do it. The message of Jesus is so
important that Paul has willingly made himself "a slave" to all to
win as many people as possible to the gospel.
We too are called to bring the Good News of Jesus to others.
Sometimes that will be difficult, as it was for Paul. But we need
to remember that many around us are broken-hearted and without hope. They experience the misery of which Job complained.
And they need our help.
People, young and old, you are invited to come
along to a prayer group, to pray for the sick in our
parish, to pray for families and to pray for our
country. For just one hour on Monday evenings.
Are you interested?
When: Mondays February 2015
Where: Divine Mercy Chapel in the church
Time: 6.00 -7.00 pm
Enquiries: Laurie Simpson 0414 850 456
If interested, please provide your details on the sheet at the back of the
church. OR - Just come along and pray!
Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, his wonders for the children
of men, for he satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with
good things. The whole town came crowding around the door, and he
cured many who were suffering from diseases of one kind or another.
Long before daybreak, Jesus finds a secluded place to pray.
The disciples searched and found Jesus. They pressed him to
return, saying many more people had come looking for him to
cure them at Simon Peter’s house. Jesus, in his wisdom, doesn’t stay on, but keeps moving through Galilee preaching and
healing that the Kingdom of God has come. The Gospel
shows us a typical day for Jesus: he listens to the Word of
God, worships with his community; he relaxes in the home
of a friend, he pursues his work of healing and preaching, and before dawn he
withdraws alone to develop his relationship with the Father through prayer.
There is a pattern of balance
between prayer, work and rest. How is
the balance in your life? Lent starts Ash
Wednesday 18 February, ten days left
to plan and prepare well to celebrate
Easter. 2015.
Discussion Questions for Reading 2
How do you show that sharing the message of Jesus is important
in your life? Why is that sometimes difficult to do? Who helps
you to be faithful to the gospel in hard times? In what ways have
you been good news for those who are weak in faith or in hope?
How might you share the message of Jesus with a younger
brother or sister? With an elderly person in a nursing home?
With a newcomer to your school?
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin is held here
at St Marys after 5.00pm Mass every
Sunday. Join other parishioners and pray
the Rosary each Sunday. Did you know
our statue of Our Lady is available for
parishioners to borrow for a week at a
time, take it home and pray the Rosary as
a family. Please see an Acolyte.
Gospel Gospel Mark 1:29-39 Reflection
Mark describes for us how Jesus' day begins and ends with taking care of
others. He heals Simon's mother-in-law, he cures others who are sick, he
drives out demons from those who are possessed. He comforts the downhearted and discouraged. The crowds follow him wherever he goes. Even
when he goes off to a lonely place to pray and be renewed, Jesus is tracked
down by his disciples who say, "Everybody is looking for you!" Without complaint, Jesus responds at once by heading for the nearby villages to heal and
preach and comfort.
Discussion Questions for Gospel
When you are busy or tired, how do you respond
to family members who want your help or attention? Why is it sometimes hard for us to respond
to others' needs? Who or what can remind us to
be more loving and patient with others around
When you hear about people who are sick, onely, or discouraged, what do you do? How do you
think today's gospel story might inspire you to be
more like Jesus?
Parish Happenings
Coming Events.......
Lent begins on
Ash Wednesday, 18 February 2015.
The Lenten Program is a a great opportunity for Catholics to prepare
themselves, through prayer, reflection and discussion, to experience
Christ’s Passion.
Come together share a journey and grow as a community this Lent.
Small groups meet once a week to pray, consider the Lenten Gospels
and to seek to understand what God is saying
to them through reflection, meditation and
Sheets are available at the back of the church
for anyone who wants to lead a group, host a
group or participate in a Lenten group.
For more information please contact:
Irene on: 0409 249 492
A very warm WELCOME to our Kindergarten
children, their families and teachers who
join us for Mass at 10.00am this Sunday.
Our parish welcomes the opportunity to
celebrate Mass with these new families and we pray for God’s blessing
on the children as they begin their schooling at St Mary’s Primary
9 February - 6.00pm - Prayer Group
10 February - 7.30pm - Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
11 February - World Day of Prayer for Peace
16 February - Children’s Liturgy Sunday
18 February - Ash Wednesday
28/2-1/3 - Hospitality Sunday
8 - 14 March - Catholic Schools Week
21 - 22 March - Easter Stalls
5 April - Easter Sunday
NEXT Sunday 15 February2015
10.00 am Mass
Next Sunday at 10.00am Mass children will:
● be escorted from the church to the
parish hall
● listen to the Gospel of the day,
● pray, reflect on the Gospel and discuss it at their own level.
● do an activity - colour in, cross word, word search, etc
● be escorted back to church in time for the Eucharist prayer.
All children are welcome
All parents are also welcome
Anyone who would like to assist is also welcome.
Everyone is invited to stay after 10.00am Mass to share a cuppa and a
bite to eat, a chance for new parents to meet.
The principal role of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is to
support our Parish Priest in his pastoral care role leading
us in our faith journeys.
Easter Stalls 2015
All parishioners are invited to consider whether they or
someone they know might be suitable to serve on the PPC
- please fill in a nomination form available at the back of
the church.
We will be holding some Easter Stalls on Saturday 21st and Sunday
22nd March 2015 at the end of each Mass for parishioners to purchase
Easter Gifts for their families and friends.
The first meeting of the PPC for 2015 will be held at
7.30pm on Tuesday 10 February in the Emmaus Room.
Many members of the current PPC have been serving for
the past 4 years and some want to step down….. Can you
take their place?
Want to know more, please contact:
Donna, President
Lachlan, Vice President
Veronica, Secretary - 0407 231 262
Please give this ministry careful consideration
Dear Parishioners,
Items that are available include:
Dolci D’oro Chocolates
Bite Size Cookies
Handmade Cards
Gift Sets & Hampers
Hot Cross Buns from Bakers Delight
Homemade Scented Soy Candles
If you require any information please contact Maria Rega on
97552650 or Lorraine Impala on 97249519.