I )\fuild?,4d ffi \.Wdd 11,14s / tu n r4 Punjab Heritageand Tourism PromotionBoard INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENTTVESTMENT PROGRAMM€ TONTOUruSN,l PEl ' (l\DBiAssis,edf.rojeeti Ffojeet lfiplemefi tatioa :Unit {fqlPTJ, To "li.v^,trfl t, i Distiict Education:O,f,fi cer{Seeondary), Amritsar. ; r' -, "r ,! ) .^ r r.' 'tLi lait No:PHTPB/PIU-ASR/ 15/ Z+ t6-17 Date:2.2.2075 Sub:. I{eritage WaIk Amritsar. It is .for yq*linfor,nation that this departrnent is,icwrducting Fier.itage Walk to generate awareness about the ancient heritage of the city of Amritsar. THD WATK Is ACG&EDITED w|TH NATI0NALT0URISMAwAn.D FoR 2o11.2o,'2 sy MINISTRY oF TourusM,Go.vr.oF INDTA. The walk route starrs from-To\vrr.Hall, a buiiding that was built in 1863 by 'moves the British coJonial administration and through 1,4 ancient monuments/religious places,namely Gurdwara SaragariSahib,Quila Ahluwalia, Akhara, Chitta Akhara, Taksaal, Thakurdwara Dariana Mal and lalfalwala Galiara etc. (Leaflct of Heritage Wa"lk attachedJ The arcldtecture of different periods i.e. Mugal period, Sikh period and British Periods are the major source of attraction for the tourists visiting the Heritage walk Route. The walk is a source of attraction not only fbr domestic tourists, b-ut the foreigners visiting the holy city of Amritsar. To facilitate the tourists; the, department has engaged trained tourist guides, rerho accornpany therq every day in the morning as well as in the evening. In order to generate awareltess alrrongst lff_*g;g-"od Student€ of ali educationaltnstitutionsin Amrftsar,it is proposeatnlit gui&tineiiila-yffi"aty ne issuedfrom your officefor arrangingvisits by teachers/ettdtents fur rmdergoing Heritagewalk The heritage walk in-chargeMs. Harpreet Bhullar (contact [rlo. 96461'3920q shall co-ordinatewith them and nrHl<earrangementsfor such programmes with the assistance of TouristGuidesof this departrnent.
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