CWE/ASR-77/2014-15 Ser Page No____ NOTICE INVITING TENDER MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES CWE Amritsar on behalf of President of India invites e-tender as per the terms and condition laid down in the tender documents uploaded on MES web site from eligible enlisted contractors of MES and enlisted/un-enlisted contractors working with other Govt Departments meeting eligibility criteria for the under mentioned work:1 Name of work Repair /Replacement of HT/ and LT OH line and repair of transformer at Tibri Cantt Gurdaspur 2 Estimated Cost of work (Assessed) Rs. 16.00 Lakh as per market rate 3 Completion period 180 Days 4 Amount of Earnest Money for Rs 32,000/- in the form of Call Deposit Receipt from contractor not enlisted in MES any Scheduled Bank. (BGB not acceptable). 5 Cost of Tender 6. Eligibility criteria:- Rs: 500 in the form of DD/Bankers Cheque from any scheduled/nationalized bank in favour of GE Gurdaspur (a) MES enlisted Contractors (b) For other contractors Class: ‘E’, Categories b(i) 7. Date of publishing of tender On or after 10 Feb 2015 8 Last date of Receipt of technical bid/e-tender On or after 28 Feb 2015 9. Date of opening of BOQ (to be submitted alongwith tech bids) This date shall be decided and intimated after opening of technical bids. (i) Meeting enlistment criteria for MES with regard to having satisfactorily completed requisite value of works , annual turnover, working capital, fixed assets etc. (ii) No recovery outstanding Govt Deptt. (iii) Copy of Police Verification/Passport For more details ref Note:1. Interested tenders are requested to refer to MES sub title Bidders Manual Kit for details. e-procurement portal. 2. The Contractor enlisted in one class below the Eligibility criteria given above may also quote their tender. Accepting officer may consider such tenderers for opening of BOQ bids in the event of inadequate response from eligible class contractors. 3. Contractor not enlisted with MES will be required to enclose scanned copy of documents to prove their eligibility as given above including Affidavit for no recovery outstanding. All original documents shall be forwarded to Accepting Officer through registered/SDS post before last date of opening of technical bids. 4. In case of rejection, of tenderers shall be refunded the cost of tender. However Contractor may appeal to next higher Engineer Authority i.e. HQ Chief Engineer Jalandhar Zone for rejection of his tender whose decision shall be final and binding and Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation what so ever for such rejection. CWE/ASR-77/2014-15 Ser Page No____ 5. In case, tender is accepted in favour of a Specific firm after being lowest, the same shall be executed by the said firm only. Under no circumstances, subletting in any form shall be allowed. Even the ‘Power of Attorney’ shall not be accepted and allowed. 6. The brief advertisement is also available on MES website: and Indian Trade Journal. Full Notice of Tender IAFW-2162 & Enlistment Criteria is available in all offices of MES and also on MES website. (Signature of Contractor) 81415/CWE/ASR-77/ 03 (Parveen Dutt) EE (QS&C) (SG) DCWE (Contracts) For CWE ASR /E8 HQ CWE Amritsar Cantt Dated: 29 Jan 2015 Distribution:1. Builders Association of India G-1/G-20 Commerce Centre 7th Floor Tardeo Bombay-400034 2. MES Builders Association of India 807, Sahyog, 58 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 3. MES Builders Association of India Chandigarh Branch, 706, Sector 8-D Chandigarh 4. MES Builders Association of India, C/O 13 Sadar Bazar Jalandhar Cantt 5. MES Builders Association of India, Shivaji Nagar-1, Dhanguj Road Pathankot-145001. 6. HQ Chief Engineer Jalandhar Zone Jalandhar Cantt 7. HQ CWE Jalandahar Cantt 8. HQ CWE Kapurthala 9. All GEs under HQ CEJZ 10. Cantonment Board Jalandhar Cantt 11. General Post office Amritsar Cantt 12. State Bank of India, Amritsar Cantt 13. Municipal Committee Jalandhar 14. SE CPWD Jalandhar Cantt 15. Executive Engineer, CPWD Jalandhar 16. Station Master, Station Amritsar 17. HQ CEWC Chandimandir Internal E-2, E-4, E-6 Section Website folder Computer E8 Sec- for uploading in MES website www.
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