ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE COMMITTEE Members of the Environment and Heritage Committee are summoned to attend a Meeting at 7.45pm on Wednesday 28 January 2015 at 1 Buckingham Court, Rectory Lane, Loughton to transact the business shown in the agenda. Enid K Walsh Town Clerk 22 January 2015 Councillor C C Pond (Chairman) Councillor C P Pond (Vice Chairman) Councillors P Beales J Jennings S Pewsey C Davies I Lawrence T Downing M Owen Note to Councillors: If you are unable to attend the meeting, please phone your apologies to the office on 020 8508 4200. Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA 1 Apologies To RECEIVE any apologies for absence. 2 Declarations of Interest For Councillors to declare any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any items on the Agenda. 3 Confirmation of Minutes To CONFIRM the minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2014. 4 Public Representations To adjourn the meeting to hear any representations from members of the public who have registered a request to address the Committee in accordance with no 5, Appendix C, of the Standing Orders. 5 Matters for Report To REPORT any further significant information on matters which have been previously discussed, in addition to those which may already be included on the agenda. 5.1 Light up a Life – Min no EH73.1 The service held on Kings Green on Saturday 29 November 2014, in partnership with St Clare Hospice, was well attended. The Loughton Methodist Church and Morrisons' supermarket, which provided the mince pies, have been thanked for their support. In total, the 2014 Light up a Life campaign at St Clare raised over £22,000. The collection at the Loughton service raised £221. James Barber, Community Fundraiser for St Clare, thanked the Town Council for its continued support. A date for the 2015 event will be arranged shortly. 5.2 Public Right of Way, Borders Lane/Rectory Lane – Min no EH123.1 For information, clearance of the fly tipping along this route has commenced. The delay resulted from the change of waste contractor for Epping Forest District Council. On Saturday 24 January 2015 a Community Service Team is scheduled to undertake clearance of the vegetation on each side of the path, of a strip approximately one metre wide. 5.3 Community Tree Strategy for Loughton – Min no EH134.3 The launch of the ‘Loughton’s Special Trees’ project will coincide with the publication of the next edition of Think Loughton on 2 March 2015. Residents are to be invited to nominate their favourite local trees – those which have a personal connection for them and to provide the reasons why they matter particularly to them. These can be special trees in public spaces or private gardens and include non-native species. No deadline has been set for this project, which is anticipated to last approximately a year. Opportunities will be sought to further promote the project during this period. 2 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4 Allotments – Min no EH134.4 5.4.1 Roding Road The Committee is asked to confirm that a working party may be formed to look at the existing Management Appointment, which expires on 31 December 2015, and to confirm the membership of that party. 5.5 Seats and Benches – Min no EH134.5 The Town Clerk is meeting with the Council’s solicitor on 26 January 2015 in order to progress several outstanding items of business including the transfer of a piece of land off Church Hill. 5.6 Heritage Plaques – Min no EH134.6 The ceremony for the unveiling of the plaque to commemorate Joan Littlewood & Margaret Walker, installed at the entrance to the East 15 Acting School, was held on 15 January 2015. Plans for a plaque to remember Lady Mary Wroth (1587-1653), the first recognised female author in England, are in hand. 5.7 Community Speed Watch – Min no EH134.8 The Town Clerk has contacted PC Stableford of Essex Police’s Casualty Reduction Section to enquire whether they have the capacity to run this scheme in Loughton this year. 5.8 Christmas Lighting – Min no EH134.11 For 2014 Christmas, the Town Council ran a pilot project to provide 1 metre tall real trees lit with battery LED bulbs, installed in or above the flower baskets in The Broadway and the High Road. From the comments received, the general consensus was that “this was a good solution achieved at short notice although the bulbs needed to shine more brightly”. Officers are exploring the practicalities and cost of repeating this scheme but making a significant improvement by upgrading the lighting to mains power sourced from the street light columns. 5.9 Neighbourhood Planning – Min no EH138 The application for the designation of the civil parish of Loughton as a Neighbourhood Area has been submitted to Epping Forest District Council. Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 EFDC, as the Local Planning Authority, is required to publicise this application on its website and invite representations on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan Area for a period of at least six weeks. 5.10 Christmas Window Competition 2014 See attached report (page 6). 5.11 Committee Priorities – Min no EH139.1 The Resources and General Services Committee has asked this Committee to review the priorities shown in its list for 2015/16 for flower baskets and town signs. * * 6 * A copy of the priorities is attached (see page 7). Financial Position The current financial report is attached together with details of the Committee’s earmarked reserves (see pages 8 – 9). 3 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Loughton War Memorial At its last meeting the Committee confirmed that the requests for the missing names of servicemen who lost their lives on active service to be added to the war memorial should be progressed in 2015/16 as a high priority. It is anticipated that the Roll of Honour, a list of all the names currently commemorated on the various memorials in the town, will be available on the Council’s website by early March 2015. Cllrs Pewsey and Pond are reviewing the records and provide the following report: The Minutes of the Loughton War Memorial Committee, which planned and built the memorial on Kings Green in 1918-24, are lost, and we consequently do not know what criteria were used at the time. If these ever come to light, the Town Council will wish to revise its policy. The Town Council will consider adding names to the War Memorial periodically. The combatant will have been killed whilst in the service of one of the Armed Forces of the Crown, or have died subsequently as a result of injuries thus sustained. (Members of the Merchant Navy, police, fire or ambulance services or civil defence forces may be listed on the Civilian War Memorial) He or she will also need to fulfil the criteria below: Resident in the Ancient Parish of Loughton at the time of mobilisation OR Resident previously for a significant period (e.g. five years in the ten preceding the war) AND Not already commemorated on the war memorial of another parish Resident in a place nearby but active in the civic or institutional life of Loughton for at least five years in the ten preceding the war AND Not already commemorated on the war memorial of another parish The Town Council will require evidence of residence and/or involvement before considering the names. Publicity will be given to the list of missing names to be added and the Royal British Legion will also be consulted on the proposals. 8 * 9 Local Highway Panel Essex Highways has invited the Town Council to submit new highway improvement requests (including traffic management improvements and salt/grit bins) for consideration by the Panel as it prepares recommendations for works in 2015/16. Submissions are requested before the end of February 2015. See attached report (page 10). Traffic Commissioners and Operator Licensing The County Secretary of the Kent Association of Local Councils calls on town and parish councils to respond to the Traffic Commissioners and Operating Licensing Review, which closes on 31 January 2015. Last year a number of County Associations and their member councils supported Wingham Parish Council’s proposal under the Sustainable Communities Act (SCA) for parish and town councils to be made statutory consultees on vehicle operator licence applications and renewals. * Attached is a copy of the Department for Communities and Local Government's response to Wingham Parish Council on their SCA proposal (see page 11). 4 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ The DCLG is inviting the Council to respond to the Department for Transport’s review of Traffic Commissioners and Operator Licensing which invites views through an interactive website on the work and role of the Traffic Commissioners and potential improvements to the operator licensing system. It is not a formal consultation. The interactive website can be accessed http://www.dft.gov.uk/traffic-commissioners-review/ 10 * 11 using the following link: Flood Problems in Loughton Essex County Council, the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), is working to prioritise its available resources and prevent future surface water (storm water) flooding of homes. The Town Council has been asked to list what it considers to be the top three priority areas within the local area, which could prevent the flooding of residential homes. See attached report (page 12). Environmental Issues This agenda item provides an opportunity for the Committee to discuss concerns and improve the ambience and environment of Loughton by tackling adverse factors and promoting positive ones. The methodology agreed is as follows: Councillors should send to the Town Clerk at least 14 days before the meeting a statement of what the eyesore is, its exact location, its ownership, if known, and the desired course of action. Members would discuss the matter, come to a conclusion, and then the Clerk would write to the responsible body outlining what the Town Council would like to see done. If no action was taken, the matter could be publicised and revisited at a subsequent meeting. No issues have been raised at the current time. 12 Future Work of the Committee The opportunity for members to suggest topics to be considered by the Committee at a future meeting, subject to the Committee’s agreement. Note: No substantive discussion may take place under this item as the required statutory notice of the topics will not have been given. 12.1 The Chairman makes the following suggestion to the Committee: Sunday, 26 July 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of the falling of the first bomb (and casualty) in the then Metropolitan Police area, at the public air raid shelter which is now part of the District Council’s car park adjacent to the Morrisons approach road off The Drive in Loughton. A Loughton fireman and 76-year old lady resident were killed in this incident. The Committee may wish to consider at its next meeting whether a memorial plaque or interpretation panel, should be installed in the car park, or on the house (14 The Drive) where the casualty occurred. Enid K Walsh TOWN CLERK 22 January 2015 5 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 5.10 Christmas Window Competition 2014 Over a 100 Loughton businesses decorated their windows and joined in the town’s seasonal celebrations in this year’s Christmas Window Competition. All Christmas-themed shop windows were automatically eligible for the competition, and were split into three classes of entry – local/independent businesses, multiples/chain stores and charity shops. The judges – Cllrs Sharon Weston, the Town Mayor, and Chris and Caroline Pond, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Environment and Heritage Committee – had a challenging time as 15 shops were in contention for the prizes and commendations. The judges commented that “Christmas trees of various colours and sizes were very popular this year. The High Road saw most of the increase in entries, possibly because of the efforts of the Town Centre Partnership in stimulating interest. But it was obvious that shopkeepers all over the town had exercised their ingenuity and artistic judgement with real enthusiasm”. The judges expressed their thanks to all concerned as they made Loughton a really festive place over the Christmas season. The winners of the Christmas Window Competition 2014 were as follows: Class Shop/Business Local / Independent Winner I Am So… Fly, 192 High Road, IG10 1DN Runner-up Gems, 233 High Road, IG10 1AD Runner-up Tony’s, 61 The Broadway, IG10 3SP Highly commended Hype, 190 High Road, IG10 1DN Highly commended Lottie Lou, 5A Forest Road, IG10 1DR Multiple / chain store Winner Zee & Co, 221-225 High Road, IG10 1BB Runner-up Satori, 8 Forest Road, IG10 1DX Charity Winner St Clare Hospice, 271 High Road, IG10 1AH The charities that were chosen by the category winners each received a £100 donation from the town council and this year were: • Breast Cancer Care – national charity. • Wallace Kennels – a local Essex based charity dog rescue centre that helps find a home for unwanted, abandoned and strays in the county. • Local charity St Clare Hospice. Each winner also received an engraved cup to keep for eleven months (which is awarded again the following year) and a framed certificate. Report by Vivienne Messenger Planning Committee Clerk 6 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 5.11 Environment and Heritage Committee – Priorities 2015/16 Current Main Function Greater Detail/Current Position Priority Current activities High Heritage Open Days Cemetery opening Sept 2015 High Registration of Village Greens Applications submitted to ECC High War Memorial, Kings Green Additional names High Conservation Areas / areas of local landscape merit Monitor proposals submitted to EFDC High Oakwood Hill Estate improvements Partnership with ECC and EFDC New Estate signage Medium Town signs Awaiting funding opportunities Medium Lady Whitaker’s Mead Development of new cemetery Medium Vehicle speed reduction measures Community speed watch scheme to be developed Medium Flower baskets Permissions, contract, installation Medium Interpretation panels In preparation Medium Seats (new) Site surveys, permissions, purchase and installation Heritage street lights Awaiting funding TBC On-going activities High Running the committee Agenda, reports, research, minutes, finance, admin High Community Lavatory scheme Awaiting approaches to businesses High Cemetery (Church Lane) Burials, administration, maintenance High War memorials Heritage plaques, drinking fountain, seats and other street furniture; Lopping Hall clock Allotments Christmas lights (Kings Green, The Broadway and High Road) Christmas Window Competition Inspect and maintain High High Installation and maintenance High Winter salt bag partnership High Parish Paths Partnership Lettings, licences, administration Installation, inspections and maintenance Admin and arrangements Site surveys, permissions, purchase and installation Facilitating the ECC scheme Replacement of existing grit bins On-going High Responding to consultations Variable High Any other matters within the Committee’s terms of reference High High Medium Alleyway nameplates 7 Loughton Town Counciland 2014/15 Environment Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 6 Summary Income & Expenditure by Budget Heading 31/12/2014 Environment & Heritage Committee Report Month No: 9 Actual Last Year Christmas Windows Comp Expenditure Actual Year To Date Current Variance Annual Annual Budget Total Funds Available % of Budget 327 330 375 45 45 88.1 % Cemetery (1) Expenditure 42,430 Income 21,627 26,851 15,315 55,100 22,000 28,249 -6,685 28,249 48.7 % 69.6 % Street Furniture Expenditure 12,187 Income 604 13,314 0 25,400 0 12,087 0 12,087 52.4 % 0.0 % Allotments (2) Expenditure Income 346 358 1,698 2,262 3,000 361 1,302 1,901 1,302 56.6 % 626.6 % Cemetery (Debden Lane) Expenditure 490 510 10,600 10,090 10,090 4.8 % Other services (3) Expenditure Income 1,280 400 595 8 7,000 0 6,405 8 6,405 8.5 % 0.0 % Service Re-charge (4) Expenditure 78,000 0 74,400 74,400 74,400 0.0 % 43,298 175,875 132,577 17,585 22,361 -4,776 132,577 24.6 % 78.6 % INCOME - EXPENDITURE TOTALS Environment and Heritage Expenditure 135,060 Income 22,989 Net Expenditure over Income 112,071 25,713 153,514 127,801 Notes: 1) Cemetery (Church Lane) – the year to date expenditure is shown as £26,851. Estimated position as at 31/12/14 including the DSO grounds maintenance contract is £38,256. 2) Allotment income of £2,262 is represented by £361 from licence fees at the Roding Road site and £1,901 from plot rents at the Willingale Road allotment site. 3) Other Services is the budget heading for a £1,000 contingency, £5,000 towards the village green legal fees fund and £1,000 for the First World War Centenary events. 4) Service Recharge £74,400. Position as at 31/12/14 is £55,800. 8 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 6 cont’d Earmarked Reserves: A summary of this Committee’s earmarked reserves showing the amounts available in this current financial year is provided below: Environment & Heritage Committee 1/04/14 £ Street furniture (inc £1,400 winter contingency) 13,950 Allotments 3,910 Tourist brochures 500 Community toilet scheme 1,000 Cemetery 34,350 Cemetery plot maintenance endowment (restricted fund) 4,414 Village Greens - legal fees 5,000 Lady Whitaker's Mead/new cemetery 84,375 Roding Hub 500 Total 9 147,999 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 8 Local Highway Panel Each Local Highway Panel should be populating their potential schemes list, from which they recommend schemes to go into the programme of highway improvement works. New schemes are only added to the Potential Schemes List where there is clear support from the relevant Parish/Town Council, the District Councillor, and the local County Councillor. Any proposed scheme needs to be fully investigated/validated to ensure there is a feasible solution to the issues raised and these schemes will be shown on the Potential Scheme List presented to the Panel for approval. Essex Highways would like to invite you as the County or District Member or Parish/Town Council representatives to submit highway improvement requests (including traffic management improvements) that can be considered by the Panel. These should not be schemes which have been considered previously. To assist in submitting your requests I have attached a copy of the LHP Scheme Request Form. This form is designed to capture information on a specific problem or issue and how it impacts on the locality. It is not necessary to define a solution as this will emerge through the validation stage. This form has been revised to assist in making the process clearer and only requests submitted on this form will be considered for validation to ensure that all requests are recorded and tracked accordingly. Essex Highways is keen to establish a programme of schemes that can be ready to implement in the future and make a difference in a particular locality. In previous years the trend has been to allocate the funding for a scheme as the request is received, this has resulted in a reactive and inefficient method of working for Essex Highways. As mentioned in a previous letter to the Local Highway Panel Chairman, Essex Highways would like to find ways to work more efficiently so we can give a better service and deliver all schemes identified in each financial year. To assist us in doing this we ask that you submit your new scheme requests before the end of February 2015 this will enable all requests to be fully validated and considered by the Panel in their upcoming meetings ready for the 2015/16 budget allocation. In line with proactive programming of the Local Highway Panel schemes we urge you to be prompt in your application so that the Local Highway Panel can fully allocate their budget for 15/16 at the March meeting. Any scheme requested after this date will need to be assessed for deliverability and prioritised to be added to the rolling programme. I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you of other schemes which we deliver through the Local Highway Panel funding. Experts within Safer Roads, Passenger Transport, Cycling, School Crossing Patrol and Transportation Planning/Major Projects also put forward schemes to the Local Highway Panel. The Local Highway Panels then make recommendations on which schemes they would like to take forward to the Cabinet Member for approval. These schemes can include a multitude of Highway improvements ranging from schemes to tackle casualty reduction, new cycleways and footways, junction improvements, improvements at bus stops and upgrades on existing crossing points. Please can the completed forms be returned to this email address with EPPING FOREST LHP written in the subject box. There is no limit on the amount of schemes which can be requested for one area and for further details on schemes being considered and delivered within your area please see the latest Local Highway Panel minutes. http://www.essexhighways.org/transport-and-roads/highway-schemes-anddevelopments/local-highway-panels.aspx. 10 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 9 - Traffic Commissioners and Operator Licensing 11 Environment and Heritage Committee 28 January 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Agenda item 10 Flood Problems in Loughton Essex County Council Planning & Environment E3 County Hall Chelmsford Essex CM1 1QH To Parish/Town Council Chairmen and Parish Clerks 19 December 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, RE: WHERE ARE THE FLOOD PROBLEMS IN YOUR AREA On 4 November Town/Parish Councils received the Essex County Council parish bulletin which contained an article and explained the role of the Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). This provided information on the new flood and water management responsibilities of the Council and also enquired of you if there was any interest in receive more information about specific areas of our flood and water management activity, to which a number of councils have already replied. In addition to the technical studies (Surface Water Management Plan) and flood investigation reports the flood team undertakes, my team wants to work with Town and Parish Councils to utilise local knowledge to understand where people feel the flood priority areas are. These problem areas could be, locations where homes have actually been flooded, have a history of flooding or areas viewed as presenting a risk of flooding to homes in the future. As the LLFA the focus for the flood team is about preventing flooding of residential homes. To this end Essex County Council works collaboratively with partners including the Environment Agency and Water Companies. In addition this Council is looking to invest additional resources to prevent rainwater flooding of homes in Essex. This is additional to the work being undertaken by the Environment Agency who are responsible for river and coastal flooding which they share with coastal District and Borough Councils. In addition Essex Highways remain the led organisation responsible for dealing with flooding on the highway. In order to help this Council prioritise our available resources and prevent future surface water (storm water) flooding of homes, it would be helpful if you could list what your Town/Parish Council consider as being the top three priority areas within your parish, which could prevent the flooding of residential homes. Please complete the attached form and return this by 31 January 2014 to [email protected] All schemes will then be assessed to help inform the priorities of the Essex Flood Partnership Board and in turn the flood and water management flood prevention work over the next few years. Yours sincerely Graham Thomas Head of Service – Planning & Environment Essex County Council 12
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