PACIIFIC A AMER RICAN COAL L LIMITED 3 February 20155 Com mpany Annou uncements Office O Austtralian Securrities Exchangge By e-lodgement e (ASX: PAK) Re-O Opened d Offer SSuccessfully Clo oses Pacific American n Coal Limited is pleased to report thaat it has a to otal of 314 Sh hareholders aand Applican nts for ASX A minimum m spread req quirements (in excess of 300 minimum) and has closed c the Offfer, effectivve 2 Febrruary 2015. On 2 January 2015, the Company re-opened its Offerr of up to 25,000,000 Sha ares at 20 ceents each, wiith a free attaching 255 cent Option expiring 31 1 December 2017, to raisse up to $5,0 000,000, withh a minimum m subsscription of $$3,500,000. As re eported in th he Company’s Third Supp plementary PProspectus dated d 2 January 2015, to assist the Com mpany’s comp pliance with the ASX’s minimum m spreead requirem ments, the Bo oard resolveed to re-open n the Offe er. Since 2 January 22015, the Co ompany activvely sought aadditional Offfer Applican nts. c nce from thee ASX that it has complied with their minimum The Company haas received corresponde spre ead requirem ments, subjecct to the Com mpany issuingg and allottin ng the new Shares S and ggranting new w Optiions. Follo owing is a summary of th he Offer Applications: Date Number of New Applicants / (Refu unds) w Nuumber of New Shares / (CCancellationss) 198 41 (9) 230 18,626,000 472,000 (90,000 0) 19,008,000 2 Jaanuary 2015 2 February 201 15 2 February 201 15 TOTAL Number of New Options / (Canccellations) 18 8,626,000 472,000 (90,000) 19 9,008,000 Capita al raiseed $ 3,725,20 00 94,40 00 (18,000 0) $3,801,60 00 PAK’’s Chairman,, Geoff Hill, said, s “Now th hat the Offerr has successsfully closed, we will be m moving quickkly to co omplete the purchase off our strategiic US coal asssets. This will place the Company C on a new grow wth path h, thanks to p production from the P8 Mine M in Okla homa and development projects wee have in Can nada and the US.” Ian Morgan M Com mpany Secrettary LEVELL 14, 52 PHILLIP STREET SYDNEY NSW 2000 GPO BOX B 3486 SYDNEYY NSW 2001 WWW W.METALSFINANC CE.COM ABN 83 127 131 604 Tel: +61 (0) 2 9252 5300 Fax: +611 (0) 2 9252 8400
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