ASTEC ASTEC PHOENIX® COAL QUEMADORES DE CHARBON PHOENIX® Combat the rising cost of energy without cing performance reliability. Astec Combata lossacrifi crecientes costos de or energía sin The sacrifi car rendimiento Phoenix Coal burner the latest multiple-fuel o confiabilidad. El quemador deuses carbón Phoenix de Astec utiliza la burning technology to dramatically lower energy tecnología más reciente en quemado múltiple de combustible para reducir dramáticamente costos de energía. Esta innovadora costs.losThis innovative combustion technology istecnología en combustión esauna soluciónto confi able a los altos costos de energía. trulyverdadera reliable answer high energy costs. 2.5M. WMS. 12-06 LATEST COMBUSTION LA TECNOLOGÍA EN TECHNOLOGY COMBUSTIÓN MÁS LATEST COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY Designed to burn bituminous coal, the Phoenix Coal’s MODERNA LATEST COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY Designed to burn bituminous coal, the elPhoenix Coal’s Diseñado para quemar carbón bituminoso, sistema combustión combustion system uses a coal preparation skidde that LATEST COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY Designed to burn bituminous coal, the Phoenix Coal’s PCPC 150 PC150 125 PC 100 PC100 75PC PC 150 150 PC PC 125 125 PC PC 100 100 PC 75PC 75 MODEL MODEL PC PC 125 PC 75MODEL MODEL PC150 PC125 PC100 PC75 MODELO del quemadorsystem de carbón Phoenix implementa un depósito combustion uses coal a coal preparation skid that con la pulverizestoand delivers as the the burner demand Designed burn bituminous coal, Phoenix Coal’s combustion system uses apulveriza coal preparation skid that según la preparaciónand de carbón quecoal suministra carbón pulverizes delivers as feature they burner demand requires it. Another innovative of the Phoenix combustion system uses a coal preparation skid that demanda del quemador. Otra característica innovadora del quemador pulverizes delivers coal asfeature the burner demand requires it. and Another innovative of the Phoenix Coal burner is that does use a refractory de carbón Phoenix esit que nonot utiliza una cámara de combustión pulverizes and delivers coal as the burner demand requires it. Another feature of the Phoenix Coal burner is that itinnovative does not use a refractory refractaria. combustion chamber. requires it. Another innovative feature of the Phoenix Coal burnerchamber. is that it does not use a refractory combustion Coal burnerchamber. is that it does not use a refractory combustion OPCIONES MÚLTIPLES MULTIPLE FUEL OPTIONSEN COMBUSTIBLE combustion chamber. MULTIPLE FUEL OPTIONS El quemador de carbón Phoenix utiliza gas, nº 2, gasóleo The Phoenix Coal Burner uses either Gas,aceite #2 Oil, MULTIPLE FUEL OPTIONS reciclado o aceite pesado como combustible de ayuda para la The Phoenix usesOil either #2 Oil, Recycled FuelCoal Oil,Burner orOPTIONS Heavy as aGas, support fuel for MULTIPLE FUEL ignición continua del Burner carbón bituminoso El quemador de The Phoenix Coal usesOil either #2 fuel Oil, Recycled Fuel Oil, or Heavy aspulverizado. aGas, support for continuous ignition ofpuede the uses pulverized bituminous coal. The Phoenix Coal Burner either Gas, #2 Oil, carbón Phoenix también encenderse a una capacidad Recycled Fuel Oil, or Heavy Oil as a support fuel for nominal continuous ignition of the pulverized coal. The Phoenix Coal burner can also fide rebituminous at 100% of rated del 100% para abastecer al combustible ayuda enfuel caso de que el Recycled Fuel Oil, or Heavy Oil as a support for continuous ignition of the can pulverized bituminous coal. The Phoenix Coal burner also fi re at 100% of rated suministro de carbón no se encuentre disponible. capacity onignition the support if the coal supply is coal. continuous of thefuel pulverized The Phoenix Coal burner can firebituminous at 100%isof rated capacity on the support fuel ifalso the coal supply The Phoenix Coal burner can also fi re at 100% not available. capacity on COMPACTA the support fuel ifDE the coal isof rated FORMA LA supply LLAMA not available. capacity on the support fuel if the coal supply is El innovador diseño compacto del quemador y su sistema de combustión not available. COMPACT FLAME SHAPE not available. también produce una llama compacta que puede adaptarse fácilmente COMPACT FLAME SHAPE The innovative compact design ofdethe burner and its a los diseños modernos de secadores agregado. COMPACT FLAME SHAPE The innovative compact design of the burner combustion system also SHAPE produces a compact and flameitsthat is COMPACT FLAME The innovative compact design of the burner and combustion systemDEL also TUBO producesDE a compact flameits that is EMISIONES ESCAPE NO The innovative compact design of the burner easily adapted to modern aggregate dryer designs. combustion system also produces a compact fland ameitsthat is easily adapted to modern aggregate dryer designs. VISIBLES combustion system also produces a compact flame that is easily adapted to modern aggregate designs. El quemador Phoenix produce emisionesdryer que se comparan con NO VISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS easily adapted to modern aggregate dryer designs. NO VISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS aquellas que se alcanzan cuando se quema aceite para The Phoenix Coal produces emissions comparableusado to those NO VISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS usar como combustible. De hecho, el Phoenix no genera humo. Las The Phoenix Coal produces emissions achieved when burning waste oil as acomparable fuel. In fact, to thethose Phoenix NO VISIBLE STACK EMISSIONS emisiones del tubo de escape alcanzan una opacidad del 0%, lo que The Phoenix Coal produces emissions to those achieved when burning waste oilemissions as a comparable fuel.are In fact, theopacity, Phoenix Coal produces no smoke. Stack at 0% The Phoenix Coal produces emissions comparable to those significa una visibilidad óptima a través del penacho de humos. achieved when burning waste oil as a fuel. In fact, the Phoenix Coal produces nobut smoke. Stack emissions are the at 0% opacity, meaning nothing skywaste can be seen through plume. achieved when burning oil as a fuel. In fact, the Phoenix Coal produces nobut smoke. Stack are the at 0% opacity, meaning nothing sky can be emissions seen through plume. Coal produces no smoke. Stack are at 0% opacity, ESPECIFICACIONES DEemissions LA COMBUSTIÓN meaning nothing but sky can be seen through the plume. CON BAJO EXCESO DE AIRE meaning nothing but sky can be seen through the plume. Capacidad LOW EXCESS AIR FIRING SPECS Aire de la atom. Capacidad de secado Capacidad del LOW EXCESS AIR Potencia FIRING SPECS de aceite m3/min nominal en de agregado de aire del ventilador RatedkW Capacity Nominal Aggregate Burner FIRING Air IntegralSPECS Oil Atomizing LOW EXCESS AIR (con nominal a 5% quemador interno en Millions of Capacity Capacity Blower SPECS Air 20%Capacity de XSA) deDrying humedad m3/min kW Integral Rated Nominal Aggregate Burner Air OilRequirement Atomizing LOW EXCESS AIR FIRING Fuego bajo Fuego alto BTU/HR at(mtph) 5% Moisture SCFHAir Horsepower SCFM Millions of Nominal Drying Capacity Burner Capacity Blower Air Rated Capacity Aggregate Integral OilRequirement Atomizing (with 20% XSA) Low Fire High Fire BTU/HR at 5% Moisture SCFH Horsepower SCFM Millions of Nominal Drying Aggregate Capacity Burner Capacity Blower Air Rated Capacity Air Integral OilRequirement Atomizing (with 20% XSA) High Fire BTU/HR at 5% Moisture SCFH Horsepower SCFM Millions of Drying Capacity Capacity Blower Low Air Fire Requirement 21961 566 SCFH 56 2.8 2.3Fire (withBTU/HR 20% XSA) at272 Low Fire High 5% Moisture 75 300 tph 20,000 Horsepower 75 100SCFM 80 (with 20% XSA) Low Fire High Fire 75 300 tph 20,000 75 100 80 75 300 tph 20,000 75 100 80 29281 363 75520,000 75 75 2.8 100 2.3 75 300 80 100 400 tph tph 26,667 75 100 80 100 400 tph 26,667 75 100 80 100 400 tph 26,667 75 100 80 36601 454 100 400 75 2.8 100 80 125 500 tph tph 94626,667 33,417 93 100 100 2.3 80 125 500 tph 33,417 100 100 80 125 500 tph 33,417 100 100 80 125 500 tph 1,137 33,417112 100 3.5 100 2.5 80 43982 544 150 600 tph 40,167 125 125 90 150 600 tph 40,167 125 125 90 Las condiciones anteriores son estándares a 21 °C del nivel del mar. Vea la capacidad detallada, las hojas de rendimiento de cada 150 600 tph 40,167 125 125 90 $ERYHFRQGLWLRQVDUHVWDQGDUGDWÜ)DWVHDOHYHO6HHGHWDLOHGFDSDFLW\SHUIRUPDQFHVKHHWVIRUHDFKVL]H tamaño para obtener más información y flujos y presiones específicas. La capacidad de secado del agregado nominal en base a las IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFLÀFÁRZVDQGSUHVVXUHV1RPLQDODJJUHJDWHGU\LQJFDSDFLW\EDVHGRQW\SLFDO temperaturas típicas del tubo de escape600 de 115.6° C, 0.2 cal/g °C de calor específico en 125 el agregado. La capacidad 150 tph 40,167 125máxima del90 $ERYHFRQGLWLRQVDUHVWDQGDUGDWÜ)DWVHDOHYHO6HHGHWDLOHGFDSDFLW\SHUIRUPDQFHVKHHWVIRUHDFKVL]H H[KDXVWVWDFNWHPSHUDWXUHVRIÜ)%78/EP)VSHFLÀ FKHDWLQWKHDJJUHJDWH%XUQHUPD[LPXP diseño del quemador es 110% de la capacidad nominal. IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFLÀ FÁRZVDQGSUHVVXUHV1RPLQDODJJUHJDWHGU\LQJFDSDFLW\EDVHGRQW\SLFDO GHVLJQFDSDFLW\LVRIUDWHGFDSDFLW\ $ERYHFRQGLWLRQVDUHVWDQGDUGDWÜ)DWVHDOHYHO6HHGHWDLOHGFDSDFLW\SHUIRUPDQFHVKHHWVIRUHDFKVL]H H[KDXVWVWDFNWHPSHUDWXUHVRIÜ)%78/EP)VSHFLÀFKHDWLQWKHDJJUHJDWH%XUQHUPD[LPXP IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFLÀ FÁRZVDQGSUHVVXUHV1RPLQDODJJUHJDWHGU\LQJFDSDFLW\EDVHGRQW\SLFDO GHVLJQFDSDFLW\LVRIUDWHGFDSDFLW\ $ERYHFRQGLWLRQVDUHVWDQGDUGDWÜ)DWVHDOHYHO6HHGHWDLOHGFDSDFLW\SHUIRUPDQFHVKHHWVIRUHDFKVL]H H[KDXVWVWDFNWHPSHUDWXUHVRIÜ)%78/EP)VSHFLÀFKHDWLQWKHDJJUHJDWH%XUQHUPD[LPXP IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFLÀ FÁRZVDQGSUHVVXUHV1RPLQDODJJUHJDWHGU\LQJFDSDFLW\EDVHGRQW\SLFDO GHVLJQFDSDFLW\LVRIUDWHGFDSDFLW\ H[KDXVWVWDFNWHPSHUDWXUHVRIÜ)%78/EP)VSHFLÀFKHDWLQWKHDJJUHJDWH%XUQHUPD[LPXP GHVLJQFDSDFLW\LVRIUDWHGFDSDFLW\ COAL COAL COAL COAL ® ® ® ® Over 90% of the United States can be permitted to burn coal. Over 90%del of 90% the United be permitted to Alrededor de los States Estadoscan Unidos tiene burn coal. Over 90% of quemar the United States can be permitted to permiso para carbón. burn coal. Over 90% of the United States can be permitted to burn coal. The coal prep skid pulverizes the coal for use by the burner. The coal prep skid pulverizes the coal for use by thedepósito burner. The coal prep pulverizesdethecarbón coal for use by El con skid la preparación pulveriza thecarbón burner. The coal prep pulverizes the coal for use by el que seskid usará en el quemador. the burner. Astec frequently tests burners before shipping to ensurefrequently quality. tests burners before shipping to Astec ensure frequently quality. tests burners before shipping to Astec ensure quality. Astec frequently tests burners before shipping A menudo, Astec prueba los quemadores antes de to ensure quality. enviarlos para garantizar su calidad.
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