Revocation of CTO

 Primaria C
Capital (Canada) Ltd. Anno
ounces Revocation of Ceasse Trade Ordeers and New M
Managementt Team Decembe
er 19, 2014, To
oronto, Ontaario ‐ Primariaa Capital (Can
nada) Ltd. ("Primaria" or tthe "Compan
ny") a company listed on the Canadian Sto
ock Exchange
e ("CSE") undeer the symbol PCA is pleassed to announ
nce Ontario, Britissh Columbia aand Alberta Se
ecurity Comm
missions havee granted a fu
ull revocation of that the O
the cease trade orderss (the "CTOs")) previously fiiled against thhe Company . The CTOs were impose
ed for the Com
mpany's failure to file inteerim financial statements, interim managem
ment's discusssion and analyysis and certiffication of intterim filings. TThe trading o
of the Company's shares waas also suspen
nded by the C
CSE on Decem
mber 18, 20133 for failure tto file monthlly activity rep
ports and pay associated filin
ng fees. In conjunction witth the revoca tion of the CTTOs, the Com
mpany has maade an on to resume trading of the
e suspended shares. applicatio
As a pre‐ccondition of the CTO revoccation, the Co
ompany has aalso filed on SSEDAR all of th
he outstandin
ng interim fin
nancial statem
ments and maanagement's discussion annd analysis fo
or the interim
m periods ended December 31, 2013, M
March 31, 2014 and June 30
0, 2014. As the Company move
es forward in aachieving its corporate go als, effective immediatelyy, the Compan
ny's Board of D
Directors and
d Officers will consist of the
e following apppointees: Sachin Rao Narayan, President and CEO, Director Mr. Naryaan currently ffinishing a com
mbined diploma in accounnting and finaance at the No
orthern Alberrta Institute o
of Technologyy, is an experienced and proven peoplee manager, with a successfful track record of deliveringg results havin
ng spent in exxcess of 10 ye
ears working in the treasurry managemeent branch att the City of Edmonton. Joanne Gaallevo, Corporate Secretarry, Director As a Cliniccal Nurse Man
nager/Clinical Nurse Speciialist in chargge of various p
paediatric faccilities and theeir Ms Gallevo e
operatingg procedures, excels in workking in a high ly regulated eenvironment along with heer medical e
expertise offers a unique perspective to
o many busineesses. Joannee also has clin
nical expertisee in paediatricc bone marrow transplant,, and palliativve care. She r eceived a Bacchelor of Artss with a major in Linguisticss from York U
University, Bachelor of Scie
ence of Nursinng from York University, aand a Master of Science off Nursing from
m the Universsity of British Columbia. Constantine Papadopo
oulos, Interim
m CFO, Directo
or Mr. Papad
dopoulos is th
he President, CEO, and a B
Board Membeer of Circa Picctures and Pro
od. Co., Intl. Inc, he is w
well establish
hed in the tele
evision and film industriess, first with Cinemax Picturres and now C
Circa Pictures aas CEO where he is bridging the gap witth Canadian aand United States film marrkets. Messrs. H
Henry Kloeppe
er and Ivan Bu
uzbuzian rece
ently resignedd as directorss of the Comp
pany. Their assistance
e to Primaria has been dee
eply appreciated. The new M
Managementt of Primaria iintends to raise funds and find new targget companiees to invest in
n through e
either equity o
or debt instru
uments. The C
Company willl also providee unique oppo
ortunities to clients thaat are interessted in raisingg capital, and as part of ou r service offeering the company will pro
ovide solutions,, advice and gguidance on h
how best to sttructure offerring to both aattract potenttial investors and avoid the pitfalls of improper corpo
orate financing. To achievee this mandatte we will recruit a dedicatted team to w
work directly w
with clients to
o provide the
e highest quallity solutions possible. The Comp
pany intends to issue furth
her news releases as warraanted by the progress of itts search in finding appropriaate target inve
estments and
d corporate finance clientss. The Compaany will hold aa meeting of the sharehold
ders within 90
0 days of the CTO revocation order. In conjuncction, with th
he CTO revocaation request, the Companny intends to make an app
plication to th
he CSE to reinstate its listing sstatus. About Priimaria The Comp
pany's listing on the CSE under the sym
mbol PCA is ccurrently haltted from trad
ding and has
67 shares outstanding.
For furth
her informattion, please contact:
Constantine Papadopo
Tel: 905-302-8883
ary Note
This press
s release contains or may
y be deemed to contain "fo
ng informatio
on" within the
meaning of applicable Canadian se
ecurities legislation, and iss not for relea
ase in the Un
nited States o
America. Forward-look
king informattion includes, but is not lim
mited to, stattements (exp
press or impliied)
relating to
o the impact of the appoin
ntment of the
ese officers. F
Forward look
king informatiion is subjectt to
known an
nd unknown risks,
ainties and otther factors th
hat may causse the actual results, leve
el of
activity, performance
or achieveme
ents of the Co
ompany, its p
properties an
nd/or its proje
ects to be
y different fro
om those exp
pressed or implied by such
h forward-loo
oking informa
ation. Accordiingly,
readers should not pla
ace undue reliance on forw
ward-looking information. The Compan
ny does not
e to update any
forward-looking inform
mation, excep
pt in accordance with applicable securiities