BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) P.O.Nawagarh: Block II Area Dist: Dhanbad. Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 TENDER NOTICE Dated : 2.2.2015 Sealed Tenders are invited for item wise rate from the experienced, eligible and financially sound contractors for the works mentioned below: Name of Work 1. Repairing 400A 415 V GEC make OCB LIB-2 Sl No.6624at feeder Breaker No. 1,BOCP. 2. Repairing and overhauling of control panel 630A,340 HP Feeder Breaker No.-III and terminal repairing of 350 KW,6.6 KV Induction motor ,marathon make old Decco face, BOCP Mine. Repairing of315 KVA transformer art Khas Jairamdih 6.6 KV/440V (Benedih) repairing /overhauling of 6.6KV GEC make OCB No. 1 controlling for D/L feeder at near Kessurgarh Basti and starting problem rectification Volga make starter and supply of required items at BOCP Mine. Repairing of 300 A,GEC make LIB-2,6628 installed at Feeder Breaker of BOCP Mine. Repairing of welding transformer three phase ,440V installed at JOCP E&M section Repairing of 75 KW,440V 3 phase star Delta Starter for conveyor motor of Feeder Breaker No. –I Complete overhauling repairing / rewinding and maintenance of 40 nos. ceiling fans installed at CISF camp and Nehru Nagar (Harina) Township of BII Area. Repairing and overhauling of Mini Line make D.O.L. starter 6.6 KV for 2000 GPM pump motor at BOCP Mine. Electrical repairing at of quarter B/52 at Harina Township –BII Area. Repairing of 400A HT OCB Biecco Lawrie make Sl.No. PB4/17863 at Matigarh mainf sub – stn. For controlling at Dam colony sector VI & sector VII 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Estimated cost in (Rs) 20,245.00 Cost of tender 100.00 Time of Completion 10days 20,200.00 Earnest money 1% of estimated cost -do- 100.00 10days 19,900.00 -do- 100.00 10dasys 19,690.00 -do- 100.00 10 days. 19,440.00 -do- 100.00 10 days. 17,900.00 -do- 100.00 10days. 16,000.00 -do- 100.00 10days. 13,150.00 -do- 100.00 10days 6690.00 -do- 100.00 5 days 22,140.00 -do- 100.00 10 days 1. The tender paper can be had from the office of the Area Manager(E&M), BII Area on any working days on production of money receipt as cost of tender fee mentioned above (non-refundable). The date of issue of tender paper will be from 3.2.2015 to 12.2.2015 Tender document purchased from the above office or downloaded from BCCL web site will only be accepted for further evaluation. Any other form of submitted tender will be rejected. 2. The tenderer should mention clearly on the top of the sealed envelop the NIT No. date of Opening part I / Part II (Price bid )whichever is applicable and of the job . 3 The tenderer should mention clearly on the left bottom corner of the envelop their name &address, failing which the offer will be rejected. 4. Sealed & complete tender has to be dropped in the tender box kept at the office of AM(E&M)BII Area up to 1.00 PM on 13.2.2015 and same will be opened on the same day at 4.00 PM in the office of the undersigned in presence of the tenderers or their authorised representative. 5. The earnest money @ 1% of the estimated cost should be deposited along with the tender offer in the form of Demand Draft drawn on SBI, Dhanbad in favour of Bharat Coking Coal Limited, payable at Dhanbad or in cash. 6. The cash for earnest money will be accepted by Area Finance Manager, Block II Area from 9.30 AM to 4.00 PM in all working days other than Saturday. However, on Saturday the cash will be accepted from 9.30 AM to 12.00 PM. 7. Tenders not accompanied with the earnest money 42961will not be considered. The earnest money of the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded without any interest and the earnest money of the successful tenderer will also not carry any interest and will be converted into security money. 8. Qualifying requirements for techno-commercial bid(Part-I) The following qualifying requirements must be fulfilled in the techno-commercial bid (Part-I)for the intending tenderers. If the qualifying requirements submitted along with the bid falls short of the qualifying requirements as given below, the tender will be outright rejected. ELIGIBILITY:A) The bidder must have the experience for similar nature of job. B) The tenderer must have experience of similar work during last seven years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tenders are invited as any one of the following :i) Three similar completed works each not less than 40% of the estimated value of the tender. ii) Two similar completed work each not less than 50% of estimated value of the tender. iii) One similar completed work not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated value of the tender. C). The average annual financial turn over during the last three financial year ending 31st March should be at least 30% of the estimated value. 9. The desirous tenderer may contact with the undersigned for their any clarification regarding submitting their offer. It will be presumed that the tenderer has gone through the tender document in details before submitting his offer. 10. The tenderer should submit their experience certificate copy, valid licence, Last 3 years income Tax Return copy and PAN copy. 11. If the contractor fails to fulfil to contracted agreement, the management reserves the right to employ another contractor at the risk and cost of the defaulting contractor. 12. No interest will be paid for the earnest money and security deposit. 13. The price quoted must be firm during the entire period of operation of the contract and the offers made must remain open and valid for at least 120 days from the date of opening of tender. 14. sealed offer for above 30,000.00 is to be submitted in two parts i,e. Part –I& Part –II.(price Bid) in separate sealed envelop. These two sealed envelops have to be put inside a third envelop. This third envelop has to be sealed and NIT No. etc. should be clearly mentioned as described in Sl.No.2 above/prepage . 15. Tenderer should clearly mention that they are agreed to all terms & conditions of NIT failing which tender will be treated as cancelled /rejected. If the tenderer remain silent about this in his offer ,it will be presumed that the tenderer is agreed to all terms & conditions of the NIT. 16. If any offer is found open or unsealed, that particular offer / tender will be rejected. 17. The order will be placed to the L1 firm on aggregate ;However the company / Management does not bind itself to accept the lowest (L1) tender and reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders at any point of time without assigning any reason whatsoever and split up the work between two or more tenderers or accept the tender in part and not in entirety. 18. The tenderer / bidder is required to sign in all documents submitted by him along with his offer by blue ball point pen with date and seal (Rubber Stamp); failing which the offer will be rejected. 19 . Incomplete tender, conditional tender will be rejected. 20. The Tender committee reserves the right to reject or accept any or all the tenders on part or in full at any point of time without assigning any reason what so ever. 21. The tenderer will also sign and seal (Rubber stamp )the tender document with blue ball point pen and submit the same along with part I of the offer as a token of acceptance of all terms & conditions of NIT . Chief Manager (E&M) Area Office, BII Area Distribution: 1. A.G.M, B-II Area. 2. A.F.M, B-II Area. 3. A.M (E&M), All Areas of BCCL. 4. Notice Board, Block-II Area . BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 1) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing 400A 415 V GEC make OCB LIB-2 Sl No.-6624at feeder Breaker No. 1,BOCP. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate 1. 3nos. Providing &fitting of CTcoil 400/5 2. 1no. -do- core balance current transformer 3. 1no. -do- No volt coil with plunger 4. 1 no. -do- Voltmeter (o-600) 5. 3 set -do- over load coil with plunger 6. 1set -do- Bus bar plug board with conduit 7. 1no. -do-Volt meter selected switch 8. 2nos. -do-Support bake light 9. 1set -do-Rose board with contact 10. 3nos. -do- Moving contact 11. 3nos. -do-Fixed contact 12. 1no. Overhauling of prayag make ELR 13. 6nos Provided and fitting of ‘L ‘ type contact Amount. Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 2) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing and overhauling f of control panel 630A,340 HP Feeder Breaker No.-III and terminal repairing of 350 KW,6.6 KV Induction motor ,marathon make old Decco face, BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. 1set Providing &fitting of thermal over load relay 2. 3nos. Overhauling of ML-10+12 contact 3. LS Providing &fitting of nut & bolts as required 4. Complete repairing & overhauling with wiring LS checking Repairing terminal make 3F 600 517/2at BOCp Mine Sl.No. Particulars. 1. Termination /jointing of cable 240 sq mm 2. Providing and fitting of copper lugs 300A 3. Insulation tape ,silicon glass , PVC, etc. 4. Providing and connecting of copper ferule Qty. 6nos 6 nos. LS 1set Rate Amount. Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 3) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing of315 KVA transformer art Khas Jairamdih 6.6 KV/440V (Benedih) repairing /overhauling of 6.6KV GEC make OCB No. 1 controlling for D/L feeder at near Kessurgarh Basti and starting problem rectification Volga make starter and supply of required items at BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. Providing /replacement of LT studs with brass bolt 3nos. 2. 3. & washer . Changing of gas kit/ cork sheet for secondary of 1set transformer LS Labour charge Repairing /overhauling of 6.6 KV GEC make OCB No.I controlling for D/L feeder at near kessurgarh Basti at BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. 1no. Over hauling of Drawer unit 2. 1no. Over hauling of ELR Starting problem rectification of Volga make starter 6.6KV controlling for 2000 GPM pump motor at Box cut-II at BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. 2. Providing & fitting of bridge rectifier Labour charge 1set LS Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 4) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing of 300 A,GEC make LIB-2,6628 installed at Feeder Breaker of BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate 1. 3nos. Providing & fitting of CT coil CTR 400/5 2. 1no. Providing & CBT coil 3. 1no. Providing & fitting of testing transformer 4. 1no. Providing & fitting no No volt coil 5. 2nos. Providing & fitting volt & amp selector switch 6. 10nos. Providing & fitting kit kat fuse with HRC 7. 1no. Providing & fitting bus bar board 8. 6nos. Providing & fitting T type contact 9. 4nos. Providing & fitting flat bake light 10. 6nos. Providing &fitting of moving contact 11. 5nos. Providing & fitting O/L coil with plunger 12. 2nos. Providing &fitting of copper stud 5/8 “ 13. 1no. Rep. Of earth leakage relay prayag make 14. LS Complete overhauling & painting Amount. Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 5) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing of welding transformer three phase ,440V installed at JOCP E&M section Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. 1. 36kg. Copper wire for primary and secondary coil 2. 1job Insulation materials 20 % of Sl.No.1 3. 4kg Bakelite board 4. 4set Socket type contact 5. 36pcs. MS bolt 3”x3/4 “ 6. 72pcs MS washer ¾’ 7. Welding transformer body damaged position cutting 1job 8. 9. 10. Rate Amount. new shed welding all complete Welding transformer body cleaning washing then 1job painting. 1job Transporting charge to &fro including unloading 36 kg. Less scrap value copper Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 6) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing of 75 KW,440V 3 phase star Delta Starter for conveyor motor of Feeder Breaker No. –I Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. Complete repairing & overhauling with wiring 1set 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. checking Providing & fitting of auxiliary contact kit Providing & fitting of over load relay CT type Overhauling of ML contactor 10/12 Providing &fitting of push button switch element (L&T) Providing &fitting of timer Labour charge 4nos. 1set 3nos. 4nos. 1no. LS Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 7) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Complete overhauling repairing / rewinding and maintenance of 40 nos. ceiling fans installed at CISF camp and Nehru Nagar (Harina) Township of BII Area. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. Providing of super enamel copper wire of required 14.400Kg. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. size for rewinding of ceiling fans (40 nosx360 gms for each fan)14.400kg Cost of insulation materials i,e. approved quality varnish . Providing &fitting of starting condenser of required capacity (2.5 MFD) of approved brand. Providing & fitting of SR ball bearing bushing of required Providing & fitting of rubber bush for proper fixing of the ceiling Labour charge for complete overhauling repairing / rewinding and maintenance. 40 fans. 40nos. 80nos. 40nos. 40Fans Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 8) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing and overhauling of Mini Line make D.O.L. starter 6.6 KV for 2000 GPM pump motor at BOCP Mine. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. Isolator repairing of 6.6 KV with required nut & bolt 1no. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. etc. Complete overhauling f VCB 6.6 KV(To e provided 1no. by dept. )& filling 3nos. Supply and fitting of PT fuse 3A HRC 1no. Supply & fitting off CBCT coil 1no. -do- of volt meter 1no. Painting of starter Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 9) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Electrical repairing at of quarter B/52 at Harina Township –BII Area. Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. 1. Wiring of tube light /bulb point in PVC conduit with 14nos. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Piano swich1.5 sq mm PVC insulated copper wire Wiring of fan point in PVC conduit with piano switch PVC insulated wire Wiring of light plug point in PVC conduit with switch & 5A 5pin socket Supply and fitting of power plug point with 15/16 amp switch and socket Supply and fixing f 32 amp ICDP switch with board Supply and fixing of 16 amp ICDP switch Sub main running with PVC conduit 2x2.5 sq mm wire for heater connection 15/16 amp plug Rate Amount. 4nos. 4nos. 1set (2nos.) 1no. 1no. 10m Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area. BILL OF QUANTITY.(SL.NO 10) Ref. No. GM/BII/(E&M)/TENDER/14-15/ 32/3438 Dated : 2.2.2015 Repairing of 400A HT OCB Biecco Lawrie make Sl.No. PB4/17863 at Matigarh mainf sub – stn. For controlling at Dam colony sector VI & sector VII Sl.No. Particulars. Qty. Rate Amount. 1. 1set Complete repairing & overhauling of mechanism 2. 1set Replacement of oil and cleaning of spot and tank 3. 2set Providing and fitting f main contact finger 4. 3sets Providing and fitting of shunt trip coil (110V) 5. 1no. Providing and fitting of volt meter (1 to 15 KV) 6. 1no. Providing and fitting of armature (1 to 200A) 7. 1roll Complete wiring of OCB 8. 4nos. Fuse (16 amp) 9. 1sety Painting of OCB Chief Manager (E&M) Block-II Area.
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