¦ÉÉ®úiÉ ºÉ®úEòÉ®ú/GOVERNMENT OF INDIA +ÆiÉÊ®úIÉ Ê´É¦ÉÉMÉ/DEPARTMENT OF SPACE Ê´ÉGò¨É ºÉÉ®úɦÉÉ<Ç +ÆiÉÊ®úIÉ Eåòpù/VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉ{ÉÖ®ú¨É/THIRUVANANTHAPURAM – 695 022 Ê´ÉYÉÉ{ÉxÉ ºÉÆ. ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ/{ÉÒ/Ê´ÉYÉÉ{ÉxÉ/147/2014 ÊnùxÉÉÆEò 30.01.2015 ADVT. NO. VSSC/P/ADVT/147/2014 DT. 30.01.2015 ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ Eäò ®úɹ]Åõ{ÉÊiÉ Eäò ʱÉB iÉlÉÉ =xÉEòÒ +Éä®ú ºÉä ´ÉÊ®ú¹` |ÉvÉÉxÉ, GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®ú, Ê´ÉGò¨É ºÉÉ®úɦÉÉ<Ç +ÆiÉÊ®úIÉ Eåòpù (´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ), Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉ{ÉÖ®ú¨É ¨ÉÉä½þ®ú¤ÉÆnù ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉBÆ +ɨÉÆÊjÉiÉ Eò®úiÉä ½éþ: For & on behalf of the President of India, the Sr. Head Purchase & Stores, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram invites Sealed Tenders for the following :- Gò¨É ºÉÆ. ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ºÉÆ Sl. No. Tender No. 9301-2014-6794 [दो दो भाग / TWO PART] 01. 02. 03 04. 05 ¨ÉÉjÉÉ Ê´É´É®úhÉ /Description 5561-2014-6239 [दो दो भाग / TWO PART] 6045-2014-2191 [दो दो भाग / TWO PART] 6089-2013-8974 [एकल भाग / SINGLE PART] Qty. वायुमंडलीय ऐरोसॉल के वेषण हे तु ूेरणामक 1 सं./No. प से यु!"मत #लैएमा-ि(यमान ःपे+शममापी Inductively coupled plasma – Mass spectrometer for analysis of atmospheric aerosols ए+स-रे /लूरोसे1स ःपे+शममापी X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 1 सं./No. माइबो मशीिनंग से1टर 1 सं./No. Micro machining Centre एलओए+स पंप / 8धन पंप ूवेिशका शाखा ूयेक 10 िनवेश संचकन सं. / 10 Nos. LOX Pump / Fuel Pump Inlet Branch Investment Casting िनवा>त संचकन मशीन each 6089-2014-6706 [दो दो भाग / TWO Vacuum Casting Machine PART] नोट:- विनद? शन तथा वःतृत िनबंधन एवं शतC िनवदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार 1 सं./No. Note :- Specification and detailed terms & conditions as per Tender document ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¶ÉÖ±Eò / Tender Fee ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¡òÉì¨ÉÇ VÉÉ®úÒ Eò®úxÉä EòÒ +ÆÊiÉ¨É ÊiÉÊlÉ Last Date for issue of Tender Forms ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ º´ÉÒEÞòÊiÉ EòÒ ÊxɪÉiÉ ÊiÉÊlÉ Due Date for Receipt of Tender ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ JÉÉä±ÉxÉä EòÒ ÊiÉÊlÉ / <ºÉ®úÉä ´Éä¤ÉºÉÉ<]õ Tender Opening Date Rs. 227/04/03/2015 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16:00 Hrs. 05/03/2015 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä iÉEò/up to 16:00 Hrs. 06/03/2015 10:00 ¤ÉVÉä/at 10:00 Hrs. www.isro.gov.in / ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ ´Éä¤ÉºÉÉ<]õ www.vssc.gov.in ¨Éå ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉ ={ɱɤvÉ ½éþ * Tender documents are available on ISRO website www.isro.gov.in / VSSC website www.vssc.gov.in. ½þºiÉÉIÉÊ®úiÉ/Sd/´ÉÊ®ú¹` |ÉvÉÉxÉ, GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®/ Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores Note: 1. Full details and specifications of the items and general instructions to be followed regarding submission of tenders are indicated in the tender documents. 2. Tender Documents can be downloaded from our websites and also be obtained from the following address on request and submission of tender fee: For Sl. No. 1 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-II, AVN Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 0471-2565141. For Sl. No. 2 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-III, PRSO Purchase, RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 0471-2563775. For Sl. No. 3, 4 & 5 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-V, MME Purchase, RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 04712562831. While requesting for Tender Documents please indicate on the envelope as “Request for Tender Documents- Tender No……….. dt……………”. 3. Tender Fee (Rs. 227/-) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT ONLY. Other mode of payment is not acceptable. The Demand Draft should be in favour of : Sr. Accounts Officer, AVN Accounts, VSSC (for item under Sl. No. 1), Accounts Officer, PRSO Accounts, VSSC (for item under Sl. No.2), & Sr.Accounts Officer, MME Accounts, VSSC (for items under Sl. No. 3, 4 & 5) payable at State Bank of India, Thumba Branch, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022 [The tender fee is NON-REFUNDABLE] Government Departments, PSUs (both Central and State), Small Scale Industries units borne in the list of NSIC and foreign sources are exempted from submission of tender fee. Those who are coming under the above category should submit documentary evidence for the same. 4. While submitting your offer, the envelope shall be clearly superscripted with Tender No. and Due Date and to be sent to the following address. For Sl. No. 1 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-II, AVN Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 04712565141. For Sl. No. 2 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-III, PRSO Purchase, RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 0471-2563775. For Sl. No. 3, 4 & 5 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-V, MME Purchase, RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph : 0471-2562831. 5. Quotations received after the Due Date/Time will not be considered. 6. VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram is not responsible for any postal delay/loss of documents in transit. 7. Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the tenders in part or full without assigning any reasons thereof. Annexure-1 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) should include the following: RF Generator: Computer controlled RF generator; Power range 500 to 1600 watts Frequency range 27/40 MHz Plasma Torch: Auto tunable in x-y-z directions with independent movements. Automatic control of torch ignition, shutdown, and system warm up. Provision for auto-alignment of the torch after routine maintenance desirable. Built-in video camera or window for remote viewing of plasma. Sample Introduction system: Acidic liquid sample introduction system with nebulizer, spray chamber and peristaltic pump. Provision for high matrix introduction capability is desirable. Ion Extraction Interface: Two-cone (minimum) type interface Mass Spectrometer: Quadrupole system Mass range less than or equal to 4 amu to greater than or equal to 260 amu. Resolution 0.4 amu or better. Vacuum: 10-5 torr or better. Background noise less than1cps. Dynamic range greater than or equal to 9 orders of magnitude Interference Management: System should incorporate Collision Cell Technology/KED or other more efficient reaction system for interference removal in Helium mode. Compatibility of MS with GC for the measurement of volatile organics is desirable. Sensitivity: ~50,000 Counts/ppb at 7Li ~200,000 Counts/ppb at 89Y or 115In ~300,000 Counts/ppb at 238U Ce++/Ce+ ratio less than or equal to 3 % CeO/Ce ratio less than or equal to 3% Software/ Data handling Necessary Software (Microsoft Windows based) for the operation, data acquisition, storage, retrieval, generating reports. Networking capability desirable. Data Acquisition System with High-end PC with ~21 inch LCD monitor and a duplex laser colour printer (all branded items with after sales service guaranteed). Multi element calibration standards and certified reference materials (CRMs) with certificates. 1 Gases: All necessary gases (Ar, He, CH4, O2) with 99.999% purity. In view of the heavy consumption of Ar gas minimum of 10 no: of Ar gas cylinders must be provided. Necessary Gas regulators and manifold. Exhaust system (hood, pipes, etc). Auto sampler: greater than or equal to 30 vial capacity. Warranty: A comprehensive 2 year warranty should be provided. Party should undertake AMC of the equipment after the warranty period. Power Requirements: 230 V AC/50 Hz. Suitable UPS with 1 hour backup to be supplied. The technical comparison sheet/compliance of the quoted model must be enclosed. Detailed specification sheet in English obtained from the manufacturer is to be enclosed. The pre-installation requirements to be given in the quotation itself. The system should be complete with all necessary accessories and consumables for carrying out analysis of liquid samples. Necessary accessories, spares and consumable for trouble free operation of the equipment for 3 years to be quoted along with system. Application library to be supplied. List of users in India and abroad to be provided. Instruction and operation manuals (in English) to be supplied. The system should conform to International safety standards, designed and manufactured under a quality system. Installation and commissioning of the equipment and training of our scientists in instrument operation, method development, and routine maintenance must be undertaken free of cost at the user site. Technical bid should include model/part number of the equipment/component/ accessories (matching with the indent specification). Split-up cost of all necessary Foreign and Indian item is to be provided with the price bid. 2 Compliance sheet Annexure-2 : Technical Specifications Item Specifications Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 Specifications Compliance Offered Specifications (Yes/No) Annexure Detailed Technical Specifications for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) RF Generator: Computer controlled RF generator; Power range 500 to 1600 watts Frequency range 27/40 MHz. Remarks Plasma Torch: Auto tunable in x-y-z directions with independent movements. Automatic control of torch ignition, shutdown, and system warm up. Provision for auto-alignment of the torch after routine maintenance desirable. Built-in video camera or window for remote viewing of plasma. Sample Introduction system: Acidic liquid sample introduction system with nebulizer, spray chamber and peristaltic pump. Provision for high matrix introduction capability is desirable. Ion Extraction Interface: Two-cone (minimum) type interface Mass Spectrometer: Quadrupole system Mass range less than or equal to 4 amu to greater than or equal to 260 amu. Resolution 0.4 amu or better. Vacuum: 10-5 torr or better. Background noise less than1cps. 1 Compliance sheet 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dynamic range greater than or equal to 9 orders of magnitude Interference Management: System should incorporate Collision Cell Technology/KED or other more efficient reaction system for interference removal in Helium mode. Compatibility of MS with GC for the measurement of volatile organics is desirable. Sensitivity: ~50,000 Counts/ppb at 7Li ~200,000 Counts/ppb at 89Y or 115In ~300,000 Counts/ppb at 238U Ce++/Ce+ ratio less than or equal to 3 % CeO/Ce ratio less than or equal to 3% Software/ Data handling Necessary Software (Microsoft Windows based) for the operation, data acquisition, storage, retrieval, generating reports. Networking capability desirable. Data Acquisition System with High-end PC with ~21 inch LCD monitor and a duplex laser colour printer (all branded items with after sales service guaranteed). Multi element calibration standards and certified reference materials (CRMs) with certificates. Gases: All necessary gases (Ar, He, CH4, O2) with 99.999% purity. In view of the heavy consumption of Ar gas minimum of 10 no: of Ar gas cylinders must be provided. Necessary Gas regulators and manifold. Exhaust system (hood, pipes, etc). 2 Compliance sheet 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Auto sampler: greater than or equal to 30 vial capacity. Warranty: A comprehensive 2 year warranty should be provided. Party should undertake AMC of the equipment after the warranty period. Power Requirements: 230 V AC/50 Hz. Suitable UPS with 1 hour backup to be supplied. The technical comparison sheet/compliance of the quoted model must be enclosed. Detailed specification sheet in English obtained from the manufacturer is to be enclosed. The pre-installation requirements to be given in the quotation itself. The system should be complete with all necessary accessories and consumables for carrying out analysis of liquid samples. Necessary accessories, spares and consumable for trouble free operation of the equipment for 3 years to be quoted along with system. Application library to be supplied. List of users in India and abroad to be provided. Instruction and operation manuals (in English) to be supplied. The system should conform to International safety standards, designed and manufactured under a quality system. 3 Compliance sheet 23 24 25 Installation and commissioning of the equipment and training of our scientists in instrument operation, method development, and routine maintenance must be undertaken free of cost at the user site. Technical bid should include model/part number of the equipment/component/ accessories (matching with the indent specification). Split-up cost of all necessary Foreign and Indian item is to be provided with the price bid. 4 Annexure-3 Purchase Terms 1. Our normal payment term is Sight Draft / by within 30 days after receipt and acceptance. Please confirm acceptance in your quote. 2. Specify name of Indian Agent and percentage of Agency commission, if any. 3. 10% Performance Bank Guarantee for the Warranty period shall be furnished. SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO TENDERERS 1. Sales Tax: The facility of Inter-State purchase by Government Department against Form-D stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.04.2007. As such, please indicate the applicable CST/VAT. 2. Excise Duty: We are completely exempted from payment of Excise Duty in terms of Notification No.10/97-CE Dt.01.03.97 as amended by Notification No. 16/2007 Central Excise Dt.01.03.2007. The necessary ED Exemption Certificate shall be provided by VSSC for availing exemption. Tenders are requested to take note of the ED exemption available to ISRO/VSSC and accordingly submit the offer without ED element. 3. Customs Duty: - We are completely exempted from payment of Customs Duty in necessary terms of Notification Customs Duty No.12/2012-Cus dated 17.03.2012 Exemption Certificate shall be The provided by VSSC for availing CD Exemption. Tenderers are requested to take note of the CD Exemption available to ISRO/VSSC and accordingly submit the offer without CD Element. 4. Where an agent participate in a tender; (a) Either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. (b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another principal/ OEM in the same tender for the same item/product. 5. VSSC has a right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason etc. 6. In order to avail the benefits extended by Govt. of India to the Micro and Small Sectors, please submit attested copy of the valid Entrepreneur Memorandum Part II signed by the General Manager, District Industries Centre or NSIC Registration Certificate along with your offer, if applicable. SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN RESPECT OF TWO-PART TENDERS I. PART I - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover. Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties. Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Tender Fee, by way of Demand Draft should be enclosed with Technical Bid, failing which the offer will not be considered. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover. II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved, such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover. III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form. The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit II, AVN Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, Trivandrum - 695 022 IV. a) In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal / OEM or Principal / OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item / product in the same tender. b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal / OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal / OEM in the same tender for the same item / product. V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case. VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date. VII. TENDER OPENING : The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid. VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time. IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected. X. Fax / e-mail offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS. XI. All the pages of your offer should be signed / initialed by competent authority and affixed with your Company’s Seal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PART1-TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (in duplicate) in one cover. Technical and Commercial Part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply, payment terms, delivery terms, [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties, warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads. Please not that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer. Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender. The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number-Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover. II. PART II –PRICE BID in one cover:Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation commissioning is involved, such charges any be indicated separately in the Price Bid. The cover should clearly be superscribed “price Bid”. The Tender Number- Due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover. III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and they should be put into a single envelope superscribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form. Sr. Purchase Officer Purchase Unit No.III Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre ISRO PO Trivandrum –695 022 IV.Tenders any be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular care. V. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date. VI. TENDER OPENING. The Technical and Commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and in case any further clarifications/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be called for before opening the Price Bid. VII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time. VIII. Tenders, which are not prepared in terms of these instructions, are liable to be rejected. IX. Fax offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS. X. All the pages of your offer should be signed/initialed by competent authority and affixed with your Company’s Seal ! / 6 7 8 ; < = 0 ! / 6 7 8 "# $ %&'() ' *" ++++++++++++++ $ " ( , " ( " # - # % . " /0 1 $ ( "( " # 2 3 " $ 1 $ &43 ( $ 4 $ - $ 5 ( %& ( ) !0 1 9 : % " # # # 9 # % % > " ? # . 1 . # $# $ " ' "" ( 3 4 9 @ $ A# 3 '4 1 1 ( $ A(3 (3 1 $ A# %3 # # ( $ A1 3 ( # % / /! ! 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( (# 2 " ? 1 4 # - >4 4 4 @ % G4 1 & @ 4 &4 D1 &4 +++++++++++++$ &4 # 3 , (I) Annexure-I Technical Specifications of Micro Machining Center for Advanced Ceramics and Mettalic materials ( 5 axis CNC Micro Rotary Ultrasonic Machining (RUM) center) Type : Portal type compact 5 axis machining center with intregrated NC-swivel/tilt rotary table . Portal type compact 5 axis machining center with intregrated NC-swivel/tilt rotary table . This 5 axis CNC micro Machining Center should be configured as X,Y,Z and A,C or B,C capable of maching of ceramic material such as glass,borosilicate,zeoder etc, hard metalic materials,composites in ultrasonic mode and micro milling ,drilling and grinding operations on aerospce materials including titanium and Inconel in a single machine. This Machining Center shall be equipped to control ultrasonic parameters like vibration frequency ,amplitude etc and it should be suitable for effective machining of brittle and hard materials. It shall be configured with high dyamics for all three linear axes (X, Y, and Z) . It shall be capable with simultaneous linear interpolation of 5-axis X,Y,Z and A,C or B,C. It shall be equipped with state-of-the-art of CNC control system and drives and also equiped with adaptive control , accoustic control features for effective ulisation in ultrasonic mode.This machine shall have fully integrated through coolant system with (II) 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.2 filteration system.The machine bed shall be rigid enough for vibration isolating and damping 5 axis CNC Micro Rotary ultrasonic machining center Specifications Construction: Portal type/Gantry design with intregrated NC-swivel rotary table . Highly precision drive for linear axis Good vibration damping: Pl specify details like bed construction material and damping properties etc Thermal stabilized/compensation Guide ways - please specify details Axis travels (Nominal) X-axis mm 200 Y-axis mm 200 Z-axis mm 250 C-axis deg Continuous A or B axis ,For A deg please specify A or B axis,For B deg please specify Machine Accuracy (as per VDI DGQ 3441)) Position uncertainty (P) Linear axis (X, Y & Z) mm 0.007 Rotary table ( A or B and C-axis) Arc sec 7 Positional Scatter (Ps) Linear axis (X, Y & Z) mm 0.004 Rotary table ( A or B and C-axis) Arc sec 4 Geometrical Accuracy Squareness for all linear axis mm/mm 0.01/200 Straightness for all linear axis mm/mm 0.01/200 Parallelism of X-axis to table mm/mm 0.01/200 Perpendicularity of Z-axis to X &Y mm/mm 0.01/200 Test chart for both positional and geometrical accuracies for similar machine shall be enclosed along with quotation NC Rotary table Type NC controlled swivel/tilt rotary table T-slot Required provide details 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9(a) 5.1 5.11 5.12 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Table size (Nominal) mm 200X200 Table load Max. speed Drive system Torque Resolution Milling/Ultasonic spindle Spindle type kg rpm 10 kg(Nominal) Pl. Specify Pl. Specify Pl. Specify 0.001 Speed range Spindle power at 100% duty cycle Spindle torque at 100% duty cycle Beraing type Constant power range Spindle taper Air blast taper cleaning Spindle runout at nose degree Please specify (prefer electrospindle) RPM 20-40000 (step-less) kw 15(Nominal) Nm 6(Nominal) Pl. Specify Pl. Specify HSK 32 Required micron 3 Spindle cooling type Pl. Specify Spindle speed-torque characteristics shall be provided along with quotation Capability of mimimum hole size in ultrasonic mode please specify µm Spindle tool clamp Please specify Ultrasonic generator Power Watt 250 watt (nominal) Gererator frequency KHZ 20-50KHZ (Nominal) Please specify Able to set automatic resonancy of any tool auto mode µm Pl. Specify (Quote as optional) Automatic amplitude regulation & vibration amplitude range Pl. Specify details Programmable ultrasonic parameters for vibration amplitude,frequency and ultrasonic power Feed and Feedback system Pl. Specify Drive for linear axes Pl. Specify Bearings for linear drive Pl. Specify Drive for rotary axis precision Roller Guideways Linear measuring system with glass scales Feedback elements Pl. Specify Maximum feed force on X, Y, Z and A or B Pl. specify type NC Rotary table locking system required Feed back control capable of monitoring the process & adjusting process 7.8 Required parameters through adaptive control 8 Feed & Rapid traverse rates in X, Y and Z axis 8.1 Feed rate mm/min 0 to 30,000 8.2 Rapid traverse rate m/min 30 2 Acceleration please specify 8.3 m/s 9 CNC system 9.1 Control Latest Heidenhain/Siemens 9.2 Hardware 9.2.1 Resolution 0.0001 µm X, Y, Z, A or B and C 9.2.2 Controllable axes 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 9.2.7 9.2.8 9.2.9 9.2.10 9.2.11 9.2.12 9.4.7 9.4.8 9.4.9 Display NC program memory Hard disk /solid state memory capacity Feed override Spindle override Solid graphic simulation Dust proof casing for CNC system Machining time calculation Tool tables, workpiece datum tables Electronic hand wheel Safety package for power failure,voltage control with fast deceleration trigger Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for control display of last executed program number Data Interface USB Ports Ethernet Programming ISO programming in metric & inch Cartesian, polar programming Free contour programming Parametric programming Mathematical functions, logical operators Coordinate transformation linear transformation, rotation in the machining plane, scaling Sub programs Programming aids Parallel programming 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.6 9.6.1 9.6.2 9.6.3 9.6.4 9.7 9.7.1 9.7.2 9.7.3 9.7.4 9.7.5 9.7.6 9.7.7 Cycles Drilling Thread milling cycles Cycles for clearing level & inclined surfaces Multi operation machining of pockets Contour pocket machining cycles Interpolation Linear interpolation in 5 out of 5 axes Circular interpolation in 2 out of 5axes circular interpolation Helical interpolation Spline interpolation Control System Options 3D Graphics Simulation Probe cycles High Speed Machining Cycles NURBS Interpolation Dynamic approach buffer (FIFO) Dynamic look ahead (feed forward control) Block search with and without computation 9.2.13 9.2.14 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4 9.4.5 9.4.6 17” TFT (Minimum) color display GB 2 GB pl specify Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Minimum 2 Nos. Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required optional Required Required Required optional Required Required Required 9.7.8 9.7.9 9.7.9 9.8 9.8.1 9.8.2 9.8.3 9.8.4 9.8.5 9.9 9.9.1 9.9.2 9.9.3 9.9.4 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Manual Data Input (MDI) Tool retract at time of failure Setup functions (JOG) for all axes Compensation Cutter radius compensation Tool length compensation Pitch error compensation Quadrant error compensation Backlash compensation 5- axis control options RTCP Inclined plane machining 5-axis interpolation functions (Siemens TRAORI or equivalent) 3D cutter compensation 6. Automatic Tool Changer Type Number of tools Minimum tool diameter Maximum tool diameter Maximum tool length Maximum tool weight Average tool change time Coolant system Through Coolant supply of the spindle External Coolant supply of the spindle Pressure flow rate Coolant tank capacity Maximum allowable particle size Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Pl provide details 20 (Minimum) mm Pl. Specify mm Pl. Specify mm Pl. Specify kg Pl. Specify s Pl. Specify Required Required bar l/min L <10 µm 11.7 Coolant reprocessing plant with ICS supply pump is required quote optional 11.8 Fully Integrated Mist coolany system pl provide details 12 Chip removal system 12.1 Type of chip conveyer 13 Machine Guarding All moving parts/guide ways/ball screws shall be protected against dust 13.1 incursion by providing suitable covers/bellows 13.2 Machine shall be provided with adequate guarding & doors quote optional 13.3 Control system elements shall be enclosed in a dust-proof and air conditioned cabin. The cabin shall prevent entry of rodents. 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 15 Electrical specifications Voltage Frequency Isolation Transformer & Stabilizer(Make servomax/Neel) Environmental conditions pl secify pl secify pl secify quote optionally 415 V ±10% AC, 3 phase 50 Hz ± 2% Quote Separately in INR 15.1 Supplier shall comply with suitability of machine operation in tropical environmental conditions (85% RH and 37°C temperature) 16 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 17 17.1 17.2 17.3 18 19 Machine size and weight Floor space required Pl. specify Type of machine foundation Pl. specify Total Weight of machine Pl. specify Max. Weight, numbers & size of packing shall be indicated Accessories Touch trigger probe for workpiece measurement (Renishaw preferred) Required Type BLUM/Renishaw Laser tool presetting and relevant cycles Quote as Optional Integrated kinematic correction kit (Hardware and software) Quote as Optional Spares and consumables for 2 year trouble free operation may be listed and quoted separately 20 Tool holding Standard tool package suitable for holding ultrasonic tools and milling Quote as Optional tools pl provide details showing type and number being supplied Ultrasonic shrinkfit type holder 3 Nos. Ultrasonic collet type holder 3 Nos. HSK 32 Hydraulic holders with collets for milling 4 Nos. Inspection and Installation Pre-delivery inspection at manufacturer's site in presence of VSSC engineers Work holding Work holding for different types of advanced materials like glass,ceramics Quote as Optional provide details 19.1 for zero point clamping( make sytem 3R/EROWA) 20.1 20.1.1 20.1.2 20.1.3 21 21.1 21.1.1 21.1.2 21.1.3 21.2 21.2.1 22 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.5.1 22.5.2 22.5.3 23 23.1 24 24.1 24.2 25 The machine shall be inspected as per VDI/DGQ 3441 standards for positional and geometrical accuracies as per standard test chart NAS 979 cutting test for confirming machine accuracies and performance Machining demo on component requiring 5-axis simultaneous interpolation Installation and commissioning at VSSC site Required Geometry of machine should be inspected as per test charts Training Programming and Operation training at manufacturer's works Maintenance and basic troubleshooting training at manufacturer's works Programming and Operation training at VSSC Maintenance and basic troubleshooting training at VSSC UltrasnicTraining Demonstatrion of ultrasonic parameters for for different ceramic materail specially for micro feature machining Ultrasonic technolgy and its application and new development Programming and Operation training for ultrasonic at VSSC Documentation Two sets of hard copy of programming, operation and maintenance manuals and a soft copy of all manuals shall be supplied along with the machine. Delivery Delivery shall be on FOB basis Delivery period shall be indicated in the offer Machine Acceptance 25.1 The machine will be accepted based on satisfactory completion of activities of section 21 and 22 & compliance of test charts 26 Warranty 26.1 Minimum of one year warranty from the date of commissioning. 26.2 27 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 Mandatory Annual maintenance contract for additional five years shall be quoted separately Others Technical leaflet and write-up of equipment must be furnished Quotation shall be prepared and signed by the original machine manufacturer Actual test both linear and geometrical test certificates of similar model manufactured by the manufacturer have to be sent along with the quotation Reference of users (with contact address) where similar machine is in operation Data sheets with complete technical information to support the specifications listed in Section 1 to 11 shall be provided. Note: * Duty Exemption : We are exempted from payment of Excise Duty / Customs Duty / Octroi Duty and necessary duty exemtion Certificate will be provided by us. Please quote accordingly. * Ours is a Govt. of India Department and we can not issue any concessional form. Hence please quote normal rate of VAT * WARRANTY : The items shall have a warranty for a period of One year against any manufacturing defects or bad workmanship from the date of Commissioning. Warranty certificate duly signed & stamped shall be provided after successful Commissioning at our site. You shall supply Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of Order value towards Warranty support. PBG should have a claim period of 6 Months. -1Annexure II ( 2-Parts Instructions) Ref. No. 6045-2014-00-2191-01 M/s. Dear Sirs, Sub: MICRO MACHINING CENTRE FOR ADVANCED CERAMICS AND METALLIC MATERIALS[5 AXIS CNC MICRO ROTARY ULTRASONIC MACHINING(RUM) CENTER] ******** Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre invite Public Tender for the above item in TWO PART. Please find the enclosed set of tender documents along with technical specification and Commercial terms & conditions for this tender enquiry. Please send your offer in TWO PART as follows: PART –I: PART-II: SHOULD CONTAIN TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL ONLY SHOULD CONTAIN PRICE DETAILS ONLY PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED BY TENDERS PART-I : TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL 1. Our tender enquiry contains technical requirements and specification of items. The detailed technical specifications of your offer should be covered in this part. This part should not contain Price Details. This should be sent in a sealed envelope duly super scribing the following details on the top of the envelope. Quotation against Tender Enquiry No. 6045-2014-00-2191-01 Due on: time : for MICRO MACHINING CENTRE FOR ADVANCED CERAMICS AND METALLIC MATERIALS[5 AXIS CNC MICRO ROTARY ULTRASONIC MACHINING(RUM) CENTER] PART-I : Technical proposal & Commercial terms 2. The commercial terms to be covered in this part are Delivery Terms, Delivery period, Payment terms, taxes and duties (if any), Validity of the offer, Warranty, Guarantee, Performance Guarantee, Liquidated Damages (for delayed supply) etc. 3. You are required to confirm acceptance of all our terms and conditions. If any of our terms is not acceptable, you may offer counter terms with adequate justification for our consideration. -2- PART-II : PRICE DETAILS 1. The price of the item should be indicated in this part with unit rate. The prices are to be mentioned both in figures as well as in words and each page is to be signed by your authorized signatory. 2. This part Viz. PART-II should be sent in a separate sealed envelope super scribing as follows on the top. Quotation against Tender Enquiry No. 6045-2014-00-2191-01 Due on : time : for MICRO MACHINING CENTRE FOR ADVANCED CERAMICS AND METALLIC MATERIALS[5 AXIS CNC MICRO ROTARY ULTRASONIC MACHINING(RUM) CENTER] PART-II : Price Details All this two envelope shall be kept in another envelope duly sealed and super scribed on the top of envelope as mentioned below. Quotation against Tender Enquiry No. 6045-2014-00-2191-01 Due on: time : for MICRO MACHINING CENTRE FOR ADVANCED CERAMICS AND METALLIC MATERIALS[5 AXIS CNC MICRO ROTARY ULTRASONIC MACHINING(RUM) CENTER] PART-I , PART-II Note: - All the envelope should bear the from address of the tenderers and address to Attn: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer Purchase Unit-V, MME Purchase RFF Area, VSSC , ISRO Post TRIVANDRUM-695 022 Tele: 0471-256 2831/3611/3577 Fax : 0471 - 2562021 Your offer to the above mentioned system should reach us on or before the due date and time i.e. on Time : Hours IST. Offers received after IST of will be treated as late and invalid. Hours Any quotation received deviating the above instruction shall be summarily rejected. Hence please adhere to the above details and submit your quotations before due date and time. Encl: - 1. Instruction (Commercial Terms) 2. Technical Specification and Terms and Conditions – Annexure- I
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