Winter 2014 January 9– 4-H Awards Banquet January 23, 24 & 25– GC 4-H Winter Camp February 24– 4-H County Public Presentations Workshop March 6-8—South Jersey Teen Conference, Swedesboro, NJ March 16 & 17– 4-H County Public Presentations The Cloverline is published by: Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Gloucester County Building A 1200 N. Delsea Drive Clayton, NJ 08312 Phone: 856-307-6450 x3 Email: [email protected] Linda Strieter, County 4-H Program Coordinator & County Extension Dept. Head Tammy Suydam, Program Assistant MaryAnn Metz, Program Assistant & Cloverline Editor Elaine Schreiter, Secretary Robert M. Damminger, Freeholder Director Guiseppe Chila, Freeholder Deputy Director Frank J. DiMarco, Freeholder Liaison IN THIS EDITION: Upcoming Events…………… Page 2-5 4-H Information…………. ….Page 6-7 4-H Club Reports………………………. Page 8-10 Horse News………………….. Page 10 Mark These Dates……………..Page 11 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS 11th ANNUAL MID-WINTER 4-H INVITATIONAL SMALL ANIMAL SHOW 2015 SOUTH JERSEY TEEN CONFERENCE March 6-8, 2015 “4-H...Re-Rooting the World” The Better Bunny and Small Animal Club will be hosting this event at the County Government Services Building in Clayton on Saturday, January 31, 2015. Show packets and registration forms are available on SJTC will be held at the Holiday Inn, Swedesboro, New Jersey. The cost is $185.00 per member and includes all accommodations, food, supplies and activities. SJTC is a ten-county conference for 4-H teens in grades 813 that focuses on leadership and personal development. Members eligible to attend this conference are just a few steps away from adulthood and that means taking full responsibility for their own lives. There will be workshops, activities, speakers, a banquet and dance and much more. So we can keep the office and 4-H member records up to date please send in a list of all of your club officers. You can email them to: The deadline for registration is January 28, 2015. If you would like to receive a packet of information & forms, please contact the office at 856-307-6450 x3. [email protected] 4-H SHOWCASE Show off your 4-H club! Your club can display its projects, achievements or anything else in the 4-H Showcase in the County Office Building! Sign up for a month– just call the 4-H office at 856-307-6450 x 3 2 Page 2 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS Come out and support the Gloucester County Board of Agriculture in raising funds for their scholarship! Many of our Gloucester County 4-H members have benefited from this annual scholarship and with our help it can continue! Please see the flyer below for dates and more information! 3 Page 3 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Join us at Winter 2014 Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp 1OOA Struble Road Branchville, New Jersey 07826 It’s time for 4-H TEEN WINTER CAMP! JANUARY 23, 24, 25 2015 Gloucester County teens will once again be joining teens from Salem, Burlington, Mercer and Morris counties for a weekend full of fun and camaraderie at the 4-H Camp in beautiful Stokes State Forest the week-end of January 23, 24 & 25, 2015. Please note: this event is only open to teens in grades 8–12. The cost is $100 per person, and will include all meals and activities. Some of the weekend activities will be hiking, indoor and outdoor games, campfires, sledding and ice skating (weather permitting). Come join us for some winter fun! __ YES! I will attend Teen Winter Camp, January 23, 24 & 25 2015 Name: ______________________________ Age: ______ Address: ____________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: ________ Zip: __________ Email: ___________________________________ Grade: ________ Phone: _______________________ Club: __________________________ Please have your parent or guardian fill out the 4-H Event Permission Form and return it with this form and your $100.00 payment, made payable G.C 4-H Senior Council, before January 9, 2015. Forms can be mailed to: NJAES 4-H, 1200 N. Delsea Drive Building A, Clayton, NJ 08312 4 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS 4-H COUNTY PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS WORKSHOP 4-H COUNTY PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS The 2015 Gloucester County Public Presentations event will take place on Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17 at the Offices of Government Services building, 1200 N. Delsea Dr. in Clayton starting at 6PM. Cloverbud will present on Monday and Juniors Seniors will present on Tuesday. Your specific presentation time will be assigned after you sign up. On Tuesday February 24 at 6:30 pm, you are encouraged to attend the 4-H County Public Presentations Workshop. Be sure to reserve your space. All 4-Hers—Cloverbud through 1st year college members—are invited to participate. Call 856-307-6450 Ext. 3 by Feb. 20th to let us know you are coming. 4-Hers will learn to: — Express themselves clearly and convincingly — Organize ideas and present them in order — Research and learn about interesting subjects — Gain confidence WE ENCOURAGE EVERY 4-HER TO PRESENT AT THIS EVENT! The Importance of 4-H Presentations: 1. Learning how to speak to an audience will help you in school and in your future career. It is a valuable skill you will use the rest of your life. 2. Giving a public presentation is your opportunity to show and tell what you know about a topic that interests you. Can all 4-H members participate? YES!!! We ask that all leaders encourage their members to be presenters! Discover the Leader in You! 4-H Conference This event is for 4-H members in grades 6-8. 4-Hers will have fun, meet new friends and develop leadership and personal development skills that you can utilize at home, in school, in your 4-H club, and in your community. The conference will include a guest speaker and interactive workshops. How long will I have to talk? Cloverbud (not yet in grade 4) 3-5 minutes Juniors (grades 4-7) 5-8 minutes Seniors (grades 8 & up) 8-15 minutes The Conference will be held at the Gloucester County 4-H Office on Saturday March 14, 2015 from 10:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. The cost is $30.00 (includes snacks, lunch, and program supplies.) To register, please complete the Discover the Leader in You! Regional Conference Registration form by Feb. 16, 2015. Please contact the GC 4-H Office for forms and/or more information. How do you prepare? 1. Pick a topic 2. Learn as much as you can about the topic and keep track of your sources 3. 3. Organize your presentation into 3 sections: a) Introduction b) Presentation c) Summary 4. Practice…In front of your family, leaders, friends, and the mirror. Visual aids should be included where appropriate. Appearance counts, too. Clothing should be clean, neat, and comfortable. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. 5. Come to the Public Speaking Workshop on February 24th, 6:30 pm at the 4-H Office for some tips and a chance to practice with others. Dalai Lama 5 Page 5 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS CITIZENSHIP WASHINGTON FOCUS (CWF) All 4-H members in grades 9 – 12 are invited and encouraged to apply for this great opportunity. Citizenship Washington Focus is a 4-H leadership program for high school youth. The 2015 dates are July 5-11. Participants will spend a week at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center, located just outside Washington, D.C. The program is aimed at enriching young people's lives by broadening their appreciation and respect for themselves and others in the world. Participants attend workshops, committees, field trips and social events, giving them hands-on opportunities to learn and grow. Participants learn and practice skills that will make them better citizens and more successful individuals. Applications will soon be available and will be sent to all eligible 4-H members. You can find out more at Delegates will be responsible for providing 20% of the total cost. The balance will be covered by Gloucester County 4-H Associations and/or Senior Council. Applications will be available early in the new year. Call the 4-H office at 856-307-6450 x3 for further details. 4-H REMINDERS KEEP YOUR RECORD BOOKS UP TO DATE!!! This is very important to your project area and it is a way of keeping your learning experiences organized. Scholarships, County and State events require you to present your current, and sometimes collective or special record books. If you have not received a record book from your leader, you can download it yourself from the 4-H Association website under your project area: 4-H ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP Any 4-Her in good standing who is currently a high school senior and has already completed two full years of 4-H is eligible to apply for one $1,000 scholarship. Please call the 4-H office at 856-307-6450 x3 to request an application or visit The deadline to apply is March 30th. GLOUCESTER COUNTY BOARD OF AGRICULTURE SCHOLARSHIP The Gloucester County Board of Agriculture sponsors a $1,000 scholarship for 2 years for students from Gloucester County who are or will be majoring in an agriculture-related subject. This includes plant or animal science, production agriculture, landscape architecture, pre-veterinary medicine, agronomy, nursery crop production, equine science, turf management, greenhouse management and other areas of study as well. To apply for the 2015 scholarship, the applicant must submit a completed application, a 1 page essay about their career goals and interest in agriculture, an official copy of high school or college transcripts and 2 letters of recommendation by March 30, 2015 If you have any questions or would like to receive an application, contact the 4-H office at 856-307-6450 x3. 4-H LIVESTOCK SCHOLARSHIP The 4-H Livestock Scholarship Fund has made available a $500.00 scholarship for any high school senior or college freshman who has been ACTIVE in ANY branch of the Livestock Project area (beef, swine, goat, sheep, dairy cow) for at least two years and meets the other applicable requirements. Applications MUST BE in by May 1, 2015! If you are interested in applying, please contact MaryAnn Metz at 307– 6450 X 3 or go to: 6 Page 6 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 All 4-H members are expected to meet the following standards EACH year to be eligible to compete at local, County (including Gloucester County 4-H Fair ) and State 4-H events. In addition, members must meet these requirements to be eligible for County and State 4-H awards (medals, seals, certificates) See below: Attend 70% of club meetings or activities Give a club or county 4-H Public Presentation Submit completed project record book with minimal assistance from parents or others. MUST BE REGISTERED 4-H member by January 1st. Any 4-H club planning a fundraiser must submit a New Jersey 4-H Club Fundraising Proposal form to the 4-H office PRIOR to the fundraiser. This form can be found on the web at or in the club treasurer’s book. FALL FESTIVAL TRUNK OR TREAT CONTEST RESULTS Congratulations to the following clubs who participated in the Annual Trunk or Treat Decorating Contest during the 2014 4-H Fall Festival. Winners are as follows: Peoples Choice Grand– Boots & Spurs 4-H Club Peoples Choice Reserve– Boots & Spurs 4-H Club Honorable Mention– Okey Doke Folks Honorable Mention– Boots & Spurs 4-H Club Get your themes ready for Fall Fest October 2015 AND your catapult for the 2nd Annual Punkin Chunkin!!!! 7 Page 7 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 The members of the Hop-A-Lot crew have kept very busy since our very own 4-H Fair in July, participating in five shows (three 4H and two ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association). Everyone came away with spectacular results! August 8th was the Salem County 4H Small Animal Show with Emily Licciardello earning two Reserve of Breed, two 2nd place and one 3rd place ribbon for her rabbits and a 2nd place for her hamster, and Shyanna Thomason earning a 1st and 3rd for her rabbits and Best Reserve for her cavy. September 13th was the State 4H show with Jamie Lawrence earning 1st, Excellent, Overall Best and Best of Breed for her hamster, Kathyln Lawrence earning Excellent and 3rd place for her hamster, and Emily Licciardello earning 1st, Excellent and Reserve of Breed for her hamster. September 20th was ARBA double show with Emily Licciardello earning AOV and Best of Group in both shows for her rabbits, and Shyanna Thomason earning Best of Variety for both shows for her cavy. September 27th Emily Licciardello participated in another ARBA show, earning six Best of Breed, two Best Opposite and two Best of Variety for her rabbits. September 28 took the crew to Camden County 4H Double Show with Jamie Lawrence earning an Excellent, Best of Breed, Best in Show, three Very Good and a 3rd, 4th and 7th for her hamsters, Kathlyn Lawrence earning two Excellent, two Very Good, a 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th for her hamsters, Emily Licciardello earning two Best Reserve, Best of Breed and four Excellent for her rabbits, and Shyanna Thomason earning Best Opposite and two 2nd place for her rabbit, two Best in Show, three Best in Breed, three Best Opposite, 3rd and 2 4th place for her guinea pigs and 2nd place in Showmanship. November 8th had Emily Licciardello in a double ARBA show in Pennsylvania earning five Best of Group, two Best of Variety and one Best Opposite for her rabbits. Great work 4H’ers! 8 Page 8 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 Archbishop Damiano School 4-H Superstars Thanks to everyone who participated in our 6th Annual 4-H Sponsored Contest. This year’s judges were MaryAnn Metz, Gloucester County 4-H Program Assistant, and Mary Cummings, Gloucester County Certified Gardeners Program Coordinator. They had a challenge judging all the scarecrows and pumpkins. Every year our entries get more impressive. They especially liked the scarecrow music theme and the interactive nature of so many of the scarecrows. The literary theme for the pumpkins also provided for many outstanding entries. Taste Buds The Taste Buds Cooking Club has hit the ground running this year! Taste Buds has doubled in size from last year – Yeah!!! They have worked at a community clean-up making our roadsides clean, and baked lots of goodies for a Military Family Event over Veterans Day. At club meetings, they have made Stone Soup, baked and decorated cupcakes, and made chicken nuggets with many more tasty things to come. The Taste Buds are currently working on a menu to prepare and serve at the Ronald McDonald House and doing a holiday canned food drive. Taste Buds meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, come join the fun! 9 Page 9 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 10 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 Here are some of the beautiful pictures of our community service project at Pitman Manor. The club members, parents, volunteers and residents had a wonderful time. There are more on our Facebook page: Gloucester County Better Bunny 4-H Club. Thanks again to our photographer, Faye; Zach for making arrangements with the Pitman Manor activity department, and to Hanna, for thinking of this great community service project. Enjoy the pictures! 11 Gloucester County 4-H Cloverline Winter 2014 National Roundup Congratulations to our Gloucester County 4-H Representatives Angela Howard and Molly Worek! Congratulations to ALL of the NJ 4-H participants at the National Roundup in Louisville, Kentucky! HORSE NEWS GC 4-H ANNUAL HORSE AWARDS BANQUET Banquet details will be sent out by email later this month to each competitor who qualified for Year-End awards. The committee is hard at work setting up the awards and banquet facility—so SAVE THE DATE: UPCOMING HORSE EVENT DATES FEBRUARY 6, 2015 at Bogey’s Club & Cafe Jan 12—GC Horse Advisory Mtg for Leaders 7-9pm Jan 25—State Model Horse Show Feb 6—Horse Awards Banquet at Bogey's Club & Cafe NJ 4-H STATE HORSE BOWL COMPETITION NJ 4-H STATE MODEL HORSE SHOW The GC 4-H Equine Science club has been hard at work preparing for the NJ 4-H State Horse Bowl and other upcoming competitions. If interested in joining contact the 4-H Office at 856-307-6450 x3. The New Jersey 4-H Model Horse Show is being held on January 24, 2015 at the Middlesex County 4-H Center East Brunswick. The Snow date will be the following day. For more information visit 12 Participants enhance their study skills by using selected reference materials, so if you’re interested in getting involved, contact the 4-H office at 856-3076450 x3. Page 12 ANNOUNCEMENTS RUTGERS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF GLOUCESTER COUNTY OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES BLDG. Building A 1200 N. DELSEA DRIVE CLAYTON, NJ 08312 OFFICIAL BUSINESS 13 Next deadline for club news and Cloverline articles is March 15, 2015 e-mail: [email protected]
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