461 Wyoming Road, Newark, DE 19716 302-831-8965 http://extension.udel.edu/4h/ncc 4-H News Flash January 2015 WINTER WORKSHOPS Mark your calendar now! Winter workshops will be held on Saturdays, February 14, 21, and 28. We have lots of fun topics planned. Details will be sent soon. Welcome, Miss Kaitlin Klair! Hello! I grew up in New Castle County 4-H. I started when I was 5 years old as a member of the Cow Pals Cloverbuds Club, which was in conjunction with Porter Gang Club that I later was a part of as well. I was very active in many different projects, including Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Clothing, Foods & Nutrition, Leadership, Community Service, Arts & Crafts, and more. I attended National 4-H Congress, State 4-H Camp, and served as an officer for Delaware State Teen Council. After graduating from A.I DuPont High School, I went on to the University of Kentucky to study Agriculture Education. I soon realized that I didn’t want to teach and 4-H Extension was my passion, so I changed my major to Community, Leadership and Development. In college, I was very active in the College of Agriculture Ambassadors, Block and Bridle, Sigma Alpha, Dance Blue, and Student Council. I am eager to start working back where my 4-H career began. I look forward to seeing old faces and meeting new! Please contact me at [email protected] or 831-8965 if I can help you and your club in any way. Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State University, and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Delaware Cooperative Extension, University of Delaware. It is the policy of the Delaware Cooperative Extension System that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age, or national origin. 2015 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tue 6 Wed 7 Thu Fri Sat 1 Office 2 Office 3 closed closed 8 9 Photo. 10 Contest forms due Babysitter Course 5pm, Ext. Office Babysitter Course 9:00am, Extension Office 15 16 17 Junior Duck Stamp Club, 6-8pm, Extension Office Favorite Foods Applications Due to Extension Office State Teen Conference Courtyard Marriott Newark 22 23 24 Avian Bowl Practice— 7:00pm, Extension Office 11 12 13 18 19 State Teen Conference Courtyard Marriott Newark MLK HolidayOffice Closed 25 26 Leader’s 27 State Teen Conference Association/ Jr. Council Meeting—7pm Extension Office 2 20 14 21 Deadline for Adult Favorite Food Casserole Contest Camp Counselor Training— 7:00pm, Extension Office 28 29 30 31Favorite Foods Competition — 8:30am, Kirk Middle School 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Avian Bowl Practice— 7:00pm, Extension Office 3 4 5 Public 6 7 9 10 8 11 Speaking Contest— 6:00 pm, Extension Office Leaders Forum 12 Junior 13 14 Duck Stamp Club6-8pm, Extension Office 15 16 17 18 19 20 Camp Counselor Training7pm, Extension Office 22 23 Leader’s Association/ Jr. Council Meeting, 7pm, Ext. Office 3 24 25 Winter Workshops9-12pm, 1-4pm Extension Office 21 Winter Workshops9-12pm, 1-4pm Extension Office 26 27 28 Winter Workshops9-12pm, 1-4pm, Ext. Office 4-H Family Night w/ the Delaware 87ers— Basketball game, 7pm 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Avian Bowl Practice— 7:00 pm, Extension Office 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Junior 13 14 20 21 27 28 Duck Stamp Club-6-8pm, Extension Office 15 22 16 23 17 24 Leader’s Association/ Jr. Council Meeting, 7pm, Ext. Office 29 4 30 31 18 Camp 19 Counselor Training7:00 pm, Extension Office Demonstration 25 26 Contest 6:00 pm, Extension Office 2015 Favorite Foods Contest Saturday, January 31, 2015 Kirk Middle School Registration due Friday, January 16 NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED! Rules & Information: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/new-castle-county-4-h-youthdevelopment/new-castle-county-4-h-forms-resources/ SAVE THE DATE 2015 Leader’s Forum February 7, 2015 State Teen Conference Saturday, January 17—Monday, January 19 New Castle County 4-H Links 2015 Grant Program The NCC 4-H Links is a service organization supporting the 4-H program. We are proud to present grant opportunities of up to $50.00 for an individual and $100.00 for a club. These grants will be offered twice this year, once in January and once in September, to assist with special 4-H projects. A grant could be used for a club project tour a community service project, supplies for an Ag Day booth or much more. We encourage you to be creative! Applications for the first set of grants are due Friday, January 23, 2015. They will be reviewed and awarded at the discretion of the NCC 4-H Links. You will be notified once a decision has been made. Please submit all applications to the 4-H Office. Mail applications to: NCC 4-H Links 461 Wyoming Road Room 131 Newark, DE 19716 **DEADLINE - Friday, JANUARY 23, 2015 (No late entries accepted) Please see December News Flash for rules and class descriptions. Clover Quest Club Report Bobby Johnston, Club President The December meeting of the Clover Quest 4-H club was a lot of fun. We made recycled milk carton snowmen to get into the holiday spirit, and enjoyed a delicious treat prepared by the Merritt family. We learned that we had donated about 200 items to the food bank! Mallory Vogl and Kaitlin Klair visited with us to share about the upcoming favorite foods contest. Our club meets on the 3rd Friday of the month from 3:30-5:00 at the New Castle County Extension Office. ANIMAL PROJECTS Are you interested in learning about and working with goats, beef cattle, or swine? If yes, please contact the Bear 4-H Club!. The only cost to 4-H youth is time. We meet the second Monday of the month at Walther Farm, 700 Walther Road, in Bear. Call Wally Gott at 3032-750-6040 with questions. Sheep Club Report Brian Arisman, Club President The NCC Sheep Club is looking for new members. Come join our club and learn important life lessons like responsibility, leadership, and management, all within a fun and unique environment. This club offers youth the opportunity to raise their own sheep. They will participate in various events such as cleaning, feeding, vet care, showing and shearing. Any questions - please contact the NCC Sheep Club President, Brian Arisman at [email protected]. Summit Bridge Club Emma Apps, Club Reporter On December 10, 2014, the Summit Bridge 4-H Club met for our monthly meeting. Our president, Andrew Shaffer, lead the meeting with the pledge. We have four new members: Hunter, Mackenzie, Riley and Isabella. They seemed pretty eager to start a great year in 4-H. We discussed upcoming events and activities such as Younger Member Fun Day and Favorite Foods contest. We had a special visit from the New Castle County K9 unit. This meeting was lead by Officer Williams and assisted by another Officer Williams (who is hoping to be a member of the K9 team soon). They taught us all about the dogs, what they do in training, and where they get the dogs from. A fun fact is that Europe sells all the K9 dogs that we have in our county right now! But they are quite expensive. One dog can cost up to $10,000.00! The officers showed us the bite demonstration with Loki. Their visit was highly enjoyed. To conclude the meeting, we had a snack of cookies, candy canes, and juice boxes. Delaware Ag Week Delaware Ag Week programs along with an agricultural trade show and exhibits by the First State Antique Tractor Club, are being held January 12-16, 2015 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, Delaware. Sessions focused on beef cattle production, small ruminant production, equine pasture management and hay and pasture are among the variety of programs being held. For the complete schedule of events and individual session schedules please visit http://sites.udel.edu/delawareagweek/ 2015 Delaware Pork Produces Annual Banquet The Delaware Pork Producers Association will be holding their annual dinner and banquet on Saturday, January 17 th at the Felton Fire Hall. Dinner will be served family style beginning at 6:30pm. The menu will consist of Felton’s famous fried oysters, delicious pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, dumplings, green beans, dessert and beverages. Ticket prices are Adults $22, Children 6-12 $11, Children under 5 are free. Please call Karen or John Tigner at (302)632-4250 or email [email protected] for more information or to purchase dinner tickets. The Delaware Pork Producers Association has graciously provided support to Delaware 4-H Livestock programs for many years. 2015 Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity The entry form for the 2015 Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity can be found on the State 4-H Animal Science webpage http://extension.udel.edu/4h/projects-activities-for-members/4-h-animal-science/ and the second entry deadline is January 31, 2015. To participate in the 2015 Futurity for Summer Calves, a calf must be nominated by May 1, 2014. All calves, born June 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014 inclusive, of any dairy breed are eligible to enter the Delaware Youth Dairy Futurity. Calves MUST be exhibited by a Delaware State Fair Junior Dairy Exhibitor. Leased animals are eligible and an exhibitor must be named on the last entry on May 1, 2015. 1st payment of $5.00 due on or before November 15, 2014 2nd payment of $10.00 due on or before January 31, 2015 3rd payment of $15.00 due on or before May 1, 2015 Late entries are permitted but if you do not enter the animal on the first due date, the payment will be doubled. If your first entry is made on January 31, your entry fee will be $30.00. If you do not enter until May 1, your entry fee is $70.00 on May 1. Entry questions can be directed to volunteer Dairy Futurity co-chairs John Hickey or Charmayne Busker [email protected] $1000 Delaware Equine Council Scholarship Deadline January 31, 2015 Eligibillity: Must be a U.S. citizen and a Delaware resident or Delaware Equine Council member. ($10.00 to become an individual member) Must be enrolled and in good standing in an agriculture, equine, veterinary or vet tech program in the United States. Must submit a typewritten 250-word essay : "How I plan to use this course of study to further the equine or agriculture industry." Must complete a typed application and include a transcript of a minimum of one full semester's grades from an accredited college or university. All awards are given without discrimination as to race, sex, or creed. Application postmark deadline is January 31, 2015. Winners will be awarded in March 21, 2015 at the annual scholarship dinner. To download the application or for more details please visit: http://www.delawareequinecouncil.org/ScholarshipPAGE.html Annie’s Project- Equine Sessions- NEW THIS YEAR! February 27-April 17, 2015 Sponsored by UD Cooperative Extension and Harrington Raceway and Casino Annie was a woman who grew up in a small town in Northern Illinois. Her goal was to marry a farmer and she did. Annie spent her lifetime learning how to be an involved business partner with her farm husband. Together they did great things, but it wasn’t easy. This is Annie’s Project – to take her experiences and share it with farm women living and working in a complex business. Annie’s Project is designed to empower farm women to manage information systems used in critical decision making processes and to build local networks throughout the state. The target audience is farm women with a passion for business and involvement. This year's sessions focus more specifically on the equine industry. Project Topics cover the areas of Risk Management – Production, Insurance, Marketing, Financial, Legal Risk & Human Resources. Classes will be held weekly in the boardroom of the Harrington Raceway Race Office for 8 consecutive weeks. 2015 REGISTRATION Begins December 15, 2014 Visit the website http://extension.umd.edu/annies-project or contact Susan Garey, [email protected] or Tracy Wootten, [email protected] for program information. Animal Science Project Leader Training Offered The State 4-H Leader Forum will be held on Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 9 am-3pm at the University of Delaware’s Townsend Hall in Newark. The following training sessions will be offered for animal science and equine science project leaders. "Engaging Youth In Mobile Animal Science Recordkeeping” There aren't many 4-H members that would rank recordkeeping high on their list of enjoyable project tasks but mobile technology opens new possibilities for 4-H recordkeeping. Documenting real time data to evaluate a 4-H project's progress on an ongoing basis using a device that always seems to be with them, can rejuvenate the important task of recordkeeping. Imagine a mobile app that allows youth and families to enter and analyze data on growth, finances, feed, management practices and project activities on the go. As part of the National 4-H Livestock App design team, Susan will share research compiled regarding record keeping processes, youth learning objectives, content prioritization, development decisions, and use of the mobile recordkeeping app. Although designed for market projects, this app has some relevance for all animal projects. Workshop participants can bring their Apple device and download the free app during the workshop to explore it firsthand. "Horse Sense- Equine Farm Safety Training" Have you ever worked on a horse farm or equine facility? Maybe you've dealt with a bad-mannered horse, or possibly know someone who has been injured while working with horses. Equine experts from Michigan State University's My Horse University and eXtension's Horse Quest group are offering a new course for youth called "Horse Sense" - Equine Farm Safety Training. This course is designed for youth who currently handle or work with horses or desire to be involved with horses in the future. During this workshop we'll explore this free training program which contains eleven short courses, which all include videos, links and activities, while providing important horse safety information. Students who complete each course will receive a certificate of completion. These courses are self-paced and chocked full of videos, activities and interactive learning opportunities which are perfect for 4-H members and equine project groups. Please visit the State 4-H website http://extension.udel.edu/4h/ for Leader Forum registration information. 2015 Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl The Delaware 4-H Horse Bowl will be held on March 7, 2015 at Lake Forest North Elementary school. The entry form and guidelines for the 2015 contest are available on the State 4-H Animal Science page. Divisions are available for Ages 9-10, 11-13, and 14-19 as of January 1 of the 2015 4-H year. Questions may come from: 4-H Horse Manuals: “Giddy Up and Go”, “Head, Heart and Hooves”, “Stable Relationships”, “Riding the Range,” “Jumping to New Heights,” “Horse Project Helper’s Guide.,” and 4-H Horse curriculum corrections found on-line at www.n4hccs.org. In addition to the 4-H Horse Project manuals: Age 8-10: Your Pony, Your Horse, by Cherry Hill Age 11-13: Your Horse, a step-by-step guide to horse ownership, by Judy Chapple (and age 8-10 material). Horses and Horsemanship – by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!! Age 14 and older: Storey’s Horse-Lover’s Encyclopedia, edited by Deborah Burns (and age 8-10 and 11-13 material). Horse Science- by Ray Antoniewicz, National 4-H Council- NEW!! Teams must be preregistered in order to compete in the 4-H Horse Bowl. Day of contest entries will not be accepted. If you have registered for the Horse Bowl, you will receive written confirmation in return. Entry deadline is February 13, 2015 to the State 4-H Office. For complete rules and an entry form, please visit the State 4-H Animal Science web page: https://extension.udel.edu/4h/files/2012/02/2015-HORSE-BOWLCONTEST.pdf Upcoming FREE Small Flock Webinars: Health Problems With the Digestive System of Poultry: Tuesday, January 6, 2:00 pm EST As the first in a four part webinar series on poultry health, Dr. Frame will start this webinar with an introduction to chicken health programs. The remainder of the webinar with discuss problems with the digestive system. The digestive system of poultry is exposed to a variety of pathogens on a daily basis. Dr. Frame will be discussing how some of these digestive-related diseases are manifested in poultry Salmonella and Backyard Poultry Flocks: Tuesday, January 13, 3:00 pm EST The summer of 2014 saw many cases of Salmonellosis traced back to backyard poultry flocks - see CDC website: http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/live-poultry-05-14/index.html. Dr. Colin Basler of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will be speaking about preventing salmonellosis while maintaining a backyard poultry flock. Quality of Eggs from Different Production Systems: Wednesday, January 14, 11:00 am EST When it comes to buying eggs for your family there are many different types to chose from - conventional, brown, white, green, free-range, cage-free, omega-3 enriched, pasture-raised. What are the differences between these eggs? Why do some cost more than others? Which type of eggs would you like to produce for sale. Dr. Jacquie Jacob from the University of Kentucky will be discussing this nutritious topic. Dr. Jacob is a poultry extension project manager with a heavy focus on small and backyard poultry flocks. Health Problems with the Respiratory System of Poultry: Tuesday, February 3, 2:00 pm EST The avian respiratory system of birds is very different from that of mammals with a rigid lung, air sacs and extends into the bones (Pneumatic bones). This is the second in a poultry-related health series looking at health problems associated with the poultry respiratory system. Participation is free and brought to you by eXtension.org but requires a high speed internet connection. To participate, simply click on the link and enter the virtual meeting room as a guest. https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/poultry You will be asked to type in your name. You may want to attempt to join 5-10 minutes in advance of the start time in case you need to download an abode connect add in or update your software. These webinars are also recorded and made available through the http://www.extension.org/poultry website when you click on the small flock resource area. Delaware 4-H Avian Bowl The Delaware 4-H Avian Bowl is held each year during the Delaware State Fair. The guidelines for the Delaware contest were recently updated and posted to the State 4-H Animal Science web page. https://extension.udel.edu/4h/ files/2012/02/Delaware-4-H-Avian-Bowl-Rules-and-Guidelines-2015.pdf The study sections for the 2015 Avian Bowl have been recently released. All questions and answers will come from the following material: Avian systems (All): pages 35-43 Small turkey flock management: pages 45-53 Breeds, Varieties and Strains (Continental and AOSB): pages 77-80 Eggcyclopedia (Pickled eggs - Yolk): pages 139-150 Raising your home chicken flock: pages 151-161 Factsheet: Contribution of poultry to the development of science (All): pages 169-170 Embryology (Glossary): pages 193-195 Note: The above study material came from the National 4-H Avian Bowl Manual revised in 2009. The manual is available from: Clemson University, Bulletin Room - Room 82 96 Poole Agricultural Center Clemson, SC 29634-0129 Cost per packet is $15.00 (includes first class shipping) (864) 656-3261 (phone); (864) 656-0742 (fax); Attn: Mick Smith Make checks payable to Clemson University The following link can be used to purchase National Avian Bowl manuals, using a credit card: http:// shopping.clemson.edu/ When the Clemson Shopping pages comes up, enter MAN161 (NO spaces between the alpha and numeric) in the Search Products Box. Adventures in Veterinary Medicine Camp Do you love animals and science? Have you ever dreamed of becoming a veterinarian? Whether you are a middle school, high school, or college student, or even a “transitional” adult, Adventures in Veterinary Medicine has a session for you! If you’re bright and motivated, you’ll find no better introduction to a career in veterinary medicine. Tufts University is now accepting applications for their summer career exploration programs. 4-H youth are invited to apply to the Adventures in Veterinary Medicine program at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University to discover if this exciting career is right for you! Tufts University Adventures in Veterinary Medicine Program (AVM) is a unique career exploration program designed to provide participants with direct insight into the opportunities and realities of a career in veterinary medicine. The longstanding program will be celebrating its 25th year of programming this summer. Participants will have the opportunity to attend lectures by faculty and veterinary students, participate in laboratories, and engage in hand-on activities with animals. If you are excited by science, enjoy working with animals, and would like to learn more about what it takes to be a veterinarian, the program will further develop your understanding about the veterinary profession. AVM is located on Tufts University Campus in North Grafton, Massachusetts. Students will be able to obtain a realistic and comprehensive look at what life as a veterinary student would be like by spending time on the campus of one of the finest veterinary schools in the country. Each session is designed to meet the educational and developmental levels of students in specific grades. AVM will challenge and stimulate its participants in innovative, fun, and exciting ways. For more information on the program, including dates, eligibility, tuition, and the application, please visit our web site at http://vetsites.tufts.edu/avm/ or contact us at [email protected]. Adventures in Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 Phone: (508) 839-7962 Fax: (508) 839-7952 http://vetsites.tufts.edu/avm/ Contest details and registration form were included in the November 2014 News Flash, posted here: https://extension.udel.edu/4h/files/2012/08/November-News-Flash-20141.pdf Science Saturday! Kitchen Chemistry! Saturday, December 6, 2014, was the last Science Saturday for the year. Over 20 youth conducted experiments using typical household items. They made slime out of Borax and glue, compared cakes made with different ingredients, saw how the pH of household chemicals can change the color of a solution made from red cabbage, and made elephant toothpaste from yeast, Dawn dish detergent, and hydrogen peroxide. It was a fun way to learn cool facts! Do you have a Club Reporter? Send your news to Sandy at [email protected] by the 20th of each month, so your club will be included! 4-H youth are part of a movement of positive change going on around the world. JOIN the Revolution. January 2015 4-H News Flash 4-H Office Contact Information Phone #: 831-8965 Fax #: 831-8934 I Pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, Mallory’s email: [email protected] Kaitlin’s email: [email protected] 4-H Office (Sandy): [email protected] My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands for larger service, My Health to better living, 4-H Website: http://extension.udel.edu/4h/ (click on New Castle County) For my club, my community, my country, and my world. “To Make the Best Better” 27
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